Excel application window. How the Microsoft Excel window is organized Excel application window

Rice. 13.2. Microsoft Excel 2003 main window:

1 – status bar; 2 – buttons for scrolling labels; 3 – sheet label;

4 – line header; 5 – column heading; 6 – cell indicator; 7 – formula line; 8 – button to call the system menu; 9 – title line;

10 – menu bar; 11 – toolbars; 12 – “Collapse” button (to the icon icon); 13 – “Expand” button; 14 – “Close” button;

15 – vertical scroll bar for ruler; 16 – horizontal scroll bar for ruler

After launch E xcel The main window of the program is displayed on the screen (Fig. 13.2, 13.3) blank workbook. The main element is the program window. Each application program in Windows runs in a separate window, the size of which can be changed. After finishing working with the program, the program window will be closed.


The top line of the window that contains the application name "Microsoft Excel" is called the title bar (button 9) (Fig. 12.2). On both sides it is limited by buttons. On the left in the title bar is button 8 to call up the system menu, which shows the “Microsoft Excel” sign. The system menu contains commands designed to perform operations on windows. You can open the menu by clicking on the button.

On the right side of the title bar there are buttons that can be used to quickly activate some system menu commands. Three different icons can be used to perform operations on windows − buttons 12, 13, 14 . Button 12 corresponds to the “Minimize” menu command and is used to minimize the program window to the size of the icon (pictogram) on the taskbar. After clicking buttons 13 , the program window will occupy the entire screen (full screen view), which corresponds to activating the “Maximize” system menu command.

Button 14 corresponds to the “Close” command and serves to exit the program E xcel .


Below the title bar is menu bar (button 10) , which contains all the program commands E xcel . By clicking the mouse, you can open the selected drop-down menu and the commands it contains will be displayed on the screen. Opening menus using the keyboard is done by using keyboard shortcuts. Each menu name and each menu command contains an underlined character. In combination with the Alt key, this letter is used to open a menu or call a command. To open the menu " File » you should press the “Alt” key, and then the “F” key.

By pressing the Esc key twice you can close the menu completely. Pressing the Esc key once will close the menu, but the menu name will remain highlighted (it will be presented on a different, darker background) and you will not be able to perform operations in the work area.

To close a menu using the mouse without selecting commands, click the left mouse button in the worksheet area outside the menu. To move from an open menu to another menu, simply click on the name of the desired menu. In this case, the previous menu will be closed, since more than one menu cannot be opened at the same time. The system menu button does not contain letters. To open the window system menu E xcel Using the keyboard, press the “Alt” key and the spacebar key in sequence. You can open the system menu of the workbook window using the “Alt” and “-” keys.

To select a command, you must first open the corresponding menu. After opening the menu, the first command in it will be highlighted with a darker background. To activate a command, click the left mouse button on its name. To activate a command using the keyboard, you need to press the key with the underlined letter. Selecting some commands opens additional submenus or dialog boxes that specify parameters for executing the command. The names of such commands are marked with a triangle (submenu) or ellipsis (dialog box).

Near the names of some menu commands there are function keys or keyboard shortcuts that can be used to activate the execution of this command.


There are two lines below the menu bar toolbars (button 11) (icon menus) (Fig. 13.2), in E xcel 2007 The toolbar is formed in the form of groups. The commands are arranged by command groups.. E xcel provides the user with the opportunity to create their own toolbars or modify existing ones.

Each toolbar contains a certain number of buttons (icons) that are designed to activate the execution of certain menu commands and program functions.


Same for all versions E xcel . Below the toolbar lines is located formula bar (button 7) (rice.

13.2) which is designed to process the contents of the cell. It is divided into three parts (Fig. 13.3).

Fig.13.3 Three formula bar buttons

The right part is used to display the contents of the current cell, which can be edited using the buttons located in the center of the line. Editing can be done directly in the cell itself, but for processing long texts, it is much more convenient to use the formula bar, since long text is displayed completely in it.

To switch to the mode for editing the contents of the current cell in the formula bar, press the “F2” key or click on the right side of the formula bar.

If you double click on a cell, it will become current, and it will also switch to editing mode in the formula bar.

Button with a cross serves to cancel the last action. Button with a check mark serves to confirm data entry or change the contents of a cell and corresponds to the “Enter” key. Third button f x activates Function Wizard to work with functions.

On the left side of the formula bar (name field) is indicated active cell address or selected area. If some areas have names, they are presented in the list box below the name field and can be used to quickly navigate to the desired area.


At the bottom of the program window there is a status bar ( button 1 ) (Fig. 13.2). The left side of the line displays various text messages. When you open an existing workbook, the progress of its loading is graphically displayed in the status bar, and you can always see what part of the file has already been loaded. The status bar also informs the user whether the worksheet can enter data or select a command. In this case, the word “Ready” appears in it.

On the right side of the status bar, small fields indicate the status of some keyboard functions or the current input mode.


In the workbook window there is workbook , which contains three sheets by default. User can insert additional sheets to the workbook (the maximum number of sheets in the workbook is 256). To insert a new sheet, you need to place the mouse cursor on the sheet that already exists, press the right mouse button, and select the command “ Add..." In the menu that appears, select “Sheet”, then click the “OK” button (Fig. 13.4)

Rice. 13.4 Inserting a sheet, “Cells” group, “Home” menu Excel 2007

You can rename the workbook sheets and give them your own name. To do this, you need to right-click on the sheet name. Select command " Rename».

The workbook opened when the program is loaded has a temporary name “Book 1”. If a new workbook is created, it is named "Workbook 2".

You can navigate between different sheets in a workbook using the sheet shortcuts ( button 3 ) (Fig. 13.5). After left-clicking on the tab of the desired sheet, this sheet will be presented in the foreground in the workbook window.

Rice. 13.5 Renaming a sheet, “Cells” group, “Home” menu Excel 2007

To remove a sheet from the workbook, select the command " Delete» from the context menu of the sheet shortcut. A dialog box will appear warning you that if you delete the sheet, the information it contains will be destroyed. This will give the user one last opportunity to mark the completion of this operation.

Rice. 13.6 Deleting a sheet, “Cells” group of the “Home” menu Excel 2007

If there is a need to move the sheet to a new position, you should position the mouse cursor on the sheet shortcut and drag the latter while holding down the left mouse button to the desired location. When you move a worksheet over the row containing the worksheet tabs, a pointer appears to the position where you can insert the worksheet. After releasing the left mouse button, the sheet will be inserted into this location. The sheet will be copied if the Ctrl key is held down while moving.

To perform this operation using the menu, select the command " Move/Copy Sheet» from menu « Edit "or the same command from the context menu and specify in the dialog box in the "Before Sheet" list box the name of the sheet in front of which the active sheet will be inserted (13.7). When the “Create a copy” option is enabled, the active sheet will be copied to a new position.

Rice. 13.7 “Move/Copy Sheet” command, “Cells” group of the “Home” menu Excel 2007

Lecture 1. Excel spreadsheet processor.


Excel window view 1

Excel cell 2

Types of mouse pointer. 2

Data types. 2

Working with menus and worksheets 3

Data entry 4

Entering data using autofill 5

Editing the contents of cell 6

The Excel spreadsheet processor allows you to create and perform spreadsheet calculations of varying complexity. Included in the MS Office software package. The spreadsheet processor is launched from the main menu item Start – Programs – Excel or a button on the MS Office toolbar.

A document created in Excel is called a Book, the file extension is .xls. Each book can consist of several sheets, so you can put a variety of information in one file and establish the necessary connections between them. An Excel workbook may contain the following sheet types :

    Spreadsheet sheet. Each sheet consists of 256 columns and 16,384 rows. This sheet is approximately 6.4 m wide and 103.9 m long. The screen displays 9 columns and 18 rows. This is 4% of the total width and 0.1% of the length.

    Chart sheet (linked to spreadsheet data and updated when the data in the tables is updated);

    Module sheet (contains a set of instructions (macros) and is used to perform specific procedures).

Switching between sheets is carried out using shortcuts located at the bottom of the sheet. Clicking a sheet tab changes the current sheet.

Excel window view Excel cell

is a multi-level structure. It could be:

    image– text or result of formula calculation, i.e. what we see on the screen;

    format– number format, font, frame type, cell protection;

    formula– (for example, =A1*B1)

    Name– the cell can be given a name so as not to use cell addresses;

    a comment– the user can specify the text of an explanation or comment when moving to a given cell.

Types of mouse pointer.

White plus– appears by default. Used to select the current cell or mark a block of cells.

Black slim plus– autofiller. Appears when the mouse pointer is positioned in the lower right corner of the current cell, used to fill a series of cells with a sequence of data or copy formulas.

Arrow– appears when the pointer is positioned on a toolbar, menu bar, or on one of the edges of the current cell or block of cells. Used to select editor commands and to move or copy data.

Vertical bar– appears after moving the mouse pointer to the formula bar. Used to edit the cell value.

Data types.

Text– by default, aligned to the left edge of the cell. Can occupy adjacent cells for display while they are free.

Number– aligned to the right edge of the cell. Decimals are separated by a comma. Numbers can be represented in the following formats: Numeric; Monetary; Financial; Percentage; Fractional; Exponential (Format - Cells – Number tab).

date– aligned to the right edge of the cell. Various date formats are possible; a dot is used as a separator. Microsoft Excel for Windows (and Lotus 1-2-3) uses a turn-of-the-century date system; in this system, the number 1 corresponds to the date January 1, 1900. Microsoft Excel for Macintosh uses a date system starting from 1904; in it, the number 1 corresponds to January 2, 1904 (to change the date system, select Tools - Options - Calculations tab, check the Date system 1904 checkbox).


If you enter a date with only the last two digits of the year, Microsoft Excel 97 will add the first two according to the following rules:

· if a number is in the range from 00 to 29, then it is interpreted as a year from 2000 to 2029. For example, if the date 28.5.19 is entered into a cell, Microsoft Excel recognizes it as: May 28, 2019;

· if a number is in the range from 30 to 99, then it is interpreted as a year from 1930 to 1999. For example, if the date 5/28/91 is entered into a cell, Microsoft Excel recognizes it as: May 28, 1991. Time

– aligned to the right edge of the cell. Time can be entered in twelve-hour or twenty-four-hour format. The separator is a colon. Time of day and dates can be added, subtracted, and other calculations can be made with them. Formula

– entering a formula begins with the “=” sign and consists of a sequence of values, cell addresses, functions and operation signs.

    The main elements of the working window are:

    Title bar (it indicates the name of the program) with buttons for controlling the program window and document window (Collapse, Minimize to window or Maximize to full screen, Close);

    The main menu bar (each menu item is a set of commands united by a common functional focus) plus a window for searching for help information.

    Toolbars (Standard, Formatting, etc.). A formula bar containing as elements the Name field and the Insert Function button ( f x

    ), is intended for entering and editing values ​​or formulas in cells. The Name field displays the address of the current cell.

    Work area (active worksheet).

    Scroll bars (vertical and horizontal).

    Status bar.

Spreadsheet structure

A file created using MS Excel is usually called workbook. You can create as many workbooks as the availability of free memory on the corresponding memory device allows. You can open as many workbooks as you have created. However, only one current (open) workbook can be an active workbook.

Workbook is a set worksheets, each of which has a table structure. The document window displays only the current (active) worksheet with which you are working. Each worksheet has a title, which appears on the worksheet tab at the bottom of the window. Using shortcuts, you can switch to other worksheets included in the same workbook. To rename a worksheet, you need to double-click on its tab and replace the old name with a new one or by executing the following commands: Format menu, line L ist in the menu list, Rename. Or you can, by placing the mouse pointer on the active worksheet shortcut, right-click, then in the context menu that appears, click on the Rename line and perform the renaming. You can add (insert) new sheets to the workbook or delete unnecessary ones. Inserting a sheet can be done by executing the menu command Insert, line L ist in the list of menu items. The sheet will be inserted before the active sheet. The above actions can also be performed using the context menu, which is activated by clicking the right mouse button, the pointer of which should be placed on the tab of the corresponding sheet. To swap worksheets, you need to place the mouse pointer on the tab of the sheet being moved, press the left mouse button and drag the tab to the desired location.

Worksheet(table) consists of rows and columns. The columns are headed with capital Latin letters and, further, with two-letter combinations. The worksheet contains a total of 256 columns, named A through IV. The lines are numbered sequentially from 1 to 65536.

At the intersection of columns and rows, cells tables. They are the minimum elements designed to store data. Each cell has its own address. Address cell consists of the column name and row number at the intersection of which the cell is located, for example, A1, B5, DE324. Cell addresses are used when writing formulas that define the relationship between values ​​located in different cells. At the current moment in time, only one cell can be active, which is activated by clicking on it and highlighted with a frame. This frame acts as a cursor in Excel. Data entry and editing operations are always performed only in the active cell.

Data located in adjacent cells that form a rectangular area can be referenced as a single unit in formulas. A group of cells bounded by a rectangular area is called range. The most commonly used rectangular ranges are formed at the intersection of a group of sequential rows and a group of sequential columns. A range of cells is indicated by specifying the address of the first cell and the address of the last cell in the range, separated by a colon, for example, B5:F15. Selecting a range of cells can be done by dragging the mouse pointer from one corner cell to the opposite cell diagonally. The frame of the current (active) cell expands, covering the entire selected range.

Basic information

Excel Spreadsheet

Excel spreadsheet is an integrated system. It is intended for creating and processing spreadsheets, lists (databases), presenting the results of processing tables and lists in the form of charts and function graphs, preparing output forms of documents, saving them on disks and printing them.

To download the program, launch the Windows program and click on the Excel application icon in the Microsoft Office toolbar.

To exit the program, enter the command File, Exit.

At the top of the window there is a title bar, which contains a system menu button, the application title and the name of the edited table loaded into the window (at the beginning of work, the name of the table Book-1 is displayed by default), buttons for collapsing and expanding the program window. Below are: menu bar, standard toolbar, formatting toolbar, data entry line, working window (Fig. 6.1).

Menu bar provides access to all spreadsheet commands.

Standard toolbar contains buttons that duplicate the main menu commands. By clicking on a panel button, you can immediately call the desired command. The purpose of the buttons is displayed when the mouse pointer hovers on the corresponding button.

Formatting Panel Allows you to design your worksheet by choosing the data type, font options, placing content in cells, bordering cells, and choosing font, line, and background colors.

Toolbars can be removed or added using the command View , Toolbars . The panels displayed on the screen have checkboxes. To display the desired panel on the screen, select the checkbox. To remove a panel from the screen, uncheck the box by clicking on the corresponding box with the mouse.

Formula bar has three fields: a cell address field, a control key field and a data entry field. In field Cell addresses the address of the current cell or its name is indicated. If you click on this field, enter the cell address and press Enter, the spreadsheet cursor will move to the specified cell. This technique of moving to the desired cell is called direct addressing. IN control button field three buttons are displayed: X - cancel editing the input line, P - end editing, “=” – enter the “=” symbol. The named buttons appear when the input line is activated. Field Data entry designed to display entered information or the contents of a selected cell. To activate the input line, click on it with the mouse.

Status bar located at the bottom of the working window. The left side of the status bar displays information about the current state of the spreadsheet. The right side displays information about the state of the Caps Lock and NumLock control keys.

Rice. 3.1. MS Excel main window

In the figure, number 1 indicates the horizontal menu, and number 15 indicates the status line of this program.

The book consists of sheets. Each sheet is a separate spreadsheet, which consists of rows and columns, and has a unique name (areas with sheet names - sheet labels - are indicated in the figure by numbers

12 and 13 respectively for active and inactive sheets). By analogy with the active cell, the active sheet is the sheet with which the user is currently working. In order to make a sheet active, just click on the sheet name or select the desired sheet by sequentially pressing the key combination Ctrl + PgUp (sheets will be sequentially moved from last to first) or Ctrl + PgDn (sheets will be sequentially moved from first to last).

The rows are numbered with numbers from 1 to 65536 (the vertical area, indicated in the figure by the number 8), and the columns - in English letters (the horizontal area, indicated in the figure by the number

7). The maximum number of rows is 65536, and the columns are 256. Since there are only 26 letters in the English language, the first 26 columns are designated by the letters “A” to “Z” (as shown in the figure), and then their combinations are used. For example, AB, AC, AD,...

At the intersection of the rows and columns of the sheet, cells are located (for example, one of the cells is indicated in the figure by the number 9). Each MS Excel cell has an address consisting of a column index and a row number. For example, Al, B12, AZ83 and so on. The cell marked with number 9 in the figure has address D2.

Sometimes it is convenient to assign your own name to a certain cell of a given sheet and subsequently refer to it by this name. To assign a name to a cell, go to the address display area (area 5 in the figure) and enter a name that will be accessible from any sheet of the book. A named link is considered absolute. MS Excel strictly regulates how cells and ranges can and cannot be named. Here are the rules:

Cell and range names can be up to 255 characters long;

The name must begin with a letter or the symbol “_”;

The name can only use letters, numbers, dots and underscores;

Spaces are not allowed;

The name of a cell cannot be the same as its address or the value it contains;

The name cannot be a single letter or number without any punctuation or additional symbols.

One cell on the sheet is active (in the figure this is cell B4, which is indicated by the number 10).

It is surrounded by a bold frame, and its address is displayed in a special Name field (area 5 in the figure). Data entry is always carried out only in the active cell. In this case, its contents are duplicated in the area indicated in the figure by number 6 and called the Formula Bar. You can change the active cell in several ways:

Using the cursor keys;

Click the mouse on the desired cell;

Using the Name field, in which you need to write or select the name of the cell from the drop-down list.

You can move around the MS Excel sheet using scroll bars, which are indicated in the figure by numbers 11 (for vertical scrolling) and 14 (for horizontal scrolling).

Toolbars - a tool for quick access to frequently used MS Excel commands - are indicated in the figure by the number 4. Commands are displayed as buttons with icons or text. Two additional toolbar areas have special purposes. Area 2 is intended for changing the position of the panel in the MS Excel window, and area 3 is used in cases where, due to the size of the window, it is impossible to display all the toolbar commands in it.

The number of worksheet cells that are simultaneously displayed in the MS Excel window is determined by the display scale. The display scale can be changed (increasing or decreasing the amount of information displayed) using the Scale button on the Standard toolbar.
