What is the purpose of computer technology. Definition: Computing is

When considering computers, it is customary to distinguish between their architecture and structure.

What computer characteristics are standardized to implement the open architecture principle?

Only the description of the operating principle of a computer and its configuration (a certain set of hardware and connections between them) are regulated and standardized. Thus, the computer can be assembled from individual components and parts designed and manufactured by independent manufacturers. The computer is easily expandable and upgradeable with internal expansion slots into which the user can insert a variety of devices and thereby configure their machine according to their personal preferences.

What are the distinctive features of classical architecture ("von Neumann")?

Von Neumann architecture. One arithmetic logic unit (ALU) through which the data stream passes, and one control unit (CU) through which the instruction stream passes - the program. This is a single processor computer. Architecture belongs to this type of architecture. personal computer with a common bus. All functional blocks here are interconnected by a common bus, also called the system bus.

Physically, the trunk is a multi-wire line with sockets for connecting electronic circuits. The set of trunk wires is divided into separate groups: address bus, data bus and control bus.

Peripheral devices (printer, etc.) are connected to the computer hardware through special controllers - devices for controlling peripheral devices.

Controller- a device that connects peripheral equipment or communication channels with the central processor, releasing the processor from direct control of the operation of this equipment.

List the advantages of standard and non-standard computer architectures.

Standard architectures are focused on solving a wide range of different tasks. At the same time, the advantage in speed of multiprocessor and multimachine computing systems over single-processor ones is obvious. When solving some specific tasks, a non-standard architecture allows you to get more performance.

What are the most characteristic areas of application of standard and non-standard computer architectures

1. Classical architecture. This is a single processor computer. This type of architecture also includes the architecture of a personal computer with a common bus. Peripheral devices (printer, etc.) are connected to the computer hardware through special controllers - devices for controlling peripheral devices.

2. Multiprocessor architecture. The presence of multiple processors in a computer means that many data streams and many instruction streams can be organized in parallel. Thus, several fragments of one task can be executed in parallel.

3. Multimachine computing system. Here, several processors included in the computing system do not have a common RAM, but each has its own (local) one. Each computer in a multimachine system has a classical architecture, and such a system is used quite widely. The effect of using such a computing system can only be obtained by solving problems that have a very special structure: it must be divided into as many loosely connected subtasks as there are computers in the system. The speed advantage of multiprocessor and multimachine computing systems over single-processor ones is obvious.

4. Architecture with parallel processors. Here, several ALUs operate under the control of one control unit. This means that a lot of data can be processed by one program - that is, by one instruction stream. High performance of such an architecture can be obtained only on tasks in which the same computational operations are performed simultaneously on different data sets of the same type. Modern machines often contain elements of various types of architectural solutions. There are also architectural solutions that are radically different from those discussed above.

State the merits of open and closed computer architectures

Advantages of open architecture:

Competition between manufacturers has led to cheaper computer components, and hence the computers themselves.

The emergence of a large number of computer equipment has allowed buyers to expand their choice, which also contributed to lower prices for components and improve their quality.

The modular structure of the computer and ease of assembly allowed users to independently choose the devices they need and easily install them, it also became possible to assemble and upgrade their computer at home without much difficulty.

The ability to upgrade meant that users could choose a computer based on their actual needs and the thickness of their pocket, which again contributed to the growing popularity of personal computers.

The advantage of a closed architecture:

The closed architecture does not allow other manufacturers to release additional external devices for computers, so there is no compatibility problem for devices from different manufacturers.

Why are computer hardware and software configuration considered separately?

Position 13 Basic hardware configuration of a personal computer

Questions for self-explanation

Describe the functions of the processor. Specify the main characteristics of the processor and their typical values.

The main functions of the processor:

Selection (reading) of executed commands;

Input (reading) of data from memory or input/output device;

Output (record) of data to memory or input/output devices;

Data processing (operands), including arithmetic operations above them;

Memory addressing, that is, setting the memory address with which the exchange will be made;

Interrupt handling and direct access mode.

Processor Specifications:

Number of data bus bits

The number of bits of its address bus

The number of control signals in the control bus.

The bit width of the data bus determines the speed of the system. The address bus width determines the allowable complexity of the system. The number of control lines determines the variety of exchange modes and the efficiency of the processor exchange with other devices in the system.

In addition to the pins for the three main bus signals, the processor always has a pin (or two pins) for connecting an external clock signal or a crystal (CLK), since the processor is always a clocked device. The higher the clock frequency of the processor, the faster it works, that is, the faster it executes commands. However, the speed of the processor is determined not only by the clock frequency, but also by the features of its structure. Modern processors execute most instructions in a single clock cycle and have the means to execute multiple instructions in parallel. The clock frequency of the processor is not directly and rigidly related to the exchange speed on the highway, since the exchange speed on the highway is limited by signal propagation delays and signal distortions on the highway. That is, the clock frequency of the processor determines only its internal speed, and not external. Sometimes the processor clock speed has a lower and an upper limit. If the upper frequency limit is exceeded, the processor may overheat, as well as crashes, and, most unpleasantly, they occur not always and irregularly.

RESET initial reset signal. When the power is turned on, during an emergency or when the processor hangs, the supply of this signal leads to the initialization of the processor, causes it to start executing the startup program. An emergency situation can be caused by interference in the power and ground circuits, memory failures, external ionizing radiation, and many more reasons. As a result, the processor may lose control of the program being executed and stop at some address. To exit this state, the initial reset signal is used. This same initial reset input can be used to notify the processor that the supply voltage has dropped below a set limit. In this case, the processor proceeds to the execution of the program for saving important data. In fact, this input is a special kind of radial interruption.

Sometimes the processor chip has one or two more radial interrupt inputs for handling special situations (for example, for an interrupt from an external timer).

The power bus of a modern processor usually has one supply voltage (+5V or +3.3V) and a common wire ("ground"). Early processors often required multiple supply voltages. Some processors have a low power mode. In general, modern processor chips, especially those with high clock speeds, consume quite a lot of power. As a result, to maintain the normal operating temperature of the case, they often have to install heatsinks, fans, or even special micro-refrigerators.

To connect the processor to the bus, buffer microcircuits are used, which provide, if necessary, signal demultiplexing and electrical buffering of the bus signals. Sometimes the exchange protocols on the system bus and on the processor buses do not coincide, then the buffer microcircuits also coordinate these protocols with each other. Sometimes a microprocessor system uses several highways (system and local), then each of the highways has its own buffer node. Such a structure is typical, for example, for personal computers.

After power-up, the processor jumps to the first address of the boot program and executes this program. This program is pre-recorded in permanent (non-volatile) memory. After the completion of the startup program, the processor starts executing the main program located in permanent or random access memory, for which it selects all commands in turn. From this program, the processor can be distracted by external interrupts or requests for DMA. The processor selects commands from memory using read cycles along the highway. When necessary, the processor writes data to memory or I/O devices using write cycles, or reads data from memory or I/O devices using read cycles.

Specify what underlies the division of computer memory into internal and external. List what is included in the internal memory?

The internal memory of a computer is designed to store programs and data that the processor directly works with while the computer is turned on. In modern computers, internal memory elements are made on microcircuits. The external memory of a computer is designed for long-term storage of large amounts of information. Turning off the computer's power does not result in loss of data in external memory. The internal memory consists of RAM, cache memory and special memory.

Describe the functions of RAM. Indicate the main characteristics of RAM and their typical values.

RAM - (RAM, English RAM, Random Access Memory - random access memory) is a fast storage device of not very large capacity, directly connected to the processor and designed to write, read and store executable programs and data processed by these programs.

RAM is used only for temporary storage of data and programs, because when the machine is turned off, everything that was in RAM is lost. Access to the elements of RAM is direct - this means that each byte of memory has its own individual address.

The amount of RAM is usually between 32 and 512 MB. For simple administrative tasks, 32 MB of RAM is enough, but complex computer design tasks may require 512 MB to 2 GB of RAM.

Typically, RAM is executed from SDRAM (synchronous dynamic RAM) memory integrated circuits. Each information bit in SDRAM is stored as an electric charge on a tiny capacitor formed in the structure of a semiconductor crystal. Due to leakage currents, such capacitors are quickly discharged, and they are periodically (approximately every 2 milliseconds) recharged by special devices. This process is called Refresh Memory. SDRAM chips have a capacity of 16 - 256 Mbps or more. They are installed in cases and assembled into memory modules.

What is the purpose of external memory? List the types of external storage devices.

External memory (VSD) is designed for long-term storage of programs and data, and the integrity of its contents does not depend on whether the computer is turned on or off. Unlike RAM, external memory is not directly connected to the processor.

The composition of the external memory of the computer includes:

Hard disk drives;

floppy disk drives;

CD drives;

Drives on magneto-optical CDs;

Magnetic tape drives (streamers), etc.

Describe how it works hard drive. Specify the main characteristics of the hard disk and their typical values.

Hard disk drive - (English HDD - Hard Disk Drive) or hard drive- this is the most mass storage device of large capacity, in which the information carriers are round aluminum plates - platters, both surfaces of which are coated with a layer of magnetic material. It is used for permanent storage of information - programs and data.

Like a floppy disk, the working surfaces of the plotters are divided into circular concentric tracks, and the tracks are divided into sectors. The read-write heads, along with their supporting structure and disks, are enclosed in a hermetically sealed housing called a data module. When a data module is installed on a drive, it automatically connects to a system that pumps purified cooled air. The surface of the plotter has a magnetic coating only 1.1 microns thick, as well as a layer of lubricant to protect the head from damage when lowering and raising on the go. When the plotter rotates, an air layer is formed above it, which provides an air cushion for the head to hang at a height of 0.5 microns above the disk surface.

Winchester drives have a very large capacity: from 10 to 100 GB. In modern models, the spindle speed (rotating shaft) is usually 7200 rpm, the average data search time is 9 ms, the average data transfer rate is up to 60 MB / s. Unlike a floppy disk, a hard disk spins continuously. All modern hard drives are equipped with a built-in cache (usually 2 MB), which significantly improves their performance. The hard drive is connected to the processor through the hard disk controller.

What are device ports? Describe the main types of ports.

There are many classification systems for computers. We will look at just a few of them, focusing on those that are most often mentioned in the available technical literature and the media.

Classification by purpose
Classification by purpose is one of the earliest methods of classification. It has to do with how the computer is used. According to this principle, there are main computers (electronic computers), mini-computers, micro-computers and personal computers, which, in turn, are divided into mass, business, portable, entertainment and workstations.

The composition of a computer system is called a configuration. Computer hardware and software are considered separately. Accordingly, the hardware configuration of computing systems and their software configuration are considered separately. This separation principle is of particular importance for computer science, since very often the solution of the same problems can be provided both by hardware and software. The criteria for choosing a hardware or software solution are performance and efficiency.

Where do you see the dialectical nature of the relationship between software and hardware?
What are the four main levels of software. What is the order of their interaction?
What class does the software built into the VCR, programmable washing machine, Microwave oven?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of performing office work (for example, copiers) with hardware and software?
What categories of software can be used in the work of a small business and for what purposes?
What types of work, typical for a large industrial enterprise (for example, a machine-building plant), can be automated with
using computers? What are the categories of software for this
Name the main categories of software related to the class of graphic editors. What is the main difference between these categories?
What is common and what is the difference between the concepts of software and information support of computer technology?

The composition of the computing system. The composition of the computer system Consider the hardware and software configuration m. The interfaces of any computer system can be divided into serial and parallel. The system level is transitional, which ensures the interaction of other programs of a computer system, both with programs of the base level and directly with hardware, in particular with the central processor.

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Lecture 4. The history of the development of computer technology. Classification of computers. The composition of the computing system. Hardware and software. Classification of service and application software

History of the development of computing technology

The first counting devices were mechanical devices. In 1642 a French mechanic Blaise Pascal developed a compact totalizing device mechanical calculator.

In 1673 German mathematician and philosopher Leibniz improved it by addingmultiplication and division operations. Throughout the 18th century, more and more advanced, but still mechanical computing devices based on gear, rack, lever and other mechanisms were developed.

The idea of ​​programming computational operations came from hourly industry. Such programming was rigid: the same operation was performed at the same time (example operation of the machine on the copier).

The idea of ​​flexible programmingcomputational operations was expressed by an English mathematicianCharles Babbage in 1836-1848 A feature of his analytical engine was the principle of dividing information intocommands and data. However, the project was not implemented.

Programs for computing on Babbage's machine, compiled by the daughter of the poet Byron Ada Lovelace (1815-1852) are very similar to the programs subsequently compiled for the first computers. This wonderful woman was namedthe first programmer in the world.

When switching from registration mode provisions mechanical device to mode registration states of electronic device elementsthe decimal system has becomeinconvenient, because the states of the elements are only two : on and off.

Possibility to present anynumbers in binary formwas first expressed by Leibniz in 1666.

The idea of ​​encoding logical statements into mathematical expressions:

  • true (True) or false (False);
  • in binary 0 or 1,

was realized by the English mathematician George Boole (1815-1864) in the first half XIX century.

However, the Boolean algebra of logic developed by him found application only in the next century, when a mathematical apparatus was needed for designing computer circuits using the binary number system. The American scientist Claude Shannon "connected" mathematical logic with the binary number system and electrical circuits in his famous dissertation (1936).

In logical algebra, when creating computers, they are used in Mainly 4 operations:

  • AND (intersection or conjunction - A^b);
  • OR (union or disjunction - AVB);
  • NOT (inversion - |A) ;
  • EXCLUSIVE OR ( A*| B+| A*B).

In 1936, the English mathematician A. Turing and, independently of him, E. Post, put forward and developed the conceptabstract computer. They proved the fundamental possibility of solving any problem by automata, provided that it can be algorithmized.

In 1946, John von Neumann, Goldstein and Burks (Princeton Institute for Advanced Study) compiled a report that contained a detailed descriptionprinciples of building digital computerswhich are still in use today.

  1. John von Neumann's computer architecture includes:
    1. CPU, consisting of a control unit (CU) and an arithmetic logic unit (ALU);
    2. memory : operational (RAM) and external;
    3. Input Devices;
    4. output devices.
  2. The principles of computer operation proposed by von Neumann:
    1. memory homogeneity;
    2. program control;
    3. targeting .
  3. We can distinguish the main generations of computers and their characteristics:


1955 60


1965 70

1970 90

From 1990 to
the present





(tens of thousands


Computer example

IBM 701

IBM 360-40

IBM 370-
145 (1970)

IBM 370-168

IBM Server

action, oper./s

8 000

246 000

1 230 000

7 700 000

9*10 9

RAM capacity,

20 480

256 000

512 000

8 200 000

256*10 9




pewter, OS
OS Unix,

sky OS,


The rapid development of computing systems began in the 60s of the 20th century with the rejection ofelectronic tubes and development semiconductor, and then laser technology.

Efficiency Computers (computers) grew significantly in the 70s of the 20th century with the development of processors based onintegrated circuits.

A qualitative leap in the development of computers occurred in the 80s XX century with the invention personal computer and development of the world information network - the Internet.

Computer classification

  1. By appointment:
    • supercomputers;
    • servers;
    • embedded computers (microprocessors);
    • personal computers (PC).

Supercomputers - computing centers - created to solve extremely complex computational problems (modeling complex phenomena, processing super-large amounts of information, making forecasts, etc.).

Servers (from the English word serve to serve, manage) - computers that ensure the operation of a local or global network, specializing in providing information services and servicing computers of large enterprises, banks, educational institutions, etc.

Embedded computers (microprocessors) have become widespread in manufacturing and household appliances, where control can be reduced to the execution of a limited sequence of commands (robots on a conveyor, on-board, integrated into household appliances, etc.)

Personal computers ( PC ) are designed for the work of one person, therefore they are used everywhere. Their birth is considered August 12, 1981, when IBM introduced their first model. PC made a computer revolution in the lives of millions of people and had a huge impact on the development of human society.

PC are divided into mass, business, portable, entertainment, as well as workstations.

PC Standards :

  • Consumer PC (mass);
    • Office PC (business);
    • Entertainment PC (entertainment);
    • Workstation PC (workstation);
    • Mobile PC (portable).

Most PCs are massive.

Business (office) PC contain professional programs, but they minimize the requirements for graphical means and means of sound reproduction.

In entertainment PC funds are widely available multimedia.

Workstations have increased requirements for data storage.

For portable devices, it is mandatory to have access to a computer network.

  1. By level of specialization:
    • universal;
    • specialized (examples: file server, web server, print server, etc.).
  2. By sizes:
    • desktop (desktop);
    • wearable (notebook, iPad);
    • pocket (palmtop);
    • mobile computing devices (PDA - p ersonal digital a ssist a nt) that combine the functions of palmtop and cell phones.
  3. For hardware compatibility:
    • IBM PC;
    • Apple Macintosh.
  4. By processor type:
    • Intel (in personal computers from IBM);
    • Motorola (in Macintosh personal computers).

The composition of the computing system

Consider the hardware and software configuration, since often the solution of the same tasks can be provided by both hardware and software. The criterion in each case is the efficiency of the work.

It is believed that increasing the efficiency of work due to the development of hardware turns out to be more expensive on average, but the implementation of solutions by software requires highly qualified personnel.


to hardware computing systems includedevices and devices(using a block-modular design).

According to the way devices are placed relative to the central processing unit, internal and external devices are distinguished. External are I/O devices (peripherals) and additional devices designed for long-term data storage.

Coordination between individual blocks and nodes is carried out with the help of transitional hardware-logical devices - hardware interfaces that operate in accordance with approved standards.

The interfaces of any computer system can be conditionally divided intoserial and parallel.

Parallel interfaces are more complex, require synchronization between the transmitter and receiver, but have higher performance, which is measuredbytes per second(bytes/s, Kbytes/s, Mbytes/s). They are used (rarely now) when connecting a printer.

Sequential - easier and slower, they are calledasynchronous interfaces. Due to the lack of synchronization of packages, payload data is preceded and completed by packages of service data (1-3 service bits per 1 byte), performance is measuredbits per second(bps, kbps, Mbps).

They are used to connect input, output and storage devices of mouse, keyboard, flash memory, sensors, voice recorders, video cameras, communication devices, printers, etc.

Standards on hardware interfaces in VT are called protocols. Protocol is a set of technical conditions that must be provided by computer technology developers for successful coordination of device operation.


Software (software) or software configuration are programs (ordered sequences of commands). There is a relationship between programs: some work based on others (of a lower level), that is, we should talk about an inter-program interface.

  1. Basic level (BIOS) - the lowest level. The underlying software is responsible for interacting with the underlying hardware. Basic software is stored on the chip permanent storage device - ROM (Read Only Memory (ROM)).

If the parameters of the basic facilities need to be changed during operation, applyreprogrammable Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory (EPROM) ). The implementation of the PROM is carried out using a "non-volatile memory" chip or CMOS , which also works when the computer boots up.

  1. System level- transitional, ensuring the interaction of other programs of the computer system, both with programs of the base level, and directly with the hardware, in particular with the central processor.

The system support includes:

  • device drivers- programs that ensure the interaction of a computer with specific devices;
  • installation tools programs;
  • standard means user interface,providing effective interaction with the user, entering data into the system and obtaining a result.

The set of system-level programs formscore operating system PC.

If the computer is equipped with system-level software, then it is already prepared:

  • to the interaction of software with hardware;
  • to install programs of higher levels;
  • and most importantly, to user interaction.

mandatory and generally sufficient condition to ensure work person on the computer.

  1. service levelThe software allows you to work with both basic-level programs and system-level programs. The main purpose of utility programs (utilities) is to automate the work of checking, setting up and configuring a PC. In addition, they are used to enhance and improve the functions of system programs. Some of the service-level programs are initially included in the operating system as standard.

There are two alternative directions for developing and operating utilities: integration with the operating system and stand-alone operation.

In the second case, they provide the user with more options for personalizing their interaction with hardware and software.

  1. Application layeris a set of application programs with the help of which specific tasks are performed at a given workplace. Their range is very wide (from industrial to entertaining).

Availability of application software and breadth of functionality PC directly depends on the operating system used, that is, what system tools its kernel contains and, therefore, how it provides interaction: a person programs equipment.

Utility Software Classification

  1. File Managers (file managers). They copy, move, and rename files, create directories, delete files and directories, search for files, and navigate the file structure (for example, Explorer ( Windows Explorer).
  2. Archivers file compression tools
  3. Viewer and playback tools. Simple and versatile viewers that do not provide editing, but allow you to view (play back) documents of different types.
  4. Diagnostic toolsto automate the processes of software and hardware diagnostics. They are used not only for troubleshooting, but also for optimizing computer performance.
  5. Means of control (monitoring) or monitors - allow you to monitor the processes occurring in the computer. Two modes are used: real-time monitoring and control with recording the results in a protocol file (used when monitoring needs to be provided automatically and remotely).
  6. Installation monitors- provide software installation control, monitor the state of the environment, allow you to restore links lost as a result of removing previously installed programs.

The simplest monitors are usually part of the operating system and placed at the system level.

  1. Communication media(communication programs) - connections with remote computers, serve the transmission of e-mail messages, etc.
  2. Computer security tools(active and passive). Passive protection means these are programs Reserve copy. Antivirus software is used as a means of active protection.
  3. Means of electronic digital signature(EDS).

Classification of application programs

  1. Text editors(Notepad, WordPad , Lexicon, editor Norton Commander, etc.).
  2. Word processors(allow not only to enter and edit texts, but also to format, i.e., format them). Thus, the means of word processors include means of providing interaction text, graphics , tables, as well as a means of automating the formatting process (Word).
  3. Graphic editor. These are raster (point), vector editors and creation tools three-dimensional graphics (3D editors).

In raster editors ( Paint ) a graphical object is represented as a combination of points, each of which has the properties of brightness and color. This option is effective in cases where the image has many halftones, and information about the color of the elements of the object is more important than information about their shape. Raster editors are widely used for retouching images, creating photo effects, but they are not always convenient for creating new images and are uneconomical, because images have a lot of redundancy.

In vector editors ( CorelDraw ) the elementary object of the image is not a point, but a line. This approach is typical for drawing and graphic work, when the shape of the lines is more important than information about the color of the individual dots that make it up. This representation is much more compact than the bitmap representation. Vector editors are convenient for creating images, but are practically not used for processing finished drawings.

3D graphics editors allow you to flexibly control the interaction of object surface properties with the properties of light sources, as well as create 3D animation, which is why they are also called 3D graphics editors. D-animators.

  1. Database management systems(DBMS). Their main functions are:
  • creating an empty database;
  • providing the means to populate it and import data from tables in another database;
  • providing data access, search and filtering tools.
  1. Spreadsheets. These are complex tools for storing and processing data ( excel ). Provide a wide range of methods for working with numerical data.
  2. Computer-Aided Design Systems(CAD systems). Designed to automate design work, and can also perform elementary calculations and select structural elements from databases.
  3. Desktop publishing systems. Designed to automate the process of imposition of printed publications. They occupy an intermediate position between word processors and automatic design systems. A typical use case is application to documents that have been pre-processed in word processors and graphic editors.
  4. Expert systems(analysis of data contained in knowledge bases). Their characteristic feature is the ability for self-development (if necessary, it generates a sufficient set of questions for an expert and automatically improves its quality).
  5. WEB editors . Combine the properties of text and graphic editors and are intended for creating and editing WEB documents.
  6. Browsers (viewers WEB documents).
  7. Integrated business systems.Main functions editing and formatting of the simplest documents, centralization of e-mail, facsimile and telephone communications, dispatching and monitoring of enterprise documents.
  8. Accounting systems combine the functions of text and spreadsheet editors, automate the preparation and accounting of primary documents, maintaining accounting plan accounts, and preparing regular reports.
  9. Financial analyticalsystems. Used in banking and exchange structures. They allow you to control and predict the situation in the financial, stock and commodity markets, analyze, prepare reports.
  10. geoinformationsystems (GIS). Are intended for automation of cartographic and geodetic works.
  11. Video editing systemsvideo processing.
  12. Educational, developing, reference and entertainingprograms. Their peculiarity is the increased requirements for multimedia tools (musical compositions, graphic animation and videos).

In addition to hardware and software, there areInformation Support(spell checker, dictionaries, thesauri, etc.)

In specialized computer systems (on-board), a set of software and information support is called mathematical software.

Page 7

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The concept of a computing system

A specific set of interacting devices and programs designed to serve one work area is called computing system.

A set of devices designed for automatic or automated data processing is called computer technology or hardware. The composition of the computing system is called configuration. Hardware and software of a computer system are considered separately.

The criteria for choosing a hardware and software solution is performance And efficiency.

The central device of a computing system is a computer. Computer is an electronic device designed to automate the creation, storage, processing and transportation of data. Although hardware and software are considered separately, it should be noted that these means of a computing system work in close connection and in continuous interaction.

The history of the development of computer technology. generations of computers.

(Offered to students for self-study).

Computer classification

The mass use of PCs should not obscure the fact that in addition to PCs there are other much more powerful computing systems:


large computers (mainframes);

· minicomputers;

microcomputers (these include personal PCs).

These computers are:



functional purpose.

Computer architecture and structure

When considering computer devices, it is customary to distinguish between their architecture and structure.

architecture a description of a computer is called its description at some general level, including a description of user programming capabilities, command systems, addressing systems, memory organization, etc. The architecture determines the principles of operation, information links and interconnection of the main logical nodes of a computer: processor, random access memory, external memory and peripheral devices. The common architecture of different computers ensures their compatibility from the user's point of view.

Structure computer is a set of its functional elements and connections between them. The elements can be various devices- from the main logical nodes of a computer to the simplest circuits. The structure of a computer is graphically represented in the form of block diagrams, which can be used to describe the computer at any level of detail.

classical architecture(von Neumann architecture) - one arithmetic logic unit (ALU) through which the data flow passes, and one control unit (CU) through which the command flow passes - the program. This uniprocessor computer. This type of architecture also includes the architecture of a personal computer with common bus. All functional blocks here are interconnected by a common bus, also called system highway. Physically, the trunk is a multi-wire line with sockets for connecting electronic circuits. The set of trunk wires is divided into separate groups: address bus, data bus and control bus.

For the effective study of applied computer technologies, it is extremely important to have a clear understanding of the hardware and software of computer technology. The composition of computer technology is called configuration . Computer hardware and software are considered separately. Accordingly, we consider separately hardware configuration and them program configuration. This separation principle is of particular importance for computer science, since very often the solution of the same problems can be provided both by hardware and software. The criteria for choosing a hardware or software solution are performance and efficiency. For example, either type text in a text editor, or use a scanner.

Basic hardware configuration of a personal computer

The personal computer is a universal technical system. His configuration (composition of equipment) can be flexibly changed as needed. However, there is a concept basic configuration , which is considered typical, i.e. minimum set of equipment. In such a kit, the computer is usually supplied. The concept of a basic configuration may change. Currently, the following devices are considered in the basic configuration (Fig. 2.1.):

Let's take a look at its parts.

The main technical means of a personal computer include:

- system unit;

- monitor (display);

- keyboard.

Additionally, you can connect to a computer, for example:

- Printer;

- mouse;

- scanner;

- modem (modulator-demodulator);

- plotter;

- joystick, etc.

System unit

The system unit is the main node inside which the most important components are installed. System unit (see fig. 2.2., 2.3.) - this is a case in which almost all the hardware of the computer is located.

Devices inside system block called internal, and devices connected to it from the outside are called external. External options, also called peripheral.

Internal organization system block:

· motherboard;

· HDD:

floppy disk drive;

CD-ROM drive;

video card (video adapter);

· sound card;

· power unit.

Systems located on motherboard :

· RAM;


ROM chip and BIOS system;

bus interfaces, etc.

Magnetic disks, unlike RAM, are designed for permanent storage of information.

There are two types of magnetic disks used in a PC:

hard drive (hard drive);

Removable, floppy disks (floppy disks).

HDD is intended for permanent storage of the information that is more or less often used in work: operating system programs, compilers from programming languages, service (servicing) programs, user application programs, text documents, database files, etc. Winchester is far superior to floppy disks in terms of access speed, capacity, and reliability.
