How to set up virtual servers on TP-Link Wi-Fi routers (new blue web interface). How to make a virtual server on your computer? About VDS server on your local computer

Servers section, and click the "Create Server" button.

In the window that opens, the server is created:

Kernel name and type tab

Server name

Arbitrary name for the created server

Be careful when choosing the type of NOVA or STANDART cores. To change them after creating a virtual server, you will need to contact technical support and stop the server.

Source Tab

In this tab, select the basis for the server and set the disk size for the future server.

The drop-down list "Select a base object to create a server" offers options:


Ready operating system image


Available disk (from a remote server, for example)

disk snapshot

An existing server snapshot.

The easiest option is to create a server based on a ready-made image.


Specify the desired size for the disk.
Select an image from the "Available" table and click the button with an arrow next to the selected image.

The image has been moved to the Selected table and will be used to create the server.

You can use not only ready-made images, but also upload your own. To do this, use the instructions on how to download the image. The images you download will become available when you create a virtual server.

If you are making an image-based server, it will use an SSD drive by default. In the column "Volume Size (GB)" you can adjust its size.


By default, the list of available disks will be empty:

If you have previously created a disk, you can deploy a server from it. This is most commonly used:

  • To restore a previously deleted virtual server if the drive from was saved. In this case, the disk can be selected in the "available" table
  • To create a server with an HDD. By default, servers are created on an SSD drive.
    Follow the instructions to create an HDD for a virtual machine.
  • The disk is also used in some specific cases, such as restoring root access to Linux servers.

Select a disk from the "Available" table and click the button with an arrow next to the selected disk.

The disk has been moved to the "selected" table and will be used to create the server.

disk snapshot

If you previously created disk snapshots, they will be in the "Available" list.

Select a snapshot from the "Available" table and click the button with an arrow next to the selected snapshot.

The snapshot has been moved to the "selected" table and will be used to create the server.

How you can use disk snapshots:

For example, you took a snapshot and then made changes to the server. Then you needed another server in the state before the changes were made. Based on the existing snapshot, you can create a virtual machine.

Instance Type Tab

In the Instance Type tab, you need to select the amount of RAM and processor cores for the server.

For example, the "Node 1.11" template in the "Available" table includes 1 virtual core and 1 GB of RAM:

Select the desired configuration from the "Available" table and click the arrow button next to the selected configuration.

The configuration is selected, the server will be created based on it.

If you did not find a suitable template in the list, contact us - we will add a custom configuration.

Networks tab

In the "Networks" tab, select the network interface to connect to. This will assign an IP address to the server.
This is a mandatory item, however, the network can be reconfigured even after creating a virtual server.

Connection options are available in any combination:

    Connecting networks (assign an IP from the network range) - an easy way, we recommend using the default. The IP address will be assigned to the server via DHCP.

    Port connections (assign IP address via port) - to assign the selected IP address.

Connecting networks

Network available by default external_network with white IP addresses. Use it to quickly create a virtual server with Internet access.

In the screenshot, the external_network is selected for the virtual server.

The server with the external_network network will have a dedicated white IP address and is available for incoming and outgoing connections over the Internet.

To view the list of ports and select the one you need, click the "Assign an IP address via port" button:

Select the desired port from the "Available" table and click the arrow button next to the selected IP address.

The port will now be assigned to the server.

Firewalls tab

The “default” firewall is selected in the default tab. The “default” firewall allows you to quickly configure network connections when you first log into the virtual machine - we recommend that you do not delete it when creating the server.

In the third article of the series on organizing a business in the field of hosting, we will tell you how to start selling VPS using ISPsystem products. The first material contained step-by-step instructions for, the second - for.

Virtual server hosting (VPS / VDS) is one of the types of business on the Internet that does not require capital investments in infrastructure. Compared to shared hosting, VPS gives customers more stability and therefore costs more.

Important! We recommend starting not with the technical implementation, but with the business model and the legal side of the issue. Determine the target audience and ways to attract it, develop a pricing policy that is beneficial for you and your customers. Learn the legal and accounting framework. Only after that proceed to the implementation of the plan.

What you need to get started

A virtual server (Virtual Private Server, VPS) works just like a real physical server. At the same time, several independent virtual servers can operate on one physical server.

From a business point of view, VPS hosting differs from shared hosting in terms of hardware requirements. From the user's point of view, VPS hosting has guaranteed resources (disk, memory, processor), dedicated IP addresses, flexible system configuration and the ability to optimize resources.

If shared hosting is suitable for small sites, then online stores and corporate portals are usually placed on VPS.

VPS hosting can be run without your own equipment. For this you will need:

  1. rented dedicated server with support for hardware virtualization (one or more),
  2. subnet of IPv4 addresses,
  3. agreement with the payment system,
  4. vps creation software,
  5. billing platform,
  6. site for the sale of services.

Rent a dedicated server with hardware virtualization support and a subnet of IPv4 addresses from one of the . Sign an agreement with the payment system and domain registrar.

equipment requirements

To start providing VPS services, you need one dedicated server with support for hardware virtualization. For example, on the Intel Xeon E5 processor. The E5-2630v2\64GB RAM server will allow you to run up to 55 VPS. RAM is needed as much as will be allocated by the VPS.

Each VPS is allocated a certain number of IP addresses. Therefore, you will need your own subnet of IPv4 addresses or several different IPv4 addresses. Additional addresses can also be rented from a hosting provider.

Determine rates

When choosing a VPS provider, customers first of all pay attention to the technical characteristics and cost of services. The price and quality of services should correspond to their needs.

Tariff plans are created during the first software setup, so think about their content now. When drawing up tariffs, determine the target audience, study the offers of competitors and take into account your costs.

For example, a rate grid might look like this:

Number of CPU cores (pcs)

Disk space (GB)

Incoming traffic (Mbps)

Outgoing traffic (Mbps)

BILLmanager allows you to flexibly customize the interaction with the client. You can set the period for debiting funds, the minimum order period, the penalty for delay.

Required Software

To sell VPS, you need to install three panels: VMmanager, BILLmanager, IPmanager.

Setting up BILLmanager

Creating tariffs

Details on creating tariffs are given in the Connecting to VMmanager article. However, in its basic form, the sequence is as follows:

  1. In BILLmanager go to the section Products - Tariff plans.
  2. Click Create and select Virtual server - VMmanager.
  3. Fill in the fields in accordance with the previously determined tariffs. Click Complete.
  4. Return to menu Tariff plans. Select the created tariff. Click on the button Handlers.
  5. Enable the tariff for the server with VMmanager.

Checking the operation of the software

Try to register from the site, enter your personal account, order and purchase the service as a client. If you have any questions, please refer to the documentation or write to the ISPsystem customer service department.

Start Selling

Tip: You can get materials for promotional campaigns from the registrar with whom you have entered into an agreement. Typically, images and text describing services are placed in the affiliate program section. For example, has prepared such materials.

This document will help you create your first virtual server on the platform of the cloud hosting provider

Creating a virtual server (Virtual Server)

Creating a virtual server (Virtual Server) on the cloud hosting platform will take you a few minutes of your time. The procedure is simple and requires little to no description. Nevertheless, we have created this guide so that the process of creating a VPS does not cause you questions.

If you already have a virtual server, then in order to create a virtual server, you need to click on the “Create virtual server” button on the main page of the control panel. If you do not have a single virtual server, then when you go to the “My Resources” section, you will be automatically redirected to the page for choosing a data center to install the server.

After clicking on the “Create a virtual server” button, you will be prompted to choose a list of data centers where you can create a virtual server. After selecting the required DC, click on the “Go to the next step” button.

On the page with the choice of the type of virtual server to be created, you will see two options. Within the framework of this article, we are considering the installation of a classic virtual server, so we must make the appropriate choice - Virtual Server.

The next step in creating a virtual server is to select the operating system that will be installed on the VPS being created. Cloud hosting provides its customers with a large selection of Linux-based operating systems. Each of our clients will find exactly the one with which it is most convenient to work with. At the time of this writing, cloud hosting provides the ability to install the following operating systems:

  • Debian
  • ubuntu
  • CentOS
  • OpenSuse
  • Fedora
  • Arch Linux
  • Gentoo

Also, you can choose to install a system with an installed software package, called a Preset.

At step #4, you need to select the server parameters, such as the amount of RAM and disk storage, as well as enter the name of the server, which will be displayed in the server list in the future. With the help of the constructor presented at this step, you can create a solution that suits you. Do not be afraid to specify the parameters incorrectly, in the future you can change them already on a running virtual server.

If you want to fine-tune the server, then click on the "Advanced Settings" button. Within the scope of this article, advanced settings will not be considered.

In the next step, you are asked to select additional services, such as: installation of an ISP manager server control panel, additional IP addresses and a server maintenance plan. Please note that when you change the technical support plan, its description also changes. Carefully study the presented levels of service and choose the most suitable for you.

The next step is the final one. Check again the parameters of the virtual server being created.

After clicking on the “Create a virtual server” button, you will be redirected to a page with a list of virtual servers.

Installing a virtual server takes no more than 5 minutes.

Congratulations! You have become the owner of a virtual server on Clodo!

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The material presented on this page can be used by you at your own discretion. Permission is granted to copy and distribute the provided material without changing the content and without prior notice to the administration of

We would appreciate your reporting errors in the submitted documentation and suggestions for improving the documentation. For these questions, please contact [email protected]. When contacting, do not forget to include the URL of the publication.


Today I will show you how to create a hosting campaign. This Lithuanian VPS hosting was chosen because of the lowest rates in Europe, as you can see, the S tariff carries 1 GB of RAM, one 2.40 GHz core, 40 GB of disk space for a ridiculous 1.99 euros per month (please note that payment in the billing Webmoney system takes place in dollars). This is quite enough for the stable operation of several not very voracious sites.

I have been working with this VPS hosting for the fourth month already, there have been no complaints about the work yet - it just works, and that's all we need. In addition, geographically to the European part of Russia and Belarus, on the territory of which my sites are more oriented, it is closer than German and Dutch providers, which means that the speed of access to sites will be slightly higher.

Please note that the choice of the language of the site is always displayed at the bottom of the site, including Russian.

So, let's start creating a virtual server

Step 1. Choose the VPS tariff you need for our tasks

It is possible to choose a VPS tariff by arbitrarily defining the parameters of a virtual server, as well as choose an already formed tariff plan. I prefer the pre-set rates to the rate builder - it's a bit cheaper.

Pushing a button Order, we will go to the service package specification page. It will prompt you to select a payment period first (from a month to two years), then an additional IP, after which the final cost of paying for services will be formed.
Continue by pressing the button Continue Order– we get to the page of the preliminary account. And do not be afraid that the cost has increased by the amount of VAT, after pressing the button Continue, you will find yourself on the page for filling in your data, and if you indicate here the host country other than the EU member states and click on the button Refresh, then this additional amount will disappear from your account payable. Immediately below, you determine one of the four payment methods acceptable to you, agree to the terms of the VPS lease and complete the order.

After the subsequent registration and payment of the invoice, we proceed to the next step.

Step 2. Installing the virtual server operating system

After paying the invoice, go to your personal account in the menu ServicesProducts/Services- button View data. Here you will see the basic data of your VPS, and at the bottom, the updated graphs of its main parameters.

Here, to install a “clean” operating system or build an OS along with available VPS control panels, go to the tab Install OS

After a few minutes, the installation will be completed, to display the result, periodically press the Refresh button. Here, in order to continue setting up the VPS, we need to find out the IP address and root password of the server.

Step 3. Link the domain to the VPS

In order for the domain to be available after installing and configuring the VPS, as well as changing the DNS in the domain name registrar panel, you need to bind it to your virtual server. This is done very easily. Go back to the top menu ServicesDNS Management:

As a result, your domain appears below by clicking on it or the word Edit, we will see all the entries created for it. And above them we will see the DNS addresses that should be specified in . This And

Attention: if you create a second VPS server and need to move the site to it, do not delete and re-create the domain zone for the domain in the DNS control panel. To transfer it, copy the IP of the new server and edit the IP address in the domain records to a new one, saving the result of editing. After a while (within a few minutes), the site will start working on the new VPS.


What is virtual hosting?

Recently, the vocabulary of an ordinary Russian person has been flooded with a huge number of new words, mostly borrowed from the English language.

How to create hosting?

For example - hosting. Even permanent inhabitants of the Internet cannot always clearly explain what this mysterious word means, although in fact everything is quite simple.

Word hosting derived from English host, which has the meaning: the main device, the owner, the owner of the inn. The last term is closest to the correct interpretation of the word hosting used on the Internet.

Why do you need hosting?

Let's say you created a site locally on your computer. Now you need to place it on the Internet so that not only you, but also other users can admire it. How to do it? You can bring the site to the World Wide Web directly from your computer, but this is quite laborious: the site will disappear when the computer is turned off, and the Internet must be high-speed - otherwise the site will slow down.

To solve this problem, servers were invented that can provide several thousand sites at once. The service of hosting a website on a foreign server is virtual hosting. It is suitable if the site is small (about 20-50 MB), otherwise it will require its own separate server (physical hosting) for its smooth operation.

What is hosting

Hosting can be both paid and free. You can publish your page on some special sites (for example, absolutely free of charge, only the site name will be three-level:,, etc.

If your site was created for commercial or representative purposes, it's better to register a domain and buy site hosting, it's not expensive at all, and the result looks pretty solid.

What services does hosting include?

Hosting services typically include a domain name, program execution, SQL database access, and email attached to the site (for example, [email protected]).

That's all, I hope now you understand what virtual hosting is and why it is needed.

Business idea

Server for rent or VPS

If your business is related to sales or has an informational component, then sooner or later you will have to think about posting information about your products and services on the Internet.

Even structures that are far from IT, such as law firms, post information about themselves on the World Wide Web.

However, if you can use free hosting to host a business card page, then, for example, for a successful online store, you will have to purchase either a VPS or a real iron server.

When choosing a location, many factors must be taken into account, for example, in which country the data center is located.

How to create your own hosting from scratch

Since most of your clients live in Russia, the server should be located right there, however, recently very good and high-speed communication lines connect Russia and Germany.

VPS is a virtual server, several virtual servers are launched on one “iron” server, each of them can work independently and not depend on others. This approach can significantly reduce the cost of rent, however, the performance of VPS is much lower.

Using a VPS allows you to reduce costs, moreover, the price of a virtual server depends on the resources allocated to it, you can rent an inexpensive server, and then, if necessary, you can switch to more expensive tariff plans with increasing resources.

In the future, when the VPS capacity is no longer enough, it will be possible to move on to renting a real server. As practice shows, this comes no earlier than the number of people who visited your Internet project will exceed 10,000 per day. And such a number of visitors is a very large figure! Not every online store has such popularity in a week!

All by myself and with my own hands

Anton comments:

I think that today it is more practical to rent VPS than iron servers.
It is better to take pieces of iron when VPS completely fail, those attendance exceeds 30,000 per day. And before that, VDSka will do just fine

Artem comments:

Well… It is quite possible to rent several inexpensive iron servers and sell shared hosting services from them.
Sevak can be rented for 30-40 euros, hosting for 10 sites - 6-7 euros. You can run 20-40 clients on one server, the profitability is very decent 🙂

Anton comments:

This is only if you administer yourself. But you have to monitor servers 24x7. If hosting falls at least a couple of times a month, then customers will quickly scatter. 🙂

LiOiDa272727 comments:

I rent a server on the site. I use it for half a year. Works great. Transfer speed 100 Mb. Rent in Europe

CS 1.6 Creating/Configuring/Raising the server


Hello to all SteamCommunity users. For a long time I have not written any guides, tutorials, etc. After watching the latest guides about creating a server, I decided to write my own guide that will REALLY help both beginners and already experienced CS 1.6 server administrators

Initial information about creating a server.

Installing Metamod/Dproto/AmxModX

————————————————————————————————————————- Hosting:All these modules are in the panel server management.NO! Some hosting hosts have old, slightly outdated modules. Links to the actual ones will be listed below. —————————-Computer: All modules, plug-ins, configs and other goodies must be installed manually. This is one of the disadvantages of your server on your computer. But with dexterous hands and normal brains, you can do everything within 25 minutes. Let's get started: First of all, you need to install Metamod.

HOW DO THIS!!?!?!?!?! Download the current version of Metamod (All OS) Download the file Liblist.gam (for Metamod to work correctly) —————————————————————————————————————————— Installing Metamod: Unpack the archive. We see the addons folder. We throw it into the cstrike folder. Now it needs to be launched. Open the file liblist.gam / look for the line: gamedll "addonsmetamoddllsmetamod.dll" .———————————————————————————————————————————Installing AmxModX:Unpacking the archive .We see the addons folder. We throw it in cstrike. We go into addons/metamod/plugins.ini - and add the line win32 addonsamxmodxdllsamxmodx_mm.dll (if you have Win32, then do not change anything 😀 if Linux, we write like this: linux Installation of AmxModX is completed.—— ————————————————————————————————————————Installation and configuration Dproto:Unpack the archive. We see the amxx and bin folders. We only need the bin folder. We go into bin and see 2 Linux and Windows folders. We go to addons, create the dproto folder, take the file we need and drop it into the folder. you have Win32, then we don’t change anything, if Linux, we write like this: linux There is a file in the archive called dproto.cfg, found it?

great! This is a server configuration file and its protection. Download the current Dproto config. After downloading, open it and edit the line Game_Name= This is the name of the game in the player's search engine. You need to write without spaces! Save the file and throw it into cstrike. Dproto installation is complete.—————————————————————————————————— ———————————Before further installation, do not forget to check the server's performance and the launch of all modules.

Configuring Server.cfg and AmxModX

Before starting the server, we need to configure it a little :)—————————————————————————————————————— ——————Configuring Server.cfg Download server.cfg Looking for the lines: hostname “Server name” sv_downloadurl “Site from where additional files will be downloaded” (if the server is hosted, look for a link in the control panel or contact technical support) (if the server is on your computer, then so that people do not download one or two files for 5 minutes, you need web hosting. The easiest one) sv_contact "Your contacts" rcon_password "Password to manage the server" (required to change) The rest of the cvars in the config can be changed using google :)—————————————————————————————————————————————— amxx.cfgHere I will go into more detail about some cvars.amx_show_activity - show admin actions to other players 0 - disabled 1 - show without admin name 2 - show with admin name amx_scrollmsg - show messages at the bottom of the screen Example: amx_scrollmsg "Welcome to %hostname%" 300 ( 300 is the message display frequency in seconds) amx_imessage - display messages in the center of the screen Example: amx_imessage "Welcome to %hostname%" "message color in RGB" amx_client_languages ​​- allows the client to change the language. It is better to set 0. Also, all cvars that are in your plugins can be specified in amxx.cfg or changed through the plugin source.———————————————————————— ——————————————————————

Installing plugins

The easiest part of setting up a server is installing plugins.——————————————————————————————————————— —————Files with .amxx extension are thrown into addons/amxmodx/plugins/Files with .sma extension are thrown into addons/amxmodx/scripting/Files with .inc extension are thrown into addons/amxmodx/scripting/incuide/Files with extension. txt is thrown into addons/amxmodx/data/lang/ Files with the .cfg extension are thrown into addons/amxmodx/configs/——————————————————————————— ————————————————————All plugin settings and variable settings are usually located in the .sma file. In addition to editing the .sma file, you can specify the cvar and value in amxx.cfg Example: amx_primer 3 Plugin activation: Go to addons/amxmodx/configs/ look for plugins.ini Open it and enter the name of the pluginChange the map or restart the server.———————————————————————————— —————————————————— ATTENTION! plugins without sources you download to your fear And risk!

Server protection from cheaters.

Uuuuuhhh, everyone must have been fed up by little guys who download software and don't let them play normally? Or even worse when guys under 25-30 years old download cheats and interfere with a normal game.————————————————————————————————— ————————————Oddly enough, there are already many ways to protect against cheaters, like regular plugins. amxx to .exe files. The most relevant methods of protection against cheaters: Alias ​​checker by mazdan - detects and punishes people with different scripts. That is, it catches some software, such as KzHack and CDHack. AimDetector by mazdan - The best protection against cheaters with AimBot'om, SpinHack'om and other nasty things. All anti-cheats except this one are either irrelevant or do not work at all. With the right settings, no cheater will be able to play on your server.Metamod WHBlocker - tired of cheaters who kill through the wall? Pfft… install this module and you can forget about all the vh’ashniks. Blocks Wallhack like OpenGL32 coordinate and sound ESP cheats. This is the best WHBlocker!SpeedHack blocker - this module BLOCKS any kind of speedhack and punishes. That is, there is protection against Frequent nickname changes. For more correct operation of anti-cheats and protection bypassing the ban, I recommend using the ban system: FreshBans and the CS:Bans Web interface———————————————— —————————————————————————————
