Information and communication technologies. Dictionary of computer terms Development of information and communication technologies

Ministry of General and Vocational Education

Rostov region

State budgetary professional

educational institution

Rostov region

Novoshakhtinsky Technological College

Glossary of terms

by subject

"Computer science"



Compiled by: Maruda Tatyana Yurievna

teacher of the highest category

The dictionary of professional terms is intended for teachers of the professional cycle, students and masters of industrial training in accordance with the requirements of Federal State Standards

This dictionary contains the most common terms that are used when working with computer technology and are necessary for continuous self-education and self-improvement in the field of information technology

Paragraph – structural element of the text. In the Word processor, an arbitrary sequence of characters between two “Return Correction” characters, as well as between the beginning of the text and “Return Correction” and between “Return Correction” and the end of the text.

Network Administrator is a specialist responsible for the design, installation, configuration, monitoring, management and maintenance of networks (for example, local in an office or educational institution), systems, etc.

File address – full file designation indicating the logical drive, file path and name. For example: c :\nort \exel \trf .bat .

Algorithm is a finite sequence of unambiguous instructions, the execution of which allows, using a finite number of steps, to obtain a solution to the problem that is uniquely determined by the initial data.

Alphanumeric information – these are code table characters that can be entered into a PC with one keystroke (letters, numbers, service characters).

Animation - This is the animation of the image.

Network hardware resources - This is additional equipment that can be connected to the network and shared between users. Hardware resources enhance network capabilities.

Archivers – these are specialized programs that are designed to compress files, i.e. to reduce their size.

Archiving files – a service operation on a computer that allows you to pack a group of files into one archive file to save space on magnetic media.

Authentication – checking the entered name and password of a user or another computer trying to access the resources of this computer.

Database – a set of data and objects related by a common task. Each database is a collection of tables, queries, forms, reports, which is stored in a file with an arbitrary name and extension.mdb.

Byte – a set of eight bits perceived by the computer as a single whole. A byte is an eight-bit binary number, i.e. an eight-bit combination of zeros and ones.

Bit – digit of the binary number system. The smallest unit of information known in nature. The bit value is 0 or 1.

Notebook – a program that is used to write any texts, or to create pages by writing hypertext (HTML). Every user of the Windows operating system has Notepad on their computer by default.

Browser – a program for viewing web pages. There are many different browsers: Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Mozilla, Opera and others.

Buffer exchange – s it is temporary storage of information.

Web design - This is the design of web pages. It plays the same role for a website as printing design and layout for a paper publication.

Webmaster – a specialist who supports and updates websites (commercial).

Vector . A vector image is when an image is presented in the form of straight line segments, vectors. In a geometric sense, a vector is a directed segment, that is, a segment that has a beginning (also called the point of application of the vector) and an end.

Vector graphics – the image consists of objects: geometric shapes made up of straight lines, arcs, circles and Bezier curves.

Video card (video adapter) – controls the process of displaying information on the monitor screen.

Virus – a malicious program that, as a rule, infects or disrupts the operation of a computer and programs. A virus can get onto a computer via the Internet, through electronic media (floppy disks, disks). To avoid this, be careful and periodically scan your computer using anti-virus programs that can detect and remove viruses from your computer.

twisted pair – one of the most common types of cable used for installation various systems inside buildings.

The World Wide Web (WWW) the most flexible and promising tool for working on the global World Wide Web. The user can display graphics, text, sounds, music and live video on the computer screen.

Headset – appearance, font writing.

floppy disk – removable magnetic media for permanent storage of information (in the form of files).

Hypertext – information presented in such a way that certain words in the text are simultaneously links (pointers) to other information.

Global network – connects computers or local networks located very far from each other, in different cities, countries, on different continents.

Gradient – a gradual transition from one shade or color to another shade or color.

Graphics tablet – a device for creating images using graphic editors. It can also be used instead of a mouse.

Graphical user interface – provides the ability to control the behavior of a computer system through visual controls - windows, lists, buttons, hyperlinks, etc. The first operating systems used the command line method of interaction.

Graphics editor – a program on a computer that allows you to create and edit images on a computer screen: draw lines, color areas of the screen, create inscriptions in various fonts, process images, etc. Some graphic editors provide the ability to obtain images of three-dimensional objects, their sections and turns.

Disk Defragmenter – optimization of the physical location of files on the disk in order to speed up the computer.

Dialog window – a rectangular segment of the screen in which the user sets some parameters.

Dynamic site – an Internet site that can be filled with information by company employees using special software - the Administrator interface. Typically done using a database.

Disk – a magnetic carrier of information presented in the form of files.

Drive – an electronic-mechanical device for servicing a magnetic disk.

Document – application program processing object.

Driver – a system program located between the application program and a peripheral device or memory and performing service functions.

Inch – unit of measurement of length.

HDD – non-removable magnetic media for permanent storage of information.

Requests - these are specialized structures created to obtain certain information from a database. Using queries, you can organize data, filter, merge, select or change it.

Sound card – an additional board designed to process audio information and interface with external audio input/output devices (microphone, headphones, speakers).

Hierarchical structure – a data structure in which each child element has one parent element.

Icon – pictogram, small icon, symbolic image.

File name – file designation, which consists of its own name and extension.

Indicator – a luminous light bulb that reflects certain parameters in the operation of the computer.

Internet protocol – a network protocol responsible for transmitting and routing messages between Internet nodes and defining the rules for dividing data into packets.

Interface – a convenient shell through which the user communicates with the computer.

Information system – a collection of structured data in one way or another and a set of hardware and software tools for storing and manipulating data.

Uninterruptable power source (UPS)– a device that ensures uninterrupted operation of a computer when the network voltage drops.

Skittle – (measured in points: 1 point = 0.35 mm) is the conventional font size, the distance from the bottom of a lowercase letter, for example y, to the top of a capital letter (U).

Keyboard – a device for entering alphanumeric information and control actions into a PC.

Character code table – internal representation of symbols in the machine. Each character is represented by a decimal number (from 0 to 255) contained in one byte.

Codes – symbols of objects (numeric or alphabetic). Sometimes codes are called numbers.

Running title – a structural element of a document. Located at the top or bottom of the page and contains some information identifying this document (page number, section number, title, date, etc.).

Team – the name of the program (possibly with parameters) to be executed.

Batch file – a text file with the extension .bat, the lines of which contain sequentially executed commands.

Computer – a device for entering, processing and displaying all kinds of information.

Context menu – a menu that opens in Windows when you right-click on an object and contains a group of commands for managing this object.

Copy – creating an exact copy of an object while maintaining the original object intact.

Corel Dro –CorelDraw. One of the most popular vector graphics editors. Multifunctional. Used in many design studios.

Corporate network – a local network covering a certain enterprise, firm and uniting heterogeneous computing resources in a single environment.

Italics - Italic. Italic font. Example: " I am writing this letter to you, dear Maria Ivanovna, in the hope..."

Cursor – in text mode – a flashing bar (mark) on the screen, emphasizing the line position in which the character will be displayed when an alphanumeric key is pressed. In graphic mode, the cursor has several modifications and can perform other functions.

Cache memory - a small block of high-speed memory that stores recently used or frequently used data, so that the processor does not need to retrieve this data from main RAM. Cache memory is an integral element of any computer. It significantly improves overall system performance by eliminating delays that occur when information is exchanged between the processor and RAM across the system bus.

Ruler – located at the top or left of the document window. Designed for document control and processing.

Line drawing - an image created with a pencil on paper.

Logical drive – part of the hard disk memory, identified by the Latin letter C:, D:, etc.

Logical datum – takes one of two values: “true” or “false”.

The local network – network, limited short distances and the maximum number of nodes (computers) in the network.

Login – 1. The registration procedure on any site/server that provides any services, for example, a mail service. 2. The procedure for identifying a user when entering the network, the site of any service, etc. 3. The username that he enters to log in, for example, to an email service where he is already registered.

Menu a list of objects (operations, switches, etc.) that appears on the screen. A choice must be made among these objects.

Modem – a device that uses signal modulation to transmit digital data over analog networks. Using a modem, you can access the Internet through a regular analog telephone network.

Monitor – a device for displaying information on the screen. Can work in text and graphic mode.

Mouse – a manipulator, a hand-held device for indicating screen coordinates and transmitting simple commands.

Desktop Publishing – these are programs that are designed to create layouts of printed publications: magazines, newspapers, booklets, books, etc.

Typeface – the text can be typed in any of four styles – regular font, bold, italic, underlined.

Laptop – a portable laptop computer weighing less than 4 kilograms.

An object –1. One of the basic concepts of object-oriented programming. 2. One of the components of a computer graphic image.

Window a rectangular segment of the screen, most often enclosed by a frame.

Document window – the window in which the document is located – the processing object of the application program.

Application window – the window in which the application program is executed.

Online –Online. On-line. Non-autonomous operating mode is an operating mode when the computer is connected to a network (for example, the Internet).

Operand – expression element (literal, variable, function, other expression).

RAM – a set of special electronic cells, each of which can store a specific combination of zeros and ones. The information is stored in RAM until the computer turns off, then it disappears.

operating system – a program that organizes a dialogue between the user and the computer, controls the distribution and use of machine resources, and orchestrates the operation of all hardware elements of the computer.

Reports – determine the forms of presentation of data output from queries or tables in the database. Data can be displayed on a monitor, printer or other output device in a convenient and visual form.

Offline –Offline. Off-line. Offline operating mode is an operating mode when the computer is not connected to a network (for example, the Internet). However, when working offline, you can view on your computer pages and sites previously specially saved from the Internet.

Memory is a device for storing information.

Quick Launch Toolbar – located to the right of the “Start” button, contains buttons for quickly launching main programs.

Task bar – an element of the Desktop on which buttons are located to maximize windows of minimized but not closed applications.

Toolbar – one of the elements of the graphical user interface, designed to perform instrumental functions and control the program. Some of the toolbar tools duplicate the functions of the horizontal menu.

Folder (directory, directory) – a named group of files on a floppy or hard magnetic disk.

Password –Password. Access code to receive sensitive information (for example, to log into your mailbox).

Primary key – a set of table fields in a relational database, the values ​​of which uniquely identify a specific record, i.e. object instance.

Renaming – the operation of replacing an old file name with a new one.

Switch – menu item, toolbar icon, dialog box field. Determines whether a certain function will or will not be executed, or a certain mode will be enabled or not.

Moving – moving an object (file, block) to another location.

Personal Computer is a small complex of interconnected devices, each of which is assigned a specific function. This is the most common class of computers, capable of solving problems of various levels - from compiling financial statements to engineering calculations. Designed for individual use.

Pixel – the minimum image element (“dot”) on the monitor screen created by the video adapter. Has the shape of a rectangle or square.

Pictogram – a graphical representation on the Windows screen of a program element, program group, window, switch, shortcut, tool, etc. Also called icon, icon, symbol.

Plotter – a specialized large-format printing device for outputting drawings, maps and other large-format images.

Repeater (repeater) is a self-powered device that provides data transfer between network segments if the length of the segment is limited by the cable parameters.

Search system (search engine)– a system that allows you to search for websites containing specified keywords. In order to collect information, each search system has a special module (robot), which, moving from link to link, collects and indexes documents contained on websites.

Field – 1. A structured element of a relational table record that represents some data and has a type and length. In modern systems, a field is called a column. 2. In a Word document, a text element that contains special information.

Scroll bar –Scroll bar. Horizontal and vertical stripes on the right and bottom of the document window that appear when content does not fit within the window. At the ends of each scroll bar there are two scroll arrow buttons that you can click or drag on the scroll bar to view the document's contents.

Port – connector on the motherboard for connecting external computer devices.

Portal –Portal. A large site with a lot of information, combining several topics, taking into account the interests of a wide audience, which ensures a large number of visitors, fame, and popularity. The portal not only absorbs a large amount of certain information, but also provides the visitor with a large number of links to similar resources, and also includes various interesting services (for example, search, directory, reference book, a place for communication (forum), possibly mail services , statistics services, etc. - depends on how large the portal is and its topics).

Persistent memory – serves to store data about the computer configuration, its settings, etc. This data remains virtually unchanged or changes very rarely.

Mailbox –Mailbox. Mailbox in email systems. You can create an electronic mailbox for sending letters to other Internet users on special websites that provide such a service, both for a fee and for free.

Presentation – a set of pictures (slides) on a specific topic. Stored in a special format file and can be shown to viewers on a monitor screen or on big screen(using a projector).

Transceiver (transceiver) – a device that connects a computer to a network and functions as a transmitter and receiver.

Printer –Printer. A device for printing text and images from a computer.

Provider –Provider. A company or firm that provides services for access to the Internet.

Conductor – a program that allows you to perform operations with files and folders.

Program - a set of instructions compiled by a programmer and executed by a computer.

Shell program (file manager) – designed for ease of working with folders and files.

Processor (microprocessor) is the “heart” of the computer, and the chipset is its “nervous system”, ensuring the exchange of information between the processor and other parts of the computer.

Paragraph – unit of measurement of font and typesetting bar elements. Abbreviation: "pt". Currently, two measurement systems are used that differ in point size: the Didot system, where 1 point is equal to 0.375 mm, and the Anglo-American system, where 1 point is equal to 0.352 mm. In Europe and Russia the Didot system is traditionally used, but in computer typesetting the Anglo-American system is generally used by default. In many computer layout programs, a point is defined for simplicity as 1/72 of an inch.

The path to the file – file designation indicating the chain of directories leading to the file and its name. For example: \nort \exe 1\trf .bat .

Workspace - the largest part of the window. It is designed for working with documents.

Work station – this is any working computer on the network that is not a server. Requirements for workstations are determined by the range of tasks of the station.

Radiator - This is a metal plate with a ribbed surface. Due to it, the heat exchange between the processor and the environment significantly increases.

Screen resolution (Screen Resolution) – monitor screen size in width and height in pixels. The most popular resolutions are 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768. The higher the resolution a computer has, the higher quality images it can display on the screen.

Bit depth – this is the number of bits that is perceived by the microprocessor as a single whole (4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 – an integer power of 2). The performance and the maximum amount of internal memory that the machine can work with depend on the bit depth.

Raster . Raster image. A format for graphically representing an image in the form of a set of dots.

Raster graphics – the image is formed by many dots (pixels), each of which has its own color.

Extension – file name extension. A suffix added to a file name that complements the name itself, but most often indicates the format and type of data stored in the file. The extension is separated from the actual file name by a dot. For example, snow.jpg: where snow is the file name, and *.jpg is an extension indicating that this is a graphic file, a picture in JPEG format.

Text editor – a software tool for entering and modifying text files or text documents.

Backup – duplication of any information. By making a backup copy of a file, program, disk, system, you can restore it if it malfunctions or if any problems arise.

Relational approach – representation of an arbitrary data structure with simple two-dimensional tables.

Runet – all resources related to the Russian Internet, i.e. resources whose content is written in Russian and is aimed at Russian-speaking visitors.

Website –Site. A set of pages (documents) with a repeating design (design), united in meaning, navigationally and physically located on the same server (i.e., a website is a collective concept: both a portal and Homepage- sites).

Server is a computer that contains and runs a program that turns it into a central repository and manager for all computers connected to the network.

Network adapter – a board for connecting a computer to a network cable.

Net is a group of computers connected to each other by a communication channel. The communication channel ensures data exchange within the network, i.e. between computers of this group.

Database Management System – designed to create, maintain and carry out various operations with data in databases.

System menu –The button for this menu is located on the left side of the title bar area of ​​the application window, document window, and dialog box. Used to change the presentation option, size and position of a window, as well as to close a window or switch to another window.

System unit – contains all the main devices and components of the computer (for example, processor, memory, etc.).

Scanner – a device designed to input images into a computer: scan, scan.

Screenshot . Using the Prt Sсr key, you can take a “snapshot” of what is currently on your computer screen. Next, by opening a graphic editor, you can insert a “snapshot” there and save it as a picture.

Slide – the main structural element of a presentation, a color picture that can contain text, graphic, audio and video information.

Slot – a connector on the motherboard for connecting internal computer devices.

Footnote – structural element of the text. A note to the text that is located at the bottom of the page or at the end of the document and is provided with a number or other marking.

Spam promotional messages or notifications that you did not subscribe to. To put it bluntly, spam is garbage.

Specification official documentation from the technology developer (for example, HTML specification).

Style – a method of formatting a structural element of a text document (a sequence of characters or a paragraph).

Title bar – the topmost line in the window. It displays the name and icon of the program and document.

Menu bar – main menu of the program. When you select a menu item, it expands, allowing you to select various commands.

Status bar – located under the Work Area. It can reflect various properties of performing operations, etc.

Structuring information – introduction of agreements on ways of presenting and organizing data.

Table – the main form of data storage in a database. It consists of columns (fields) and rows (records).

Clock frequency – the speed at which the microprocessor executes machine instructions. Every computer has an internal clock that regulates the speed at which commands are executed and keeps all computer components in sync.It takes a fixed number of system clock ticks (or clock cycles) to execute each command. The faster the clock, the more commands the processor executes per second. Clock frequency is expressed in), 1 MHz is equal to 1 million cycles per second.

Word processor – the term is used to refer to powerful text editors that can create non-text files.

Texture - an artist or designer uses textures in their work - two-dimensional pictures in which, using color, light and shadow, they create the illusion that this surface is stone, rough, cold, wet, etc.

Text file a file that contains a set of lines of variable length (usually from 0 to 255), and each line is a set of arbitrary characters of the code table, closed by two control characters with codes 13 (“Carriage Return”) and 10 (“New Line”).

Teleconference – forum. Script (program) for communicating on the Internet.

Topology is a network configuration, a way of connecting network elements (computers) to each other.

Traffic – data flow in local or global network(Internet).

Tag – mark. Concept from HTML. Tags determine how images, text, and other elements on your page will look and how they will be positioned relative to each other.

Deleting a file – declaring the area occupied by a file on disk free for use by other files.

File – a named collection of bytes recorded on a hard or floppy disk. This collection does not necessarily occupy a contiguous area of ​​storage on the disk.

Filer - a dialog box in Windows designed to indicate to the system the address of a file that needs to be opened, saved, or used in some way.

Physical Disk Abnormalities – these are defects in the magnetic coating of the disk surface.

Filter – a set of conditions (logical expression) that the user specifies to select a certain subset of table rows in relational databases.

Background background. A field on which objects are displayed or drawn.

Background image - "Wallpaper". A background image that the user can change or set as desired on the desktop in Windows.

Form – a specially created tool that allows you to enter new data into the database or view existing records in a user-friendly form.

Form factor (format motherboard) – the general strategy for the placement of main chips, slots, etc. on the board, the shape and size of the motherboard.

Fractal graphics – images are obtained by mathematical calculations (formulas) for constructing an image.

Function – a variable quantity, the value of which depends on the values ​​of other quantities (arguments). Has a name and arguments, which are usually written separated by commas in parentheses, following the function name.

Hub (hub) is a multiport device to which computers are connected using network cables.

Hacker Hacker. A person who uses his knowledge to achieve unconventional goals. A person who maliciously hacks programs and penetrates other people's systems and computers.

Hosting Hosting - a place for your website, page.

Data integrity – a mechanism that ensures data consistency between related tables in relational databases. Allows you to organize a cascade update of fields and cascade deletion of database records when there are changes in the main of the related tables.

Chat Chat. A special program, a script, that allows many users to communicate simultaneously in real time (text dialogue, correspondence - you enter a phrase and your interlocutor immediately sees it).

"Worm" Worm. Malicious program. One of the types of computer viruses.

Chipset – a component of the motherboard responsible for interaction of the central processor with other devices.

Sample – this is a blank, a form that contains general information and document design.

Tire – a set of conductors through which information (data) is transmitted from one device motherboard to another.

Gateway – a device for connecting different networks.

Font Font. A complete set of characters of a given style. A font family forms a typeface.

Object instance a specific object in a group of similar objects.

Email E-mai (E-mail). Electronic mail - electronic mail, a system for transmitting messages between computers using networks (Internet). Email can be compared to regular mail, where you write a letter and send it to a specific address to the recipient. Unlike regular mail, the recipient can receive your letter within 3-10 minutes after sending. Example email address: .

Spreadsheets – software for processing tabular data.

User User. User, client.

2 D – a “flat” two-dimensional picture.

3 D – “three-dimensional” three-dimensional graphics or sound.

Adobe Systems – this company is one of the leaders in the production of programs in the field of creating and processing graphic information and desktop publishing systems. The most popular products are Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Acrobat Reader.

Adobe Illustrator – one of the most popular vector graphics editors. Multifunctional. Used in many design studios.

Adobe Photoshop – one of the most popular raster graphics editors. Multifunctional. Used in all design studios.

ADSL Assymetrical Digital Subscriber Line, Assimetrical DSL - asymmetric digital subscriber line, asymmetric DSL. Technology of high-speed data transmission over regular telephone lines to the user. Data transfer and telephone connection are possible simultaneously.

AGP – slot for installing a video card.

ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange. American Standard Code for Information Interchange. A set of 128 character codes for their machine representation.

ATX – form factor, type of design of the motherboard and computer case.

BASIC is one of the popular programming languages.

BIOS (Basic Input -Output System) - a basic input/output system that is “hardwired” into the computer’s permanent storage device and performs a number of service functions.

BMP – a standard raster graphics file format developed by Microsoft for Windows (color: 1, 4, 8 and 24 bits per dot) or an extension of file names written in this format.

CD - ROM – CD, a large-capacity removable storage medium.

CD - R - O rewritable CDs for CD-Writer drives.

CD - RW – m rewritable CDs for CD-Writer drives.

CMOS – a microcircuit containing information about the device parameters.

DIMM – a type of RAM module used in modern computers.

DMA – direct memory access channel.

Dpi Dots per inch. Number of dots per inch. A unit of measurement for print density, screen resolution, or scanning resolution, the number of distinguishable image dots displayed (or recognized) by a device on a one-inch line.

Drag & Drop – “drag and drop” - the ideology of working with objects and files in Windows.

DVD – high-capacity universal compact disc.

FTP File Transfer Protocol is a file transfer protocol.

GIF Graphics Interchange Format. Graphic file format used on the web. The maximum image size is 65536x65536 pixels and 256 colors. The current version of GIF (GIF89a) also allows you to store animated images and supports background transparency.

HTML Hypermarket MarkUp Language is a hypertext markup language. HTML is responsible for the fact that you see text and pictures in a certain sequence on a web page.

HTTP HyperText Transport Protocol. Protocol for hypertext transmission. The main WWW protocol, with which HTML documents are sent over the Internet from node to node (from computer to computer).

IP Internet Protocol is a network protocol responsible for the transmission and mapping of messages between Internet nodes.

JPG – graphic file in JPEG format.

JPEG –Joint Photographics Experts Group - a standard for compressing full-color still images with a compression ratio of more than 25:1, developed by the JPEG group. Due to the loss of quality during compression, JPEG images are usually not used in professional prepress (printing) because on the output we will get an image of unsatisfactory quality, however, for viewing in in electronic format full-color images on your monitor screens - JPEG is a very wonderful format, because... it is designed for a wide range of colors and subtle variations in the brightness of tonal images (such as photographs or images with gradients). This format can use millions of colors to provide an image.

Lpi Lines per inch. The number of rows (lines) per inch. Unit of measurement for screen lineature.

LPT parallel port. Designed to connect a printer, scanner and other devices.

Microsoft Office This is a package of application programs aimed at office work. In addition, it is a single environment into which various software, tools and libraries are integrated and which ensures a high degree of interaction between them.

MIDI Musical Instruments Digital Interface. Format for presenting music. A standard for pairing electronic musical instruments with a computer and software. Developed in 1983

MPEG - With A standard for compressing and reproducing moving images. The MPEG standard contains 4 variants - from MPEG-1 to MPEG-4, which differ in the requirements for digital video quality.

OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) – linking and embedding of objects. Microsoft technology that allows you to combine the tools of different applications when processing documents. The main idea of ​​OLE is to include in a document one application (OLE client) an object created in another application (OLE server), with the ability to edit this object using the OLE server.

PCI bus standard. Standard slots for connecting additional cards (sound, etc.).

Plug & Play – “plug and play” is a standard for computer boards in which the board is configured automatically by the computer itself.

PS /2 – port for connecting a mouse and keyboard.

RGB Red-Green-Blue - Red - Green - Blue - color rendering system.

TIFF – Tag Image File Format. A standard format for compressing and storing image files (graphics).

TV -tuner – a device for receiving television signals and displaying them on a monitor.

URL a universal identifier (address) of an Internet resource used for searching.

USB serial port. Designed to connect a monitor, printer, scanner, digital video camera, camera, mouse, keyboard modem and other devices.

Windows XP ( Vista ) – graphical operating system.

List of abbreviations used

ALU- arithmetic-logical device

ADC- analog-to-digital converter

DB- database

BZ- knowledge base

BIS- large integrated circuit

Sun- computing system

VT- Computer Engineering

GUI- graphical user interface

LCD– liquid crystal

LCD- liquid crystal indicator

ZD- data protection

memory- Memory device

IS- Information Security

UPS- uninterruptable power source

AI- artificial intelligence

ICT- information and communication technologies

IP- Information system

IT- information Technology

KGA- computer graphics and animation

instrumentation- control and measuring device

PDA- pocket computer

CT- computer telephony

LAN- local computing network

MP– microprocessor

NIS- desktop publishing system

NJD- hard disk drive

RAM- random access memory

OOP- object-oriented programming

OS- operating system

RAP- direct memory access

ROM- read only memory

PC- Personal Computer

BY - software

CAD- computer-aided design system

VLSI- ultra-large integrated circuit

SZI- information security tools

DBMS- database management system

UU- control device

CA- The educational center

CV - digital video

DSP - digital processing signals

CPU- central processor

DSP- digital signal processor

computer- electronic computer

CRT- cathode-ray tube

THIS- spreadsheet

EDS- electronic digital signature

Brief Glossary of Terms

in information technology

Algorithm- a set of clearly formulated rules that determine the sequence of solving certain problems in a finite number of steps.

Hardware- electronic and mechanical equipment in computer technology (as opposed to computer programs). In common parlance, hardware is sometimes called “computer hardware.”

AWS- an automated workplace equipped with a set of devices that allows automating part of the production operations performed by an employee. The basis of any workstation is a computer.

Database- a collection of large volumes (arrays) of information, the storage and processing of which is carried out using computer technology.

Byte- the smallest element of computer memory with a capacity of 8 bits.

Bit- the minimum unit of information that takes the value 0 or 1.

Block diagram- graphic description of the algorithm, performed using geometric figures.

Browser- a computer program designed to work with Internet resources (WWW - World Wide Web). A tool for navigating and viewing Internet resources. The most popular browsers are Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator.

Buffer- the working area of ​​the computer's RAM, used for short-term storage of information.

Computer speed (performance)- the number of elementary operations such as addition, subtraction, transfer, etc., performed in 1 s.

Video card (video adapter, video card)- an electronic device that provides output of digital information - graphic images and text - from a computer to a monitor.

Video memory- a component of an electronic computer device (video adapter) that serves to store video images.

A virtual reality- a new technology of mediated information interaction, implemented using a complex of multimedia tools. The operator has the illusion of presence and interaction with an on-screen stereoscopic world created by specially written and presented computer programs using electronic equipment and information technology.

Virus (computer)- a specially written computer program that can create copies of itself that retain the ability to be further distributed (not necessarily completely identical to the original), and implement them into other programs, files, system areas of the computer, computer networks, etc. mainly for the purpose of disrupting their normal operation or damaging them. The term first appeared in 1984, although viruses themselves were created much earlier.

Worldwide Expandable Network -WWW (World Wide Web) - a set of powerful computer resources on the Internet that contain constantly updated multimedia information interconnected by hypertext links. The worldwide expanding network allows you to search, obtain new information and present your own information on the Internet. WWW opens up enormous opportunities both in terms of the volume and types of information presented, and in the mass introduction of people to global information resources.

Computer Engineering- a set of technical devices designed to work with large volumes of information; synonymous with the concept of "computer technology".

Generator random numbers - a computer capability (hardware or software) that allows you to generate (create) a random, unpredictable sequence of information output on the monitor screen.
Hyperlink- an information link built on a chain (sometimes hierarchical or network) principle, which allows you to move to different levels of information in its various types and in varying degrees of detail at the request of the user.

Graphics tablet- a flat-shaped device for creating and editing drawings, as well as for drawing, drawing and electronic design, used in conjunction with special computer programs (graphics applications). Moving a special pointer across the surface of the graphics tablet results in the corresponding images being displayed on the monitor.

Plotter- a device for outputting data onto paper in graphical form.

Data- information used by the computer.

Joystick- a game controller with buttons, designed for games or educational simulators; varies in form and function.

Dialogue- mode of interaction between the user and the computer (see. interactive mode).

Digitizer - cm. Graphics tablet.

Disk- a device for storing information and working with it (data carrier) with a magnetic or other coating. Can be built into the computer hardware (see hard drive).

Drive- a device for working with a disk that reads, erases and writes information on a disk.

Display - cm. monitor.

Distance learning- a purposeful process of interactive interaction between students and teachers based on the use of information and communication technologies, not tied to the location of the interactants in space and time and implemented using multi-media technologies using special didactic systems.

Driver- a special program to ensure interaction between the computer and devices connected to it; for example, printer driver, keyboard driver, etc.

Memory capacity- the maximum amount of stored information, measured in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, etc.

HDD- a device for storing information and working with it, built into a computer.

LCD screen- a device for displaying information created on the basis of liquid crystals. Mostly used in portable laptop computers. It is distinguished by the absence of radiation phenomena and electromagnetic fields inherent in conventional monitors.

Memory device- one of the main computer devices that is used to record, store and display information necessary for the user.

Starting the program- user command (action) to load a computer program.

Sound card- a device that provides sound output, for example, in computer games, educational programs, etc. to acoustic speakers, as well as digital recording from a microphone or any acoustic device.

File name- a set of symbols (letters) by which you can determine required file; A dot is placed after the name, followed by its extension. For example, SETUP.EXE. Here the name is SETUP and the file extension is EXE.

Installation- installation of a computer program and preparation for working with it - configuration (coordination) of equipment - Installation is usually done by running a program named Install or Setup, which leads to copying it in whole or in part to the hard drive for further use.

Interactive mode- interaction between the user and the computer, in which the operator receives an adequate response from the PC to each of his actions.

Internet- a global computer network that unites computer users around the world using telephone, satellite and fiber optic channels. The Internet contains a huge amount of accessible and constantly updated multimedia information on almost all areas of human activity, as well as a wide range of different services, ranging from electronic mail to the sale and purchase of goods.

Internet technologies- a set of methods, techniques, methods of searching, processing, creating, transmitting, updating and storing multimedia information based on the use of the Internet.

Interface- a type of connection (communication) between two different devices, ensuring their interaction by electrical, mechanical and software means. A hardware and software standard for connecting external devices to a computer.

User Interface- the type of its interaction with a computer in an interactive mode based on the use of a complex of hardware and software. For example, a graphical interface involves the use of computer programs that graphically display the process and results of human-computer interaction. For example, the Windows operating system has a similar interface.

Computer science- a complex of sciences about various aspects of working with information. At school - the educational component of the Basic Curriculum, included in the educational area "Mathematics" ("Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Science").

Informatization of education- the process of providing the education sector with methodology, techniques and practice for the development and optimal use of modern information technologies to solve the psychological and pedagogical goals of education.

Information culture- understanding the place, role and relationship between man and information, its functions and significance in the life and interaction of people, mastery of information technology tools; the ability to work with information using these means to meet personal and social needs; moral position and attitude of a person towards everything related to information and information technology.

Information Technology- modern types of information services in various spheres of human activity, organized on the basis of computer technology and communications. In education, information technologies are often identified with technologies for the study and application of computer technology in solving educational problems.

Information- information about something, presented in various forms (text, graphics, sound, etc.). Information is always associated with a material carrier, and its transmission is always associated with energy expenditure.

Artificial intelligence- one of the newest sciences that appeared in the second half of the 20th century. based on computer technology, mathematical logic, programming, psychology, linguistics, neurophysiology and other branches of knowledge. The object of her research is the meta-procedures used when a person solves intellectual (creative) problems in order to create their software and hardware models that allow the use of computer technology to formulate and solve complex problems.

Catalog- a set of programs, files, folders located in certain hierarchical systems.

Cybernetics- a field of knowledge that studies the general properties of processes and control complexes in living and non-living systems.

Click- a slang expression denoting the action of pressing mouse buttons.

Codes- commands that make up computer programs. These can be commands from high- or low-level programming languages, or just numbers.

Compiler- a translator (technical translator) that provides translation of the content of a program written in an algorithmic language into a set of machine commands for their further execution by a computer.

Training kit computer technology(KUVT)- a set of computer equipment that has characteristics that satisfy psychological, pedagogical, ergonomic, technical and other requirements, the implementation of which ensures high-quality teaching and safety for the health of students and teachers.

Computer- an electronic device for programmed data processing, the beginning of which dates back to the 50s. XX century.

Computer visualization of the process being studied- its visual representation or modeling on the monitor, including phenomena hidden from the observer, in development, temporal and spatial movement based on the possibility of an interactive mode of working with a computer.

Computer visualization of educational information- a visual representation on the computer screen of an object, its components or their models from all possible angles and details, and, if necessary, a demonstration of the internal relationships and components of the object being studied.

Computer technology- a set (complex) of electronic (hardware) tools for working with information.

I/O controller- a device for processing information entering the computer when moving the mouse, pressing keys on the keyboard, as well as for correcting information output from the computer to the monitor, etc.

Hard Drive Controller- device, work manager laser disc drive (CD-ROM).

Floppy Disk Controller- a device that controls the operation of a floppy disk drive.

Basket- a folder specially allocated for conditional, intermediate removal of programs before their complete (final) withdrawal or restoration at the user’s discretion.

Cache memory- an electronic device that provides high-speed computer memory, designed to balance the difference between the speed of the process and the RAM.

Laser disc- a medium with a diameter of 12 cm, on which multimedia information is recorded in volumes significantly (hundreds of times) exceeding the capabilities of a floppy disk; the recorded information is read using a laser beam in a special device (CD-ROM).

Laser printer- a device that prints text and images on paper using a laser beam that acts on a special ink powder.

Listing- a printout of the text or the program text itself displayed on the screen.

Local computing network- a set of computers interconnected within a small area (school building, children's creativity center, etc.) to perform common or different tasks.

Motherboard (system) board- a device that combines all computer components and ensures their coordinated operation.

Matrix printer- a device for outputting information onto impact paper, printing text and images using rods (needles), which usually range from 9 to 48, and an ink ribbon. First introduced in 1954 by the Japanese corporation Epson.

Machine graphics- the process of creating images based on a complex of various software tools used to generate, transform and display information in visual form on a monitor, plotter, printer, etc.

Microprocessor- an electronic device made in the form of an integrated circuit enclosed in a sealed housing.

Modeling- the process of building a model on a computer screen.

Model- an analogue (scheme, structure, sign system, copy) of the original, serving to store and expand knowledge about it, transform or manage it.

Modem(an abbreviation for the phrase “modulator-demodulator”) is a device designed to convert discrete signals (isolated from each other, for example digital ones, which are used in computer operation) into continuous ones and back for transmitting them over a telephone line. It is used on the Internet and can be characterized by speed, measured in kilobits per second.

Monitor- a device for displaying various information on the screen.

Multimedia- integration of audiovisual information, which can be presented in various forms (text, graphics, drawings, animation, music, video clips, etc.) based on interactive dialogue.

Multimedia application- computer multimedia program.

Multimedia technologies- a set of methods, techniques, ways of creating, processing, storing, transmitting audiovisual information. Allow the user to work in an interactive mode, providing the ability to select the desired line of development of the presented plot or situation.

Mouse- a device for entering information into a computer, allowing you to move and transform objects on the screen.

Magnetic disk drive- device for input/output of information (see. disk drive).

Laptop- portable laptop computer with LCD screen.

Training programs- computer programs specially designed for use in the learning process.

Online(on-line) - from English “on the line” - a dialog, interactive mode of the user working with a computer on a local network or the Internet at the moment. The state (operating mode) of the modem when it communicates with another modem.

RAM- serves to store current, frequently changing information in the process of solving a problem. Any program fully or partially loaded into RAM is completely erased when the computer is turned off.

Operating system (OS)- a set of programs designed to control the process of information processing in a computer and providing a user interface (interaction) with it. An example of an operating system is Windows OS, Dos, etc.

Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Science (OIVT)- the name of a general education course introduced into the national school curriculum in 1985. Currently, “Informatics”.

Debugging- the process of finding and correcting errors in a computer program.

Distinctive features of computer technology- features unique to it as a technical teaching aid (TST). For example: dialog, interactive mode of operation, function for selecting random variables, the ability to build models and work with them, versatility, provision of work on the Internet, etc.

Memory- a computer device used to store information and programs. Memory capacity is measured in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, etc.

Folder- a disk area intended for storing and organizing other directory folders.

Parallel port- used to connect a printer, scanner and external storage devices (disk drives) - see. port.

Pedagogical software tool- an applied computer program intended for use in the educational process.

Pentium- a trademark of the Intel processor, most commonly used nowadays in the production of personal computers. It uses MMX technology to improve the performance of multimedia applications. In 1997, production of the Pentium II processor began, which contains about 8 million transistors and currently operates at clock frequencies of 233, 266, 300, 350, 400, 450 and 500 MHz. Since 1999, the production of the Pentium III processor began, which has even greater capabilities, with a clock frequency of 450 MHz and higher.

Peripherals- connect to a computer and serve for input/output of information, as well as a means for additional external memory.

Personal electronic computer (PC)-an outdated name for a personal computer (see computer).

Search server - cm. search service.

User- a person who uses computer technology in his activities.

Read-only memory (ROM)- contains information that is recorded at the computer manufacturer and remains unchanged regardless of its operating mode and programs used.

Persistent memory- part of the computer’s internal memory intended for storing permanent information (see. ROM).

Knowledge representation- a method of formal expression of all types of knowledge (for machine processing), which is used in artificial intelligence systems.

Application software- application packages and a library of standard programs.

Application software (APS)- an applied computer program (maybe a package of application programs) designed to solve a specific (private) user problem. Synonym: application software product (APP).

Printer- a printing device for outputting information from the computer’s RAM onto paper, film, fabric, envelopes, etc. in the form of text, graphics, images. Based on the printing principle, matrix, inkjet, LED, laser, and sublimation printers are distinguished; based on the image, black-and-white and color printers are distinguished. Main quality characteristics (of the printer): resolution of printed images, printing speed (pages per minute), cost of printing one page.

Port- connector for connecting external devices to the computer.

Port for connecting infrared devices (infrared port)- serves to connect wireless peripheral devices, acts similarly to a remote control for a TV.

Universal Serial Bus Port (USB) - up to 127 external devices can be connected to it in a chain, including printers, scanners, mice, joysticks, etc.

Serial port- a modem, mouse and some other devices are connected to it.

Provider- an organization providing communication services, access services to the Internet or other global networks via telephone lines.

Program (computer)- a description of the information processing process in symbolic language that determines the sequence of computer actions.

Programming- the process of creating programs.

Software compatibility- the ability to operate a computer using a program written for another computer.

Educational software- plays a pedagogical role in a specific subject area.

Performance- one of the main quality characteristics of a computer (see. performance).

Software and methodological complex- a set of computer programs and methodological tools for their implementation in the process of teaching a specific academic subject, topic, section.

Scroll- moving text (usually vertically) on the monitor screen.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) - certain settings (operating rules) of a computer program that allows the user to receive the files he needs from other computers from the Internet and send his files over the network.

CPU- the main electronic part of the computer (chip), in which its operation is controlled and data is directly converted. In addition to the central processor, there are usually others that perform auxiliary functions, for example, a keyboard processor that controls keystrokes, a graphics accelerator processor that increases the speed of image output, etc.

Desktop- the main folder of the Windows operating system, the initial image on the monitor screen after it is loaded.

Permission- the degree of accuracy of image reproduction on the monitor screen, when printing with a printer or scanning. Specified either as two numbers (the number of pixels (dots) along and across the screen or image) or as the number of dots per unit of length (usually the number of dots per inch), for example 1200x600, or 400 dpi.

Pattern recognition- a direction that arose within the framework of cybernetics and is associated with the development of devices and systems designed to recognize unknown objects, phenomena, situations, processes. It arose in the 50-60s. XX century. In a narrow sense, it is pattern recognition or the process of establishing to which class a given sample (object) can be assigned or belongs by correlation (comparison) with the sample that is in the computer’s memory. There are special computer programs for image recognition (for example, for texts - the Finereader program, etc.).

File extension- a set of symbols, letters (usually three), by which you can determine what type it belongs to this file. The extension comes after a period, which, in turn, comes after the file name. For example, a text file can have the extension TXT, DOC, RTF; graphic - JPG, BMP; audio - WAV, etc. (cm. file name).

Editor- a special (application) program for working with a certain type of information, for example text, graphic editors and so on.

Subwoofer- separate acoustic system for amplification (pumping) low frequencies(bass) in surround sound.

Website- address (location) of the server on the Internet. A site is sometimes called a specific page on the Internet (or its address).

Light pen- a device for spatially inputting text and graphic information into a computer and further manipulating it.

Server- a powerful computer that acts as a repository for programs and data used by other computers and on the network.

Network (computer)- a set of electronic equipment connected physically, programmatically and informationally with each other using special communication channels and equipment.

System unit- the central (hardware) part of a personal computer.

System software- a set of programs that provide information processing in a computer.

Search service- special computer programs located on search servers and helping the user search for the necessary information on the Internet.

Mailing lists- one of the capabilities of the Internet, which allows the user (subscriber), using the means of the global information network, to regularly receive information of interest to him in his electronic mailbox.

Information technology tools- hardware and software tools and devices operating on the basis of microprocessor technology and communication systems, providing the ability to comprehensively work with information.

Jet printer is a contactless device that prints text and images by shooting tiny drops of ink onto paper through microscopic nozzles.

Tact- an elementary step of computer operation.

Clock frequency- the main characteristic of the processor, affecting the speed and performance of the computer; measured in megahertz.

Telecommunications- means of remote transmission of information and information resources based on the use of computer technology, information, satellite and fiber optic technologies.

Teleconferences- virtual communication clubs on the Internet, which allow the widest range of participants to discuss problems that interest them. In this case, a message sent by one participant reaches all subscribers of this conference.

Terminal- a device consisting of a keyboard, mouse and monitor and connected via a cable to a computer regardless of its location.

Translator- a set of programs that ensures the translation of any of them, written in a symbolic language, into a set of machine instructions.

Remote access- connection to any computer connected to the global network using Internet technologies.

Accelerated graphics port (AGP) - designed to connect an appropriate video adapter to work directly with RAM, thereby reducing the load on the processor, significantly increasing the speed of displaying images on the screen.

3D graphics accelerator (30-accelerator)- a device that implements three-dimensional graphics functions in hardware in a computer.

I/O devices- provide information input into RAM and its output from it on a monitor screen, printer, etc.

File- a named area of ​​the disk. A collection of similar data stored in computer memory or on disk. A file is commonly referred to as a small computer program.

Format- a way to organize data when storing it in a file. For example, graphic information can be stored in JPG, TIFF, GIF, HCX, etc. formats. The format can be determined by the file extension (see. file extension).

Hacker- a person for whom the study of computer systems and programs becomes an end in itself. His application of this knowledge depends on his moral qualities.

Cycle- a repeatedly repeated part of an algorithm or program.

Regeneration rate (frame rate)- the number of frames drawn on the monitor screen in 1 s. The minimum regeneration frequency, according to hygienic requirements, is a frequency of 75 Hz and higher. At this frequency, screen flicker is almost invisible to the human eye and hardly tires vision. This characteristic is important when choosing a monitor.

Bus frequency- data transfer speed on the bus, measured in megahertz. The higher the speed, the greater the performance of the computer (see. tire).

Chip- one of the names of an integrated circuit.

Tire- a group of wires through which data is transmitted in a computer.

Virtual reality helmet- one of the main devices for entering it, equipped with liquid crystal glasses-screens, stereo headphones and a tracker that tracks turns and tilts of the head.

Email Y-mail is a means of remote access to information that allows you to almost instantly transmit (receive) text over arbitrarily large distances, graphic images, audio-video formation. In this case, subscribers do not necessarily have to be on site at the time of communication, since the message will be stored until the time it is requested by the user.

Electronic conferences- cm. teleconferences.

User (from English "use") - computer user.

Language (machine)- a set of commands understandable to the computer.


Andreev A.A., Soldatkin V.I. Distance learning: essence, technology, organization. M.: Publishing house MESI, 1999.196 p.

Bogatyrev A.N., Koptelov A.V., Nekrasova G.N. For a technology (labor training) teacher about modern information technologies: A textbook. Kirov: Publishing House VPGU, 1998.124 p.

Zhigarev A.N. and others. Fundamentals of computer literacy / A.N. Zhigarev, N.V. Makarova, M.A. Putintseva / Ed. ed. N.V. Makarova. L.: Mechanical Engineering, Leningrad Branch, 1987. 255 p.: ill. Home computer. 1998. No. 12; 1999. No. 2-9. Computer Science: Encyclopedic Dictionary for Beginners / Comp. D.A. Pospelov. M.: Pedagogika-Press, 1994. 352 p.: ill.

Michie D., John Stone R. Computer creator / Transl. from English; Preface D.A. Pospelova. M.: Mir, 1987. 255 p.: ill.

Robert I.V., Samoilenko P.I. Information technologies in science and education: Educational and methodological manual. M.: Type. ind. predpr. A.A. Andreeva. 177 p.

Sviridenko S.S. Modern information technologies. M.: Radio and Communications, 1989. 304 p.: ill.



The cell address is the basic element of a cell reference. You can use an address to find any cell in a workbook. The address consists of a column name and a row number (for example, B2 is the cell that is located at the intersection of column B and row 2).


The user can enter data into each cell of the sheet. The cell must be activated before entering data. A cell is activated by clicking on it or by placing the cell pointer on it using the cursor keys or key combination.


The clipboard is a temporary memory made available to the user of the operating system. Windows system. Using a buffer, data is transferred to another application without importing. The data on the clipboard can be presented in different formats depending on its source.


Selection is used to indicate which cells should be used when performing a particular operation. The selected cell is framed, and the selected range of cells is displayed inversely.

Selected cell range

A selected cell range consists of several marked worksheet cells that will be used to perform operations until the marking is removed.


Names assigned to cells and ranges can be used in addresses and links, and in place of addresses in formulas.


In Excel, worksheets, charts and macros sheets are combined into a single document - a workbook. By default, each workbook consists of three worksheets. Using the context menu of sheet shortcuts, you can insert additional or delete unnecessary sheets into the workbook. All sheets of the workbook are saved in one file.

Context menu

The context menu contains commands that are intended to process only the active object and are associated with the current operation. The context menu opens as a result of pressing the right mouse button or keyboard shortcut.

Book sheets

Data entry and calculations are performed on workbook sheets. A sheet (table) is divided into rows and columns. It consists of 256 columns and 65536 rows, that is, it contains 16777216 cells. Different types of sheets are used for different forms of data presentation.


Linking refers to the linking of multiple worksheets and chart sheets. The relationship is established by specifying an external reference and is important when values ​​in one table depend on values ​​in another table

The reference is the main element when performing calculations using multiple cells. For example, if you need to determine the sum of the values ​​of two cells and place the result in a third, the formula contains references to the cells in which the terms are located. The main element of the link is the cell address.


A table is considered to be a collection of data organized into rows and columns. A table can contain formulas, links to other tables, and other objects, such as formatted cells for data entry, charts, pictures, and so on.

Cell pointer (table cursor)

The cell indicator is a frame that highlights the active cell on a worksheet or macro sheet. Once selected, you can enter data into a cell or use its contents when performing operations. The cell pointer is moved using the mouse or cursor keys.

Formatting cells

Includes assigning a font, decorating cells with colors and borders (style formatting), and choosing a value format (numeric formatting). Style formatting used to make the table attractive appearance, and numeric - to determine the method of interpreting the data in the cell.


A cell is the smallest structural unit of a worksheet. Can contain data in the form of text, numeric values, formulas, or formatting options. To change the height or width of a cell in a table, you need to change the row height or column width. You can fit a maximum of 32,000 characters per cell. There are a total of 16777216 cells in the worksheet.

Terms and concepts

Module - a complete small-sized spreadsheet that has an input and an output. Modules are designed to solve specific problems; they can be included as an independent element in more complex spreadsheets. A special feature of the module is the ability to move, copy and paste it into other spreadsheets.

Entrance - a cell of a module (or some spreadsheet) into which data is entered that is subject to subsequent processing. Data can be entered from the keyboard, as well as from other cells in the spreadsheet. One module can have several inputs.

Exit - a cell of a module (or some spreadsheet) in which the result of calculations of this module (or some spreadsheet) is stored. One module can have several outputs. The output of one module can be connected to the input of another if the second module uses the results of the first module for further calculations. This connection is implemented as a link from the input cell of the second module to the cell serving as the output of the first module.

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual (as of January 1 of the current year) information index "National Standards", and the official text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the next issue of the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet (


This standard is part of the set of standards “Information and communication technologies in education”. The standard establishes basic terms and definitions that comply with the legislative framework and national standards of the Russian Federation and are harmonized with international standards.

The terms established in the standard are arranged in a systematic order, reflecting the system of concepts in the field of information and communication technologies in education.

There is one standardized term for each concept.

The part of a term enclosed in parentheses may be omitted when using the term in standardization documents, while the part of the term not included in parentheses forms its short form.

Following the standardized term are their short forms, separated by a semicolon, represented by an abbreviation.

To preserve the integrity of the terminology system, the standard contains terminological articles from other standards operating at the same level of standardization, followed by square brackets a link to this standard is provided, indicating the year of its adoption and the number of the terminological article. These terminology entries are framed within thin lines.

The given definitions can be changed, if necessary, by introducing derived features into them, revealing the meanings of the terms used in them, indicating the objects included in the scope of the defined concept. Changes must not affect the scope and content of the concepts defined in this standard.

The standard provides the equivalents of the standardized terms in English.

An alphabetical index of terms in Russian and English is provided.

Standardized terms are typed in bold font, their short forms, represented by an abbreviation, are in light font in the text and in the alphabetical index.

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes the basic terms and definitions of concepts in the field of information and communication technologies in education.

The terms established by this standard are intended for use when carrying out standardization work at the level of organizations, including commercial, public and scientific organizations, as well as associations of legal entities.

The terms established by this standard are recommended for use in all types of documentation and literature in the field of information and communication technologies in education.

If another standard in force in the Russian Federation uses terms that differ from those established in this standard for the same concepts, then it is advisable to bring them into compliance with this standard during the next update (revision or change) of this standard. In justified cases, the need to eliminate the above contradictions may become the basis for making an extraordinary change to this standard.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following standards:

GOST R ISO 9000 Quality management systems. Fundamentals and Vocabulary

GOST R ISO/IEC 9126 Information technology. Evaluation of software products. Quality characteristics and guidelines for their use

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or using the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If an undated reference standard is replaced, it is recommended that the current version of that standard be used, taking into account any changes made to that version. If a dated reference standard is replaced, it is recommended to use the version of that standard with the year of approval (adoption) indicated above. If, after the approval of this standard, a change is made to the referenced standard to which a dated reference is made that affects the provision referred to, it is recommended that that provision be applied without regard to that change. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference to it is given is recommended to be applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

3.1 Terms in the field of information technology

3.1.1 information: Information (messages, data) regardless of the form of its presentation.

Note - In accordance with the definition given in GOST R ISO 9000, information is significant data.

data: Presentation of information in a formalized form suitable for transmission, interpretation or processing.

3.1.3 information technology: Processes, methods of searching, collecting, storing, processing, providing, distributing information and methods of implementing these processes and methods.

information technology

3.1.4 information and telecommunication network: A technological system designed to transmit information over communication lines, accessed using computer technology.

Note - An example of an information and telecommunications network is the Internet.

3.1.5 information and communication technology: Information processes and methods of working with information, carried out using computer technology and telecommunications.

information and communication technology; ICT

3.1.6 Information system: The totality of information and information technologies contained in databases, as well as technical means that ensure its processing.

information system

3.1.7 corporate information system: An information system to which a limited number of persons have access, determined by its owner or by agreement of the participants of this information system.

Note - The circle of persons can be citizens and/or legal entities.

corporate information system

3.1.8 information and communication system: A set of engineering equipment designed for integrated management technological processes in buildings and structures of educational institutions using computer technology and telecommunications.

information and communication system; ICS

3.1.9 information system operator: A person engaged in operating an information system, including processing information contained in its databases.

information system operator

3.1.10 electronic document: A document in which information is presented in electronic digital form.

electronic document

3.1.11 electronic message: Information transmitted or received by a user of an information and telecommunications network.

electronic message

3.1.12 electronic digital signature: A detail of an electronic document intended to protect this electronic document from forgery, obtained as a result of cryptographic transformation of information using the private key of an electronic digital signature and allowing to identify the owner of the signature key certificate, as well as to establish the absence of distortion of information in the electronic document.

electronic digital signature

3.1.13 documented information: Information recorded on a tangible medium by documenting it with details that make it possible to determine this information or its material carrier.

documentary information

3.1.14 confidentiality of information: It is a mandatory requirement for a person who has gained access to certain information not to transfer this information to third parties without the consent of its owner.

confidential information

data protection; ZI: Activities aimed at preventing leakage of protected information, unauthorized and unintentional impacts on protected information.

[GOST R 50922-96,]

information security

3.1.16 computer: A technical tool capable of performing multiple arithmetic and logical operations based on a given program and data.

Note - The term computer is close in meaning to the term electronic computer (computer).

3.1.17 database: A collection of data organized according to a conceptual structure that describes the characteristics of that data and the relationships between them.

3.1.18 software: Software and related documentation intended for delivery to the user.

Note - In accordance with the definition given in GOST R ISO 9126, a software product is a software object intended for delivery to the user.

software product

3.1.19 media tool: A means of perception, display and/or storage, transmission of data.

3.1.20 multimedia: Sharing multiple media.

3.1.21 hypermedia: Presentation of data in the form of information blocks connected by hyperlinks.

Note - A hyperlink is a unidirectional logical connection between two different data units in an information and telecommunications network.

3.2 E-learning terms

3.2.1 distance educational technologies: Educational technologies implemented mainly using information and telecommunication technologies with indirect (at a distance) or partially indirect interaction between the student and the teaching staff.

distant learning technology

3.2.2 open education: A system of organizational, pedagogical and information technologies, architectural and structural solutions in which are ensured by the use of current open (patent free) standards for interfaces, formats and protocols for information exchange in order to ensure mobility, interoperability, stability, efficiency, and ease of use.

open education

3.2.3 e-learning: Learning using information and communication technologies.

3.2.4 mobile learning: Mobile-enabled e-learning that is not limited by location or student location changes.

mobile learning; m-learning

3.2.5 network training: Training using an information and telecommunications network.

on-line learning

3.2.6 offline training: Training using a computer without connecting to an information and telecommunications network.

off-line learning

3.2.7 blended learning: Combining online learning with face-to-face or offline learning.

blended learning

3.2.8 cooperative learning: An educational process in which numerous participants interact to achieve a common goal.

collaborative learning

3.2.9 learning management system: An information system designed to provide administrative and technical support for processes related to e-learning.

learning management system; LMS

3.2.10 educational content management system: An information system used to create, store, collect and/or deliver educational content.

learning content management system; LCMS

3.2.11 technological training system: An information technology-based system used to deliver educational content and manage the e-learning process.

learning technology system

3.2.12 electronic educational resource; EER: An educational resource presented in electronic digital form and including structure, subject content and metadata about them.

Note - An electronic educational resource may include data, information, and software necessary for its use in the learning process.

electronic learning resource

3.2.13 educational content: Structured subject content used in educational process.

Note - In e-learning, educational content is the basis of the electronic educational resource.

learning content

3.2.14 metadata (educational content): Information about educational content, characterizing its structure and content.

Note - ESM metadata contains standardized information necessary for searching ESM through a technological learning system.

Alphabetical index of terms in Russian




electronic document

data protection


documented information


educational content

confidentiality of information

media tool



open education

autonomous learning

mobile training

network training

mixed learning

joint training


information system operator

software product

educational electronic resource

information and telecommunication network

information system

corporate information system

information and communication system

technological training system

educational content management system

learning management system

email message

information technology

information and communication technology

educational distance technology

electronic digital signature

Alphabetical index of terms in English

blended learning

collaborative learning

confidential information

corporate information system

distant learning technology

documentary information

electronic digital signature

electronic document

electronic learning resource

electronic message


information and communication system

information and communication technology

information security

information system

information system operator

information technology

information telecommunication network

learning content

learning content management system

learning management system

learning technology system

mobile learning

off-line learning

on-line learning

open education

software product

UDC 681.118.087:006.354

OKS 35.240.99

Key words: information and communication technologies in education, electronic educational resources

Electronic document text

prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
M.: Standartinform, 2018

The concept of information and communication technologies (ICT) in pedagogy.

The Federal State Educational Standard contains recommendations for the use information and communication technologies(ICT) in teaching in school settings. The transition to the new generation Federal State Educational Standard requires updating the professional and pedagogical training of teachers and increasing their level of work with innovative technologies.

Intensification of measures for the introduction of information and communication technologies appeared along with the adoption of the “Development Strategy information society". This document expands the horizons of accessibility of information for all categories of citizens and the organization of access to this information. After this, the Concept of the country's socio-economic development until 2020 was adopted, according to which all state and municipal institutions must have their own websites, including educational ones institutions.

However, not all schools and preschool educational institutions approached the implementation of websites responsibly. A lot of institutions chose to create an inconvenient and useless resource, so to speak, for show.

Separately, the interpretation of the term “information and communication technologies” should be highlighted. Currently, the generally accepted definition is the following:

Information and communication technologies represent mastery of the technology of working in an integrated multimedia environment, implementing the further development of the idea of ​​associatively related information received, processed and presented in various forms, taking into account the psychological and pedagogical principles of using ICT tools in the educational process.

Undoubtedly, information technologies have long been used in Russian and foreign education. However, it should be noted that a multi-level system for presenting information on various media is currently emerging, in which traditional and new information technologies closely interact, which serve as a good aid to the teacher in his difficult work.

Information and communication technologies are a necessary element modern education. Its necessity is due to the following factors:

  1. ICTs are needed to create an information society;
  2. The use of ICT influences qualitative changes in the structure of educational systems and in the content of education.

ICT structure

For a number of domestic teachers, the structure of information and communication technologies in education remains unclear. Currently, many modern educational programs are based on ICT competencies teachers.

ICT competence – the use of various information tools and their effective application in teaching activities.

Teachers must be able to use the basic structural elements of information and communication technologies in their work. The structure of ICT is shown in Figure 2.

Having studied the structure of ICT, we can highlight the following:

  1. The Internet is one of the key elements;
  2. The use of interactive information sources is very important within ICT;
  3. Organizing classes using ICT elements such as teleconferencing will not only broaden the horizons and improve the learning curve of students, but will also improve the ICT competence of the teacher.

Figure 1. Structure of information and communication technologies

It has now been proven through practical experience that information and communication technologies or ICT have a number of important didactic opportunities, which include:

  1. the ability to quickly transmit information of any volume and any form of presentation to any distance;
  2. storing information in the memory of a PC or laptop for the required length of time, the ability to edit, process, print, etc.;
  3. the ability to access various sources of information via the Internet and work with this information;
  4. the ability to organize electronic conferences, including real-time, computer audio conferences and video conferences;
  5. the ability to transfer extracted materials to your own media, print and work with them as and when the user needs it.

ICT functions

Information and communication technologies have a number of functions that determine the role of ICT in the development of modern education. The most important ICT functions are didactic. The didactic functions of ICT are presented in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Didactic functions of ICT

As we see, ICT has very useful didactic functions, each of which allows one to improve the educational process. At the same time, we must not forget that one of the functions of ICT is an incentive for teacher self-development and the opportunity to improve the level of students’ learning skills.

Separately, we should highlight the fact that ICT is important for the implementation of such general educational universal activities as:

  1. searching for information in individual student information archives, the information environment of an educational institution, and in federal repositories of information educational resources;
  2. recording information about the surrounding world and the educational process, including using audio and video recording, digital measurement, digitization for the purpose of further use of what was recorded;
  3. structuring knowledge, organizing it and presenting it in the form of conceptual diagrams, maps, timelines and family trees;
  4. creating hypermedia messages;
  5. preparing a speech with audio-visual support;
  6. building models of objects and processes from structural elements of real and virtual constructors.

Information and communication technologies (ICT)

Information and communication technologies cannot realize their functions without means. Key information and communication technology tools are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. ICT tools

ICT tool

Description of ICT tool

Computer, laptop

Universal information processing device. A PC or laptop allows you to freely process any information. In addition, with the help of the Internet, a computer helps to find and process the information the user needs.

Allows you to record on paper information found and created by students or a teacher for students. For many school applications, a color printer is necessary or desirable.

A device for transferring pictures and photographs to a computer for further processing.


It is necessary for teaching activities, as it increases the level of visibility in the teacher’s work, gives students the opportunity to present the results of their work to the whole class and audience.

interactive board

The interactive whiteboard is touch screen, connected to a computer, the image from which is transmitted to the board by a projector. You just need to touch the surface of the board to start working on your computer. Special software for interactive whiteboards allows you to work with texts and objects, audio and video materials, Internet resources, make handwritten notes directly on top of open documents and save information.

Devices for recording visual and audio information (camera, video camera, phone, tablet)

These devices belong to ICT on the basis that they make it possible to directly include information images of the surrounding world into the educational process.

Storage medium (flash drive, SSD)

Used to store and quickly transfer information from one computer to another.

Having considered the key ICT tools, it is important to note that the very fact of using information and communication technologies makes it possible to optimize the learning process. This is because technical support lessons creates more comfortable psychological conditions, removes psychological barriers, strengthens the role of students in choosing the means, forms and pace of studying various topics of the school curriculum, improves the quality of education due to the provision of an individual approach to learning.

ICT tools are very important for the full organization of a modern lesson. It is important to emphasize that multimedia teaching aids help clearly structure the lesson and design it aesthetically.

Lesson plan using ICT

A modern lesson plan is unthinkable without the use of information and communication technologies or, in other words, ICT. Currently, teachers use not only lesson plans, but increasingly technological lesson maps.

The lesson plan contains a list of only those information and communication technologies that the teacher used. Below is an example of a plan for a mathematics lesson in the first grade, during which information and communication technologies were used.

Topic: Broken line and its link (grade 1)

Lesson type: a lesson of general methodological orientation.

The purpose of the lesson: Give an idea of ​​the concepts: broken line, broken line link, vertices, closed broken line, open broken line.


  1. introduce students to the broken line, its parts and types.
  2. teach how to distinguish a broken line from other shapes.
  3. develop skills in correctly constructing lines.
  4. develop speech, attention, memory, thinking of students;
  5. develop temporal and spatial concepts.
  6. contribute to the education of a healthy lifestyle, punctuality and love for the subject.

Planned results:

  1. know and understand what a broken line is;
  2. successfully identify a link of a polyline, a vertex;
  3. know what a closed and open broken line is.
  4. compare your conclusions with the textbook text;
  5. check the correctness of the task;
  6. work in pairs.

Equipment: Computer with multimedia projector, presentation, textbook: M.I. Moro, S.I. Volkova, S.V. Stepanova "Mathematics" 1st grade Part 1, typesetting canvases, counting sticks, ruler, pencil.

Lesson structure:

  1. Organizational.
  2. Updating knowledge.
  3. Work on the topic of the lesson.
  4. Physical education minute.
  5. Independent work.
  6. Consolidation of the studied material.
  7. Reflection.
  8. Homework.

During the classes:

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activities

Organizational stage

Before the lesson, the class is divided into 3 groups. Since there are 29 people in the class, 2 of 9 and one group of 10 people are formed.

Teacher: Hello guys. Glad to see you at the math lesson on the topic

"Broken line. Broken line." Why didn't you take your seats?

Each group chose a captain in advance. The teams were named: red, yellow and white.

When the bell rings, the groups line up at the door behind the captain, line by line.

From the threshold of the classroom towards the desktop of each group, 3 satin ribbons are laid along the floor: red, yellow, white. The ribbons do not bend, they lie straight, but they are not long enough to reach your table.

Groups are invited to go and take their place of work, stepping only on ribbons of “their” color. They go in single file. Then they stop abruptly.

The students say hello but continue to stand.

Updating knowledge

Why didn't you take your seats?

Teacher: Why wasn’t there enough tape?

Teacher: Can I also stretch each ribbon straight forward and you will follow it further to your table?

Teacher: What should I do? How should we start the lesson?

Teacher: Let's do that.

The teacher gives the captains of each team a new ribbon.

Teacher: Well, here we are seated. Let's look at slide 2. I replaced your ribbons with lines of the same color.

Teacher: Look, this is how you walked at first. What can you say about these lines?

Teacher: How can they be continued? Open your notebooks. Draw your line as you see it on the screen, of arbitrary length.

Continue it. The teacher quickly examines the work.

Teacher: Look at slide 3.

Teacher: What is it called?

Teacher: But if we go like this, we won’t get there, the desks are in the way. I saw lines like this in several students’ notebooks: Slide 4.

Teacher: Tell me, is it possible to choose this path by movement?

Teacher: -Will this be a linear movement?

Teacher: Can such a line then be called a straight line?

Teacher: Let's think about what we will do in class?

Teacher: You almost guessed right. Only this line is called differently.

There are long dry pasta on your table. (For each group member). Take them in your hands and bend them as shown on the slide.

Fright, exclamation, grief.

What's happened?

They're broken.

So we will also break our straight line and call it “broken”.

So, the topic of our lesson: “The broken line and its features.”

Students: The tape ran out, there wasn’t enough of it.

Students: It's short.

Students: No. You will have to climb on desks or under them, jump over desks.

Students consult in groups. After consulting, the captains of each group give answers.

The correct answer is: The tape can be continued, but it needs to be bent and crumpled.

Students bend them and create their own routes for groups.

Students: They are straight. The ends are not limited, they can be continued.

Students: Do it. The teacher quickly examines the work.

Students: Straightforward.

Students: Yes.

Students: No.

Students: No.

The students are conferring. After this, the captain of each team stands up and announces the proposed title of the lesson topic.

Correct answer: We will study an indirect, curved line.

Most of the students break the pasta.

Work on the topic of the lesson.

Teacher: Let's learn to distinguish a straight line from a broken line. Let's look at slide 5.

Teacher: Think in groups and write down in your notebooks:

Group 1: direct line numbers;

Group 2: numbers of broken lines;

Group 3: non-line numbers.

Teacher: Lines No. 2, No. 5, No. 4 remain on the slide. What do you think the abandoned lines have in common?

Teacher: Can we say that broken lines No. 2, No. 5 are not limited in space?

Teacher: Are the broken lines unlimited by points along their entire length?

Teacher: Look at slide 6.

Teacher: What conclusion did you come to?

Students complete the task.

Most likely, this question will cause difficulty for all students.

Students: Yes, because. there are no dots at their ends.

Students consult in groups.

No. In the middle are limited.

Students: Broken lines consist of segments.

Physical education minute

And now a little warm-up:

And now, guys, stand up. They quickly raised their hands up,

To the sides, forward, backward. They turned to the right, to the left, sat down quietly, and got down to business again. (Children show answers in movement (tilts, turns, ki, claps).)

See, the butterfly is flying

You see, the butterfly is flying, (We wave our winged hands.)

Counting flowers in the meadow. (Count with your finger)

One two three four five. (Clap your hands.)

In a day, in two and in a month... (We walk in place.)

Six seven eight nine ten. (Clap your hands.)

Even the wise bee (We wave our winged hands.)

Independent work

Teacher: How is the girl going?

Teacher: Read the text under the picture.

Teacher: What did you learn?

Teacher: Look at the screen on slide 8. Think about how the first group of broken lines differs from the second group?

Teacher: The broken lines of the first group are called open, the broken lines of the second group are called closed. Open the typesetting canvases. Look at the group of open polylines. Put these numbers. How many links does each broken line have?

Teacher: What is the smallest number of links?

Teacher: The largest number of links?

Teacher: How did you arrange the numbers?

Teacher: Arrange the numbers in decreasing order.

Teacher: What is this order called?

Teacher: Look at the group of closed broken lines. On the slide is group No. 2. What shapes did you recognize?

Students: The girl walks along a broken line.

Students: The segments of a broken line do not lie on the same straight line and are called links. The ends of each link are the vertices of the broken line.

Students: Some lines can continue, they can be used to complete links, but others cannot.

Students: On typesetting canvases:

Students: Three.

Students: Six.

Students: By increase, in ascending order.

Students: From the largest number - 6, to the smallest - 3

Students: Descending.

Students: Triangles (3 angles, 3 sides), quadrilaterals (4 angles, 4 sides), pentagons (5 angles, 5 sides.

Consolidation of learned material

Teacher: Remember how to draw correctly?

(p. 38 of the textbook, below)

Teacher: Read the assignment at the bottom of the page. Complete it in your notebook.

Teacher: Captains, check the task in groups. Who made a mistake? Why?

Students: We lead the pencil, tilting it in different directions, without lifting our hands, to the top. We hold the ruler, pressing it firmly to the sheet of paper, with our left hand. (Completing the task)

Students analyze errors in each team.


The teacher asks questions summarizing the lesson: What new did we learn in class today?

What helped you learn so much about broken lines?

Where will your knowledge be useful?

How did you work in class?

Students respond and evaluate the quality of their work.


Teacher: Thanks for the lesson. Now write down your homework. It's not simple. You need to draw closed and open broken lines at your discretion and determine the number of links.

Students write down the assignment in their notebooks.


  1. Besperstova Irina Vitalievna Organization of the educational process using information computer technology// URL:
  2. Information and educational environment as a condition for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard In 3 hours. Part 1 / Edited by T.F. Yesenkova, V.V. Zarubina. – Ulyanovsk: UIPKPRO, 2011.
  3. Strategy for the development of the information society in the Russian Federation dated February 7, 2008 N Pr-212 // URL: