Windows 10 home network. How to create a local network between two computers? How to configure access to file shares and shared folders

How to properly connect and configure the Internet on personal computers from the operating room Windows system 10 is the topic of the article. It will be especially useful for unprepared users who have updated their PC to the latest version, but still have not understood all the intricacies of the settings. Some users do not know where and what is configured to connect to the Internet, while for others it does not work at all, even with the parameters set correctly.

You will learn four different ways connections - standard Ethernet network, high-speed connection via PPPoE protocol, connection via wireless, Wi-Fi, technology and using modems.

So, how to set the correct parameters, or configure the connection again if the Internet is not connected.

There are several ways to connect your computer to global network. You will learn about four basic connections:

  • About a standard Ethernet connection that is connected using a cable. This uses a direct connection, modem technology or a router.
  • About a high-speed connection that supports the PPPoE tunneling protocol.
  • About wireless, Wi-Fi, technology.
  • About connecting to the Internet using 3G/4G USB modems.
So, what is each connection and are there any subtleties in its settings. The first method, an Ethernet connection, is the most common.

Ethernet: connecting to the Internet in Windows 10 via a network cable (router, modem)

Ethernet, a packet data technology, is called the simplest connection. Internet service providers install network cables into homes and connect individual apartments. With this connection, the Internet can be connected directly or through a router or ADSL modem. This is the same Internet connection, but connected using various devices. To be more precise, it is used everywhere network cable, only the connection method is different - direct or through special devices for packet data transmission.

To set up an Ethernet connection, connect the cable from your router, modem, or service provider to your personal computer into the special connector for network cards:

At correct settings connection will occur in automatic mode, and you do not need to enter any passwords or logins: they are absent in this connection. If the connection status changes in the notification panel, it means the Internet is working. What to do if the network cable is connected normally, but the computer does not see it? You need to look for the reason in the drivers for the network card.

This is a common problem after a system update. The driver for the card is installed automatically during the update by the OS itself, but for some reason it does not work. And you can solve the problem by installing the correct driver. To do this, you need to download it from the official page, selecting your PC model, and install it on your device.

Now, what should you do if, after connecting the cable, the connection is activated, but its status is " Limited"? The reasons may be hidden in incorrect parameters of the Ethernet adapter.

To check that the settings are correct and set the desired parameters, do the following:

If all parameters are correct, the Internet connection status will be active. If the status does not change, try rebooting. If even after a reboot the network is not found, not recognized or limited, make sure that the network cable, router, or modem are connected correctly. Also contact your service provider's technical support - the problem may be on their side.

If you connect without routers and modems, that is, directly, check with your provider for the terms of provision of Internet services. You may need to bind your Internet connection to the MAC address of your network card. If this is so, then after binding, your Internet will work immediately.

Setting up a high-speed connection (PPPoE) in Windows 10

PPPoE or high-speed connection differs from Ethernet in just a few nuances. Internet service providers also install cables into homes and connect individual apartments. But to connect to the Internet in this case, you will need a password, login and possibly some additional settings on your PC or router if wireless technology is used. But this is not the most important thing. For the Internet to work, you need to connect it, that is, first create a connection, and only then enter logins and passwords.

If you use a router with configured connections (including PPPoE) to connect to the Internet, you do not need to change any settings on your PC. Simply connect the cable to the device and configure it as you would with an Ethernet connection.

If you connect to the network directly via cable, without devices, and with a password and login, you must first create this connection.

To create a connection, do the following:

Click on the icon and delete, change connection parameters, etc.

Internet connection via Wi-Fi

In the presence of Wi-Fi router you can connect to the Internet via wireless technology. You can also connect your PC to the network of friends and other places where there is free access. The first thing to do when using this internet connection is to check the driver. If it is installed, the system usually does this automatically, open available networks, select your Wi-Fi and enjoy the connection. Well, perhaps you will first have to enter a password if there is protection.

Connecting via wireless, Wi-Fi, technology on Windows 10 is easy.

Setting up the Internet via a 3G/4G modem in Windows 10

And finally, the fourth method of Internet connection, which uses 3G/4G modems (3rd and 4th generation mobile communications). The first step is to connect the modem to the computer. But for the device to work, a working and suitable driver must be installed for it.

It is better to download drivers from official resources - it is more reliable. This is the case if you did not find a disk with them in the box with the modem. When searching for a driver, focus on the modem model. If it has not yet been released by the manufacturer for Windows 10, download it for other versions of the OS. Should come up.

The modem is connected, the driver is installed and setup begins. Looking ahead: the connection is configured in almost the same way as high-speed PPPoE Internet.

So do this:

If the parameters are set correctly, you will see the connection created and activated. If not, the settings may be incorrect or the modem is not properly connected to the PC. If this does not help, contact technical support for clarification. If coverage is poor and the signal level is weak, the Internet will be slow or not work at all. Sometimes increasing the signal level helps, but it is best to worry about buying an antenna for the modem.

The connection you created can be edited, deleted, etc. To change settings and other actions, click on its icon.

There is an icon for your connection in the notification panel. Monitor its status, stop, reconnect, set new parameters if necessary, etc.

This is how you can easily and quickly connect and configure the Internet on Windows 10.

And a few more words

Now, by connecting your computer/laptop to the Internet, you can turn it into Wi-Fi router and distribute the Internet to peripheral devices - other PCs, smartphones, tablets. In this case, you do not need to buy special equipment for this. All you need is to create an access point on your computer using one of the free specialized utilities. . Even an untrained user can understand it.

You connected via cable or wireless network, setting the correct settings, but the Internet did not work, and you see a notification and a yellow exclamation mark? This error is common on personal computers with OS of the Windows family, and in new version, and on old ones..

Why do you need customization? home network? It would seem that a laptop, a computer and a couple of smartphones are working at home and are periodically used to access the Internet. What else is needed? But remember how often you have to transfer files from one device to another? You have to copy it to a flash drive and back or use Bluetooth.

Even if you do this no more than once a month, with a home local network everything will become much easier. In addition, its customization will open up a lot of new opportunities. For example, files can not be transferred, but can be launched directly on another computer or even a TV (if it has the ability to work on a local network with Windows 10). It will be possible to run games “on a grid”, print documents from any computer on one printer, and use many other features.

Basic Concepts

A home local network is several computers connected by one network cable for data exchange. Today, most apartments have routers that distribute Wi-Fi. Thanks to them, setting up a local network has become a simple task.

An approximate diagram of a home local network with Windows 10 might look like this:

As you can see in the figure above, the Internet is supplied via an Ethernet wire to the router, to which the PC is connected via a patch cord (the same wire with double-sided connectors). Laptops and smartphone are connected to the router via Wi-Fi. Of course, such a connection does not create local network default. Specific settings are required on each device. In the above example, the various machines and gadgets, if they are not configured properly, will not be able to “see” each other.

The most important term in this whole process is the so-called groups. A Windows 10 workgroup can include a maximum of 20 machines, which are nodes of the same level, that is, they cannot control each other. In other words, in such a network all computers are equal - there is no main server.

In addition, there is the concept of a home group, which can be formed if computers already belong to a work group. HomeGroup makes it easy to share photos, music, movies, and documents from other devices. This group, unlike a working group, has a password, but you only need to enter it once to add a new device.

Creating a local space step by step

Working group

First of all, make sure that all computers have the same workgroup name. It can be anything - you set it at your discretion. On Windows 10:

  • Open Start and go to Utilities.
  • Launch the classic Control Panel.
  • Open “System and Security”.

  • Go to the “System” section.
  • On the left, select “Advanced system settings.”

  • A small window will open in which you need to select “Computer name” and click on the “Change” button.

  • In the new window at the bottom there will be an item “The computer is a member of...”: select “workgroup” and enter the desired name.

This setup must be done on all computers with Windows 10 (for 7 and 8 everything is done in the same way) that will be on the home network.

Visibility of computers on the network

The fact that computers with Windows 10 or other versions of the OS are part of the same group is not enough for them to start “seeing” each other. Required additional customization. To enable visibility, follow these steps on each machine:

  • Open Control Panel.
  • Select “Network and Internet” and go to the Network and Sharing Center.

  • Open “Edit” Extra options…”.
  • Turn on file and printer sharing and network discovery.

  • You need to do this in all profiles, and also enable the “sharing” option so that network users can read and write files in shared folders.
  • Place the checkbox next to “Disable password protected access.”
  • Save.

Sharing folders

Setting up a Windows 10 network ends with sharing specific folders. To do this, just open the folder properties (with the right mouse button - as always), then select the Access tab and go to Advanced settings. Check the box next to “Share” and click on the “Permissions” button.

Where for full access you just need to check the boxes next to “Full Access”, “Change”, “Read” in the “Allow” column. But you can leave some boxes unchecked and thereby limit the capabilities of local network users.

Next to the “Access” tab there is “Security”. Here click the “Change” button, and in the new window that opens “Add”. In the empty box, enter the word “Everyone”, as shown in the photo:

Now the “Everyone” group has appeared in the previous window. Select it and in the “Allow” column, check all the boxes for full access. Save all changes and reboot. The setup is complete.


After these manipulations, your Windows 10 should see the computers in its group and gain access to all open folders. This is how to briefly set up a local network using Microsoft operating systems. In reality, everything may look different: the article provides only general principles.

For example, without a router (with a DHCP server enabled and automatic distribution of addresses), two computers can be connected by a patchcord. In this case, after the first stage of setup, you will need to register IP addresses manually. This is done in properties network adapter and properties of Internet Protocol version 4. It's the same for Windows 10, 8, 7 and even XP.

An IP of the form 192.168.0.* is registered (for each computer the last digit is unique, except for 0 and 1. You can use, for example, 5 and 7, Subnet mask and default gateway 192.168 is indicated as DNS servers. 0.1 and (additional). If the router has DHCP disabled, a similar setting must also be done.

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Recently, one small company asked me to look at why, after installing the Windows 10 Creators Update, they had a problem: In a simple network without domains and Active Directory, workgroup computers are not displayed. Before the update everything worked fine. What should I do? Users completely cursed the “ten”, swearing at its crookedness and dampness, backing it up with exclamations like “But on the Sermerka everything worked perfectly!” I don’t think so, but I didn’t argue, I simply figured it out and corrected the situation, which I’ll tell you in detail now.

Indeed, in the latest major update package, the Creators Update, the developers went a little too far with security, which led to some problems, which, however, are relatively easy to solve.

So, we open the network environment to display the workgroup computers - it’s empty. We start by checking whether we have file and folder sharing enabled and how it is configured. To do this we open Windows settings 10 and go to the Network and Internet >> Status section and click on the “Sharing options” link:

The following window should open:

Here you need to check the “Enable network discovery”, “Enable access to files and printers” and “Allow Windows to manage homegroup connections” checkboxes for your local network. Save the changes.

Then you need to open the “All Networks” profile:

Here you need to check the “Enable sharing” checkbox.
At the bottom of the page, pay attention to enabling and disabling password protection. For ordinary home networks, as well as in small offices, password protection is usually disabled, although this is not entirely correct from a security point of view.

If after this you still do not see workgroup computers, then in Windows 10 the option can be turned off network discovery.
To check this, open the “Ethernet” section in the “Network and Internet” section (if you are working via wireless network- then “Wi-Fi”) and click on the network icon:

This will open up the available options, including “Make this computer discoverable”:

Check that the switch is in the “On” position.

Note: After the April update of Windows 10, this item was removed from the Updates and “Security” >> “For Developers” section.

Sometimes a computer may not appear in the network environment due to problems with workgroup settings. In this case, it is recommended to add it there again. To do this, click on the computer icon on the desktop and select Properties from the menu. In the window that appears, click on the “Advanced system settings” link in the menu on the left:

Another window will appear in which you need to click on the “Identification” button on the “Computer Name” tab. A special wizard will launch. First, check the “Computer is part of the corporate network” checkbox:

Then you need to check the box “My organization uses a network without domains”:

Then enter the name of the workgroup (by default WORKGROUP) and click the “Next” button.

The wizard’s work is completed - click on the “Finish” button.

Now you need to restart the computer and check the operation of the network environment.

In my case, adding the computer to the group again helped, it appeared, but I couldn’t log into it. The error “Could not connect to the computer” occurred. As it turned out later, the network was recognized as public, which means access to the PC from it is limited. To solve the problem, you need to change it to a private one. It's done like this. Opening the parameters Windows networks 10 and in the “Status” section click on the “Home Group” link:

In the window that appears, click on the line “Change network location”:

After this, a sidebar will appear on the right with the following request:

Click on the “Yes” button. We check access to the computer from the workgroup.

The computer is not visible on the network after Windows update

After April Windows updates 10 April 2018 Update problems with accessing computers over the network began to arise all the time. The reason turned out to be quite simple - Microsoft decided that workgroups were no longer needed and disabled this feature. To make the workstation visible again, do the following. Press the Windows key + R to open the Run window. Enter the command services.msc there and the operating system services management window will open:

Find the Function Discovery Resource Publication service. After the April update it is disabled by default. Double-click on the line to open the service parameters. Set the startup type to “Automatic” and launch it. Now you will see this PC in the network environment.

Disable the firewall for a private network

This is one of those actions that you should resort to when nothing else helps. The firewall is one of the main lines of defense of the operating system, and it is recommended to disable it only as a last resort.

By the way, if you are using some other security system like Kaspersky, then you may have to turn it off, unfortunately. But check your access first.

Resetting Windows Network Settings

If none of the tips listed above helped and you still do not see computers in your workgroup, then I would advise you to try resetting the Windows network settings. To do this, go to “Settings” >> “Network and Internet”:

On the left in the menu, select the “Status” section and scroll the page on the right to the very end, where there should be a “Network reset” link. We click on it.

Next, you need to click on the “Reset Now” button. After this, the operating system will completely reinstall the existing network cards and install the default settings on them. Next, you will need to configure the computer again for your network and add it to the workgroup.

Microsoft Corporation, starting with Windows Vista, has greatly changed the security policy of its systems regarding the local network. operating system it seemed new, somehow too complicated, and therefore many could not figure out how to open access to files on the computer. Today we will look at how this is done using Windows 8.1 as an example, but Vista and 7 have a similar system, and the difference is not fundamental. The local network can also be used to later create , which will unite all multimedia devices of a house or apartment, or to share files with your phone or tablet.

In my opinion, this is very convenient when, without additional movements, you can play a movie from a computer, laptop or even phone to big screen TV or listen to your favorite music from your phone, on the speaker system without connecting additional wires, although this already requires . But let's move on to setting up the local network.

Video instructions are available at link.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. For normal functioning of a local network, all computers on this network must be in the same workgroup; for a home network, let’s take MSHOME. To install it, we need to follow the following path: open “Control Panel” - “System and Security” - “System” (you can also right-click on the “Computer” shortcut on the desktop and select “Properties” or the key combination “ “ ). In the window that opens, select “Advanced system settings” in the left column.

  2. In the window that opens, go to the “Computer name” tab and click the “Change” button. A dialog box opens in which we need to record a new workgroup. Enter MSHOME (all in capitals) and click OK. We also close the system parameters by pressing the OK button and restart the computer.

  3. Next, it is advisable to configure a permanent IP for both computers. To do this, go to “Control Panel” - “Network and Internet” - “Network and Sharing Center” - on the left side of the window “Change adapter settings” - select network card, right-click and click “Properties”.

  4. Before completing this step, read the notes under the screenshot. Select “Internet Protocol Version 4” and click “Properties”, fill in as shown in the picture.

    P.S. If your local network is organized through a router with a DHCP server enabled, the IP address, Default Gateway and DNS Server can be left in automatic mode. This action must be done if you have two computers connected directly or if DHCP is disabled on the router.

    P.P.S. The IP address value must be different on computers within the same local network. That is, at of this computer we indicate IP, and the next one already has

  5. Next, we need to configure the visibility of the computer within the local network. To do this, go to “Control Panel” - “Network and Internet” - “Network and Sharing Center” - on the left side of the window, select “Change additional sharing settings” and profiles of sharing settings will open in front of us. Here your task is that in all profiles you must enable “network discovery”, and “file and printer sharing”, and “sharing so that network users can read and write files in shared folders”, as well as “Disable password protected sharing.” Click save changes.

  6. At this point, we begin to work with folders that we will share on the network. I will tell you using the example of one folder, but you can open access to everything local disk according to a similar scenario.
    First, we need to share the folder. It should be taken into account that if the network is not limited to two computers (for example, some providers (Beeline) provide Internet to apartments based on one large local network), it makes sense not to give the right to change the contents of the folder; If you are confident in the computers on the local network, feel free to give “Full access”. So, open the properties of the folder we need, to do this, right-click on the folder and select “Properties”, open the “Access” tab and click the “Advanced settings...” button.

  7. In the window that opens, check the “Share this folder” checkbox, click the “Permissions” button and give the necessary rights to the folder; since this is an example I give full access to the folder, but you can put it at your discretion. Here's what I got:

  8. Click OK to accept the changes, also click OK in the “Advanced sharing settings” window, then in the folder properties go to the “Security” section and click the “Change” button.

  9. Click the “Add” button, in the window that opens, write “All” (without quotes) and click OK.

  10. Select our new group in the window and give it full access at the bottom of the window.

  11. Click OK, in the folder properties it is also OK and to be safe, restart the computer again.

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This article describes how to set up sharing of files and folders without a password on Windows 10.

This instruction will look at the simplest case of setting up shared access to Windows 10 folders. When you need to provide access to Windows 10 shared resources without a password. This is the most common situation in home networks and small office networks. This setting assumes that network access will be without a password, without restrictions.

Note. If you have Windows 10 2017 or 2018 and are experiencing the " Windows 10 does not see other computers on the local network", then read another article -. It describes a solution to the problem of connecting Windows 10 to older versions of Windows. This article may also be relevant for Windows connections 10 to older versions of Linux.

But at the beginning of a silent theory.

Local and global networks

Today there is only one global computer network, the Internet. Local computer networks differ from global ones in the following factors:

  • The number of computers connected in this network.
  • The quantity and quality of resources shared (available) in this network.

The global Internet connects hundreds of millions (possibly more than a billion) computers. These computers provide a large number of different types of resources. The most common of which are text and graphic information. In addition to the information itself on the Internet, it is also possible to process this information - there are services for working with images and documents. Also available on the Internet are services that are not related to computer topics, for example, the sale of goods and services (for example, the sale of tickets for various transport).

To local computer network Most often, two to several computers are combined. Much less often, the number of computers on a local network can be several tens or hundreds (in large commercial or government organizations). As a rule, only a few resources are distributed on local networks - files, printers, scanners and Internet access.

Computers are physically connected to a network either using a cable or via a radio signal (WiFi). But in any case, setting up a local network is done the same way.

So, what, and in what order, needs to be done in order to configure the Windows 10 network?

Windows 10 sharing without password

This instruction will describe how to set up a Windows 10 network so that shared access to folders (files) and printers is provided without requiring a password. This is a trusted network option. This type of organization of a local computer network is most convenient to use (no need to remember passwords for each computer).

Moreover, such a network is easier to create and maintain.

It is best to start setting up a local network by checking the necessary conditions.

Checking local network connection First, you need to check whether your computer has a local network connection. To do this, you need to open the applet of available network adapters and network connections. The easiest way to open this applet is through the " Execute Windows + R ncpa.cpl and click "":

Note OK : there is a longer way - open "" and click on the link there "".

Change adapter settings

This example shows that there is a physical network adapter on the computer and there is also a network connection to the local network. This example uses a cable connection to a local network (Ethernet). If connected via WiFi, the adapter will be called " 802-11".

Wireless connection Possible mistakes , which can be found in the applet"":

  • Network connections
  • This applet may not contain adapters at all - in this case, you need to check the list of equipment (Device Manager). The network adapter may be disabled or the drivers may not be installed. The adapter may be
  • crossed out with a red cross . This means that there is no physical connection to the local network. You need to check the cables. In the case of WiFi, this means that the computer is not connected to a WiFi access point (router). The adapter may have the inscription " Unidentified network

". It means that physical connection there is a connection to the local network, but the computer was unable to obtain the settings for this network. Most often this happens if there is no router on the local network and you need to manually specify the local network parameters. By Windows default configured to automatically receive network settings from the network router. If there is a router on the local network, then you just need to plug in a network cable or connect to a WiFi access point. If there is no router on the local network, and this sometimes happens when using small cable networks, then you will need to manually specify network settings

in the properties of the network adapter. Read more about manual setting Local network settings are written in the article "Setting up a network between Linux and Windows". First, you need to check whether your computer has a local network connection. To do this, you need to open the applet of available network adapters and network connections. The easiest way to open this applet is through the " The setup is described there for Windows XP, but for Windows 10 it will be exactly the same. Execute The next step is to check the computer name and workgroup. To do this, you need to open the applet " ncpa.cpl and click "":

Properties of the system manual setting"The easiest way to open this applet is through the dialog box" ". It is accessible through the Start menu or by pressing the keys"):

on keyboard. In this window write

  • sysdm.cpl This is what the applet looks like"
  • Working group" (you need to open the tab "

If you need to change the computer or workgroup name, click the Change button. After such a change, you will need to restart Windows.

Now you can proceed to setting up the Windows 10 network.

Setting up a Windows 10 network

Open "Windows Explorer" and in it find and open the item " Net". By default, sharing is disabled on Windows 10 and when you open Network, there will be a warning message at the top:

You need to click on this inscription and then select the item " Enable network discovery and file sharing":

Note: Another way to enable network discovery and file sharing via " Network and Sharing Center"and then click on the link" More sharing options" and then open the desired profile.

After that "Windows Explorer" will prompt you to select the network type, where you need to select the first option:

Note: if you later need to change the network type - instructions in the article "Change network type Windows 10".

After that "Windows Explorer" will show a list of computers on the local network:

You can now log into the shared folders on these computers.

Login via local network to a computer named "Home":

The next step is to configure Windows 10 folder sharing.

How to set up folder sharing in Windows 10

IN "Windows Explorer" Locate the folder you want to share. Right-click on this folder and select " Properties" (in this illustration the folder is called lan):

Note: The folder name must be in Latin and without spaces.

In the folder properties window, you need to open the "tab" Access"and then press the button" General access ":

In the next window, you need to open the list of local users (accounts on this computer) and select “All” from this list:

After that, click the "Add" button:

After this, you need to specify read and write access rights for the “Everyone” group:

After this, you need to click the “Finish” button:

After this, the window will open again" Folder properties". In it you can check the tab " Safety"there should be full access for the group" All" (Windows automatically changes file permissions NTFS systems):

That's it, setting up access to a specific folder is complete. If you want to share another folder, these steps must be repeated for each one.

Note: There is no need to share individual files. All files that are in the shared folder will be accessible over the network. All will also be available online nested folders.

One last step left...

Need to open" Network and Sharing Center" and on the left side click on " Change advanced sharing options":

In the next window you need to open your profile " All networks":

And there disable the parameter " shared access with password protection" and of course click the "Save changes" button:

This completes setting up network access without a password for Windows 10. Now you can log into this computer via the local network and Windows will not require you to enter a password.

To check, let's go to a Windows 10 computer from a Windows XP computer:

The shared folder "lan" opens and you can edit and create files in it via the local network.

But if, nevertheless, Windows requires a network password

Despite the fact that the settings described above have been made, when you log into this computer, another computer may request a network password. This is possible in two cases.

Local users with the same name (login)

Both computers have local users with the same name but different passwords.

Example. There are Comp1 and Comp2. Each of them has a user named User. But on Comp1 the user's password is 123, and on Comp2 his password is 456. When trying to log in to the network, the system will ask for a password.

Solution. Or remove matching user logins. Or for users with the same login, specify the same password. An empty password is also considered the same.

There are no local users on Windows 10

On Windows 10, you can log in and work with a Microsoft account if you have Internet access. In this case, a situation is possible when Windows installation 10, no local user was created at all (login was via account Microsoft). In this case, Windows will also require a password when logging in via the local network.

Solution. Create a local user on your Windows 10 computer.

If there are old computers on your local network

If there are computers on your local network running older versions of Windows or Linux, then you may encounter a problem where Windows 10 does not “see” such computers.

The reason may be that in latest versions Windows 10 has disabled support for the SMB protocol version 1. How to enable support for SMB version 1 is written in the article Local network between Windows 10 and Windows XP.

Unshare a Windows 10 folder

On Windows 10, canceling sharing is not at all obvious (unlike Windows XP). On the "tab" Access"(folder properties) there is no option, as there was in Windows XP. It is useless to click the "Sharing" button; you cannot cancel sharing there.

Now, to cancel sharing, you need to go to the " Access"press button" Advanced setup":

And disable access there (uncheck the “Share this folder” option):

As they say, “guess three times.”

Share a Windows 10 folder via command line

Everything can be done much faster if you use command line(console, cmd.exe). There are only two teams:

net share lan=c:\lan

net share lan /delete

The first command shares the folder c:\lan and sets a network name for it lan.

The second command deletes the network (public) folder lan. Real folder c:\lan Of course it stays in place.

Share Windows 10 files using the Shared Folders snap-in

Included in the tool kit Windows management 10 yes special program(snap-in) for managing shared resources on a computer. It's called "Shared Folders" and you can run it with the command fsmgmt.msc(in the console or via Win + R):

Alternatively, this snap-in can be opened through the Start menu: “Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Computer Management - Shared Folders”.

Windows 10 Printer Sharing

Printer sharing is configured in the same way as for a folder.

You need to open the “Devices and Printers” applet, find the desired printer there, open its properties and on the “Access” tab define the network access parameters.

Setting up a local network for other operating systems If you live in Krasnodar and you need to set up a local network in

Windows .

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