Reset the Windows Update agent and service configuration. How to Fix Windows Update Errors Fix Windows 10 Update Errors

UPDATE: In the latest builds this trick no longer works.

The first thing I usually do after installing the operating system is turn on the Action Center in Windows 10 to check for new updates. Imagine my surprise when, after installing Windows 10 build 9926, I discovered that Windows Update was no longer part of the Control Panel. So where exactly in the operating system is Action Center located in Windows 10?

In version 10 build 9926, the “Update Center” can only be accessed through the Settings applet window, where this function is located in the “Update and Recovery” section.

Executing a command wuapp through the command line or the “Run” dialog, which in previous versions of the operating system allows you to open a window for checking and installing updates, does not lead to the desired result, i.e. launches the same update center in the new settings menu.

Many, I'm sure, were not happy when they learned that this feature is no longer available in the classic Control Panel, but fortunately, there is still an easy way to return it to its original place.

So, open Notepad and copy and paste the following into it:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 “IsConvergedUpdateStackEnabled”=dword:00000000 “UxOption”=dword:00000000

Now run the created file.

In the dialog box that opens, click “Yes.”

In the next window, click "OK".

All. Now go to Control Panel to see Update Center in its usual place. Now you can always quickly enable or disable Action Center in Windows 10.

Have a great day!

It is impossible to come up with a single operating system that could satisfy the needs of all users at the same time. Although Windows 10 was declared as the best OS at the moment, it still cannot be called ideal. To keep the system up to date, it is necessary to install updates, but even during this process, problems often arise in the “ten”.

Where is Update Center located in Windows 10

In Windows 10, developers decided to experiment a little by adding an “additional control panel” called Settings. With this they killed two birds with one stone. Firstly, the classic “Control Panel” has been relieved of some elements, including the “Update Center”. Secondly, the basic computer settings that users most often change were collected in one place.

You can open “Update Center” in Windows 10 by following the path: “Windows Settings” - “Update and Security” - “Windows Update”.

Find "Update" in the "Update & Security" section of "Windows Settings"

There are several ways to open Windows Settings:

Problems with Update Center

Oddly enough, the process that is responsible for the security of the operating system often fails. When updating the OS and its components, you may encounter various errors, freezes when trying to update, and the disappearance of the “Update Center” from the settings panel.

Why does Update Center freeze or work with errors?

There are many reasons for problems with Update Center, but the main ones can be counted on one hand:

All of the above can lead to fatal problems not only with the operating system, but also with the computer’s hardware.

Windows 10 Update Troubleshooter

The developers made sure that simple Update Center problems could be solved using standard methods. For example, a person who uses the update service eventually came to his senses and decided to turn it back on, but forgot how to do it. The Windows Update Troubleshooter service can help with this situation and similar problems.

This service is located in the “Troubleshooting” section in the “Control Panel”:

  1. Right-click the Windows icon in the lower left corner of the screen and select Control Panel.

    Using the Windows context menu, open Control Panel

  2. Change the view to large or small icons. Go to Troubleshooting.

    Go to "Troubleshoot"

  3. Click on the link of the same name in the “System and Security” item to launch the error correction wizard.
  4. Click the "Next" button in the wizard window. All subsequent work will be done by the program itself. Errors that the master can handle will be corrected by him himself.
  5. Review the completion report.

    Upon completion of his work, the troubleshooter will provide a report

Video: how to fix Update errors using Windows tools

"Update Center" in Windows 10 does not download updates, downloading stops at percentage points

There are often cases when Update Center refuses to download updates or gets stuck at some percentage during download. These errors usually occur due to corruption of the update cache or some error occurring in it. To solve this problem, you need to clear the cache:

Video: how to clear the update cache in Windows 10

Popular Windows 10 Update errors and their fixes

Update Center, as a rule, assigns a special code to errors, which can be used to find a solution to the problem.

Error code 0x80248007

Error code 0x80248007 means that Windows Update is missing some minor files or the OS has licensing issues if you are using a pirated or unactivated copy of Windows. In the second case, the solution will, of course, be to activate the OS. The first one will help you with the Windows Update Troubleshooter. Don’t forget to restart your computer after the wizard finishes.

Error 0x80080005 indicates that the files required for the update are not currently available.

Error code 0x80080005 means that some update service files are not available

This error may also occur due to Microsoft servers being unavailable. Try disabling your antivirus software and downloading updates again.

If this doesn't help, check your hard drive for errors. To do this, enter three commands in the Command Line:

  • sfc /scannow;
  • exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth;
  • exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth.

Be sure to wait until the command finishes running and only then run the next one.

If both of these methods do not solve the problem, reset the Update Center settings to factory settings, as shown in the instructions below.

Error code 0x800705b4

Code 0x800705b4 indicates that an Internet connection error occurred while the update service was running. Check the connection cable: it may be bent or damaged by pets. If the physical connection is normal, check your Internet software settings:

  1. Right-click on the network icon in the lower right panel. From the menu, select Network and Sharing Center.

    Through the icon on the taskbar, open the “Network and Sharing Center”

  2. Select the connection through which the Internet is supplied to the computer, click the Ethernet or “Wireless Connection” link. It depends on your connection type.

    Open the properties of the active Internet connection

  3. Click Properties.

    The “Properties” button displays the entire range of connection settings

  4. Select "IP Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)". And click "Properties" again.

    Go to properties "IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4)"

  5. Change the DNS server checkbox to the second position and manually enter your preferred DNS server:
  6. Accept the changes with the “OK” button. Restart your computer.

If the cause of the error is not in the provider, the instructions should help.

Error code 0x80070057

Error 0x80070057 is one of the “standard” database errors. To eliminate it you need to:

  1. Scan your computer for viruses.
  2. Check the disk for errors.
  3. Delete the update cache.

Do everything similarly to the methods described above.

Error code 0x8024402f

Error 0x8024402f in most cases indicates that the “Windows Time Service” is disabled, and this leads to time resynchronization. The service must be enabled and the computer restarted.

  1. Call the context menu of the “This PC” icon and click “Manage”.

Error code 0x80070643

Error 0x80070643 occurs when you try to update a .NET Framework component.

There are two solutions:

  • download the .NET Framework repair tool and try to restore the service;
  • uninstall .NET Framework and install a new and clean distribution without errors.

Error code 0x8024401c

Errors with code 0x8024401c are divided into two types: simple and complex. Of course, having received such an error, it is difficult to understand what type it is, but treatment still needs to start somewhere. The first step will be to run the troubleshooter, if the error is simple, then the repair wizard will correct and eliminate it. If this method does not help, then the error can be considered complex. To deal with it, you will have to return the factory settings to the Update Center.

How to reset Windows 10 Update components to factory settings

A situation may arise where it will be difficult to return all the settings back, but it’s worth a try. To do this, call the “Command Line”:

  1. Write the commands one by one that will disable all services associated with the Update Center:
    • net stop bits;
    • net stop wuauserv;
    • net stop appidsvc;
    • net stop cryptsvc.
  2. Enter the Del command “%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Downloader\qmgr*.dat”, which will delete the necessary files from the specified directory.
  3. Enter the command cd /d %windir%\system32, which will start re-registering the Update Center files.
  4. Enter the names of each of the following files in turn:
    • regsvr32.exe atl.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe urlmon.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe mshtml.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe shdocvw.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe rowseui.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe jscript.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe vbscript.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe scrrun.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe msxml.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe msxml3.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe msxml6.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe actxprxy.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe softpub.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe wintrust.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe dssenh.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe rsaenh.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe gpkcsp.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe sccbase.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe slbcsp.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe cryptdlg.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe oleaut32.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe ole32.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe shell32.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe initpki.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe wuapi.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe wuaueng.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe wuaueng1.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe wucltui.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe wups.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe wups2.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe wuweb.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe qmgr.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe qmgrprxy.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe wucltux.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe muweb.dll;
    • regsvr32.exe wuwebv.dll.
  5. Start Winsock with the netsh winsock reset command.
  6. Revert your proxy settings using the netsh winhttp reset proxy command.
  7. Start the Update Center services and its accompanying services:
    • net start bits;
    • net start wuauserv;
    • net start appidsvc;
    • net start cryptsvc.
  8. Restart your computer.

Working with Windows Update is easy. Problems that arise can be solved on your own, without involving professionals. And keeping the system up to date will save your time and ensure data security.

No matter how perfect the next build of Windows 10 may seem, new problems continue to emerge.

Resetting or rolling back Windows 10 is caused by shortcomings in the latest updates or cluttering of the system with software garbage that slows down the PC and makes it difficult for it to operate quickly and smoothly.

Why reset Windows 10 to factory settings

The reasons for resetting Windows 10 are as follows:

  1. Installing too many programs that were later removed as unnecessary, but Windows began to work noticeably worse.
  2. Poor PC performance. You did a good job for the first six months - then Windows 10 began to slow down. This is a rare case.
  3. You don’t want to bother yourself with copying/transferring personal files from drive C and intend to leave everything as it was for an indefinite period.
  4. You have incorrectly configured some components and built-in applications, services, drivers and libraries that already came with Windows 10, but you don’t want to spend a lot of time understanding them, remembering how it was before.
  5. Work has slowed down significantly due to Windows “brakes,” and time is precious: it’s easier for you to reset the OS to its original settings in half an hour in order to quickly return to the interrupted work.

Practical ways to rollback and reset Windows 10

Each subsequent build of Windows 10 can be “rolled back” to the previous one. So, you can roll back from Windows 10 Update 1703 to Windows 10 Update 1607.

How to roll back to a previous build of Windows 10 within 30 days

Take these steps:

The OS update will be rolled back. After a restart, the old assembly will start with the same components.

How to undo the latest Windows 10 update

Such a reset helps when Windows 10 errors have accumulated in such quantities that normal operation in the “ten” has become impossible.

Windows 10 will begin to reset.

Video: how to reset Windows 10 with a running OS

How to Restore Windows 10 to Factory Settings Using Refresh Tool

To do this you need:

The Windows 10 Refresh Tool application resembles the interface of the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool - for convenience, it is made in the form of a wizard with tips. Like the Media Creation Tool, the Refresh Tool allows you to save your personal data. It seems to perform the opposite function of the Media Creation Tool - not an update, but a reset of Windows 10.

During the reset process, the PC will restart several times. After this, you will start working with Windows 10 as if you had just reinstalled it - without applications and incorrect OS settings.

There is no rollback from version 1703 to 1607/1511 yet - this is a task for future updates of the Windows 10 Refresh Tool.

Video: Refresh Tool shortcomings

How to reset Windows 10 if it has startup problems

The operation is performed in two stages: checking startup from a flash drive in the BIOS and selecting options to reset the OS itself.

Checking the PC boot from a flash drive in BIOS

As an example, here is the BIOS version of AMI, which is most often found in laptops. Insert the bootable USB flash drive and restart (or turn on) your PC before proceeding further.

Now the PC will boot from the USB flash drive.

The BIOS version indicated on the manufacturer's logo screen can be any (Award, AMI, Phoenix). On some laptops, the BIOS version is not indicated at all - only the key for entering the BIOS Setup firmware is described.

Running a Windows 10 reset from installation media

Wait until your PC starts booting from the Windows 10 flash drive and do the following:

Once the reset is complete, Windows 10 will start with default settings.

Resetting from a Windows 10 installation flash drive is, in essence, restoring lost or damaged files due to which the OS could not start. Windows recovery options have been around since Windows 95 (fixing startup problems) - the steps have been made clearer over 20 years, without having to type fancy commands.

Problems with resetting Windows 10 to previous settings

No matter how clear and no matter how easy the process of resetting Windows 10 may seem, there are also difficulties here.

  1. Windows 10 rollback does not run on an already running system. You have exceeded the month allotted for recovery or did not stop counting these days in the manner described above. Only reinstalling the OS will help.
  2. Windows 10 reset options are not displayed when a flash drive or DVD is inserted. Check the boot order of your PC from BIOS. Make sure the DVD drive or USB ports are working, and whether the DVD or flash drive itself is readable. If hardware faults are detected, replace the installation DVD or flash drive, and service your PC or laptop. If we are talking about a tablet, check whether the OTG adapter, microUSB port, USB hub (if using a USB-DVD drive) are working, and whether the tablet “sees” the flash drive.
  3. Reset/restore Windows 10 does not start due to an incorrectly burned (multi)bootable flash drive or DVD. Rewrite your installation media - you may have written it so that it's just a copy of Windows 10 and not a bootable drive. Use rewritable (DVD-RW) discs - this will allow you to correct the error without sacrificing the disc itself.
  4. Resetting Windows to factory settings does not work due to a stripped-down version of Windows 10. This is a very rare case when the recovery and update options are excluded from the Windows build - only reinstalling from scratch works. Usually, many other “unnecessary” components and applications are cut out from such an assembly, the Windows graphical shell and other “chips” are cut off in order to reduce the space occupied on the C drive after installing such an assembly. Use full builds of Windows that allow you to roll back or reset without having to resort to a new installation that removes all data.

Rolling back or resetting Windows 10 to factory settings is a simple matter. In any case, you will eliminate errors without losing important documents, and your system will again work like a clock. Good luck!

From time to time, users encounter problems with Windows Update 10. These may be errors when installing updates or searching for them, clogging the system disk with temporary files, and other problems. In this article, we will list several possible solutions to problems with Windows 10 Update.

How to clean out the Windows 10 Update folder

One of the first possible solutions to your problem is to clean out the Update folder where it stores temporary files.

How to run the Windows 10 Update troubleshooter

How to reset Windows 10 Update

If the previous steps did not help, the only option is to completely reset the Update Center. It can be done using a special script. It deletes all Update Center data, re-registers it and resets network settings.

In case you want to make sure that the script works exactly as we described above, you can change the file extension from bat to txt and check the commands it contains.

What to do if nothing helps

If none of these steps help you, there are two options for what is happening to your device:

  • The problem is on Microsoft's side. You should wait for a fix or search the Microsoft support forums for a workaround.
  • The problem is so deep in the system that you should consider .

As a rule of thumb, these two options are quite rare, so in most cases the steps above should help you fix Windows 10 Update.

Windows 10 differs in many aspects from previous Microsoft operating systems, including the location of system files, as well as the presence and access to special features and functionality of the OS. The Update Center has also undergone certain changes, which will be discussed below. However, setting up Windows 10 System Update itself has not become more complicated, but on the contrary, it has become simpler and more convenient.

Windows 10 Update- a program with which the operating system is updated to more current versions, and also downloads updates for related programs. Without it, the operating system on your computer will quickly lose its relevance and will not have many additional features that appear over time.


Previously, this program could be accessed through the Control Panel, but now no user finds it there. Now the Update Center can be opened through the menu " Start" In it you need to go to the section “ Options", from there to the section " Update and Security" In this submenu you can easily find this program and update your system with it.

How to check for updates

To make sure that your system has updates, you need to click the button Checking for updates, which will show all the updates found and suggest their installation. In addition, there are not many properties that can be adjusted in the basic settings. You can configure a wider range of parameters if you click on the item “ Extra options" Not every build of Windows 10 supports this method. It is available in Pro, Education and Enterprise versions.

How to set up Update Center

The automatic operating system update process is configurable and can be disabled in several ways. The methods below allow you to quickly do this without the need to install additional utilities.

Using the built-in Services program

Using the Registry Editor

  1. Open the Registry Editor using the Win + R key combination.
  2. Type regedit command
  3. There, go to the folder " Auto Update", located along the path " Hkey_Local_Machine» → « Software» → « Microsoft» → « Windows» → « CurrentVersion» → « WindowsUpdate».
  4. In the menu that appears, double-click on the item “ AUOption" After that, set it to 1. This means that Update Center will stop checking for new versions of Windows programs. If you want to enable updates again, just change the value to 0.

It is possible that such a parameter will not exist, then you need to write it down yourself. Just right-click on a section of the field and select to create a separate parameter with the DWORD type. Name it the same as indicated here.

In the Advanced Options menu

Go to the Update Center menu according to the guide above. Select " Extra options" and go to the window " Notify about reboot" There select " Defer updates».

It is worth saying that with this method of disabling, updates will still be installed.

You can enable automatic updates from here.

Possible problems

Sometimes it may happen that a previously working update center stops functioning for unknown reasons. Below are the most common problems with this program and solutions if suddenly the update service does not work.

Solving problems using the Troubleshooting Manager in Windows 10

Modern Windows operating systems have a built-in way to deal with application failures and problems. You can also use it to deal with problems with Update Center not working.

  1. Go to the menu " Start».
  2. In the search field write " Troubleshooting».
  3. Double-click on the icon that appears. A window will open with the menu “ system and safety" There, at the very bottom, click on the item “ Troubleshooting».
  4. In the menu that appears, click " Additionally", check the box " Accept corrections automatically" and confirm running as administrator.
  5. After that, click Next and wait. After some time, the repair process will complete and “ Update centre» will resume work.

Error "Service Registration is Missing or Corrupt"

This problem occurs if a proxy server is registered on your computer without permission to update. There are two ways out of this situation: do not use a proxy for updates, or set the permission in the system itself.

Restarting Update in Windows 10

In the operation of this program, situations sometimes arise when the error is not corrected by the Troubleshooting Center, as well as by other means.

Thus, the most effective method of solving the problem is to reset the Update Center system and restore it to default.

To do this you need to do the following:

Upon completion of this procedure, the Update Center will be reinstalled along with all related services. This way, the system will stop crashing and start updating.

In general, this is all that can be said about Update Center in Windows 10. Its work, of course, is somewhat different from what it was before, however, it still performs the same functions as before the new OS from Microsoft. In addition, in the tenth version of Windows it is located in a different place, which changes the procedure for setting it up and debugging it.

Video on the topic
