Wired Internet does not connect. Internet does not work on laptop

The Internet is full of news about how to solve the problems of connecting to the global network using wireless technologies. However, even when connecting to a wired Internet, a lot of problems can arise that will not allow you to receive information from the global network, although they are much less common. If the Internet does not work via cable, the user must clearly know the reasons, as well as ways to solve this problem.

This article discusses the issue of problems accessing the Internet by directly connecting a LAN cable to a computer or laptop, from a router (directly connecting a cable from a provider is practically no different, only in this case there are slightly fewer reasons for inoperability).

Usually, network cable are connected directly to the computer due to the fact that it does not provide and similar components are not connected. Of course, you can purchase a special Wi-Fi receiver that can be connected to the Internet to get rid of unnecessary wires located around your apartment, house or office. But this step is not always advisable, because a computer cannot in any way be called portable device, which can be moved at any moment. That is why, in order not to spend extra money, most computer users use a direct LAN connection.

First of all, if you cannot connect to the Internet, you need to check the following factors:

  • Is the cable that connects the router to the computer working (try using it when connecting to another device);
  • check the functionality of the Internet channel (connect directly the LAN from the provider to the network adapter);
  • Does it active connection to the router (is the LAN light on the router lit);
  • pay attention to the network icon, which is located in the tray (at least somehow the computer reacts when connecting and disconnecting a network cable, and also whether the network is identified);

The above factors are the main reasons for the lack of Internet connection. If the LAN cable connecting the router and computer does not work, it is enough to replace it. If no devices, with a direct cable connection from the provider, also gain access to the Internet, this issue must be checked directly with the provider, who are required to check the integrity of the cable along the entire route, from the computer. Of course, if the LAN cable connection light on the router does not light up, you need to check the connection and functionality of the router itself.

The most unobvious problem is the inability to connect to the Internet, if there is a red cross on the network identifier in the computer tray or a permanent network identification is made that does not allow connecting to the Internet. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

The computer does not respond at all to connecting the LAN cable

If the red cross on the network icon is constantly lit, the reason is the functionality of the network card.

To check your network card, follow these steps:

  1. open "Device Manager"
  2. right-click on “My Computer”
  3. "Control"
  4. go to “Device Manager”).

You will see a list of all devices installed on your computer. Open the “Network adapters” list, where you will see all the network cards that are installed on this computer (in most cases there is one, which is integrated into the motherboard, but there may be more).

If there is a yellow icon with an exclamation mark next to it, you need to reinstall the drivers for this device. Visit the manufacturer’s official website and download drivers for your specific network card model and install them (it’s better not to use automatic search drivers, namely to do the installation manually).

If the Internet is still unavailable, do the following:

  1. go to “Control Panel”
  2. go to the “Network and Internet” window.
  3. Your installed network device may simply be disabled. To enable it, right-click on the icon and select “Enable”.

The Identification circle is constantly spinning or the network is not recognized
This reason may occur when there is a conflict between IP addresses that are present on the network.

To resolve this issue you must:

  • go to the “Network and Sharing Center”;

  • click “Change adapter settings”;
  • Right-click on the icon of your network card and select “Properties”;
  • place the cursor on “Internet Protocol IPv4”;
  • set a bullet to automatically obtain an IP address and DNS server.

If you have a yellow triangle on your network status, then you have incorrect router settings that do not allow you to connect to the global network.

In such a situation, it is necessary to install correct settings router (instructions should be posted by your ISP on home page, or they can give them to you in the form of a printout) or take the router to your provider so that they can configure the device correctly. Also, a similar sign may appear if you have not paid for the Internet and you are simply disconnected from the network.

“I can’t connect to my WiFi” - topics with a similar name appear on various computer forums almost every day. And this is not at all accidental, because problems with wireless connections occur quite often. What could be the problem and how to solve it in this or that situation?

Check your internet connection

Before taking any action, make sure that the cable transmits the Internet. To do this, connect your computer to the modem or router directly using a wire. There is always a possibility that the problem comes from the provider (for example, by conducting engineering works, they typically cut off network access for users for several hours).

Checking if all devices are connected

Before asking the experts “what should I do if I can’t connect to my WiFi,” make sure that your network equipment is in an active state. First, the Wi-Fi indicator on the router itself should be lit. If the network is not enabled, you should enter the IP number ( or into the browser and connect it. You should also make sure that the appropriate adapter is enabled on the computer or laptop itself. This can be done through the Network and Sharing Center. Access" Windows (go to the tab responsible for the adapter settings and find the one that supports wireless connections). On some models laptop wifi turns on by pressing a certain button. You can try restarting your computer and trying to turn on the adapter again. If this does not help, you will most likely need to. If even reinstalling the driver did not help, you may need to reinstall the operating system.

If the computer “sees” Wi-Fi, but gives an error when trying to connect

“I did everything above, but I still can’t connect to my WiFi.” If your computer displays information about available networks, but when you try to connect, an error message appears on the screen, the problem may be due to an incorrect mode of operation of the router. Let's go to its settings (you already know how to do this from the previous paragraph) and change the mode from standard to mixed (Mixed), B/G/N or B/G.

Network without Internet access

This is perhaps one of the most common problems why WiFi won’t connect. Windows 8, by the way, is much more susceptible to this than previous versions of the OS. This happens because the computer receives an incorrect IP address or DNS servers. First you need to find out what exactly is wrong. To do this, open the list of available networks, right-click on the one you want to connect to, and select “Status”. If an IP address was not received or an incorrect one was received, next to the “IPv4 connection” line there will be a message stating that there is no access to the network. You can check this by opening “Change adapter settings” in the Network and Sharing Center. Having found my wireless connection, right-click on it and open properties, and then look at the IPv4 protocol. If any addresses are specified in the settings, write them down on a separate sheet (they may still be needed), and then change the options so that the IP address and DNS server address are obtained automatically. Confirm the changes made and check your Internet access. If this does not help, restore the default addresses used by the router.

Problems associated with incorrect DNS server addresses also lead to the Internet not connecting via WiFi. As in the previous case, they are displayed in the status window wireless network. In this case, next to the “IPv4 connection” line you will see the inscription “Without Internet access”. This can be corrected, again, in the protocol settings. Try setting up automatic retrieval of the necessary addresses or entering “” in the preferred DNS server column and “” in the alternative column (public addresses of Yandex and Google DNS servers).

We hope this article helped you, and the need to write to specialists with the question “why can’t connect to my WiFi” is no longer necessary for you!

Although Wi-Fi and other wireless technologies have already become quite a part of our lives; many users receive Internet from their providers using a cable connection. Twisted pair cables are also used to create local home or office networks. In this article we will talk about a fairly common problem - the system’s inability to detect the network cable connected to the computer.

As with other attachments, problems with cable connections can be divided into two groups. The first includes software failures, in particular, incorrectly working drivers. network devices. The second includes various damage and malfunctions of the cable and ports.

Before you begin troubleshooting, you can do the following:

  • Unplug the cable from the connector and plug it in again. If your network card has other ports, try using them.
  • Pay attention to the cable type. For direct connection of computers, a cross type is used, and for router-PC chains, a direct type is used. The system may not be able to automatically determine which pairs the data is in.

Reason 1: Physical malfunctions and damage

In order to ensure that the cable itself is in good condition, it is first necessary to thoroughly inspect it. You need to look for kinks and insulation violations. Also try connecting another computer or laptop using this cable. Is the situation repeating itself? This means that you will have to purchase a new patch cord. However, if you have the appropriate skills and tools, you can replace only the connector and check its functionality.

Another possible scenario is a malfunction of the network port on the PC or router, or the entire network card. The recommendations here are simple:

  • Use other ports on the computer (if any) and the router.
  • Replace the network card with another one that is known to be good. The same needs to be done with the router. If after replacement the cable is detected by the system, then one of the devices (or both at once) must be repaired or disposed of.
  • Reason 2: Drivers

    The roots of this reason lie in the peculiarities of “communication” operating system with equipment. The OS can only determine which hardware is connected to the PC using special program– drivers. If the latter does not work correctly or has been damaged, or an error occurred when starting it, then the corresponding device will not function normally. There are several ways to solve the driver problem.

    The name of the method speaks for itself. We need to “force” the system to stop and start the driver again.

    1. Go to the network management section using the command entered in the menu "Run", which, in turn, is launched by the keyboard shortcut Windows+R.

      control.exe /name Microsoft.NetworkandSharingCenter

    2. Click on the link leading to the adapter settings block.

    3. Here we are looking for a connection next to which there is an icon with a red cross - "Network cable is not connected".

    4. Right-click on the icon and open properties.

    5. Press the button "Tune" on the tab "Net".

    6. Go to the tab "Driver" and click "Delete".

      The system will display a warning window in which we click OK.

    7. We reboot the PC, after which the driver will be installed and launched again.

    Method 2: Update or rollback the driver

    The update must be done comprehensively. This means that updating only one network card driver may not resolve the problem. This is due to possible incompatibility software different computer nodes. To carry out this procedure, it is recommended to use special software, for example, DriverPack Solution.

    Rollback should be used if a problem occurs after installing a new driver. The following steps allow you to restore the previous version of the software.


    As you can see, there are very few reasons for the lack of a network cable. The most unpleasant of them are physical malfunctions of the equipment - the router, adapter, port or the patch cord itself. This leads to unnecessary waste of money and time. Everything is much simpler in the case of drivers, since installing or updating them usually does not cause difficulties even for inexperienced users.

    There are often situations when, after connecting a computer or laptop to the Internet using a network cable, the error “Network cable is not connected” appears. This is most likely not even an error, but simply the status of the network adapter, which can be observed in network connections.

    It turns out that the computer does not respond to the connection in any way; the network cable is not connected, although it is connected to the computer and inserted into the network card connector. Icon on the notification panel with a red cross. Well, the Internet, of course, doesn’t work. This is what it looks like:

    And most importantly, the cable is connected. From a router, modem, or directly from the provider’s equipment. This error can appear on both a PC and a laptop. It also doesn't matter which Windows is installed on your computer. Only in Windows 10 will the message “Network cable not connected” appear next to the “Ethernet” adapter, and in Windows 7 – next to “Connect via local network". And in Windows XP, a pop-up window with this error still appears if you hover your mouse over the connection icon. This also often happens.

    The same goes for the connection method. Some people have a network cable coming directly from their provider (for example, Rostelecom), and for some via a modem, Wi-Fi router, or terminal.

    What could be the problem?

    There can be many reasons. We list the main ones:

    • The network cable is incorrectly or not fully connected.
    • The network cable is damaged. The contacts in the connector may have come loose (into which the network cable itself is crimped).
    • Hardware problems with the router, modem, provider equipment. Or the network card itself in your laptop or PC has broken down.
    • Problems with the network card settings. Most often, it cannot automatically determine the speed and duplex. I'll tell you about this in more detail.
    • There are some problems with the network card driver.
    • Viruses, firewalls, some programs. Yes, yes, they can also cause the “Network cable is not connected” error to appear.

    How to find out the reason and what to do first?

    • First, restart your computer, modem, router (if you have one).
    • Disconnect the network cable and connect again. Also check the connection on the router (if the Internet is connected through it). Connect the cable to another LAN port. Pay attention to whether the LAN indicator on the router lights up after connecting the cable. You can see the instructions: .
    • If possible, connect via a different cable.
    • You can lightly move the network cable where it enters the connector. And at this moment look at the status of the network adapter on the computer. Perhaps the contacts are leaving there, and this way we can find out.
    • If you have another PC or laptop, try connecting it. This way we can find out what's going on.
    • If the Internet goes through a router, then try connecting the cable from the provider directly to the computer.

    I would divide the solutions into software and hardware.

    The network cable is not connected, although it is connected: solutions to the problem

    1 I would try removing the network card from Device Manager. After a reboot it should recover automatically. Go to Device Manager (the easiest way to find it is through a search, or press the Win + R key combination and run the command devmgmt.msc).

    Open the "network adapters" tab and find your network card. Depending on the manufacturer and driver, the name may be different. The name may contain "LAN". For example, on my laptop it is “Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller”. By the way, pay attention to whether there is a yellow icon next to it. Right-click on it and select “Remove device”.

    We confirm the deletion and restart the computer. Perhaps after a reboot everything will work and the computer will see the connected network cable.

    2 Check the speed and duplex detection settings. In Device Manager, right-click on the network card (as I showed above) and select "Properties".

    Next, go to the “Advanced” tab. In the list, find and select "Spread&Duplex". And in the drop-down menu on the left, set the value to "Auto Negotiation". But if you initially had it installed there this option, then try setting a different value. For example: "100 Mbps Full Duplex". You can try different options. Don't forget to click Ok and restart your computer.

    It just often happens that the network card cannot automatically detect speed and duplex.

    3 Network card driver. You need to try reinstalling it. Download the driver from the website of the manufacturer of the card itself (LAN), laptop, or motherboard your computer and start the installation. You can look at the article on this topic:.

    Other reasons why the computer does not respond to the connection of the network cable

    1 Network card failure. However, in this case, you most likely will not see it in the device manager. But it happens in different ways. To find out, you need to connect another cable to it. Connect to another router or provider. Or connect other devices to the same cable. 2 Problems with the provider. For example: an employee of the provider was connecting the Internet to another subscriber, and accidentally disconnected your cable from the equipment, or the cable was broken somewhere in the entrance. Or maybe someone cut it on purpose. In such cases, the message “Network cable is not connected” will appear. You need to contact your provider's support. Just before doing this, it would be good to make sure that the problem is not in the network card of your computer. It also often happens that contacts disappear on the connector into which the network cable from the provider is crimped. You just need to do it again and correctly. Or call the experts. 3 Problem with the router. May be. But checking all this is very simple. Disconnect the Internet from the router (only if you don't have ADSL), and connect it directly to your computer. If the computer sees the network cable, then the problem is either in the router or in the cable with which you connect the PC to the router. You can also look at the article: . 4 The network cable is faulty. And this can happen. But, if we have a cable that we connect the computer to the router, then it is easy to check by connecting it to another device, or by connecting the cable from the provider directly to the computer’s network card.

    For most people, modern life without a network seems unthinkable and fantastic. The Internet has long penetrated our daily life and become its integral companion. It allows you not only to communicate with people anywhere on the planet, but also to download books, games, movies, music, and also earn money without leaving your home. Therefore, a situation when the Internet stops working can throw many people off balance. If you have already encountered such an unpleasant problem, then the instructions given in this article will help you solve it.

    The reasons why the global network does not work on a computer may be the following:

    • the Internet is not connected and/or configured correctly;
    • you are in an area of ​​poor Wi-Fi coverage;
    • your router is frozen;
    • your Wi-Fi router is not connected or configured correctly;
    • There are no drivers for the network adapter on your computer;
    • The network card is disabled in the BIOS;
    • disconnection for non-payment;

    Let's take a closer look at each of these reasons and look at what steps need to be taken to troubleshoot problems.

    Advice! If the Internet is disconnected for non-payment, then the obvious solution to the problem is to pay for it. But if at the moment you do not have such an opportunity, then call the provider at the number indicated in the contract and ask to extend the provision of services. In most cases they agree.

    Before proceeding with the setup process, you need to check the connection status. Network cables that are used to transmit the network signal are quite fragile and can be easily damaged. This is especially true if you use a laptop and connect directly, without using a router, and constantly drag the laptop itself from place to place.

    A special icon located on the taskbar will help you check the connection status. If it looks like the screenshot below, while the network cable is connected, then the PC does not “perceive” it.

    To identify the essence of the problem, you need to connect your Ethernet cable to the network connector of another device. If, after connecting, the same icon as in the screenshot below is displayed on the taskbar of another computer, then the problem is in the network card of your PC. In this case, you will have to change it yourself, or contact service center, where they will do it for you.

    If other computers do not “perceive” your network cable, it means it is damaged. Most likely, it was either bent, or broken, or the connector in it was damaged. In any case, the best option would be to simply replace it. To do this, you will need to contact your provider (his address and telephone number are indicated in the contract).

    When you are sure that everything is in order with the cable, but the Internet still does not work, double-check its settings. Below are instructions for correct setting Internet. Recheck your settings for compliance, or configure the Internet again. So, to properly configure the Internet, follow these step-by-step instructions:

    1. Open the context menu "Start" by clicking on the corresponding icon on the taskbar. Launch menu "Control Panel" left click.

    2. Open "Network and Internet".

    3. Click on the option "Control center…".

    4. Then click on the option in the left block "Change settings…".

    5. Select your connection, right-click on it and click on "Properties". If your computer is connected directly by a network cable, then select "Ethernet", if you used a regular router to connect, then - "LAN connection", and if you connected via a Wi-Fi router, then select "Wireless Network Connection".

    6. Click on the fourth version of the Internet protocol (TCP/IPv4) and click on the button "Properties".

    7. At this stage of setup, you will need the contract that you drew up with your provider. The fact is that most often the network address of your computer is generated automatically, but sometimes you need to enter clearly defined addresses. If you have the second case, then these addresses will be indicated in the contract, and you will need to indicate them in these settings. If they are not there, then check the box next to the parameter that is responsible for automatically providing network addresses. After the changes have been made, click "OK".

    If after the completed procedures the Internet works, then the job is done. If you still cannot connect to the Internet, then try using the methods that will be described further in the article.

    Poor Wi-Fi coverage

    If you live in a large country house or use the Internet in a large office, you may experience this, especially if your computer or laptop is located a long distance from the wireless router. This is especially true if there are many objects in the room that can interrupt the signal: televisions, telephones and other sources of radio frequency noise.

    You can monitor the signal level through a special wireless connection icon on the taskbar. Left-click on the icon, then move the cursor over your connection and wait a second. After this, a footnote will appear that will display brief information about your connection. Pay attention to the parameter "Signal level". If it is missing, then the problem lies in poor coverage.

    If you do not have the opportunity to keep your PC closer to the router, then purchasing a special Wi-Fi repeater can solve the problem of a weak signal. It is designed to relay the Wi-Fi signal. Connect the repeater to a power outlet in the place where the boundary of a stable Wi-Fi network signal is observed. After connecting, the range of good coverage will be significantly increased, and you should not have problems with the Internet.

    Wi-Fi router freezes

    Unfortunately, nothing is ideal in the world, and technology is no exception to this rule. It tends to break down and periodically freeze, not performing its main functions. If your Internet worked stably, and then stopped working, then perhaps your router was simply frozen. It's quite simple - you just need to take the following steps:

    Unconfigured or incorrectly configured Wi-Fi

    Before moving on to the router settings, you first need to make sure that you have correctly connected the network cable to the router (a router and a router are the same thing, so that you do not get confused in the future). Below are brief instructions for connecting:

    So, you have a good signal, you have paid for the Internet, the Internet protocol settings have been made correctly, but you still cannot access any site. Then, most likely, your Wi-Fi is configured incorrectly, or it is not configured at all. This is especially true if you have just recently purchased a router and are accessing the Internet from it for the first time. So, to configure, follow these steps (the setup will be shown using the example of a TP-LINK router):

    1. Look at the body of your Wi-Fi router. His personal address should be printed on its bottom, as well as his login and password. This address will allow you to go to a special settings site that does not require Internet access. You can also go to this site by entering in the address bar "" or "". It is important here not to confuse the address bar with the search bar.

    2. When you are logged in, enter your username and password in the required input fields, then click on "To come in"(or at "Login" for the version on English language). In some cases, the login and password will be entered through a modal window, and not through the page, as in in this example.

    3. Now select the tab "Quick setup" and click "Further".

    4. Check the box that will notify the system that you have not found the settings you need, and click "Further".

    5. Select connection type "PPPoE Russia" and click on the button "Further".

    6. After completing the procedures, the settings page will open in your browser. You need to set several parameters. First of all, you need to enable your wireless connection. Then enter the network name "SSID" and "PSK Password". "SSID"– this is the name of your Wi-Fi connection, which will be displayed later when connected. You can specify any name. "PSK Password"– this is the password to enter the access point. It can also be specified by anyone, the only condition is that it must be more than 8 characters. It is also recommended to set a complex password, not your date of birth or eight units, so that another person does not guess the password and does not use your Internet without your knowledge. When you're done configuring everything, click "Further".

    7. Once you complete the settings, a window will appear that will require you to reboot the router for the changed settings to take effect. Do this by clicking the button "Reboot".

    8. If you did everything according to the instructions, then after rebooting the router you will be given access to the Internet (usually this happens 5-10 seconds after the reboot). You can check the status by going to the tab "State" on the same site. Also on this tab you can see traffic statistics.

    Video - What to do if Wi-Fi is connected, but there is still no Internet?

    No drivers for network adapter

    This is a device without which your PC will not be able to connect to the network. Like any other device, it needs drivers to work correctly. If your computer does not have these drivers, then you will have to use another computer to download the installation file, move it to your computer, and then initialize the driver installation on it. To do this, do the following:

    1. Open your console. To do this, click "Win+R", enter "cmd" and press "OK".

    2. Enter the commands into the console that are shown in the screenshot below. These commands will allow you to find out the manufacturer and model of your PC's motherboard.

    3. This example shows an ASUS model motherboard, which means you need to go to the developer’s website www.asus.com and type the motherboard model in the search bar, then click on the magnifying glass logo or press the key "Enter".

    4. If you entered the model correctly, the site will immediately give you the result. Go to the tab "Drivers and Utilities".

    5. Now select your operating system version in the block "Please select OS".

    6. Select driver type "LAN", then click on "Global".

    7. All necessary files will be packed into an archive. Place this archive on a flash drive or disk, then move it to a computer from which you cannot access the Internet, unpack the archive and run the file "Setup".

    8. All that's left to do is just click "Further" and wait for the process to complete.

    Installation of drivers for another version of the network card is carried out in the same way. It is best to download them from the manufacturer’s official website, rather than little-known resources.

    On a note! If you have a laptop and not a PC, then the motherboard model will be displayed in the console the same as the model of the laptop itself.

    Network card disabled in BIOS

    By default, the network adapter is always activated in the BIOS, but you could very well encounter a system malfunction, which entailed resetting the BIOS settings, and, as a result, disabling support for the network card in it.

    On a note! Navigation through the BIOS is carried out using arrow buttons, but in more modern versions This menu can be used with the mouse.

    To fix this, follow the instructions below:

    After this, exit the BIOS, saving the settings (key "F10"). Your network adapter will be enabled.

    Also, do not forget that the reasons why it is not possible to access the Internet may be due to interruptions in the provider. This could be a replacement or upgrade of equipment, an accident, and so on. If everything worked for you, but then suddenly stopped, then most likely this is the problem. In this case, there is no need to panic in advance and do something - you just need to wait a little. You can also call the provider personally and make sure that they have experienced a failure.


    So, you now know what to do if you lose access to global network. These tips will be useful to you in the future, since no one is immune from various failures and errors. If you experience any difficulties, you can always contact a representative of the provider company by phone specified in the contract. He will tell you what steps to take in the current situation.

    Video - The Internet does not work on the computer. How to fix it?
