The old horse doesn't spoil the furrow. An old horse, it doesn’t spoil the furrow Upgrading the router hardware

If you purchased a new router or moved to a new place of residence with old equipment, then most likely you will need to configure the d link dir 300 Rostelecom router. This process is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. In this article we will prove this and consider all the stages of this procedure, as well as setting up the d link dir 320 Rostelecom router.

  • Preparing the router

  • Setting up a router dir 300 Rostelecom - old firmware

  • New firmware and work with the dir 320 model

  • Enabling WiFi protection

  • Conclusion

cost of Interactive TV from Rostelecom.

You can read how to connect Interactive TV through a router here.

After successfully logging into the main interface, the router will most likely prompt you to change the standard password to your own. We enter the invented combination of characters in two fields, confirm and go through authorization again, but with new data. If everything is done correctly, you will see the main menu in the form of blue “buttons” of a fairly large size.

To start setting up the network, perform the following operations:

  • click on the first (lower left) button of the second line “Configure manually”;

  • In the top text menu, select “Network”;

  • open an existing “WAN” connection;

  • Scroll down the page and click “Delete” in the lower right corner;

  • wait until the page refreshes, the “Add” button appears on the right, click on it;

  • on the settings page that opens, specify the type of Internet connection – PPPoE;
    we do not touch the port;

  • choose any name (this is what your connection will be called in “Network Connections” on your computer);

  • Below we indicate the login from the agreement with Rostelecom, as well as the password;

  • save the changes made, then click “Save” again in the center of the page.

At this stage, we put aside the Rostelecom agreement and check the settings of the dir 300 router - go to any page on the Internet. It should open without problems. All that remains is to configure the wireless network. For this:

  • open the WiFi menu item (located next to “Network”);

  • in the SSID field, enter any name for your network and move on;
    to set the password, save the changes and select from the available WPA2-PSK options;

  • Enter the password you created and save again.

That's all, the connection and wireless network are ready to go.

How to disable the Gudok service.

About transferring subscribers mobile operator Rostelecom on Tele-2 can be read here.

From this article you learned how to set up a dir 320 router for Rostelecom, as well as its previous model, and these instructions should work in most cases. If you have such a typical problem as the web interface being unavailable via IP (that is, the browser does not open the authorization page after entering the combination, then again go to the Internet protocol properties (where we set automatic IP/DNS acquisition) and switch network for working with static data. In the fields that have become active, indicate:

  • 168.0.12;

  • leave unchanged (should fill in automatically);

  • 168.0.1;

  • DNS data from the contract;

  • also stated in the contract.

After applying these changes, the login page should become available. If you still have questions, watch this video:

And that's all. Tell us about your experience connecting to the Internet. Any questions in the comments are welcome!

Connecting to the Internet is a technically complex operation. In turn, the client must also understand what type of connection he will use, what speeds he wants to receive and what he expects from the new connection.

D-Link router model Dir-320 has established itself as a reliable budget device with good functionality and a range of additional features, missing from most cheap routers. If a user is looking for a router for distributing the Internet in an apartment or house, this will be the most correct choice in terms of price and quality.

First of all, routers differ in the type of connection. D-Link version Dir uses fiber optic cable and FTTx technology for connection; the maximum transfer speed with this type of connection reaches 90 MB/s. This is enough to download an HD movie within one minute. But do not forget that the traffic speed is controlled by the operator and depends on the package ordered by the user.

There are several varieties of Dir-320 routers; the differences lie in the color of the case. The functionality is the same, they are configured according to the same scheme.

As already mentioned, this is a budget model, so functions such as setting up a repeater (repeater) or setting up a torrent client on the router are not provided. But using third-party firmware, some additional features are added that are not related to hardware, for example, connecting a D-link router model Dir-320 in torrent client mode.


The router is a rectangular “box” measuring 14x3x11 cm. Made of rigid plastic with a glossy surface.

At the front of Dir is a panel that displays the status of connections. If we look at it from left to right, the first icon is responsible for connecting the Dir router to the power grid. Next comes the globe icon. It becomes active if the network cable is connected, that is, access to the Internet is obtained. This is followed by the Wi-Fi indicator, displaying the network distribution from Dir. The next four computer icons display the number of connected users via the Lan cable. The maximum possible number of clients is therefore four. And the last icon is responsible for the presence of a connection between the USB device and the router. Through the USB connector it is possible, for example, to directly connect the printer to Dir-320.

Connectors and a button are built into the back of the router Reset, as well as a power output, where the wire from the unit with a voltage of only 5V is connected. The Dir router is assigned the third - last - level of security and does not pose any harm to humans and pets.

Now directly about the Dir connectors. Let's start the review from right to left. The first input is Internet: the main cable with the Internet is connected to it, an RJ-45 connector. Next come similar inputs, but for connecting users to a PC. A local network is configured between them and the Dir modem.

You can connect your computer to any free outlet, after which the DHCP server will assign it an IP address. Information about the address can be found in the Dir modem settings menu. The last connector is intended for connecting other devices that operate via USB (printer, 3G router) to the Dir router. This is an additional feature. If you configure Dir, it is capable of transmitting traffic not through a cable.

You can also see the antenna in the picture; there is only one in this configuration. But the power is enough to distribute Wi-Fi over an area of ​​50-60 square meters, taking into account concrete walls, the presence of electrical wiring and other sources of channel pollution. If necessary, the antenna can be easily dismantled and replaced with a more powerful one.

Connection and preparation for work

After the user has unpacked the router, it is necessary to assemble it. It comes with: antenna, power supply and stand. The block is connected to the back of the Dir router, the connector is designated “5V 2A”, that is, it operates at a voltage of five volts. According to the instructions, first the parts are connected to the equipment, and only then the power is connected to Dir.

Connecting to the Internet occurs in two ways: using a regular network cable coming from a public network, or using a wireless USB 3/4 G router connected to the USB connector near the antenna.

Now that the power is supplied and there is access to the network, you need to launch and configure the D-link Dir-320 router for the first time. For initial setup the Dir router must be connected to a laptop or PC via a regular Lan cable, built into one of the four ports on the Dir router. Now let's move directly to managing parameters.


After the circuit is assembled and everything is connected, the Dir router is turned on. Default, some settings D-link router Dir-320 are carried out automatically. For example, he takes the IP address, through which he can later connect to him and make changes to the configuration. Here are some examples of automatic configuration.

Automatic setup

For the convenience of users, as well as the speed of connecting devices, a “Wizard” was added to the router menu. automatic settings": Wi-Fi, Internet (all protocols PPPoE, PPTP, connection via static, dynamic IP using 3G) and IPTV.

The wizard works in such a way that when adding any connection, the user does not have to fill out the configuration form at all. By saving the configurations set automatically, it will create a working network. A slight exception is the PPPoE network, since for its operation you will need to enter data provided by the provider. Otherwise, the network will be created, but without Internet access.

Also, the Setup Wizard does not generate passwords, so a Wi-Fi network created with its help will be open to public access. The user is allowed to make changes to the configurations set by the Wizard, thus creating a convenient and flexible interaction system, thanks to which time is saved, and there is no need to search for information on items that are unclear to the user.

Connecting to the Internet manually using the example of some providers

Some providers provide direct access to the Internet only if the client has a login and password. For this they use Various types PPPoE, L2TP connections. In this case, you will need to fill in the necessary data and manually configure the D-link router model Dir-320.

For most providers, the connection methods will be different, but entering the router settings directly from a PC is always the same. If the Dir router is connected, as indicated in the previous section, you need to open any browser and enter the line: The main window will open:

By default, the username and password are the same - admin. After authorization, you can change it if you wish. If the password and login have not been changed, but access cannot be obtained, you need to reset the current settings. This is done by using the Reset button. When Dir is working, you should hold down the button until the lights on the panel simultaneously go out and light up again. After which the standard authentication data will definitely do.

Now directly about setting up the Dir router for certain providers.

Home ru

This provider provides services along with equipment. The company installs its own firmware on the router, so when purchasing named devices there are no connection problems, and the procedure takes place in automatic mode. But there is one drawback: the Dir router cannot be used when switching to another provider. Therefore, it would be more correct to purchase a factory Dir and configure it manually.

First you need to go to the “Network” tab and view the presence of working WAN connections, if they work, select and delete. Then create a new one. The main thing is to select the connection type during the connection process: for it is PPPoE. The PPP prefix means that access will require entering data provided by the provider. When signing the contract, the subscriber is given a “Username” and “Password” entered in the “PPP Settings” section.

The remaining fields remain unchanged. “Service name” can be any name here. Add the created network and be sure to save the configuration so that it does not disappear after a reboot or power loss.


The Rostelecom company also offers its users a Wi-Fi router "D-Link" Dir with its own firmware. But the connection algorithm is no different. The user will also need to delete working connections in the “Networks, WAN” tab.

Then add a new PPPoE type, enter authentication data and save it.


Many are accustomed to the fact that Beeline only deals mobile communications And wireless internet. But lately there have often been areas where it is possible to order the service wired internet and IPTV from Beeline. It is enough to have the official firmware version on any compatible router for everything to work stably and without failures


You can try to establish a connection without the latest firmware version Dir. The main thing is to open the advanced settings, find the “Network, WLAN” field, and delete all existing connections. Next, add a new one. “L2TP with dynamic IP” is selected as the network type.

To connect to the NetByNet network, it is advisable to update the device firmware. Next, go to the networks menu and if there are ready-made ones in it, delete everything completely. Then create a new one with the network type PPTP.

First of all, in the menu that appears, you need to select a dynamic IP type. In the Ip/Name Vpn Server field, you must enter the provider's server. This information provided to the client by the connection company. For example, for Moscow the address is ppp.lan. You will also need to enter the username and password provided by the provider. The last point is to select the type of mod to be connected; it is set to the Always position. At the end, the configurations are saved.

The provider also provides connection services using the PPPoE protocol. The algorithm is identical to

Backup connection via 3G, 4G

The technical characteristics of the D-Link router allow for a backup connection. This means that not only the Lan cable is used as a traffic source, but also 3/4G wireless modems.

It’s worth noting right away that this function is available in the device, but not on all types of firmware. Before trying to connect, you should update the software version. As a rule, the version information states whether it supports connecting third-party mobile devices or only works with a Lan cable.

Next, proceed to the connection and configuration procedure wireless router. First you need to connect it to the Dir Dlink router and apply voltage to it. Now go to the familiar address: The user will be interested in the WAN network section. Create a new connection here. Select 3G or 4G as the network type depending on the modem type.

In the “Provider” section, you need to change the manual type to the country/region from which you are connecting. For example, Russia. This is where the provider is selected. After this, all items are filled in automatically. All the user needs to do is save the changes and wait a few minutes for the Dir router to reconnect to the new network.

Wireless network

To set up a wireless network, the Wi-Fi router must be turned on and have access to the Internet. By default, the network is open and has a standard name - Dir. But this needs to be changed so that only the user has access. To do this, you need to set a password for Dir. First, find the router settings and open the Wi-Fi section. Pay attention to whether there is a checkmark next to “Wireless connection”. She must be present. Then you will need to fill in the fields:

SSID: here you need to enter the name of the future Wi-Fi, as the user would like to see it among the available connections, for example, HomeWiFi.

Channel: from this parameter The data transfer speed will depend. By default, they all work at the same speed, but if there are many users on one channel (they are not necessarily connected to a personal network, they can also be connected to a neighbor’s), then problems with speed begin. To determine which channel is free, you should use special applications on mobile device. If such an opportunity is not available, it makes sense to choose among 5-8. They are usually the least busy.

Mode: Limits the maximum possible transmission speed. 802.11 B/G/N is considered the modern standard, and should be chosen.

Encryption type: this is exactly the answer to the question: how to set a password on wi-fi Dir-320. It is at this point that you choose how the subscriber’s data will be protected. The most secure encryption currently is WPA2. Well, the user himself comes up with the password. It must consist of at least eight characters: letters and numbers.


To start setting up IPTV, you must first connect the set-top box to the Dir router via one of the Lan outputs. The numbering of the port for connecting IPTV is not important, but the fourth one is most often used. Then you should go to the Dir settings and find the IP television section. Here indicate which port was selected and save changes. Most providers use simple diagram connections. To do this, you need to go to advanced settings, find all ports in the Vlan group and delete them. Next, go to the WAN section, the “Port” field, indicate the TV set-top box you are using. In the “Tag” column, enter the value untagged. Now all that remains is to save the changes for the scheme to work.

Dynamic DNS

The Dir router has a dynamic DNS feature. In order to activate it, you need to go to the DNS settings or, when creating a network, specify what type of server will be used: static or dynamic.

You can also set an alternative address that the user enters independently, and in case of problems with the main one, the transition will be carried out through an additional one.

DNS allows you to work with another convenient remote access server to the Dir router - DDNS. To use it, you will need to register your own domain name. For these purposes, it is recommended to use the official website After registering and linking your domain name to the IP on the site, the user will have the necessary data to create remote access.

Next, return to the advanced settings of the router Dir, find the DDNS section in the “Advanced” tab. Once you open the settings, you will need to create a new connection. In the “Hostname” field, add the domain name received during registration. The “Username” section must contain the login used during registration. The password for the network is created by the subscriber himself. Last point- “Renewal period”. Here the value is set to 60. After everything, you should return to the advanced settings and save the changes.

To control access to resources, Dir has a function parental controls. The user enters into the list the addresses of sites to which access will be prohibited. It also configures the time and days of the week during which access to them will be open or, conversely, limited.

Security settings (antivirus, firewall)

To enhance PC security, use the firewall settings in the Dir router to filter outgoing IP addresses. To do this, you need to go to the advanced menu and find the “Firewall” tab, where first you need to add a rule in the Port Forwarding section. Next, the packet direction is set in the Firewall tab. The penultimate stage: you will need to enter a rule that controls the receipt of packets from IP addresses and specify the end port. The last step is to specify an exclusion rule to receive packets.

This is the basic plan for working with the Firewall of the Dir router. All addresses and ports are selected individually. This allows you to block access from sites that do not comply with the requirements and can harm your PC.

Setting up the printer

Printers with USB connectors are directly connected to the Dir router. This allows users of the same group connected via a Lan network to use it together.

DLNA server allows you to watch free IPTV on multiple TVs with Smart function, and for free. In this case, there is a chance to use one, as well as different channels. To do this, the Dir router must have the appropriate firmware - DD-WRT.

First you need to download it from any known resource. Then you will need to check the network settings on Windows. First of all, in the Start menu, find “Control Panel”. Here select “Network and Internet”, then “Network and Sharing Center” shared access", then - "Changing adapter settings".

Then you need to right-click on the “Connect via local network", select "Properties". Here find the “Internet Protocol Version 4” section, select properties, check that both submenu items are in automatic mode. If necessary, change and save them.

Next, go to the router settings Dir, change its version using DD-WRT firmware, as indicated in the “Firmware update” paragraph. The reconfiguration procedure takes about 3-4 minutes. Then return to the Windows settings, the point where the IP address was determined automatically, change to the second one, enter the following Ip:

To get into the router configuration, you need to use the address in the browser. When you first log in, you need to register, to do this, create a username and password. Remember them, as they will be required for further use of the Dir router. Next, go to the “DHCP Server” settings and check the configuration: the status should be automatic. Now that IP addresses are distributed in automatic mode, go to settings network card, change the “Obtaining an IP address” item to automatic.

After the operations have been completed, you can safely connect the set-top box via a Lan cable and enjoy watching your favorite TV shows.

Setting up a VPN server

Network equipment does not support creating a separate VPN server, but it is possible to use third-party options. When you create a PPTP connection, you can connect to a VPN server. It ensures the confidentiality of user data. That is, the provider will not be able to view which sites have been visited. To set up such a connection, you need to fill in all the fields in the IP section that opens when creating a PPTP network. Passwords, IP address and the VPN server itself are provided by the provider; the data is usually included in the contract.

Possible malfunctions, ways to eliminate them

Often, when it comes to a Dir router malfunction, the problem comes down to incorrect settings. If Dir fails, the device stops working in most cases.

If there are connection interruptions, first of all you should check whether the configurations are set correctly.

Most often this happens with Wi-Fi. If the user does not see his connection in the available ones, or it appears and disappears, it means that the channel needs to be changed; most likely, it is overloaded. If the network is found, but the IP address is constantly being authenticated, it means that the DHCP settings on the Link Dir have gone wrong and it has switched from automatic to manual mode.

When the Internet disappears directly on the PC via a Lan connection, this may be due to the automatic settings described above in the section of the same name. Or do you need to update the firmware? network device. A section on how to carry out this action is given below in the article.

Firmware update

Updating the firmware to the latest version, or installing a third-party assembly, will expand the number of functions performed by the router. But first you need to find out which version is currently installed so as not to use an outdated one. A description of the router, its characteristics, as well as the firmware version are written on the bottom side of the device. Installation new version Firmware for this model is provided only through the web interface. Knowing the necessary information, you should begin the update process itself.

Via web interface

You need to download the firmware version that interests the user from the official website or other resource. Today there are quite a lot of them and they offer very interesting assemblies. Now that the file is on the computer, you need to go to the router settings and find the “Update software" Here you will find the “Browse” button, clicking on which will open a menu with a file selection. You must select the directory downloaded earlier and then start the update procedure.

Important! Under no circumstances should you interrupt the firmware installation process; this will lead to failure of the router itself.

The whole procedure takes about three minutes, after completion the Dir router will reboot.

Resetting the router to factory settings

There are two ways to perform a factory reset. In the first case, you will need a thin long object, for example a pin, to clamp reset button for 10-15 seconds. After this, the equipment will reset all configurations.

For the second method, you will need to use the interface; to do this, go to the router settings and select the “System” menu, where there is the “Restore default settings” option. Select it and carry out the reset procedure.

After the above steps, passwords and logins will be reset to standard ones. To enter the settings you will need to enter admin/admin, the wi-fi network will be renamed to Dir and will become open.


The Dir router that was reviewed is worth the money. This is a budget router, but with a good set of features that are not found in all expensive models. In addition, the router is equipped with a USB connector, through which you can connect a printer, as well as configure other Powerline products USB devices. This includes portable 3/4 G-routers, so it’s almost impossible to stay with it without the Internet. It is also worth noting that the Dir device is powered by only five volts, which saves energy consumption, and in emergency situations it will be possible to power it from a battery.

Pros of Link Dir

Users cite the following advantages of the Dir router:

  • Price.
  • Ability to connect a large number of users via Lan and Wi-Fi.
  • Availability of a secure VPN connection.
  • 3G backup function.
  • Availability of a large number of firmware for Dir, ease of installation.
  • Possibility of expanding functionality using firmware.
  • Automatic network creation upon first connection.
  • Manage settings from mobile devices.
  • Availability of IPTV function for several devices connected to Dir.
  • Creating parental controls to manage visited resources.

Cons of Link Dir

The following parameters received a negative rating:

  • Inability to work in multiple ranges.
  • Does not support: IPSec, IEE802.1q, IPv6.
  • Maximum Wi-Fi speed is 54 Mb/s.
  • No repeater mode.
  • There are no dynamic routing protocols.
  • There is no console port and SNMP.

The Dir router also has other disadvantages related to its functionality, but the number of additional features, as well as the low cost, outweigh the disadvantages.

In order to connect your computer to the Internet, the user needs to configure his router and himself. Only after this will it be possible to easily open various electronic pages of websites and download the necessary information.

Connecting a router

Setting up and connecting the D-LINK DIR-320 router begins with checking the functioning of important network nodes on the router itself and the computer.

To get started, you need to do the following:

Photo: Network designation on the taskbar

If everything is done correctly, then you can start setting up the router itself and the connection.

Login to settings via web management

Before you start setting up D LINK DIR 320, you need to check the operation of network devices.

To do this, you need to perform the following procedure:

These steps are necessary to prepare automatic configuration wifi router d-ink dir 320 and local network.

After setup local connection you need to run the disk included with the router. It is necessary to create local connection to the Internet and settings of the router itself. This is done according to the prompts that pop up in the installation window.

Particular attention should be paid when choosing the connection technology parameter - pppoe or l2tp. You should choose a connection format in accordance with the parameters specified in the Internet connection agreement.

The next step is configuration via the web interface. To do this, you need to type the IP address in your Internet browser.

The login and password are in the instructions, which the system will prompt you to change after logging in.

After changing the login and password, an interface will appear on the screen in which all connection parameters will be indicated, including all possible settings parameters based on the provider’s technology.

Photo: Interface with connection parameters

The standard router kit includes a disk with software necessary for the correct operation of the network device, but this does not guarantee the uninterrupted and correct functioning of the D-LINK DIR-320.

How to configure and install latest version required drivers?

Software updates for the D-LINK DIR-320 router can only be done using home internet pages – This procedure should be carried out immediately after installing the basic software from the disk by following the link “”. Download and save the file to your desktop.

Photo: Firmware updates for DIR-320

Thus, the path to the file is set, on the basis of which the router software will be updated. When carrying out this operation, you cannot turn off and restart the computer before it is completed, otherwise a failure may occur and you will have to start installation and configuration from the very beginning.

Photo: Software update progress

Once the update is complete, the DIR-320 will reboot.

Setting up the D-LINK DIR-320 router from providers

The providers themselves often take advantage of the information weakness of users, most of whom are simply afraid to get into the hardware and figure it out on their own. In this regard, it is always possible to call an appropriate specialist to your home to carry out the appropriate work on setting up the Internet.

For example, you can order setup of the D-LINK DIR-320 router from Rostelecom by dialing the technical support number. The operator will listen to all your problems and offer a convenient time to call a company specialist at your home.

In fact, all these steps are simple, and you can do them yourself without additional expenses.

To do this, you must adhere to the following sequence:

This sequence of setting up an Internet connection is applicable to the Windows 7 and 8 operating systems.

Setting up for Rostelecom

To configure the D-Link DIR-320 router on the Rostelecom provider network, the user must go to home page router ( and perform the following steps:

Setting up for Beeline

Setting up the D-LINK DIR-320 router for the Beeline provider differs from Rostelecom, because they use the connection type "l2tp".

So the user's actions should look like this:

If everything is done correctly, the user will be able to freely use the Internet.

Setting up for MTS

Connection to the Internet from the MTS provider uses pppoe technology.

Therefore, setting up the D-Link dir 320 router will proceed as follows:

  1. checking the operation of the network device;
  2. go to the router’s home page in the Internet browser;
  3. install drivers;
  4. update drivers;
  5. go to the “network” tab and select the “connections” line;
  6. in the window that opens, select the “add” option;
  7. connection type is set to “pppoe”;
  8. check the “allow” box;
  9. in the line “physical interface” set the parameter “port5”;
  10. in the user name and password lines we enter the corresponding data from the agreement with the provider;
  11. in the “NAT” and “firewall” lines, check the boxes;
  12. save the parameters and configuration.

Video: Setting up a D-Link dir router

Setting up Megafon

Internet from Megafon is mainly provided using 3G technology. Therefore, all settings are set manually:

  1. go to the router page;
  2. select the “Internet installation” column;
  3. in the updated window at the bottom, select the option “set up an Internet connection manually”;
  4. in the window that opens, select the connection type “3 GUSB adapter”;
  5. in the fields of login, password and dial number in accordance with the parameters issued by the provider under the contract;
  6. save the parameters.

Wireless connection

Network operation via the wi-fi module of the DIR-320 router is very simple and convenient. To set up a wireless connection, just follow the prompts during the initial installation of the driver on the router. If a corresponding message appears during the installation process, you should set the recommended parameters according to the prompts.

Photo: Wi-Fi item in the main window of the web interface

The main attention should be paid to the settings of the network card on the computer to support a wi-fi connection. In this case, you need to go to the control panel, and in it select the network and sharing center. Next, enter the option to change adapter properties and check the operating status of the wi-fi module. If everything works, then the connection to the Internet will occur immediately and without delay.

Wi-Fi connection settings in Windows 7

If the connection to the Internet does not occur automatically, and this only happens when using older versions of D-LINK DIR-320(b1) or operating system windowsxp, then you will need manual setting. To do this, you need to enter the adapter settings wireless connection and manually set the IP and DNS address. In this case, the IP address will correspond to the router address, and the submask (dns) will be

Next, the user must create a new connection without changing the parameters. You only enter your login and password information to connect to the Internet, and a shortcut is created on the desktop, when opened, a direct connection occurs.

So to carry out full customization your D-LINK DIR-320 router, you need to:

  • carefully read the instructions for the router;
  • check the operation of the network card and local network settings on the computer;
  • install drivers and configure the connection according to the prompts during the installation process;
  • update drivers to the latest version.

Experienced users can easily cope with such a task, but for beginners it will be difficult. But if they configure their router strictly in accordance with the indicated order, then the result will not be long in coming.

Configure correctly home network is impossible without understanding the features of a particular device. In this article we will talk about two such devices, namely, setting up D-Link DIR 300 and 320 routers to work in the Rostelecom operator network. The process is not particularly complicated and is easy to understand even for a novice user. Availability of minimum computer literacy will greatly facilitate the absorption of information.

To avoid any complications during the upcoming installation of the access point, you need to reset the configuration to the factory state. The easiest way to do this is using a button on the device. It must be pressed and held for 10 seconds. Naturally, the router must be plugged in. After resetting the parameters, the device will reboot, which will also take some time (no more than 10 seconds).

One more point requires attention - you need to check the status of the Internet protocol (IPv4) parameters in Windows system. To do this, you need to use its interface and take the following actions.

A universal method for all Windows systems

Press the combination “Windows” + “R”. The Run window will open. In the text field, write the command ncpa.cpl and press “Enter”. A window will open network connections, in which you need to perform the steps described below.

This method works in all Windows versions up to 10.

Pairing PC and router

After the above described manipulations, the computer and router are ready to working together. It is best to do the initial configuration of the equipment using wired connection. For this you can use Ethernet cable, supplied with the router. One of the connectors needs to be inserted into the LAN port on the rear panel of the device, the other into the network card connector. You also need to disconnect the Rostelecom cable from the WAN (Internet) port on the access point, this will make setting up the d link router easier.

DIR 300 router configuration for Rostelecom

You can configure the d-link dir 300 router to work with the Rostelecom provider through the admin panel interface. There are currently two firmware versions (1.3.x and 1.4.x).

Logging into the router control panel

To log into the access point management interface, you will need the device address and authorization data (login/password). If the hardware parameters are set to their default state, you can use the standard values:

  • address – or;
  • login/password pair – admin.

The dir 300 router for Rostelecom can be configured using any Internet browser, for example, Internet Explorer. After launching it, you need to place the cursor in address bar, enter the address value ( and press enter. The user login page will open.

Enter the login information in the fields: user – admin, password is the same.

Attention! To increase security, it is better to follow this recommendation.

After changing the data and confirming the changes, the main page of the admin panel will open. Depending on the firmware version, there may be external differences. You can update the firmware in the system -> software update section, after downloading it from the D-Link website.

Rostelecom network parameters for firmware 1.4.x

First, go to the advanced settings section; to do this, click on the corresponding inscription in the lower right corner. On the page that opens, go to the “Network” tab and select the WAN subsection.

Further settings of the dir 300 router depend on the technology that the provider uses to connect subscribers. In most cases, Rostelecom uses the PPPoE standard.

PPPoE configuration:

  • On the WAN page, select the appropriate connection type.
  • Specify the connection name (can be anything).
  • The peculiarity of the PPPoE standard is that the user is authenticated in the operator’s network using a login/password pair, which can be found on a copy of the contract or from the provider. This data must be entered into the appropriate fields on the WAN page.

How to configure the d-link dir 300 router to old firmware Let's look at it further.

Rostelecom parameters for firmware 1.3.x

After successful authentication, the main page of the admin panel will open, on which you need to click on the tile that says: “Configure manually.”

Then go to the “Network” tab, where in the “WAN” section we select an existing connection, open its parameters and delete it. Next, an empty list of connections will open, on which you need to click the “Add” button. Subsequence further actions similar to that for firmware 1.4.x (see above - PPPoE configuration).

Setting up a DIR 320 router for Rostelecom

The procedure for setting up the d link dir 320 router for Rostelecom is somewhat similar to that for the three hundredth model, however, let’s consider it in more detail.

  • We determine the type for the connection – PPPoE.
  • As the value of the username, we use the login for connecting to the Internet (we find out from Rostelecom).
  • The password for authorization in the provider’s network is provided by Rostelecom along with the login.
  • After filling out all the required fields, click “Save”.

At this point, the initial configuration can be considered complete. If you plan to use Wi-Fi, you can also configure wireless network security settings through the dir 320 control panel.

Wireless mode on a D-Link router

Setting up a secure wireless connection has some differences depending on the firmware versions.

Parameters for devices with firmware 1.4.x

On the main page of the admin panel, in the menu on the left, click on the “Wireless Network Setup Wizard” hyperlink, which is located in the Wi-Fi block. Following the recommendations of the master, we carry out step-by-step installation wireless access point.

To change the Wi-Fi configuration, go to the advanced settings page (how to do this is described above). In the Wi-Fi block, select the basic parameters. On the page that opens, you can change the network name (SSID), user country and wireless mode. Next, you need to go to the security menu and enter the following parameters:

  • Network authentication – WPA2-PSK.
  • We indicate the password for the wireless network in the “Pre-shared key” field.
  • Encryption type (WPA encryption) select combined “TKIP/AES”.

Save the configuration with the “Edit” button.

Parameters for devices with firmware 1.3.x

On the main page of the admin panel, click “Configure manually”. On the main parameters tab we indicate:

  • Network name – any, in Latin.
  • Country – “United States of America” or “Russian Federation”.
  • Wireless mode – mixed mode (11b/g/n) is more versatile.

On the security tab, specify the password and network authentication. We confirm all actions with the “Change” button.

At this point, the configuration of the D-Link DIR 300 router for Rostelecom can be considered completely completed.
