How to set up remote access to a computer: three easy ways. How to set up remote access to a computer: three easy ways Program for remote work on another computer

Today we will look at programs for remote access to a computer that are relevant to system administrators, as well as users to solve technical problems, use resources, or transfer files between your and a remote PC.

The remote access program will help you control and manage the desktop of a third-party machine, settings and functions, share material, chat, run installed software, and much more.


Russian language



File access

Phone control

Yes Free 10 Yes Yes
Yes Free 10 Yes No
Yes Free 9 Yes No
Yes Free 9 Yes Yes
No Free 8 Yes Yes
Yes Free 8 Yes No
Yes Free 7 Yes No
Yes Free 8 No Yes
Yes Free 10 Yes Yes
No Trial 6 Yes Yes
Yes Free 7 Yes No

Let's start our review with a popular assistant for accessing control of a third-party PC, which has useful options and high quality work. TimViewer has a fairly simple operation algorithm, creates interactive conferences for up to 25 people, records videos and screenshots of current actions, allows you to share files, share a screen, chat and send voice messages. The program supports modern operating systems and bypasses various protections such as firewalls, proxies, etc. To work in the program, you must install the product on both computers and enter the access code. Functioning in the utility requires an Internet connection.

The utility performs a remote connection to another PC, providing access to the software, functionality and desktop of a third-party device. AeroAdmin provides the connected user with access rights, has different connection modes, opens multisessions, selects the picture quality for the channel and encrypts the connection. Clipboard synchronization, transferring files and resuming them when the connection is broken are also available. The program is distributed in four versions, the free version is just right for home use.

Professional software with extensive functionality and a well-implemented interface for connecting and controlling a remote computer. In its work it uses the secure protocols SSH, Telnet, Rlogin, SCP, SFTP and Raw, the connection itself is made through the Network, confirmed with a password and protected from interception. In the settings, you can switch between options, select remote connection options, port forwarding, and use hotkeys. The client has file manager, connects to Unix system, generates an RSA cipher algorithm and protects copied files from theft.

This client will help you access via the Internet to remotely control another computer and carry out high-speed data exchange between devices. EniDesk guarantees the high quality of the broadcast picture, has sound broadcast settings, settings for blocking the mouse and keyboard of the client machine, as well as passwords for auto-connection without prompting. The operation of the software is to establish a connection between two PCs by assigning email addresses.

An excellent application optimized for different versions of Windows for controlling a remote PC and broadcasting images. The utility allows you to easily connect to a local machine, configure access to it and synchronize with mobile devices. RemotePC has built-in administration options, extensive options for remote control, Remote Mouse and Remote Access add-ons. Support for proxy servers is available, hiding user IP addresses, convenient identification with a password and login, a single point for changing parameters. The program is convenient and understandable in management, despite the English-language menu.

Radmin controls the remote computer from the user's, providing fast and high-quality work without freezes and problems. It is considered one of the best in its category and justifies this title with its capabilities and performance. Work in the software consists in setting up remote access, transferring the necessary material and using the functionality simultaneously on both PCs. The user can use text and voice chats, exchange files and open access to the desktop. The only negative is only a month of free use.

A high-quality program that remotely controls other PCs using LAN and INTERNET computer networks. Helps set up the control panel on the connected computer, authorize Microsoft, or transfer files. The remote device is controlled using your mouse and keyboard, support for multiple monitors, viewing the screen of another PC through a browser using a Java viewer, and working through a proxy server.

A simple service for accessing and controlling a remote computer, managing the desktop and various device functions. Having received remote control computer, you can exchange information and files over a local network, open streaming media content, synchronize with android devices, edit office files, and more. In the Splashtop settings, you can adjust the screen resolution, “response” parameters and stream pictures. You need to start working in the software by creating an account or authorizing with a Google account.

The work of the program is to form a "client-server" chain that organizes the management of a third-party desktop. When remotely connected to the system of another PC, a high degree of encryption of the transmitted material is formed, thanks to which users can exchange files, conduct seminars, online presentations, and more. Supremo Remote Desktop has a file manager, supports a proxy server and allows you to make a huge number of connections, applying a separate password to each. The downside is the 21 day trial period and the lack of the "conference" option.

Some of you, after reading the title of the article, probably wondered: “Why do you need to control another computer over the internet?” It turns out that it is necessary, and first of all, for potential readers of my blog - pensioners and teapots.

Don't think that I want you to learn this in order to take control of your neighbor's computer, whose dog pisses you off with his constant barking and starts doing something incredible with him, terrifying him and his dog. Of course not. And without his knowledge, such management is unlikely to succeed. I will not intrigue you, I will move on to the topic.

Why you need to manage another computer via the Internet

Of course, first of all, in order for someone more experienced and versed in
computer technology, for example, your friend or relative living far away from you could, if necessary, help you solve your PC remotely.

Yes, even not necessarily a problem, but simply set up some kind of program or help to issue the same application for a passport via the Internet. Or another case: you've had enough advanced user and you need, while away, from your “travel” laptop to sometimes look at your home PC.

At least in order to print some kind of documentary, which is the only one there. Or for some other reason, you never know? This is where you need to manage others, that is, your home computer via the Internet.

Or take an enterprise that has its own local network. Imagine how a system administrator will have to run if you need to run a program somewhere or bring another PC out of a freeze. And if there are hundreds of computers and not just one, but in different buildings? You have to be a sprinter here. And then, after a while, you will erase your legs to one place. I hope I dispelled your doubts about the uselessness of this case?

How remote administration works

Of course, these are not hacker tricks and various trojans. Although the methods of programs used to remotely control a computer via the Internet are very similar. And they differ from viruses only in that they act openly and naturally, with the mutual consent of the owners of the PCs involved in this process.

They consist of two parts. The first is the server, the second is the client side. The server is installed on the computer that needs to be controlled, and the client part is installed on the one that the administrator uses. In this, remote administrators are very similar to Trojans. But the goals, as you know, they are completely different.

You can connect to the PC where this server is installed only by knowing its IP address, as well as the password, which must be set on it in order to prevent anyone from accessing it via the Internet. And then this very “anybody” will be able to work on your “brainchild” no worse than any Trojan.

Influence of the type of ip-address and problem solving

If you have a static IP address to access the Internet, then there will be no problems. But if it is static, but is part of the network of a house or district, and those, in turn, have a dynamic (that is, changing from time to time) address for accessing the Internet, then difficulties may already arise. Well, just if you are not a member of any network, but access the Internet at a dynamic address - the same problem.

But these problems are solvable. There are, for example, such special sites as or, where you can register, install an updater program and get a permanent address through them: True, these sites are in English, but if necessary, I'm sure you can find others in Russian too.

This is for information, but in general I would not bother with it. Currently, there are many ready-made programs that each time themselves all this technical work with the registration of the current address on their server, they take over and indicate at what address to look for your PC on the Internet.

But if there is a need for a static IP address (for example, I need it for a number of other reasons), then this can be done through your provider. For those who don't know, an ISP is an internet service provider. In our city in Bashinformsvyaz, today the connection costs 150 rubles, the monthly fee is 50 rubles. Agree not such a great amount even for pensioners.

Possibilities after remote connection

I will not talk about the amenities that appear after that. This was said at the very beginning when we figured out what it was for. And what are the specific opportunities directly related to management? Here are the main ones:

  • see the desktop, or rather a copy, of the remote PC on your screen;
  • intercept control at any time even with the keyboard, even with the mouse;
  • run any programs that are installed on the managed computer and install new ones as needed;
  • open and, if necessary, modify files;
  • transfer any files over the Internet in forward and reverse directions;

So, thanks to remote administration, we get full control of another computer via the Internet. Virtually unlimited control. Of course, this is with the full consent of its owner. Only for this you need a communication channel speed of at least 256 Kbps and special program.

Programs to control another computer via the Internet

For these purposes, there are enough programs, both paid and free. I will list the most common and of course free:

  • LogMeIn Hamachi

    Allows you to combine up to 16 PCs from different parts of the world into your own virtual network via the Internet. In addition to management, there are many other possibilities, up to the organization of network games;
  • Ultra VNC

    It can organize remote control even when all other programs are powerless, but for beginners the settings are very difficult, and there is no support for the Russian language; / li>
  • Ammyy

    Externally, the program is very much like Team Viewer. But its working principle is fundamentally different. It is tied to the PC hardware, and therefore it is enough to allow the program with this ID to the computer once and in the future it will be able to connect to it without any requests.
  • Team Viever

    First of all, this program is good because it does not care about your static or dynamic address. Working with it, without exaggeration, is a hundred times easier than with the native “Remote Assistance” of Windows. We only need to install the program on the PC that we are going to use in this process and create our account in the Team Viewer service.

Installing TeamViewer

There is nothing complicated here, but since my blog is designed primarily for pensioners and dummies, we will analyze in detail and focus on some of the nuances. In the first window, select "Install":

On this, I think, we can finish.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the PenserMan blog pages.

Often a situation arises when it is necessary to connect to a remote computer from a phone or PC in order to perform any actions there. This is a very useful feature if, for example, you need to transfer documents from home computer while you are at work. In today's article, we will tell you how to set up remote access for different versions of the Windows operating system.

There is far more than one way to connect to another computer. For these purposes, it can be used as an additional software, and refer only to the tools of the system. You will learn about both options and choose the one that is more to your liking.

The prerequisites for creating a connection to a computer at a distance are:

  • A password has been set on the PC to which they are connecting;
  • The computer must be turned on;
  • Both devices have current version network software;
  • Having a stable internet connection on two computers.

Remote Access on Windows XP

Remote control of a computer on Windows XP can be enabled using third-party software, as well as standard tools. The only important aspect is that the OS version should be only Professional. To set up access, you need to know the IP of the second device and the password, and you also need to set up both PCs in advance. Depending on which account you signed in with, your options will also be determined.

The desktop to which you want to connect must have remote management enabled and users whose accounts can be used must be selected.

Remote Access on Windows 7

In Windows 7, you must first configure both computer using « command line» and only then start setting up the connection. In fact, there is nothing complicated here, but the entire cooking process can be omitted if you use programs from third-party developers. On our website you can find and read detailed material in which remote administration on Windows 7 is considered in detail:

Just like with Windows XP, on the "Seven" must be selected Accounts through which you can connect
and access must be allowed.

Remote access on Windows 8 / 8.1 / 10

Connecting to a PC on Windows 8 and all subsequent OS versions is no more complicated than the above methods for older systems, even easier. Again, you are required to know the IP of the second computer and the password. The system has a pre-installed utility that will help the user quickly and easily set up a remote connection. Below we leave a link to a lesson in which you can study this process in detail:

As you can see, it is quite easy to manage a remote desktop on any version of Windows. We hope our articles have helped you understand this process. Otherwise, you can write questions in the comments and we will definitely answer them.

Good afternoon

In today's article, I would like to focus on remote control of a computer under Windows 7, 8, 8.1. In general, such a task can arise in a variety of circumstances: for example, to help relatives or friends set up a computer if they are poorly versed in it; organize remote assistance at a company (enterprise, department) so that you can quickly solve user problems or simply monitor them (so that they don’t play and go to “contacts” during working hours), etc.

You can remotely control a computer with dozens of programs (or maybe hundreds, such programs appear like “mushrooms after the rain”). In this article, we will focus on some of the best. So, let's begin…

Team Viewer

This is one of the best programs for remote PC control. Moreover, it has a number of advantages in relation to similar programs:

It is free for non-commercial use;

Allows you to share files;

Has a high degree of protection;

The computer will be controlled as if you were sitting at it yourself!

When installing the program, you can specify what you will do with it: install to manage this computer, or manage and allow you to connect. It is also necessary to indicate what will be the use of the program: commercial / non-commercial.

After installing and running Team Viewer, you can get started.

To connect to another computer need to:

Install and run utilities on both computers;

Enter the ID of the computer to which you want to connect (usually 9 digits);

Then enter the access password (4 digits).

If the data is entered correctly, you will see the "desktop" of the remote computer. Now you can work with it as if it were your "desktop".

The Team Viewer window is the desktop of the remote PC.


One of the best programs for administering computers on a local network and for providing assistance and support to users of this network. The program is paid, but there is a test period of 30 days. At this time, by the way, the program works without restrictions in any functions.

The principle of work in it is similar to Team Viewer. The Radmin program consists of two modules:

Radmin Viewer - a free module with which you can manage computers on which the server version of the module is installed (see below);

Radmin Server is a paid module that is installed on the PC that will be managed.

A mmyy Admin

A relatively new program (but about 40,000 people around the world have already met and started using it) for remote control of computers.

Main advantages:

Free for non-commercial use;

Easy setup and use even for novice users;

High degree of security of transmitted data;

Compatible with all popular OS Windows XP, 7, 8;

Works with installed Firewall, through proxy.

Remote computer connection window. Ammyy Admin

RMS - remote access

good and free program(for non-commercial use) for remote administration of a computer. Even novice PC users can use it.

Main advantages:

Firewalls, NAT, firewalls will no longer prevent you from connecting to a PC;

High speed of the program;

There is a version for Android (now you can control your computer from any phone).

A eroAdmin


Microsoft allows users to access a computer under Windows control 10 via phone. Remote connection to an office PC is a great opportunity to not only connect to a work computer at any time and from anywhere, but also to do whatever you want with it remotely. And without getting out of bed, sitting behind the wheel of a car or in a tent on the river bank.

There are several Android programs that allow you to control your computer from your smartphone via WiFi, Bluetooth, or any available internet connection. In this review, we have collected the best of them!

PC Remote

PC Remote has a lot of useful features. In addition to the usual keyboard and mouse, you can work with Powerpoint and Excel, control the camera and music. Application uses remote worker Windows table to share the contents of the system screen on your smartphone display. More than 25 console games are integrated into PC Remote and can be played using the touchpad. Supports different types of game consoles.

Possibly the most popular and reliable program for the job. There is also a desktop version, with which you can access from one computer to another. Has rich functionality. It is very easy to copy files from the gadget to the PC and vice versa. To connect your smartphone to your desktop using TeamViewer, use your existing user ID and password.

The setup is extremely simple, even a person who is poorly versed in computer technology can easily cope with all stages of installing and running the application. The download link is located at the top of the official TeamViewer page.

After the application is installed and launched, a window appears with a user ID and password for entering these data in the Android application. The user who controls the computer passes the ID and then the password to the person who wants to access the PC remotely.

After a couple of seconds, a virtual bridge will be created and the desktop interface will be displayed on the smartphone display. At this stage, you can move the cursor around the screen, select and open files, in a word, take full control of the computer at the other end.

Microsoft Remote Desktop

How could we forget the good old Microsoft Remote Desktop? At least Windows 10 users will obviously not have any compatibility issues, since the application is from the same company as the operating system.

Despite the fact that you do not need to install a client-server on your computer, you still need to perform some simple manipulations. On Windows 7 and 8, go to the "Control Panel", select the "System and Security" category, then "System". Here, in the panel located on the left, click on the line "Remote access settings".

Check the box "Allow remote assistance connections to this computer". You can set the "Only allow connections from computers running desktop with Network Level Authentication" setting, and you can create a list of users you share access with. In case of failures during a communication session, you can try disabling network level authentication.

Chrome Remote Desktop

Chrome Remote Desktop is an administration tool from Google. To control your Windows 10 computer from a distance, you will need an additional plug-in for Chrome browser and a Google account. One of the most interesting features of the utility is the presence of a flawlessly debugged screen sharing function.

Many consider Chrome Remote Desktop to be a very useful tool as it is quite practical and user friendly. You can use the application with a touchpad or mouse. To get started, you will need to log into your Google Crhome profile.

VNC Viewer

VNC Viewer is often used in commercial structures for remote work with various operating systems. Most IT Pros Working with Remote Desktop office computer using the phone, do it in the VNC Viewer.

Unified Remote

The Unified Remote communicates with the computer via Bluetooth or WiFi. Includes support for over 75 programs. Supports not only Windows, but also Linux and Mac. Essentially, Unified Remote turns your phone into Universal remote DU. Additional keyboards are supported, such as SwiftKey and Swipe. Can download free version with limited functionality or get access to all the features of the utility after a one-time payment.

Remote Link

Remote Link uses WiFi or Bluetooth to connect to a computer. It has a lot of additional features. For example, Joystick Mode allows you to use your phone as a joystick for games, you can restart your computer with one button or turn it off completely. For beginners, the application may seem quite complicated, so it is recommended to choose it for more experienced users.

Splashtop 2

Splashtop 2 - high-performance program has a number of advantages, including a high degree of protection. Great for games, especially racing simulations. Splashtop 2 is also popular among IT professionals. Administrators and software customizers often use it to access client machines. A free trial is available, but a paid version is recommended.

Another great development, especially if you want to treat yourself to desktop games on your device. DroidMote supports Android, Linux and Windows. The program is very friendly to gamers. Compatible with Android TV. This system has already been appreciated by professional gamers. Although it is not as good for ordinary manipulations, there are better options.

Activated via WiFi. In this case, the computer and phone must be connected to the same access point or router. Connection may require a QR code or Pin. For the correct functioning of the work, you will need to install Java. Users claim that KiwiMote has the most sensitive gamepad and mouse. You can even control Media Player and print text from your phone.
