How to disable the touchpad on a laptop? - There is nothing simpler. How to disable the touchpad on an Asus laptop Locking the touchpad on a laptop

It will certainly be useful for users of laptop computers to know how to disable the touchpad on a laptop, because there are times when this useful device slightly interferes with work and it is advisable to deactivate it for a while.

Touchpad- This touchscreen device for cursor control was specially created by Synaptics to replace the computer mouse in laptops.

It looks like a rectangular, or less often square, touch panel that senses finger touch to emulate the operation of a mouse.

The touchpad microcontroller is the same one that is responsible for the operation of all connected peripherals - the south bridge. Therefore, if the operating system is reinstalled, it is perceived as a standard HID device, which eliminates the need to install drivers.

For decades, this technology has remained unchanged and, to some extent, even convenient. Surprisingly, some users have become so accustomed to the touchpad that they do not even feel any discomfort, and control it no worse than with a mouse.

Most users still use the touchpad only in rare cases when it is not possible to connect peripherals or in cramped conditions.

It happens that while working at the laptop keyboard, users often encounter the fact that accidental clicks on the touchpad knock the cursor off, which is wildly inconvenient - in such cases, it is useful to know how to disable the touchpad on a laptop with Windows 10 and other versions of the operating system.

Therefore, we have collected several methods that will help you temporarily deactivate the touch panel.

Attention: If you don't have a mouse nearby, do not try to disable the touchpad using one of the methods below, as you must use the cursor to enable it. Therefore, we strongly recommend connecting the mouse before manipulating the touchpad.

Disabling with a key combination

Laptop manufacturers use special key combinations to control additional options.

Key combination on an ASUS laptop

As a rule, you can disable the touchpad on a laptop using the combination of pressing “Fn + F9”.

However, the key combination may vary, and instead of F9, any function button (F1-F12) is used, but it must have an image of the touch panel (less often crossed out). By the way, pressing it again activates the operation of this device.

For example, to disable the touchpad on a Lenovo laptop, you need to use the combination “ Fn+F8" or " Fn+F5". The touchpad on an ASUS laptop is disabled using a different combination - “ Fn+F9" or " Fn+F7“, and you can disable the touchpad on an HP laptop with a separate button.

As you can see, the touchpad control settings are individual and vary from model to model.

Additional keyboard shortcuts on various laptop models:

  • Acer: Fn+F7
  • Dell Inspiron: Fn+F5 or Fn+F7
  • Sony VAIO: Fn + F1
  • Samsung: Fn+F5
  • Toshiba: Fn+F5

Deactivation with a separate button

On some Acer, HP and Lenovo laptop models, the touch panel control button is located separately. Just click on it to deactivate or activate the device.

Button on an HP laptop

In gaming laptops, the touchpad control key is additionally backlit for user convenience.

A separate button in an Acer gaming laptop

Disabling the program

In most cases, Windows comes with a touchpad control program from the manufacturer Synaptics. The software also includes the correct driver and they work together.

The installed Synaptics software can be identified in the tray - this is a panel in the lower right corner near the clock - there you can see the touchpad icon. When you right-click, you can call up the program settings, among which there is an option to disable it - just activate it.

Setting up your Synaptics touchpad

If there is no tray icon, you can access the touchpad settings through the settings in the Control Panel.

On Windows 10 you need to go to Start > Settings > Devices, where the peripherals menu will open. There we select the item "Touchpad" and press the button "Extra options", after which the properties of the touch panel will open, where you can already manage its settings.

Setting up in Windows 10

On Windows 8.1 this option is located at a different location: Start > Computer Settings > Computer and Devices > Mouse and Touchpad.

Settings in Windows 8.1

In Windows 7 and Vista, access to these settings is located in the following path: Start > Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Mouse. Yes, in these operating systems the touchpad is included in the mouse settings, and if the touchpad driver is installed, a separate tab with settings will appear where you can disable the device.

Control Panel in Windows 7

Disabling via Task Manager

There is a way to forcefully disable the Synaptics software, which is responsible for the operation of the touchpad. The method is simple and the same for all versions of Windows.

Just press a key combination on your keyboard Ctrl + Shift + Esc and “Task Manager” will appear. Next, you need to manually find a program called "Synaptics" or "ETD control center" (on ASUS laptops) in a long list - there is no search, so you will have to find it manually.

Disable via Task Manager

ASUS laptops use ETD Control Center software

After finding, select the process with the mouse cursor and click to the “End process” button in the lower right corner of the window. After this, the touchpad will stop working until the laptop is rebooted.

If you need a reliable way to deactivate the touchscreen, then disabling it through the “Device Manager” will be very useful.

However, this method is suitable for more experienced users, since accidentally changing the settings of other hardware can lead to unstable operation of the entire system as a whole - be careful not to disable anything unnecessary.

There are two ways to get to Device Manager.

The first way is through the option "Run": press key combination "Win + R" and in the window that opens, enter the command "devmgmt.msc"(without quotes).

Run window with the command “devmgmt.msc” entered

The second way is through a keyboard shortcut "Win + Pause / Break", where in the menu that opens "System" choose "Device Manager"

Calling "Device Manager" through "System"

In the "Device Manager" you need to find the item "Mice and other pointers". In the list that opens will appear "HID compliant mouse"– disable, agreeing with the warning.

Disabling via Device Manager

In some cases the touchpad will continue to work even after being turned off, but then "HID-compatible mice" Usually there are 2 or more - so it is necessary to switch between them, turning off each one in turn, until the result is achieved.

This method is reversible; if you need to turn the touchpad back on, right-click on the deactivated device and simply turn it on.

Turn it back on

Disabling via BIOS

It is also important that disabling through the BIOS is the most reliable method of deactivation. The fact is that the BIOS is directly connected to all hardware parts of the computer, in particular to the south bridge, which is responsible for controlling connected peripherals.

Important! You should not enter the BIOS if you don’t understand why it is needed and how it works. Careless behavior and disabling important options can affect the loading of the operating system and the failure of individual computer components.

If you are determined to use this method, then read carefully.

First, turn off your laptop completely. Then turn it on again and after the POST logo appears, quickly press the “F2” or “F10” or “F12” or “Delete” key. It may not work out the first time, since there is little time to choose, and different buttons are responsible for entering the BIOS for different laptop models.

Disabling Internal Pointing Device in BIOS

If the login was successful, then use the keyboard to go to the tab "Advanced"(confirm the input with the “Enter” key), and then select "System Properties". Next, depending on the laptop model, the function will be displayed "Keyboard/Mouse features" or "Device Options"- go there.

Find the line that says like "Internal Pointing Device"– press “Enter” and in the window that appears, select the item "Disable"– this option will disable the touchpad.

You can exit the BIOS using the button "Esc": Exit to the main menu, then use the arrows to go to the menu "Save & Exit", select item "Save Changes and Exit" and confirm exit with the button "Yes".

Exit the BIOS, saving the selected settings

If the item you are looking for is not found, do not worry - not all laptop models support the function of disabling the touch panel. We have another way to disconnect.

Disabling using third-party programs

There are a number of small utilities that forcefully block the operation of the touch panel. They were created just in case the methods described above did not help you or are not suitable.

We recommend a universal utility - TouchPad Blocker. This small free program has a wide range of useful functions for working with the touchpad: autoloading when the operating system starts, disabling the pointer for a while, disabling multi-touch and scrolling, as well as your choice of key combinations to turn it on and off.

The program does not distract during operation and is located in the tray, but can be called by right-clicking. You can download it at this address.

TouchPad Blocker Settings

Program functions and settings:

Automatically run on startup– automatic start of the program upon login. Check the box so that the program starts working immediately after Windows starts.
Show system tray notification– option to enable or disable notifications in the system tray.

Block accidental taps and clicks– blocking accidental clicks, in other words, turning off the panel when entering text on the keyboard. When you select this item, a drop-down menu becomes available in which you must specify the time for which the touchpad turns off after pressing any key.

For example, if you set it to 3 seconds, then during this time the touchpad will not respond to your actions.

Also block move and wheel event– blocking page scrolling if it is present on the touchpad.
Beep when click is blocked– sound notification when the touchpad is locked.
Turn blocker On and Off– setting up hot keys to turn on/off the program.

Located in the laptop case. If you use the latter on the road, the touchpad is indispensable, but when the laptop is in the office or at home on the table, the sensor rather interferes with work than contributes to it. It's all about its location in front of the keyboard: the user grabs the panel with his hand, the cursor “jumps” across the display or even transfers it to another page. If the problem is familiar, it's time to find out how to disable the touchpad on .

Disabling the touchpad on a laptop: theory and practice

When choosing the optimal method for deactivating the panel, it is worth considering the model and brand of the laptop itself. There is no universal way to turn off the touchpad on a laptop. But out of the 6 proposed manuals, 100% of them will be suitable. All that remains is to find it and implement it point by point.

Using the keyboard

Most modern laptops have, among other keys, 2 buttons, the main purpose of pressing them simultaneously is to control the operation of the touch panel. This:

  • Fn – located in the lower area of ​​the keyboard, on the left;
  • a button with a crossed out touchpad - often located at the top, in row F1-12.

By clicking these two keys at the same time, you can turn off/on the laptop’s touchpad.

It is unrealistic to consider all possible combinations of buttons for all existing laptops in the article. But it makes sense to indicate the most common hotkeys for the most popular manufacturers. Perhaps among them there will be one suitable for the reader.

It's even easier with an HP laptop. Most devices do not have a special button on the keyboard, but there is a sensitive spot in the upper left corner of the panel. This is the “key”. You need to double tap on this “point” and the sensor will stop working. If the number does not go through, you can check one more option: just hold your finger on the indicated place for a few seconds.

Similar combinations of buttons can be clicked on laptops from other manufacturers (for example, in the model). But for the combination to work, the drivers and necessary utilities must be installed. If this is not the case or the settings are made incorrectly, you will have to look for other methods.

Via Device Manager

There are 2 options for blocking here: using the “Run” command or through “Start” - “Settings”.

Step-by-step manual for the first option:

  1. Press the Win+R keys simultaneously.
  2. The Run section will open.
  3. In the empty column, enter the command devmgmt.msc.
  4. Confirm it with the OK button.
  5. “Dispatcher” is activated, all you have to do is find the touchpad in the list and disable it.

True, the panel can be called differently, for example: “USB device”, “Port TouchPad”, etc. When it is discovered through trial and error, all you have to do is click on it and activate “Disable”.

In the second case, the panel will stop responding to touches if you do the following:

  • Through the Start menu, launch Settings;
  • find “Devices”, click;
  • select the line “Touchpad” from the list;
  • move the lever from On to Off.

Now the role of the touchpad is completely transferred to the mouse. The panel will start working again only if the mouse is turned off.

BIOS to help

The information will be of interest to all users who consider the touchpad to be a useless addition to the laptop and can easily do without it. We'll talk about BIOS.


  • reboot the laptop;
  • While it is restarting, press Del or F2;
  • wait until the BIOS window appears on the screen;
  • use the arrows on the keyboard to “jump” to the Advanced line;
  • find Internal Pointing Device in it;
  • open and activate the Disabled item;
  • be sure to save the changes;
  • close the window and go out;
  • the final chord is another reboot.

Important: if the touchpad was turned off through the BIOS, then you can turn it back on only through it. Just go through the same steps and change Disabled to Enabled.

The touchpad has completely replaced the mouse on a laptop, and has long been an integral part of it. But for a person who is used to using traditional accessories - a keyboard and a mouse, it is very difficult to get used to a new device, and it is quite natural to want to return everything to its place, since any laptop has the ability to connect a mouse. How to do this?

The easiest ways to disable the touchpad

Method one - special button

On many laptop models, manufacturers have provided the ability to disable the touchpad. A special button was created for these purposes. To disable the touchpad, you must press the combination of the Fn keys and the touchpad disable icon.

Method two - through the control panel

You need to configure the panel so that when you turn on the mouse, the touchpad turns off automatically. To connect a mouse, both wired and wireless, the USB output is used.

Step one: Open Control Panel. Go to the View section and click on the “Mouse” icon.

Step two: carefully study “Device Settings”, where Synaptics ClickPad should be written. Click disable. Then check the box next to the suggestion to disable the internal pointing device when connecting an external one to the USB output.

Method three - without using drivers

With the third method of disabling the touchpad, the familiar Windows Device Manager will come to our aid. It's very easy to get into. To do this, you need to press two keys with the Windows window and the letter R. This method is universal, suitable for all laptops running the most common system. Then the command devmgmt.msc is entered on an empty line and the selection is confirmed by clicking “Ok”.

After this, the device manager will appear on the screen, where we are interested in two sections, namely, Mice and other pointing devices and HID Devices. But what we see there may be different. Maybe submenu touchpad, USB input device, USB mouse. The only thing that can be common is that one of the listed devices uses a PS/2 port and has a touchpad. In order to establish the truth, they will have to resort to the fail-safe Russian method - the poking method. But seriously, turn off the equipment and see what ultimately turned off. If the touchpad fails, we return to the previous settings. To stop the device, just click on the right mouse button and activate disable.

How to disable the touchpad on an Asus laptop

Method four - suitable only for Asus laptops.

On the keyboard, press the keys with the Fn + F9 or Fn + F7 icons (one of them has a crossed out touchpad).

How to disable the touchpad on an HP laptop

Method five is only for HP laptops.

Laptops in this group do not have a button that could disable a device such as a touchpad. But if you quickly double-tap the top left corner of the touchpad, the device will turn off.

How to disable the touchpad on a Lenovo laptop

Method six - for Lenovo

In Lenovo, disabling the touchpad is not difficult and occurs after pressing the Fn + F5 and Fn + F8 button combinations.

How to disable the touchpad on a Toshiba laptop

Method seven - for Toshiba

Using the key combination Fn + F5. (on the last one there is an icon for disabling the touch panel).
Whatever model your favorite laptop is, it always has the ability to disable the touchpad.

All the best, dear readers! You probably came here because you don’t know how to disable the touchpad on a laptop? Then you are in the right place, I have prepared today’s article just for you. Go?

In some cases, you may need to disable your laptop's touchpad. This can be done in several different ways. Let's look at each of them in more detail, understanding their main nuances.

How to disable the touchpad on a laptop using the control panel

You can use the control panel to disable the touchpad on your laptop. So, here you need to follow these steps:

This option will only work if the laptop is equipped with drivers from the manufacturer. If you see that you cannot disable the sensor in the mouse settings, then you should pay attention to other methods.

Features of disabling the touchpad using hot keys

Every user will need information about hotkeys. Using this method, you can quickly disable the sensor by pressing just two buttons on the keyboard. To turn the touchpad back on, you need to press these buttons again.

Different manufacturers make different keys hot. Usually it is enough to press the Fn button simultaneously with one of the keys on the row F1-F12.


On such laptops, you can disable the touchpad using the keys Fn+F7 or Fn+F9. The icon in the form of a crossed out touchpad will not allow you to make a mistake.


If you have such a laptop, then press the combination Fn+F7. The combination will work if you see a hand in the corner pressing on the panel.


To disable the touchscreen on such a computer, simply double-click on the area located on top of the touchpad. He will stop being active.

The required area can be highlighted with a barely noticeable depression. You can turn on the sensor with the same double click.


Laptops will allow you to disable the sensor if you press a key F5 or F7 together with the Fn button. Make sure there is a crossed out panel on the key.


Here you need to press the keys Fn+F1 at the same time. These laptops have an application called Valio Control Center, which will also allow you to deactivate the touchscreen.


By default, the combination here is of the form Fn+F5. But a detailed list of hot keys should be found in the instructions from the device manufacturer. In some situations, you will have to install additional programs that will allow you to quickly disable the sensor without encountering difficulties.

How to disable the touchpad on a laptop

You can try using Device Manager if the methods described above did not help you.

If you cannot find the sensor, then disconnect the devices one by one, observing the behavior of the touchpad.

Using third party programs

There is special software that will allow you to disable the sensor. These options include the following programs:

  • Automatically run on startup— check the box so that the application is activated after the operating system starts;
  • Show system tray notification– display of notifications in the system tray can be configured at your discretion;
  • Block accidental taps and clicks– you can set the appropriate time to automatically turn off the sensor and turn it on again.

Applications run in the background, so the system will not be overloaded. Thanks to these options, you can quickly turn off the sensor and turn it back on if necessary.

Friends, if my advice did not help you, write about it in the comments, I will gladly try to help. I wish all readers good health and peace, as well as goodness!

Hi all. Ever wondered how to disable the touchpad on a laptop? I personally asked myself this question as soon as I bought a laptop and typed a couple of paragraphs of text in Word. It turned out that I typed a bunch of text, then accidentally touched the touchpad, the mouse cursor moved and it turned out to be such a mess. In general, this happened a couple of times, and I realized that this issue needed to be resolved somehow!

In fact, disabling the touchpad on a laptop is very simple and you will see it very soon. But just in case, as usual, I’ll tell you several options for turning off the touchpad, because not every one of you will work with the standard method, or you just may not like it.

Disable the touchpad using the FN+F10 keys

Indeed, the easiest way to disable the touchpad (i.e. touchpad) is to press FN+F10 on the keyboard.

On my laptop it is FN+F10, on other computers it may be FN+F5 or F1 or F3. Better look at the function keys and find a picture of a touchpad on one of them. As I already said, for me it is the F10 key.

If there are no pictures, then you will have to try everything. But be careful, other function keys may be responsible for other functions. For example, when I press FN+F9, WI-FI is turned off or turned on, FN+F6 turns the sound on and off.

If you pressed all the keys and the touchpad still did not turn off, then most likely you do not have the necessary drivers installed on your laptop. You can, of course, update the drivers, but you shouldn’t get hung up on this method of disabling the touchpad, because it seems convenient, but its main problem is that immediately after restarting the computer, the touchpad will turn on again and you will need to turn it off again, and so on every time after turning off the laptop.

Disable touchpad through mouse settings

Open Start - Control PanelEquipment and sound.

Here we need to select Mouse.

In the mouse settings you need to go to the tab Pointer Options. Here you can completely disable the touchpad, or you can make it turn off itself when you connect a mouse to the laptop.

Disable the touchpad via the button on it

On some laptops, especially HP models, there is the following method to disable the TouchPad. You just need to double-click on the touchpad in the upper left corner, and it will become inactive. There may also be a point in this place:

Disabling the touchpad in BIOS

On many laptops, you can disable the touchpad panel through the BIOS. To do this, when starting the laptop, use the F2 or Delete key (depending on the model).

In the BIOS you need to go to the Advanced tab and inside find the Internal Pointing Device item and put it in Disabled mode, which means Disabled! This could also be the Boot tab and the Touch Pad Mouse item. This is what I have on my laptop:

Cut the wires!

And the sixth method is like a joke option and don’t take it too seriously. So, disable the touchpad for a long time or even forever You can by disconnecting the cable that goes from the laptop motherboard to the touchpad itself. Then your touchpad will not turn on after rebooting the laptop or after resetting all BIOS settings; it will not work even after reinstalling Windows. These are the things :) I wanted to tell you about this option, but I won’t recommend it to anyone!

P.S. I use exactly the 5th method. Guess why? The answer is in the comment!
