How long does it take to restore windows 10. Windows System Restore

If you switched to the new Windows 10, but for some reason did not like it, you can roll back to the previous operating system that was installed on the computer earlier. Also, Windows 10 can be rolled back to factory settings or to one of the restore points if the system gives an error that you cannot solve in another way.

Conditions for system rollback

There are two ways to roll back the system - reinstall it or restore it:

  • the first method will require a license key from you, since the data that you previously had an activated system installed will be lost. When reinstalling, all information stored on the main disk partition will be lost;
  • the second method is suitable for you if 30 days have not passed since the transition to Windows 10, since during this period the Windows.old folder is stored, which stores all the data necessary to restore the previous installed operating system. After a month has elapsed from the date of the transition to a new operating system, the folder is automatically deleted, and the license from the previous system is permanently transferred to Windows. That is, if you had licensed Windows 7 and spent 30 days on Windows 10, then the tenth version will become licensed, and to install the seventh Windows you will need a new license key.

Rollback before 30 days

There are several ways to restore the previous version of the installed system from the Windows.old folder. First, try the standard method and system restore, but if they do not suit you, then use the second option - through a third-party program.

standard method

  1. Open your computer settings. Opening computer settings
  2. Go to the "Update and security" block.
    Open the "Update and security" section
  3. Select the "Recovery" subsection. Go to the section "Recovery"
  4. This subsection should contain the item "Return to ...". The version that can be reverted to is the one that was previously installed. Click on the "Start" button and follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
    Click the "Start" button to start the rollback to the previous OS

Through recovery

  1. While on the "Login" step, when you need to select account, hold down the Shift key on your keyboard and select Restart.
    Hold down the Shift key and proceed to reboot
  2. The recovery menu will open, select "Diagnostics". Go to the "Diagnostics" section
  3. Proceed to select additional options. Go to advanced options
  4. Select the "Revert to previous build" block.
    Select "Revert to Previous Build"
  5. Select the suggested option - rollback to the previous installed system.
    Choosing where to roll back
  6. Enter a password if you have one.
    Enter password
  7. Read the warning and confirm the action.
    Confirm the start of the rollback
  8. Wait for the process to finish, it can last from ten minutes to several hours, depending on the performance of the computer and how many files need to be restored.
    We are waiting for the previous version of the OS to be installed

Using a third party program

You should go to this method if you have a Windows.old folder with files from the previous system, but the "Return to ..." section is not displayed in the computer settings. This sometimes happens, so you can follow these steps to use the files in the folder:

  1. A third-party program is an image of the official application from Microsoft - Rollback Utility. Download this image, weighing about 200 MB from the official Microsoft website, and then burn it to any free USB flash drive. You can do this using the built-in functions of Windows 10: right-click on the image, select "Mount" and specify on which media you want to burn the image.
    Select "Mount" to start the mounting process

  2. Press the Delete key to enter the BIOS

  3. Go to the Boot menu

  4. Putting the carrier first
  5. Save the changes made to the BIOS and exit it, booting from the USB flash drive will start automatically.
    Save settings and exit BIOS
  6. When the program is loaded from the flash drive, go to the Automated Repair mode.
    Select the Automated Repair mode
  7. Two systems will appear in the window: active and old. Select the one you want to roll back to and click the Roll Back button. Instructions will appear on the screen, follow them.
    Select the system to which the rollback will be performed

After 30 days

If you no longer have the Windows.old folder, then you cannot rollback without reinstalling the system. Create installation media from the versions of Windows to which you want to rollback by mounting a system image on a USB flash drive. Boot from the created media and go through the installation process of the desired operating system.

Installing the system by removing the previous version

Please note that you will have to uninstall Windows 10 as you will need to format the hard disk partition on which the installation will be performed, which means that the license key will need to be entered again. If you want to save the files that you managed to acquire while using the tenth Windows, then copy them to third-party media, and after the installation is completed, transfer them back to your computer.

System Restore

System restore is not a rollback to the previous operating system, but to the last restore point. You can create points manually, but they are created automatically by default. They are needed so that in the event of an unsolvable error in the system, it would be possible to roll back all the processes and settings of the computer to the moment when this error did not exist. To use a dot, do the following:

  1. Launch your computer's Control Panel. Opening the control panel
  2. Go to the "Recovery" section. Find it using the search bar.
    Go to the "Recovery" section
  3. Start the recovery program.
    Click the "Start System Restore" button
  4. If you have multiple points, then you can choose the one recommended by the system, or any other by going to manual point selection.
    Choose a recommended or another restore point
  5. Wait for the system to perform automatic recovery. After the process is completed, you will receive a notification that the system has recovered successfully. Done, now all the settings and parameters of the computer correspond to the properties that it had at the time the restore point was created.
    We go through the process of rolling back to a restore point

Video: Apply restore points

Through the command line

If the computer does not boot in normal mode, you can put it into safe mode with command line support, and then run the rstrui.exe command at the command prompt. Executing this command will start the recovery process, and all other actions will be the same as the normal recovery described above.

Run the rstrui.exe command to start recovery

Return to original settings

If the computer settings have been changed for the worse, then you have the opportunity to roll back all settings to their default values ​​in a couple of steps:

  1. Go to the computer settings by holding down the Win + I keys on the keyboard, or through the search menu. Opening the Settings app
  2. Open the Update & Security section.
    Select the block "Update and Security"
  3. Open the "Recovery" subsection.
    Go to the sub-item "Recovery"
  4. Start the process of resetting your computer by clicking on the "Start" button.
    Click on the "Start" button to start resetting to default settings
  5. You can choose one of two options: remove applications along with settings, but keep personal files, or remove everything on the computer, leaving a completely clean Windows with an empty hard drive.
    Choose how to reset settings
  6. After choosing the rollback method, confirm the actions by clicking the "Reset" button. The reset process is carried out automatically, wait for it to finish without interrupting the procedure.
    Click on the "Reset" button to start the process

Additional way

If the method described above gives you an error or does not allow you to reset the settings for any other reason, then you can use a third-party program from Microsoft to achieve the goal:

Reset when the system is frozen

If, due to a change in computer settings, the system has stopped starting, and because of this there is no access to computer settings, then you can recover without logging in, but this will require a recovery disk or a bootable USB flash drive:

Recovery using the program

If the system stumbled upon an insurmountable error, then you can restore it to its original state using a bootable USB flash drive and the official application from Microsoft:

  1. Download and run the application from the official Microsoft website for installing Windows 10 - Installation Media Creation Tool.
    Downloading the Installation Media Creation Tool
  2. After launching the application, select the version of the system installed on your computer.
    Select system image options
  3. On the choice of action, check the option "Create an installation USB flash drive" and go through the creation process to the end.
    We indicate that we want to create an installation flash drive
  4. Turn off the computer without removing the flash drive from the port, start the power-on process and as soon as the first signs of power-up appear on the screen, press the Delete button on the keyboard to go to the BIOS settings. The key may differ, which will be in your case, depending on the model of the motherboard. But during system boot, lines will appear in which the key to start the BIOS will be indicated.
    Use the Delete key to go to the BIOS
  5. While in the BIOS, go to the Boot or "Download" section in the Russian version.
    Open the "Download" menu
  6. Put the flash drive with the recorded image in the first place in the download queue. This is necessary so that the computer, when turned on, starts loading not from the hard disk, but from your flash drive. If you have a newer BIOS version - UEFI, then in the first place you need to put a flash drive whose name starts with UEFI: "Media Name".
    We move the flash drive to the first place
  7. Save the changes made to the BIOS and exit it. The download from the flash drive will start automatically.
    Exit the BIOS and save the changes
  8. When the first installer window appears, do not start the process, instead click on the Repair you computer button.
  9. Select the System Image Recovery option. Done, wait for the system to recover from the installation media you created.
    Activate the function "Restore the system image"

What to do if these operations do not work

Rolling back to a previous operating system may not work if your Windows.old folder is damaged or missing. If the folder is unusable, then you have only one way out - to reinstall the system.

Recovery may not work for the following reasons:

  • the restore point is damaged, use another, earlier point to successfully roll back the system;
  • if you are trying to recover via third-party media, then make sure that the correct version of the operating system is installed on it, and that it meets all the conditions: it has at least 4 GB of free space, it is formatted in FAT32 or NTFS format;
  • if one of the recovery methods suggested above does not work, then try recovering via a bootable USB flash drive, resetting the computer to its original state, or resetting the settings to default values.

What can you do if Windows 10 freezes during a rollback

If you are convinced that the system is frozen - the process does not move from its place for more than twenty minutes, then you must manually interrupt the process. Hold down the Power button on the computer for 5-10 seconds until it turns off. If this does not help, then unplug the device from the network and wait until it turns off. Such actions can lead to an error, so resort to them only as a last resort.

After the computer turns off, start turning it on and enter the recovery menu. Usually, the F2 key is used for this, but the button may differ on your motherboard model. Use the prompt that appears on the screen during power up to find desired button. After entering the recovery menu, use the reset and rollback instructions above.

If you failed to enter the recovery menu, or the process started through this menu also freezes, then create installation media and restore the computer through the system image, this method is described in the "Recovery using the program" paragraph. If this does not help, then reinstall the system, while formatting the disk on which you now have a frozen Windows installed.

How to return after a rollback

If you rolled back to Windows 7 or 8, and then decided to return to the tenth version of the system again, then use the same method that you used before when you switched from Windows 7 or 8 to Windows 10. Update through the update center or installation flash drive by creating it using the official program from Microsoft - Installation Media Creation Tool. You can update as much as you want new Windows, and then roll back to the old system, for example, using the Windows.old folder, and then upgrade again to the tenth version of the system.

Upgrading to Windows 10

The transition between versions of Windows can be done both with the help of an update, moving from an old system to a new one, or with a rollback, moving from new system to the old one. To restore full system functionality, it is not necessary to upgrade from one version to another, it is enough to reset the settings or restore the settings to default values ​​using built-in functions or bootable media.

Mar 3 2015

How to restore the Windows 7 system on a laptop, a black screen comes up on boot, the recovery environment does not work, I deleted all the hidden partitions, there is no original disk with Windows 7.

I spent a lot of time, tell me what to do now or at least how to insure myself against such situations in the future, preferably without using paid programs Reserve copy data.

How to restore the Windows 7 system

Unfortunately, there are enough reasons for this trouble, ranging from incorrectly written drivers, the harmful effects of a virus, file system errors and ending with our erroneous actions when working with a computer, you don’t need to be afraid of such problems, you need to learn how to deal with them effectively.

Let's think about how to restore the windows 7 system, as well as insure ourselves for the future from possible troubles using the backup and recovery tools built into the operating system.

We will learn how to restore Windows 7 without using third-party backup programs, even when System Recovery Options does not load and the F-8 button is useless.

It has in its arsenal a fairly powerful and good tool -> Recovery Environment, which is created automatically when Windows installation 7 in a hidden section and contains five other tools that solve numerous malfunctions and problems.

Note: If you learn how to use Windows 7 recovery tools correctly, and this is not difficult, then you can do without additional and paid data backup programs.

You can start the recovery tool by pressing the F-8 button on the keyboard immediately after starting the computer. After that, a menu of Additional boot options will open in front of you: Troubleshoot your computer, then Safe mode, Safe mode with loading network drivers, etc.

Small digression: Before choosing the item Troubleshoot your computer, try the easier option - Last Known Good Configuration - in simple words, operating system always remembers the last successful boot of the computer and enters this information into the registry.

In case of problems with booting, Windows can remember the registry settings and driver settings that were used the last time the system was successfully booted and use them if you select the Last Known Good Configuration option.

If this tool does not help, select the first -> Troubleshoot your computer,

Next, we get to the Recovery Options menu Windows systems 7, we need it, it is here that we can choose the System Restore Tool we need, there are five of them in total, let's take a closer look at how they all work.

The first thing to do is apply Startup Repair (Automatically fix problems that prevent Windows from starting).

Required digression: After pressing the F-8 button when the computer boots up, you may not have an item > Troubleshoot your computer, but only Safe Mode and so on, the question arises why.

When installing Windows 7, a recovery environment partition is created automatically and is located at the root of the drive (C:) in the Recovery folder. You can also see in the Disk Management window - a separate, hidden partition of the hard drive, its volume is only 100 MB, it is used to store boot configuration files (BCD) and the system boot loader (bootmgr file).

You can see it Computer-> Management-> Disk Management. In no case can you delete this partition (many people delete it out of ignorance), otherwise you will not start the recovery environment, that is, you will not have the Troubleshoot computer item, and in more severe cases you simply will not boot the system.

On the bottom screenshot, you can see another hidden partition, with a capacity of 9.02 GB, this is a hidden recovery partition with the factory settings of my laptop, you can have it more or less. It is also better not to delete it, if necessary, you can always restore Windows 7 from it.

What to do if you do not have a partition with the recovery environment and when you press the F-8 button, in the Advanced boot options menu, the Troubleshoot your computer item does not appear? How then to restore the Windows 7 system?

The installation disk with the Windows 7 operating system can save here. You can start the recovery tool by booting from the original Windows 7 installation disk by selecting System Restore at the very beginning.

If you don't have an installation disk, then you can use the Windows 7 Recovery Disk (you can make one in any running Windows 7) in five minutes, then you can also boot from it and do the same.

So, we still got into the System Recovery Options, either using the F-8 button and the Troubleshooting item, or the Windows 7 installation disc or the Windows 7 Recovery Disc.

In the System Restore Options menu, select the first one:

Launch Recovery-> there will be an analysis of faults that interfere with the normal loading of Windows 7 and their further correction for the normal loading and operation of the operating system.

In the process, we may be warned that problems have been found in the boot options, click Fix and restart.

System Restore-> using this function, we can select a previously created system restore point, if we have it enabled, and roll back to the time when our Windows 7 worked fine and loaded, everything is simple here.

Restoring a system image-> I personally use this tool, with skillful use it can replace paid data backup programs, if you are interested, read on.

Why is he good? It will help when you don't have the original Windows 7 installation disc and you have deleted the hidden partition with the factory settings of your laptop, but that's not all.

Sometimes there are situations when, for various reasons or due to the actions of a virus, you will not be able to load the operating system at all, or many people ask How to restore the Windows 7 system, even if the menu with Additional boot options is also unavailable. Reinstall the operating system again?

Therefore, immediately after installing Windows 7 on your laptop or computer, we use this function to create a system image restore, an archive image of our Windows 7 on your hard drive, and save it.

Be sure to create a Windows 7 Recovery Disc (read below), it will help you use the System Image if the Advanced Boot Options menu does not load.

Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Backup Computer Data.

Select "Create a system image".

In my case, the Local Disk (E :), if you have several hard drives, then of course it is better to place the backup on the hard drive where the operating system is not installed.

By default, the data backup program will automatically select the partition with the Windows 7 operating system, if you wish, you can add Local drives for archiving yourself, as long as you have enough space.

Note: You can see that I have two operating systems installed on my laptop, so the backup program chose two Local drives.

Click Archive and the process of creating an archive with our Windows 7 will begin.

Created, it will look like this.

Now, you can deploy the archive with Windows 7 to your computer, if necessary, in 20-30 minutes. It would be better if you copy the archive with the system additionally to a portable hard drive, this will double your safety.

Let's pretend that we can't start Windows 7 and deploy the backup we created, let's do it together.

We launch the Windows 7 Recovery Tool by pressing the F-8 button on the keyboard immediately after starting the computer.

The Advanced Boot Options menu opens, select Troubleshoot your computer.

Restoring a system image

Use the latest available system image.

Of course, all our data on the Local Disk, where the operating system is now being restored, will be deleted, so you can pre-boot from any Live CD and copy what you need.

How else can you restore your Windows 7 system? Of course with the help of the Windows 7 Recovery Disk.

Let's create, which can be used to boot the computer, it will contain recovery tools with which you can repair malfunctions Windows boot 7, as well as restore the operating system from the backup copy that we created in advance.

Important: The bitness of the system is important for the recovery disk, you can use a 32-bit recovery disk for any 32-bit Windows 7, and a 64-bit recovery disk for any 64-bit Windows 7.

Again we go Archiving computer data.

Create a system recovery disc, insert the DVD into the drive, click "Create Disc".

When boot disk Windows 7 recovery is ready, put it in a safe place.

In order to restore Windows 7 from the Recovery Disk, in principle, no operating system is needed at all.

You will only need to change the boot priority to the drive in the BIOS of your computer, insert the recovery disk into it and restore your Windows 7 using the archive.

Many here can draw an analogy with data backup programs, and rightly so, they work on the same principle, but their functionality is of course more convenient.

Restoring Windows 7 from the Recovery Disk. I show you how to do it. Suppose we are in trouble, we cannot start Windows 7, when we press F-8 on the keyboard, nothing happens immediately after starting the computer.

We cannot get into the menu with Additional boot options and an error message is displayed. In this case, the system archive on the hard disk is not available to us. It was precisely such a nuisance that happened to our reader Ilya, who wrote us a letter asking for help.

In this situation, many reinstall Windows 7 from scratch, but not us, because we have a System Recovery Disc.

We insert it into the drive and reboot, set the BIOS to boot from the drive, as I said the disk is bootable, the System Recovery Options program starts.

Press Enter until the offer to boot from disk is gone.

Automatically, the recovery tool running from the disc will try to repair the startup of Windows 7.

If all else fails, select any tool, try for example Recovering a computer using a previously created image of the operating system.

We use the latest available system image.

What other ways are there to restore Windows 7?

There is another little-known way to restore Windows 7 boot after a crash, and I'll tell you about it. At first glance, it will seem difficult to many, but nevertheless it often helps me out.

The fact is, friends, that a very large part of the problems due to which you cannot boot Windows 7 lies in registry errors. And Windows 7 wouldn't be Windows 7 if it didn't have a mechanism to protect registry files. Such a mechanism exists and creates archive copies of the registry in the RegBack folder every 10 days, regardless of whether you have system restore enabled or not.

If you can't fix problems booting Windows 7, you should try replacing the existing (and apparently corrupted) registry files in the Config folder with the zip files in the RegBack folder. To do this, we will have to boot the computer from the Windows 7 installation disc or the Windows 7 recovery disc.

We boot into the recovery environment, select the command line.

We type in it - notepad, we get into Notepad, then File and Open.

We go into the real explorer, click My computer. Now we need the C: system drive, attention, the drive letters here can be confused, but the C: system drive, I think you can recognize by the system Windows folders and Program Files.

We go to the C:\Windows\System32\Config folder, the current registry files are located here, we specify the File type - All files and we see our registry files, we also see the RegBack folder, in it every 10 days the Task Scheduler makes a backup copy of the registry keys.

So, we will replace the existing registry files from the Config folder with backup registry files from the RegBack folder.
So, first of all, let's delete the SAM, SECURITY, SOFTWARE, DEFAULT, SYSTEM files from the C:\Windows\System32\Config folder, which are responsible for all registry hives (my advice is to copy the registry hives somewhere before deleting just in case).

In their place, copy and paste files with the same names, but from a backup copy, that is, from the RegBack folder.

Note: You cannot delete the SAM, SECURITY, SOFTWARE, DEFAULT, SYSTEM files all together, delete them one by one. Then copy the same files from the RegBack folder in their place.

Friends, if this does not help, apply integrity restoration Windows files 7, in case the operating system does not boot, it is done in the same way as in Windows 8.

What else do we have left of the Windows 7 recovery tools?

Memory Diagnostics 7-> checks system memory for errors. Command line -> with it you can delete files that interfere with loading Windows 7.

I hope our article on how to restore a Windows 7 system helped you.

Your computer won't boot, what to do? During operation, this is possible due to the harmful effects of various viruses, your erroneous actions during the operation of the device, or the use of incorrect drivers. But do not despair, let's learn how to get out of this unpleasant situation with dignity.

You need to insure yourself against sudden problems in the future with the help of the recovery and backup functions built into the system. Thus, you can restore Windows 7 without using third-party special programs, even when "System Recovery Options" cannot be loaded and the F8 key during the boot process has no effect.

So, let's learn insurance.

It is known that Windows 7 is equipped with a powerful tool " Recovery environment”, which is created automatically during the installation of this operating system. This happens in a hidden section that contains five additional tools for solving problems with malfunctions and malfunctions.

Remember that if you master these recovery tools well, then there will be no need for additional paid programs data backup.

The recovery tools are launched by pressing the F8 key, which must be pressed immediately after starting the computer. The menu "Additional boot options" will be displayed on the screen:

  • Safe mode;
  • Safe mode with loading network drivers;
  • Etc.

Choose ""...

... and get into the menu "". Just what we need. We have the opportunity to choose the “System Restore Tool” we need from the five presented:

Note: During the installation of the Professional or Ultimate OS, a partition with the recovery environment is created automatically in the Recovery folder located in the root of the C: drive. In the Disk Management window, a hidden separate 100 MB hard drive partition is visible, which is designed to store the BCD configuration boot files and the system bootloader in the form of a bootmgr file. To see these resources, you need to go to Computer -> Management -> Disk Management. This section categorically cannot be deleted, otherwise you will not boot the system.

There are cases when there is no recovery environment partition, by pressing the F8 key, you see the "Advanced boot options" menu without the "Troubleshoot your computer" item. What to do?

You need an installation disk with Windows 7. We start loading the original disk and select the item "":

The System Recovery Options menu will appear on the monitor:

However, if there is no original installation disk or it is corrupted, then the "Windows 7 Recovery Disk" may become a way out of the situation.

Note: Looking at the screenshot, you see another hidden partition with a capacity of about 10 GB, it cannot be deleted either. In this case, we are talking about a laptop and its factory settings are stored in this section. This is another option for system recovery.

So, in the Select recovery tool menu, let's try to deal with the tab " Launch Recovery". We press and see that there is an analysis of the malfunctions that have arisen with their further elimination. The computer warns that problems were found in the settings and you need to select "Fix and restart."

Now let's deal with the tab "". This feature will help you select a system restore point that you created earlier. Works if the function was not disabled during system settings. There is a rollback back to the time when the system functioned properly.

The next option is the tab "". With the skillful use of this tool, there is no need for paid programs for data backup. This is a real help if you don't have the original Windows 7 installation disc, or if you accidentally deleted the laptop's factory settings partition.

And there are also problems when the action of the virus does not allow the operating system to boot. An excellent way out of the situation would be an archive image of your system on your hard drive, which was created when you installed Windows 7 on your computer earlier using the System Image Restore function. He must be protected.

Together with the Windows 7 Recovery Disk, the image will help you quickly restore the OS if the Advanced Boot Options menu does not load.

So, Start -> Control Panel — > .

Select the "" tab:

Under it, select "Local disk for storing the archive." The best option is when it is possible to place it on another hard drive, without an operating system installed.

Click "Archive" - ​​and the process has begun.

The created archive with Windows 7 will look something like this:

Having such an archive, you will be able to deploy it in case of need very quickly. And if you have the same archive copied on a portable hard drive, then you will double protect yourself from trouble.

Now, if it is impossible to start Windows 7, we activate " Recovery Tool” by pressing the F8 key on the keyboard immediately after turning on the computer. In the drop-down menu "Additional boot options" select "":

Then choose ""...

... and in the menu that appears " Use the latest available system image».

Well, another option for system recovery is " Recovery disk". On this disk we write recovery tools to fix the OS boot failure or use it to restore the system from a previously created backup copy.

Let's create such a disk. To do this, we enter "" ...

... and in the menu that appears, select "" ...

... insert a DVD into the drive and click " Create disc».

Created in this way "" put in a safe place.

Restoring Windows 7 from a Recovery Drive requires almost no other tools. To troubleshoot, you need to set the priority drive in the BIOS of the computer, insert the disk and restart the computer.

This disk will help you avoid a complete reinstallation of the operating system from scratch, which will destroy all data and information in the installation partition, and this is very undesirable. With the disc, you simply restore the Windows 7 boot process.

Good luck to you, I hope the article will help you solve your problems.

Quite often, computers use Windows 7 startup recovery after errors that have occurred. This may or may not be good for your operating system. Today we will talk about how to manage System Startup Recovery.

What is a recovery tool

The Windows 7 Startup Repair tool repairs the OS. It can fix a number of problems that prevent proper Windows. At the same time, this process starts scanning the computer, thereby determining the presence of problems and errors, trying to eliminate them and ensure the correct and efficient operation of your "iron friend". By default, every Windows operating system has the Automatic System Restore option enabled. You can turn it off if you wish. But without special knowledge of your own computer, you do not need to do such manipulations - let the machine be checked, restored and functioning in a normal way. Although there are times when restoring the launch of Windows 7 is long and annoying. This is already a signal to think about checking the hardware. Of course, Windows 7 startup repair does not give a 100% guarantee that the system will work correctly - there are such errors that recovery tools cannot handle. We will talk about them further.

What recovery tools can't do

The Windows 7 Startup Repair tool cannot fix some problems. As a rule, system files that have been damaged, deleted or not installed at all are subject to recovery. Not capable of more recovery. So, it cannot eliminate the failure of the equipment - for example, hard drive or memory incompatibility. Also, Windows 7 Startup Repair cannot protect your computer from viruses.

Restoring will not help with system installation problems either. So, if the operating system initially got up “crooked”, then there will be no sense in the recovery tools. Personal files (photos/videos/documents) cannot be returned or "repaired". In order to save your data, you need to do archiving.

If recovery doesn't help

In order to resolve problems that System Restore cannot resolve, you must locate the problem. In any case, you will see a summary of the error and some documentation on the screen. In this way, it will be possible to understand what is the matter and take appropriate measures. As a rule, if recovery does not help, then you need to “fix the hardware” or reinstall Windows.

Restoring the bootloader manually

There are several ways: restore the Windows 7 bootloader manually, using programs, automatically and using a system rollback. Now we will talk about how to "manually" restore the system.

In order to answer the question: “Windows 7 bootloader recovery - what to do for manual recovery?”, You need to be patient and, of course, Windows 7. Now let's proceed directly to the recovery process.

  1. Adjust the BIOS settings so that your drive is in the first place to boot and read.
  2. Insert the Windows 7 installation disc into your computer and restart your device.
  3. You will see the already familiar system reinstallation window. At the bottom left you will see System Restore. Click on this button.
  4. After that, the "System Recovery Options" window will pop up in front of you. Select the one you want to restore, click "Next".
  5. Next, select "System Startup Repair" - "command line".
  6. Write in the window that opens: "bootrec.exe".

Bootrec keys

With a manual recovery method after exercise last point you will see a window with so-called keys. They explain how Windows 7 system recovery will be carried out. Now we will see which keys are responsible for what.

FixMbr - Windows 7 compatible MBR is written to the system partition. This option is used when the master boot records are corrupted or non-standard codes need to be removed from it. The existing partition table is not overwritten. Startup Repair Windows 7 can bother you for a long time because of these entries, but with FixMbr you will get rid of the problem once and for all.

FixBoot - a new boot sector compatible with your operating system is written to the system partition. Use this key for:

Replacing the boot sector with non-standard options;

Damage to the boot sector;

If a previous version of Windows was running.

After you select the desired Windows 7 startup repair tool, write it and press Enter. Wait for the process to complete. Done - the Windows 7 bootloader is working again and restoring the system. When this happens, the system will boot up and restore the system to be in a healthy state.

recovery programs

In order to “return” the system startup, you can use various Windows programs, and the restoration of the Windows 7 startup will be carried out almost automatically. This method is perfect when the original Windows disc is not at hand. What programs can be used for recovery?

Heren's Boot CD

As a rule, salvation in the absence of the original Windows 7 disk will be the so-called liveCD, which can be written anywhere: even to a disk, even to a USB flash drive. There are many such programs. The easiest and most convenient way is to use Hiren's Boot CD. There are a lot of various Windows recovery utilities on this disk, but today we will talk about the most convenient and common ones. Before you get started, you need to burn a liveCD, and then boot it through the BIOS. When this is done, it will be possible to move on to the next steps.

Option 1 - Paragon HD Manager

One of the most popular system recovery utilities is Paragon Hard Disk Manager. In order to restore the Windows 7 system through it, you must:

Option 2 - MBRFix

Another convenient, fast and popular system recovery utility is MBRFix. It differs little from the previous one. Except your desire. In order for Windows 7 system recovery to go, you won’t have to wait long. It is enough to do the following:

  1. Select "mini Windows XP" when starting the liveCD.
  2. In the menu that opens, find and select "Partition / Boot / MBR" - "Commandline" - "MBRFix".
  3. To restore the bootloader, enter the following entry: MBRFix.exe /drive 0 fixmbr /win7 /yes.
  4. Wait for the process to complete and restart your computer.

Recovery using the command line. This is another good and high-quality way to restore the system. In order to use the command line as a Windows 7 recovery tool, you need to:

  1. Run on computer. Be sure to select the option with command line support.
  2. Sign in.
  3. Write rstrui.exe on the command line.
  4. Press Enter and wait for the processes to complete.

Disabling recovery

Possible with Windows help 7 disable system startup restore. In order to disable the annoying Windows 7 recovery when you start your computer, you need to:

  1. Go to "Start" - "Control Panel" - "System" - "System Protection".
  2. Find the Properties window and open the System Protection tab.
  3. In the "Protection Options" find and select the drive on which you want to disable System Restore, click "Configure".
  4. In the "System protection for ..." in the "Parameters" check the box for "Disable system protection".
  5. Press OK. so simple and fast ways You can perform various manipulations with system recovery. Do not forget that restoring Windows 7 can be done using a system rollback. In this case, your personal data will not be damaged. It is possible to roll back the system only if it can start itself, that is, if the recovery of the Windows 7 bootloader always turns on, which always checks for errors, but the operating system is working normally. It will be necessary to “roll back” the OS to the date when there were no problems. Windows is restored using the standard set included in the package. But if your computer was really prone to some kind of unpleasant errors, then some problems may occur in the process that will not particularly affect the quality of the system - it will simply be unusual and inconvenient for you to work at the computer. The most common problem is the disappearance of the language bar in the system.

Language bar and recovery

The language bar is something that is visible and familiar to everyone. As a rule, there is a panel that shows the keyboard layout and allows you to switch it. Sometimes it happens that she disappears. Then it becomes necessary to restore the launch and operation of the language bar in Windows 7. The easiest way is to turn to the built-in recovery tools. Why exactly you have and for what reasons the language panel “covered” is rather difficult to judge, since there can be a huge number of them. However, everything is easy and simple to fix. Let's start fixing the problem with this panel. There are two methods here.

Method 1 - "folk"

  1. Press Win+r and run intl.cpl. You can also use: "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Regional and Language Options".
  2. Go to Languages ​​and Keyboards.
  3. Open the Change Keyboard menu.
  4. Next, you need to select the language bar in the "Languages ​​and text input services" box.
  5. Check "Pinned in the taskbar" and "Show test labels in the language bar".
  6. Next, you need to accept the changes and click on OK.

The language bar should now appear.

Method 2 - "advanced"

  1. Press Win+R and type regedit.
  2. Find the tab in the registry:


3. Check CTFMon for the appropriate "program". If it doesn't exist, create it.

4. Right-click Run and "create string parameter".

5. Name CTFMon and by right-clicking on it, click on "change".

6. Write: "C:\Windows\system32\ctfmon.exe".

7. Click OK.

It will fall into its place, allotted by Windows 7. Which way to return the panel to its place is right for you - decide for yourself. It all depends on your skills and desires. But do not forget that the computer can be "repaired" to such an extent that in the end it will stop working altogether. Be careful with system files. Well, if you have several computers - on one of them you can always see how to fix this or that error that has occurred in the system.

In extreme cases, only a complete reinstallation of the system without saving data saves.

It is carried out using the Windows installation discs. Before you completely "demolish" the system, make sure that all recovery methods do not work. If there is no more way out - insert the disk into the drive, configure the BIOS to boot from the disk and get to work. Very often, bootloader problems can cause problems with installing a new version of Windows or with timeouts. Try to carefully read everything that the installer writes. Be patient - any computer requires proper, often very painstaking care.

With these simple methods, you can put your system in order. Starting Windows 7 and the language bar is not that difficult. If you doubt whether you can do everything right on your own, call the master. He will definitely be able to tell you the right and high-quality way to correct the errors that have arisen. Try to carry out all the necessary manipulations to protect and scan your computer on time and regularly. Happy repair!

Windows 10, the restoration of which can return the computer to its original state, has several options for this action, let's look at restoring the Windows 10 system!

Since the OS itself is a rather complex structure, the frequent occurrence of problems and errors is understandable. On the other hand, as in any complex system, Windows also has tools for its recovery, the knowledge of which can help you relatively easily and without significant loss "revive" your computer and save important data.

How to restore Windows 10

Of course, the notorious Windows 10 system recovery tools differ in the specifics of their work and in terms of the end result. They will be discussed below.
To begin with, it is necessary to specify the situations in which it makes sense to return the OS to the previous state.

Windows 10 does not work correctly, an update (regular to the OS itself or a driver) or some application has also recently been installed.
Most likely, the reason is precisely what was recently installed. In this situation, you can. You can do this in several ways:
On the command line, run the command as an administrator, type rstrui - the return to point interface will open.

You can also access this window through the control panel - Recovery.

Pressing "Starting System Restore" The familiar interface will open.

After selecting a point and clicking on the "Next" button, the return process will begin, which takes several minutes (from 10-15 or more). This process affects installed apps and user files modified since the point was created.
In order to be able to restore Windows 10 using restore points, you need to make sure that they are created automatically. To do this, in the Control Panel - Recovery window, select "Setting up system recovery".

In the table of available disks, you need to check if OS protection is enabled. If enabled, restore points are created automatically. If not, the point will only be created manually. To create a point, click "Create" and specify a name created point.

To enable automatic creation of points (Windows OS protection), you must click "Configure ..." and select "Turn on system protection".

If you cannot log in, you can use this function through recovery environment (WinRE). There are several ways to get there:

  • On the lock screen (password entry), you must click "Shutdown", hold down the key. After reboot, select "Diagnostics" - "Advanced options" - "Command line"– run the rstrui command.
  • Turn the computer off and on repeatedly using the power button (not the safest way). These manipulations will also allow you to enter the recovery environment and take further actions.

Windows 10 is not working properly, but no updates or apps have been installed recently.

This option is already more ambiguous. The reason for the incorrect operation of the system may not be so obvious. In this case, resetting Windows 10 may help. To do this, open Settings, then "Update and Security".

To start the process, you must click "Start".

If the system does not boot, then you can enter the recovery environment () and select "Diagnostics" - "Reset the computer to its original state".
At the same time, we may be offered options for restoring the Windows 10 system:

  • Keep Files - This will reinstall the OS while keeping all personal files, but will remove installed drivers and applications, remove any changes made to settings, and all applications preinstalled by the manufacturer (If you purchased a computer with Windows 10 installed, applications from the computer manufacturer will be reinstalled).
  • Remove everything - this will reinstall Windows 10, remove personal files, remove installed applications and drivers, remove any changes made to settings and all applications preinstalled by the manufacturer (If you bought a device with Windows 10 already installed, then applications from the computer manufacturer will be automatically reinstalled). This option is also best used if you are going to dispose or sell the computer, disk cleanup can take several hours, but after that it will become very difficult to return the data.
  • Reset to factory settings(if available) - this will reinstall Windows 7/8/8.1/10, remove personal files, remove installed drivers and applications, remove any changes made to settings, and reinstall all applications preinstalled by the manufacturer.
    Important! After completing this procedure, the option to return to the previous assembly will no longer be available.

The system does not boot and you previously created a recovery disk.
To use this option, you must connect the drive to your computer. Next, after loading the recovery environment (WinRE), you need to select "Troubleshooting" - "Advanced Options" - "System Restore". As a result, recently installed programs, updates to the system or Office, as well as drivers that can cause problems on the computer will be removed, but personal files will remain intact.
Also, if there is a disk, it is possible to perform a reset (see the previous paragraph).
Learn how to create a recovery disc.

The system does not boot and no recovery disk has been previously created.
In this situation, installation media can help - a disk, a USB drive from which you can perform a clean installation of the system. If there is no such carrier at hand, then it must be created. You can do it this way:

  • On a working computer, open the Microsoft Software website.
  • Click "Download tool now", wait for the tool to be downloaded and run it.
  • Select "Create installation media for another computer".
  • Configure the required settings - language, edition, and architecture (64-bit or 32-bit system).
  • Follow the instructions for creating installation media until the process completes.
  • Connect the newly created installation media to a non-working computer and turn it on.

After that, you need to boot from the installation media and select the option "System Restore". Further, the set of possible actions is similar to the previous paragraph of this article.

Computer won't boot, no recovery disc was created, and reset failed.
In this situation, there are no options other than performing a clean install. To do this, you will need to create installation media (how to do this is described in the previous paragraph of the article). In general, the installation process of the system, although it is global for the computer, is still not complicated. The main thing is to correctly configure the boot from the installation media. After downloading from it, you must select the item "Install Now". At the next stage, you will be prompted to enter a key to activate the system - you can enter it here or click on the button "I don't have a product key" to continue the installation of the system, activation in this case will need to be carried out immediately after the appearance of the desktop. You will then be prompted to read the license agreement and accept it to continue. The next step is to press "Custom Installation". After that, a window will appear with the partitions into which the hard disk is divided. You must select the appropriate section and click "Next". During the installation process, the computer will restart several times. As a result, a clean system will be installed, all applications and drivers will be removed. The files will be saved in the Windows.Old folder on drive C, if you wish, you can transfer them from there.

Within a month after upgrading to Windows 10 (and within 10 days after updating the assembly), it is possible to roll back to the previous assembly - this will return the computer, programs and files to the state in which the device was immediately before the upgrade. You can start this process either through the "Settings" (section "Update and Security" - "Recovery"), or through the recovery environment (WinRE, the login methods are described above).

In general, the options described above allow, if not completely returning the computer to its usual state, then at least returning it to working capacity. All of these options differ in execution time and the use of each of them depends on the initial problem.

Have a great day!
