What is an instant message? What is a messenger on a computer?

Programs that can be used to transfer messages and other content between users are called messengers. Their popularity today is colossal, so the developers count billions in profits. If it is not entirely clear what a messenger is, then in a nutshell it is a program for instant messaging. Such utilities work using an Internet connection.

What are messengers and what are they like?

Translated from English, messenger means “messenger” or “courier”. The difference between the program and e-mail is that messages are transmitted very quickly. You won’t be able to talk so quickly using E-mail, because the mailbox is polled once every 5-10 minutes. If we compare it with real life, we can say that email is letters, and instant messengers are telegrams. Users of such utilities often call them an Internet pager, since the technology for exchanging information is very similar to a simple personal call receiver, but provides much more capabilities.

For text messaging

The instant messaging system works like this: when all the subscribers listed in your phone or contact list appear on the line, you are notified about it. Likewise, your friends can see that you are online. At the same time, you can exchange information that is visible on the panel of your screen and in the window of your interlocutor’s gadget almost immediately. The only thing you need for such communication is the same messenger with the person with whom you want to exchange messages.

With call function to anywhere in the world

Messengers provide a free or paid opportunity not only to exchange instant information. Some programs provide the chance to call mobile and landline phones anywhere in the world. The only disadvantage of such communication is the availability of the Internet. If the user you want to contact is out of network coverage, the conversation will not work. You can communicate with him after he appears online.

With video calling capability

Some universal messengers significantly expand the opportunities for businessmen. With the advent of video communication, it has become easy to develop strategies, make decisions, and approve documents. A number of high-ranking executives use video conferencing. Employees of large companies spend most of their working time in negotiations or on business trips. The video communication service significantly reduces the costs associated with the forced separation of employees from work to move or fly to the place of a business meeting, with the payment of travel allowances.

How the messenger application works

Many people often use several instant messengers with different functionality. The need for different exchange networks is due to the fact that there is a direct connection between them. Each utility has its own developer, a separate server, protocol, and special rules of use. However, all messengers work in the same direction - quick contact with the right person or group of people.

With their help, not only text or voice messages are transmitted, but also graphic ones. The technology market is dominated by mobile versions with the Android system, but a considerable number of users install instant file sharing programs on their PCs. The programs take up little space in the system memory, require little Internet speed, and work well over a Wi-Fi connection.

Popular messengers

Modern messenger - what it even is, we’ve already figured it out. The number of programs with text chats and voice communication is large and is constantly growing. Choosing the right software for yourself is not difficult, but it is better to focus on the preferences of subscribers from your contact list in order to ensure effective communication with a large number of people. Before downloading this or that popular utility, you should learn more about their advantages and disadvantages.


One of the most popular applications for smartphones, which gives its users a quick opportunity to exchange free messages. Eliminates the need to pay for data exchange for an Internet connection. What you can get after installing the Whatsapp application:

  • support for the most popular mobile platforms;
  • creating group chats;
  • sending audio, video files, photos;
  • unlimited text messaging with your audience.

The developer of Whatsapp is an American programmer and entrepreneur originally from Ukraine, Jan Borisovich Kum. The messenger is very functional, so anyone with the slightest knowledge of a mobile Internet user can understand it. Among the disadvantages is the incorrect display of statistics on some devices. The project does not have a version of the program for a personal computer.


Those who are not familiar with Viber messenger will be interested to know what it is. The application is available for both Android and Windows systems. The program works perfectly in the mobile version and on the computer, and the same basic functions are available on the PC. The strong point of Viber is deleting messages not only from yourself, but also from your interlocutor. The ability to create public chats and channels allows users to consider the application the best corporate messenger.

Viber was developed by Belarusians, and the client’s first audience were iPhone owners. But after 2 years, a version for the Android base was launched. The popularity of the program is due to the possibility of free calls and ideal call quality. The disadvantages include the transfer of only media files, the lack of video communication (only on the client with Windows services). Pros of Viber:


The Swede N. Zennström and the Dane Janus Friis participated in the creation of the program. Today, Skype is a free software that provides video and voice communication over the Internet between PCs, as well as paid calls to landlines and mobile phones. Using this application, you can make conference calls, transfer files and free messages. The main disadvantage of the program is the need for a high-speed, stable Internet connection. Users often note a low-quality video connection. The advantages of Skype include:

  • ideal messenger for distance learning;
  • instant connection with a person located in another part of the planet;
  • support for most operating systems.

Telegram messenger

The free messenger for smartphones, computers and tablets was developed by Pavel Durov, a Russian programmer, entrepreneur, one of the creators of the VKontakte social network. The program is focused on the whole world and is considered the safest among all. Other mobile messengers do not have the same network security as Telegram messenger.

The creators took care of saving data and personal correspondence of their users, using the strongest encryption algorithms. The messenger is very easy to learn, and if something is not clear, the support service will come to the rescue around the clock. The downside of the application is the lack of voice calls, although, judging by the reviews, not all users need this service.

Google talk

What a phone messenger from the world's leading developers is is in general terms clear. However, not all users of popular protocols know that there is similar software from Google. A special feature of the program is close integration with the Gmail service, ICQ, Mail.ru agent and the use of third-party applications of the XMPP protocol. The advantages of Google Talk are excellent connection quality and a completely free messenger. The downside is that you need a Gmail account.


Apple also created a proprietary instant messaging service. The application looks like a standard chat, but the text field is enlarged specifically for the large iPad screen. The GUI element spans two lines and expands dynamically. In addition to correspondence, the program sends photos and videos from the gallery or taken on a phone (tablet).

To find interlocutors, you need to enter a phone number or email, which greatly simplifies the search for a contact. The main advantage of the messenger is that it is absolutely free. Users pay only the cost of Internet traffic provided by their mobile operator. Although the developers have implemented the best encryption protocols and a convenient client program, you can only communicate via Instant Messenger with iPhone or iPad owners.

Mail.ru Agent

Russian messenger with the ability to send SMS, voice and video communications. It belongs, like iCQ, to the owner of Mail.ru Group. Although the messenger is inferior in polarity to similar means of communication, the number of users is increasing every year. Now the company has released a new version of the Agent, in which Windows Live subscribers can call not only each other, but also with Android and iOS owners. Calls have all the necessary functions: sound signals, microphone blocking, camera selection, speakerphone. Calls through the Agent are paid, but the prices are reasonable.

How to install messenger on your phone

It became clear what the messenger is, but now we need to figure out how to install it. You can download applications for free from Google Play, Play Market or other similar services. Once the installation is complete, you can access the messenger after logging in. Each application has different registration requirements, but they are all accessible and simple. You can also delete the messenger without any problems. As a rule, the uninstall button for any program is located in the settings.


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It’s paradoxical, but true: with all the variety of messengers, you usually don’t have to choose them - people simply use the same thing as their friends and acquaintances. But what if secrecy is really important? In this article, we will go through the list of modern instant messengers and see what protection guarantees each of them has.

Recently there was a poll on “Hacker”, and the most popular answer (Telegram) was seriously alarming. How far has it gone when even the average Hacker reader has already lost touch with reality after being attacked by a marketing headcrab (pictured)?

We've compiled a list of instant messengers to see how each of them fares with security. The selection included both popular and promising programs in terms of security. We warn you that we will delve into the technical side as much as is necessary for the average user, and no further.

In many ways, we followed the path of the authors of a series of articles by the Electronic Frontier Foundation called Secure Messaging Scorecard, but we chose other criteria - in our opinion, more important.



Is the messenger source code distributed under one of the free licenses? If so, is it open source mining? How closely do developers interact with the community? Do they accept pull requests? All this is important to consider when choosing.

Degree of centralization

One of three options is possible here:

Possibility of anonymous registration and use

For some services, a phone may only be needed to protect against spam during registration; therefore, it is very easy to use number rental services for SMS.

In other cases, the messenger is tightly tied to the phone. This is bad because if two-factor authentication is not enabled, then when you gain access to this number you can log into your account and leak all the data. But even if two-factor is enabled, it is still possible to delete all data from your account. And of course, consider this to be registration using a passport (we use the realities of the Russian Federation, others were not brought in).

But it is not all that bad. There are instant messengers that allow you to register using your mailbox or social network account. There are also those where you can create an account in the messenger itself without being tied to anything.

Availability of End-to-End Encryption (E2EE)

Some instant messengers have this feature by default, in others you can enable it, but there are also those where there is simply no end-to-end encryption.

E2EE chat synchronization

Again, this function is not yet available as often as we would like. Its presence greatly simplifies life.

Notice to verify E2EE fingerprints

When starting E2EE chats, some messengers offer to check the fingerprints of the interlocutors, others do not offer this openly. But not all instant messengers have a fingerprint verification function.

Prohibition of taking a screenshot of a secret chat

Not the most useful function, because to bypass the ban it is enough, for example, to have a second phone on hand.

Group E2EE chats

E2EE group chats are usually not a necessary feature, but they are very convenient. The rule “more than two - speak out loud” should be left for children.

Notification about the need to verify E2EE fingerprints in group chats

When adding a new interlocutor, with whom the fingerprints have not been verified, to a secret group chat, not all instant messengers offer to check his fingerprints. Because of this omission, the meaning of secret chats is lost.

Protecting the social graph

Some instant messengers collect information about the user's contacts and other data, such as who the user called, how long he talked. There is a thread on this topic.


We have selected only some of the criteria that can play a role when choosing a messenger. There are others, but they are not always related to security. A group of scientists from European universities did a good job of putting everything into perspective in their work Obstacles to the Adoption of Secure Communication Tools (PDF). It is also always useful to review the results of an independent audit, if available. For example, in the case of Signal, such an audit was carried out (PDF).


License: formally - GPLv3. However, an important part of the development is closed. If you look at the repositories, you can see that recently there has been some movement only in the web version. Alas, in this form it is rather an illusion of openness
Degree of centralization: centralized
Availability of E2EE: implemented, but as an addition. By default, chats are not encrypted
Synchronization of E2EE chats: No. Secret chat can only be used from one device; it will no longer be accessible from another
No. Users can go into the settings themselves to compare prints
yes, but does not work on all devices
E2EE Group Chats: No
Social graph protection: No

The messenger, created by Pavel Durov's team, is built on MTProto correspondence encryption technology. At the moment, it is partially blocked in Russia, but this blocking is a separate topic for discussion.

The messenger is ambiguous. There's a lot of hype around it, but is it justified? There is no access to the source code, chats are not encrypted by default, there is no social graph protection (all your contacts are stored on Telegram servers), there are no group E2EE chats, E2EE chats are not supported in the desktop version of the program, only in the mobile version, the messenger is centralized, messages are stored on the server (and they, as already noted, are not encrypted), and with all this there is no possibility of anonymous registration.

If you want to use Telegram, then don’t forget to create secret chats to protect your correspondence. In the mobile version, you need to select the New Secret Chat command. Of the desktop versions, only some support secret chats (for example, one of the two clients for macOS).

In a secret chat, messages are encrypted and are not stored on the messenger servers. You also cannot take a screenshot of a secret chat, but nothing prevents you from taking a photo of such a chat from the screen.


License: AGPLv3
Degree of centralization: centralized
Possibility of anonymous registration and work: No. There are no other options other than a phone number.
Availability of E2EE: There is
Synchronization of E2EE chats: There is
E2EE Fingerprint Verification Notice: No. Users are encouraged to scan each other's QR codes or compare fingerprints
Prohibition on screenshots of secret chats: can be turned on or off
E2EE Group Chats: There is
Notification about the need to verify E2EE fingerprints in group chats: No
Social graph protection: There is

The Signal messenger was developed by the American startup Open Whisper Systems, where, besides the two founders, only a few people work. To encrypt messages, a cryptographic protocol created specifically for it is used - Signal Protocol. It is used for end-to-end encryption of calls (voice and video), as well as regular messages. The Signal protocol has since been used by other instant messengers: WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Google Allo.

It would seem that in this case, any messenger can become as safe as Signal. But, as practice shows, no. Unlike Signal, where encryption is turned on by default, these messengers have it turned off. To enable it, you need to activate Secret Conversations in Facebook Messenger, and Incognito Mode in Google Allo.

Although Signal is centralized, the code is open and distributed under a free license. Signal has support for E2EE group chats, social graph protection, and supports timed disappearing messages.

However, protection should not be confused with anonymity. Signal is not anonymous: when registering, you need to indicate the phone number to which the messenger is linked. As for disappearing messages, this feature is also found in other messengers, for example in Viber and Telegram (in the secret chat menu you need to select the Set self-destruct timer command).

What is a messenger?

New users of the fixed or mobile Internet sooner or later come across the term “messenger” and rightly ask the question “What is this?” In this article we will look at exactly this.

Messenger is a program or mobile application that is designed for instant messaging via the Internet. From English Messenger can be translated as: messenger, courier, messenger, peddler or messenger.

You can send text, pictures and videos via messenger. The rest depends on the functionality of the messenger itself - some support file transfer in any format, others allow you to make calls, and others allow you to transmit your location on a map online. By the way, no one forbids instant messengers to implement all this functionality at once.

Registration and contacts

Communication in the messenger is similar to SMS correspondence, but with very advanced capabilities. In some messengers, registration is carried out by phone number, and users are added based on your contacts, for example, WhatsApp, Viber. In others, standard registration is required, and users must be searched and added by their login, for example, Skype.

Do you need internet?

To use the messenger, you must have an Internet connection. Now, however, this should not be a big problem - mobile operators have relatively cheap tariff plans with a mobile Internet package, and there are also various options in which you do not need to pay for Internet traffic spent on instant messengers.

Free calls

Many subscribers have already completely switched to calls via instant messengers. You do not need to spend a package of minutes or pay for outgoing calls separately - you can simply call another messenger subscriber, using a modest amount of Internet traffic.

This is especially true if the subscriber is in another region or another country. There is no roaming in messengers, and you don’t need to pay separately for Internet calls. And that's really great.

Is it worth installing a messenger for yourself?

If you have a mobile internet package on your tariff plan, then it’s definitely worth it. If your tariff does not include the Internet, then perhaps you should think about changing the tariff. After all, messengers are extremely profitable programs/applications that can significantly simplify and reduce the cost of communication using mobile communication services.

What to choose?

For computer – Skype. For a mobile device (smartphone or tablet) – Skype, WhatsApp, Viber or Telegram.

Of course, there are other messengers, and there are quite a lot of them. But I would recommend starting to get acquainted with these “titans” of the market. I myself use Skype and WhatsApp (web version) on my personal computer, and WhatsApp and occasionally Telegram on my smartphone.

The word messenger today refers to an Internet service designed for instant messaging. These applications are increasingly used by smartphone owners, displacing traditional SMS. The ease of use of such programs was appreciated by both private enterprises and government agencies.

Progress in the functionality of Internet messengers has stepped far forward. If at the end of the last century, using such services it was possible to exchange only texts, today many of them offer both audio and video contacts between communicating people, and the ability to transfer files.

One of the first most popular not only in our country, but also in the world was the famous “ASKA”. ICQ appeared back in 1996, but even now more than 12 million people use this service. Launched by the Israeli company Mirabilis ICQ, it was purchased by the American AOL in 1998, and since 2010 it has been owned by the Russian corporation Mail.ru Group.

To exchange messages, you need so-called client programs that connect to a central server. That is, communication between subscribers is carried out through a central computer. Unlike email, instant messengers communicate in real time. In many of them you can see the presence status of your contacts.

A powerful impetus to the development of messaging technologies was given by the integration of the Internet into mobile phones, which are now called smartphones. Applications are developed specifically for mobile operating systems. Not surprisingly, the smartphone app currently enjoying the largest audience is WhatsApp Messenger, which is available for iPhone, Android, Windows Phone and Nokia.

The famous Skype application, which appeared back in 2003, still maintains its leading position. We associate any communication with friends and relatives, holding conferences using video with Skype.

The application is, if not the most, then at least extremely popular among Russian users. Viber, according to many users, allows you to “keep in touch” even in conditions of insufficient quality Internet

We can say that the popularity of communication through instant messengers creates competition for email services and social networks. After all, these applications do not require opening a page or loading a browser at all. One of the disadvantages of using online messaging applications is that, for example, to communicate with an ICQ user, you need to create an account on this service.

Thus, messengers are very popular messaging services today. Their wide popularity was facilitated by the instant nature of messages (online mode) and the development of applications for smartphones.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Surely you have heard the word “messenger” more than once, but not everyone understands what it is and what it is used for, although most understand the connection of the term with Internet technologies.

Let's understand this concept, because we live in the 21st century, everyone has a smartphone, and push-button phones have long since died out along with mammoths and dinosaurs :)

Messenger - what is it and why is it needed?

Messenger is a program (application) for a smartphone or personal computer that allows instantly share with friends via text messages, phone calls, and even video chats.

Typically, such programs are free and work as long as you have an Internet connection.

Messengers have replaced SMS messages and have become an excellent alternative to voice calls, since now it is not necessary to top up your mobile phone - you can use the program when connected to Wi-Fi (i.e. without using mobile Internet on your phone). In this case, messages and calls will be unlimited and free.

However, you won’t be able to completely give up mobile communications in favor of instant messengers: to register an account in most of them, you need to confirm your phone number, and not every person uses these programs.

Additional features instant messaging applications (messengers):

  1. the ability to add pictures, stickers, etc. to messages, allowing you to express your emotions to your interlocutor;
  2. sending files: photos, videos, audio;
  3. recording voice messages (or typing text by voice), which will appeal to those who do not like to type or at a certain point in time cannot do this;
  4. for a fee - calls from the messenger to the cell phone of a friend who has not installed the application (this function is not available in all programs).

How to use the messenger

Owners of smartphones running Android, iOS and Windows Phone can download the messenger. To do this, go to the Google Play application for Android, the App Store for Apple or the Microsoft Store for Windows Phone, enter the name of the desired messenger in the search bar, and then click on the “ Install».

To create an account, you need to link a mobile phone number to the program, which is entered when you first launch the application. After this, the user is sent an SMS message with a registration confirmation code.

If all of the above doesn’t mean anything to you, then the video below will come in handy. It shows the process of installing Viber (one of the most popular instant messengers) and getting started with it in as much detail as possible:

You can start communicating with friends in Telegram messengers by finding them by phone number and sending a request to exchange data.

To , just enter the user's first and last name or . In Facebook Messenger, all newly added friends via the social network automatically become available for communication in your contacts list.

3 most popular instant messengers in RuNet

So, we figured out what a messenger is. But which one should you use? There are dozens of communication utilities in the world, each of which is in demand in a specific region: Whatsapp in Europe, America, parts of the Middle East, Viber in the post-Soviet countries, Line in Asia.

There are paid and free programs, instant messengers for specific operating systems, corporate and public options.

We'll consider 6 most popular free apps and find out what features and benefits they offer.

It is most popular in Western countries and some regions of the Middle East, although it is also actively used in the CIS countries. WhatsApp was developed by Ukrainian-born American programmer Jan Koum in 2010.

Peculiarities messenger:

  1. creating group chats to communicate with several friends at once;
  2. availability of a version for PCs running on Windows 8 and Windows 10 (see article about that);
  3. availability of a web version of the application for sending messages from computers running earlier versions of Windows.


Viber has over 500 million installations on Google Play and is most widespread in the post-Soviet countries.

This application was developed by a team of Belarusians, and its first audience were iPhone owners. 2 years after launch, a version for Android devices appeared. Viber has a whole set of unique stickers that allow you to diversify your communication.

Peculiarities messenger:

  1. support for Android, iOS, Windows Phone operating systems;
  2. making audio and video calls;
  3. sending files and images;
  4. unlimited messaging;
  5. deleting sent messages from yourself and the interlocutor;
  6. Availability of a PC version (see);
  7. creation of public channels and chats.

Telegram is rapidly gaining popularity around the world, receiving over 100 million installations on Google Play.

Application developer - Pavel Durov, . The utility is aimed at all countries of the world and is considered one of the most secure instant messengers in existence.

Peculiarities messenger:

  1. support for Android, iOS, Windows Phone operating systems;
  2. availability of a PC version;
  3. deleting sent messages from yourself and the interlocutor;
  4. making audio calls, but no video calls;
  5. creation of bots and public channels on Telegram with their subsequent monetization;
  6. sending files and images;
  7. unlimited text messaging;
  8. complete security for users;
  9. blocked on the territory of the Russian Federation.

3 more popular messengers

Naturally, the whole matter is not limited to the three applications above. Many people have two or three messengers on their phones, in each of which they communicate with different groups of people. The more programs you try, the more informed your choice will be in favor of one or more of them.

Facebook Messenger is an application integrated with the social network Facebook for communicating with friends.

It synchronizes with both friends’ accounts and the user’s phone book.

The program is absolutely free, has the ability to conduct group conversations, make video calls and supports most languages.


Creators Skype- Dane Janus Friis and Swede N. Sellström. The application was developed in 2003, initially intended for personal computers, providing free video and voice communication when connected to the Internet.

Using Skype, it was possible to make paid calls to mobile and landline phones anywhere in the world, as well as send free text messages to program users.

Peculiarities messenger:

  1. support for Android, iOS, Windows Phone operating systems;
  2. availability of a PC version;
  3. making audio and video calls;
  4. sending files and images;
  5. unlimited messaging;
  6. making conference calls.

This is another secure messenger that emerged as a result of the merger of TextSecure and RedPhone in 2015.

Here you cannot take a screenshot of correspondence, the interface is minimalistic, you can invite friends using SMS, email newsletters, social networks. In Signal, they exchange text messages and create secret chats, the information in which is deleted according to a timer specified by the user.

Brief summary

I tried to explain what a messenger is in simple words. I hope that after reading this article you will not have any questions. If you still have some, write in the comments (not me, other readers will answer you).

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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