Decoding S.T attributes in HddScan. S.M.A.R.T technology

In order to prevent damage and, as a result, prevent the loss of user data, modern hard drives are equipped with S.M.A.R.T. What kind of technology is this, how to analyze its data, through what programs this can be done - we will get acquainted with these questions in detail below.

1. S.M.A.R.T.: about the essence of technology

S.M.A.R.T is a self-diagnostic system, a set of characteristics recorded by the electronics of hard drives. This technology appeared in 1995 thanks to the joint efforts of manufacturers of hard drives. It was preceded by IntelliSafe and Predictive Failure Analysis technologies developed in 1992. S.M.A.R.T. is, compared to its predecessor technologies, a more advanced mechanism for determining the important characteristics of hard drives, which is still used today. Drives with this technology are equipped with a built-in processor that provides counting of hours worked, identification of bad blocks (bad, bad sectors), temperature measurement, and also monitors other characteristics. S.M.A.R.T. equipped with both HDD and SSD. Naturally, due to the difference in the arrangement of these types of disks, the parameters monitored by the technology will be different.

S.M.A.R.T. - This is only a diagnostic, its data are informative. This technology does not cure HDD. With a critical value of individual parameters (in particular, when the limit of permissible bad blocks is reached), it can make itself felt when the computer boots with a message like “S.M.A.R.T. Status BAD". This means that soon the HDD may fail, and it is urgent to start backing up (or placing it in online file storages) of significant data. If the technology issues such a message within the warranty period of purchased PCs, laptops, or hard drives, these devices must be taken to the point of sale where they were purchased and the hard drive replaced. If the warranty period has expired and it is impossible to present a claim to the seller, after Reserve copy data computer must be carried in service center.

As it does not heal, S.M.A.R.T. also does not give even rough time predictions of how fast the HDD will fail. It may be that with certain critical values ​​of the parameters, the disk will last for several more years. And vice versa: there are known cases of HDD failure without warning of the condition assessment technology.

You don't have to wait for a message when you boot your computer to see the status of your hard drive based on S.M.A.R.T. diagnostics. The report can be viewed using special utilities that can be a conductor, an interface for displaying its data. Below we will consider several tools that, among their functionality, provide for the output of a SMART report. But first it is necessary to understand the values ​​of the parameters that this technology operates on.

2. S.M.A.R.T.

S.M.A.R.T. report in applications to display the results of its diagnostics, as a rule, it is presented in a table where one or another value is opposite the hard disk parameters (also called attributes). A graph with several values ​​in the report:

  • The “Value” column, displayed in applications with a Russian-language interface as “Current”, is, accordingly, the current value of the hard disk parameter;
  • Column "Worst" ("Worst") - the lowest value of the parameter that was recorded for the entire time of the disk;
  • The “Threshold” column, also known as “Threshold” or “Threshold”, is a critically low, undesirable value of the parameter.

The state of the hard disk is mainly determined by comparing the values ​​of the current (“Value”) and the threshold (“Threshold”). These values ​​are expressed as a numerical value from 1 to 255. Some HDD manufacturers may have from 1 to 200.

The logic of the current values ​​("Value") is something like a scoring system, the more the better. A high current value (“Value”) of parameters usually means they are stable.

Threshold is often defined as 0, but this is not the rule for all parameters. Individual parameter thresholds are set to a value greater than 0 (for example, 51 or 140). This means that the current values ​​of such parameters may be below the threshold.

So, the greater the difference between the current value (“Value”) and the threshold (“Threshold”), the better hard state disk. Reducing the current value (“Value”)” to the threshold (“Threshold”) or below it means that the hard drive may soon fail. However, a low current value ("Value") is not always a bad thing. For example, health scoring technology may rate a hard drive's impressive hours as a low number, but this is not a cause for concern if the values ​​of other parameters are normal. The number of hours worked is a “bare” indicator, without taking into account the loads that the disk succumbed to during operation, this figure will say little. In any case, it is necessary to evaluate the diagnostic data taking into account the specifics of each parameter.

The current ("Value"), the worst ("Worst") and the threshold ("Threshold") are the main values ​​displayed by the programs for the output of the report. But individual programs may contain other data in the report, for example, Raw values ​​​​(data in hexadecimal form) or specific indicators for individual parameters (the number of starts / stops of the spindle, the number of bad blocks, the total operating time of the hard disk in hours, etc. .).

To make the diagnostic data easier to understand, certain programs assign specific color indicators to the parameter values. As a rule, the interface theme indicator of such programs means that the hard drive is in good condition. And yellow (sometimes it can be orange) and red indicators indicate a deterioration in health, respectively, moderate and very serious.

3. Programs for displaying S.M.A.R.T.


View the S.M.A.R.T. it is possible in the well-known program for the complex analysis of computer components AIDA64. In the tree structure on the left, open the “Data storage” branch, click on the “SMART” section, select the desired disk at the top and look at the report on it below.

In addition to the main values, AIDA64 in the "Data" column displays specific indicators for individual parameters, and in the "Status" column gives its assessment to the values.


A small free utility CrystalDiskInfo is the most convenient way to keep track of S.M.A.R.T diagnostics. In the utility window at the top, you must select the HDD, and all its parameters will be displayed in the table below. Pluses of CrystalDiskInfo - display of additional data, parameter names in Russian, color indication, accent block "Technical condition".


To view the S.M.A.R.T. report, in the free HDDScan program, you need to select the HDD in the "Select Drive" menu.

And press the button with the name of the technology.

HDDScan displays the main values ​​and has an additional column with the output of the Raw value. At the top of the report, the program shows the characteristics of the hard drive - model, serial number, firmware, etc. Color indication of parameter values ​​is provided.

HD Tune Pro

In the paid HD Tune Pro, to receive data, select the desired HDD in the drop-down list at the top and switch to the "Health" tab.

In addition to the table columns with the main values, HD Tune Pro provides additional columns with specific parameter indicators (“Data”) and its own assessment of S.M.A.R.T values. ("State"). There is a color indication. The advantage of the program is the display of parameter names in Russian.

Hard Disk Sentinel

Free in the standard edition or in the trial version of the Pro Hard Disk Sentinel S.M.A.R.T report. will display for the selected hard drive when you select the item with the name of the technology in the "View" menu.

In addition to the basic S.M.A.R.T. this tool displays the Raw value (column "Date") and has its own assessment of indicators (column "Status"). Color indication provided.


Victoria's free portable utility will provide S.M.A.R.T. after selecting the desired hard drive in the "Standard" tab.

Next, you need to switch to the SMART utility tab and click the Get SMART button. Raw-values ​​and hard drive health indicators ("Health") have been added to the main values ​​of the technology. Health is determined by a color and level indicator.

4. Detailed help on S.M.A.R.T. and the nuances of their display in different programs

The names of the same parameters in different programs may not coincide verbatim. If you are interested in the value of any of the parameters, you can find out in more detail what this parameter is, how important it is, how it affects the performance of the hard drive, etc., on the Internet. Some of the programs discussed above provide for copying the names of parameters and values ​​in the context menu of the interface. Those that do not provide such an opportunity may offer data export to a TXT file or other formats.

In addition to the fact that the names of the parameters may not match (even in programs with their display in English), different programs may produce different selections of parameters. It is necessary to compare the same parameter in different programs by its identifier - the column "ID", it is also "Num", it is also "No." But the identifiers will also be different if we compare S.M.A.R.T. in programs with display of parameters in different languages.

Have a great day!

The latest drives are represented by intelligent devices that can analyze their condition and inform the user in a timely manner about problems. To do this, the hardware includes the original S.M.A.R.T.

Purpose of SMART technology.

The lion's share of disk drives in recent years, operates using S.M.A.R.T. The combination is deciphered as self-monitoring, analysis and reporting technology , which in Russian sounds like a mechanism for self-control, analysis and reporting. Its first developments saw the light in 1995 and since then the technology has been constantly improved.

From the moment of manufacture, the disk drive begins to read its current state, determining it using special parameters or attributes. They are located, access to which only the built-in program has. You can view the parameters with separate software, most often represented by utilities from the developers of a particular hard drive. Through them, inputs are fed into the drive, after which information about the current state of the drive will appear in the statistics log.

During the operation of the drive, the data presented within the parameters of the value is constantly changing. The parameters go from the maximum values, which guarantee high performance and efficiency, to the minimum values, associated with a high probability of drive failure.

All attributes presented within the S.M.A.R.T technology have a digital identifier. As a rule, it is common for drives of various versions, however, there are exceptions. In this regard, the number 7 stands out, demonstrating errors in the placement of heads on the disk surface. For digital ID is irrelevant. Unlike 7, the number 9, which shows the total period of direct operation of the drive over the period of use, it is supported by all types of HDD and SSD disks.

The parameter structure is represented by several fields that show the state of the disk and its partitions in a particular period. Utilities intended for reading information display the following parameters on the screen:

  • ID - identification number
  • name - attribute name
  • VAL - its current state
  • Wrst - the worst indicator for the period of operation
  • Thresh - the minimum threshold for performance

S.M.A.R.T indicators

There are some of the most common options. They, with rare exceptions, combine drives from most manufacturers, so:

  • Raw Read Error Rate - an indicator of the number of read errors
  • Throughput Performance - operational efficiency. A decrease indicates the need for replacement.
  • Spin Up Time - the period of deployment of the drive to the working state. An increase in the parameter demonstrates wear and tear or lack of nutrition
  • Start/Stop Count - an indicator of the number of moments of disk deployment, which is initially limited by its mechanical structure
  • Reallocated Sectors Count - attribute reflects the number of spare sectors. Information is redirected there in case of problems. Ideally, the number of such actions should be 0
  • Read Channel Margin - channel reserve. Nowadays, drives do without it
  • Seek Error Rate - Reflection of the mechanical condition of the drive, among other things, demonstrates excessive vibration and overheating
  • Seek Time Performance - the level of operational capabilities, relevant only for HDD drives
  • Power-on Time - a forecast of the duration of the operation of the drive based on the period of operation. The maximum values ​​are 100 and decrease to 0 over time
  • Spin-Up Retry Count - the number of duplicate launch operations. Their increase indicates errors in the mechanical structure.

These and other attributes with a red background indicate that the drive is in critical condition, which suggests an imminent failure. A specific standard that combines parameter indicators from various manufacturers, does not exist. In each case, normal values ​​are individual, reflected in the form of a background or status, where

  • Good - a good indicator
  • Bad is a bad indicator.

Along with the attributes already mentioned, attention should be paid to such parameters as:

  • Recalibration Retries - number of takes during recalibration. Their increase indicates a malfunction of the mechanics.
  • End-to-End error - Disadvantages of exchange operations
  • Reported UNC Errors - problems that are fixed using hardware
  • G-sense error rate - the number of mechanical impacts on the disk. Fixes sloppy installation, collisions
  • Reallocation Event Count is a general indicator of information redirection operations. Records successful and unsuccessful transactions
  • Current Pending Sector Count - the number of potential drive sections to be replaced
  • Uncorrectable Sector Count - the number of bad sectors that cannot be recovered
  • UltraDMA CRC Error Count - Data redirection problems between drive and PC

S.M.A.R.T check

S.M.A.R.T parameters are checked using special utilities from hard drive manufacturers. There are also universal programs for testing and checking disks. Among them, udisks, smartctl, hddscan, CrystalDiskInfo, Victoria stand out, using which the user will be able to assess the state of the hard drive. In some cases, namely when working with RAID controllers, it is almost impossible to get disk attributes.

The minimum level of diagnostics is supported at the BIOS level. If the S.M.A.R.T. diagnostic mode is enabled, then if there are critical attribute values, the BIOS will not allow the operating system to boot.

So, when testing the state of the hard disk, first of all, attention is paid to the specified S.M.A.R.T parameters. The main purpose of the technology is to predict the failure of their hard drive. With a dangerous deviation from the norm, it makes sense to transfer important information to other media.

And, most importantly, even if in S.MA.R.T. there are no errors and everything is fine, this is not a guarantee that the disk will not break, so .

Hi all! In the last article, we reviewed . And today we will look at how to view the health of a hard drive, for example, in order to know that nothing will happen to it in the near future. Well, or it happened and you still have time to save the data.

To get started, download the free program:

We also run:

  1. Select the disk whose health you want to check
  2. Next, click on the magnifying glass
  3. And press SMART

In the Attribute Name cell, the name of the smart test. You can find more detailed information in the file by clicking on the download button. This is information from Wikipedia. The file will also contain critical names and non-essential ones. If your critical titles have exceeded the norm, then think about changing the hard drive.

She is Russian and less functional.

We also pay attention to temperature. I did an experiment about this, I have an ssd on the side wall (the zalman case has a special mount), and the second hard drive is in its place, and there is also a cooler in front, which additionally cools it. So, with and without a cooler, the difference is 4 degrees. So I will move the ssd closer to the cooler. After all, when a hard drive fails, the first reason is temperature.

Critical values

Pay special attention to the following parameters:

  • 01 (01) Raw Read Error Rate- how often errors occur when reading from a data disk.
  • 03 (03) Spin-Up Time- how fast the plate will unwind from the state of rest to the working state.
  • 05 (05) Reallocated Sectors Count- the number of reassigned sectors. If the number of reassigned sectors ends, then will appear.
  • 07 (07) Seek Error Rate- if the head is not exactly on the track, this indicates damage to the mechanics. This may be due to overheating. The more often the head misses a track, the higher the value.
  • 10 (0A) Spin-Up Retry Count- also in case of mechanical failure. The error appears when the disk cannot spin up to operating speed.
  • 196 (C4) Reallocation Event Count- how much was the reassignment of bad sectors to reserve ones.
  • 197(C5)Current Pending Sector Count (unstable sectors)- How many sectors are applicants for reassignment. These sectors are not yet broken, but they have a weak response.
  • 198 (C6) Uncorrectable Sector Count- due to corrupted mechanics, shows the number of failed times to read sectors.
  • 220 (DC) Disk Shift- due to impact, the plates can be knocked off the axis.

That's all. You will find non-critical errors and a description by downloading the document above. This is how you can check the health of your hard drive using these 2 programs. Which one to use is up to you.


The program is designed to check hard drives and SSDs for bad sectors, view S.M.A.R.T. attributes, changing special settings, such as power management, spindle start/stop, acoustic mode adjustment, etc. Drive temperature value can be displayed on the taskbar.

Opportunities and requirements

Supported drive types:
  • HDD with ATA/SATA interface.
  • HDD with SCSI interface.
  • HDD with USB interface (see Appendix A).
  • HDD with FireWire or IEEE 1394 interface (see Appendix A).
  • RAID arrays with ATA/SATA/SCSI interface (only tests).
  • Flash drives with USB interface (only tests).
  • SSD with ATA/SATA interface.
Drive tests:
  • Test in linear verification mode.
  • Test in linear reading mode.
  • Test in linear recording mode.
  • Butterfly reading mode test (artificial random reading test)
  • Reading and analyzing S.M.A.R.T. parameters from ATA/SATA/USB/FireWire drives.
  • Reading and analysis of log tables from disks with SCSI interface.
  • Launching S.M.A.R.T. tests on drives with ATA/SATA/USB/FireWire interface.
  • Temperature monitor on drives with ATA/SATA/USB/FireWire/SCSI interface.
Additional features:
  • Reading and analysis of identification information from drives with ATA/SATA/USB/FireWire/SCSI interface.
  • Changing AAM, APM, PM parameters on drives with ATA/SATA/USB/FireWire interface.
  • View information about defects on a SCSI drive.
  • Spindle start/stop on drives with ATA/SATA/USB/FireWire/SCSI interface.
  • Save reports in MHT format.
  • Print reports.
  • Skins support.
  • Command line support.
  • Support for SSD drives.
  • Operating system: Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10(NEW).
  • The program must not be run from a drive that is in read-only mode.

User interface

The main view of the program at startup

Rice. 1 Main view of the program

Main window controls:

  • Select Drive is a dropdown list that contains all supported drives in the system. The drive model and serial number are displayed. Nearby is an icon that determines the expected type of drive.
  • S.M.A.R.T button – allows you to get a drive status report based on S.M.A.R.T attributes.
  • TESTS button - shows a pop-up menu with a choice of read and write tests (see Fig. 2).
  • TOOLS Button - Shows a pop-up menu for selecting available dial controls and functions (see Figure 3).
  • More button - shows a drop-down menu with program controls.

When you press the TESTS button, a pop-up menu will offer you one of the tests. If you select any test, the test dialog will open (see Figure 4).

Rice. 2 Test menu

When you press the TOOLS button, a pop-up menu will prompt you to select one of the following options:

Rice. 3 Function menu

  • DRIVE ID - Generates an identification information report.
  • FEATURES - opens a window additional features programs.
  • S.M.A.R.T. TEST - opens the S.M.A.R.T. tests: Short, Extended, Conveyance.
  • TEMP MON - starts the temperature monitoring task.
  • COMMAND - opens the command line build window.

Test Dialog Box

Rice. 4 Test dialog box


  • The FIRST SECTOR field is the initial logical sector number for testing.
  • The SIZE field is the number of logical sector numbers for testing.
  • The BLOCK SIZE field is the block size in sectors for testing.
  • Button Previous - returns to the main window of the program.
  • Next button - adds the test to the task queue.
Features and limitations of tests:
  • Only one surface test can be run at a time. This is due to the fact that the author of the program has not yet been able to obtain stable high-quality results when running 2 or more tests simultaneously (on different drives).
  • A test in Verify mode can have a block size limit of 256, 16384, or 65536 sectors. This is due to the peculiarities of Windows.
  • Test in Verify mode may not work properly on USB/Flash drives.
  • When testing in the Verify mode, the drive reads the data block into the internal buffer and checks their integrity; no data is transmitted through the interface. The program measures the drive readiness time after performing this operation after each block and displays the results. Blocks are tested sequentially - from the minimum to the maximum.
  • When testing in the Read mode, the drive reads data into the internal buffer, after which the data is transmitted through the interface and stored in the program's temporary buffer. The program measures the total drive readiness and data transfer time after each block and displays the results. Blocks are tested sequentially - from the minimum to the maximum.
  • When testing in the Erase mode, the program prepares a data block filled with a special pattern with a sector number and transfers the data to the drive, the drive writes the received block ( information in the block is irretrievably lost!). The program measures the total time of transferring and writing a block and the readiness of the drive after each block and displays the results. Blocks are tested sequentially - from the minimum to the maximum.
  • Testing in Butterfly Read mode is similar to testing in Read mode. The difference lies in the order in which the blocks are tested. Blocks are processed in pairs. The first block in the first pair will be Block 0. The second block in the first pair will be Block N, where N is the last block of the given section. The next pair will be Block 1, Block N-1, and so on. Testing ends in the middle of a given section. This test measures reading and positioning time.

Task management window

Rice. 5 Task manager

This window contains the task queue. This includes all the tests that the program runs, as well as the temperature monitor. The manager allows you to remove tests from the queue. Some tasks can be paused or stopped.

Double clicking on an entry in the queue brings up a window with information about the current task.

Test Information Window

The window contains information about the test, allows you to pause or stop the test, and also generates a report.

Graph tab:

Contains information about the dependence of the testing speed on the block number, which is presented in the form of a graph.

Rice. 6 Graph tab

Map tab:

Contains information about the dependence of the testing time on the block number, which is presented as a map.

Rice. 7 Map tab

You can select "Block Processing Time" in milliseconds. Each tested block that took longer than the "Block Processing Time" will be logged in the "Report" tab.

Report tab:

Contains information about the test and all blocks whose testing time is greater than "Block Processing Time".

Rice. 8 Report tab

Identification information

The report contains information about the main physical and logical parameters of the drive.

The report can be printed and saved to an MHT file.

Rice. 9 Example of an identification information window

S.M.A.R.T. report

The report contains information about the performance and "health" of the drive in the form of attributes. If, according to the program, the attribute is normal, then next to it is a green icon. Yellow indicates attributes that you should pay special attention to, as a rule, they indicate some kind of drive malfunction. Red indicates attributes that are outside the norm.

Reports can be printed or saved to an MHT file.

Rice. 10 Sample S.M.A.R.T.

Temperature monitor

Allows you to estimate the temperature of the drive. Information is displayed in the taskbar, as well as in a special test information window. Rice. 11 contains readings for two drives.

Rice. 11 Temperature monitor in the taskbar

For ATA/SATA/USB/FireWire drives, the information window contains 2 values. The second value is displayed in the taskbar.

The first value is taken from the Airflow Temperature attribute, the second value is taken from the HDA Temperature attribute.

Rice. 12 Temperature monitor for ATA/SATA drive

For SCSI drives, the information window contains 2 values. The second value is displayed in the taskbar.

The first value contains the maximum allowable temperature for the drive, the second shows the current temperature.

Rice. 13 Temperature monitor for SCSI disk

S.M.A.R.T. tests

The program allows you to run three types of S.M.A.R.T. tests:

  1. Short test - usually lasts 1-2 minutes. Checks the main components of the drive, and also scans a small area of ​​the drive surface and sectors in the Pending-List (sectors that may contain read errors). The test is recommended for a quick assessment of the condition of the drive.
  2. Extended test - usually lasts from 0.5 to 60 hours. Checks the main components of the drive, and also completely scans the surface of the drive.
  3. Conveyance test - usually lasts a few minutes. Checks drive nodes and logs that may indicate that the drive has been stored or shipped incorrectly.

A SMART test can be selected from the SMART Tests dialog, accessed by pressing the SMART TESTS button.

Rice. 14 SMART Tests dialog box

Once selected, the test will be added to the Tasks queue. Information window S.M.A.R.T. test can display the progress and completion status of a task.

Rice. 15 Information window S.M.A.R.T. test

Additional features

For ATA/SATA/USB/FireWire drives, the program allows you to change some parameters.

  1. AAM - the function controls the noise of the drive. Enabling this feature allows you to reduce the noise of the drive due to smoother positioning of the heads. In this case, the drive loses a little in performance during random access.
  2. APM - the function allows you to save drive power by temporarily reducing the speed of rotation (or completely stopping) of the drive spindle during idle time.
  3. PM - the function allows you to set the spindle stop timer for a specific time. When this time is reached, the spindle will be stopped provided that the drive is idle. Accessing the drive by any program causes the spindle to be forced to spin up and the timer to reset to zero.
  4. The program also allows you to stop or start the drive spindle forcibly. Access to the drive by any program causes forced spinning of the spindle.

Rice. 16 Information window for additional features of the ATA/SATA drive

For SCSI drives, the program allows you to view defect lists and start/stop the spindle.

Rice. 17 SCSI drive advanced features information window

Using the command line

The program can build command line to control some drive settings and save this string to a .bat or .cmd file. When such a file is launched, the program is called in the background, changes the drive settings in accordance with the specified ones, and closes automatically.

Rice. 18 Command line build window

Appendix A: USB/FireWire Drives

If the drive is supported by the program, then tests are available for it, S.M.A.R.T. features and additional features.

If the drive is not supported by the program, then only tests are available for it.

USB/FireWire drives supported by the program:

Maxtor Personal Storage (USB2120NEP001)
Storage device Controller chip
StarTeck IDECase35U2 Cypress CY7C68001
WD Passpopt unknown
Iomega PB-10391 unknown
Seagate ST9000U2 (PN: 9W3638-556) Cypress CY7C68300B
Seagate External Drive (PN: 9W286D) Cypress CY7C68300B
Seagate FreeAgentPro Oxford
Vantec CB-ISATAU2 (adapter) Micron JM20337
Beyond Micro Mobile Disk 3.5" 120GB Prolific PL3507 (USB only)
Maxtor Personal Storage 3100 Prolific PL2507
In-System ISD300A
SunPlus SPIF215A
Toshiba USB Mini Hard Drive unknown
USB Teac HD-15 PUK-B-S unknown
Transcend StoreJet 35 Ultra (TS1TSJ35U-EU) unknown
AGEStar FUBCP Micron JM20337
USB Teac HD-15 PUK-B-S unknown
Prolific 2571
All Drives That Support SAT Protocol Majority of Modern USB controllers

USB / FireWire drives that the program may support:

Storage device Controller chip
AGEStar IUB3A Cypress
AGEStar ICB3RA Cypress
AGEStar IUB3A4 Cypress
AGEStar IUB5A Cypress
AGEStar IUB5P Cypress
AGEStar IUB5S Cypress
AGEStar NUB3AR Cypress
AGEStar IBP2A2 Cypress
AGEStar SCB3AH Micron JM2033x
AGEStar SCB3AHR Micron JM2033x
AGEStar CCB3A Micron JM2033x
AGEStar CCB3AT Micron JM2033x
AGEStar IUB2A3 Micron JM2033x
AGEStar SCBP Micron JM2033x
AGEStar FUBCP Micron JM2033x
Noontec SU25 Prolific PL2507
Transcend TS80GHDC2 Prolific PL2507
Transcend TS40GHDC2 Prolific PL2507
I-O Data HDP-U series unknown
I-O Data HDC-U series unknown
Enermax Vanguard EB206U-B unknown
Thermaltake Max4 A2295 unknown
Spire GigaPod SP222 unknown
CoolerMaster-RX-3SB unknown
MegaDrive200 unknown
RaidSonic Icy Box IB-250U unknown
Logitech USB unknown

USB / FireWire drives that the program does not support:

Storage device Controller chip
matrix Genesis Logic GL811E
Pine Genesis Logic GL811E
Iomega LDHD250-U Cypress CY7C68300A
Iomega DHD160-U Prolific PL-2507 (modified firmware)
Maxtor Personal Storage 3200 Prolific PL-3507 (modified firmware)
Maxtor One Touch Cypress CY7C68013
Seagate External Drive (PN-9W2063) Cypress CY7C68013
Seagate Pocket HDD unknown
SympleTech SympleDrive 9000-40479-002 CY7C68300A
Myson Century CS8818
Myson Century CS8813

Appendix B: SSD Drives

Support for a particular drive largely depends on the controller installed on it.

SSD drives supported by the program:

Storage device Controller chip
OCZ Vertex, Vertex Turbo, Agility, Solid 2 Indilinx IDX110M00
Super Talent STT_FTM28GX25H Indilinx IDX110M00
Corsair Extreme Series Indilinx IDX110M00
Kingston SSDNow M-Series Intel PC29AS21AA0 G1
Intel X25-M G2 Intel PC29AS21BA0 G2
OCZ Throttle JMicron JMF601
Corsair Performance Series Samsung S3C29RBB01
Samsung SSDs Samsung Controllers
Crucial and Micron SSDs Some Marvell Controllers

SSD drives that the program may support:

Additional Information

HDDScan version 3.3 can be downloaded version 2.8

What is SMART HDD ( hard drive) and what to do if the computer displays the message "smart status bad backup and replace".

All modern drives of recent years from absolutely any manufacturer have a SMART system (self-monitoring, analysis and reporting technology) of a hard drive, which is very closely related to the functioning of the drive.

Modern SMART technologies carry out: monitoring of various parameters of the disk state, scanning the surface of the hard disk with further automatic replacement of unreadable sectors and entering them into the error-log, the so-called. a list where the numbers of these sectors are stored in the form of a table, periodic rescanning of "unreliable" sectors from the error-log and, if the system determines that this sector is healthy, it excludes it from this list and it becomes available on the surface for user information (but is also marked for further rechecking at the next surface scan), or, if the sector is not read several times in a row, is not overwritten, then it is sent to the next defect list, which is called differently by different manufacturers, but has the same purpose - this sheet is like would be an intermediary between the error-log table and the final G-list, where the defect will already be entered into the G-list forever, will be displayed in SMART, in the line current pending sectors / offline UNC sectors.

From the current pending status, the damaged sector after the next recheck for "survivability", if it did not pass the read / write, then it is finally sent to the reassigned status and it already remains there. The disk no longer uses it in further work, it does not test it again for reading / writing.

The reallocated sector count line changes from N to N+1.

If the drive is already seriously damaged, then when the computer boots up, the message “smart status bad backup and replace” may be displayed. This means that the SMART status of the hard drive has changed from GOOD to BAD, the drive has at least BAD blocks, and the drive continues to deteriorate. The user is advised to save his data if it is still readable and replace the hard disk with a new one.

It is displayed as a table with the following columns:


Name - parameter name displayed by the program

VAL - the normalized parameter value (normalized means, in this case, that the internal (RAW) parameter value is transformed by a certain algorithm for a more convenient and understandable viewing of the value. For example, the internal parameter always increases and can take a value of several thousand units, and the output value CHANGES FROM 100 TO 0 AND DISPLAY THE INTERNAL PARAMETER CHANGE RANGE TO THE DISPLAYED AND THERE IS, IN THIS CASE, NORMALIZATION)

Wrst - the worst value of the parameter for the time interval

Thresh - threshold value at which it is recommended to replace the disk


SMART attributes:

1 Raw read error rate - the number of errors in reading sectors from platters.

2 Throughput Performance - total disk performance in relative units.

3 Spin-up time - spin-up time of the plates from zero to the nominal rotation speed in milliseconds

4 Number of spin-up times - the number of spin-up/stop cycles of the plates; reflects the mechanical life of a drive due to a limited number of start/stop cycles.

5 Reallocated sector count - parameter reflects the number of spare sectors; when the drive finds a read/write/verify error, it remaps the bad sector to a good one from the spare zone; the normalized value of the attribute decreases as the spare sectors decrease; The RAW value indicates the number of allocated sectors, which should normally be zero; on SSDRAW, the value indicates the number of bad flash blocks.

6 Read Channel Margin - this attribute is not used in modern drives.

7 Seek error rate - the number of magnetic head positioning errors.

8 Seek Time Performance - average positioning speed of the magnetic head drive to the specified sector; in SSD, the parameter is not used

9 Power-on time - expected drive lifetime based on time spent powered on; normalized value decreases from 100 to 0, related to disk resource; a decrease in this parameter indirectly indicates the state of the disk mechanics

10 Spin-up retries - the number of attempts to spin the plates, provided that the first attempt was unsuccessful; counted from the start of use; not used on SSD

12 Start/stop count - expected lifetime based on number of platter starts/stops; each disk has a limited number of starts/stops, the parameter decreases from 100 to 0; RAW value shows the number of on/off

13 Soft Read Error Rate - some manufacturers describe this parameter as indicating the number of errors not recovered by ECC, while others, on the contrary, recovered

100 Erase/Program Cycles - the total number of read/write cycles for the entire flash memory over its entire lifetime; SSD has a limit on the number of read / write cycles, the specific value depends on the type and manufacturer of flash memory chips

103 Translation Table Rebuild - the number of events for rebuilding the internal block address table when it is damaged and restored; RAW value shows the actual number of event data

170 Reserved Block Count - describes the state of the pool of reserved blocks in the SSD, shows the percentage of remaining blocks; RAW value sometimes shows the number of used spare blocks

171 Program Fail Count

172 Erase Fail Count - the number of times the flash block erase operation failed.

173 Wear Leveller Worst Case Erase Count - the maximum number of erasing operations performed on a block of flash memory

178 Used Reserved Block Count - describes the state of the pool of reserved blocks in the SSD, shows the percentage of remaining blocks; RAW value sometimes shows the number of used spare blocks

180 Unused Reserved Block Count - describes the state of the reserve block pool in the SSD, shows the percentage of remaining blocks; RAW value sometimes shows the number of unused spare blocks

183 SATA Downshifts - shows how often it was necessary to lower the transfer rate over SATA (from 6Gb / s to 3Gb / s or 1.5Gb / s) for successful data transfer, if the attribute value decreases, the cable should be replaced

184 End-to-End error - the number of errors that occurred in the disk buffer; part of HP SMART IV technology; may indicate a malfunction of the disk's RAM buffer

185 Head Stability - there is no reliable information on the attribute

186 Induced Op-Vibration Detection - no reliable information on the attribute

187 Reported UNC error - number of uncorrected read errors

188 Command timeout - the number of commands not executed by the disk due to a timeout

189 High Fly writes - the number of write errors caused by an incorrect flight height of the magnetic head above the surface

190 Airflow temperature - air temperature inside the HDD

191 G-Sense Errors - indicates how many times the disk has been interrupted due to shock or vibration

192 power-off retract cycles - the number of unexpected power-offs, when it was lost before the command to turn off the disk was received; for hdd, the service life during an unexpected shutdown is much less than during a normal one; ssds have a risk of losing their internal state table on unexpected power loss

193 load/unload cycles - number of BMG movements between the parking zone and the data zone; value decreases from 100 to 0, raw contains the actual number of moves

194 hda temperature- temperature of the block of magnetic heads

195 hardware ecc recovered - number of read errors corrected by error correction code

196 reallocation events - total number of sector remappings, includes both off-line scanning and normal operation

197 current pending sectors - the number of unstable sectors waiting to be rechecked and possibly reassigned

198 offline scan unc sectors - the number of bad sectors found by the disk during background self-scanning; the deterioration of this parameter indicates a rapid degradation of the surface

199 ultra dma crc errors - the number of errors in data transfer between the disk and the motherboard; if this parameter deteriorates, it is worth replacing the cable

200 write error rate - error rate when writing

202 data address mark errors - the number of errors when searching for the requested sector

203 run out cancel - the number of errors caused by an incorrect checksum when trying to correct the error

204 soft ecc corrections - number of errors corrected by the correction code

206 flying height - head flight height deviation above the surface relative to the optimal value; if the head is too low, it can damage the surface, if it is too high, it increases the number of read errors

207 spin high current - the amount of current required to spin the plates

209 offline seek performance - performance of the search subsystem when performing off-line scanning

220 disk shift - the distance that the plate pack has shifted relative to the theoretical position as a result of mechanical damage or overheating

227 torque amplification count - shows how many times it was required to apply increased current to spin up the plates

230 gmr head amplitude - gmr head oscillation amplitude

233 media wearout indicator - remaining memory resource in ssd

240 head flying hours - time spent by heads in the user data zone; value decreases, typically from 100 to 0

241 total lbas written - the number of 512-byte blocks written over the entire life of the device

242 total lbas read - the number of 512-byte blocks read in the entire life of the device

250 read error retry rate

The difficulty in interpreting smart values ​​is that there is no single standard for the number, type, values, or units of measure of monitored parameters. so the implementation of smart is always manufacturer specific. normalizing raw values ​​into attribute scores is done differently by everyone, and the result is a smart good or bad check status. therefore, a reliable conclusion about the state of the disk can only be made by checking its surface with some diagnostic program. but if you need to quickly assess the status of the disk and possible problems, you need to pay attention to a few basic, most informative attributes.

The most important smart attributes are:

5 reallocated sectors count - the number of reallocated sectors; an increase in the value of this attribute indicates a deterioration in the condition of the disk surface
