How to find a fan in a laptop. How to disassemble and clean the cooler on a laptop

laptop cooler cleaning

Any appliance that is in your home needs periodic maintenance. Your laptop, from which you are reading this article, also does not mind being cleaned. Cleaning a laptop cooler is a task that is both simple and responsible at the same time. Today we will tell you how to clean the fans inside the laptop, delve a little into the theory, during the study of which we will consider various cooling systems for computer components, and in the end we will give a couple of tips on how best to take care of your assistant.

In the IBM PC AT computer, released in 1984, cooling was practically not required, since it almost did not heat up and, accordingly, did not require forced heat removal. In modern computers, almost all components require forced cooling: the central processor, power supply, video card, etc. And this has become an inevitable price for ever-increasing gigabytes and gigahertz. Therefore, in modern computer technology, the responsibility for maintaining the proper temperature in the system unit or laptop case has shifted from the environment to complex cooling systems.

Now let's take a closer look at each type of cooling system, paying attention to their advantages or disadvantages. This approach will help you choose the best "refrigerator" for your computer in the future.

All computer cooling systems can be divided into passive and active.

Passive cooling systems


Passive cooling systems hold the palm in the evolution of cooling equipment for computer equipment. They owe their name to the absence of moving mechanisms, and they also lack any power sources.

A conventional radiator is the most common representative of a passive cooling system. The principle of its operation is based on the principles of heat exchange with the environment due to the natural convection of air flows. The main factors in the efficiency of any radiator are its surface area and material of manufacture.

The larger the surface area of ​​the radiator, the more heat it can dissipate. With a further increase in the operating temperature of computer components, it was necessary to increase the areas of radiators, which in turn led to the appearance of wave-like shapes of radiator fins, they began to acquire a large number of tiers, etc.

The first radiators were made of a fairly cheap and easy to process material - aluminum. But in the future, with an increase in the operating temperatures of the PC, the dissipating power of aluminum became insufficient. Therefore, it was replaced by a more expensive, but at the same time with better characteristics, material - copper. At first, only cores in radiators were made of copper, later they began to make radiators completely from it.

There are, of course, materials with greater thermal conductivity than copper, but such "refrigerators" are no longer intended for the average computer user.

Later, heat pipes began to be used in PCs. The heat sink tube is a closed metal tube (usually made of the same copper) from which air is evacuated. Inside, such a tube contains a certain amount of liquid, and a special capillary system is located in it. The liquid, starting to evaporate on the hot section of the tube, instantly transfers heat, distributing it evenly over the entire length of the tube. Then this liquid is collected in the condensate already in the cold area and returns to its original liquid state.

Radiator cleaning

Such heat pipes are many times more efficient than metal rods of the same diameter. But such tubes are not used for direct cooling. They are used exclusively when removing heat from a heated component to a colder part of the computer, where it is possible to install a massive radiator that will dissipate the heat brought by the tube.

But modern computers cannot be cooled solely by passive systems. Therefore, they are used alone only in the least hot places of the PC. In other cases, an active cooling system is used.

Active cooling systems

Active cooling systems, in turn, are divided into several subspecies. And the first of them is air cooling systems. The essence of this method is known to everyone: it is necessary to properly organize the air flow inside the PC case in such a way that hot air is vented outside the system unit. To achieve this goal, several fans are usually installed inside, with the help of which air is circulated from the front wall of the case to the back.

The effectiveness of any air cooling depends on the intensity of the air flow. The higher the flow rate, the faster the hot air will be removed from the heated computer components. To increase the efficiency of blowing, one or more of the following methods are often used:

  1. increase in the number of coolers;
  2. installation of fans of large diameters;
  3. increase in the speed of rotation of the cooler impeller;
  4. development of more efficient air movement patterns inside the PC case;

Air cooling systems, despite a number of shortcomings, are by far the most affordable and popular way to cool computers. And first of all, this is due to the rather low cost of fans and the simplicity of their maintenance.

Liquid cooling systems

Liquid systems marked with their appearance a new stage in the development of PC cooling systems. The liquid began to be used to "extinguish" the hottest spots in the system unit. The liquid in such systems is either ordinary distilled water with the addition of alcohol, or antifreeze. Some extreme cooling systems are filled with liquid nitrogen.

cooling systems are filled with liquid nitrogen

The liquid cooling system can be conditionally divided into three technical units: heat exchanger, radiator and pump. All nodes are interconnected by means of tubes in one closed circuit. The water block (heat exchanger) is engaged in the transfer of heat from a heated element to a fluid flow. The pump circulates this fluid. The radiator serves to cool the liquid. Then the process is repeated in a circle. In addition, liquid cooling systems based on the principles of evaporation are produced.

Any fluid system is characterized by two key factors: the rate of fluid circulation and the efficiency of the cooling radiator (depending mainly on the size and material of manufacture). Liquid cooling systems today are sold either already integrated into the system unit, or as separate components designed for self-installation.

Below is a video clip about cleaning a laptop cooler:

Thermoelectric cooling systems

The thermoelectric effect was discovered by the Frenchman Jean Pelletier, which is why it bears his name. The essence of this effect is the ability of semiconductor compounds to change the temperature during the passage of currents through them, depending on the direction.

The modern Peltier system consists of a pair of plates that are in contact with a semiconductor system. Currents of a certain polarity during the passage of semiconductor junctions create an effect in which the first plate is cooled and is a radiator, and the second plate is heated, so it is used to remove heat. A high-quality single-stage Peltier system is capable of providing a temperature difference on the plates of up to 70 degrees.

An increase in the effect is achieved by using cascades of Peltier plates. The advantages of such a cooling system include high efficiency, compact dimensions of modules, no moving components, no noise, ease of achieving precise temperature settings. The disadvantages of the cooling system based on Peltier plates include high cost, mandatory connection with additional cooling systems.

Also, a significant drawback of this system is the rapid overheating of a computer part when the system elements fail. In addition, this cooling system has a high power consumption and the likelihood of the formation of condensates that are dangerous for electronic components.

After the theoretical part, we can move on, so to speak, to practice and, using a good example, we will step by step consider how the laptop cooler is cleaned.

During operation, a certain amount of dust gradually accumulates inside the laptop, which leads to a decrease in the cooling efficiency of the system. And this can lead, in turn, to overheating of its components and even the failure of the laptop. The frequency of cleaning a laptop depends primarily on the conditions of its operation. But even if you use your laptop exclusively in a perfectly clean apartment, after a year and a half it will not hurt you to clean the cooler from accumulated dust.

Cleaning a laptop from dust - disassembly

At the very beginning, you should disassemble your laptop. Here you need to remember about the guarantee. If your device has not yet ended the warranty period, then in this case you should not break the seals so as not to lose it. Typically, laptops are guaranteed for 1 year, in rare cases up to two years, so before this period you should not climb inside the laptop.

So, remove the cover of the laptop. You can use a regular screwdriver, as shown in the photo:

Opening the back cover of the laptop

The main thing for you is not to forget about the retaining latches. Almost all laptops have similar latches today. Therefore, do not break out the cover, it will still come in handy. Carefully inspect what and where it holds, and then carefully snap off all the latches.

Radiators with fans attached to them are usually located in the hottest spots of the laptop. The greater the power of the heating elements, the more powerful the coolers will be installed on them. It may happen that even their replacement is needed, but we will talk about this later. Now pay attention to the amount of dust in the cooler. After admiring this wonderful sight, you can start removing the cooler using the same screwdriver.

Unscrew the cooler

Having removed it, the actual cleaning of the cooler begins. Clean the laptop from dust with a special brush or napkins.

By the way, I forgot to say that the first sign of cooler pollution is increased noise from its operation. After cleaning the blades of the cooler, it would not hurt to lubricate it, as shown in the photo below. There is a special oil for sale for this purpose, but if you haven’t found one, you can use the usual car oil.

We clean everything from dust

It should end up like this

Replacing thermal paste in a laptop

After you have cleaned the cooling system in your laptop, it would be a good idea to replace the thermal paste, with which the heatsink adheres to the chip more securely. In addition, thermal paste enhances the transfer of heat from the chip to the cooling system. In the very replacement of thermal paste, you should have absolutely no difficulty. First you need to remove the remnants of the dried thermal paste from the laptop chips. You can do this operation with an ordinary dry cloth. I emphasize - dry.

Lubricate the cooler with thermal paste

After that, apply a layer of new thermal paste evenly on the surface of the processor and install the cooling system that you have already cleaned on the chip back. All operations now you need to perform in reverse order.

Choosing a good laptop cooler

You have successfully cleaned the laptop fan. But what if that didn't help, and it continues to make noise like before, and the laptop overheats? In this case, you need to replace the cooler. Let me give you some recommendations for choosing a new cooler.

Installing everything the way it was.

  • Firstly, it must be bearing, with a power of two to three thousand revolutions.
  • Secondly, it must have a low noise level, no more than 35 dBA when operating at full load.
  • And, thirdly, the cooler must have a convenient speed controller. If you are planning to produce the entire cooling system as a whole, then we advise you to look at models with copper radiators. You should not save too much on the cooling system, because the durability of all other components of the system depends on its operation.

The laptop has firmly entered our lives. It allows you to browse the Internet while lying on the couch, watch a movie on the train, other transport and provides a person with a lot of various advantages. Many people get very used to this gadget, so they get upset when there are any problems with it. One of these troubles is a fan in a laptop “clogged” with dust and dirt.

With the need to clean the fan or, as it is also called the cooler, sooner or later every owner faces. In this case, the gadget simply ceases to cope with its duties. The processor gets very hot, and the laptop itself “slows down” a lot. If the cooler is properly cleaned, then the temperature of the processor and other devices decreases by about 20 degrees. This has a very positive effect on the functioning of equipment and its durability.

Frequency of cleaning the device

Experts recommend cleaning your gadget regularly, even in the absence of heat and other signs indicating a clogged fan. The rate of clogging of the cooling system in a laptop depends on the model, namely on the location of the system itself. Leading brands pay a lot of attention to this issue, so high-quality and expensive gadgets can do without such a procedure for a long time. So, the products of Samsung, Acer, Asus, Lenovo companies need to be cleaned every year. Notebooks SONY Vaio, and more expensive models HP, Asus can be cleaned every two years. Apple appliances can go without cleaning for more than 4 years.

In addition to the location of the cooling system, the operating conditions of the device are of great importance. If the laptop is in a dusty room, then the cooler will clog much faster, if in a clean room - much longer.

There is a certain list of factors that lead to the fact that the fan clogs faster:

  • smoking while working on a laptop,
  • repairs in the apartment, accompanied by "dusty" work;
  • the location of the room, office near a busy road;
  • the presence of pets in the room.

Easy laptop cleaning

There are several signs when a fan in a laptop needs to be cleaned. This includes overheating of the gadget after a short operation, the noise that the cooler creates, or software failures of the laptop.

Very often, to eliminate these phenomena, it is quite enough to clean the dust in the most elementary way. To perform the simplest cleaning of the gadget, you need to find a hole through which warm air is removed during the operation of the device. It is very simple to do this: often it is made in the form of a lattice, which is located in the side of the case (usually on the left). Also, there are models where this hole is located at the back.

Further, a hair dryer or a blown vacuum cleaner is brought to this hole. Sometimes you can effectively clean the fan without technique: you can bring the hole to your mouth and blow air sharply into it. The effectiveness of the result can be estimated by the volume of the cloud that is knocked out of the hole. This method can keep the fan running for several months. However, this method is unlikely to help if the cooler has not been cleaned for a long time.

An important advantage of this method is the absence of the need to remove the back cover, which is very important if the laptop is still under warranty.

General cleaning of the laptop

If the method described above did not give a result - it was not possible to effectively clean the cooler, you need to resort to a more radical solution. General cleaning of the gadget is a rather complicated process that must be carried out in a certain sequence. First you need to carefully study the instructions that will help determine the location of the devices.

For general cleaning, the following list of tools and materials will be required:

  • a special blowing vacuum cleaner (a model used to clean car interiors is suitable);
  • screwdriver "cross";
  • rag;
  • engine oil to lubricate the fan.

If you have these items, you can proceed to disassemble the laptop. This process includes the following steps:

  • Removing the laptop battery:
  • removal of the back panel;
  • removing the hard drive;
  • removing the drive;
  • detaching and then removing the keyboard;
  • complete disconnection of the display cables;
  • removing the display.

Video: laptop maintenance - how to disassemble and clean

Thus, the cooler and the entire cooling system remains in sight. To clean the fan and other elements of the system, including copper connecting tubes, you can use cotton swabs, after which you need to “walk” through the elements with a can of compressed air or a special vacuum cleaner. In this case, you need to be as careful as possible. Radiator tubes and fins are fairly easy to damage. To make the cooler work better in the future, you can additionally lubricate it with special thermal paste.

If your laptop has been acting strange lately, making strange noises like a jet plane, it's worth cleaning it. No, this is not about cleaning the desktop and removing unnecessary programs, but about cleaning with a rag and.

Many do not even realize how much dust is collected inside the laptop. Accumulated over the years, it is especially dangerous: every day in the life of your device can be the last!

To make sure that this procedure is necessary, put your palm on the back panel: if it gets very hot, then the radiators are clogged with dust: the processor cannot cool enough. As a result, the device works tight and slow, which can soon lead to a breakdown.

Experts advise cleaning at least once a year. Such a procedure is done for money in service centers, but you can do it yourself, but you need to know important features so as not to break the device. But how to clean a laptop from dust yourself?

How to clean a laptop from dust and not damage it?

Look at the back of your grill device. At the bottom there are holes for air supply to the fan blades to the processor and video card to cool them.

On the side you will also see a hole for the exit of heated air. Turning on the vacuum cleaner, work out exactly these places: they tend to accumulate the most dirt.

Cleaning the ventilation outlet is also carried out when the computer is turned off. Put it on the table like a book, open.

Remove the nozzle from the vacuum cleaner and, when turned on, bring the pipe to the air outlet grill for a couple of minutes.

Blow out the vent with compressed air

It is most convenient to clean the ventilation inlet with an air canister: they are on sale, both in computer equipment stores and in construction ones. Such cartridges are equipped with a spout that must be inserted into the grate and launched.

Since the air is under pressure, it activates the rotation of the fan blades, blowing off the dust. To turn the device over and blow out the debris between the keys with the same can of air.

General cleaning under the case: we disassemble the laptop

You should disassemble the laptop when preventive external cleaning has not been carried out for several years.

You can unwind the case if the warranty period has expired. If the warranty is valid, contact the service center.

Prepare the following tools:

  • a screwdriver for unscrewing the screws of the back cover;
  • compressed air bottle;
  • clean table for work;
  • antistatic gloves.

Actions are performed strictly step by step!

  1. Turn off your device. Disconnect the existing wired connections (charger), remove the battery (if your model has it).
  2. Loosen the screws on the back cover. Some models are hard to find. The manufacturer hides them in rubber legs, under stickers, on the sides of the case.
  3. Remove the cover. She can move, but not be removed. If something is in the way, make sure you have removed all the bolts.
  4. Determine the location of the cooler and radiator. The cooler looks like a fan and is placed in a box, and the radiator is in a lattice box.
  5. Spray these 2 devices. Microchips can also be carefully processed.

The radiator has a problematic place - these are the ribs. Over time, they get clogged with a lot of dust. To clean them, you can use a thin brush or needle. It is important to work out all the places. Cotton swabs can also help in cleaning the fan - they will help remove dense dirt.

Do not touch the motherboard! It is only allowed to blow off dust with air or vacuum it, without touching its surface!

Some users use the entire household arsenal to clean the computer and the motherboard. Rags, sticks, brushes are used. What does it threaten? If even microscopic pieces of material get in, a short circuit is possible. A brush can ruin the tracks of microcircuits.

When working with a vacuum cleaner, you must maintain a safe distance so as not to hook or damage fragile parts. You need to act very carefully!

Some laptop models have detachable fans. Thus, cleaning can be carried out more thoroughly. Pass both the blades and the places near them. Ventilation windows can also be clogged with dust.

After checking all possible places for debris, dirt, you can start assembling all the parts. It is necessary to collect all the details, not forgetting the small elements. Upon completion of the assembly, the device can be turned on and checked for operation.

Listen to the sound: it should be quiet and pleasant. With prolonged use, there should no longer be overheating.

If the overheating problem persists, contact a specialist for advice!

Cleaning should be done periodically. External purity does not indicate the same internal state. If the procedure is not performed, not only the processor may overheat, but also the video chip, bridge chips.

Elements around the main parts may fail. A short circuit may occur. A nuisance as small as dust can lead to significant problems, and their solution is costly. The problem is better to prevent!

How often should you clean your laptop?

The frequency of cleaning depends on how the device is used. If the laptop is on the table, it is enough to clean it once every six months.

If the laptop moves around the room, is used not only on the table (on the floor, bed,), then this is done more often with the case disassembled and once every three months.

For such an attitude, the technician will be grateful to you: the cooling process will be of high quality, and overheating will not be able to damage delicate circuits and wiring.

Reader Bonus: Laptop Rules to Prevent Contamination

To keep the inside of your computer free of clogs and less frequent cleaning, simple rules must be followed.

  1. It is better to use special devices to protect the device, for example, USB coolers: they can be used as a stand. It is especially convenient if you put a laptop on it while working at the table. In this way, overheating can be avoided, since a significant space is created for ventilation.
  2. To work in a chair, on the bed, use special tables. It prevents the ingress of dust from soft blankets and furniture upholstery. In addition, it is more convenient to work with him.
  3. You should try not to eat while working with the device, and even more so to drink. Many breakdowns, often irreparable, just because of the food. Try to make sure that other family members, especially children, are also not near him during meals.
  4. Monitor how often you use your computer: turn it on only when necessary, and put it into sleep mode after work. This is a compact device that needs to be handled with care, as all the miniature parts that fit in it have a shorter life than the parts of a conventional personal computer.

Careful attitude and prevention make it possible for the equipment to work for a long time. Little tricks, rules, accuracy in work will allow you to take care of the equipment yourself and not spend money on trips to specialists.

One of the advantages of the laptop is the silence during its operation. Usually, the cooling system of laptop computers makes almost no noise. And if in your case this is not the case, you need to carry out preventive maintenance - clean the radiator and fan from accumulated dust. This is not a very simple procedure, so you should carefully study this article before getting down to business. If you do everything carefully and slowly, nothing terrible will happen, and the result will not keep you waiting - the noise from the fan will disappear, and performance will increase.

So, when and how often is the laptop cooling system cleaned? Despite numerous recommendations to do this once a year, you should not rush to unscrew the numerous screws and snap off the thin fasteners on the case. Before you start cleaning your laptop from dust, you should make sure that it is dust that is causing the system to become unstable.

First you need to "load" the system: run a "heavy", resource-intensive application - for example, a game. Or run a stress test with a computer testing program. At the same time, the processor will start to heat up more strongly, and the fan will spin more actively in order to “drive away” hot air from the radiator faster. In the case of using the utility to test the system, the current temperature of the processor will be displayed on the laptop screen. Too high temperatures indicate that the fan does not have time to remove hot air from the radiator, thereby preventing it from cooling and cooling the processor itself. Most often this happens because the radiator is clogged with dust. There is also dust on the blades of the cooler itself.

In this case, indeed, it is necessary to clean the laptop cooler and additional procedures described at the end of the article. In all other cases, you need to determine the cause of the unstable operation of the computer.


It is impossible to clean the cooling system of any computer without disassembling it. In the case of a laptop, the situation is aggravated by the fact that it is much more difficult to disassemble than a desktop computer - a large number of screws and thin plastic hooks firmly hold the parts of the case together and easily break when it is disassembled.

To begin with, we turn the laptop upside down and look at the exact description of the model. Then, we find a description on the Internet, preferably with photos or videos, exactly how your laptop model is disassembled. Where are the screws, how many are there? How are the fasteners released? Having decided on the answers to these questions, you can begin to prepare the workplace.

Yes exactly! It's a shame to lose a couple of screws or break the plastic fastening tabs. Therefore, the workplace should be a flat, bright surface. Sometimes, cleaning the laptop cooling system and just any disassembly of small equipment is done on an old white sheet. Funny? On the other hand, on a light background, any, even the smallest, but usually black, screws are easily visible. And it is much more difficult for a screw to roll on the surface of a fabric than on a polished dark surface of a desk. So, think and try to foresee various, not entirely pleasant situations in advance.

In addition to a light and even surface, a small flat box is needed to organize the workplace, in which we will put the unscrewed screws, and there will be a lot of them. For example, some hp laptop cases contain about 26 screws! And they are all different sizes. Accordingly, we need Phillips screwdrivers and also a tube of thermal paste.


Right now it is important to do everything slowly and soberly. We unscrew all the screws from the laptop case one by one, in accordance with the diagram found on the Internet. At the same time, do not forget where the large and long screws are screwed in, and where the short ones are. It is important! Having confused, during reassembly, you can break the laptop case or an element on the motherboard with a longer screw. After making sure that everything that needs to be unscrewed, you can begin to snap off the housing pins. It is best to do this with a plastic card or a special tool - plastic mounts for repairing portable equipment.

If necessary, gently unplug the keyboard and touchpad cables. In some laptop models, for example, Asus or Lenovo, in order to gain access to the cooling system, just unscrew the screws and remove part of the bottom cover. In other models, in order to clean the laptop from dust at home, it needs to be completely disassembled.

Having carefully disassembled the laptop and gained access to the cooler and radiator, you need to carefully dismantle them and remove dust everywhere. Usually, heatsinks are attached to the motherboard with spring-loaded bolts marked with numbers. Unscrew the bolts in strict accordance with the numbers.


So, you can clean it in the following ways:

  • blow with compressed air from a special can;
  • remove dust with a brush;
  • clean with a toothpick.

In general, that's all - after you have cleaned the fan and completely removed debris from the cooling radiator, you can start assembling the laptop. But there are a few more important procedures that were mentioned at the beginning of the article.

First, if you have diagnosed serious laptop cooling problems, you should check if the heatsink is intact. To do this, we take it in hand. In general, a laptop cooling system radiator consists of two plates connected to each other by a bus and directly to the cooling fins. So, this design, holding the plates with one hand, must be placed with its other end under a stream of hot water from the tap. If the hand immediately became hot, then everything is in order. If not, you need to look for exactly the same piece of hardware for your laptop model. True, cracks in the cooling tires are a fairly rare occurrence.

Secondly, for better cooling, the radiator pad should also be replaced. If you have successfully dismantled the heatsink, you will notice traces of paste on the two chips placed on the motherboard. Residues must be removed with a plastic card, and then a fresh thin layer of thermally conductive paste should be applied using the same card.

The final

Next, we install a dust-free system of pads and cooling fins on the board and fasten it with screws. Next, we assemble the case of your asus or acer and tighten absolutely all the screws. Attention - do not confuse the sizes, otherwise you can break the screw wells or elements on the board! Carefully insert the cables, referring to the instructions for assembling and disassembling your model.

If everything was done correctly, then the work of the laptop will pleasantly surprise you.

Laptop owners are faced with situations where the device starts to freeze or simply turns off after a while, especially when watching videos or spending time in online games. The cause of this problem may be that the cooler is clogged with dust or something else (for example, pet hair). In such a situation, it is necessary to clean the cooling system of the laptop. And how to do it, we will consider below. And if you need to clean your computer, then you can read about it.

What causes a laptop to overheat

So, the first symptoms that the laptop is clogged may look like this:

  • Strong noise during operation, even if light loads,
  • Computer heats up quickly
  • The laptop suddenly turns off after a short time of work, for no apparent reason,
  • The cooler does not rotate.

If the cooling system does not work well, then the graphics card, processor and laptop chipset may overheat. Moreover, it is quite possible that one of these devices may fail in the near future. If you just decide to upgrade your laptop with a new faster processor, then you will learn how to choose the right one in this. In order to avoid this, you need to clean the cooler as soon as possible. You can do this by contacting service centers for help or on your own. In the latter case, you should be careful not to harm the entire system.

Tip: to reduce the temperature of the processor and video card, you can change the thermal paste.

How to clean your laptop

In order to do the procedure, you will need a screwdriver (remove the cover from the laptop and fan), system lubricant, and a wet wipe. If possible, you can prepare a can of compressed air. This will help blow dust out of the fan better.

It should be noted that cleaning the cooler of an acer laptop will differ from the procedure with a device from another manufacturer in that each model has its own characteristics when disassembling a laptop. We will try to describe the main points. When disassembling a laptop, it is important that the plug from the power supply is disconnected. Next, you need to remove the cover. We do this as carefully as possible, and make sure that all the bolts are unscrewed. Some of them can be masked with plastic plugs, we put them aside. In addition, special latches can hold the lid, the handling of which also requires care.

After that, you need to remove the fan directly, regardless of whether you are cleaning the cooler of an hp laptop or another laptop model. Next, you will need to remove the impeller. Its blades are cleaned with a napkin. In addition, a small amount of lubricant is applied to them. It is important that it is not very liquid.

In addition, you will need to remove dust from the radiator. For this, both small brushes and napkins are used. You may also need a can of compressed air. Some users use a blown vacuum cleaner for this purpose, however, in this case, you need to be extremely careful, as neighboring parts can be damaged. After all, we put in place the parts, the battery, the cover. Now such a procedure as cleaning the cooler of an asus laptop or another model can be considered complete.

As you can see, the procedure for cleaning the cooling system of a laptop computer is not so complicated. The main difficulty is to get to the fan without damaging other parts, and after the procedure is completed, correctly install everything in place. It should be noted that if your laptop is still under warranty, then it is better not to take risks and entrust these manipulations to a service center. If a problem arises, then you can always try to solve it yourself. By the way, you can avoid overheating of the system using special coolants.
