How to download updates on windows 10. Free programs for Windows download for free

There is no easier task than updating Windows 10. Unless, of course, the administrator has prohibited this operation through group policies. However, then the answer must be asked from him. The final release is installed automatically. Yes, to be honest, there are not so many versions today. For half a year now (since the end of July 2016) it has not been possible to update and build 1607 is considered the most recent. There are rumors on the net that the eleventh version will not be soon. So we will be installing the latest versions of dozens for a long time. However, we hardly believe that there are people in the world who are not at all aware of how to update Windows 10.

You only need access to the network. Except for wireless communication there may be a limit. In all other cases, updating Windows 10 to latest version happens automatically. How to detect the presence of a fresh package? The new version is nothing special. But next to the update there will be an explanatory inscription about what it is. The final release is also unmarked in any way. There just isn't anything fresher.

Verification through the Microsoft website

This is the best way to install a new build if it has already been released. The quickest way to check for a new edition is directly on the Microsoft website.

Through settings

Many have noticed the absence of the old update center. It is no longer available in the interface as such. Here is the new instruction:

In this case, the system puts an ordinary update of the defender. This is not a new build. Otherwise, the explanation would have spoken about it directly. So far no updates are required.

From command line

According to user reviews, it is not worth updating from the command line. The operation is not always successful. Therefore, we will not consider this process.

Restart options

Sometimes, after installing updates, you need to restart your PC. In this case, a warning message will appear. Postponing the installation, you can follow the link Restart options (see the previous screen) to install:

  • date.
  • Time.

The PC will start updating according to the schedule.

Media Creation Tool

Microsoft has another update utility in store for us. So, if you don't like the previous one, you are welcome! The address is the same, but the link is just below (

We go through the welcome screens, accept the license agreement. When offered, we agree to upgrade this PC immediately.

The tool will think for a long time.

Attention! Updating with the Media Creation Tool takes significantly longer than with a special utility.

The system image will be loaded, which occupies traffic and PC resources, then some other task will be performed. But this is a good way to update the image itself. Which over time can acquire errors (and then restore it through dism and check system files with the sfc /scannow command). But that's a completely different story.

Through the image

The dozen image can be obtained in dozens of ways, but the easiest way is to save it to disk using the Media Creation Tool.

Note that this method is also not very fast, and therefore is described among the latter. Although our PC is already updated, the utility did not even bother to compare the versions. Coming up with an efficient installation flow is not like naming users in the plural. Here, ingenuity is already needed, and not just the ability to communicate rudely. However, to each his own.

How to update?

From the above information, it should be clear that the most in better ways upgrade are:

  1. Regular, via Win + I.
  2. Windows10Upgrade utility (, available from the Upgrade Now link.

Use both, and remember about the rest only in case of problems. Here is another confirmation of our words: the installer from the ISO image is going to update us. Even for the sake of readers, we will not go to such ordeals (everything is already worth it).

You can update the system along with Microsoft programs. To do this, simply go to Advanced Update Center Options and check the appropriate box.

Updated: 07/29/2019 12:41:05 PM

Judge: Mikhail Kats

The release of Windows 10 marked the transition of Microsoft to a new development strategy. Safety has become one of the top priorities. Windows as a Service (WaaS), which translates to "Windows as a Service", suggests a new way to distribute and serve operating system. The modified license agreement provides for the mandatory installation of updates, which cannot be opted out. On the one hand, it looks like a service imposed without any alternative, and on the other hand, the user receives a constantly up-to-date and threat-protected version of the OS. Our experts tell you how you can install Windows 10 updates making this process as convenient and comfortable as possible.

Verification and delayed installation

The operating system automatically polls Microsoft servers on a regular basis. First of all, the presence of up-to-date anti-virus definitions necessary for the operation of Windows Defender and critical fixes is checked. It then searches for less urgent updates. Unless a reboot is required to apply changes to the system, all operations are performed in the background. If you wish, you can check for updates manually.

We launch a new panel of operating system parameters using the keyboard shortcut "Win + i". Go to the section indicated in the screenshot.

The first item that opens is called Windows Update. A green icon in the location indicated by the arrow indicates that the OS is up to date. Click on the button highlighted by the frame to manually start checking for fresh fixes.

When it detects a new update available, Windows downloads it and installs it as soon as possible. In the process, the name of the package being loaded is shown, short description and identification number. Below is a status bar showing the progress of the current operation.

When user intervention is required, an exclamation mark appears on the Update Center icon. A description of the required action is displayed next to it. In this case, shown in the screenshot, the system requires a reboot to apply all update options. You can complete it immediately or reschedule for a convenient time. Having chosen the option of delayed installation, we press the hyperlink indicated by the number "3".

In the new window, we enable the scheduler by changing the state of the switch indicated by the number "1". After that, the date and time parameters become active. You can select any day within a week from the current one. Reboot time is set to the nearest minute.

Advanced settings

In addition to delayed installation, you can edit a number of other parameters that determine the behavior of the operating system.

Under the manual check button there are three links to the settings sections.

The first allows you to set the boundaries of working hours. During this period, Windows will not restart automatically, even if the received fix requires it to apply changes. The activity range should not exceed 18 hours from the initial value.

In the log, all fixes received and installed on the computer are divided into five groups. Opposite each figure indicates the number of points contained in it. By expanding the group, you can see a brief description of each package and the date it was installed.

Additional options allow you to enable notification of the need for user intervention and agree on the installation of related components. For example, you can allow checking and receiving fixes for Microsoft Office. The switch marked with an arrow is for restricting downloads when using a metered internet connection.

Scrolling down in the advanced settings section, you can pause updates for up to 35 days. The number "2" shows a drop-down menu with two items. The one marked in the screenshot is the default. Fixes and feature builds are delivered to your computer as they are ready. The choice of Semi-Annual Channel makes it possible to receive them after passing an additional series of tests they will be found suitable for installation on corporate versions of the OS. The number "3" indicates the counters of days. Checking and receiving updates will be delayed for the selected period. It is one year for operating system components and 30 days for security patches. Windows Defender antivirus definitions are not affected by these settings.

Delivery Optimization

The Delivery Optimization feature creates a distributed network for receiving updates. It uses not only Microsoft servers, but also user computers running under Windows control 10.

Having finished with the automation settings, we go down one item in the navigation area. We move the marked switch to the “On” position and select delivery from other computers on the Internet. For fine tuning, go to the hyperlink below.

In the advanced settings section, you can set the bandwidth usage of the channel as a percentage. Setup is done separately for downloading and uploading the patch and components.

Manual installation

In the absence of constant access to the Internet, you can use the option manual loading updates from the Microsoft Update Catalog.

To quickly find a correction on the page, you need to know its identification number. For example, let's take the latest cumulative update released for Windows 10. Its full number is KB4493509, but for the search it is enough to enter only the numbers in the field marked with an arrow. There are four options in the list that opens: for servers (Server), mobile platform (ARM), 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) systems. Select the appropriate option and click the "Download" button.

A pop-up window will open with a link to the selected update.

By default, you are prompted to immediately open the resulting file in the offline installer. Switch the switch to the local save option.

The received update package has the extension MSU. We find it in the downloads folder and run it as a regular program. The offline installer will first check for it on your computer.

After making sure that the selected update was not received automatically, the system will prompt you to start installing the package.

We are waiting for the completion of the process. If the package includes multiple updates, the information window will display a numerical workflow.

If a reboot is required to apply the changes, the installer will prompt you to reboot.

An update installed in this way will be displayed in the general log, just like updates received in automatic mode.

Windows Update Mini Tool

A small utility that does not require installation when used, the utility is considered a convenient alternative to Windows Update. You can download it on this page, using direct links posted by the developer.

Windows Update Mini Tool is distributed under a free license as a ZIP archive. Inside there are two executable files. We select the appropriate bit depth and run.

Click the icon marked with the number "1" to check for updates. The program will contact the Windows Update servers and display a list of available fixes in the main window. The number "3" in the screenshot shows a drop-down menu designed to configure the operating mode of the utility. By default, the system schema with automatic checking is activated.

To install, mark the selected updates with a checkmark. We press the icon marked with the number "2" to start the download and installation process.

The utility is extremely simple, but functionality in no way inferior to the built-in tools of the operating system.


Based on the advice of our experts in this article, you can configure the way Windows works with updates so that receiving them does not interfere with work, and the installation is performed at a convenient time.

Windows 10 update to the latest version. Windows 10 updates are now downloaded automatically and installed when you turn off or on your computer without additional prompts.

On the support page from Microsoft, you can find a list of updates released for different builds of the operating system.

If for some reason automatic updates were not carried out on your computer, you can first check which assembly you have installed.

To do this, you need to run the command line. This is done either by pressing the Win + R key combination, or by typing "Command ..." with the Start menu open.

In the first case, there will immediately be a window for launching the command line (it will be enough to click the "OK" button).

In the second case, you first need to find the utility.

One way or another, a window for entering commands should open, where we write “winver” to determine the general information of the operating system (assembly, license) and press the “Enter” button.

A window will open in which you can clearly see the build and version of your Windows 10 system.

It is possible to compare which service packs were on the official resource and what you have installed.
If the versions do not match, then you can update manually by going to the settings through the Start menu.

In the Settings window, click on Update & Security.

In the window that opens, select the "Windows Update" section.

At the first step, we will check the updates with the corresponding button (“Check for updates”). For some time, the system will check the installed assembly with the Microsoft server.

If differences are found, Windows will notify you and update automatically to the latest release of Windows 10 Anniversary Update (for version 1607, build 14393.1198). The process is divided into the following steps:
Downloading files;
Package installation;
System reboot.

You may already have this package installed. Then the update center will offer you an upgrade to Windows 10 Creator. You need to go to the official support site from Microsoft in the section to download the operating system update

It is proposed to either immediately proceed to the update, or pre-download and then install.

In the second option, the Media Creation Tool will be downloaded to install Windows 10 Creator.

Once launched, the installation will begin. And in the language in which you originally installed the operating system.
At the first step, the utility informs you about the license terms.

The second one offers to install at this point in time or create installation media if the operation will be performed later or for another computer.

By selecting the first option, the utility will start updating the operating system.

Before starting the operation, the utility will also check for free disk space.

And only after that you can click the "Install" button.

The process will affect various aspects of the operating system with a restart of the computer.

Despite the fact that Windows 10 has been on the market for quite some time, it is still considered a "young" operating system. Developers are working on its improvements every day to make the user experience more comfortable. All the changes made, no matter how useful they are, are carefully packaged and come to the computer in the form of constant updates, so it is so important to know what they contain and how to install them correctly.

Do I need to update Windows 10

The question of the need for Windows updates has always been acute, and for good reason. There is still no consensus, therefore, in order to decide whether to upgrade the system, it is necessary to consider all the arguments for and against.

Why You Shouldn't Update Windows 10

The meaning of updates for the Windows line of operating systems has always been in question.

Speaking of operating Windows systems 7, 8 and 8.1, then almost all updates did not bring anything new or made changes to functions that were unclaimed for ordinary users. With the release of Windows 10, this tradition has been partially preserved. Most updates to this OS add only new enterprise, server and other narrowly focused features, as well as fix old ones and add new minor bugs.

Windows 10 updates take a long time to install and require you to restart your computer. There would be nothing wrong with that if they came out less often than once every two weeks. For the most part, this frequency is to blame for Microsoft's corporate policy, thanks to which everything new is immediately packaged and sent to work without thorough verification and testing.

Windows 10 updates are installed for a very long time and at the most inopportune moment

Windows 10 doesn't ask users if they need an update or not, and installs everything automatically when the system reboots. This can come as a surprise to the user who decides to quickly restart the computer. Installing some Windows 10 updates can take up to two hours, depending on device specifications. In addition, downloading them can eat up all Internet traffic, and sometimes even computer resources.

Also in Windows 10 there is such a thing as advertising. And on free versions of the system, it is often accompanied by the forced installation of unpopular and low-quality software from Microsoft. Updates to advertising-related services are also part of the general Windows update list.

Why you need to update Windows 10

It is necessary to install the first update immediately after installing the system. The fact is that there are many more varieties of Windows 10 than it might seem at first glance.

First, a general non-personalized version of the system is installed. After installing the drivers and updating the OS for the first time, the OS changes to the version that best matches the hardware configuration, which improves the overall performance of Windows 10 and its compatibility with the computer.

Now let's talk about the advantages of regularly updating Windows 10. Surely you have heard about the spy functions of this system. In many ways, these services work with a single goal: collecting and sending statistics to the technical support center. This allows developers to monitor the performance of Windows 10 on different computers and in different conditions in order to regularly improve the system by releasing updates. It is thanks to the active collection of information that some Windows 10 updates are really valuable and allow you to make the user experience more comfortable.

Separately, it should be said about the security update. Every second update of Windows 10 brings an improvement in system protection against viruses and other external threats.

Taking into account the high activity of ransomware and cyberattacks in recent times, updating security systems is relevant. Even if your computer has a good antivirus that you fully trust, this does not provide guaranteed protection against threats aimed at the vulnerabilities of Windows itself.

Windows 10 General Update includes vulnerabilities and security updates

Windows 10 updates are especially important for owners of older hardware. After Windows installation 10 Most drivers are downloaded automatically: this procedure often includes some compatibility improvements to further improve the performance of your computer. Unfortunately, the Microsoft database is far from complete, which especially affects the outdated hardware. But such information is collected very quickly, and the next update may come with a package designed exclusively for one of the computer components.

All kinds of Windows 10 updates and the misconceptions associated with them

By "updating the operating system" many users sometimes understand completely different things. To avoid confusion, for starters, it’s worth taking a closer look at a couple of points: what an update is, what it can be, and what it can’t.

The confusion about the types of updates is quite serious. It arose due to inaccurate translation of English words into Russian. For example, version - version, edition - version, build - version, and the like.

Table: what is called "Windows 10 Update"

Switching to Windows 10 (Version update)Also, this procedure is often referred to as "Upgrading to Windows 10" or "Updating Windows", which sounds very ambiguous. Moving to Windows 10 means upgrading from Windows 7 (or 8 or 8.1) to Windows 10. This is the only procedure that literally translates as "Upgrade Version".
Windows 10 also has an internal division into versions, for example, version 1607. Such versions are updated through Windows Update. In fact, this is an update of the assembly, which, for beauty, is called a version.
Upgrading to Windows 10 can be done through the Windows10Upgrade utility, which is described below.
Changing the edition / edition of Windows (Edition update)Microsoft also refers to this procedure as "Windows Update". Literally, it translates as "Updating the edition." An edition change includes, for example, an upgrade from Windows 10 Home to Windows 10 Professional or another "tariff change".
The article below explains how to do this.
Windows 10 build update (Build update)The correct name for this procedure is "Build Upgrade". However, when many users say "Update Windows 10", they mean it, so in the future we will refer to this procedure as such.
Updating a build means updating Windows 10. The main way is to automatically update Windows through the "Update Center". However, there are others, which will be discussed below.
Update additional Windows resources It refers to everything that is an important application to the system, but is not officially part of it. This includes security tools, features, some services, built-in programs, and more. When Windows 10 says it's being updated, most of the time it means updating resources. In Windows 10, it is almost inseparable from the build update, so it should be considered part of the Windows 10 Update.

What is meant by "Windows 10 Update"

Windows Update is responsible for updating the system in Windows 10. When it starts, it automatically checks for new builds and additional resources, and if it finds something, it starts downloading and installing immediately. There are other ways to start the update, but the procedure itself is always the same.

"Windows 10 Update" is "Windows 10 Build Update" plus "Windows Additional Resources Update". This procedure is indivisible and the only possible option for updating your system.

Updating Windows 10 involves updating the operating system and some of its components

What methods of updating do not exist

Due to various misconceptions and memory of users about Windows 7, it is very common to find mention of update methods that do not actually exist.

Selective update

Many users mistakenly believe that selective system updates are acceptable in Windows 10. Once upon a time, there was indeed information that Microsoft would make such an opportunity for owners of the release of Windows 10 Professional. However, this idea was not continued, and no choice is expected for users in the near future.

All updates for Windows 10 are downloaded as a single package, and it is impossible to separate what you need from everything else. There are also no special programs or utilities that allow you to implement this function. And although there are ways to update the system to a certain version, excluding subsequent ones, it will not work to choose what to install from this update and what not.

All updates for Windows 10 are packaged in one package that cannot be separated in any way.

Manual update

A manual Windows 10 update can be considered a synonym for a selective update: that's exactly what it means. Windows 10 only has automatic updates that you can start manually. It's just that it either starts by itself, or at the request of the user, and Windows 10 is always updated the same way.

A manual update can be called an offline update via an MSU file downloaded from the Microsoft Update Catalog

Game Mode Upgrade

Game mode is enabled in the settings:

  1. Click the Start button and click the gear icon to open Settings.

    Click on the "Start" button and click on the gear to open "Settings"

  2. In the window that appears, click on "Games".

    In the window that appears, click on "Games"

  3. On the left side of the window, click on "Game Mode" and activate the only switch.

    On the left side of the window, click on "Game Mode" and activate the only switch

If you don’t have a game mode in your settings, just update the system using any of the suggested methods and try again.

Installing a specific update

It is recommended to download only the latest Windows 10 update, which is what the system itself does. Any update package installs completely and includes changes from all previous OS updates. You won't be able to skip any particular update.

Service packs include changes from all previous ones, unless they were excluded by newer ones. Also, if you experience problems after upgrading to the latest version, you can upgrade to any previous version. How to do this is described in the "Upgrading to a specific version" chapter. However, remember that any subsequent update of the system will bring back all the changes.

How much do updates weigh and how long does installation take

The Update Center downloads only the latest update, which is enough to keep the operating system up to date. Multiple packages are downloaded at the same time only if there is a change in the internal version of Windows 10. In this case, their weight is summed up. The updates themselves do not accumulate in any way, but simply replace each other. They are approximately 500 MB for x86 systems and 1 GB for x64 systems.

After applying the changes, the update package itself is deleted, but the amount of free space on the hard disk will change:

  • the size of the operating system can change within 1 GB up or down (the weight of the update itself does not affect this);
  • the update cache will remain on drive C, which by its weight is 50-80% of the update itself.

The update cache is designed to restore the system in case of failure. Usually it is deleted on its own after some time when there is not enough free disk space. The update cache is located at C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\. This is the only trace left. To remove it, you need to disable the "Update Center" and start the system in safe mode. How to do both is written in the chapter "How to stop updating Windows 10".

Deleting the update cache will not harm the system in any way

It is difficult to predict the time that the system will spend on updating, since it depends on the capabilities of the computer and the speed of the Internet. The update can take from 15 minutes to two hours.

If you run a check for updates yourself, the weight of the update will be shown before it starts downloading. If the system starts the process itself, and there is not enough space on the computer, it will notify the user about it. The table below shows the latest service pack sizes for all internal versions of Windows 10 that the system will boot.

Table: Weight of latest Windows 10 update packages

Windows 10 versionUpdate packageWeight for x86, MbWeight for x64, Mb
1703 KB4034674498,1 862,2
1607 KB4039396612,8 1150,8
1511 KB4034660577,5 1092,9
First version of Windows 10KB4034668450,5 852

How to update Windows 10

Usually, Windows 10 update starts without the knowledge of the user. Either the system receives a message about the appearance of something new, or it checks for updates on a timer on its own. If the information about the availability of updates is confirmed, their background download will begin, and the user will know about it only after the computer is rebooted.

However, you can also request to check for updates yourself.

Basic way

The easiest way to run a scan is through Windows Update, which is located in the Settings window.

  1. Click on the "Start" button and open "Settings" by clicking on the gear icon.

    Click on the "Start" button and open "Settings" by clicking on the gear

  2. In the window that opens, click on "Update and Security".

    In the window that opens, click on "Update and Security"

  3. Click on the "Check for Updates" button.

    Click on the "Check for Updates" button

Video: How to check for updates in Windows 10

Through the "Command line" (forced)

Checking for updates can be disabled through various system settings. If this is the case, you will not be able to update in a general way. In this case, you should use the "Command line" to force the search for updates.

Through utilities

Windows 10 can also be updated via special programs designed just for this purpose.

The utilities will not provide special features. They do not contain updates themselves, but only redirect the system to the Microsoft server to search for them.

Both of the applications described below are located on the official Microsoft website in the "Software Downloads" section.

Utilities for updating Windows 10 can be downloaded from the official Microsoft website

Media Creation Tool

Windows10Upgrade (+ upgrading to Windows 10)

Everything is even simpler here, since in the application itself you will have to press only one button, but it will be installed on your computer. It also allows you to upgrade to Windows 10 from version 8.1 and earlier.

Download the application from the official Microsoft website, run it as an administrator and click "Update Now".

Run Windows 10Upgrade as administrator and click "Upgrade Now"

Upgrading to a specific version

These methods can also be considered as updating without an internet connection. They differ from the previous ones in that now the search current version Windows 10 will not run on a Microsoft server, but on a Windows 10 image or special file.

Through the ISO image

Video: How to Download the Official Windows 10 Image

Via CAB or MSU file

CAB and MSU files are special Windows 10 updates that are designed to update systems that do not have access to the Internet. You can download them from the official Microsoft website. The update files should open like normal .exe files, but if this does not happen, they can be run through the "Command Prompt".

Run "Command Prompt" as an administrator and enter one of the following commands:

Changing the edition of Windows 10 (without reinstallation and data loss)

Changing the edition of Windows 10 is only possible for a more “expensive” version of the system. If you want, for example, to change from Enterprise to Professional, only a complete reinstallation of the system will help you: Enterprise is the most expensive edition. But from the Home version, the transition is more than possible.

  1. Click on the "Start" button and click on the gear to go to "Settings".

    Click on the "Start" button and click on the gear to go to "Settings"

  2. In the window that opens, click on the "Update and security" section.

    Click on the Update & Security section

  3. On the left side of the window, select "Activation" and click "Change Product Key".

    Select the "Activation" tab and click "Change Product Key"

  4. Enter one of the following keys (the keys are conditional: they allow you to change the version, but do not activate it):
  5. If the update does not start automatically, select Windows Update on the left side of the window and click Check for Updates.

    Select the "Winodws Update" tab and click "Check for Updates"

How to stop updating Windows 10

If you need to urgently interrupt a Windows 10 update that has begun, quickly disconnect your Internet connection. Now you need to run the “Command Prompt” as an administrator and enter the following commands in turn: net stop wuauserv, net stop bits and net stop dosvc.

Open the start menu, search for "cmd", click on " command line» right-click and select "Run as administrator"

If you want to prevent updates from being downloaded, the easiest way to do this is through services.

  1. Open the Start menu, type "services.msc" and run the found utility.

    Expand the Troubleshooting tab and select your problem

Regular updating of Windows 10 is a useful thing, but not always convenient. Nevertheless, periodic updates for this system are almost a vital necessity. It’s better to endure an hourly system update once again than to try to deal with more serious computer problems later.

By default, Windows Update runs all the time, so unless you manually disable it, you will always receive system updates or notifications to download and install them. The system is updated automatically with standard settings, but there are times when you need to start this process yourself. You can do this in many ways, both with and without an Internet connection.

Is it worth updating the system

System updates are needed so that Windows 10 does not lose its relevance and does not conflict with programs installed by the user. Each system update fixes any bugs found before, or optimizes the OS so that it can support more and more third-party applications.

Installing new additions to the initial version of Windows 10 is worth it, but keep in mind that there are times when a new version eliminates the mistakes made earlier, but at the same time causes others. Each update provided to users is tested by Microsoft, but even such a large company is not always able to foresee all possible consequences. Of course, when Microsoft developers notice that they have released an update that is not entirely correct, they roll it back or replace it with another more refined one.

In order not to get into the raw version of the update, it is recommended to install it not on the day of release, but about two weeks later. So the likelihood that it will cause any new problems will decrease dramatically.

Updates that should not be installed

The unique update code can be used to identify its purpose and release date. If you switched to selective installation of updates, you can decide for yourself which ones will be downloaded. From the experience of installers, the following versions should be skipped, as they cause some problems:

  • Windows update KB971033 - kills the activation of unlicensed Windows by changing the activation mechanism;
  • KB2982791, KB2970228, KB2975719 and KB2975331 - crash, blue screen, Stop 0x50 in Win32k.sys;
  • security update KB2993651 - BSOD, disabled or invalid Windows operation Update, some application windows may become invisible or incorrectly displayed behind other windows;
  • security updates KB2965768, KB2970228, KB2973201 and KB2975719 - windows of some applications may become invisible or incorrectly displayed behind other windows;
  • Windows update KB2859537, KB2872339, KB2882822 - programs from exe do not start, error 0xc0000005, only on unlicensed Windows, because core files are replaced;
  • security update KB2862330 - BSOD, even on MSDN images;
  • Security Update KB2864058 - Problems launching applications that use Visual C++ libraries.

Some more updates, sorted by month:

  • April, 2015 - KB3045999;
  • May, 2015 - KB3022345;
  • June, 2015 - KB3068708 - blue screen, permanent reboot;
  • August, 2015 - KB3060716 and KB3071756 - BSOD with error 0x0000007b;
  • September, 2015 - KB3080149 - BSOD;
  • October, 2015 - KB3088195 - BSOD code 0x80070490;
  • November, 2015 - KB3101746;
  • December, 2015 - KB3108381 - some applications crash;
  • January, 2016 - KB3121212 - there may be problems who has the system activated via KMS server;
  • Feb, 2016 - KB3126587 and KB3126593 - Windows won't start;
  • March, 2016 - KB3140410 - BSOD;
  • May, 2016 - KB3153171 - BSOD with 145 error.

How long do they take to install and how much do updates weigh?

The time it takes to install an update will depend on its size, workload, and computer performance. Some updates install in the background and do not require any additional action, while others require a computer restart to fully install.

If the update is large and the computer is not particularly powerful, then the installation process may take several hours. But usually the procedure takes no more than fifteen minutes. The main thing is not to interrupt the process manually until it becomes clear that it is hung. If you suspect that the procedure has stopped, then give the computer some time to recover, it may not signal progress to the screen, but do everything in the background. If you interrupt the installation, the computer will try to roll back, pretending that it did not try to install any update, but it is not a fact that it will be able to do it. In the worst case, you will have to restore the system manually or reinstall it.

The size of the update also cannot be specified exactly, since it varies from 10 MB to 3-4 GB. Updates of several gigabytes are anniversary and bring serious changes, although not always noticeable to the average user. They rarely appear, more often packages of 5-100 MB are installed. An example of a major update is version 1607, you can read about the changes that it brought to Windows 10 on the official Microsoft website.

User data is not lost or corrupted when updates are installed. Update the system and at the same time delete data from hard drive You can use an application from Microsoft, which provides an additional feature that allows you to clean up your hard drive.

How to update Windows 10

There are several ways to start the update process manually. Each of them, except for the one described at the very end, will need a stable Internet connection, since all updates will be downloaded from Microsoft servers and other computers. If using one of the suggested methods, you get an error that says that the installation is not possible, try to reproduce the process using any of the other options below.

Through computer settings

To update the system through Windows Update, do the following:

  1. Open your computer settings. Open your computer settings
  2. Expand the Update & Security tab.
    Go to the Update & Security section
  3. Start the scan process for available updates.
    Click on the "Check for Updates" button
  4. Confirm the start of the download if you agree to install the list of found updates. Confirm the start of installing the list of updates found by the "Update Center"
  5. Wait until the necessary files are downloaded and installed.
    Wait for the updates to download and install
  6. Restart your computer. You can do it right away or set a restart time. Run restart your computer
  7. If the reboot is started, then when you turn off and on the computer, you will see a blue screen, which will display a process completion indicator in percent.
    Wait for the updates to be installed by turning the computer on and off

Video: how to check for updates on Windows 10

Through "Command line"

To force a system update, you need to execute two commands in succession in the "Command Prompt", run as administrator:

After completing both steps, restart your computer to complete the update process permanently.

Via Media Creation Tool

The program that is used to install or upgrade to Windows 10 from previous versions of the operating system is also suitable for upgrading to the latest version of an already installed Windows 10:

  1. Download the Media Creation Tool from the company's official website.
    Download Media Creation Tool
  2. Run it and accept the license agreement.
    Accept the Media Creation Tool license agreement
  3. At the step with selecting an action, indicate that you want to update this computer.
    Indicate that we want to update this computer
  4. After scanning the system, examine the list of updates that are not present in it. By default, all files stored on the hard drive will be saved. But you can change that by clicking on the "Change Saved Components" button and setting your options.
    Start installation or choose what data to keep
  5. Wait for the download and installation to finish. The computer will restart at the end of the process.
    Wait while Media Creation Tool downloads and installs updates

Through the Windows 10Upgrade program

On the same page where you can download the program for installing and upgrading to Windows 10, there is an "Upgrade Now" button, which only appears if you are logged into the browser with the OS already installed.

Custom installation

If you need to make sure that some versions of updates are never installed, use the official wushowhide.diagcab program.

Video: How to selectively install updates

Installation without Internet access

If the computer that needs to be updated does not have Internet access, then you can download the updates from another computer, transfer them to the desired one, and install them manually. You can download updates using the Portable Update program:

Installing CAB and MSU Format Updates

If you download the update you need in CAB or MSU format, you can install it by running one of the commands in the "Command Prompt" launched with administrator rights:

The path to the file in both cases must be separated by quotes.

Switching to Game Mode in Windows 10

The game mode appeared in the system with the release of the Creators Update. You can upgrade to it using any of the above methods. Game mode will allow you to achieve maximum performance by optimizing the processes running on your computer. After you upgrade to the Creators Update, activate it as follows:

Video: How to enable Game Mode in Windows 10

How to update the system edition

There are several system packages, each of which is designed for a specific range of users. Windows is "Home", "Professional" or "Corporate". If you first installed the "Home" version, and then decided that it was time to switch to the "Professional", then it is not necessary to reinstall the system, just follow these steps:

Video: How to upgrade Windows 10 edition

Stop system update

By default, the system updates automatically. You can stop the update by doing the following:

There are other ways to disable automatic updates, but they are more time consuming. If you want to install some updates and disable others, then use the "Custom installation" instructions above in the same article.

Possible problems after installing updates

After installing updates and new build versions, you may experience problems with system activation or with applications, processes, games, or devices not working properly.

Build Rollback

If after updating the assembly the activation has failed, then it must be repeated. If there are other kinds of problems, you need to perform a system rollback:

Removing updates

If the problems arose not due to the installation of a new assembly, but due to a specific update, then this update must be uninstalled:

Video: How to uninstall Windows 10 updates

System updates can both help the system and harm it, so it is worth monitoring incoming packets manually. You should not completely abandon new versions, but it is not recommended to install them all immediately, as soon as they are released.
