Install windows 7 without a disk or flash drive. Installing Windows on a computer without using bootable media

How to reinstall windows 7 without a disk? This topic is relevant today. Moreover, it concerns the new OS developments that appeared not so long ago. And now in more detail! Windows 7, or simply “seven”, is one of the latest operating systems from Microsoft, and at the same time the most successful of them. At least that's what many experts think.

What does installing from a boot drive mean?

How to reinstall windows 7 without a disk? The standard model for installing any operating system is from a hard drive. And in addition to a disk, a drive can be used as it. The installation option from a flash drive is quite reliable. As with a disk, the host system is installed at a lower level in the computer's software hierarchy. In other words, "from under the old system." In addition, this method of loading a new “OS” allows you to format HDD, on which the previous system was located. This will protect the OS from old programs that may be malicious, as well as from “under-deleted” parts of files that are invisible at first glance, but remain in the system and interfere with its normal operation. Such “scraps” of unnecessary documents hinder the speed of the system. Malfunctions may occur. You should consider how to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk and without a flash drive.

If there is neither a flash drive nor a disk

The standard installation method is not always possible. For example, if there is no disk, but there is an OS file on the computer or laptop itself. What to do in such a situation? How to reinstall windows 7 without a disk or flash drive on a computer? The system file can be presented in the form of an image, an archive, or simply an installer. To install the system from an image, you must run a special program. It is necessary for reading/writing exactly this kind of formats. For example, Daemon Tools. Having launched the image in the program and mounted it, you should select the installation file. If the OS is available as an archive, then there is no need to unpack it. How to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk or flash drive on a computer in such a situation? Click on the archive and select the installer file from the drop-down list. It has ".exe" permission. This file is located mainly towards the end of the list of archive contents. There will be no difference in launching the installer even if the operating system is simply located in some folder.

What do you need to remember?

If you are installing a production system for the first time, there are some rules to keep in mind. You need to know them if you need to answer the question of how to reinstall Windows 7. Whether this will be done without a disk or with it does not play an important role.

Firstly, the installation of a new OS may occur due to the computer being infected with viruses. This is a useless process if it is not accompanied by formatting. The fact is that infected files do not disappear anywhere with this type of installation of the main working environment. They are saved in the previously installed system. Subsequently, they will simply switch to a new shell.

Secondly, the best, and most importantly, the safest installation method is still to use a hard drive. Reinstalling Windows 7 without a disk in such a situation is not difficult. It is enough to have a bootable USB flash drive. If it does not exist, then it is created using simple steps. There is a program specifically for this that writes images to media. Eg, Ultra ISO. Accordingly, if the files are not in disk image format, you should create one. Usually the same Daemon Tools is used for this.

How to reinstall windows 7 without a disk on a laptop or computer? Please remember that when installing new system You should always use only verified files. The fact is that with modern progress, handicraft assemblies are found everywhere. When downloading Windows 7 from the Internet, no one can say with confidence that it is not “hard-wired” with malicious software.

First actions

How to reinstall windows 7 without a disk on a laptop or computer? Let's look at how to do it the most in a simple way. Find the folder with the operating system and run the installation file. After this, the installation window will open. It will display the ability to configure the following settings:

  • selecting the system language (this is the language of the displayed names of folders, files, disks, and so on);
  • keyboard layout (input language);
  • time format (country, time zone).

For our country, naturally, you should choose the Russian language option everywhere. After clicking the "Next" button, a window with the "Install" button opens. By clicking on installation, we go to the license agreement. We accept it by checking the box next to the appropriate inscription.

The most popular types of systems

The installer may contain several system options. The most commonly used:

  • home - for an inexperienced user;
  • standard - for those who confidently work with a computer;
  • professional - for an experienced person; it offers extensive capabilities, necessary modules and great access to files;
  • maximum - provides full access to all the functionality of the operating system.

If you are wondering how to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk or flash drive on a laptop or computer, then you should understand that this is an incomplete list of possible systems.

Don't forget about the bit depth

All programs of this type differ in their bit depth, that is, 32-bit (X86) and 64-bit (X64). This parameter is indicated after the system name. For example, windows 7 Ultimate X86.

The choice of the level of the system to be installed should be made based on the power of the computer's resources. If the laptop or PC is relatively weak, it is recommended to install X86 OS (32-bit version). It is best to install windows 7 X64 if the size random access memory exceeds 4GB. The thing is that the 32-bit version is simply unable to “see” such a volume.

What to do when formatting is needed?

Let's return to how to reinstall windows 7 without a disk. The next OS installer window will offer the option of completely installing the system on your computer and updating. You must opt ​​for a full installation. Otherwise, only an update to the pre-existing operating system will occur.

After selecting the preliminary parameters, a window appears with the option to select hard drive. This method will not allow you to format it. This is due to the fact that the installer was launched from a running system. If it is necessary to format the disk, which is desirable when installing the OS, then this point can be bypassed. This happens as follows. Until the new “seven” is installed, take any other partition of the disk and clear it of files (move them if you need them, and just don’t touch them if you don’t need them). After that, format the partition. You should not change the drive letter in this situation. When answering the question of how to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk or flash drive on a laptop or computer, you should keep in mind that when you boot the new system, the drive letters will change automatically. The formatted partition should be selected for system installation.

If cleaning is not needed

If formatting is not necessary, you can simply select the drive to install the new system and continue. In such a situation, the old system will remain in the "windows old" folder. It will be located on drive "C". It will also be possible to start and work from it. But it is not recommended to do this, since two identical operating systems on the same disk may “conflict”. This, in turn, will lead to a malfunction. The old OS can be removed or moved to another medium. There is another very significant point that you should remember when answering the question of how to reinstall windows 7 without a disk on Asus laptop, Lenovo, HP, etc.

If the partition on which the new OS is installed does not have enough space for two operating systems, the installation process will not be able to start. This occurs due to the fact that the old shell is not removed and continues to occupy space. It is important to remember that frequent reinstallation of the operating system leads to disk destruction. This can be avoided by using different types of defragmenters. For example, the Victoria program.

This problem is not so bad for computers. There is nothing easier than buying a new hard drive and installing it. This is easy to do yourself. However, if the hard drive breaks on a laptop, then, in addition to the cost of the disk itself, you will have to pay for repair services. You should know about this if you are interested in the question of how to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk from a flash drive.

What do you need to enter after installation?

Having selected the disk (partition) for installation, click “Next”, which will lead to unpacking and subsequent installation new windows 7. This process is fully automated. It will last for 25-30 minutes, depending on the power of the computer (laptop). After completing the installation, you need to enter the following parameters:

  1. Username (your own name or a desired nickname).
  2. Computer name (any name in Latin or Russian letters).

If the input is incorrect, the system will tell you about it and ask you to correct the symbols, indicating the error.

Entering the password and key

During installation, you will be asked to assign a password and a hint in case you lose it. After this, a window appears in which you must enter the key to activate the operating system. If it is missing, simply click “Next” after unchecking the box next to “Activation while connected to the Internet.” Then you will be able to activate the system in any convenient way. This is done as follows:

  1. You need to find the "My Computer" folder.
  2. You need to open the context menu by clicking the right mouse button.
  3. You need to click on the "Properties" tab.
  4. You should select the “Change product key” option.

You need to protect your computer from external threats

Let's return to the question of how to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk on a computer or laptop. The next step is the protection settings. You can use the recommended service, or you can postpone the decision and configure it later. Protecting your computer is one of the most important aspects of installing an operating system. The fact is that the security of the equipment will depend on how well you limit access parameters from other people’s devices. This menu is nothing more than offering an option to select a data protection set created by Microsoft specialists. It should be understood that they already provide and set the recommended parameters. By skipping this point, many people forget to perform the configuration manually in the future, putting their files at risk.

So, having decided on security, click “Next” and set up the time and date (time zone, etc.) in a new window.

Next, the installer displays the network parameters window. It can be either home or public. Due to this, the settings in the Internet properties are changed. As for the general understanding, the home network looks more conservative regarding the configuration. A public network, on the contrary, provides greater access to the resources of a laptop or computer.

What can be changed after installation?

This was the last step, after which you will receive an almost empty desktop of the newly installed Windows 7 operating system. Basic settings (for example, adding the My Computer folder or user files to the desktop) can be done by left-clicking on the desktop space and by selecting the "Personalization" tab.

There you can also set a different background image, change the default theme (usually Windows 7 Aero), change the screen resolution and much more.

Standard licensed Windows 7 comes without additional programs. However, among the numerous assemblies you can find options that include many additional elements, software, and so on.


This article described how to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk or flash drive. You will install it on a netbook, laptop, computer - it does not play a big role. The principle of the installation process for a new system is the same.

How to reinstall OS Windows 7 on a computer without an installation disk? A simple solution

When buying a brand new laptop, few people pay attention to the fact that modern models often do without a drive. It would seem, what's wrong with that? True, as soon as it gets to the point of installing/reinstalling Windows, the question begins to sound different. Why don’t you run out in the middle of the night for a new drive just to use a pre-purchased licensed disc with Windows 7?! But it would also be stupid to refuse to buy a powerful laptop because of this trifle! Really! In this case, it’s easier to figure out how to install/reinstall Windows 7 on a PC without an installation disk.

Let’s say right away that you can cope with this task in different ways. In particular, it is possible to reinstall Windows on a computer:

  1. through the System Restore utility;
  2. using the Recovery utility built into the laptop (if Windows 7 was originally installed on the computer);
  3. by installing Windows from a bootable USB flash drive.

Moreover, each method of reinstalling Windows 7 on a computer requires its own instructions, which, however, is not a problem at all if you find yourself on this page. Well let's go!

Method number 1: System rollback

If Windows 7 not only boots, but also responds normally to commands after a restart, you can try to reinstall it using a standard Windows rollback to the previous (working) state. How do we act? First, open the “Start” menu, go to “Control Panel”, and from there to the “Recovery” section:

Then in the window that appears, click the “Start Recovery...” button to launch the Windows Recovery Wizard and click “Next”. After that, select the appropriate option for reinstalling Windows 7 by date and click “Finish”, proceeding to this step using the “Next” button:

As a result of such simple manipulations, the system will be automatically updated without an installation disk, without affecting documents, media and other files valuable to users stored on the computer.

Method No. 2: Reinstalling the system using the Recovery program

For those who are looking for a hint on the question of how to reinstall Windows without a disk if the system also does not boot, the long-awaited answer will be the Recovery utility built into the laptop software. It is presented on almost all modern laptops, although under different names. For example, Toshiba laptops have Recovery Wizard installed, Samsung laptops have Recovery Solution, Hewlett Packard laptops have HP Recovery Manager. However, regardless of the name, their purpose is the same - to help reinstall Windows without a disk, returning it to factory settings.

True, you can launch Recovery only on a laptop with an unformatted working hard drive, on which Windows 7 was previously installed. To launch it, in particular, you will need to reboot the system and, when starting Windows, press the appropriate button several times hotkey:

Further instructions will be determined by prompts from the utility itself. For example, on Samsung, the action plan will look like this:

Method No. 3: Installing the system from a bootable USB flash drive

If OS Windows 7 cannot be installed/reinstalled on a computer without a disk using any of the above methods (the PC does not boot, problems with the hard drive, etc.), for reinstallation operating system, you can use a special bootable USB flash drive. In this case, the instructions look a little more complicated. In particular, during the Windows installation process you will need:

  1. prepare the hard drive for formatting;
  2. download iso image;
  3. write drivers and distribution to a flash drive;
  4. configure the system to start from USB;
  5. install (reinstall) Windows 7 on your computer;

Ready? Then let's get started!

Step #1: Prepare your PC

Based on the fact that as a result of reinstalling Windows 7 on a computer, all data stored on the hard drive will be destroyed, before installing (reinstalling) the system, it is worth transferring important information in advance to a more reliable place, for example, to an external drive.

At this same stage, you should also worry about the drivers for the laptop. You can download them absolutely free from the official website of the PC manufacturer, so no problems should arise. Moreover, before reinstalling Windows, do not forget to make sure that the drivers were not stored on the hard drive, but were successfully transferred to the flash drive.

At the same time, you need to download an iso image of Windows 7 to your computer, paying attention to its release. It must correspond to the one recorded on the purchased licensed disk with Windows, otherwise it will not be possible to activate it with the purchased key.

Step No. 2: Burn a flash drive

You can prepare a bootable USB flash drive in different ways (details here and here), but it’s easier to write it through the Rufus utility. Working with it is quite simple, you just need to connect the flash drive to the laptop and launch the program. All that is needed next is:

Step #3: Setting up system startup

You can boot your computer from a flash drive either by setting the appropriate parameters in the BIOS, or by pressing special hot keys at startup. The last option seems to be the simplest. The only thing we need to do is press at the same time as the system boots the desired button and install in the appeared context menu Boot option - from a USB drive. For example:

And a first grader can handle it, right?

Step #4: OS Installation

After booting the computer from the flash drive, all that remains is to reinstall the system. In this case, the procedure is similar to the standard installation of 7 on a laptop:

That's all! As you can see, installing/reinstalling Windows 7 on your own on a computer or laptop without a disk drive is quite simple: if only you had the desire and some free time.

How to install windows without a disk or flash drive (detailed instructions)

Installing or reinstalling Windows is a fairly simple and automated operation, however, only if you have a working disk drive or at least a flash drive with a recorded image of Windows XP, 7 or the desired version. Reinstallation can be more problematic, especially when you need to save data. And if there is no disk or flash drive, how can you install and reinstall in this case? Our article will describe in detail how to reinstall a working version of Windows 7 without using a disk or flash drive.

Short description

The operation itself is quite simple, and for an experienced user the introductory words will suffice. Let's break the process into several stages:

  1. Compresses the hard drive and allocates the required amount of memory.
  2. Copying data from an image from the OS to a previously prepared memory location.
  3. Creating an installation “disk” that is located inside the selected memory area using the EasyBSD utility.
  4. Installation of Windows OS, as well as its configuration.

These factors will be described in more detail below, so that any user will be able to figure out how and what to do.

Downloading the necessary utilities

For this you will need the Daemon Tools program. You can download it from the official website. It takes up little space on your hard drive and is also not demanding on resources. You should also download an even smaller utility called EasyBSD. It can also be downloaded from the official website. It is with the help of the latter that we will carry out the entire operation of reinstalling and installing windows without a flash drive or disk.

Preparing a partition for installation files

Create a section

The first step is to install a partition on the disk where the installation files of the Windows operating system will be stored. To do this, go to Disk Management. To get to this submenu, you need to right-click on “My Computer”, select the “Management” tab, and in it there is “Disk Management”. You can also enter “Disk Management” through the search and you will immediately be taken to desired page. There you can also track the amount of memory on a flash drive or other devices. The option we need looks like this:

Here you can see the amount of available and busy information on the hard drive. For our operation, it is important that the hard drive is already divided into two partitions, as in the picture. After fulfilling this factor, we divide the second disk (in our case D) into two different sections. To do this, right-click on drive D, and then select the “Shrink volume” tab. After clicking, a window pops up asking you to enter how much to compress the disk. You need to enter a value slightly larger than the size of the Windows image. Although there is often enough memory for laptops, to save money, enter 150–300 megabytes more than the image weighs. Click “Compress”. The compression itself will not last long - about five minutes, no more.

Converting a Partition

After that, we need to convert the space we just shrunk into a clean partition. By right-clicking on the rectangle indicating unallocated space, select the “Create simple volume” tab. It looks something like this:

The wizard will start. Without much thought, we click on the Next button everywhere, there is nothing particularly important in it. After creating the volume, we proceed to the main part of the work.

Copying installation data

Opening Daemon Tools Lite or another version available on your laptop, select the image with Windows 7 or 8. The next step is to click on the “Add Image” tab. After it appears in our program, click on “Mount”. A screenshot of this operation is shown below.

From the virtual drive we copy all the data, including folders and files, to a small disk that we created about 10 minutes ago. You can find out the name of the disk by looking at the letter located under the button panel.

Creating a virtual disk

The next step will be to work with the latest utility, which is called EasyBCD. After starting the program, click on Add entry. Among several tabs, select WinPE. In the name field you need to enter the name of the section we created. By default, in all laptops on which Windows is installed, it is called “New Volume”. So we write in the “Name” category. In the “Path” let there be a boot.wim file, which is located in the sources folder inside the image.

Windows installation

After completing the entire operation, click on the Current settings button. With its help, you can make sure that your actions were not in vain. If a new entry appears: congratulations, you have completed all the work yourself. As you can see, installing or reinstalling windows without a disk and without a flash drive is very simple! After restarting the computer or laptop, in the special menu for selecting the operating system, select “New Volume” and start the standard process of installing or reinstalling windows.

Features for Windows XP

It is worth noting that installing Windows XP is a little different. The process itself has changed significantly and more data is required from the user. Therefore, there are problems with Windows XP when they try to install it not from a disk. This technique allows the installation of Windows 7.8, but does not provide the ability to install XP due to the absence of some data, for example, the boot.wim file, which is needed for one of the most important installation processes. If you want to install windows XP, then you need a slightly different reinstallation method. One of the simplest is updating the system. However, reinstalling XP using this method will only update the system and will not install another OS.

Reinstalling XP from your hard drive will allow you to perform an operation that is similar to the previous one. The difference between them is that the latter option will help even when the system does not boot.

First you need to transfer the distribution folder to your hard drive.

After this, we do not need to update the system, but completely install it again by selecting “ New installation» in installation mode. The next step will be collecting data and general installation of Windows XP OS in the usual version - as from a disk. Your OS will be in the windows.0 folder, but you can rename it.

Video on the topic

Good publicity:

Installing Windows 7 without using a disk or flash drive

Today you can find a wide variety of ways to install Windows 7 OS on your PC. Generally, most users prefer to use a flash drive to install this OS. However, there is a method that involves installing Windows 7 without using a flash drive or disk, which is suitable for those users who are not able to use these media on their PC. Let's see how we can do this.

Preparing the system

  1. First of all, install the Daemon Tools or UltraISO utility on your computer.
  2. Next, create an image of the operating system. Read more about this here.
  3. Download and install the EasyBCD application, which will be used to further install Windows 7.

Setting up the hard drive

After the ISO image has been burned and the EasyBCD utility has been installed, you will need to create a new partition on your computer, where the newly installed operating system will be placed in the future.

For this:

Launch EasyBCD

It's time to use the EasyBCD utility:

When you do everything, the system will be configured in such a way that the next time you start it, first of all, the OS you created will be loaded under the name that you gave it. Now all that remains is to install Windows 7 correctly.

Installing the operating system

After restarting your computer, you will see the Windows Installation Manager. The first position will contain the OS you created. Select it.

Having done this, you will start the standard Windows 7 OS installation process (read more about this here). All that remains is to complete the operating system installation process.

"Cleaning up the tails"

When the new Windows is successfully installed on the PC, the next time you start the computer, in the manager windows loading Three operating systems will be displayed:

  • the one you used before;
  • the image that was used for installation;
  • newly created OS.

Let's get rid of unnecessary ones using the already familiar EasyBCD utility:

  1. Launch the EasyBCD application.
  2. Open the Edit Boot Menu section.
  3. Check the boxes for all the operating systems you want to remove.
  4. When you're ready, click on the Delete button.
Important! You only need to remove unnecessary operating systems from the one where the EasyBCD program is installed. You can install the application on the newly created operating system and carry out the uninstallation process from there.

As always, we are ready to support you in this rather lengthy and difficult task by answering your questions in the comments.

Installing windows on a computer without using bootable media

There are quite a few ways to install Windows on a computer: you can use an optical disk, a flash drive, or a system update. But there is another method that is convenient and common among experienced users - installing windows from an ISO image unpacked on the hard drive.

Therefore, if you do not have bootable media, there is no need to be upset - you can install Windows without a flash drive or disk. This will be even faster and more convenient:

  1. You don't have to decide how to configure the BIOS. Setting boot priority, Boot, Advanced and other unknown words - you can temporarily forget about them.
  2. There is no need to look for an installation disk or create bootable media to install Windows 7 from a USB flash drive.

These two advantages are more than enough to make you think about how to install Windows from a hard drive.

You will definitely need a pre-downloaded system distribution in the form of an ISO image. It would also be useful to have at least a little experience installing Windows from a disk or flash drive, so that you don’t have to explain all the stages of this process from the very beginning.

What will you need besides the distribution?

Before we start looking at how to install Windows without a disk or flash drive, let's figure out what programs you may need to correctly complete this simple procedure:

Preparing the hard drive

The first step is to create a new hard drive partition on which you will then install the new operating system.

You can do this using the built-in windows tools:

  1. Right-click on the “My Computer” shortcut and go to the “Manage” section.
  2. In the left menu, select "Disk Management".
  3. If the drive is partitioned, you will see two partitions. There is no need to touch the system one, but you can work with the file one. Right-click on it and select "Shrink Volume".
  4. Write the size of the partition to be created in megabytes. For example, let's create a volume with a size of approximately 8 GB (any value that is larger than the size of the windows ISO image is possible).
  5. An unallocated area will appear that needs to be turned into a full-fledged section. To do this, right-click on it and select “Create simple volume”.

The Partition Creation Wizard will quickly guide you through all stages of this procedure, prompting you to specify the letter of the new partition. You can leave the default letter “F” - there is no difference. As a result, you should have a new partition that will be visible through “My Computer”.

System Setup

Launch Daemon Tools and specify the path to the windows ISO image in the program. Mount the image and copy all the files inside it to the free partition you just created. The copying will take about 10 minutes, so you will have to wait a bit.

Click the "Add Entry" button to complete the system setup process and add another entry to the boot menu.

Using the “View Settings” section you can see how the bootloader menu will look, taking into account changes made.

As you can see, “Seven”, which you added from the ISO image, is loaded first, and then the operating system already existing on the computer. If you have any problems with the boot menu, you can edit it by opening the “Edit Boot Menu” tab.

Here you can use the “Up” and “Down” keys to change the loading order, specify new names for items, and also remove them from the menu. After making the necessary changes, do not forget to click the “Save Settings” button to apply the new system configuration.

Installation and actions after installation

After the computer restarts, a window will appear asking you to select the operating system to start. Specify the system that you added from the ISO image using the EasyBCD program and press Enter.

Next, the standard Windows installation will begin with choosing a language, copying files and configuring settings. The only difference from installing from a disk or flash drive is that installation will take much less time (about 10 minutes, maybe a little more).

After installation is complete, the boot menu will already include three items. You can get rid of unnecessary entries using the same EasyBCD utility. True, you will have to boot through the system in which it is installed (in in this example it was Vista).

  1. Launch EasyBCD and go to the “Edit Boot Menu” section.

Highlight the bootloader entry that you no longer need and click the Delete button. If you no longer need the first system, you can delete it so as not to burden your computer with unnecessary files. First remove the entry about it from the boot menu, and then format the partition and merge it with the file volume.

Alternative methods

The method described above is the most popular and used, however, there are other methods that allow you to install Windows without a disk or flash drive. Let's focus on two not-so-complicated installation options in order to have more freedom when choosing a method.

Using the Command Line

If you want to perform a clean installation, immediately deleting the partition with the old operating system, use the windows command line functions:

At the command prompt, you need to enter two commands: the first allows you to select the partition you will work with, and the second runs the setup.exe file.

The standard Windows installation will start, the process of which you should be familiar with. During installation, you can work with the partitions that are on the hard drive: change their size, merge or re-partition.

BOOTICE utility

Download the BOOTICE utility to your computer and move it to the root of the partition where the windows distribution is unpacked. You should get a picture like this:

Immediately rename the "bootmgr" file to "grldr". You can choose any other name - the main thing is that its length does not exceed 5 letters. This is one of the requirements of the boot manager, without which it is not possible to change the entry.

It is important that only one hard drive is connected to the computer, otherwise errors may appear when creating a boot record.

When buying a brand new laptop, few people pay attention to the fact that modern models often do without a drive. It would seem, what's wrong with that? True, once it comes to installing/reinstalling Windows, the question begins to sound different. Why don’t you run out in the middle of the night for a new drive just to use a pre-purchased licensed disc with Windows 7?! But it would also be stupid to refuse to buy a powerful laptop because of this trifle! Really! In this case, it’s easier to figure out how to install/reinstall Windows 7 on a PC without an installation disk.

Let’s say right away that you can cope with this task in different ways. In particular, it is possible to reinstall Windows on a computer:

Through the System Restore utility; using the Recovery utility built into the laptop (if Windows 7 was originally installed on the computer); by installing Windows from a bootable USB flash drive.

Moreover, for each method of reinstalling Windows 7 on a computer...

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Change language and keyboard settings. At the very beginning, you need to select the language and keyboard layout you need. In most cases, the correct settings are already selected by default.

Start installing the operating system. After selecting your language, you will be prompted to begin installing Windows. To do this, click “Install Now”; The terms of use for Windows 7 will be displayed on the screen. Agree to the terms by checking the box and click “Next”.

Select the custom (advanced) system installation method. In this case, you will be able to delete the current system partition and install Windows 7 on the new partition. This is especially important if you are reinstalling Windows 7 to troubleshoot problems or get rid of malware. Remember that when you reinstall the operating system using this method, all information stored on the hard drive will be deleted.

Select the current system partition (the partition on which...

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One general instruction on how to reinstall licensed Windows 7 on a laptop or computer without an installation disk and flash drive is indispensable.

There are several points here that need to be considered separately. The first is a laptop or computer. Second - Windows installed 7 is still in working order or has already “flyed”.

Third, it will be a clean installation or without data loss. Fourth - if you have keys or a special partition with a recovery disk.

If a laptop was purchased with Windows 7 pre-installed, then there should be a special sticker with a key on the bottom.

This means that then (if you have one) you can install any Windows (the main thing is that it has exactly the same characteristics as the one that was on the purchased one - usually it’s “home”) and activate it (make it licensed) using this key

Many laptops, unlike computers, are sold with pre-installed Windows 7 (now Windows 8) and manufacturers on disk...

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Good day everyone!
I encountered the following problem: I bought ACER laptop E728, after the next change of the login password, it doesn’t work when turned on, because... The password is full of Latin characters, but it doesn’t switch from Cyrillic, by the way, the RU/ENG icon has disappeared somewhere. What to do, tell me? Is it possible to somehow reinstall Windows (there is no disk), it was installed. I have XP, but it won't install. I have already changed the boot priority from CD_ROM in the BIOS, but to no avail. By the way, Windows 7 Starter is installed. Is it possible to reinstall it on the seven or better on the Home Basic (which I don’t have in stock yet). In general, help me choose and guide me along the right path to solving the problem. I'll be glad for any advice....

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A situation often arises when the issue of reinstalling the operating system becomes urgent. Let's take a specific case. There is a laptop purchased with Windows 7 already pre-installed. The system itself is still, one might say, in working condition, but the user is quite worried about some circumstances. What exactly? Due to external virus attacks, as well as during operation, errors accumulate over and over again, which leads the computer to a rather slow boot process, and other software tools are not pleasing with their previous performance. At the same time, cleaning the registry, anti-virus measures and returning the system to a previously recorded recovery point do not give the expected results. There is only one way out - reinstalling the system. How does this process happen?

It is worth noting that a laptop with a pre-installed system is good because its manufacturer took care of the operating system distribution, which is stored in a hidden section of the device’s hard drive. Right there...

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In this article you will learn how to reinstall Windows 7 yourself. The material is designed for users who will be installing Windows on a computer or laptop for the first time. No matter how scary it may sound, reinstalling Windows is very simple. In the days of Windows 95 and 98, to an inexperienced person, the procedure of reinstalling the operating system could seem like a mystical rite. The person who was invited to do this was necessarily called a programmer and was considered a guru in the computer field.

For their part, such gurus, inflating their value, intimidated their clients in every possible way with terrible computer terms and stories about viruses and burned-out computers. IN this manual you will see that this is not at all true and that installing or reinstalling Windows on your laptop or computer is very simple and accessible to almost anyone who knows how to use a computer mouse.

I will make a small reservation. This article will tell you how to...

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Despite Microsoft's obsessive requests to switch to Windows 10, 55% of computers in the world continue to work with Windows 7 installed. This version of the OS has achieved such popularity due to its stability and user-friendly interface. Considering that support for the “seven” ends only in 2020, it will occupy the first line of the rating for a long time.

But even such a stronghold of stability sometimes fails, especially if users do not pay attention to the operation of their PC. The question of how to reinstall Windows 7 will arise sooner or later, so it is better to know in advance what actions need to be taken to successfully install the system.

How to reinstall Windows 7

Preparatory stage

If you are planning to reinstall Windows 7 without formatting the hard drive, then this is a bad idea. The data will be saved, but the hard drive will turn out to be such a mess that you won’t be able to figure out for a long time where the old system ends and the new one begins. That's why...

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How to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk? This topic is relevant today. Moreover, it concerns the new OS developments that appeared not so long ago. And now in more detail! Windows 7, or simply “seven,” is one of the latest operating systems from Microsoft, and at the same time the most successful of them. At least that's what many experts think.

What does installing from a boot drive mean?

How to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk? The standard model for installing any operating system is from a hard drive. And in addition to a disk, a drive can be used as it. The installation option from a flash drive is quite reliable. As with a disk, the host system is installed at a lower level in the computer's software hierarchy. In other words, "from under the old system." In addition, this method of loading a new “OS” allows you to format the hard drive on which the previous system was located. This...

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Hello dear visitors of the site TERYRA.COM! This article will focus on one very important issue - how to reinstall Windows 7?

If you want to immediately begin reinstalling the operating system (OS), you can immediately proceed to the Preparing for reinstalling Windows 7. But I advise you to start reading the article from the very beginning, since at the beginning some very important tips will be given that can save you from unnecessary troubles.

What should you do before uninstalling your old system?

When you reinstall Windows 7, the old system will be completely erased. Therefore, first, you need to copy all the data that you need.

If, before reinstalling, you stored everything on two local drives, for example C and D, then this is good. Since only one of them is systemic, and accordingly the information will be erased only on it. However, even in this case, think carefully, you may also have to copy something from it, for example...

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How to install Windows 7, complete guide + video A few words about reinstalling Windows 7 Searching for Windows 7 on the Internet Downloading a Windows image to your computer Burning the image to a DVD (if installing from a disk) Burning the image to a flash drive (if installing from a flash drive) Booting your computer from installation disk or flash drive Installing Windows 7 on a computer Activating Windows Installing drivers Conclusion

A few words about reinstalling Windows 7


It is no secret that one of the main sources of income for computer services and “geeks” is the notorious system reinstallation. Now you can save a lot on this by simply doing everything the same way as in this article.

You can independently install or reinstall Windows 7 on your computer, laptop or netbook. I tried to explain each step as clearly as possible and provide several options for the development of events.

It's actually quite simple, but for clarity I...

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How to reinstall Windows 7. A detailed description of reinstalling Windows 7 from start to finish.

Perhaps you were looking for:
How to install/reinstall Windows Xp from disk
How to install/reinstall Windows Xp without a disk (from a flash drive)
How to install/reinstall Windows 7 from disk
How to install/reinstall Windows 7 without a disk (from a flash drive) +UEFI
How to install/reinstall Windows 8 from disk
How to install/reinstall Windows 8 from a +UEFI flash drive
How to install/reinstall Windows 10 from a +UEFI flash drive
How to install/reinstall Windows 10 from a disk

To reinstall Windows 7 for dummies we will need:

Download Windows 7 Burn Windows 7 to a disk or flash drive with Windows 7 Set the first boot device - cd-rom to the BIOS Install Windows 7

Step No. 1 Reinstalling Windows 7. Burning a Windows 7 disc

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In this article we will talk about how to reinstall Windows 7 without a disk, especially if your laptop does not have a CD drive at all.

Let's consider the situation: Our laptop with the pre-installed licensed Windows 7 OS has stopped booting. All attempts to boot the system have failed. What can we do with this, provided that we do not have a disk with Windows and we want to restore the licensed system.

There are two options.

1) Restore the Windows system from the bootable backup area of ​​the laptop. (if you have a personal PC, then go straight to option No. 2

Almost every modern laptop manufacturer creates a special partition on the hard drive that allows you to restore Windows. Each manufacturer has different software and is called up with different keys.

To restore the system, we need to restart the laptop and press a special key before loading Windows.

After pressing this key, the recovery program window should open...

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There are quite a few ways to install Windows on a computer: you can use an optical disc, a flash drive, or a system update. But there is another method that is convenient and common among experienced users - installing Windows from an ISO image unpacked on the hard drive.

Therefore, if you do not have bootable media, there is no need to be upset - you can install Windows without a flash drive or disk. This will be even faster and more convenient:

You don't have to decide how to configure the BIOS. Setting boot priority, Boot, Advanced and other unknown words - you can temporarily forget about them. There is no need to look for an installation disk or create bootable media to install Windows 7 from a USB flash drive.

These two advantages are more than enough to make you think about how to install Windows from a hard drive.

You will definitely need a pre-downloaded system distribution in the form of an ISO image. It would also be useful to have at least a little experience installing Windows from a disk or flash drive, so as not to...

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Sometimes, for various reasons, we need to reinstall Windows 7 on a computer (laptop). Of course, the most common situation is that the computer cannot be used normally due to brakes or viruses. During the installation process, users may encounter various difficulties, so in this article we will try to tell you as clearly as possible how to reinstall Windows 7 yourself.

In fact, reinstalling Windows is not a difficult procedure at all, but many service centers They charge exorbitant sums for this procedure, taking advantage of the ignorance of their clients.

Reinstalling Windows on a laptop using built-in tools.

Almost all laptop manufacturers provide their device with a special utility that allows you to automatically reinstall Windows and install the necessary drivers.

This function is a real salvation for inexperienced users who want to return the laptop to its factory condition.

This method should...

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When using a computer for a long time, any user sooner or later becomes puzzled by the fact that the system is cluttered, residual files do not want to be deleted voluntarily, and the laptop boots up at the speed of a wounded snail. Also, some viruses, although treatable at first glance, still leave their tiny traces. Subsequently, it grows exponentially and affects the entire system completely. Therefore, the user begins to ask the pressing question: “How to reinstall Windows 7?”

Of course, to solve these problems, you can use the services of plugins or start using a new antivirus, but such a solution will be temporary, and in a few weeks the situation will not only repeat itself, but will also worsen. In addition, sometimes the computer simply leaves no choice, threateningly greeting you with a “blue screen of death” with farewell instructions.

Reinstalling the operating system in a specialized salon costs a lot, so...

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Hello, dear visitors of the site! Have you decided to reinstall Windows 7 on your laptop or computer? Our detailed instructions for reinstalling Windows 7 should come in handy. It is designed for any level of user, even for dummies. What is the correct way to reinstall Windows 7?

Some people want to know how much it costs to reinstall Windows 7. You can do the reinstallation yourself for free using our instructions. To reinstall windows 7 quickly and without consequences for important information, you need to prepare your data and hard drive for installing a new system. Let's do the entire Windows 7 reinstallation step by step together. Let's start with the old operating system that is installed on your laptop or computer now.

Preparing to reinstall Windows 7

Our instructions are universal and suitable for laptops ASUS, Acer, Compaq, DELL, HP, Lenovo, MSI, Samsung, Sony, Toshiba, as well as other...

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To perform a clean install of 32-bit or 64-bit versions Windows Vista use the following procedure.

A clean installation automatically replaces existing version Windows, including all files, settings and programs. You can back up your files and settings, but you must manually reinstall programs and restore backed-up files after installation. For instructions on how to recover your files after a clean installation, see How to recover your personal files after performing a custom online installation.

If your computer does not have an operating system installed, or you want to remove the current operating system and replace it with Windows Vista, or you want to partition your hard drive and install Windows Vista on a specific partition, perform a clean installation.

Before installing Windows, check your hardware compatibility. Contact a Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor at...

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Many laptops are sold with a pre-installed version of Windows 8, which, as practice has shown, does not suit a large number of users. In addition, Windows OS of any version sooner or later becomes clogged and also requires reinstallation. Also, reinstallation is often caused by various problems with computers, for example, if it does not turn on or if it is locked. Despite the fairly large number of steps involved in reinstalling Windows, even the most inexperienced user can install the OS using these instructions.

Preparing for reinstallation

The first thing you need to do is select the disk partition to install Windows. As a rule, a hard disk partition of at least 50 GB is allocated.

If your computer already has an operating system, you should save all the necessary documents in order to reinstall the OS without losing data.

To install the OS, you will need an 8 GB DVD or flash drive, on which a bootable installation will be created.

Selecting the OS version

The most common and stable version The OS from Microsoft is Windows 7, in some cases it can be reinstalled on Windows XP. The most decisive factor in choosing Windows is the availability of the necessary drivers. To check for which OS version your laptop has drivers, you need to go to the developer’s official website and look in the support section.

Most modern laptops have drivers only for Windows 88.1, some of them are also suitable for Windows 7, unfortunately, the correct operation of all devices cannot be guaranteed. For correct operation, it is recommended to install exactly the system for which the manufacturer provided drivers.

If your laptop has more than 4 GB of RAM, you should choose the system bit size - 32 (x86) or 64 (x64). To use more than 4 GB of RAM, it is recommended to select Windowsx64.

After selecting the Windows version, you need to download it. It is advisable to download an image as close as possible to the licensed version without adding additional software. This version of Windows will be more stable and will not cause additional problems during installation of the operating system. The most common option is the Windows 7 Maximum license.

Video: How to install Windows 7

Creating a boot disk or flash drive

You must download the image in ISO format; most options are provided in this extension due to the ease of use when creating a bootable flash drive or disk.

To create you will need Windows program 7 USB/DVD Download Tool, which can also be downloaded from the Microsoft website.

Install the program and proceed to the main steps:

  • run the program;
  • Click “Browse” and specify the location of the Windows installation image in ISO format. Clicks “Next”;
  • in the next menu you need to select the type of media on which the Windows installation will be recorded - USB or DVD. If the disk drive does not work or is missing, then there is only one option left - USB drive;
  • Next, you should select the disk on which the recording will be made. After selection, you must click “Begin Copying”;
  • For a flash device, the program will ask for confirmation of formatting, for which you need to click “Erase;
  • The program will display a corresponding message about successful recording.

How to completely reinstall Windows 7 on a laptop

After creating the disk or flash drive, you can reboot the computer. Do not forget that all data on the disk on which you will install Windows will be deleted. You should also take care of your Internet connection settings; you can contact your provider or record the data yourself.

To begin installation, you must restart your computer and set your device to boot from the Windows installation files.

Setting up BIOS for installation

When reinstalling the operating system from a flash drive, you must set the boot priority from a specific device, in this case, a flash drive or DVD drive. This operation is performed for installation on a computer both without an operating system and with it. Fortunately, most modern laptops have a feature to quickly select a device to boot from. To call this menu when booting the laptop, a specific key is used.

Using this table you can select a button for your device:

By clicking the button, the computer will present a window for selecting the device from which it will boot first. In our case, we choose a DVD drive or a USB drive.

There is a more complex installation option via BIOS on an empty laptop or with an installed OS. To do this, when starting the devices, go to the BIOS (the button is indicated in the table provided). BIOS from different manufacturers has some differences, so the location of the settings may differ from those shown.

In the BIOS, go to the “Boot” or “Advanced BIOS Features” section and set the First Boot Device parameter to your device – a USB drive or DVD drive. To save the settings, press F10 and select “Save and Exit”. Thus, installation is performed from Dos via a USB flash drive or via BIOS from a disk.

Reinstallation process

After completing all the settings in the BIOS, you can proceed to installing the OS. If all actions are performed correctly after booting, the system will display the message “Press any key to boot from...”. To continue, press any key and wait for it to load.

In this case, we will look at installing Windows 7; other versions have minor differences, but the principle of operation remains the same:

  • in the first Windows installation menu, you must select a language, then click “Next”;
  • in the next section, click the “Install” button;
  • if the downloaded image includes several OS configurations, for example, “home basic” or “maximum”, then the installer will offer to choose one of the options;
  • in the next menu you must confirm your agreement with all items.

Selecting the installation type

  • the program has the ability to update Windows, in which all files will be saved in a separate folder. Despite this convenience, it is recommended to select the “Full installation” mode. This option provides installation of the most stable and “clean” operating system;

Formatting a partition

  • After selecting the installation, the program will prompt you to select the disk partition into which Windows will be installed. In this menu, you can format or distribute space between your hard drive partitions by opening a set additional options"Disk Settings".

Unfortunately, these operations will delete all information from the disk. This function allows you to create disks of the required size, for example, if your laptop was purchased without an axis, its hard drive is not “broken.” Don't forget to format everything empty disks after performing operations with hard disk partitions. After completing all the steps, select the disk and click “Next”.

  • after copying, the system will prompt you to enter the user name, computer name, and password;
  • as security settings to ensure computer protection, you should select “Recommended settings”;
  • after selecting, set the time, date and select “ Home network» in the Internet connection menu.

Attention! When you restart your computer, you should remove the disk or flash drive to avoid reinstalling Windows.

At this stage, the Windows installation can be considered complete. Now you can install drivers, as well as various software and utilities. If you have changed the computer startup settings in the BIOS, we recommend that you set it to start from the hard drive first.

Reinstallation nuances if there is another OS

How to install Windows 7 on a laptop after Windows 8? Reinstalling an OS with Windows 8 does not make any difference if there is another OS from Microsoft on the hard drive. The only recommendation is to install the new operating system on the same partition in which the current OS is located.

Video: Why Windows won't install

How to reinstall Windows 7 with problems? If your Windows does not start, you will need to use another computer to create a disk or flash device. Since the installation is performed without Windows startup, then problems with the previous OS will not interfere with the installation.

This article describes in detail the process of how to reinstall Windows 7 on a laptop without a disk by formatting your hard drive partition. Thanks to a detailed description, even users with little experience will understand the principles of installing Windows 7 instead of 8. Reinstalling a new operating system allows you not only to get the desired OS version, but also to get rid of a large amount of software that is reinstalled by the laptop manufacturer.


The best way to get rid of viruses and constant crashes in the operating system is to install a new OS. Most often, installation occurs by creating a bootable USB flash drive or using a disk with a new system, but there are several quick methods that will help you install a new copy of Windows without using third-party digital media.

The following OS replacement options are suitable for personal computer users who:

  1. The drive is broken, damaged or missing.
  2. No DVD.
  3. It is not possible to use Flash media.
  4. There is no external HDD drive.

Installing Windows via Hard Drive and computer command line

Hard drive is a hard drive (HDD) of a personal computer or laptop, which is designed to store user files and programs. Using the hard drive, you can install a new operating system.

Installation of the new OS occurs through the command line when turning on the computer. This option of replacing the OS will allow you to clear all old disk partitions and create new ones. In order to begin the process of replacing the operating system, you need to download an iso image of the desired version of Windows. This can be done on the official Microsoft website or through a torrent client. The image will be downloaded to your computer in archive format; you need to unpack it to drive C. Then follow these instructions:

  1. While starting the computer, hold down the F8, Space or ESC button (depending on your computer model). After a few seconds, a custom menu of additional OS boot options should appear on the screen.
  2. The next step is to select “Troubleshooting”. The selection is made by pressing the Enter key.

  1. Next, a system recovery options window will appear. In it you need to select input via the keyboard.
  2. Select a computer user from the list and enter a password, if one was set when logging in.
  3. From the proposed installation options, you need to select “Command Line”.
  4. After opening the command line window, you should type several commands. Input is via the keyboard. You can proceed to printing a new command by pressing Enter. Navigate to the drive where the system installation file is located using the following command: “X:windowssystem32C:” (without parentheses). Press Enter (If the installation file is not on drive C, replace the letter in the command with the desired one).
  5. Enter the following command: ">setup.exe" (without parentheses).
  6. In a few seconds, the installation of the new OS will begin, which is no different from installing using a disk or flash drive.

This method is suitable for operating rooms Windows systems 7, Win 8/8.1, Windows 10.

Note: Please note that the installed and downloaded OS must have the same bit depth (32 or 64 bits).

Using the installation image of the system and the virtual drive

The easiest way to install Windows is to download a system image from the Internet. The process of downloading the image archive is exactly the same as in the previous section of the article, however, you do not need to unpack it. The disk image allows without using disk drive install any program, game, utility or operating system.

Users of OS Windows XP/7 must install additional software to work with images. In newer versions of Windows, you can work with images without using additional software (such files are recognized as archives; in order to install the image, you need to open it with an archiver and run the installation file).

Some tips for downloading an OS image:

  1. Do not download files from suspicious sites and resources.
  2. Refrain from choosing various modified OS builds. They almost always contain a lot of viruses and spyware that can steal your personal information, passwords or credit card numbers.
  3. Choose only trusted resources (Microsoft websites or specialized utilities for installing a new OS).

In the imaging utility, create a virtual disk with the new OS (read more about the most popular and reliable programs for creating virtual disk drives in the next section of this article). In order to create new disk, select the desired iso image in the program. Next, the program will provide all the necessary instructions. The disc creation process will take less than a minute. Next, double-click on the created disk, thus launching the OS installation window.

Programs for quickly creating a virtual drive

If you are using OS Windows XP/7, then you should select a program to work with virtual optical drives. The list below shows the most popular programs and their features:

  1. Daemon Tools. One of the very first and most popular programs on the market of similar software. The program is shareware - Lite and Premium versions are available to users. Working with existing virtual disks is organized in a very convenient way; the user can quickly create and delete disks. IN free version Software, it is possible to create only 4 images at a time. The program supports iso, img, dmg, vdf, mds, mdf formats.
  2. The program is distinguished by its ability to create a large number of virtual disks simultaneously. There is also the ability to record to a removable CD. With this program, users will be able to store all their disks virtually in case the physical disk gets damaged. It is also possible to download images from the Internet and mount them for further installation using this program.
  3. Software that works exclusively with ISO images. Images are mounted quickly and execution time is kept to a minimum. It is possible to convert images of other formats directly to ISO.
  4. The utility is free and available for download. The function of self-creation of disk images is available.
  5. Virtual CloneDrive. A program with a minimum of settings, high speed of execution and disk reading. The OS recognizes the created disk as a physical CD/DVD-ROM.

Free OS updates

Microsoft regularly provides users with licensed versions of the OS the opportunity to free update to newer software versions. Windows 7 Home Edition users can upgrade to the Professional or Premium version through the official website or through the Update Center, which is located in the control panel of each computer. Installing new software is as simple as pressing a few buttons. Basically, installing a new system takes from half an hour to 120 minutes, depending on the speed of the computer or laptop's central processor.

It is possible to replace Windows 7 with Windows 88.1 for free. Follow the instructions to find out about the possibility of updating the OS:

  1. Download the Update Assistant from Microsoft here
  2. Run it and wait for the installation to complete. This will take a few minutes.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to learn which new version The OS is compatible with your system. Next, the program will offer to download new software and install it.

Install the OS from it. If you don’t have this option or want to try out the operating system, you can download a disk image from the official website. This article will tell you how to install Windows 7 yourself and not mess it up.

Most of Windows 7 on the Internet are not licensed

Who seeks will always find

To install Windows 7 Ultimate for free from the Internet, you first need to find where to download. There are plenty of safe sites on the Internet. The only thing is that most of these versions are not licensed, and therefore, after 30 days the system will require an activation key. On the Internet you can find a cracked OS that has a built-in tablet and does not require activation.

Maximum opens up wide possibilities for the user. This is a productive and advanced version. It offers additional features, encryption system, multilingual user interface, etc. Take this into account, since some highly specialized programs require the “maximum” edition of the OS.


OS installation methods: flash drive and others

The most common way is to install Windows 7 from a flash drive. This method can be used regardless of whether there is a disk drive or not. So, to reinstall Windows 7 from a flash drive, we create a bootable drive. If you already have it, from friends or acquaintances, then it’s a small matter: restart your computer and wait for the automatic installation of the OS to begin.

If you only have a disk image with installation files and an empty flash drive, you will have to create an installation USB drive. There are many options, but we'll take the simple route. Download one of the programs:

  1. Ultra ISO
  2. Windows 7
  3. WinSetupFromUSB

Transfer the downloaded ISO image to a flash drive. Easier than USB/DVD Download Tool. We indicate the location of the image on the PC and click “Next”. After a couple of seconds, the installation flash drive is ready.

Installing Windows 7 from a flash drive via the menu is a simple process. To configure the BIOS you need to know the hot keys to enter this mode. They are different for each computer model. Therefore, first scour the Internet and find the desired combination. After turning on the PC, press the keys and a menu will open in front of you:

  • We are looking for the “Startup Settings” section (called Boot – “Boot Device Priority)
  • Select the flash drive as the first boot device
  • To exit the BIOS press F10
  • The computer restarts and automatic installation begins

The problem with this method is that you will then have to go into the BIOS again and change the startup settings back.

We enter the BIOS when starting the computer

Another method is launch boot menu. It also requires a special button: Del, Esc, F2, or others. In the dialog box, you immediately change the launch parameters, and the OS installation begins. Moreover, the parameters automatically return to standard. You can install Windows 7 via bios not only using a flash drive, but also an installation disk. We will not consider installing Windows from a disk, since the process is no different from the one described above, only it does not require preliminary configuration of the media. The disc must be inserted and the PC rebooted. If you can’t install Windows 7 on your computer, you need to go back to the BIOS or boot menu and do the same steps.

enter the boot menu - press the buttons: Del, Esc, F2 or others.


Few people know, but you can install Windows 7 from your hard drive. This option is suitable for those who want to install Windows without a disk or flash drive. This method is very simple in that you don’t have to create an installation flash drive or delve into the BIOS. To start the required process we need:

  • OS ISO image
  • Any program for working with images (Daemon Tools)
  • To work with boot record you may need EasyBCD

After you have found an OS image on the Internet, you need to prepare your hard drive. To do this, you need to create a partition for the OS on the hard drive:

After you have found an OS image on the Internet, you need to prepare your hard drive
  • “Start” – “Computer” (right mouse button) – “Management” (run as administrator)
  • "Disk Management"
  • Depending on how many drives are on your PC, we will need to work NOT with the system one.
  • We do not touch the system disk, select the second one and right-click “Shrink Volume”.
  • We determine the volume we need - 25 GB is enough - “Compress”
  • A new disk will appear in the window, but it is not ready yet. Right-click on the new part and select “Create simple volume”
  • Here you can give the disk a name, for example, D and click OK. We are waiting for formatting. Ready.

There are also other ways to create a partition on a disk, using third-party programs.

So, when the HDD is ready for work, download the above programs and install them. Using this, you need to unpack the image and transfer the installation files from the virtual disk to the D partition we created.

Using Daemon Tools you need to unpack the image and transfer the installation files from the virtual disk

Run EasyBCD as administrator. In the Add New Entry menu, select the WinPE tab and in the Name field name our system (as you like). Below we indicate the path to the boot.wim file, which is located in the sources folder on the disk we created earlier. Click Add Entry. The hard drive is ready for installation.

Network boot

There is a Windows 7 installation over the network. This method is very complex and time consuming. You will need a Windows Automated Installation Kit (AIK) for Windows 7, a distribution kit with Windows 7 and DHCP and TFTP servers. If you don’t understand this, then there is no point in even delving into this topic. It is better to use one of the above methods for installing the OS.

Installation process

If you decide to install Windows 7 from the Internet for free, all you have to do is follow the step-by-step instructions and make sure you enter the data correctly. Regardless of the method you want to use, after turning on the computer, Windows will automatically install:

Installing Windows 7 takes some time, depending on the power of your computer
  • Choosing a language
  • We accept the terms of the license agreement
  • Select “Full installation”
  • It is recommended to format all drives
  • The PC will reboot and continue installation
  • Give and set a password
  • In the activation window, click “Next”
  • "Use recommended settings"
  • Setting the date and time
  • Searching for your home network

Setting up Windows 7 after installation ends here.

Further work with the operating system

If it doesn’t start on Windows 7, you’ll have to look for the right software. Driver program Booster automatically scans your computer and finds recommended driver updates. Programs for installing drivers on Windows 7 are useful if you do not have an installation disk with all the necessary starting materials.

After reinstalling the OS, you need to load drivers for the video card so that the image is correct, drivers for the sound video card, necessary programs for windows 7, such as Microsoft Office and browser.

System errors

Problems may arise during OS installation. One of the main ones is the location from where you are trying to download Windows 7 for free. Initially, the installation files may be incorrect, and therefore problems will arise during installation. A common error is when the necessary drivers are not found when installing Windows 7. This error is due to the presence of modern computers two USB 2.0 and 3.0 connectors. You can fix this problem by moving the flash drive from one slot to another.

A common error when the necessary drivers are not found when installing Windows 7

Users often encounter the problem that Windows 7 cannot be installed on their hard drive. This issue is due to errors in creating bootable media. The reason may be user inattention. Some drives do not read all discs, especially older models. Also, the computer can independently protect the system from pirated copies, so during . If you still have problems, it is better to contact the service center.
