"Memory cannot be written" error: how to fix? Possible causes of the error "Memory cannot be read\written" Memory cannot be read on xp.

Sandwiches - yes! The team is there! Seagulls - there is! It remains only to go to the server and punish! But here's the problem - Windows happily reports that the memory cannot be read / written in PUBG. What is this problem and how to deal with it?

Each application requires a certain amount of RAM for itself - and the system allocates it with pleasure. And normally optimized programs are only allocated by their quantity and used. And some climb where they were not given access - and the system displays a message that the memory cannot be read or written.

The blame lies entirely with the developers of the game, which is trying to eat more resources than it is allowed to. And we know that the directness of the hands of BlueHole employees is in doubt. This is where this error comes from - it often happens after updates. True, excesses often occur when third-party people are to blame for problems - as is the case with. It all happened because of the server ban.


There are many ways to fight this infection. But they can be conditionally divided into two categories - for noobs and pros. The first will be able to try out any players, the second - only those who are well versed in Windows and can perform certain procedures without destroying their system.

Basic Steps

This component destroys the buzz very often. The fact is that PUBG requires versions of 2013, 2015 and 2017, both for 32 and 64-bit systems.

Read this guide for those who have - it shows how to properly update this framework in order to further reduce the likelihood of any kind of bugs and crashes.

The same guide provides a gentleman's checklist. It tells you what steps to take to fix most problems.

So - go through these steps and do everything that is indicated. This can also help with the memory cannot be read error in PUBG.

Try again:

  • PUBG itself starts, but the error still pops up? Then you can simply ignore this annoying window. Turn on windowed mode (just press "Alt + Enter" or "F11"), wait until the initial splash screens pass, click on the window with the game, activate full screen mode in the settings - and voila! You can forget about the mistake.
  • Often people install video games wherever they go. So, if your path to PUBG runs through the "Games", "Toys", "Games" and other directories, I strongly recommend bringing it to a simpler form. And most importantly, there should be no Russian letters on the way! Often programs swear at this.


Since the fault for this error, for the most part, lies with the developers, then they will also have to correct the consequences.

First, wait for a new patch or patch to be released - this may solve all problems. But this option is not suitable for those who are not used to waiting.

The effectiveness of the method is confirmed by the fact that sometimes the main PUBG is launched by the same person, but the test server (where, in fact, all updates are tested) is not. This means that some innovations make the game covet what was not given to it.

Increase swap file

Since the problem lies in the amount of memory, you can simply increase it by allocating some of the memory on the hard disk for this task. It’s worth doing this procedure if you are able to dig a little into system files and not break anything.

When launching PUBG, the error "Memory cannot be read" appears on the screen. If you encounter this problem, then see how to fix it and start the game.

Users encounter an issue with writing or reading memory when launching PUBG. An error appears on the screen with the following content:

In addition, information is displayed that the instruction at a certain address accessed 0xffffffff. After clicking on OK, the game closes. What is causing this error and how to minimize it.

Method #1: Disabling the browser and other programs that load memory

The error is related to reading or writing to memory. Even though the computer is set to the maximum amount of random access memory (RAM), the problem may manifest itself. One solution is to disable unnecessary programs that run in the background and load RAM.

When you open the Task Manager, you can always find one of the browsers in the first three processes. Therefore, if it is running in the background processes of Chrome, Firefox, Opera (or any other), then disable it before launching PUBG.

If you need it in the background, then always after turning on the game, you can use the ALT + TAB combination to switch to the desktop and launch the browser.

Therefore, before starting PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, you should turn off all unnecessary applications. In many cases this helps to effectively avoid read/written errors in PUBG.

Method #2: Disabling special add-ons and applications that control FPS

A common source of problems in PUBG can be apps that affect the game in some way. These can be special add-ons or overlays like Overwolf that display their own additional overlays for games. Or programs like RTSS (RivaTuner Statistics System), with which you can set a limit on the frame rate per second.

These types of applications are capable of causing the "Memory cannot be written/read" error in PUBG. If this issue occurs, try disabling add-ons before launching games.

Another example is voice communication systems (such as Mumble), which display player name overlays in games. In this situation, you need to disable any add-on options in the settings of programs of this type, since they can cause an error with “read / written”.

Method #3: Update video card drivers

Many users claim that the error in PUBG can be related to AMD or NVIDIA drivers. Updating the drivers to the latest version resolves the issue.

You need to download the latest drivers from the official website. As for NVIDIA, when updating, the “Clean Install” option should be checked, which will remove the old settings and replace them with the default ones.

Method #4: Install the game in Windows 7 compatibility mode (for Windows 8.1 and 10 users)

The last method is to set the Windows 7 compatibility mode for the *.exe file that launches the game. This method can be met with conflicting reviews, although many users have confirmed that it helped to quickly solve the problem with the memory write / read error.

Set the compatibility mode for this file:


Right-click on the TslGame.exe file and go to Properties. Click the Compatibility tab and check the "Run this program in compatibility mode for" box. From the drop-down menu, select "Windows 7"

Confirm the changes with the Apply button, and close the window with OK. PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds should now launch correctly.

Hello dear readers! Today we will study and review the most common causes that can cause a memory read error. Due to the fact that the cause of this type of error can be many different software problems, this article will provide a number of actions and steps to help resolve this problem.

While working with some application, a message suddenly appears, approximately with the following content: The instruction at 0x100042fb addressed the memory at 0x100042fb. The memory cannot be read. What does this message say?

Thus, the windows system reports that one of the applications tried to read a page of memory, but access to this area of ​​\u200b\u200bmemory for this program is denied. Such a mistake is not too terrible, you can even ignore it. But still, this suggests that a certain program does not work correctly. Therefore, it is better to try to fix everything. By the way, quite often this type of error can be found in various pirated, unlicensed assemblies. They can cause unstable computer operation and lead to various software failures.

How can I resolve the "Memory cannot be read" error?

There are a lot of different methods on the web to get rid of this problem. This article contains only those that really, in practice, helped to fix everything, or stop the appearance of such messages. If you constantly see an error with the text "Memory cannot be read", then you can use one of the following actions.

Trying to disable the Data Prevention Service (DEP)

First of all, we will consider the service, which is responsible for the appearance of these kinds of errors. It is called the Data Prevention Service (DEP). It controls how others access memory. Thus, observing that all applications are in their places in memory. Perhaps you also had to intersect with such a problem: you are working in some application and suddenly it closes. If you have windows 7, a window of this kind appears.

Whichever option is chosen, in any case, the running application will close with the loss of all unsaved data. And it's very annoying.

The reason for such a malfunction always lies in the incorrect operation of the application that was closed. And the Data Prevention service, when it detects problems during the program, performs an emergency stop and close. But if you disable this service, then such an error will cease to occur and close applications. This does not always help, but in many cases it works.

To disable the DEP service, you need to go to its settings. Any such actions must be done with Administrator rights. To do this, follow the instructions below.

For those who have windows 7

We go to the control panel (via the "Start" menu) and find the "Systems and Security" section, open it. And now open the "System" item. On the left side of the window there is a link "Advanced system settings", click on it.

Next, go to "Advanced". In the part that is related to performance, click on the parameters.

In the next window, you will need to open a section called "Data Execution Prevention".

Here you can see that DEP can be activated, for example, to control the main programs and services, or it can work to analyze all applications installed on the computer. Here you can also add programs to the exceptions with which this service will not interact.

In this example, DEP will only ignore one specific program. To do this, activate the item "Enable DEP for all programs and services except those selected below:". Then you need to click on "Add".

We are looking for an application file that we are going to add to the DEP exclusion list. Then we select it.

After the application has been added, click on the "Apply" button and then on the "OK" button. After that, we reboot our computer. Now the DEP service will not control the selected program. If in the future you need to turn DEP back on for an application added to the exclusion list, then you just need to uncheck the box next to it.

After that, click "Apply" again and restart the computer.

Well, then how to completely disable DEP? To do this, you will have to resort to the command line. Go to the start menu and type "cmd" in the search. We need to open the context menu for the "cmd" program (by right-clicking on it) and go to the item in it that allows you to run as administrator.

A terminal will open up. You must enter the following text in it: bcdedit.exe / set (current) nx AlwaysOff

After you have entered this text, press "Enter" and reboot your PC. Now DEP won't start at all. When you need to activate it again, open the command prompt window in the same way and paste this text there: bcdedit.exe / set (current) nx OptIn

Press "Enter" again and reboot.

For those who use windows XP

If you are a Windows XP user, then you need to follow these steps:

In the system properties, we find the "Advanced" section, in the item called "Download and Recovery" click on the "Settings" button.

Click on the "Edit" button.

Now you need to slightly correct the boot.ini file. We have to change this snippet: /noexecute=optin to this: noexecute=AlwaysOff and then save all changes. Then, we reboot our computer.

Often, the operations described above help to get rid of the "Memory cannot be read" error. But if the problem has not disappeared, I suggest moving on to another way to solve it.

Software conflicts

In the case when a large number of different programs were installed on the computer, it is possible that with a high degree of probability some of them will interfere with others and prevent them from working normally. Under certain circumstances, this will cause an invalid memory read error.

Another rather negative role is played by any software garbage on the disk, various lost files. Such rubbish appears and accumulates when performing the installation or removal of various programs (especially if this is done often). Therefore, it is recommended to regularly clean the system from useless and not deleted files.

You can use special utilities that clean the registry and file system. They were mentioned in one of the previous articles on this site.

The occurrence of a software conflict, followed by the mentioned error, may occur due to an incorrectly specified folder during the installation of the application (especially for games). In the wrong place, the program may simply begin to interfere with the normal operation of other applications.

Additionally, if errors occur, always perform a full antivirus scan. After all, a conflict can arise because of a “quietly” established malicious program, for example, a Trojan.

Turn off error reporting

Whenever such an error message appears, it is immediately contacted by the error reporting center. If you constantly encounter: "Memory cannot be read", you can solve this problem by disabling this accounting system.

For those who use windows 7:

Through the "Start" menu, go to the "Control Panel", there we find the "System and Security" section. Open Action Center and select Options.

Sometimes this section may not be displayed, then just go to "Maintenance" and open there you need to go to additional error reporting options. Eventually a window like this will appear.

Select the item with the name "Do not check for new solutions." Then click on the "OK" button and restart your computer.

For those using windows XP, to disable reports, follow these steps:

Through the "Start" we go to the "Control Panel", in it we open the System section. In it we find and open "Advanced". There you need to run "Error Reporting". Now switch to "Turn off error reporting" and uncheck the box next to "But notify about critical errors."

Click "OK" and reboot your computer.

Violations in the ole.dll library

A very common occurrence when during uninstallation, or installation of various software, incorrect parameters and other violations may appear. After that, such violations are sometimes displayed in the ole.dll library, which leads to various kinds of errors. But they can be corrected.

Use the keyboard shortcut Win + R and in the Run window that opens, enter the following text: regsvr32 %SystemRoot%\system32\ole32.dll

Then press "Enter". Then we reboot the computer.

Problems with virtual memory

Problems with the swap file also sometimes lead to all sorts of errors. In certain cases, this kind of memory may simply not be enough, the size of the paging file is too small. Therefore, it is necessary to increase it.

In other cases, problems may arise after installing programs (especially games) that require more powerful resources than those that are on the computer. Let me give you an example: for the game to work adequately, 2 GB of RAM is needed, and on this PC there is only 512 MB. After starting such a game, quite naturally, a memory access error may occur.

Pirated version of windows

Now there is a great variety of various broken windows systems. Any pirated assemblies do not carry any guarantees that the system will work stably. Indeed, when they are created, quite significant changes are made in the code of the original windows, which entail all sorts of errors. All these failures quite often lead to reinstallation operating system.

Nothing helped?

Check hard drive for errors, disk defragmentation will not interfere. And if even after that the error continues to remind itself, then you can reinstall the operating system, with a full formatting of the hard drive. This is especially recommended for those who use pirated windows. Indeed, in this case, all software malfunctions can be associated with errors in the assembly itself. That's all, keep the system clean. See you soon in the next article!


How to fix memory cannot be read/written error

Error "Memory cannot be read\written" Every user sooner or later encounters such a message and tries to find a solution to this problem on the Internet. There he can meet different opinions about the cause of this error. This is bad memory (RAM), and a virus attack on the computer, and the lack of necessary updates for the operating system. But in these cases, completely different manifestations are observed. How to fix the memory cannot be "read\written" error The correct general answer about the problem is the inconsistency of some obsolete (or cracked programs) with windows (although they also come in different builds, such as the Beast). Especially often, this error starts to get when installing SP2. One of the options for fixing this is to reinstall Windows to an older version ... which, we don’t really need. Another option is to install ALL programs latest versions, which is also not suitable, because even the most modern versions of programs can produce this error. And as it turns out, the function involved in this error is: "Data Execution Prevention" (DEP) because This error occurs when a program or program module accesses a closed area of ​​memory directly. Important. For any error (or suspicion that an error has occurred) press Ctrl + Z .. But this is not a fatal error for windows, so instead of a "blue screen of death" an error message is given "Memory cannot be read / written ". That is, a certain space is allocated in memory for each program. And if the application starts to go beyond this space, i.e. tries to read something from there (read) or write something there (written), then this error will appear. Let's finish with the introduction and finally move on to the correct answer for this

situations and take appropriate solutions to the problem. Why exactly DEP monitors how memory is used: "Data Execution Prevention (DEP) is used to prevent viruses and other security threats from entering the computer that execute malicious code from areas of memory that should only be used by the windows operating system and other programs. This type of security threat inflicts damage by taking up all the memory areas used by the program in turn, then the virus spreads and damages other programs, files, and even email contacts.

Short excerpt, from Hep:

"...unlike a firewall or antivirus software, DEP does not prevent the installation of potentially dangerous programs on the computer, but only monitors how programs use memory, and after installing SP2, DEP is enabled by default for essential programs and windows services." If a program triggers this function, Microsoft

However, often a program does not consist of a single executable module, but of many

dynamic libraries, and it is not always possible to determine exactly which

This is what triggers DEP. If you really need the program, but you can’t get it to work using the above method, it’s easier to disable DEP entirely by editing boot.ini. Although, if the probability of this error is low, and if you do not encounter it, it is better to leave DEP enabled - this way the system will be more protected from the possibility of executing a virus. There are four options for setting the DEP function

OptIn - (set by default). In this configuration, under the effect of the DEP function

Only essential system programs and services are affected.

OptOut - DEP is enabled for all processes and applications, except for those that

Manually added by the user to the exclusion list.

AlwaysOn - In this mode, DEP is always enabled for the system as a whole, for all processes

And applications, regardless of the settings of the user or software manufacturer.

The first two settings can be switched using the control panel: "System"; "Additionally"; "Performance"; "Parameters" button; Data Execution Prevention tab. To fully enable or disable DEP, you must manually edit the hidden boot.ini file located in the root of the boot partition of the disk by adding the section to the end of the line?\WINDOWS="Microsoft windows XP Professional" /fastdetect /NoExecute key with one of the options:

NoExecute = Optin NoExecute = OptOut NoExecute = AlwaysOn NoExecute = AlwaysOff

Optin - (installed by default). In this configuration, only essential system programs and services are affected by DEP.

OptOut - DEP is enabled for all processes and applications, except for those manually added to the exclusion list by the user.

AlwaysOn - In this mode, DEP is always enabled for the system as a whole, for all processes and applications, regardless of the settings of the user or software manufacturer.

AlwaysOff - DEP is completely disabled.

To edit boot.ini, in the "System" control panel, on the "Advanced" tab in the "Boot and Recovery" section, click the "Settings" button and in the window that opens, click the "Edit" button. The boot.ini file will open in Notepad. Or: Start; Run --- %systemdrive%\Boot.ini After editing boot.ini, don't forget to save this file and restart your computer for the changes to take effect. For example, if your default string is ..

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft windows XP Professional SP2" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect

It is clear that you need to install /NoExecute=AlwaysOff. Unlike a firewall or anti-virus program, the DEP tool does not prevent the installation of potentially dangerous programs on your computer. Instead, it monitors programs to use system memory in a safe manner. To do this, DEP works alone or together with compatible microprocessors and marks certain areas as "non-executable". If a program tries to run code (any code) from a protected area, DEP closes the program and displays a notification. In windows XP SP2, DEP technology is provided by hardware and software ... "Well, of course, I recommend checking ... Software conflict This is when one of the programs prevents the other program from functioning correctly and this error appears. There is no clear list of conflicting software. However it is reliably known that if windows has stood idle for six months or more, then this error may well appear, especially if the OS is actively used, i.e. new programs, games and drivers are often installed. safe mode. If the problematic application starts normally there, then the program that caused the error is loaded during normal system boot.

Installation path

The path C:\ProgramFiles\Developer_name\Publisher_name\Localizer_name\Main_folder_name... everyone saw when installing the next game. But few people bother to fix this jumble of folders into something simpler and more understandable. However, a long path (and even with Russian letters) can cause a memory read error. An example is the well-known Steam. There is a lot of information about this on the net. In almost half of the cases of a Steam game, a window appeared with a message about an error reading the memory. And all because users put Steam anywhere (for example: C:\Games\Programs for games\Steam-- instead of D:\Games\Steam). The same goes for programs. If an application encounters the "Memory cannot be read\written" error while running, uninstall it and then reinstall it, but use the shortest path possible. If installation via a shorter path does not help, then try installing the problematic application to another partition of the disk. RAM problems

RAM is usually not the culprit for the "Memory cannot be read\written" error. However, there are recommendations that are directly related to the RAM, and may help you remove the memory read error.

First, it is desirable to use memory from the same manufacturer. Of course, there are many computers in which memory from different companies works, but if you start to get a memory reading error, and modules from different manufacturers are installed in the computer, or even if you have RAM from the same company, then you can still experiment with memory modules (plug them into free slots or just swap them), it makes sense to try pulling out each of the modules in turn and look at the results.

If the above does not help:

Try rolling back and disabling the latest updates if you installed them. Often after the update this error pops up. Remember what software was last installed, it may conflict. If all else fails, try moving important files to an external HDD and rearranging Windows. SP3 is very useful in these cases, installs easily and problems with DEP become

less relevant

Concluding today's article, I would also like to say that not every user can afford to install a licensed operating system. Therefore, if you install a non-original windows version on your computer, then be prepared for the fact that such an assembly may soon appear with the appearance of possible errors, computer freezes. As for today's article, I told you, and I think it will come in handy for you again ...

What are windows errors, part 2 read here

Find out how to fix the most common windows errors here How to fix "framedyn.dll file is missing" error. read here


Error - "Memory cannot be read" How to fix?

Hello dear users! In today's article, I suggest that you consider the most likely causes associated with an error in reading the memory of personal computers. In general, by and large, it should be noted that a memory read error can be caused by various errors and therefore, in order to eliminate the occurrence of such an error, as a rule, it is necessary to perform a number of specific actions that will eliminate the error associated with reading the memory.

Due to their professional duties, users often ask me the question: Memory cannot be read, how to fix it? It is in this article that I would like to outline a number of those basic actions that helped me eliminate the cause of the memory read error. However, I will tell you that in some cases, it was not always possible to successfully eliminate the error related to reading memory using the steps outlined in this article, but in most cases, of course, this problem can be eliminated without resorting to reinstalling windows.

So, the appearance of an error such as: “Memory cannot be read” is due to the fact that a certain program or application is trying to access some pages of memory (in other words, it is trying to read or write something), access to which is initially prohibited this program. That is, it is a software error. The operating system, in turn, detects this whole thing, and accordingly blocks this program, thereby issuing a memory read error. Below is a screenshot of this very error.

In principle, we can say that the appearance of such an error does not pose a direct threat to the entire operating system, but this does not tell us that errors of this type can simply be safely ignored and continue further work on the computer. The system only notifies the user that a particular program does not quite correctly manage the memory provided to it and goes beyond the limited area. In many cases, such an error occurs due to programs that are not licensed or made errors in the code during the writing of the program, which in turn cause crashes, freezes, and errors in the computer.

Memory cannot be read how to fix? Ways to fix the error!

So, let's say an error constantly appears on your computer: the memory cannot be read, how to fix it and what is the actual reason for its occurrence. Let's find out which methods in most cases allow you to successfully resolve this error. I will give only those methods (methods), thanks to which I managed to completely get rid of this annoying error.

First, I advise you to clean your computer from all kinds of rubbish, slag, how this can be done, you will learn from the article:

How to clean C drive from unnecessary files?

Data Prevention Service (DEP). First, a few words about what kind of service it is. The Data Prevention Service is a set of software and hardware technologies that, in turn, control how programs use memory. talking in simple words, controls access to the memory of any program. If, for example, you are working in a specific program, and in the process of working, a window suddenly appears with the text “The program has stopped working”, then, accordingly, you are offered two options for solving this problem. In windows 7, the error looks like the following window.

As a result, of course, the program will close and the unsaved work will be lost. If you had to deal with a similar error, I think you understand what I'm talking about.

And the reason for everything is just the same incorrect operation of the program with which you worked, a little earlier I already spoke of the reasons for the incorrect operation of such programs. So the question arises: is it possible to somehow eliminate such a problem? It is disabling the data prevention service that prevents the error from occurring. However, relying on my practical skills, I must tell you that disabling DEP does not always allow you to achieve the desired result. For a more complete understanding of the DEP service, I suggest that you consider the basic operations that this service allows you to perform.

So, first we need to know how to get to the DEP service itself and where is it located? It is important to know that all the actions you perform must be performed on behalf of the administrator.

In order to open the DEP service window, you will need to follow these steps:

For windows 7:

Start => Control Panel => System and Security => System => Advanced System Settings.

Then, in the window that opens, go to the "Advanced" tab and select the "Performance" section, in which you will need to click on "Settings".

In the window that opens, we see that the DEP service can be set both for a separate program and for all programs, applications, or you can simply disable this service altogether.

It should be noted that by default the service is enabled for the main programs, but for example, we should disable DEP only for a specific program. To do this, set the switch as shown in the figure below and click the "Add" button.

In my example, I have specified the executable file of the Double GIS 2.0 program and click "Apply" and "OK". You will need to restart your computer for the changes to take effect. If you need to enable DEP for a program in the future, simply uncheck the box next to the program that you want to add under the DEP service.

When finished, click Apply and restart your computer.

Now it's time to consider how you can disable DEP. To do this, we will use the command line. Click "Start" and type "cmd" in the search bar.

Then right-click on "cmd" and select "Run as administrator" from the menu that appears.

Now in the window that opens, in the appropriate line, you will need to enter the following command bcdedit.exe / set (current) nx AlwaysOff

Then press "Enter" and restart your computer. Thus, after a reboot, the DEP command will be inactive, that is, disabled. In order for the DEP service to become active again, you will need to enable it. To do this, you will need to reopen command line and write the following command:

bcdedit.exe /set (current) nx OptIn

Then you need to press "Enter" and restart your computer.

How to disable DEP service in windows XP?

For windows XP, we will disable the DEP service in the following way:

To get started, go to the system properties and in the "Advanced" tab, go to the "Settings" section, as shown in the figure below.

In the next window, you should click "Edit"

If the above operations did not help solve the problem with the error: Memory cannot be read, how to fix and get rid of it in other ways? Let's look at other methods.

ole.dll system library

The opinion of many experienced users is that the installation or removal of certain programs may not be entirely correct, as a result of which all this is displayed when accessing the system library. To correct errors in the system library itself, you will need to issue a special command.

To do this, in the "Run" command line, you will need to write the command regsvr32 %SystemRoot%\system32\ole32.dll, press "Enter" and restart the computer.

Software conflict

It is possible that one program interferes with the normal operation of another program, resulting in the error "Memory cannot be read". Theoretically, it is believed that the more various programs are installed on your computer, the more likely it is that the “Memory cannot be read” error will appear.

It should also be noted that the operating system is cluttered, if, let's say, regular installation and removal of various programs and applications takes place on your computer, then in this case it would be more expedient to clean the operating system from uninstalled files.

Often there are situations when, when installing games, programs, users incorrectly indicate the path for installing programs, respectively, in the future this may be the cause of the error "Memory cannot be read" or incorrect installed program will interfere with the normal functioning of another program.

In one of my previous articles, I already said that there are utilities that are designed to clean the system registry, startup, and the entire computer as a whole from unnecessary files, one of these programs is the CCleaner program. For more details on how to use this program, you can read this article.

error reporting

Any errors that occur in the operating system are usually generated in a so-called report. You can try to disable error reporting in windows 7, or if you have windows XP version installed, then it will not be a problem to disable error reporting in it.

You can disable error reporting in windows 7 by going to the following branch:

Start => Control Panel => System and Security => Action Center. After that, you should select the "Options" section.

If this section is not displayed, then click on "Maintenance" to open additional error reporting options. Finally, the window shown in the figure below will open:

Here you only need to mark "Do not check for new solutions", click "OK" and restart your computer.

For windows XP:

Start => Control Panel => System => Advanced => Error Reporting. Next, you will need to check the box "Disable error reporting" and do not forget to uncheck the box "But notify about critical errors."

Now you should click "OK" and restart your computer.

swap file.

Errors when working at a computer may occur if your computer does not have the optimal size of the paging file. It especially often happens that a notification of such a nature as “Virtual memory is running out” appears, agree that not every novice user is able to independently figure out what the matter is and how to add this virtual memory. In general, I wrote a separate article about the swap file, in which I told in detail what value should be set for a certain amount of RAM, what types of memory are. Therefore, do not be lazy and read the article:

How to increase computer virtual memory

Since I’m talking about computer memory, I want to add that one of the reasons for the “Memory cannot be read” error may be the mismatch of programs or games to the computer configuration. For example, you want to install a game on your computer that requires 1 GB of RAM, and in your case one bar of RAM is installed for only 512 MB.

The operating system version is not genuine;

Errors may occur due to an unlicensed version of windows. To date, the existing various pirated builds of operating systems have a high probability that you will constantly have to reinstall windows. After all, such broken versions of operating systems themselves contain errors in the code, which in turn reduce the protection of your computer from virus attacks and it is unlikely that your data will remain intact and safe even in the event of an internal system failure.

In general, of course, I would say that if errors appear in the system, first perform a full computer scan for viruses, because it is quite possible that the conflict may be caused by some recently installed Trojan program.

So, what should you do if the above tips did not help to get rid of the “Memory cannot be read” error. In this case, you will need to check the hard disk for errors, as well as defragment the disk. If you do not know how to do this, then I recommend reading my articles:

How to clean the hard drive from unnecessary files?

How to check hard drive for errors?

How to defragment a hard drive?

If the error continues to appear, then the next step is to reinstall the operating system, followed by formatting the system partition. After all, the cause of the error may be hidden precisely in the assembly of the operating system itself. And an assembly, as you know, is a system in which the interface of the operating system differs from the real one, that is, its modification does not meet the requirements of windows, hence the change in some system files, besides, the drivers included in such an assembly do not always correspond to equipment.

Concluding today's article, I would also like to say that not every user can afford to install a licensed operating system. Therefore, if you install a non-original version of windows on your computer, with the hope that your computer will work even better, faster, then be prepared for the fact that such an assembly may soon appear with the appearance of possible errors, computer freezes.

Have you ever encountered an error: Memory cannot be read, how did you manage to fix it? Maybe you know your own methods for eliminating such an error that were not voiced by me in this article, I will be glad to hear you in the comments.

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I remind you that you can find out the details of the ongoing competitions on this page.

That's all for today! See you all in the article => How to choose Tablet PC?

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So, for today, this is actually all that I wanted to tell you about in today's issue. I can only hope that you have found interesting and useful information in this article. Well, I, in turn, am waiting for your questions, wishes or suggestions regarding this article or the entire site as a whole ==>


Memory cannot be read

While working with a program, a message may appear with an approximate content: "The instruction at address 0x1 ... accessed memory at address 0x1 ... The memory cannot be read." What does this notice indicate?

In this way, the windows operating system notifies the user that the application tried to read such and such a page, but it could not be accessed in a certain area of ​​​​memory. As a result, the program does not work correctly and the error needs to be corrected.

When working with operating Windows systems Users often encounter errors dialog boxes which are not explicitly identified by the application or file that called them. One of these failures, regarding problems with reading from memory, we will consider in this article.

This error is one of the most "incomprehensible" from the point of view of an ordinary user. When it occurs, a message box appears, from which it is sometimes impossible to understand what caused the failure.

The main reason is that a program accesses data in RAM that it is not allowed to access. If it is a live application, it may stop responding or terminate without user interaction. Next, we will talk about how to remove restrictions and get rid of the error message.

Method 1: Setting up DEP

DEP is a technology designed to prevent the execution of data (code) from memory areas intended for the operating system kernel. If any dubious program or driver tries to use these areas for its own purposes, then DEP simply closes access to them. This can cause problems when running applications that can replace standard OS tools and some management utilities.

This method will help if it is known which software is causing the failure, since we will need to exclude it from the list of suspicious ones, or rather, place it in trusted ones.

  1. Right click on the shortcut "My computer" and go to "Properties".

  2. On the tab "Additionally" in the block "Performance" click "Options".

  3. Here we are interested in the tab "Data Execution Prevention". We put the switch in the position indicated in the screenshot, and press "Add".

    We are looking for an executable program file on the disk and open it.

  4. We apply the changes.

  5. We reboot the machine.

Method 2: Disable DEP

Please note that completely disabling DEP will result in a significant reduction in system reliability. This is due to the fact that the most dangerous viruses usually “settle” in the areas of memory protected by it.

  1. In the system properties tab "Additionally" in the block go to "Parameters".

  2. We press the button "Edit".

  3. A standard notepad will open with the file open in it. boot.ini. We are interested in the line indicated in the screenshot (usually it is the last one). There is a parameter at the end of the line

    It determines whether DEP technology will be enabled the next time the PC boots.

  4. After the "equal" sign instead of

    enter the key

  5. Close notepad and answer the question about saving "Yes".

  6. We reboot the machine.

Method 3: Registering the Library

Windows has a library ole32.dll, which is responsible for the interaction of some components, both system ones and those belonging to third-party programs. For some reason, the OS cannot use it normally, resulting in application crashes. In order to solve the problem, you need to register the library manually. How to do this, read the article at the link below.

Method 4: Disable Error Reporting

There is another method to get rid of the “Memory cannot be read” error, or rather, its dialog box. This will not cure the “disease” itself, but it will help to get rid of the symptoms. This technique can be used in cases where there are no visible problems in the operation of the system.

Again, this is not a way to fix the error itself, but to get rid of the intrusive dialog box. This is a temporary solution, and sooner or later it will be necessary to identify the true causes and eliminate them.


In most cases, the instructions above will help solve the problem under discussion, but there are factors that will prevent the situation from being corrected. For example, a lack of virtual memory can lead to program and system failures, so it is worth checking the size of the paging file and, if necessary, increasing it.

Another reason for the unstable operation of Windows is not a licensed distribution or a pirated assembly. If you have downloaded an image that does not require activation, or programs have already been embedded in it, or any functions and components have been “cut off” (disabled), there is a high probability of errors. Here we can only advise you to replace the distribution kit with a “clean” one, that is, the original one released by Microsoft, as well as use legal activation methods.

Sometimes our Personal Computer gives errors that are difficult to deal with, but in reality they are nothing complicated. There can be a lot of such problems, and in no case should you panic, since sometimes they can be solved in just a couple of minutes. The very uncertainty and misunderstanding of what is happening are frightening, which sometimes becomes the cause of some already more serious breakdowns.

Today we will analyze a problem that very often occurs among users, and is practically nothing, although its entire cause is hidden in the computer system itself and its process. “Memory cannot be written” - you probably met with such a problem that you had to solve it exclusively in a service under the supervision of specialists. In this article we will tell you what exactly this unpleasant situation is, how to get rid of it. Therefore, you can already start recording the entire process to avoid and correct this problem.

What is this error?

The “memory cannot be written” error occurs quite often, and most users immediately fall into a stupor, not understanding what exactly is wrong with their computer. This problem is not dangerous and is not capable of harming the computer, it only signals that there are problems in your virtual space working environment that require attention. If you understand its description, then it becomes known for sure that we are talking about a process that uses memory for its needs. And this means that there can be a lot of problems, and it will not be possible to sort everything out. But you can consider the most common elements that can cause this unpleasant situation.

It is worth noting that the “memory cannot be written” error is mainly classified as a problem that occurs due to a broken system module known as RAM. But you should not immediately prescribe it to such a situation, since it is worth first understanding other options for the occurrence of a failure.

Why does it occur?

If you analyze the causes of this error, then you should not even try to make a list, since there can be a huge number of them. But you can understand the basis of the problem, so that in the future you no longer panic about this. So, the “memory cannot be written” error occurs when a process begins to require additional load, that is, it resorts to using RAM, which in some cases is closed from the use of third-party programs. When this moment comes, the system gets a failure, which results in this error. It sounds complicated, of course, but in reality everything is simple: the computer cannot allocate additional memory for some programs, which sometimes request quite a lot of it.

What could be the sources of the problem?

In the case when the message “0x00000000 memory cannot be written” appears, it is worth concluding that the source of the problem is in your computer and is not the result of a virus infection. So, it is necessary to diagnose and find out what the issue may be. It is quite simple to do this, as there are several sources of occurrence due to which this error appears. We will analyze the most basic, despite the fact that there are a large number of them. The fact is that most of the reasons are either isolated cases or just a theory. Consider the most relevant sources that often manifest themselves, and with which you can already fight.

RAM memory

When the "memory cannot be written" error occurs, what should I do in such a situation? The first step is to check your RAM sticks, which may be damaged. To do this, you need to disassemble the computer, remove the trims and check them for physical damage. If there are no scratches, breakage and dustiness, then you can insert them back and check the HeapMemView program for damaged modules. If, after checking, you were given damaged items, then it is worth replacing such a bar in your computer. With a positive check, in which no errors were found, you should simply go further to diagnose the computer, as you can be sure that everything is in order with your RAM.

DEP Service

Computer memory consists of several elements, which are divided into active and passive. In the second case, we are dealing with simple memory, which provides us with free space for storing various kinds of data. As for active memory, it is it that serves as the basis for ensuring the operation of many software products.

The DEP service is a protective system that prevents malicious programs from using RAM for their own good. It is she who is sometimes the cause of the problem that we, in fact, are considering. To fix this state of affairs, you need to disable this service. The standard settings of the program allow you to simply redirect its activity to the main channels, that is, it will check only those programs that use the operating system itself and its files. But to disable this service, you need to find the boot.ini file, which is located in the root folder of the operating system. You can open it with notepad, which, in fact, will allow you to change the line "/noexecute=optin" to "/noexecute=AlwaysOff". This will permanently disable the service, and no longer remember about it. Is it harmful to the computer? Only if you do not have an antivirus installed. If it is, then you don't have to worry about anything.

swap files

For the "memory cannot be written" error, Windows 7 is the main operating system where this issue often occurs. It's all about the distribution of swap files. If in previous operating systems the user was denied access to memory paging files, then with the advent of Windows 7, you can allocate memory streams yourself. Therefore, users who have a large amount of RAM sometimes do not see the need for additional power flows, which, in fact, create the conditions for the occurrence of this unpleasant situation.

The fact is that almost every process should have a paging file, and you should not greatly reduce its volume. This is especially true of the system hard drive, which should have the highest paging file rate, since it has the installed system in it. Therefore, when installing the operating system, it is important not to skip the point that allows you to pre-distribute the approximate amount of paged memory.

Multi-core processor

Oddly enough, but the reason for the error "memory cannot be written" is the multi-core processor. If you have a powerful computer and sometimes this problem occurs, then it is worth considering some technical difficulties that are the cause of this unpleasant situation. In this case, it is rather difficult to personally understand the current problem, so it is better to turn to specialists, since technical intervention will most likely be required, which can take a long time. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to determine exactly what kernels affect the computer's memory, but this problem is common. In order not to get confused in the data obtained, it is worth paying attention to the problem of multi-core in the last place.

Turn off error

Do you get a "memory cannot be written" error? How to fix this problem? Many experts may recommend that you simply disable the display of the error on the screen. To do this, you need to make changes to your computer registry, which can be done using the Regedit program. Run this element and delete the registry branch "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug". After that, the problem will never occur again. True, it should be borne in mind that all programs, games and other elements can lead to a system crash when they encounter a lack of memory. And this means that you will often see a blue screen, which, although harmless, is not at all pleasant.

A "memory cannot be written" error occurs, DayZ freezes and shuts down completely. How to avoid this problem? Yes, very often an unpleasant situation arises due to improper use of the operating system, which is gradually overloaded from the use of pirated products or unnecessary programs. Try to plan ahead for everything you need, or use only licensed products, be it software or games. Only a careful attitude to the system and the correct implementation of our recommendations will allow you not to encounter this problem at all and calmly continue to surf the expanses of the virtual world of possibilities.
