Managing data and parameters of subroutines. Block structure of the program Block structure

Explanatory note.

Relevance of the program.

Novelty of the program.




The program is designed

Timing of the program:

Lesson mode

1 year of study – starting;

Forms of classes:

Teaching methods:

Pedagogical technologies:

Expected results.


· will know how to use various techniques when working with paper;

· will gain practical skills in working with tools;

· will be trained to work with various materials and tools in the manufacture of both the simplest technical products and the design of three-dimensional models of vehicles, furniture or buildings.

· will be able to navigate the technique of reading elementary diagrams and drawings;

· will strive to develop imaginative and spatial thinking.

· will develop artistic taste and harmony between the form and content of the artistic image

· design abilities, technical thinking, and a creative approach to work will be developed;

· patience and perseverance necessary when working with paper will be developed.

1st year curriculum

Title of sections and topics Number of hours Forms of control
Total theory practice
1. Introductory lesson. Instruction on industrial safety and safety - Conversation
2. Practical task.
2.1. Tools, a brief history of tools. Safe work and fire safety techniques. Practical task.
2.2. Materials: paper, cardboard. Types and properties. Paper and cardboard processing technology. Practical task.
2.3. Application. Practical task.
2.4. Construction from ready-made forms. Practical task.
2.5. New Year's crafts. Mini-exhibition.
2.6. Game library. Practical task.
3. Fundamentals of color science and composition. Practical task.
4. Origami. Mini-exhibition.
5. Volumetric design. Mini-exhibition.
6. Final lesson. Creative works. -

1. Introductory lesson. Theory. Operating hours of the association, rules of conduct for students. Familiarization with the work plan of the association. Basic requirements for workplace organization.

Practice. Display of crafts from previous years. Questioning. Puzzles.

2. Creative modeling from paper and cardboard.

Theory. Tools for working with paper and cardboard. Introducing the stencil and template. General rules for safe work with cutting and stabbing tools. Materials: paper, cardboard. Types and properties of paper and cardboard. Paper and cardboard processing technology.

Practice. Practicing the skills of cutting in a straight line, in a circle. Application.

Theory. Types of applique: subject, subject, decorative, ornament. The concept of “flat application”. Methods and rules of gluing. Sequence of gluing parts.

Practice. Execution of subject applique, plot, ornamental. Construction from ready-made forms. Technology of volumetric crafts using various boxes.

Theory. Box gluing technology.

Practice. Making souvenirs. New Year's crafts. Theory. Getting to know the traditions of New Year celebrations. Practice. Making New Year's crafts, souvenirs, postcards. Game library. Theory. Improving technological techniques for working with paper and cardboard. Working from templates.

Practice. Making animal silhouettes.

3. Fundamentals of color science and composition. Theory. Color spectrum. Primary and secondary colors. Cold and warm colors. The concept of “composition”, “background”, “base”. Practice. Carrying out practical work on a plane.

4. Origami. T theory. History of origami. Basic forms and conventions. Practice. Making crafts using the origami technique: animals, flowers, postcards.

5. Volumetric design. Theory. The concept of “flat” and “volumetric”. Design from a strip of paper. Practice. Techniques for creating a cube, cylinder, cone. Decoration of crafts.

6. Final lesson. Repetition and consolidation of acquired knowledge. Creative work.

By the end of the 1st year of study, students should know:

Rules for safe work and personal hygiene when working with tools;

Name and purpose of tools (scissors, awl);

Name and purpose of materials (paper, cardboard), their properties,

Basic concepts of geometric figures, bodies;

What is an application;

The concept of “flat” and “volumetric”;

What is composition, background;

Basic forms: kite, etc.

By the end of the first year of study, students should be able to:

Analyze products (determine its purpose, material, connection methods);

Plan your work;

Economically mark out materials using templates, use a ruler, stencil;

Apply in practice the properties of paper and cardboard;

Bend various toys from a base square;

Cut paper and cardboard with scissors along the marking line;

Connect parts made of paper and cardboard using glue, paper clips, threads;

Make an applique
2nd year curriculum

Title of sections and topics Number of hours form of control
Total theory practice
1. Introductory lesson. Safety and health instructions - Conversation.
2. Materials and tools, workplace organization. Conversation.
3. Application. Practical task.
4. Graphic certificate. Conversation.
4.1. The concept of the elements of graphic literacy: technical drawing, sketch, drawing. Practical task.
4.2. Drawing tools.
4.3. Types, methods and techniques of marking.
4.4. Drawing lines
5. Technology classes
5.1. Techniques for making crafts using origami technique Mini-exhibition.
5.2. Father Frost's Workshop
5.3. Toy library made of paper and cardboard Practical task.
6. Practical task.
6.1 Quilling.
6.2 Products from ready-made molds.
6.3 Corrugated cardboard products.
6.4 Technical models.
7. Final lesson. Making gift work. - Independent work.

1. Introductory lesson. Theory. Familiarization with the work plan of the association. Briefings.

2. Materials and tools. Theory. History of paper. Production of paper and cardboard. Properties of cardboard and paper. Tools for working with paper and cardboard. Practice. Experiments to determine the direction of fibers: longitudinal, transverse.

3. Application. Theory. Classification of applique: by type - (subject, plot, ornament); by image - (planar, volumetric); by methods of execution - (mosaic, broken); By color scheme - (monochrome, polychrome). The concept of symmetry, symmetrical figures. Types of symmetrical cutting. Practice. Carrying out application work. Making cards, souvenirs.

4. Graphic certificate. Theory. The concept of technical drawing, sketch, drawing. Introduction to drawing tools: ruler, square, compass. Their purpose and application. Types of marking: by eye, by bending, against the light, using a template and stencil, on checkered paper, using drawing tools. Drawing lines: visible contour lines, fold lines, axial, solid thin. Their appointments Practice. Making crafts using drawing tools. Making crafts using various marking methods and techniques. Reading drawings of developments of volumetric parts.

5. Technology classes. Origami. Theory. Conventions, terminology, basic forms. Folding techniques. Practice Making crafts using origami technique. Father Frost's workshop. Theory. New Year's traditions of different nations. Christmas. History of the postcard Practice. Cutting out snowflakes. Making New Year's toys, cards, garlands. Stars Toy library made of paper and cardboard. Theory. Introduction to dynamic toys: twitchers, knockers, pendulum toys, surprise toys. Types of joining parts made of paper and cardboard: - using threads, paper clips; movable - using wire, thread, bolt and nut. Practice. Manufacturing of twitchers and dynamic toys.

6. Construction from paper and cardboard. Paper plastics. Theory. The ABC of papermaking. Practice. Production of semi-volumetric and volumetric crafts. Products from ready-made molds. Theory. Methods for gluing boxes of different shapes. Practice. Creating mockups from different boxes. Corrugated cardboard products Theory. Basic technological techniques. Practice. Carrying out voluminous work. Basic ideas about geometric bodies: parallelepiped, cylinder, cone, pyramid. Theory. Concepts about geometric bodies. The concept of developments of geometric bodies. Practice. Designing crafts and technical objects based on them.

7. Making gift work. Final lesson.

By the end of year 2, students should know:

Name and purpose of tools for working with paper and cardboard;

Drawing lines;

Rules for marking using templates, rulers, squares, using compasses;

Types of applications;

Color wheel, color combinations;

The concept of symmetry, symmetrical figures;

Basic shapes in origami.

By the end of the 2nd year of study, students should be able to:

Follow the rules of safe work and personal hygiene;

Analyze the product: purpose, material, connection methods, manufacturing technology;

Organize your workplace correctly;

Maintain order while working;

Make markup in different ways;

Perform technological operations with paper and cardboard;

Connect parts made of paper and cardboard using glue, wire, thread, and a slot lock;

Perform various types of applications;

3rd year curriculum.

Title of sections and topics Number of hours form of control
Total Theory Practice
1. Introductory lesson - Conversation.
2. Materials and tools Conversation.
3. Origami Practical task.
3.1. Panel Mini-exhibition.
3.2. Corrugation
3.3. Modular origami
4. Graphic certificate Conversation.
5. Types of transport equipment. Practical task.
5.1. Air Transport.
5.2. Water transport.
5.3. Land transport.
5.4. Space transport.
5.5. Special transport
6. Technology of working with different materials. Practical task.
6.1. Father Frost's workshop. Mini-exhibition.
6.1.1 Making a souvenir
6.1.2. Making Christmas tree decorations.
6.1.3 Volumetric postcards.
6.1.4. New Year's figures.
6.2. Quilling
6.2.1. Postcards
6.2.2. Panel
6.2.3. Frame
6.2.4 Souvenir
6.3. Modeling and design from non-traditional materials. Practical task.
6.3.1. Caskets
6.3.2. Vases
6.3.3. Souvenirs
6.3.4. Panel
6.3.5. Organizer
6.3.6. Paper box
6.3.7. Chest of drawers
7. Project activities
7.1. Choosing a project theme
7.2 Manufacturing of the product
7.3. Preparation of documentation.
8. Making Gift Work. Independent work.
9. Final lesson. Final work

1.Introductory lesson. Introduction to the work plan for the year. Briefings.

2. Materials and tools. Repetition of covered material.

3. Origami. Theory. Origami alphabet: symbols. Types of corrugation. Modular origami: folding techniques. Practice. Making panels. Making fans, butterflies, flowers. Making crafts using the modular origami method.

4. Graphic certificate. Theory. Consolidating and deepening knowledge about drawing tools. Practice. Constructing a circle using a compass. Dividing it into parts. Watch making.

5. Types of transport equipment. Theory. Types of aircraft. Their structure. The importance of water and sea transport. Types of land transport. Purpose. Space transport. A basic idea of ​​space. Types of special transport. Practice. Making an airplane. Making ship models. Making a car. Making a rocket. Making a tractor.

6. Technology of working with different materials. Father Frost's workshop. Theory. Eastern horoscope and symbol of the year Practice.Production of souvenirs, Christmas tree decorations, three-dimensional cards, New Year's figurines. Quilling (paper rolling) Theory. Materials and tools for working with quilling technique Practice. Making crafts: postcards, panels, photo frames, souvenirs. Modeling and design from non-traditional materials. Theory. Waste material and technology for its processing. Practice. Making various crafts from it: boxes, vases, souvenirs, organizers, etc.

7. Project activities. Theory. Project selection and justification. Selection of materials and tools. Selecting the optimal technology for manufacturing the project. Practice. Manufacturing of the product. Preparation of project documentation.

8.Final lesson. Summarizing.

By the end of the 3rd year of study, students should know:

Names and purposes of tools for working with paper and cardboard;

Rules for safe work and personal hygiene;

Name of materials (paper, cardboard, Whatman paper), their properties;

Drawing lines;

Types of transport vehicles, names and their purposes;

The main professions of people related to transport maintenance;

Rules for marking using templates, a ruler, a square, using a compass;

Elements of geometric bodies;

Scale, zoom in and out.

By the end of the 3rd year of study, students should be able to:

Follow the rules of safe work and personal hygiene;

Analyze products: purpose, material, connection methods, manufacturing technology,

Organize your workplace correctly;

Maintain order while working;

Annex 1.

Didactic materials.

Criteria for evaluation.

Indicators (measured results) Criteria Degree of expression of the assessed quality Number of points Diagnostic methods
1. Theoretical training of students
1.1Theoretical knowledge (according to the main sections of the curriculum of the program) Compliance of theoretical knowledge with program requirements -low level (the student has mastered less than 1/2 of the volume of knowledge provided for by the program); testing
1.2 Knowledge of terms Correct use of terms -low level (the student, as a rule, avoids using terms); interview
-intermediate level (the student combines special terms with everyday ones);
-high level (uses special terms consciously and in full accordance with their content)
2. Practical training of students
2.1 Skills and abilities (practice) provided for by the program (according to the main sections of the curriculum of the program) Compliance of practical skills and abilities with the requirements of the program -low level (the student has mastered less than ½ of the skills and abilities provided for by the program); Practical work
-intermediate level (the volume of acquired knowledge is 1/2)
-high level (the student has mastered almost the entire amount of knowledge provided for by the program for a specific period)
2.2 Tool proficiency No difficulty in using the tool -low level (the student experiences serious difficulty when working with the tool); Practical work
-intermediate level (works with the instrument with the help of a teacher);
-high level (works with the tool independently)
2.3 Creative skills Creativity in performing practical tasks initial (elementary) level of creativity development (the student is able to complete only the simplest practical tasks of the teacher); Practical work
-reproductive level (mainly performs tasks based on the sample);
-creative level (performs practical tasks with elements of creativity)

First year of study.

Incoming control :

Practical task No. 1– students cut a sheet of paper along given different lines.

Practical task No. 2– students cut out a square with lined geometric shapes, and shade the ticked shapes. Then the figures are cut out and folded according to the given pictures.

Intermediate control:

Test No. 1– students must correctly draw arrows from the name of the body to its image.

Practical task No. 3– students draw a square and make a boat. They draw up.

Second year of study.

Test No. 2– students must break down the image of a car into simple geometric shapes and choose a drawing that matches their breakdown of the car’s silhouette.

Practical task No. 4– students perform a flying cord model according to the technological map. Two tasks - to draw a model using a graphical representation of the parts, assembly and alignment.

Third year of study.

Final control:

Test No. 3– from the proposed answer options, students choose one correct one.

Practical task No. 5– according to the technological map, students make application material for bookmarking. Geometric shapes are laid out in a certain order. A creative approach is allowed.

Explanatory note.

Additional general education general development program (hereinafter referred to as the program) “Mosaic” (initial technical modeling). Program focus: technical. Implementation period 3 years. The age of students is 6 - 11 years.

Additional education contributes to the formation and self-determination of a child’s personality. Various forms of educational activities are combined with various types of child activities.

Relevance of the program. The relevance of the educational program is expressed in the fact that among modern children there are more and more restless, impatient children, and manual activities attract, calm, develop patience, perseverance, and fine motor skills of the hands. When a child cuts out, glues a model, folds paper, etc., he uses both hands, and this helps to activate both hemispheres of the brain. Thus, the development of the left hemisphere occurs, which is associated with the ability to speak, count, think logically, etc., and at the same time the right hemisphere develops, which is responsible for the development of musical and artistic abilities, spatial perception of objects, etc.

Novelty of the program. This program allows each child to act as a creative designer. They have the opportunity to use all their knowledge, inner plans, ideas in their works, have the opportunity to participate in school, city and republican exhibitions, where they can show their creative work to parents and friends.

This program devotes more time to active forms of learning, which makes it different from programs in this area. The program provides for the inclusion of gaming technologies, finger exercises, contests, competitions in the lessons, taking into account the age characteristics of students, it helps the child to decide on his creative interests by adolescence.

Issues of harmonious development and creative self-realization find their solution in the conditions of combining initial technical modeling. Discovering a unique individuality in oneself will help the student realize himself in studies, creativity, and in communicating with other people.

Pedagogical expediency. To successfully complete creative modeling tasks, a child must be able to concentrate, understand the meaning and purpose of the work, and imagine the result of his activities. Carrying out models requires accuracy, perseverance, and developed hand motor skills. In order for a child to complete the design and production of a model, he needs strong-willed qualities, the development of which affects the activity of his life position, the stability of motivations, and the ability to overcome internal and external difficulties when performing purposeful actions and deeds. Classes develop perseverance, accuracy, aesthetic aspiration, not just to do, but to do competently, beautifully, and originally. Children develop a sense of volumetric, proportional, color harmony, and develop taste.

Target– formation and development of students’ creative abilities through initial technical modeling.


- introduce students to various types of work activities, a variety of materials and methods of working with them;

Teach students to work independently with various materials and tools in compliance with safe work practices;

To form students’ understanding of technology, transport, etc.;

Foster a respectful attitude between team members in joint activities;

To develop the natural inclinations and creative potential of each student: fantasy, observation, imaginative and spatial thinking, memory, imagination, attention.

The program is based on the program by Fetzer V.V. “Technical modeling and design with junior schoolchildren” - Izhevsk 1994

Distinctive features of the program: training is theoretical, cognitive and practical in nature, along with an individual approach to the abilities and age characteristics of students.

The program is designed for children of primary school age 6-11 years.

Children of primary school age have significant development reserves. Their identification and effective use is one of the main tasks of the teacher. At this age, the basic characteristics of cognitive processes (perception, attention, memory, imagination, thinking, speech), which began to form in the preschool period, are consolidated and developed. The main activities in which a child is engaged are: learning, communication, play and work.

Timing of the program:

The program is implemented throughout the calendar year, including holidays. During the summer holidays, an additionally developed program for the vacation period is implemented; work with a variable composition of students of the association is allowed.

The program is designed for 3 years of study

Lesson mode

1 year of training: 1 time per week for 2 hours (72 hours);

2nd year of study: 2 times a week for 2 hours (144 hours);

3rd year of study: 2 times a week for 2 hours (144 hours).

Program mastery levels (difficulty levels):

1 year of study – starting;

2 and 3 years of study – basic level.

It is possible to study according to an individual curriculum schedule within the limits of the mastered program.

Forms and methods of teaching, pedagogical technologies:

Forms of classes: classes, practical exercises, open classes, conversations, competitions, master classes, exhibitions, workshops, etc.

Teaching methods: verbal - conversation, visual - showing methods of action, practical, creative work, practical activity.

Pedagogical technologies: cooperation pedagogy, project technologies, student-oriented technologies.

Program structure: block.

Years of study are independent modules and students can complete or begin their studies from any module. The structure and content of the program allow the inclusion of newcomers studying in any year of study, taking into account the level of preparedness and age of the students (based on the results of the entrance control).

The number of lessons and topics of lessons in each thematic module can be adjusted, replaced with equivalent ones or more fully revealing the content of the module, taking into account the level of the group and the individual characteristics of the students.

Main sections of the program: creative modeling from paper and cardboard, origami, three-dimensional design, graphic design, quilling. Construction from different materials.

Previously, the tabular type of layout was widespread on the Internet, to which this page is dedicated. However, over time, this approach to creating a website structure became outdated, and it was replaced by block layout.

Differences between block layout and tabular layout

If the table layout implies that the page contents are inside the tag

, then the concept of block layout is based on the active use of universal tags
, which contain content, including other tags.

Block layout is devoid of the disadvantages of tabular layout - it is indexed better by search engines, its code is not so sprawling, and the blocks

, which they like to call “layers”, were originally intended to be universal, that is, “for everything,” whereas
is a table that should be used to display tabular data and nothing more.

The only noticeable disadvantage of block layout is that sites made on it may be displayed differently in browsers. To avoid this, you need to make the layout “cross-browser”, that is, displayed equally by any browser.

The essence of block layout

A website layout is created in a graphics editor: it is marked where which area of ​​the page (header, bottom, sidebar, main content) will be located and how much space it will take up, pictures and backgrounds are prepared.

Each part of the page is placed in its own block

: the top of the site - in the first, the menu - in the second, the content - in the third, etc. Each block is filled with content using HTML, and is also positioned and designed using CSS markup.

The final HTML document is a collection of blocks

with content inside. The design is often located in a separate CSS file, connected to the page with the tag , or at least in a container