How to block a computer from a child: methods and recommendations. How to lock and unlock the keyboard on a laptop from a child or other factors in several ways? Keyboard lock using special programs

Good day to all, my dear friends. Dmitry Kostin is with you again and today I would like to talk about how to block the keyboard on a laptop from a child, a cat or other factors. For example, I like to work on my laptop. But sometimes there are moments due to which accidental keystrokes occur. And this can sometimes lead to rather unpleasant consequences. So, so that this does not happen, I recommend that you read my article.

Why do you need to block the keyboard?

Before I start, I would like to say a few words about why blocking is needed at all. Many live without it and everything is fine with them. But, as they say, "Do not promise from the bag to prison." Anything can happen. Most often, blocking is required:

  • So that your children do not accidentally press something while you go to the toilet, for example;
  • Pet lovers can also find this feature very useful. I don't know about you, but my cat sometimes behaves like a scoundrel. And in order to attract attention, he can walk on the laptop, and at the moment when I am sitting at him.
  • If you suddenly decide to clean the keyboard from dust or other slag, but do not want to turn off your laptop, then just lock it.

As you can see, this function is very useful, so let's move on to its implementation.

Conventional means

I have long made it a rule that even if I get up to use the toilet, I will definitely set the screen lock. At my former job, I developed such a habit and that's it. Doing this is very easy. You only need to click CTRL+ALT+DELETE and on the screen that appears select "Block". But it's much easier to use the keyboard shortcut WIN+L.

Third Party Programs

Naturally, the supporters of the developers will not leave us without such a thing. And I will show you a couple, and you yourself will choose which one is better to use.

Toddler Keys

We will start with a light program called Toodler Keys. You can take it from here, then run it and install it in the most common way.

Everything is simple. Now at least get naked, the keyboard will still not work. But if you suddenly want it to work again, then in the same context menu, just uncheck it.

child lock

And of course, I will show you another very good and easy program that will serve us well. Straightaway download and install this program, and we will begin to understand it.

Go to the program and you will see a window with possible functions:

But in principle, it is not even necessary to use these functions. For good, you need to remember only two key combinations:

In general, both programs are quite useful. Which one to use is up to you. But the fact remains: now you can not be afraid for your laptop if the kids want to poke the buttons.

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin.

When cleaning the computer keyboard or mouse, it is desirable that they are disconnected from the system unit. Or the system unit itself must be turned off during such cleaning. And for laptop owners, turning off the device is the only solution. After all, chaotic keystrokes can lead to different consequences. Is it possible to do cleaning while the computer is on? For example, in order to watch some interesting film in parallel with ennobling work.

You can, if you block data entry. There is no need to turn off the computer, or to make your way to the system unit in a hard-to-reach place under the table to pull out the keyboard and mouse cord, if you resort to the help of special software during cleaning. Windows tools. What are these funds?

1. Windows Device Manager

You can temporarily turn off the keyboard for the duration of cleaning using standard tools operating system. This is done using the device manager. Convenient access to this system functionality in versions Windows 8.1 and 10 implemented in the Win + X menu.

AT Windows 7 you can, for example, use the command "Run" and enter:


In the dispatcher window, open the tab "Keyboards", call the context menu on the keyboard. And we press either "Disable", if such item is present, or "Remove device".

Confirm deactivation or deletion.

Now you can start cleaning. It may be that the power button remains active on the laptop. You just have to be careful in her area.

Upon completion of cleaning, if a shutdown was available for the keyboard, in the context menu, click "Engage". And if it was deleted, at the top of the dispatcher window, click the configuration update button.

In the latter case, the process of detecting new devices will start, and the keyboard will again appear in the manager window.

This method is good because it does not require any third-party solutions, but it is not suitable for complex cleaning when our hands reach cleaning the entire periphery of the computer.

2. KeyFreeze Program

The simplest free program with a single button can block both the keyboard and the mouse.

To unlock both input devices, press Ctrl + Alt + Del .

And select item.

3. Block program

A little more can offer another simple and free program block. Important: it needs to be run as administrator.

To disable the mouse and keyboard, press the button "Lock without turning off the monitor".

Confirm blocking. The blocking mode is exited, as in the previous case, by pressing the Ctrl + Alt + Del keys and pressing .

If you need to wipe the laptop screen or monitor and track stains on a dark background, use the button "Lock with monitor off".

Additional feature of the program block- computer shutdown timer.

Many parents are probably familiar with the situation when small children, left for a couple of seconds unattended in the same room with the laptop turned on, begin to enthusiastically drum on its keys. If you do not take any measures, sooner or later you can lose some of the necessary information, and even provoke more disastrous consequences. Locking the keyboard on a laptop will prevent this from happening, and also save parents from unnecessary anxiety.

In addition, the key lock feature will be useful in protecting the laptop from pets, as well as from accidental pressing when it is not desired.

How to lock the keyboard on a laptop

Use keyboard shortcut

Some manufacturers, being concerned about this problem, build a keyboard disable feature into the laptop interface. Usually, a combination of function buttons must be pressed to activate the lock. For example, on some Asus models, the keyboard is locked by pressing the keys Fn+Pause.

Study your computer's instructions or just experiment with the function key combination, your gadget may have a built-in keyboard lock service.

Take advantage of special programs

If your laptop does not have a key disable function, then the problem cannot be solved without installing a special utility.

The most popular programs to lock the laptop keyboard from children:

  • block;
  • Toddler Keys.

Both utilities are absolutely free, they can be easily found and downloaded on the Internet. They are equally good, so you can choose any of them depending on your personal preference.

The first program - Blok - is a Russian development that was created specifically to block the keyboard and touchpad from children. It is quite comfortable and easy to use. The utility allows you to turn off the listed devices with or without a monitor (useful when you turn on cartoons for your child on a laptop). In addition, the Blok program has a function that can automatically turn off the computer at a specified time.

To use Block you need:

  1. install and run the utility;
  2. in the window that appears, select one of the blocking modes.
  3. press the OK key.

The program deactivates the keyboard and touchpad six seconds after confirming the operation. To unlock, just press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and then Esc.

Toddler Keys is a utility that allows you to temporarily deactivate not only the keyboard and touchpad of a laptop, but also the power button and disk drive.

To lock the keyboard through Toddler Keys, you must:

  1. install the utility;
  2. after the installation is completed, the TC icon should appear in the tray, on which you need to right-click;
  3. in the pop-up menu, make sure that the checkboxes for Disable Power Button and Lock Drive Doors are checked (if you want the power button and drive to be disabled as well);
  4. click on the Lock Keyboard line.

Instructions on how to unlock the keyboard on a laptop

  • in the tray, right-click on the program icon;
  • in the window that appears, uncheck the Lock Keyboard box.

Attention, if you lock the keyboard and touchpad (or mouse) using the Lock Keyboard / Mouse function, then first transfer the input method to ENG (English) mode. You will need this to unlock, as you will need to type the word quit.

In case you forgot to do this and have already locked the keyboard and touchpad, proceed as follows:

  1. press Ctrl+Alt+Delete to enter the mode where the touchpad will be active;
  2. translate the layout from Russian into English using a special icon, which is located at the bottom right;
  3. press Esc;
  4. type the word quit.
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Often there is a situation when it is necessary to turn off the keyboard for a certain time. If you want to restrict the access of a child or pets to the equipment, connect an external device, or prevent unauthorized use of the equipment, use the following tips!

Several buttons can be used to perform this operation. The difficulty for users lies only in the fact that for each laptop model, the required combination looks different.

Here are the existing combinations.

  • A win-win solution for a laptop of any model with an operational system installed on it Windows system is the request Win+L.
  • "Call" blocking is possible by simultaneously pressing Fn and a function button in the F1–F12 row.

REFERENCE! On one of the keys from this row there is an image indicating the required function. As a rule, it looks like a screen, a hand touching it and a prohibition sign. This combination is ideal for Acer laptops.

  • For Asus brand devices, sequences such as Fn+F12, Fn+F7, Fn+Pause and Win+Fx.
  • The working combination is to press several buttons at once - Fn, NumLock and Ctrl. For some models, pressing the first two keys will be correct.
  • For laptop models Lenovo, Samsung, Dell, etc., the working sequence is Win, F and number key 1 to 12.

REFERENCE! It is possible to unlock the keyboard by entering the user password or by simultaneously pressing the universal combination of Fn and NumLock.

It is not possible to return the keyboard to working condition if the personal computer there are carriers of malicious data. In this case, you should contact a specialist.

Keyboard lock using special programs

To date, there are a sufficient number of programs that can block the keyboard. We present the most popular of them.

An excellent solution would be the Toddler Keys utility. Its features will allow block not only the keyboard, but also the mouse, disk drive and power button. The interface of this program is not designed for Russian. But as a rule, this is not a big problem for users.

  • First, start by downloading the utility installation file.
  • In the window that appears, mark the creation of an icon on the desktop and the immediate launch of the application after installation (points 2 and 3).
  • Then select the folder where the data will be loaded.
  • When the installation is complete, the application icon will appear on the taskbar. To get started, right-click on it and in the context menu that appears, click "Options". In the line "Type to exit" specify the password with which the unlock will occur.

IMPORTANT! Please note that Toddler Keys only accepts the English language layout. Therefore, use either an entirely numeric code, or a combination based on the Latin alphabet. Otherwise, unlocking can only be done through calling the "Task Manager" (Ctrl + Alt + Del) and canceling the action in it.

Pay special attention to the Lock Driver Doors and Disable Power Button functions. Otherwise, the device's power button will be blocked and optical drive. Finally, uncheck "Show pictures..." to unblock videos and images.

REFERENCE! A feature of managing this utility is that double-clicking on the program icon will block not only the keyboard, but also the screen with the mouse.


Easy to manage deserves attention software called Block. It allows not only additionally turn off the screen, but also set a timer to turn off the laptop.

  • To install this program, download the file from the official site and run it as an administrator.
  • After that, a window will appear where you need to click "Ok". 6 seconds later, the keypad will be locked.
  • You can return it to working condition using the combination Ctrl + Alt + Delete, and then pressing "Esc".

One of the modern popular programs is Child Lock.

Download it from the developer's site and install according to the instructions. The operation of this software is due to four buttons.

  1. "Auto Lock" will automatically lock screen after 10 minutes of inactivity. And the program itself will collapse into a hidden tab on the taskbar.
  2. pressing "Block Win Ctrl" will make it possible to disable the "Win" and "Ctrl" buttons, since they are often used in conjunction with other buttons.
  3. Disabling the keyboard and mouse at once will provide the "Lock" position.
  4. "Allow only" will disable all laptop interfaces.

This program provides for the presence of "hot" keys - Shift+Alt+End and Shift+Alt+End. The first command will help block all buttons on the device, the last one is responsible for unlocking all components.

Now you know that there are several ways to lock the keyboard. The main thing is to first study all the subtleties of this process and conduct it competently. Then no one can delete data from your laptop!

The keyboard is an input device created back in the 19th century by Christopher Schols. Like any other technique, such a device can suddenly become unusable. However, you don’t need to immediately run for a new gadget, you can reanimate the old keyboard. This article will describe how to unlock such a button device.

Note! On the official website of the company, the user may need to register. If you cannot find the information you need in the instructions downloaded from the manufacturer's website, contact technical support for help. Service representatives will tell you the device unlock code.

The keyboard shortcuts to press when the keyboard is locked are as follows:

  • "Fn + NumLock";
  • "Fn + F12";
  • "Fn + F7";
  • "Fn + Pause";
  • "Win + Fn" (the symbol "n" means one of the keys F1-F12);
  • Ctrl+Alt+Delete.

The choice of one or another combination of buttons depends on the requirements written in the instructions for your keyboard.

Keyboard lock

To know how to unlock the keyboard, you need to familiarize yourself with the methods of blocking this device. This article will discuss one of these methods.

  1. Find the "Shift" button on the keyboard, located on the right. Press this key.

  2. Hold your finger on the button for 8 seconds. Release the key as soon as the Filter Input dialog box appears.

  3. In the menu that opens, select the "Yes" button if you need to block the keyboard, or "No" if your actions were erroneous.

  4. To set the input filtering mode, click on the line "Go to the Ease of Access Center to disable the keyboard shortcut."

  5. In the dialog that appears, change the Sticky Keys settings as you see fit.

  6. Click "Apply" to confirm your actions.

Keyboard Troubleshooting Methods

If the problem with the keyboard is caused by a device failure, and not a blockage, the methods for solving such a problem will be different.

Method 1

First of all, the user must find out what is the cause of the malfunction of the keyboard. For this:

Method 2

The reason for the problem with the keyboard may be due to the presence of malware installed on the user's computer. To fix this problem, scan your device for viruses.

Method 3

If the methods described above did not help the user, the keyboard will need to be cleaned.

  1. Turn off your computer.

  2. Disconnect the keyboard from the system unit if you have a home computer.

  3. Take a picture of the location of the buttons on the keyboard. This will make it easier for you to reinstall the keys after cleaning the device.

  4. Take a needle or a ruler. Gently pry the base of the button with it.

  5. Place the keys in a container of warm water with a small amount of dishwashing detergent. Leave the buttons in the liquid for 30 minutes.

  6. Take a sponge. Clean the buttons on all sides with it.

  7. Rinse the keys in clean water.

  8. Take a cotton pad dipped in soapy water. Clean your input device with it while the keys dry after cleaning.

  9. Wipe the buttons and the gadget itself with a dry cloth.

  10. put into place in the order in which they were captured in the photo.

Video - What to do if the keyboard on the computer does not work?
