The installed version of 1C Enterprise 8.2 was not detected. How to get rid of the “System integrity violation detected” error

"? - a similar error is typical for inexperienced administrators who are transforming the 1C platform to another version. Moreover, it appears when transferring to the senior and previous (lower order).

Checking the installation

When you specify a version on the database launch page that is inadequate to the configuration, then, naturally, the system sees the parameter mismatch and cannot launch the correct object. The program returns a notification to the user: “The installed version of 1C:Enterprise was not detected.” The one specified in the settings simply cannot be launched.

The fix requires replacing its value with the appropriate configuration.

As suggested by the picture:

This means that the installation of the new platform took place without changes in the startup starter settings.

A possible relevance of the bug “the installed version of 1C:Enterprise was not detected” is the installation with errors of one platform instead of the previous one.

The 1C program is started using one of the files:

  • If this is 1cv8.exe, then the release of the directory where the *.exe executable file is stored is launched;
  • If it is a 1CEStart.cfg file (standard method), then the program selects the release independently (deleting releases in this regard is undesirable). Its settings may contain false values ​​for the configuration. The consequence of this is an incorrect launch.

We need to remove it.

An example of an approximate route to the file is visible from the figure:

If the conflict cannot be eliminated, you need to delete all platform files (temporary ones too) and install them again.

At present, the difficulty discussed in this publication rarely occurs. Basically, the collision with it occurred during the massive transition to the third 1C version from the previous one.

But if you are destined to meet it, then now you are armed with the appropriate knowledge.

Let's look at the solution to this error and explain the reasons why it appears. The problem is especially acute when installing one version of the platform instead of another. For example, from 1C 8.0 to 8.1 or 8.2 to 8.3. It often occurs when creating a new database and after installing the program.

The reason is in the settings of the 1CEStart.cfg file (approximate path to the file C:\Users\<ИмяПользователя>\AppData\Roaming\1C\1CEStart). This file is required if the platform is launched through the 1cestart.exe file. “The installed version of 1C enterprise was not detected” means that an incorrect value is written in this file. This happens most often when changing the 1C platform from 8.2 to 8.3.

How to fix the error

There are several solutions to the problem.

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1. First of all, make sure that you have . This can be done in the program management menu in the operating system.

2. The simplest thing is to set the infobase to the correct platform value. This is done in the list of infobases. Just select the desired database in the list, click “Change” and on the last, third tab determine the value “Version 1C:Enterprise”:

In my case there was a transition from 8.2 to 8.3, and I set the value to "8.3".

3. Delete the file 1CEStart.cfg (approximate path to the file C:\Users\<ИмяПользователя>\AppData\Roaming\1C\1CEStart).

4. If none of the methods help, delete all files (the program itself + temporary files) of the platform on the computer (client) and reinstall the system.

“A violation of system integrity has been detected,” many users saw this error when logging into 1C. The error is caused by the fact that in December 2017, 1C released platforms with versions and, in which they introduced a mechanism for checking the legality of the program.

If the version of your 1C platform is higher than or, then when working with a file database you will most likely receive the error “A violation of system integrity has been detected.” This error occurs even if you have a licensed version of 1C.

Why does the “System integrity violation detected” error occur?

Let's figure out why the error occurs. The 1C legality verification mechanism is built on the following principle. When you start 1C and enter the database, the program makes several checks:

  • backbas.dll file changed (checksum is checked)
  • are emulators installed?
  • presence in the registry of entries from emulators

If an illegal version is detected (perhaps simply an incorrectly installed program), 1C displays an error and gives you the choice of “Shut down” or “Restart” 1C.

When viewing the details, we will not receive any additional information.

At this point, users begin to panic and frantically start calling their system administrators. Nothing bad happened. Your base is safe and sound. No testing and corrections, as well as programs for restoring 1C databases, will help. This error has nothing to do with the 1C database.

The error is issued when an illegal version of 1C is detected or key emulators are installed. You may have a licensed version, but most likely, before purchasing a license, you used an unlicensed version and did not delete it or there were traces of it left on the system.

How to get rid of the “System integrity violation detected” error

There are several ways to overcome this error.

Roll back the version of 1C:Enterprise to an earlier one. Latest versions that work without checking the backbas.dll file and emulators And . This solution is temporary, because... sooner or later a configuration will come out that will not work in these versions.

Uninstall the HASP emulator. There are many emulators, so it is difficult to write universal instructions for removing them. You can try the following steps:

  1. Find and delete the VUsb.sys and vusbbus.sys files
  2. Run the commands on the command line as Administrator:
    loaddrv.exe -stop haspflt
    loaddrv.exe -remove haspflt
    del %systemroot%\system32\drivers\haspflt.sys
    It is recommended to also delete the registry keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\haspflt\
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Emulato r

Well, as a last resort, rbc_icp patcher (Integrity Check Patcher). If you have a license key for 1C, and USB connectors are vital for you, then you can use the illegal method. This patch disables system integrity checking in the latest versions of 1C:Enterprise where it is implemented.

The patch changes the following files:

  • backbas.dll (unipatch 1c8_UP.exe is used)
  • frntend.dll (disable integrity check in thick client)
  • mngcln.dll (disable integrity check in thin client)

There is also the option of illegally bypassing the check. Using any hex editor, open the file backend.dll (if you have version 8.1) or backbas.dll (if you have version 8.2,8.3) from the bin directory in the directory with 1C installed, look for the HEX values: 100000FFD085C00F8208F8FEFF0F8416 and replace 85 with 31.

The information at the end of the article is provided for informational purposes only and does not encourage illegal actions!

UPD. 01/15/2019

Script to remove VUSBBUS and HASPFLT

@echo off
setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion

for %%a in (vsubbus haspflt) do call:CheckDriver %%a

sc query %1|find /i “KERNEL_DRIVER”>nul
if errorlevel 1 goto:DelSYS
sc stop %1
sc delete %1
del /f /q “%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\%1.sys”

So, let's look at the reasons and ways to solve the error “The installed version of 1C Enterprise was not detected.”


In practice, the events leading to the indicated errors can be very different:

  • Adding a new information base;
  • Installing new and removing old versions of the platform;
  • Configuration update;
  • Removing/changing system files.

If several versions of the 8.3 platform are installed on the user’s computer at once, and this often happens, because when installing a new version, the old one is not automatically deleted, only if necessary it is deleted manually, then you can see their full list:

  • in the list of installed Windows programs:
  • or in the Start menu ( Start – All programs – 1C Enterprise 8 – Advanced):

  • or go directly to the root directory of the system installation (“ C:\Program Files\1cv8"), where each version of the 8.3 platform has its own directory with the corresponding name:

By default, when launching an infobase as standard from the general launcher (file 1cestart.exe, standard location on Windows: “ C:\Program Files\1cv8\common") the most recently installed version of the 1C Enterprise 8.3 platform is selected. In our case it will be

When starting the database from the so-called. interactive launcher (file 1cv8s.exe, a standard location in the installation directory of a specific platform version, for example: " C:\Program Files\1cv8\\bin") the appropriate version of the platform is selected. Then, as an example, it would be

So, again, this happens by default. But the 1C user (administrator) has the opportunity to intervene in this process by indicating to the 1C Enterprise 8.3 system which specific version of the platform to select when launching the desired database:

  • In the information base property “Version 1C:Enterprise”;
  • In the values ​​of the “Used versions” property of the launch dialog settings window.

Most often, it is as a result of such “interference” that contradictions and errors arise when the system does not detect the required installed version of 1C Enterprise.

See the next chapter for more information on correcting this situation.

Note: The above solution is the most common and works in 95% of cases. If this does not help you, we recommend that you seek help from a qualified 1C specialist.


So, when you launch the selected infobase, the dialog message “No installed version of 1C:Enterprise was found” appears. Let's go through possible ways to solve this problem, one by one and using an example.

Step 1

First, let’s check the property of the information base “Version 1C:Enterprise”. To do this, in the general launcher window (marked “A”), select the database and click the Edit button, after which the database properties editing window will open (marked “B”):

In our case, the property contains the value But, as we see, this version of the platform is not installed in our operating system. Perhaps this release was previously available and actively used, but then for some reason it was removed. That is why 1C issues a corresponding message!

Let's change the value to 8.3 and “save”:

Now, when you select this database, the system will search for and launch the maximum release within the specified version 8.3 - in our case this will be If you had specified a different value in the property, for example, 8.3.6, then the principle of version selection would not have changed: the maximum installed version within the 8.3.6 subrelease would be searched; in this case, this would be the only possible release

Note: if the user does not have specific requirements for linking a specific database to a specific platform release, then the “1C:Enterprise Version” property does not need to be filled in, that is, it should be left empty. Then, when launching the selected infobase, the latest installed platform release will always be automatically selected. In our example, we did not do this intentionally (see below).

Step 2

If the first step did not help, then proceed to checking the “Versions in Use” property of the “Launch Dialog Settings” window (the “Settings...” button of the general launcher):

Note that the values ​​of this property are stored in the parameter DefaultVersion local configuration file 1CEStart.cfg(located in the Roaming folder with Windows user files: “ APPDATA%\1C\1CEStart"; our path to the file is: “ C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\1C\1CEStart"):

In our example, the following correspondence is specified in the property: if it launches an infobase indicating version 8.3, then release will be used. But again, this version of the platform is not installed in our operating system, so 1C continues to issue the corresponding message.

Therefore, let’s delete the value in the “Launch Dialog Settings” window (or delete the line with the DefaultVersion parameter in the configuration file), save and try to launch the desired database again. This should help now.

Note: Also in the 1CEStart.cfg configuration file there may be a parameter, an incorrect value of which can cause the error discussed in the article to occur - InstalledLocation. It specifies the installation directory for the 1C:Enterprise system (root directory, see above). If you have this parameter, check that its value is correct and, if necessary, adjust it.

If in the second step you cannot figure out the parameters or this does not help in any way, then instead of adjusting them, you can simply delete the 1CEStart.cfg configuration file itself.

Step 3

If the previous two steps still do not solve the problem, then you can proceed to the most radical measure, namely, remove the 1C:Enterprise program (platform) from the operating system along with temporary and service 1C files (stored in the Local and Roaming subdirectories of the user folder AppData).

Consider the second possible error - mismatch between the configuration versions and the 1C Enterprise platform: “For working with an information base no less than 8.3.6”:


The fact is that 1C configurations are actively updated, and each version of the configuration is intended to use only certain (newest) versions of the 1C Enterprise platform. Therefore, for example, after updating the configuration or adding a new infobase, an error occurs if suddenly the infobase launched does not correspond to the version of the platform being used.

You can find out the requirements for platform versions, in particular, on the user website, selecting the desired version of the configuration used:

In our case, we use an information base based on the 1C Enterprise Accounting configuration version As you can see, the technology platform version is limited to no lower than


The algorithm for solving the problem is as follows:

  • We check whether the required version of the platform is installed on the computer, meeting the above requirements. If not, then it should be installed.
  • If a suitable 1C Enterprise platform is installed, but the system is trying to launch another older version (marked “A”), then we go through the steps listed in the last chapter.

We hope that this material will help you better understand the operation of the 1C Enterprise 8.3 program and solve problems that arise. Let us remind you that it is free
