Sberbank online help service. Sberbank support phone numbers

Sberbank's support service, the purpose of which is information, consultation and assistance to clients, is called the Contact Center.

Clients come here for help of various types: in standard situations or unusual situations

To contact the Sberbank Contact Center, you can use any phone number, depending on the convenience and location of the person calling:

  1. A simple way to call from a mobile phone. Supported by any operator companies and does not imply any payment. The exception is payment for roaming services if the person is outside the service area.
  2. 8 800 555-55-50. The most universal and, moreover, free option for circulation throughout the Russian Federation. Suitable for urban and mobile communication subscribers.
  3. +7 495 500-55-50. Intended for use if the citizen is abroad. Payment is charged according to the tariffs of the communication company.

When calling the 24-hour phone line, there are several ways to interact with a banking institution:

  • Contact a specialist.
  • Listen to information of interest using voice prompts. The selection of the necessary parameters is carried out on the telephone keypad.
  • Perform actions independently, having secured the Client Code for this procedure.

Additional telephone numbers of the Contact Center in Sberbank

Help from a Center specialist

By contacting the Sberbank Contact Center (the telephone number in Moscow and any other corresponds to those indicated above), you will need to listen to the robot’s greeting. The auto-informer will tell you what options the person seeking advice has. To contact an employee, you can dial 0 at any time. If the network is busy, you will be notified and asked to wait.

The bank operator is ready to provide the following services to citizens:

  • Tell about the bank's products, explain the benefits of use, clarify the cost of tariffs.
  • View information on accounts, announce transactions performed, and check balances.
  • Clarify the characteristics of open deposits or credit products: accrued interest, preferential repayment period, balance, profit margin, possibility of withdrawal.
  • Block the card if it is lost or stolen.
  • Suspend access to remote services if they are not needed or there is a risk of hacking.
  • Set up a security system on the card if a citizen plans to travel abroad.
  • Receive complaints, information about malfunctions, failures, problems in the area of ​​card servicing.

Diagram of the voice menu (IVR) of the Contact Center

How to use IVR

Examples of using voice commands

If there is no need to contact a specialist, the client can use the menu himself according to the robot’s prompts. The user requests actions and data by typing on the keyboard the number announced for the operation by the robot:

  • 1: card blocking. The robot will ask you to specify the reason and indicate with a number (theft, loss, other).
  • 2: card information: here the balance is requested, the last transaction and other reference data are checked. To do this, you must first go to the card menu, for which you enter its number after the autoinformer request.
  • 3: Products for individuals. Here you can get a general description of products in the areas of loans, deposits, payments, online banking, mobile banking.
  • 4: products for legal entities.
  • 5: program Thank you. Clarification of the number of points.

When using SMS and Internet banking, it is necessary that the phone number be connected to the account

By selecting the desired menu, the client enters the next level, where the robot again voices the sections. If an error occurs, you can always press the star to go to the original section. To re-listen to information that has already been voiced, you should type a hash mark. When you are at any menu level, you can always switch to communication with an employee (press 0). To end the conversation, just hang up.

Automated execution of operations

Having received the Client Code, you are allowed to perform the following actions independently, without the participation of a department specialist:

  • Check the balance on the card.
  • Get a list of the latest expenses on your account.
  • Block the card.
  • Request an ID for Online Banking.
  • Clarify the characteristics of bank products.

To create a Code, you must contact the Sberbank Contact Center at any phone number listed above and connect with the operator. You can speed up your call by dialing 2 2 0 after the greeting. This will explain to the operator the reason for the call. You need to prepare the data and report it to the employee:

  1. Card number;
  2. Verification word (from the one specified in the contract upon receipt).
  3. Personal data.
  4. Passport details.

The operator will ask you to create a code yourself and enter its parameters using the phone buttons. There is no need to disclose the numbers to the employee to ensure maximum security. This information is stored in encrypted form in the client menu, and even operators do not have access to it.

The code must be remembered and used to automatically use the capabilities of the 24-hour telephone line. You shouldn't tell it to anyone.

Instructions for using the client code

Get or recover Client Code
How to block a card
Save time when calling the phone line for any question
Find out your card balance
Find out the latest plastic surgery
Specify the ID for logging into Sberbank Online Internet banking

Most Russians today prefer to use banking products from well-known companies, in particular Sberbank. But if problems arise in obtaining or servicing a card, account, deposit or loan, it is better to call the bank for advice. How to do this - read on.

How can I contact a banking specialist?

If you want to talk to a real person, and not to an answering machine, and at the same time you do not have the opportunity to personally visit the nearest branch of the company, you can use the services of the Sberbank Contact Center. It works around the clock, on weekdays, weekends and holidays, so you can get advice on an important issue at any time convenient for you.

The only limitation is that on weekends and holidays the response may take a little longer than usual due to fewer employees going to work. And in the evening the line can also be busy, but here nothing depends on the employees, it’s just that clients resolve their issues, most often in the evening, and there may not be enough specialists for everyone.
