Affiliate programs for social networks. Choosing a partner to earn money

Hello my dear reader. Today I want to tell you about one cool affiliate program that is friends with the Odnoklassniki social network (it is also friends with VKontakte, but I will write about OK). This will not be a promotional post, this post is a recommendation or even advice. Go…

I met personally with this partner not so long ago. Before that, I worked with Biggon (which has already been successfully shut down by many webmasters) and KMA. Who does not know about them, you can look for them in the search engines, as now we will not talk about them at all.

What, of course, immediately catches your eye (this is probably the only minus that I encountered when working with it) is the complexity and non-standard design and interface. Indeed, at first it is difficult to understand there what is what. And there are no instructions either. But I think that they will fix it, and in the very near future. This is where the cons end and the pros begin!

Advantages of this affiliate program over others:

  • Really fast order processing. Moreover, the level of confirmation is also at a high level.
  • They have their own storage facilities, which means that the goods will be quickly sent to the recipients.
  • I am very pleased with the work with finances, since payments can be received on almost any payment system. Plus, there is no hold (freeze of payments until the customer receives the goods) and you yourself choose when you withdraw money (in others it was the other way around, everywhere there is a hold and payments only on certain days that you cannot choose).
  • Responsive support always comes to the rescue and really solves your problems.
  • A lot of commodity and even exclusive offers. Which, by the way, are approved by the Odnoklassniki administration, which means that there will be no fines and other dregs in your groups in Odnoklassniki.

In my opinion, the list is very impressive and it is enough to at least try this affiliate program in action.

Here is the address for registration in the TLight affiliate program - Traffic Light.

And now let's talk about it a little more...

This affiliate program has very high deductions that will go to you personally - webmasters and group administrators. The average deduction is 500 rubles. To be honest, I have never seen such high deductions anywhere else.

The statistics are updated every five minutes, which allows you to follow the progress of the advertising company almost in real time.

There are special products that are recommended for use in Odnoklassniki (such products have an asterisk symbol), which means that moderation will definitely skip them and users of this network will be more loyal to such advertising, which means sales will be higher.

Just the other day, they launched auto-posting of promotional posts to the Odnoklassniki social network, that is, now everything will be automated, and you just watch and make a profit, and auto-posting is completely free for us, users of this affiliate program. And more importantly, in my opinion, that fasting promos will be through browser emulation, which will provoke a greater coverage of these offers. Why do I think so, yes, because I already wrote about it:

In general, this partner has inspired me! You can look for reviews on the Internet yourself and they will only be positive.

Social networks are firmly rooted in our lives. Now you can count very few people who are not registered in any of the social networks. Various experts name figures from 70 to 90% of the country's inhabitants as participants in such projects as Twitter, Facebook, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki. And these are just the main players in the social networking market. The account of registered users of these platforms has already gone to tens of millions. It is quite logical that such gatherings of people form a delightful platform in order to be able to earn money. Just do not think that for you, as a user, this is something dangerous, and banknotes will disappear from your wallet. Not only that, you yourself can earn money on social networks with a minimum of effort!

How and how much you can earn through the social network "Odnoklassniki"

This question is difficult to answer. If only because in earnings of this nature, no one can set an upper bar for you that cannot be crossed. The total amount of your earnings during the month can be 50,000 rubles, 100,000 rubles, and even more!

Of course, for this at first you have to work hard, and a lot. Some ways of earning imply an initial deposit, with a subsequent return of money.

How to make money in Odnoklassniki: popular ways

How to make money in the social network "Odnoklassniki"? There are several ways, we will highlight the main, and most importantly, legal ones. Do not forget that in a social network, as in an ordinary community of a city, region, country, there are laws and rules.

First of all, in order to make money on the Odnoklassniki social network, you need a registered account on this project. Registration itself takes place in several steps. First you need to enter your phone number, then personal data, and voila! You have a tool for earning in your hands.

But not only that, you still have to register on the job exchange, consider the instructions on the example of the well-known site

Main page of the exchange ForumOK

Of course, you must click the "Register" button.

You must fill in all the fields in the registration form, and agree to the terms of use of the service:

Filling out registration fields

Your next step will be to connect social media accounts and other projects to the exchange. You need to find the Accounts table, select the social network of interest, and add accounts. Please note that you can add multiple accounts, this will give you more opportunities to earn money.

Adding social media accounts

You can start searching for orders and their subsequent implementation!

Workplace of your accounts

In the window that opens, you will see the entire list of tasks for the social network you have chosen. Hover your mouse over the icon next to the task to see the details of your task, as well as the conditions for completion. Look through the tasks until you choose one that you can definitely handle. Then, click on the icon on the left, opposite the selected task.

How to work with the task list

You will be redirected to select an account to complete this task. Put a tick in front of the performers, and click the "Get a Job" button.

How to work with Forumok

Next, you need to fulfill the conditions of the task, as required by the customer. What kind of task it is, put a class, join a group, write a comment - these are the details that are described below. And be sure, after completing the task, you need to report. Copy the link to the group, or comment, or class, and click the "Done" button. Congratulations! You have earned your first money in a social network!

Earnings on likes (classes)

There are four main exchanges for making money on classes (likes in Odnoklassniki)

  • Digging around on the Internet, you can find a few more. However, these four are the most popular because they are the best. It would be best to register on each, since simple tasks to put a class (like) under a post or in a community involve several disadvantages.

    The first disadvantage is that, due to the simplicity of their implementation, it is very difficult for a beginner to get these tasks, since experienced class guest workers snap up tasks in the blink of an eye. Often with the help of third-party programs, which, of course, is prohibited. But you can't catch everyone at once.

    The second minus is the meagerness of paying for your, albeit tiny, efforts. For one task, they usually pay 40–50 kopecks. Therefore, even if earnings are simple, there are pitfalls in it.


    This type of earnings is considered the most faithful and reliable. If you have a group or community on a social network, you can provide advertising space in it, which will bring you a stable income. Of course, there are nuances here too. Your group must be promoted, that is, have a stable contingent of people visiting it . No one will pay for ads that no one will see. Advertisers need an audience, and often a special one.

    For example, a group about relationships in a young family, about relationships before marriage, aimed mainly at a female audience, is unlikely to be well received by advertisements for perforators or building materials. By doing this, you can even scare your subscribers away. Yes, and such advertising will not help your customer, which means that you should not expect positive feedback from him for your future customers.

    Affiliate (referral) programs

    Earnings on affiliate, or as they are also called, referral programs are similar to earnings from advertising, with one small exception. In an affiliate program, you get a share of the profits. At the same time, you receive an affiliate link, by clicking on which the user will testify that he got to the referrer's service (this is the name of the customer or the leader of the affiliate program. Whether it's an online store, a blog, an appointment for a training or a video game), and you, the referral, will receive part of the profit.

    For example: you enter into a partnership agreement with an online shoe store. And on your page, or in the community, you post a referral link that will lead the user to an online store where he will buy sneakers worth 2 thousand rubles. If, according to the agreement, you are entitled to 5% of the sale, consider that you have earned 100 rubles. It doesn’t seem like much, but imagine how much you can get, for example, from cosmetic partnerships in a well-known group from a well-known brand?

    The essence of the affiliate program is to receive a percentage of the referee's earnings

    Of course, beginners need to start with something more modest. But the soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad!

    Below are the resources that are most suitable for starting affiliate programs in Odnoklassniki:

    Sale of own or collective goods and services

    This is the most direct way to earn money. A kind of self-promotion. Such earnings are suitable for home needlewomen and craftsmen. From pastry baking, to cutting and sewing model clothes and jewelry, from carpentry to forging. You can literally sell anything. As always, you will need a well-established group, as the more people, the more orders you will receive. Another plus of this type of earnings is that you can use cash on delivery, and this eliminates any possible deception of payment “after a while”.

    Photo Gallery: Social Media Selling Examples

    Individual ordering of cakes, pastries and other dishes Sale and distribution of jewelry and bijouterie Trade in handmade souvenirs Possible variant of forging art

    The downside of this type of income is that in order to get income, you need to promote the group and update your own range of goods and services, and this is extra time. Although the masters of their craft will be able to make tangible profits, as well as gain experience in a kind of labor automation, which will reduce the time to create new proposals.

    games and apps

    The so-called earnings for programmers, or for businessmen. If you are a specialist who knows how to write a program or a game, you can afford to earn in this way. Or you are an enterprising person, and you can hire a programmer, or a whole team, in order to create a unique game, and languish over gold like Koschey, because good and promoted games bring a very good income in our time. In the game itself, you can sell various kinds of bonuses that can make the game easier for users, make it more interesting or exciting.

    One of the possible ideas for the implementation of the popular game

    Perhaps the only disadvantage of this kind of activity is that a huge number of such games and programs have been created. And this means that in order to break into this market and leave a niche behind you for as long as possible, you need to try to come up with something really enchanting. And also spend money on advertising.

    Group monetization and sale

    Another possible way to make money on a social network is to promote a group and sell it. If you have a talent for promotion, why don't you just sell your skill? In addition, you can also promote several communities at once, and this can increase income several times. . A group with 200,000 subscribers can bring in 30,000–50,000 rubles per month. But if you don’t have an entrepreneurial streak, just sell it for the appropriate amount and do other projects for promotion.

    Is it possible to monetize a video

    Of course it is possible, and even necessary, this is your potential income!

    This method of earning is similar to affiliate earning opportunities. You need to register on the exchange, which provides the opportunity to earn money by watching videos, advertising, or any other direction. For example, you can take the resource

    The service allows you to earn money by watching videos that are posted on your page or in the community. In fact, this is the same affiliate program, you get a part of the income that the referrer receives.

    Video: how to monetize a video in Odnoklassniki

    is a platform that allows you to make money on videos by posting them in your communities.

  • is a convenient exchange that trains beginners and works with several social networks, the list of which is constantly updated.
  • Hello dear readers of the blog, Tatyana Sukhikh is with you as always, and today I will not load you with educational information)), but I will tell you about my groups in social networks and how I decided to update the group in classmates and why.

    The first thing I will talk about is that albums are being updated in the group. I found a picture on the Internet that suits me perfectly and edit it in Power Point. Then I save it to the desktop and upload it to the desired album, in the setting I check the box next to the words Show at the beginning of the list of albums and the album appears at the beginning of all albums. See the video for details on how I do it.

    New group in classmates

    I recently created a new group that is primarily for caregivers called club of the educator "Together the first steps!" . It will collect high-quality and useful material on educational work in preschool educational institutions. Now I'm working on creating a menu and, as they say, more to come. I will tell you more about the group in the video story.

    Affiliate program and earnings from the group

    And finally, I proceed to the story of the affiliate program from classmates. What do you need to know in order to connect an affiliate program?

    1. The group must be at least 10,000 people;
    2. There must be at least 3,000 visits per week.

    My group Methodological baggage of the educator consists of 42,000 people and is updated daily with new users. The group is active and, according to statistics, approximately 12,000 visitors a week regularly visit the group to view new information.

    As you already contemplate, withdrawal of funds is possible to electronic wallets from 500 rubles, to a card from 600 rubles, to a card of other currency cards from 1,100 rubles.

    Money comes to the bank card instantly, as you can see, I have already checked)))

    How to connect a partner?

    We go to our group and find the word SETTINGS under the cover of the group

    If your group has less than 10,000 people. then you will see this message:

    At the moment, the group cannot participate in the affiliate program. Check out the requirements for the group so that you can enable monetization.

    And below there is an opportunity to learn more about all the functions of the affiliate program.

    Suppose the group already has the required number of people, then you click on the words CONNECT THE PARTNER PROGRAM and wait for approval for about 5 days, after connecting, read the regulations.

    It is also possible to change the settings and turn off ads, unless of course it is necessary for you or to check other ads. But I will talk about this in more detail next time.

    As of today, for September, my earnings in the group are approximately ~ 864 rubles.

    Good day, dear admins! Today I want to talk about the affiliate program traffic light, which for me has become a priority source of income in these troubled times.

    The affiliate program is well-known in admin circles, but for those who heard this name for the first time, I will tell you what kind of affiliate program it is, how to start working with it, and why I chose it.

    It's no secret how difficult it has become to get leads when a promo flies past the tape like a train past a beggar. I think that many have noticed oddities in many affiliate programs: somewhere they raised the minimum wage, somewhere the approval worsened, somewhere they don’t pay payments, but somewhere instead of several orders a day, there was such a lull that once a week a dropped order considered a holiday.

    AT traffic light wandered on the advice of a friend of the administrator, one of those who have a bright head and golden hands in terms of monetization, he even manages to get good profits from groups even in a crisis. But I must say that he puts considerable effort into this. But for me, a person who daily drowns in household duties, like in a swamp, it is simply impossible to maintain such a pace. Therefore, I was looking for an affiliate program that could facilitate the monetization of groups and show decent results even during the “crisis” in OK, which has fallen on our heads for a year now.

    The beginning of my work coincided with the launch of autoposting in traffic light, which made me very happy, because. this solved the problem of regularly posting promos to my groups. I was even more pleased that the affiliate does not charge a commission for this service, which means that all earnings go to the administrator, and this is a very big plus.

    I have worked with traffic light It's been over a month now and I'm very happy with the results. Because this is one of the few affiliate programs in which I see daily orders with a good approval. And payouts without a minimum wage and a hold are just super! But let's get down to business: I'll tell you how to get started.

    Step 1. Register.
    Everything is simple, even for beginners. Let's go and fill out the form. This process will not be described.

    Step 2. Choosing an offer.
    Go to the Offers tab. There are many interesting things here. To make it easier to determine the product, there are special notes for the user. Icon Odnoklassniki and signature: “offer + promo” have offers that have been approved in OK. And not just approved, but for them there are ready-made advertising templates that you can use.

    Items marked with an asterisk are Odnoklassniki go best, I call it "tagging hot pie". According to the statistics of the system, these are the coolest offers that find their customers and which you should definitely try.

    You can also see the following circles opposite each offer: green and gray.

    A green circle means that this offer will be called by its own call center traffic light, and, as it were, hints that such a call will be faster and more effective than that of an outside external call center of some unfamiliar advertiser uncles (gray circle).

    Step 3. How to get started with the offer
    How to get started I will show on the popular offer Spray for hair growth. I considered it a very, very, very hackneyed commodity. But now, after a month of work, I understand that this is not so. This product still shows a high envelope.

    This quote is true even for me. Painful interest in losing weight and growing amazing hair among the beautiful inhabitants of OK does not disappear either in winter or summer. But if weight loss in OK is a taboo, then it’s good that the hair spray is available for advertising.

    We open the offer page and what we see here. It has its own call center in Russia, and an external one in neighboring countries. The promo is approved in OK, which is good news. Below are the links, they are ready-made and you can take them to create posts, next to the links there is a description of which landing they lead to.

    If suddenly there are no ideas about the design of a promo post, then here traffic light comes to our aid with his creatives. Click Generate Post ODK - for Odnoklassniki, VK - respectively VKontakte.
    We will immediately be shown one of the options that are in their partner bins.

    I was offered such a post, as you can see, it is double, which is very appropriate in modern realities OK: on top is a picture, below is a gif image that is well classed. All links in this post are yours. You just have to copy the entire post and put it in a group. Hands. And wait for profit. If you click "Generate Post" again, the service will show a different version of the post. Choose what you like best.

    This is an example of manual placement, which for me, due to the large number of groups, is not very convenient. So let's see how autoposting works.

    Step 4. Set up autoposting
    Go to the Autoposting tab

    We read the suggestion that if you want to earn as much as possible, then let the service put recommended offers. And you don’t have to climb with your little hands and turn them off, otherwise you will get a bump with butter.

    I wouldn't be me if I didn't check it out. I thought I knew better what my audience would like. Oh, I wish I hadn't gone there. I was wrong in many ways. At least with respect to the same spray. Therefore, I really subscribe to every word, include recommended offers, unless of course you are a super-mega monetization guru who works wonders. So, click "Add Group".

    In the window that appears, enter the link to the group and Save:

    You will see a message that the group has been added. And you can set a posting time.

    Add time, save. We will see our group listed as Waiting. And we are actually waiting for our future moderator to join it, who will post our favorite stretched bellies, bald heads, hairy armpits and other delights.

    We will see a candidate for moderators here in a few minutes:

    Although I have written that he is not in the group, but I looked into the group, he is in place. With an intriguing status: "We are a special team", creative. It's time to empower him.

    We assign an account as a Moderator, this is enough for publishing promotional posts. We wait a few minutes while the system digests the appointment.

    We are waiting for a note that the account has become a moderator. The system has already registered the time of publications and assigned offers. Posts can be viewed by clicking on Post(id=…). If you suddenly didn’t like the offer or post, you can click Regen — a new post will be loaded. Also, the publication can be “Send to the feed”, and simply “Cancel”, if you suddenly change your mind. You can pause posting if you decide to take a timeout for some reason.

    In such a simple way, we add groups, set up auto-posting and rejoice. If suddenly something is not clear, for you there is a chic Instruction. It helped me a lot to quickly get used to the service. Also don't forget to join

    Many active users of social networks choose affiliate programs to realize their source of income in Odnoklassniki. They are considered the most profitable, bring large profits. The main thing is to know how to organize activities, to learn the basic methods of doing business. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of partner. The amount of profit depends on its success.

    Basic terms for those who study earnings on affiliate programs in Odnoklassniki

    Before moving on to the main definitions, let's consider the essence of affiliate programs and earnings on them. They are developed by the owners of certain Internet projects who are interested in actively promoting their own products or services. Paying for advertising campaigns is expensive, and word of mouth is more efficient. Therefore, project owners are looking for people who are ready to promote their product. Advertising is carried out by placing a link to the advertiser's website on forums, blogs, social networks and other resources used by potential customers. The more people follow the referral link and carry out active actions on the advertiser's site, the more earnings the performer will receive.

    Getting acquainted with the conditions of affiliate programs, you will notice that little-familiar terms are used here. They should be considered more carefully in order to understand what is at stake:

    • Referrer- a person who promotes the advertised product by placing a referral link on various resources.
    • Referral- a person who went to the advertiser's website via a link, performed the necessary actions here or placed an order for a product or service.
    • Refovod- the concept works in multi-level affiliate programs, where referrals can also become affiliate members and bring their clients. A referrer is a referrer who has become the first partner of the advertiser. He makes a profit not only from his referrals, but also from the actions of the potential customers they bring.

    There is such a thing as refback. It is used by affiliates. This is a part of the earnings, which the referrer shares with the referral as a reward for the actions performed. This is not a prerequisite. Compensation is refundable upon request.

    How to make money on affiliate programs in Odnoklassniki

    Before considering popular affiliate programs, let's dwell on how you can make money on affiliate programs in Odnoklassniki.

    There are two options for solving the problem:

    1. Post a referral link on your own page, in the status, in the comments left in various groups, recommend the promoted product to friends. It is not difficult to organize such earnings, but how profitable will it be? It all depends on your activity, the number of groups and friends involved, the correct choice of a product or service group.
    2. Post a link in your own community, if there is one. Otherwise, you will have to create and promote a group in order to gain the required number of active users. This option also makes a profit, more convenient than the previous one.
    • Select thematic partners that might be of interest to members of the community. For example, if your group is dedicated to travel, an affiliate system for promoting goods for tourism will become relevant. If the community is aimed at mothers on maternity leave, links to sites where you can buy toys, clothes, baby care products or earn money without leaving home will do.
    • Alternate ads with useful information. If the pages of the resource are filled exclusively with advertising links, users will not be interested in it. Their number, as well as the popularity of the group, will begin to decline. Your income will decrease proportionally. In addition to links and useful information, post videos. They are also provided as part of affiliate programs and bring good income. Native advertising is very popular today, which eliminates obtrusiveness and does not cause rejection among users.
    • Offer verified information to community members, do not promote services and products of poor quality. You must be trusted, then the amount of earnings will continue to increase.
    • Do not advertise alcohol, tobacco products and other prohibited goods. The administration of the social network can simply block your group.

    When planning to post referral links on third-party resources, remember that affiliate program developers prohibit sending out SMS and e-mail mailings (SPAM is prohibited), and impose additional restrictions that you should be aware of. To work successfully, carefully study the conditions.

    The choice of partner should also be given due attention. First of all - the type of products or services that you plan to promote. It should be in the interests of your friends or community members. For example, if you advertise accounting services in a group for young mothers, you are unlikely to receive large earnings.

    Do not forget about the type of the referral system itself. First of all, look at the number of levels. The more of them, the better, because in the future you will also be able to receive some profit from the referred referrals.

    Pay attention to the activities that pay for, it can be:

    • registration on the advertiser's website;
    • video viewing;
    • ordering goods or services;
    • provision of their services.

    In terms of honesty, most affiliate program developers are guaranteed to pay referrals because they are interested in advertising. This method of earning is considered quite safe.

    The best affiliate programs for making money in Odnoklassniki

    Consider the most popular, time-tested and experienced referrals, affiliate programs for earning money in Odnoklassniki, which are in demand. Let's start with AliExpress. This is an online store of Chinese goods, in demand in different countries of the world. Shopping here is very profitable, because the prices are an order of magnitude lower than in any other outlets. You can use the affiliate program directly on the official website by receiving a referral link for placement in Odnoklassniki. To become an active member of the affiliate program, you must do the following:

    1. register on;
    2. fill out the profile form, specify links to pages in Odnoklassniki;
    3. confirm acceptance of the agreement about cooperation;
    4. go to "Ad Center", where you can get links and banners for products of interest.

    When deciding on a product that you will promote on Odnoklassniki, remember that not all positions participate in the affiliate program.

    You can find a suitable product by special marks. It is also worth considering that the commission for different product groups is different. For referees from the CIS countries, it is as follows:

    • mobile phones - 3%;
    • other goods from the group of telephones and telecommunications - 6%;
    • hair care products - 6%;
    • non-affiliate goods - 2%;
    • other products - 6%.

    Considering that a smartphone costs about 10 thousand rubles or more, we can assume that the reward for one piece of equipment will be quite significant. But when planning cooperation with an online store directly, you should consider the following:

    • The interface is in English, and for those who do not know a foreign language, using the affiliate program will be complicated.
    • The money is credited after the buyer receives the goods and excludes claims on his part (about 60 days).
    • When withdrawing, a fee of $15 is charged.

    If the buyer issued a return, no reward is expected for this transaction. If it is paid, the equivalent amount is debited from the referee's account.

    It is not convenient for everyone to work directly, so you can use the services of intermediaries. These are Russian companies offering affiliate programs from AliExpress:

    • commission from 2.6 to 5.6%, withdrawal within 5 minutes after application. The minimum amount for cashing out is $10;
    • remuneration 2.5-5.5%, the minimum withdrawal amount is $20 or 1000 rubles. Money is withdrawn once a week for applications submitted before Sunday of the last week;
    • the commission is 0.4% lower than on Aliexpress itself. The minimum withdrawal amount is 2000 rubles or $35.

    The conditions of the affiliate program are quite favorable, and in Odnoklassniki you can find customers for numerous groups of goods. The main thing is to show activity and desire to earn.

    Another good way to make money. Almost every second Internet user deals with electronic money. Therefore, the Bestchange monitoring site can be quite useful, because it offers reliable exchangers where you can convert the currency to the desired type at a favorable rate. To study the conditions of the affiliate program in detail, you need to register in the program. After registration, all materials will be available: links, banners, texts, etc. Each referee can count on:

    • $0.5 income per referral;
    • payment for visiting the monitoring site;
    • part of the commission for exchange transactions;
    • payment for attracting referrals of the following levels.

    In order for advertising on Odnoklassniki to bring results, it needs to be targeted at people who earn money at home, have their own online stores or shop on such sites. The monitoring portal will also come in handy for those who work with cryptocurrency, conduct Forex activities or work with binary options.

    Considering that Odnoklassniki is used by many students, mothers on maternity leave, and simply people who do not want to work for their boss or who do not have such an opportunity, they may be interested in the possibility of organizing remote earnings. The eTXT exchange is recruiting performers who are able to write informational and advertising texts according to the provided terms of reference. From their earnings, the site withholds certain amounts for intermediary services. And 25% is transferred to the referee, by whose link a particular performer came. Affiliate programs that Odnoklassniki users can use are also available from other freelance exchanges. But, eTXT offers the most favorable terms. Along with this platform, you can collaborate with Work-zilla. Here they pay both for attracted customers and for performers. In the first case, 7% of the order payment amount is charged, in the latter - 7% of the exchange commission for intermediary services.

    Another way to make money on affiliate programs in Odnoklassniki is CPA. It offers a lot of well-known brand products, each of which can be promoted on a social network. The average rate of deductions to referees is 500 rubles. There are other offers, depending on the option chosen. One of the good affiliate programs is Traffic Light. Understanding the interface is not as easy as on other sites, but working with this portal has several significant advantages:

    1. Fast processing of orders and confirmation of payment of remuneration.
    2. Prompt dispatch of goods to recipients.
    3. A wide range of payment systems for withdrawing earned funds.
    4. Many unique product offers, some of which are approved by the Odnoklassniki administration, therefore eliminating the risk of penalties.

    The last option of earning that I would like to consider is brokers working in the Forex market. They pay remuneration for attracted traders and the referral's earnings are practically unlimited. It is possible to receive 30,000 rubles or more in one month. A good affiliate program is offered by RBC-Forex. It has 5 levels, which significantly increases the referral income. The main snag is the difficulty in finding referrals. although promising, it is not available to everyone. People with an analytical mindset who can conduct large-scale monitoring can conduct activities in this area. It is not necessary to have an economic or other special education, and yet it is not easy to find potential or current traders on Odnoklassniki.

    There are other affiliate programs in the field of business services, outsourcing, advertising, etc. But, we are considering a social network, so goods of different categories are in great demand here, as well as options for generating additional income.
