How to clean a laptop keyboard at home. How to clean the keyboard on a laptop How to clean the keyboard on an asus laptop

Any equipment requires maintenance to extend its service life. And the owner of a laptop computer may be faced with the question of how to clean the laptop keyboard at home, since this part of the device usually gets dirty quickly. The cleaning process is quite simple if you have the necessary tools and equipment on hand.

Cleaning options and required products

Active use of a laptop computer provokes the appearance of various contaminants on its surface. The keyboard suffers especially often, as dust, pet hair, crumbs and other dirt collect between the buttons. In some cases, an emergency solution to the problem of how to clean a laptop keyboard from spilled liquid may be required, especially if the drink was sweet. It is necessary to act based on the degree and complexity of contamination.

Cleaning a laptop keyboard: options

  1. Simple or superficial cleaning. This option is acceptable for minimal contamination of the keys and for eliminating dust and crumbs between the keyboard buttons. Such cleansing can also be carried out using improvised means.
  2. Thorough, “deep” cleaning of the keyboard inside and out. It should be done at least once every 12 months. In addition, this particular cleaning option is necessary if you need to revive a keyboard that has been flooded with any liquid (even water). It is impossible to do without disassembling the equipment, and in some cases it is necessary to use special cleaning products.

Regardless of the chosen option on how to clean a laptop keyboard, you need to adhere to certain rules and tips so that the equipment is not damaged.

  • Before any manipulations, the equipment must be disconnected from the network. The laptop computer must be turned off and the battery removed if possible. If the keyboard works via USB, then it is enough to disconnect it from the main device.
  • To eliminate any contamination, alcohol should not be used as the main cleaning agent. The only exception is an aqueous solution of isopropyl alcohol (1:1). Otherwise, the symbols will be erased from the surfaces of the buttons, and internal contacts may be damaged. Acetone and products based on it should also not be used.
  • It is important to wait until the keyboard is completely dry before turning on the device. And during the cleaning period, you should monitor the amount of moisture that gets on the keyboard - it should be kept to a minimum.
  • Any manipulations performed with the keyboard must be extremely careful, without sudden movements. If the key fasteners or internal contacts are damaged, the device will become unusable.
  • In addition to an aqueous solution of isopropyl alcohol, it is permissible to use a soap solution, wet wipes, and special means for cleaning plastic and keyboards. Avoiding exposure to any moisture, you can use a can of compressed air, a vacuum cleaner, a hair dryer, a regular rubber enema or a pear-shaped perfume spray. With the help of such devices you can “blow out” all the dust from the keyboard.
  • Other available tools that help solve the question of how to clean a laptop keyboard at home are:
  1. clean cuts of non-flowing fabrics;
  2. cotton pads, swabs with cotton tips or toothpicks with cotton wool attached to them;
  3. scalpel or knife with a very thin blade; before use, you need to wrap the blade of the selected tool with a piece of soft cloth;
  4. brushes for painting or painting with long, hard bristles;
  5. brushes, including old toothbrushes.

When faced with the need to thoroughly tidy up your laptop after filling its keyboard with any liquid, you additionally need to take into account the following nuances:

  1. As soon as liquid gets on the surface of the buttons, the equipment must be quickly turned off; You should also remove the battery;
  2. then you need to turn the device over and shake it thoroughly so that all the liquid pours out from inside; You should act carefully so that drops do not fall on the screen;
  3. then you need to let the equipment dry in an open, upside-down state for several hours; To be sure, you can try drying it additionally with a hairdryer or placing pieces of cotton pads or rice grains between the keys so that the moisture is quickly absorbed;
  4. if the amount of liquid was small, only the appearance of the buttons was damaged, there is no need to disassemble the equipment with your own hands; in a situation where there is a heavy spill of some sweet drink, the keyboard will have to be cleaned using the “deep” method.

If you don’t want to use improvised means, in specialized stores you can purchase either sets consisting of napkins, liquid or keyboard gel and a brush, or buy a separate cleaning agent. It is necessary to use synthetic substances based on the instructions.

How to clean dirt from a laptop computer keyboard: options for purchased products

  1. Gel "Magic Cleaner".
  2. Velcro (liquid rag) “Bright Cleaner”.
  3. Universal wipes for cleaning Difender equipment;
  4. Sprays "Kramolin";
  5. Probiotic Cleanser.

Easy and quick keyboard cleaning

The solution to the problem of how to clean the keyboard on a portable device if it is not significantly dirty is quite simple. In some cases, you can get by by simply brushing off the external dust from the buttons or carefully wiping off the dark deposits with a toothpick or knife. However, when this piece of equipment has not been cleaned for a long period of time, you will have to tinker a little and get to the “hard-to-reach” places, ridding them of dirt, crumbs and dust.

How to clean the keyboard on a laptop: simple and quick ways

  1. Turn the laptop off and open, lightly tap the bottom cover and shake the device so that crumbs and other similar particles fall out of the keyboard. Or use a sticky cloth or a special gel that will “pull out” dry dirt.
  2. To clean the surface of the keyboard on a laptop computer from sticky and greasy traces, you can wipe its surface either with special wet wipes or a sponge slightly moistened with soapy water. It is permissible to dilute in water not only ordinary soap shavings, but also dishwashing detergent (literally a couple of drops), which better fights greasy stains.
  3. When surface contamination is sufficiently persistent, you need to use an aqueous solution of isopropyl alcohol, in which either the corner of a rag or a cotton swab is moistened.
  4. To clean sticky dirt between the buttons, you can use any convenient device: a brush, a brush, a scalpel with a cloth, a cotton swab or a toothpick with cotton wool. The same alcohol solution or store-bought product is used as a cleaning agent.
  5. To blow away dirt, you should use a hairdryer with cold air or another similar device.
  6. When using a can of compressed air, it should be held at a slight angle to the surface of the keyboard. At the same time, try to avoid inhaling vapors, which can act as a toxic substance on the body. After using this product, it is recommended to ventilate the room well.
  7. When deciding to “pull out” dirt, you need to arm yourself with a vacuum cleaner. However, you need to act extremely carefully and carefully so as not to tear out the keyboard buttons.

The combined use of these methods will help to effectively clean an important part of a laptop computer. If the keyboard is fairly dirty, you will have to use a thorough cleaning option.

The process of “deep” cleaning a laptop keyboard

When figuring out how to clean the keyboard on a laptop completely and thoroughly, you need to stock up not only with the necessary tools, but also with patience and time. The main difficulty lies in disassembling this piece of equipment on your own. Before detaching the keyboard or simply removing the keys, it would be useful to take a photograph of it in assembled form. This will help you easily return all the buttons to their rightful places after the cleaning process.

The technique for disassembling the device's keyboard depends on the laptop. A number of models suggest the possibility of removing this part. If this cannot be done, then only the upper plastic attachments are detached.

How to disassemble a keyboard: basic methods

  • Armed with a flat thin screwdriver, scalpel or small knife, carefully pry up the bottom edge of the button. Try to consider how the fasteners are made. Then lightly press (until it clicks) on the “antennae” of the fastening, pulling the key upward. You need to act without sudden movements so as not to break the “antennae”. It is not recommended to remove the spacebar, Enter, Tab and Shift keys on laptops - securing them after cleaning can be problematic.
  • If such a part of the device is removable, fixed at the top using jumpers, then they must be carefully snapped off one at a time, gradually lifting the field with the keys. When all the “clasps” are removed, there is no need to pull the keyboard towards you; such a movement may break the main cable attached to the motherboard. When the keyboard is removed, the buttons are removed using the previously described method.
  • In an internal mounting situation, the laptop must be folded, turned over, and the bottom cover removed. Then determine in what places and how many screws the part is secured to the device. Carefully unscrew such fasteners and remove the keyboard, again trying not to damage the cable and internal contacts. Then remove the buttons.

Getting all the keys back after cleaning is not difficult. It is enough to fix each button in its place and press lightly until it makes a couple of characteristic clicks.

How to properly clean a disassembled device keyboard: instructions

  1. Removed plastic keys must be thoroughly wiped with wet wipes, alcohol solution or other cleaning agent. Then leave it on paper or newspaper, bottoms up, until completely dry.
  2. Using a soft, thin brush, carefully brush away all dust and dry dirt from the disassembled keyboard. Or use a can of compressed air or a perfume sprayer with a pear-shaped nozzle, being careful not to blow off the rubber nozzles on the button cells.
  3. Afterwards, wipe the laptop part with wet wipes or cotton swabs soaked in the selected cleaning agent. It is not recommended to use paper towels or analog devices. There is a risk that small paper particles will remain, which may cause the device contacts to short-circuit when turned on.
  4. Finally, leave the laptop part to dry completely, then secure the keys.

Dry cleaning a laptop keyboard (video example)

To clearly see how the process of removing buttons from the keyboard goes, and also to observe the dry option of cleaning the part from dust, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the video provided below.

Not wanting to risk disassembling the laptop yourself, but trying to save money by not contacting a service center, you should clean the keyboard from external dirt and dust at least once every couple of weeks. And use the device as carefully as possible, avoiding situations where sweet liquid may get on the surface of the equipment.

In contact with

The keyboard is an integral part of a computer or laptop. Inattention and untimely maintenance can lead to severe contamination and sometimes damage to the device. Over time, the keys become dirty and begin to stick and sink, which is a sign that they need cleaning. How to clean a keyboard at home, get rid of dust and crumbs, and return it to its original appearance is of interest to many computer users.

Light soiling

Maintaining safety during the device cleaning process is a very important point. For this reason, you must turn off the appliance before starting cleaning. For surface contamination, you can use the following cleaning methods:

  • Using a vacuum cleaner is the easiest and most affordable means of quickly cleaning keys. For this, a car vacuum cleaner with a special narrowed nozzle is best suited. If such a device is not available, you can use an ordinary household device, which must be used to carefully process the gaps between the keys.
  • In stores you can purchase special cans of compressed air, which are made for cleaning hard-to-reach places of various equipment. When applying, it should be tilted at an angle and sprayed.
  • A hairdryer is also suitable for these purposes. When using it, it is important to turn on the cold air mode.
  • A jelly rag, called cyberlizun, is another no less effective means of combating keyboard stains. The elastic mass is able to clean even hard-to-reach holes and crevices.
  • You can flip the keyboard with the buttons down, which will rid it of small debris that has accumulated under the keys.

Medium severity

In addition to clogging the device with tiny particles of dust and crumbs, its keys may develop a greasy coating over time. To get rid of such contaminants, it is recommended to use the following methods:

  • Special cleaning wipes that need to be used to treat the device keys. They effectively collect dirt and help protect the keyboard case from premature wear.
  • A solution with an alcohol content of more than 60% will also help rid the buttons of grease and dirt.
  • It is recommended to treat the gaps between the keys with cotton swabs.
  • You can try rubbing dirt that is difficult to remove with a regular eraser. It is necessary to ensure that residues from it do not fall inside the device.
  • A toothbrush dipped in soap or alcohol solution can also be used to clean the keyboard. Upon completion of the procedure, wipe the device dry with a clean microfiber cloth.

Heavy soiling

Even if monthly superficial cleaning of the equipment is carried out, it is still recommended to carry out deep cleaning and disassemble the keyboard every six months. Thus, it will be possible to eliminate dirt in hard-to-reach places. Complete cleaning is carried out as follows:

  • It is necessary to take a photo of the keyboard so that the keys can be easily inserted into the appropriate places.
  • Then you should turn it over and use a screwdriver to unscrew all the screws.
  • After detaching the top of the device, you need to gently press on the keys to remove them. The Spacebar and Shift buttons may be secured with metal pins, so they require careful handling.
  • When removing the buttons, it should be taken into account that a special latch is used to secure them, which must be carefully removed.
  • The removed keys must be placed in a bowl with soapy liquid or disinfectant solution. In case of severe contamination, you can additionally scrub them with a toothbrush.
  • It is advisable to rinse the upper part under running water, paying attention to hard-to-reach places.
  • All parts must dry thoroughly.
  • Then you should fix all the keys in their original places, connect the upper and lower parts of the keyboard and tighten the screws.
  • You can connect the device to your computer and check the operation of all keys.

This method requires much more time and some skills in dismantling and installing keys. If you can’t do it yourself, you should seek help from professionals at the service center.

Cleaning the laptop keyboard

For superficial cleaning of laptop keys, the same methods as for a computer keyboard are quite suitable. Dust can be removed from the surface by wiping with a special cloth for equipment or a microfiber cloth. The holes should be cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in isopropyl alcohol.

More thorough cleaning can be done if it is partially disassembled. The step-by-step instructions look like this:

  • You need to take a photo of the keyboard.
  • Not all laptops have keys that can be easily removed, but for most popular brands such as Asus, Lenovo, Acer, Toshiba, HP, the keys can be removed quite simply, you just need to pry them off with a fingernail or a small screwdriver.
  • Rinse the removed keys with running water or place them in a bowl with cleaning agent.
  • The internal parts of the device should be treated with a cotton swab slightly moistened with water or blown with a can of compressed air.
  • You need to assemble the keys. To do this, place the button in its place and press until a characteristic click appears.

Sometimes it happens that tea, coffee or water is spilled on the keyboard. If such a problem occurs, you must do the following:

  • Immediately disconnect the equipment from the power source to avoid short circuiting.
  • Turn the keyboard or laptop over so that the liquid can drain out.
  • Wipe dry with a cotton cloth and dry with a hairdryer using a cold stream of air.
  • Leave to dry overnight.
  • In the morning, check the functionality of the device.

If too much liquid has been spilled, it is recommended to disassemble the keyboard, wipe it with alcohol and wipe dry with a soft cloth. Typically, in such cases, diagnostics are still required at a special service center. Specialists will determine the presence or absence of damage.

To extend the life of your keyboard for a long time, it is recommended to carry out a monthly superficial cleaning. Liquid poses a great danger to the device, and therefore washing the keyboard is strictly prohibited. This may lead to damage and failure of the device.

The keyboard is easy to care for. This requires cleaning - one of the basic processes that will ensure its proper operation. In this article we will talk about popular methods for cleaning a laptop keyboard. This step-by-step guide will allow you to clean it carefully without damaging other parts of the laptop.

Collected dust, animal hair, hair and other contaminants must be regularly removed from under the keyboard buttons: at least once every two months. This is especially important for those who like to have snacks without looking up from the screen. As a result, a large number of crumbs collect under the buttons, which lead to the fact that parts of the keyboard begin to either sink or stick. In this case, it will no longer be possible to print text normally. That is why, for all owners of a laptop or netbook, we present the most effective tips for cleaning the keyboard at home.

Tip 1: How to clean a laptop keyboard at home: getting started

Safety comes first when removing dirt. Therefore, before you start cleaning your laptop keyboard, be sure to turn it off. If it is charging, then turn it off too. You should also disconnect the battery.

Tip 2: The most effective and easiest way to remove dirt

One of the easiest and most cost-effective methods for quickly cleaning keys is using a vacuum cleaner. A small car vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle (tapered towards the end) is better suited for this. If you do not have such equipment, then a regular vacuum cleaner will do.

To clean your laptop keyboard as effectively as possible, you need to thoroughly vacuum each key, especially the space bar. We also recommend carefully processing the gaps between the keys, stopping at each for about 3-5 seconds.

Today in specialized stores you can find various products that make cleaning your laptop keyboard much easier. We recommend that you pay attention to a can of compressed air: it is designed for cleaning hard-to-reach areas of various equipment. Method of application: you need to spray air at an angle, this will remove dust and other dirt from inside the keyboard.

Tip 4: How to clean the outside of a laptop keyboard

The top (visible) layer of the keys becomes actively dirty due to dust or dirty hands. Dirt deposits, which are especially visible on a light-colored keyboard, may indicate the need for cleaning.

At first glance, wiping the keyboard with a rag or alcohol is not difficult. However, here you need to use safe materials that will help both clean the keys and preserve the appropriate inscriptions on them. When externally damp cleaning use:

  • microfiber cloth, cotton sponge or swab (if not the entire surface of the keyboard is dirty, it is enough to use a piece of cotton wool, which must be moistened with water or lubricated with a cleanser);
  • a barely damp cloth (wring out the cloth well before you start cleaning, as drippings can get inside the laptop and drench important circuits, the motherboard, etc., after which the laptop will stop working);
  • isopropyl alcohol, as well as products made on its basis (ethyl alcohol cannot be used in this case, as it can erase characters from the keyboard along with dirt).

You can purchase this new product on the Internet. The main properties of a jelly cloth are its sticky base and good plasticity. Thanks to this, the sticky “lump” will collect dust not only on top of the keyboard, but also remove dirt from hard-to-reach places. Using a jelly cloth, you need to carefully crush each key from different sides. This will leave any dust, dirt, hair or crumbs on it. If the keyboard is not too dirty, then the jelly sponge can be used several times.

The best and most thorough cleaning of the keyboard is possible if you disassemble it and carefully wipe every part inside. But not everyone knows how to disassemble a laptop for cleaning and do it without breaking the keys. Difficulties may also arise with how to put it back together. Therefore, we offer step-by-step instructions on how to disassemble and wash the inside of a laptop keyboard:

  1. Take a photo of the keyboard so that later you don’t have any questions related to its assembly and the location of the keys.
  2. Some laptops differ in disassembly, but most of them (Asus, Samsung and other popular brands) have keys that can be easily removed with a fingernail or a small screwdriver. To do this, you need to slightly pry the edge of the key and gently pull. After this it should come off easily.
  3. We recommend carrying out zonal cleaning: remove one key and put it back in place, since if you remove all the keys at the same time, there is a high probability that you will put them back together with errors or spend a lot of time on this process.
  4. The internal parts of the keyboard can be cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in water, and it is better to wash the removable keys separately in a bowl of warm water. Please note that cleaned parts must be completely dry before assembly.
  5. Assembling the keys is quite easy: you need to put the plastic part in place, then press lightly until you hear a characteristic sound. Then test its functionality: if the key is pressed as usual and does not fall out, then you have successfully completed the assembly process.

Your keyboard is now clean and ready to go!

Comment on the article "How to clean a laptop keyboard at home"

The laptop creaks: (The laptop is new, purchased in March (Toshiba). After 2 months, it began to squeak periodically when working. To clean the laptop keyboard as effectively as possible, you need to thoroughly vacuum each key, especially the space bar.

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The laptop creaks:(. -- get-togethers. Computers. Purchasing and using computer equipment, software, problems with the Internet. The laptop creaks:(The laptop is new, purchased in March (Toshiba). After 2 months, it began to periodically creak when working.

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How to clean a laptop keyboard at home. A step-by-step guide will allow you to carefully clean it without damaging others. And at home, have an additional station for it, with a connected monitor, normal size, and keyboard.

The keyboard of a PC (personal computer) or laptop needs care.

At a minimum, it needs a superficial cleaning—a way to remove dirt without further tampering with the inside of the keyboard.

To clean the keyboard, use a regular cloth

At home, you can clean the keyboard without the help of a technician. To do this, you will need special computer wipes. They are suitable for daily maintenance of the monitor and keyboard buttons. Daily wiping will remove traces of dust particles from the surface.

To copy ISO files to a disc or flash drive, you can use Windows tools or third-party utilities.

Debris and dust accumulate in the space between the buttons. To clean this area, other products are needed.

How to clean your computer keyboard at home:

  • Blow out debris and dust using a hairdryer. The device is set to a strong air blowing mode. The temperature is set to minimum (cold air mode).
  • Suction up small particles using a vacuum cleaner without an attachment. This method is effective for weekly dirt removal. Don't forget to wrap the handset with a soft cloth to avoid damaging the buttons. Cleaning a laptop keyboard with your own hands is done in the same way.
  • Removing stains with an ear stick soaked in rubbing alcohol. Suitable for carefully removing dirt and greasy marks between buttons.

Fig.1 To clean the keyboard, use an ear stick

  • Remove excess particles between the keys using a knife wrapped in a napkin or paper towel. Prepare the soap mixture in a container, wet the towel on the knife and walk in the space between the buttons.

An important condition: this must be done carefully so as not to damage the internal contacts. The towel is lightly pressed with your fingers so that the liquid does not get on the diagram.


If the keys do not work because water has been spilled on the keyboard, you will need to disassemble and thoroughly clean it:

  • The keyboard is disconnected, the liquid is carefully shaken out of it. For further cleaning, this element must be completely disassembled. The screws on the back are unscrewing. A set of compact Phillips screwdrivers is suitable for this.

Fig.2 There are screws on the back that you have to unscrew

  • Unscrew and open the keyboard, you will see the film circuit inside. A grid of contacts connects the buttons. Carefully remove the film so as not to stain the mesh with your fingers.

Fig.3 Remove the film so as not to stain the mesh with your fingers

  • Underneath you will find rubber pads for each button. There is a green board where the wire connects. It is important that liquid does not get on it. Using a dry ear stick, carefully remove any liquid that gets there. Set aside.

Fig.4 If liquid gets on the green board, remove it with an ear stick

  • Remove the rubber pads. Remember the locations of the colored elements. When reassembled, they return to their place. Separate the buttons, they are easy to pry and snap off. A thin metal nail file will help in this matter.

Prepare a hot soapy solution in a bowl and throw in the keys. Rinse thoroughly, place on newspaper and leave to dry. Do the same with the body. Set the boards and circuits aside (do not get them wet)!

Use a washing machine to clean the buttons. Fold it into a sock and throw it in the wash.

If you undertake to clean computer parts yourself, the manufacturer's warranty does not cover such cases. Proceed with caution. If you are not confident in your abilities, give the job to professionals.


A laptop keyboard is more complex than a computer keyboard and is cleaned differently. It is much thinner and is connected inside the case. Everyday cleansing care is carried out in the same way. Computer wipes and ear swabs with alcohol are enough to clean your laptop keyboard.

Sometimes, to clean a laptop keyboard at home, you may need to disassemble the keys.

How to remove buttons from a laptop keyboard:

  • Hold the key on one side with your finger to prevent it from flying away.

Fig.5 Pry the button on the other side with a thin object

  • Pry the button on the other side with a thin object (nail file, screwdriver).
  • Carefully unclip the lock.

Fig.6 Unclip the lock

There is a plastic fastener under the key. Inserting a button on a laptop keyboard is just as easy. To do this, it returns to its seat and presses down. The latch then snaps into place on its own.

With spilled liquid things are different. Instructions for your actions:

  • Immediately unplug the laptop and turn it over.

Fig.7 Unplug the laptop and turn it over

  • Remove the battery. This is not the time to worry about programs that terminated incorrectly—procrastination could cost you the price of buying a new laptop.

Fig.8 Remove the battery

  • Using a thin screwdriver, unclip the strip from the front of the case. It's on top.

Fig.9 Using a thin screwdriver, unclip the strip from the front of the case

  • Unscrew the fastening bolts.

Reading time: 1 minute

Few people have not heard a string of “bearded” jokes about dirty keyboards. But, jokes aside, in fact, according to statistics, the keys on our gadgets are no cleaner than the rim of a toilet bowl. Hence the question arises: how to clean the keyboard of a computer, netbook, laptop? How to do this every day, and what should general cleaning be like? How to clean up spilled tea and get rid of crumbs, grease stains and other contaminants? Follow us - we will tell you everything in detail!

In the first part of our big life hack, we will tell you the best, safest and most effective way to clean your laptop keyboard ( netbook). In general and special cases.

Why clean

Some people are guilty of having a snack while sitting at their laptop. Hence, such contaminants as crumbs, droplets of sweet tea, coffee, and juice appear on the face. But if you don’t have such a tempting habit, then you don’t need to clean your keyboard? Alas, it remains necessary, so you also need to know how to clean laptop keyboards.

All electronics are, unfortunately, big " dust collector" Hence the advice - do not forget to clean the cooler of your device from dust. The keyboard also attracts dust and dirt. And you need to wash it not only for an exemplary appearance, but also to ensure the functionality of the device and its long service life. As long as there is dust on the outer surface of the keyboard, it is not dangerous. But if it gets into the “stuffing”... Here's what you can expect:

  • Mechanical debris can cause " sticking» buttons.
  • Spilled liquid is the cause of failure not only of the keys, but of the entire laptop.
  • If dust and dirt get far inside the equipment, it can lead to overheating of the radiator, which leads to serious damage.

Types of cleaning

Laptop cleaning is divided into two types, which also affects how to clean the keyboard on a laptop:

  • Superficial. Cleaning both buttons and the spaces between them. Produced at home, without disassembling and using complex technologies.
  • Deep. Removing contaminants from the key contacts so that they do not penetrate further into the " stuffing" It is necessary to remove the keyboard and, possibly, if the contamination has penetrated deeper than it, clean, rinse and other elements. For owners of many laptops with a non-removable keyboard, the problem is complicated by the fact that the device has to be almost completely disassembled. If you do not have the skills, self-confidence and any experience in this matter, then it is better to entrust the procedure to specialists.

Advice! The more often and thoroughly you carry out surface cleaning, the less often your equipment will need deep cleaning.


Be prepared to do a superficial cleaning at least once a month.


How to clean a laptop keyboard? To do this, you should always have a kit ready with the necessary tools:

Jelly sponge for cleaning keyboard Special mini vacuum cleaner
How to clean a laptop keyboard? You can purchase such a universal device Set from a Chinese store website
Cleaning the screen and keyboard Compressed air can

  • Special kit for cleaning the keyboard. This convenient innovation can be purchased at a number of specialty stores. It already includes cleaning liquid, a cloth and a brush.
  • Isopril diluted alcohol ( products made on its basis are also suitable). The answer to the question “What else can I use to clean my laptop keyboard?” and an excellent handy alternative to special cleaning liquids. However, you should not overuse it - lightly soak a rag or napkin in the solution - do not allow alcohol to drip onto the keyboard.
  • Soapy water. It is obtained by diluting shavings of household or toilet soap, dishwashing liquid, liquid soap, shampoo, and shower gel. Also carefully dampen a cloth in it, and after the procedure, be sure to wipe the buttons dry with a soft, dry cloth.
  • Napkins. Use a soft, lint-free cloth. A damp cotton pad or cotton swab or microfiber material will do. An excellent example is specialized Defender wipes. The buttons are wiped only with rags, cloth, napkins, but not with a brush!
  • Soft brush. Use this tool to clean the spaces between the keys.
  • Jelly sponge. Know-how of the last days. Represents some semblance of a children's toy - " slime" The principle of operation is simple - with a sticky base you walk thoroughly and several times over the keyboard. " Jelly"will stick to itself all the dust, dirt, crumbs, even from hard-to-reach places. Ideally, one jelly sponge = one cleaning, but if the keyboard is not too dirty, then the product may be suitable for the next cleaning.

« Is it possible to wash a laptop keyboard with water?" - you ask. Depends on the model, namely on the presence of hydrophobic elements on it. So it's better not to.

Advice! Do not use ethyl alcohol, vodka, acetone or other solvents to clean and disinfect the keyboard! Not only can they destroy the paint on the buttons, but they can also burn the plastic parts!

Cleaning without disassembling the laptop

You can try to clean your laptop from dust and dirt without disassembling it. To do this, simply turn the device over and gently shake it up and down, left and right to shake out crumbs and dirt particles. But there are more professional ways:

  • Vacuum cleaner. There are special mini-vacuum cleaners for keyboards, but it’s okay if you use a household “ giant" Just turn it on at the lowest power and put on the narrow attachment, which is often included with the vacuum cleaner. By the way, special car vacuum cleaners are also effective. For thorough cleaning, you will have to hold each key for 3-5 seconds.
  • Hair dryer. Holding the laptop at a comfortable angle, blow cold air ( only cold!) air from it all the crumbs.
  • Long bristled brush. The procedure is long and meticulous - you will need to bypass every button.
  • A can of compressed air. You will find a miracle of technology in specialized stores. It is simple to use - spray at the required angle to the contaminated surface.


Is it possible to wash the keyboard from a laptop or netbook? Yes, but only in a specific way.

The algorithm varies depending on the model of equipment, but in general it is as follows:

  1. Take a photo or otherwise record the keyboard in its assembled form.
  2. Using a nail file, an awl, or a thin crochet hook, pry up each button and remove it. Be careful not to damage the cable. Pay special attention to the long keys - they are much more difficult to both remove and fix back.
  3. Using brushes, a vacuum cleaner or the same hair dryer, sweep and blow dust out of the opened " entrails».
  4. If necessary, wipe each button with a soft, dry cloth or brush.
  5. Is it possible to wash the keyboard under the tap or shower? No, but the buttons are fine! Particularly dirty keys are washed in soapy water and then treated with an antiseptic. Another unusual life hack: put buttons in a linen bag, mesh or an unnecessary sock. Soak in detergent and then rinse thoroughly under running water. Before returning the keys, be sure to dry them completely! The process can be speeded up by using a hairdryer with a cold stream of air.
  6. Using the photo you took, return the keys home. You will know that the key is in its place during installation by a characteristic click.

Advice! For those who find it tiresome to collect " mosaic» from the keys from the photo or there is no way to photograph/draw the keyboard, we propose the idea of ​​​​so-called zone cleaning: you remove the key, clean the surface under it, clean it itself, dry it and immediately return it to its place. Then move on to the second, third, etc.


One of the most common and dangerous problems for the keyboard is spilling coffee, tea, juice or other liquid. At the same time, the worst thing is sweet drinks - sugar hardens and crystallizes, which makes washing it off an additional problem.

The algorithm for dealing with such contamination is approximately the following:

  • Turn the device over quickly and try to shake out as much liquid as possible.
  • Use a hair dryer or vacuum cleaner to blow out the remaining microdrops.
  • Disassemble the keyboard and try to dry it inside. Soak with a dry, moisture-absorbing cloth, replacing it with a new one as it gets wet.
  • After all these operations, wipe the internal elements with isopryl alcohol, and then again with a dry and soft cloth.
  • Take your time to reassemble the device - the longer it dries, the better.

Advice! For the sake of the safety of your device, we do not recommend drying the keyboard yourself without certain skills. It is much easier and more effective to call a specialist as quickly as possible or take the device to a service center.

You will see more ways in the video in this article. And we move on to the second section.


Cleaning a computer keyboard is in many ways similar to cleaning a laptop keyboard, but still has a number of its own characteristics. Since it is located separately from " gland", then more drastic cleaning methods can be used. However, first things first.


Just like a laptop keyboard, a computer keyboard also needs both superficial and deep cleaning. The first follows a similar pattern:

  • Turn over and shake the keyboard, holding it upside down over newspaper or plastic. You will get rid of some of the crumbs, dirt and dust this way.
  • A small brush or paint brush can help you clean hard-to-reach areas.
  • More " lazy» ways – hair dryer, mini vacuum cleaner, « jelly", a can of compressed air - you saw these tools in the photo.
  • Hygienic wet wipes will help remove greasy deposits.

Advice! Clean only with damp ( dust sticks to them more easily), but in no case with wet instruments. This applies to both cleaning laptop keys and cleaning the keyboard not on a laptop.


Experts recommend performing this procedure at least once every three months. You can use either the method that we described in the topic about laptops, or go to the table where we have included tips for cleaning computer keyboards specifically.

Disassembly and washing Proceed as follows:

1. Be sure to take a photo and sketch the position of the keys.

2. Use a screwdriver to remove the screws on the underside. Set it aside after disassembling.

3. We will only clean the top part. From the inside, carefully press out all the keys. Do not remove just “Enter” - this button is very difficult to fix back on some keyboards.

4. The pressed-out keys are washed under running water. They can be soaked in a disinfectant solution. If they are very dirty, scrub them while washing them with an old toothbrush.

5. Is it still possible to wash the keyboard under water? The top part - yes. Wash under running water. Using a brush or brush, go through hard-to-reach places.

6. Dry all elements thoroughly.

7. When both the part and the keys are completely dry, return the buttons to their place, secure the upper part with screws from the lower part, and connect the keyboard to the system unit.

Standard cleaning It also takes place in several stages:

1. Disconnect the keyboard from the computer.

2. Shake it thoroughly over the newspaper with the buttons facing down.

3. Clean dirt between the keys with a cotton swab, periodically moistening it with isopryl alcohol.

4. Blow the device thoroughly with a hairdryer.

5. Remove the keys with your own hands or using a small knife or manicure file.

6. Blow through the opened filling again with a hairdryer. Remove anything that could not be cleaned with a hairdryer using a brush, a cotton swab, or a brush.

Cleaning up spills Again, simple instructions:

1. Disconnect from your computer.

2. With the buttons facing down, try to shake out as much liquid as possible.

3. Disassemble into two halves, carefully dry them from the inside with a dry cloth or hairdryer.

4. Squeeze out the keys and place them to dry.

5. To make the keyboard dry faster, place fluffy cotton wool or a little rice inside it - this will absorb the liquid.

Cleaning without disassembly You will need to take several steps at home:

1. Disconnect your device from your computer.

2. Take mild " sandwich» a thin knife, napkin or thin cloth. Wrap the knife blade in it.

3. Dilute the soap solution.

4. Slightly wetting the instrument in the solution ( it should be slightly damp but not wet), carefully clean the surfaces between the keys, as well as the gaps between the buttons and the base.

And in conclusion, we will introduce you to a number of tips that may be useful to you.

Good to know

Before cleaning, pay attention to several recommendations:

  • When cleaning the keyboard, do not remove the long keys, Enter - they are difficult to put back in place.
  • If you accidentally spill liquid, cotton wool or grains of rice will quickly absorb it.
  • Don't forget to take a photo or a drawing of the keyboard before you remove the buttons from it.
  • Dirty keys can be washed in a washing machine in a special bag or sock. But don't try to wash your keyboard in the dishwasher!
  • If you have lost the photo or instructions, you can find out the location of the keys in the following way:
    • For Windows: go to Start, then find Programs - Accessories. Next – “Special Features” – “On-Screen Keyboard”. Recreate the picture using the example.
    • For Macintosh: “Programs” - system settings menu. Next – “Languages ​​and text”, then – “Input sources”. Check "Symbols and keyboard" and also "Show input menu...". Click on the checkbox at the top of the screen where you usually change the language - the on-screen keyboard view will become available to you.

That's all that will help you learn about how to clean the keyboard of a laptop and computer. The main piece of advice in the end is to not forget about superficial cleaning and wean yourself from the habit of drinking drinks while sitting at a PC or laptop.
