Wifi repeater instructions in Russian connection. What is a WiFi repeater and how to set it up

I decided to purchase a WiFi Repeater for my home to solve the issue of a relatively weak WiFi signal.
The modem is in one room, and at the end of another room, separated from the first reinforced concrete wall, you need to connect to the modem via WiFi.
The signal level on the laptop is either 2 or 3 sticks, sometimes just one. On the phone, tablet, the sticks are also one or two miscalculated. In general, I decided to make the signal stronger.
I’ve been shopping at Tmart for a long time, when shopping I use coupons and points, as well as cashback, so I can reduce the price of the product by 20-25 percent.
There are several options for similar routers in the store, the differences between which, I assume, lie in the appearance of the case.
I liked the one in the title better.
The device was ordered with two other products and arrived in one large package.

The box with the router is very small.

In my reviews, I usually show device boxes from different sides and hide most of these photos under a spoiler.
However, this is not the case now. There is useful information on different sides of the box.
For example, here we talk about system requirements, characteristics and configuration: router, network cable and instructions.

On the other side of the box is a diagram of how the device can be used. There is a router that looks at the Internet, there are remote computers. And where these remote computers are located, our repeater is installed, connecting to the original router with a cable or via Wifi...

The third and fourth sides of the box show the device specifications. My choice was influenced, among other things, by the device's potential speed of 300 Mbit/s, although the Internet speed of 4 Mbit/s is too low for a lower speed to be a reason for frustration.

Inside the box there is a special place for the device, which allows you not to worry too much about what might happen on the road.

At the bottom of the box are instructions and cable.

The initial parameters for connecting to the router are written on the router itself - IP address, login and password admin and admin.

But they are located at the bottom of the router and will not be visible when the plug is inserted into the socket. A small but not significant minus.
For cable connection, the router has two RJ-45 network connectors. One of the connectors can also be used as a WAN, that is, for access to an external network.

Well, another photo of the router.

Instructions for managing the router are presented on one sheet of paper, which contains 16 small pages. Instructions are in English only (no Chinese).
I’ll definitely hide it under the spoiler.

Instructions for WS-WN523N2

For a more detailed view, click on the photo.

I found a link to the website of the manufacturer of this device -.
There is also (4 MB). I have version 2. By the way, in the description of the tmart store the first 2 letters of the device designation are incorrect.
I connect the device to the outlet... And silence.
I contacted support and asked if I wanted the product to be reshipped.
He replied that I would try to take it apart. Suddenly it will be easy to fix. If it doesn't work, send it again.
I picked out the black cover, but could not completely disconnect it. Holds tightly where the network connectors are.
To the left of the WiFi AP/Repeater inscription, under the cover there is a small white connector. I pressed it a little and... everything worked.
The problem with turning on has been resolved.
I picked up the tablet and connected to the WirelessN device, entered the address, login and password specified above...

I clicked the Submit button and saw the initial device management window.

The left square is the selection and configuration of one of 4 operating modes: Router, Repeater, AP, Wirelles ISP.
The second square is WiFi settings, the third is LAN and WAN settings, and the fourth is 4 more functions - Administration (password change), backup&reset, TimeZone settings, Firmware Upgrade.
In the middle of the screen is the status of the device, and at the bottom there are 3 buttons - Home Page - go to the initial menu page, Advance - additional settings, Logout - exit.
I'll consider Advance menu item in more detail.
By clicking on it, we go to an additional menu. On the left are the main points:
Back Home - return to the main page;
Network - additional network settings item;
Wireless - wireless connection settings;
Firewall - access settings;
Advanced - a few additional settings;
Status - device status.

Through the Advance Setting menu item, you can connect various access protocols, as well as allow access to the administration of the router from outside.
Network - Static DHCP - I assume here you can specify a static address for devices with a specific MAC address.

Network - DHCP Client Table - list of clients connected to the device.

Wireless network settings.
Main window - basic settings:
Wireless - Basic Settings. You can set the operation protocol mode, speed, access point name, channel number and other settings.

I’ll hide the screens with other settings under a spoiler.

Wireless Settings

Wireless - Security - encryption mode, it is better to choose WPA2...

Wireless - Access Control - block access for devices with specific MAC addresses.

Wireless - Schedule - setting a schedule for the wireless network

Wireless - WDS - setting the WiFi distribution mode settings, combining several access points into one network. .

Wireless - WPS - settings for simplified connection to a wireless network. .

The next block of Firewall settings is designed to restrict access to a device based on various criteria. Since a wide range of users should not bother with them, I will also hide their description under a spoiler.

Firewall Settings

Firewall - Port Filtering - blocking access for a certain range of ports

Firewall - IP Filtering - blocking access for a specific range of IP addresses

Firewall - MAC Filtering - blocking access for a specific range of MAC addresses

Firewall - URL Filtering - blocking access to certain URLs, essentially groups of sites

Firewall - Port Forwarding - the mode is designed to convert an address or port to a new value.

Firewall - DMZ - demilitarized zone, a technology that provides access to resources located on the internal network.

The Advanced settings block contains 2 also rarely used items, so they are also under the spoiler.

Advanced Settings

Well, the status of the device after turning it on.

Now, after a detailed look at the Advanced section, you can return to the settings on the main page.
To set the router mode, press the corresponding button.
The Wireless Router Mode Wizard will appear on the screen:

Here you can set how to connect to the source - by receiving the address automatically, or via PPPoE, and also set the parameters of the access point (its name, operating channel and encryption mode).
If you call the Repeater Mode Wizard, a list of available networks will appear on the screen, from which you should select the appropriate one.

By calling the Wizard for setting up the device as an access point (Wizard Access Point mode), you will need to set the same parameters for the access point as in the case of Wizard Wireless Router Mode.

Well, the last wizard is Wizard Wireless ISP:

The second box allows you to change the wireless parameters of the device - name, encryption type, key.
The list of encryption types is standard.

The third box provides access to LAN and WAN settings.
The initial LAN settings are shown in the picture.

The administrative settings item, as mentioned above, makes it possible to change the device access password, select a time zone, save settings and update the firmware.
I hide all this under a spoiler.

Administrative Settings

After turning on the device, the lights turn green in turn.
First, LAN and WAN are polled, then, if there is no connection, they go out, WPS and in the end only Power lights up and WLAN blinks.
The device loads quickly. I didn't measure the time, but it seemed like 10 seconds maximum.
The WiFi signal level is comparable to the signal from an ASUS DSL-N12U modem with two remote antennas.
The device is warm during operation.
In general, everything seems to be fine.
BUT! This router, I hope just for now, has not become friends with my ASUS DSL-N12U ADSL modem. I set both repeater mode and router mode. Connects without problems. I connect my tablet or laptop to the router, receive the address from the modem, but there is no Internet connection or access to the modem.
I connected via a network cable - the same thing.
However, I didn’t touch the modem settings. For example, I did not change the encryption type on the modem. But I squeezed everything I could out of the router - nothing.
Often, after installing repeater mode on the router, I could not reach it at any IP address.
Then I took the pin and pressed reset for 8-10 seconds. The device was reset to default settings. And all over again.
In the end, I took the hame A100, connected to it - everything worked immediately and without any questions.
2 photos - hame network settings menu from the tablet and the IP address issued to the tablet. At the same time, KolyaREP is a monitored device in repeater mode.

In general, a good, useful compact device for organizing a wireless access point, repeater, or simply for connecting two computers to a local network via a cable.
However, there may be a compatibility issue with some other network devices.
I hope it will bypass others, and I myself will be able to solve it after a while.

Have a pleasant and useful shopping experience!

UPDATE 09/28/2014 - we managed to connect the device with the ASUS modem. I set the WiFi operating mode to only n on the modem and removed the checkbox from b/g protection, everything worked immediately.

Probably everyone is familiar with the situation when in the far corner of the apartment it is not possible to connect to the home network - the signal is so weak. Or when several people are sitting on the home network, which causes the download speed to drop significantly. A WiFi signal repeater is a great way to deal with such minor problems. What it is and how it works, you will learn from this article.

What is a repeater?

A Wi-Fi repeater, also known as an amplifier, repeater or repeater, is a device that helps to significantly increase the coverage area of ​​a network signal. It receives the signal from the router and ensures its further transmission. You just need to allocate an extra outlet for it and understand the network settings. Please note that you need to install the Wi-Fi repeater in a place where the main signal is still strong enough. At the very least, do the initial installation and configuration in an active coverage area, and then you can move from outlet to outlet to try all the relay options and find the best one for your premises.

Repeater operating principle

Why do you need a Wi-Fi repeater? The fact is that if you decide to go ahead and simply increase the signal strength of the router so that it “catch it everywhere,” then this will not lead to anything good. Electricity consumption will increase, the device will overheat, and as a result everything will end in failure.

Another useful note: as we noted above, a repeater is often called an amplifier, but this is not entirely true. WiFi repeater does not boost the existing signal. It just spreads it over a larger area. Buying a repeater will not strengthen anything and will not make your Internet super-fast, but rather, on the contrary, will slightly reduce the speed due to the creation of another signal distribution point. But this should not alarm you - we will look at the effect of the repeater on the speed below and explain in which cases it will be insignificant.

Do you need a repeater?

Before you go shopping for a repeater, think: maybe there is another solution to the problem. We are not even talking about the increase in signal strength mentioned above, but simply about where in the apartment the router is located. The closer your device is to the geometric center of space, the more uniform the signal will be broadcast in all directions. Also check which direction the router's antenna is pointing. For horizontal signal distribution, it must be directed upward.

What does a Wi-Fi repeater look like?

There are different models of amplifiers. Some are somewhat similar in size and shape to a mobile phone charger, only without a wire. For example, the model below looks like a compact curved plate with a power plug, LED indicators, an Ethernet cable port, and a reset button.

There are models that are not much different in shape from a router.

Typically, the package also includes instructions, an Ethernet cable and a driver disk.

It couldn't be simpler: the WPS button

Most modern devices have a magic WPS button (or QSS on some models), which ideally is designed to make life much easier, but in real life, on the contrary, sometimes interferes with the use of the network.

If both your router and repeater have this button, then all you have to do is press it first on one device and then on the other. A few minutes of waiting until the Wi-Fi repeater and the router detect each other, and voila - you can work. But there are recommendations that advise setting up the repeater manually, choosing a specific WiFi network, in order, firstly, to reduce the number of failures in relaying, and secondly, to protect yourself. WPS technology is easy to hack. Therefore, it is often advised to disable this mode altogether if you do not have to connect new devices often.

Also note that sometimes the WPS button is combined with the Reset function. It all depends on the duration of the press: if you hold your finger on the button longer, then instead of turning on WPS, reboot the repeater, and all the settings you have set will be reset.

How to set up a Wi-Fi repeater manually

For a more stable signal, it is better not to rely on WPS, but to register the entire configuration manually. Connecting a Wi-Fi repeater is actually even easier than setting up a router. First of all, plug the Wi-Fi repeater into a power outlet and connect to it via a computer using a cable or Wi-Fi. Then open your browser and enter the IP address in the address bar; you will find it on the back of the repeater. The screen will refresh and the login form will appear. There you enter your login and password: if you haven’t changed anything in the router settings, then by default it’s admin/admin. The settings page will open.

Here you can name your Wi-Fi repeater somehow or leave it with the factory name. The final stage is to enter the password for your Wi-Fi in the required field.

What's happening to Internet speed?

Sometimes doubts arise about the advisability of purchasing a repeater. The main argument is that the signal propagation range increases, but the overall Internet speed decreases. The practice of using repeaters shows that speed fluctuations occur: any additional link in the Internet “distribution” chain will reduce the flow. However, the reduction is usually not so significant as to greatly affect the signal strength, and is largely determined by the technical characteristics of the devices in the chain. In other words, the Internet will not “glitch” and “slow down” if your devices initially catch the signal tenaciously.

Router as an alternative to a repeater

There is a common opinion that if you have an unnecessary but working router at home, then it is not at all necessary to purchase a WiFi signal repeater. Many models are designed so that they can perform the functions of a repeater, the main thing is to configure them correctly. This is a longer process than setting up a regular repeater, but it is quite doable on your own. Please note that it is easiest to establish a connection between two devices from the same manufacturer - there is a greater chance that the routers will notice each other and work smoothly. The setup process itself also depends on the brand.

First, the router that you are going to use as a Wi-Fi repeater will need to be connected to the computer using a wire. Then you will need to check the adapter settings (via the Network and Sharing Center, which can be accessed from the Control Panel). The device must have an IP address of with a subnet mask of

Then, just like when setting up a repeater, you will need to type the IP address from the bottom of the device into the address bar. Use the standard login and password again - admin/admin. On the page that opens, you will need to find the “Wireless Mode” tab and go to settings. We are interested in the “Enable WDS” option - this way we will create a network that will connect two routers. You will also need to change the IP address of the router, which will act as a repeater, so that you can enter the setup mode. You can simply change the last digit or add a zero after it.

After this, you need to open the list of available networks, find the one you need, select it and enter the password. By the way, do not forget to protect the network on the second router so that connection to it is also carried out using a password. To do this, we go to “Security Settings” and in the “PSK Encryption Key” column, enter our password and save.

Now the router works as a WiFi repeater. You can disconnect from your computer and install it in the desired location.

Checking the connection status

After you have configured the repeater or router in repeater mode, you need to check how the Wi-Fi repeater works and how well it picks up the signal. It is advisable to check on all your devices - laptops, tablets, phones - whether they see the network distributed by the repeater or continue to connect to the main router (for this you can enter different names in the settings). Also check whether you have installed the Wi-Fi signal repeater for the router in a suitable place and whether you have achieved your goal of improving the quality of communication.

To do this, you don’t just have to walk around your apartment with your smartphone and count the number of sticks in the connection, as everyone usually does. Download one of the special applications to your device that can check signal strength.

Please note that if you need to expand network coverage over a fairly large area, and even in different directions (for example, to the floor below and to the next room), then most likely you will have to buy two repeaters.

A Wi-Fi repeater (also called a repeater or repeater) is a wireless device used to extend network coverage. With its help, you can connect to the wireless Internet in places with poor signal reception from the router. In this case, the repeater will receive the router’s signal and relay it to clients on the local network.

Selecting a repeater installation location

The maximum efficiency of using a repeater is achieved when it is installed at the border of stable Wi-Fi reception from the router. When choosing a location, consider the layout of the room in which the repeater will be used. You should also pay attention to the location of wireless gadgets from which you will connect and access the Internet.

When searching for the optimal location to install a repeater, measure the access speed. To do this, you can use online services, for example, Speedtest. For installing repeaters, the same recommendations apply as for other wireless devices. Do not place the repeater near large electrical appliances that may interfere with network operation. If antennas are present, point them perpendicular to the plane in which radio waves are required to propagate.

Enabling a Wi-Fi Repeater

Most repeaters have a built-in power supply, so they are plugged directly into an outlet. This design allows you to get rid of unnecessary wires, since a cable connection between the power supply and the device is not required. The downside is reduced mobility. Installing the repeater at a significant height is only possible when using an extension cord or moving the socket.

To turn on the device, simply plug it into a power outlet. Almost all repeater models start working immediately after power is supplied. But if your device has a separate power button, press it. The start of work is signaled by LEDs on the housing. The meanings of the various indication modes (continuous light or flickering) can be clarified in the instructions.

Note! Some repeaters are equipped with one or more connectors for connecting a network cable. With their help, you can connect to the Internet on computers that are not equipped with a Wi-Fi module.

Connection using WPS

If there is a WPS button on the device, press it to activate the Wi-Fi connection mode without selecting a network and entering a password. After that, press the same button on the router no later than two minutes after turning on Wi-Fi Protected Setup. If the signal is normal and there are no technical difficulties, the repeater will connect to the wireless network and begin to duplicate it.

Some routers do not have such a button. To connect to them via WPS, use the router configuration web interface. You can open it in any browser by typing the router’s IP address in the address bar. As a rule, it is indicated on a separate sticker located on the bottom panel of the device. The same sticker contains login information: standard account name and password.

Advice! Connection is also possible by entering the repeater PIN code in the admin panel of the router. The code can be found on the box or a separate insert.

Training video: Quickly connecting a repeater

Setting up a repeater via the web interface

You can specify additional parameters or configure the network when using a router without WPS in the repeater’s administrative interface. As with the router’s web interface, login and configuration are performed through a browser. Authorization data is also indicated on the sticker, insert or in the instructions.

Step-by-step instructions in Russian for connection and setup Pix - Link Wireless - N Wi - Fi Repeater / Mini Router / AP ( Model : LV - WR 09) to an existing home wireless network as a repeater:

1. Plug the device into an electrical outlet.

2. From the list of available wireless network connections (in the taskbar at the bottom right), select the network => Wireless-N press the button => Connection

In the window that appears, click on the line => Connect to the network without first installing/configuring it

3. Launch the Internet browser Internet Explorer (in Mozilla or Opera the page may not load), type in the address bar => and go to it (by pressing Enter).

4. In the window that appears, in the line => Password enter the password => admin, press the button => Submit

5. Select from the three vertical icons on the left and go to => Wizard (WAN Mode: Dynamic IP Address)

6. In the right field, select a position => Wireless Repeater Mode, click => Next

7. From the list of visible networks, select => its current Wi-Fi network, press => Select

In the additional section that appears below in the line => Repeater ssid indicate the name of the new repeater network - for example, Avacym-Repeater (you define the name yourself), and in paragraph => Security enter the password - the same as for your existing one WiFi networks (strictly! ), click the button below => Apply

8. From the list of available wireless networks (taskbar, bottom right), select the one you just created => Avacym-Repeater, put a tick "Connect automatically", press the button => Connection

Then in the window that appears, enter the device PIN code (the eight-digit number that you copied/saved at the beginning) or select “Connect using a security key" and indicate the current network password.

Attention! If something goes wrong and the repeater does not work correctly, then with the device turned on, press the button located on the right side for 2 seconds => Reset (this can be done with the blunt end of a sewing needle or a straightened paper clip) and repeat all the above steps from the beginning.

In the Operation Mode section, the positions GateWay, Wireless AP Mode - are used if the Pix Link device is planned to be used as a router, and WISP - almost the same version of the repeater.

Advantages of the Pix-Link LV-WR09 mini router:

1. Made of quality plastic.

2. Easy to set up (in 15 minutes).

3. Compact.

4. Doesn't heat up.

5. If Internet speeds drop sharply, it really helps - switch to the repeater and continue working.

6. When connecting the repeater to a computer with a LAN cable ( E thernet) provides the highest possible data transfer speed (up to 35 Mbit/s).

Flaws Pix - Link LV - WR 09:

1. Internet speed through the repeater is reduced by three times, although the signal level is recorded as “excellent”.

2. Computer speakers (powered by a USB port) began to make noise.

3. In fact, it is a useless “toy”, since it does not perform its functions!

Main technical characteristics Pix Link (model LV WR09)



Standards and protocols Wi-Fi

802.11ac, 802.11g, 802.11n, 802.11b

Wi-Fi transmission standards


Wi-Fi Supported Frequency

2.4 GHz

Data transfer rate Wi-Fi

up to 300 Mbit/sec

LAN data rate

up to 300 Mbit/sec

WAN port

1×10/100 Mbit/sec

LAN port


Supports WPS



AC 100-240V, 50/60Hz



Wireless security

support 64/128 bit WEP, WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK, 802.1x



Let's look at the features of building wireless networks using Asus equipment as an example, and get acquainted with the concept of wireless router set up. For people who do not speak English, this phrase seems to be incomprehensible. In fact, there is nothing terrible about it, because translated from English, this is setting up a wireless router. Let's figure out what and how. For example, we take the Asus WL-520gC wireless router.

Connecting a computer

This wireless router can be classified in the budget price category, which is what allowed it to gain popularity among many Internet users. The router has a standard interface and the usual set of connectors for connecting to the Internet.

To make settings for your wireless router, you must connect it to your computer. The procedure is not complicated: we take the router, and insert into it the cable from your provider (WAN interface), and the cable from the computer (LAN interface), and supply power to it. The next step is to check the settings of the PC’s network card to automatically obtain an IP address. The picture below shows the option for setting up a network card under Windows XP.

Setting up a network card under Windows XP

In the next picture you can see the setup option for Windows 7.

Setting up a network card under Windows 7

Make sure that the network card settings on your PC are the same as in the pictures above, otherwise the network connection will not be established.

Now, if your network card receives the required values ​​automatically, then it must be assigned its own address, which can be seen in the item - Local network connection status.

Network card connection status

The DHCP assignment message says that your wireless router has successfully assigned its personal IP address to your network card. Go ahead.

Setting up the router

Go to the web interface

Router settings are performed via the web interface. To get into it, open any browser and go to the page with the address –, where you get to the authorization menu.

In this menu, enter the username and password – admin/admin. Click "OK".

Internet setup

After successfully logging into the router settings web menu, you can begin setting up the Internet.

We need to get acquainted with the main access protocols, these are DHCP and PPTP VPN.

Settings in DHCP mode

In this mode, the router receives an IP address from the provider automatically, so setup does not cause any difficulties. Go to the item – IP Config, then – Wan & LAN.

Internet settings menu

In the item – WAN Connection Type, set – Automatic IP. In – Choose WAN Bridge Port, set the LAN port to which the IPTV set-top box is connected; if not, leave it – None.

The WAN DNS Setting item contains information about the addresses of domain name servers, but this item can be left in the machine and then the provider’s DHCP server will assign them.

If your provider is “bound” to a MAC address, then in the MAC Address item you can enter the MAC address of the equipment to which the provider’s cable was previously connected. You can also enter any address of the equipment you need. If you want, you can leave the MAC address of your router, but then you will have to call your provider and inform them about its replacement. Now you can click Finish. The router will save the settings and display the following message.

Router message

This message says that the router "wants" to reboot. Click Save&Restart. We see the following message.

Router message

We wait 20 seconds.

Setting up routing

Now go to IP Config, then to – Route, here in the option – Use DHCP routes set the value to Yes. If you will use IPTV, then activate the item – Enable multicast routing. Click – Finish.

Setting up the router

To check the settings, you can go to the status menu – Status & Log, section – Status.

Menu status

This menu contains all the important data for connecting to the provider. There are two buttons at the bottom that you can use to turn your connection on and off. Now let's move on to the settings of the PPTP VPN connection.

Configuration in PPTP VPN mode

For this mode you need to enter many more values ​​than in the previous mode. Go to – IP Config – WAN & LAN.

PPTP VPN mode settings

Enter the following data:

  • WAN Connection Type – set to PPTP.
  • Choose WAN Bridge Port – set the LAN port of the IPTV set-top box.
  • WAN IP Setting – enter the data issued by the provider.
  • WAN DNS Setting – also provider data.
  • User Name – login from the provider.
  • Password – password from the provider.
  • PPTP Options – set No Encryption.
  • MAC Address – enter the desired MAC address.
  • Heart-Beat or PPTP/L2TP (VPN) Server – specify the provider’s VPN server.

Now that's it, click Finish.

Wireless setup

Now we can finally move on to consider the concept of wireless router setup. To set up your wireless connection, go to Wireless, then Interface.

Wireless Setup Menu

Here you need to fill in a “bunch” of fields:

  • SSID – network name. You can come up with anything.
  • Channel – here you select the channel of the wireless network. You can choose any, but it is better to set the automatic mode.
  • Wireless mode – the wireless communication standard is selected here. Set the value to 54g onlу.
  • Authentication Method – at this point you select the encryption method. Set it to WPA-Auto-Personal.
  • WPA Encryption – the data encryption algorithm is assigned here. Set it to TKIP+AES.
  • WPA Pre-Shared Key – enter the password. It must have at least 8 characters of the Latin alphabet.

That’s it, to save, click – Apply.

Go to the menu – Advanced. Here are “interesting” settings that can affect the operation of the wireless network.

In the Hide SSID item, you can deactivate the distribution of the network identifier. This will allow you to “hide” the wireless network when wireless devices search for networks. Those. your network name will not be visible in the list of available networks.

In the item – Multicast rate you can set the width of multicast traffic. If you plan to watch IPTV over WiFi, set the value to 36 Mb/s.

With Radio Power you can adjust the emitter power of your WiFi network. If you want to prevent your neighbors from “seeing” your network, you can reduce the radiation level.

In principle, that’s it, click Finish.

Installing and configuring a WiFi router
