Options for replacing Windows 10 with others. How to change Windows edition without reinstalling Windows? Oleg Bunin, organizer of major IT conferences in Russia

With the new version of the operating system, we automatically received a new Windows calculator. Its interface has become more modern in appearance and pleasing to the eye, but no functional features have been added.

Many users, including myself, were not happy with these changes from Microsoft. The slow operation of the new calculator, compared to the classic one in earlier versions of the OS, immediately became noticeable.

The response to the number keys on the keyboard, in my opinion, has also changed, not for the better. In the classic application, the hand itself reached for the keys, but in this application, on the contrary, you want to use the mouse, and therefore, work productivity decreases.

Another drawback is the interface language is English, even in the operating system version. This is not very annoying in cases with ordinary calculations, but if, for example, other functions are needed, you will have to use a translator. I hope that over time this flaw will be corrected by the developers.

Each of us may have many reasons for looking for an alternative replacement for a new calculator. But today I will offer you the option of adding a classic tool that we love so much to the operating system.

The installation package is small in size, less than a megabyte. Contains the interface language you require and is obtained from a trusted source.

Built using original files from previous versions of the Windows operating system, not modified or tampered with. Has support for 32 and 64 bit OS versions. Uploaded to our server as an archive in ZIP format. Let's get started?!


Https://site/files/Calculator for Win 10.zip

which I deliberately did not make active so that you could check it for safety. Unpack the archive to any location on your computer's hard drive and run the installer file. Select the desired interface language and follow the installer's further instructions.

After installation is complete, launch the corresponding icon that appears in the “Start” button menu. You can pin it to the Taskbar for quick access if necessary.

Attention! You can remove the classic calculator in the “Applications and Features” section of the system settings.

That's all. The entire list of computer tips is posted here. Google+ and Facebook are waiting for your active participation, we invite you to join us!

Windows 10 came out not too long ago. Most users liked it, and it seems to be Microsoft's most streamlined operating system to date. But not all people are happy with this update; there are those who are looking for alternatives.

In this article I want to look at 9 reasons why you should change your Windows 10 to Linux. Linux is the open-source platform on which many operating systems are based, and here are eight reasons why you should leave Microsoft and go free software.

All operating systems based on the Linux platform are completely free. You don't have to spend a lot of money to buy Fedora Linux, for example. All you need is a USB drive, an Internet connection and a little knowledge, which you can learn from this site.

There are hardly any operating systems based on the Linux kernel that are sold for money. Yes, there are several companies that provide Linux for money, but these are corporate distributions. When it comes to the desktop, the price becomes $0. This is a great option for those who can't pay $199 for a full-featured version of Windows.

2. Free programs

A huge number of free programs. Sounds interesting, right? If you install Ubuntu on your computer or laptop, you will have access to tons of completely free software. The principle of Ubuntu and Linux in general is that the software should be free. A program is like a recipe for cooking a culinary dish; some programs do their job well, others not so much. When you come up with a new culinary dish, you share its recipe with friends and acquaintances, and everyone can change it as they want. Likewise, programs should be freely distributed among users without any restrictions - this is the main idea of ​​free software.

Yes, I think you will find some commercial, paid programs for Linux, but they are very few.

Windows also has free software, and as a rule, these are not first-class programs. Adobe will most likely never port its Photoshop to Linux. But we have Gimp. This is a large open source project that is developed by a large number of people. Gimp is a great photo editor for Linux and also has a version for Windows.

3. More security

A huge advantage of Linux is its attitude towards security. For example, you cannot install any program accidentally without entering a password. All software, when added to the distribution and repositories, is thoroughly checked for the presence of malicious code. The reliability of the packages is monitored by the developers of a particular distribution themselves, and since the programs are open source, any user can detect and report a problem.

4. Works on old hardware

You're unlikely to find a copy of Microsoft's modern operating system that will run on a device with 128 megabytes of RAM. But Linux may well. If you have an old computer that is not compatible with Windows 10, you can install a special Linux distribution on it that is designed for older hardware. For example, Lubuntu can use very little RAM and allows the user to enjoy a modern operating system on an old computer.

5. No centralization

When using Linux, you don't need to have one account for Microsoft, Office 365, Xbox Live, Skype and OneDrive. You don't have to participate in someone else's exosystem, and Linux isn't overwhelmed by just one company's vision. You can choose what to use yourself.

6. Take privacy seriously

Windows 10 simply ignores user privacy. Many aspects of Windows 10 cross the line into user privacy. They say it's normal that they collect data about you. Microsoft collects information about your device's location, your calendar notes, email messages, texts and contact information and the list goes on. Quite a lot has already been written about how Microsoft handles users' private information online, and you can easily find this information.

If you value your privacy, you shouldn't use Windows 10. Most, if not all distributions take your privacy very seriously. You will not find any program that will collect your personal information for its own financial gain. It is also very important that if any Linux distribution starts to ignore your right to privacy, this will be immediately noticed by a large community of developers and quickly corrected.

7. Open source

Most, if not all distributions are open source. The installation disk of any Linux distribution will most likely not contain any proprietary programs. This allows you to give away the operating system for free, as well as legally modify it. This means that you can change your system whenever you want.

8. Flexibility in customization

Have you ever wanted to change folder or program icons in Winodws? What about the type of cursors, login screensaver, loading screensaver, or taskbar? Or it can replace the standard Explorer with some other desktop environment. This is not possible on Microsoft's operating system. No, well, of course, there are third-party programs that allow you to do this, but at the same time, they, in fact, also break the system, because Microsoft has come up with protection and all style files are hardwired into standard libraries. To change anything you need to replace these libraries, and this can lead to all sorts of glitches.

In Linux distributions, everything is completely different; you can change anything from pictures and desktop themes to the boot screen. And basically everything you can imagine. As a result, your Linux system can become completely unique, which is not the case with Windows 10.

9. Stability

In Windows, we often encounter various problems: for example, we installed several programs or games and off we go: the sound driver crashed, then the necessary program does not start, then the computer does not turn on, but there were important documents and there is no time at all to reinstall now. Yes, if you just work in Word, don’t run third-party programs and don’t download anything, then the system will last for years. But even then, over time, the registry becomes clogged and Windows begins to noticeably slow down.

In Linux, nothing will break unless you break it yourself accidentally or on purpose. If you want your computer to work, you don’t touch those components that can lead to failures, and you still have complete freedom to customize the interface and install programs.


Every year there are more and more reasons to switch from Windows to LInux. And there is no longer any doubt that Linux has evolved from an operating system "Only for Hackers" to something that everyone can try. I hope this list will help those who are still not sure whether to abandon Windows 10 and are in search of a better platform that respects freedom of choice and privacy.

Almost 2 years have passed since the release of Windows 10, but many users categorically do not accept the new system, remaining faithful to the old Windows 7. If you have “ten” installed on your computer, and for some reason you want to return to “seven”, this article - for you.

You can roll back the operating system to a previous copy only when the latest one is saved on your hard drive. If the machine originally had Windows 10 or the old system was uninstalled, switching to Windows 7 is only possible through a clean installation. Today we’ll talk about how to install Windows 7 instead of Windows 10 in two common cases:

  • You updated Windows 7 to Windows 10, and less than 10 days have passed since this event. Prerequisite: the Windows.old folder has been saved in the system partition, where all the files from the previous system installation are located.
  • The previous copy of Windows 7 has not been saved, but you are ready to install it again.

The ability to return to a previous copy of the system while saving user files, programs and settings exists, we repeat, only 10 days from the date of update (previously, 30 days were allotted for reflection, but now for some reason this period has been reduced by 3 times). If you missed the deadline, skip to the clean installation instructions section.

When canceling the update, programs and settings installed and made in Windows 10 will be deleted. You will receive a computer in exactly the same condition as it was before installing the “tens”.

Before proceeding with the rollback procedure, Microsoft also recommends that you back up your important files in case of a possible failure.

Downgrading from the current version of Windows 10

  • Boot the operating system normally. Open the Start menu and launch the Settings app.

  • Go to the "Update and Security" section.

  • Open the “Recovery” subsection and next to the “Return to Windows 7” item, click “Start”.

  • Check any of the reasons why you decided not to upgrade and click Next.

  • In the warning window, click Next again.

If the rollback is successful, after 30-40 minutes you will again see the Windows 7 desktop with all the shortcuts, folders, files and everything else that was on it.

If the system does not boot after the update

Even if the update failed and Windows 10 stopped loading, you can still roll back your computer to Windows 7. To do this, you will need a disk or flash drive with the Windows 10 distribution to enter the recovery environment.

  • Connect the installation flash drive or place a DVD in the drive. Restart your computer, go to the BIOS settings and designate the drive with the distribution kit as the first boot device. How to do this, read the article about.
  • Once the Install window appears, click System Restore. This will take you to the recovery environment.

  • On the Select Action screen in the recovery environment, click on Diagnostics.

  • Select "Advanced Options"

  • From the list of additional options, select “Return to previous build.”

  • To continue, click on your account in the current version of Windows.

  • Enter your account login password and click Continue.

After this, the system will check for the presence of a previously installed copy (the Windows.old folder in the root partition of drive C) and, if there is one, begin the rollback procedure.

Clean installation of Windows 7 instead of Windows 10

By a clean installation of Windows 7, we mean deleting the previous copy of Windows 10 with or without formatting the system partition. In essence, it is no different from installing Windows on a new computer: you will need bootable media with the distribution kit and a key to activate the OS, since the “tens” license is not retroactive. And yet, you have a small chance to do without purchasing a new license if 2 conditions are met:

  • this computer previously had a licensed Windows 7, which you subsequently upgraded to Windows 10;
  • the partition in which the licensed system was located was not formatted.

It is important to observe the same conditions when installing a new “seven”: it must certainly be the same version and bit depth as the old one (if the old one was 32 bit, and you install 64 bit, the license will be invalid). In addition, during installation you must save all data on the system partition of your hard drive.

If maintaining the license is not critical for you, the edition of the newly installed system can be any.


We talked about how to create media with a Windows distribution kit and how to boot a computer from it in an article about methods for a clean installation of Windows 10. To write a bootable USB flash drive of the Windows 10, you can use the same utilities, except for Media Creation Tools, since it is intended only for working with the “ten”.

To create a DVD installation disc, simply burn a Windows 7 ISO image downloaded from the Internet to it using any suitable program (Nero, UltraISO, Alcohol 120%) or native Windows tools. If you choose the second option, place a blank disc in the drive, open the context menu of the ISO file and click on the “Burn image” item.

Installation progress

Starting the installation process for Windows 7, like other versions of Windows, is possible in two ways:

  • If your computer has Windows 10, which boots and works normally, just open the distribution package and double-click on the Setup.exe file.
  • If “ten” does not load or the installation program in it does not start for some reason, you should turn off the computer and boot it from the distribution media.

Further actions for both options are the same. Let's take a closer look at them.

  • In the first window that the installation program opens, you have to select the main system language, date and time formats, currency units and keyboard layout.

  • This is followed by the launch of the installation process itself. Click the "Install" button.

  • Agree to the license terms.

  • Select your installation type. The “Update” option (with saving user files, programs and settings), unfortunately, will not work. This is only possible when the computer already has a working copy of Windows 7, so choose the full installation.

  • Next comes the most important part: choosing the hard drive partition where the new system will be located. If you hope to keep the license, put the system on the same partition as Windows 10 and do not format it. If not, you can not only format, but also resize the partition. Click Disk Setup.

  • To change the capacity of a partition, click the “Create” button and indicate its new size in the appropriate field. Apply the setting and click “Next”.

  • When the installer prompts you to create an additional partition for system files, click OK. If such a partition exists (and during re-installation it should exist), this window will not appear.

  • Now you can format the disk partitions. If you skip formatting the system partition, the old copy of Windows files and all other data will remain in place, but will be moved to the C:\Windows.old folder. By the way, there are times when Windows cannot be installed without formatting. The reason is the lack of free space in the system partition.

  • When you click the Format button, the installer will warn you that all data on the drive will be destroyed. If you agree, click OK.

  • Then you can rest a little: copying and unpacking files of the new OS, installing components and updates does not require user participation. This stage lasts on average 20-40 minutes.

  • After several reboots, you will see a window asking you to enter the names of the first user and computer. The account that is created during installation has system administrator rights.

  • Next you will be asked to protect your account with a password. If you do not plan to use a password to log into Windows, leave these fields blank.

  • The next window is for entering the product key. If you have one (usually found on a company label glued to the bottom of the laptop), fill out this field. If not, or if you plan to enter it later, click Skip. Also, do not forget to uncheck the box next to the offer to automatically activate the system when you connect to the Internet.

  • After entering the key, the setup program will offer to download and install Windows 7 updates. Selecting “Use recommended settings” can delay the installation process for several hours - it all depends on the Internet speed and the size of the downloaded files. If you want to finish the installation faster, click “Delay decision”.

  • Set the system time and time zone.

  • Specify your computer's current network location. You can choose any, but for safety reasons it is better to choose “Public”. Later, when you install an antivirus and firewall, you can change this setting.

  • That's almost all. It remains to wait until the “seven” finishes applying the parameters.

  • Preparing your desktop takes just a couple of minutes.

And here, finally, is what you were looking for: the Windows 7 desktop. So far, it is completely empty. There is no trace left of what was in Windows 10, because you reinstalled the system completely. All you have to do is install programs in it - and you can start using it.

I have a Recovery partition with Windows 7 on my laptop. Is it possible to reset the system to its factory state (factory reset)?

You probably know that the factory reset function is present on all laptops and branded PCs where the operating system is preinstalled by the manufacturer. Just press a button and the car is as pristine as fresh from the store.

Factory reset is a really useful feature, but... exactly until you install another version of Windows on your computer, other than the seventh one. The location and structure of the factory recovery subsystem of each new OS is radically different from the previous one, so rolling back Windows 10 to the pre-installed Windows 7 becomes impossible.

Hello! I read your articles about(1803) and I want to ask if it will be possible to do the opposite, that is, downgrade Windows 10 PRO to Windows 8.1, produce, so to speak Downgrade . I can explain why I need this. Firstly,Windows 8.1 has now been absolutely perfected by the developers.I consider this OS to be the most stable today and it is rarely updated.She has a full-fledged Microsoft Store. Support until 2023, but I’m sure it will be extended.Eight works just fine on my laptop. As for Windows 10, thenI always have some problems with her. These constant updates and upgrades are just killing it. Not just a laptop, but a passageway. Of course I can just delete Windows 10 and reinstall Windows 8.1, but maybe this can be done with a simple update or, more correctly, a rollback! Maybe drivers with installed programs and personal files will be saved?

How to downgrade Windows 10 Professional to Windows 8.1 PRO

Hello friends! There is no official method for such a “downgrade,” and if we start downgrading using the official Windows 8.1 ISO image directly in a running Windows 10, we will receive the error “We seem to have a problem. The installer was unable to verify the product key." Additional configuration files () and a new license key for Windows 8.1 will not help here. For such an “upgrade” or, more correctly, downgrading the version of Windows 10 Professional (1803) to Windows 8.1 PRO, you can use the method suggested by my friend Vladimir, the author of many articles on our site.

How to avoid this error? I'll explain in detail.

We all know that updating Windows 8.1, 10 occurs in two stages. First of all, the Windows preinstallation environment is loaded from the boot.wim file, at this moment we enter the product key and accept the license agreement, click the “Next” button, after which the OS diagnoses the running Windows for the possibility of updating. Then the second stage follows, the OS installer unpacks the contents of the main operating system archive file to disk (C:) and updates Windows. For the success of our enterprise, namely downgrading the version of Win 10 to Win 8.1,you need to use the Windows 10 preinstallation environment from the boot.wim file, but with further unpacking of the install.esd archive file from Windows 8.1, only in this case the downgrade will be successful.

So, we have Windows 10, which is installed on my laptop. Let's downgrade it to Windows 8.1

First of all, we need to create two folders on the desktop or other HDD partition with the names: Win 10 and Win 8.1.

I'll create them on partition (E:).

Then download the original ISO images from the official Microsoft website and PRO, then copy the contents of the images into their folders, that is, files ISO image Win 8.1 is copied to a folder with the name Win 8.1, then do the same with Windows 10 files.

Now go to the Win 8.1 folder and open the sources directory, copy here the install.esd archive with compressed Win 8.1 files.

Open the Win 10 folder and go to the sources directory and paste the copied install.esd file. I note that this folder already contains its own install.esd file with compressed Win 10 files, so we replace it with a file from Win 8.1. Click on “Replace file in destination folder”.

Go to the Win 10 folder located on the partition (E:) and run setup.exe.

The Windows 10 installer starts, but it will update the OS to Win 8.1, since we replaced the install.esd file in the tens distribution kit. If you don’t do this and run the update in the usual way, then downgrading the version will end in an error.

Note: In simple words, we replaced the install.esd file in the Win 10 distribution with the install.esd file from the Windows 8.1 distribution. As a result, we got a Windows 8.1 distribution with a Win 10 image file - install.esd, only in this case the downgrade will be successful.

If you have a key for licensed Windows 8.1, then enter it. I do not have such a key and I will enter the key from the preliminary version of the OS

We accept the terms of the license agreement.

The only option available is “Save nothing”


Downgrade begins.

After rebooting the laptop, you need to go through the final and already familiar stage of a normal OS installation. You need to select a language, region, come up with a name for your computer and an account name.

Windows 8.1 is loading.

All my personal files are safe and moved to the Windows.old folder located in the root of the drive (C:).

C:\Windows.old\Users\Personal username.

Installed programs are located here:

C:\Windows.old\C:\Program Files

C:\Windows.old\Program Files (x86)

but many of them will have to be reinstalled again.

The drivers for all devices are preserved and do not need to be reinstalled.

If you know of other ways to downgrade the OS version, then speak up and we’ll try it.

A lot of time has passed since the world saw the Windows 10 operating system, but still, many users reject the product and remain supporters of the proven Windows 7. This article will discuss how to install Windows 7 on Windows 10. We will discuss all possible solutions this issue and the nuances arising in connection with this.

You can roll back the operating system after an update only if the previous OS was saved as a copy. If “Ten” was installed on your PC by default or the disks were formatted before installing it, only a clean installation of the system will help.

You can install Windows 7 instead of Windows 10 using one of the following scenarios:

  • Windows 7 has been updated to Windows 10 and no more than a decade has passed since the update period. There must be a Windows.old folder on your disk, where all the files of the previous system are stored;
  • The old system has not been preserved and we need to install it again.

Rolling back to the previous edition of Windows and saving all existing data can be done, as we already wrote, only during the first 10 days after the update itself (previously a whole month was allotted for this, but after taking a number of points into account, the developers decided to reduce the figure by three times).

If the deadline is missed and more than 10 days have passed, skip this section and proceed to a “clean” installation of the system. This period is determined by the deletion of the folder with the saved data of Windows 7. In order not to clog up the hard drive, “Ten” erases them after you have worked with the new OS for some time and realize that you are happy with it.

During the process of returning to "Seven", all changes made in Windows 10 will be canceled and the files will be permanently deleted. Your computer will return to the state it was in before the update occurred.

Downgrade from an existing version of Windows 10

This option involves using the resources of the system itself to return the PC to its previous state. Let's get started.

  1. Let's go to the Windows 10 settings. To do this, open the Start menu and click on the gear icon indicated in the screenshot.

  1. We go to the section indicated in the picture with a red circle.

  1. In the left half of the window, select the “Recovery” item, and on the right side we find the inscription “Return to Windows 7” and click on “Start”.

  1. We indicate the reason that prompted us to return back to Windows 7.

  1. We will be asked to check system updates: supposedly, if we install them, Windows 10 will become better and we will change our minds about leaving... but no, we refuse.

  1. We are reminded once again that the process will take time, that we will need to reinstall programs and re-configure the system. We don’t listen to anything - click “Next”.

  1. Microsoft's final argument will be the possibility that we have forgotten our password and will not be able to log in. Click on “Next” anyway.

  1. When all the arguments have been exhausted and the system understands that we are not going to leave everything as it is, we will finally be allowed to roll back.

After this, if all goes well, you will see the familiar Windows 7 screen again.

What to do if Windows 7 stops starting after updating

If something went wrong during the update and Windows 10 does not allow you to install Windows 7 (which is often the case in Microsoft OS), the situation can be corrected. To do this, you will need an installation flash drive or disk. You can read how to record such media.

  1. Boot your computer from the installation media and in the first step, click the “Next” button.

  1. In the next step, click on the line indicated in the screenshot.

  1. Here we choose the first option.

  1. In the newly opened window, select the “Return to previous version” option.

  1. Once again we confirm our intention and click on the boxed item.

After this, the recovery itself will begin, which duplicates the process described above, with the difference that we launched it from the system settings.

Clean installation

This installation involves removing the old system and installing a new one. In this case, you can complete the process in two ways: without deleting the files of the old Windows and with it. We will use the second option.

In order to install the system, we do not need a license key. We can enter it later, when Windows is already installed.

There are 2 options when entering a key is not required at all:

  • This PC or laptop previously had a licensed Windows 7 installed, which we updated to “Ten”;
  • we did not format the disk partition on which the system was installed.

The same conditions remain relevant when installing another “Seven”. For example, if you had Windows 7 32 bit, and you uninstalled it and installed a 64 bit system, the license remains.

Don't forget to back up all the data you have on your hard drive. Simply copy the files to a second partition or removable drive.

Installation progress

You can start installing Windows 7, like any other OS from Microsoft, in two ways:

  1. If your PC already has an operating system, you can boot from it. To do this, you need to open the installation image through Explorer and run setup.exe.
  2. If the computer does not start and its operating system is damaged, you will have to install “Seven” from the BIOS. To do this, you need to boot from the media prepared in the previous step.

In both cases, further actions will be similar - follow our step-by-step instructions:

  1. Immediately after starting from a flash drive or bootable DVD, a black window will appear in which the system loads the initial configuration. The process takes about 30 seconds (you can find out how to burn Windows 7 to a flash drive).

  1. The next step is to select regional settings. Using the drop-down lists, specify the system language, time and currency format, and keyboard layout. All this can be configured after installing Windows 7, but it is better to do this now and not make unnecessary gestures in the future. One way or another, click “Next”.

  1. The next screen contains system recovery tools. We don’t need them yet, so we just press the only button labeled “Install”.

  1. The installation has begun, we see its preparatory stage.

  1. Windows will prompt us to accept the license. This must be done, otherwise you simply will not be able to continue the installation. Check the box next to “I accept the license terms” and click “Next”.

  1. In the next step, select “Full installation”. For clarity, we have indicated it in the screenshot. The “Update” item leaves the old file system unchanged and only corrects Windows files. It’s better to install a “clean” “Seven”, so click on the specified section.

  1. We got into the disk application. This step must be approached with maximum responsibility. If there is data on the hard drive that needs to be saved, find this partition and do not take any action on it. If there is no useful information on the computer, then you need to delete all partitions and re-create them. It is optimal to allocate 100 GB of free space for the system; the rest will be our D drive.

  1. The partition in which the operating system will be installed must be formatted. When the setup is complete, click “Next”.

  1. After this, the installation itself will begin. It may take some time, depending on your computer's performance, operating system version, and other factors. We are waiting for the process to finish.

  1. When the main installation stage is completed, the automatic reboot countdown will begin. We don't have to wait 10 seconds - we can restart the computer right away by clicking the "Restart now" button.

  1. Our operating system has started, initial preparation is underway.

  1. We are working on the registry and other important Windows components.

  1. In the next step, the system will start starting services.

  1. The final stage of installation is in progress. It won't take much time.

  1. Windows 7 will reboot again.

  1. Next, we will face another series of preparations before the OS is launched and ready to work.

  1. A window for entering personal data appears. Enter your username and PC name. When finished, click the “Next” button.

Attention! Sometimes "Seven" does not want to accept a computer name written in Cyrillic. To work around the problem, specify the Latin name.

  1. And we continue. This is the password entry window. You don’t have to specify it if the PC is at home and you don’t want to enter the password every time. You can skip this step and just click on “Next”.

  1. At the next stage, you need to uncheck the item indicated in the screenshot and click on the virtual “Skip” button. If your PC came with a Windows 7 license code, you can enter it right away.

  1. This is a system security setting. If you do not intend to install antivirus software, select the option indicated in the screenshot.

  1. Enter the time zone for the region in which you live. This is necessary to be able to automatically adjust the time. You can also specify the current date and time if they are set incorrectly.

  1. We decide on the type of network (if the PC is not connected to the Internet, this step will be skipped). Everything is simple here: depending on where the computer is used, we select a home, work or public network.

  1. The parameters are being applied, we are waiting for the process to complete.

  1. Finally, our system is installed and ready for the first launch.

  1. You just need to wait until the initial optimization is completed.

Windows 7 is installed and ready to use. There is nothing on the desktop, and this is not surprising - we reinstalled the OS in a “clean” form. All programs will have to be reinstalled.

If the laptop has a Recovery partition with Windows 7, will it be possible to return the system to its factory state?

Probably, each of you is aware that on all laptops and computers on which the Windows operating system was installed out of the box, you can return the computer to its factory state and restore the system from an image. You simply press a button and your laptop or PC returns to the state it was in when you first bought it.

Factory reset is a useful tool, but only until you decide to replace your installed Windows 7 with a newer system. Resetting the machine to factory settings is very simple; to do this, read the instructions for your computer.

Instead of a conclusion

In the article, we figured out how to install Windows 7 instead of Windows 10. If you still have any questions, write them in the comments, we will definitely answer and tell you how to get out of this situation.

Video on how to return from Windows 10 to Windows 7
