Smart mini unlimited. How to connect to the Smart mini tariff from MTS

Are you looking for a tariff plan with a small monthly fee, unlimited calls to MTS, packages of minutes to other networks, SMS and Internet traffic? You should consider the Smart mini MTS tariff. This is the cheapest tariff plan in . However, despite the small monthly fee, the Smart mini MTS tariff provides good conditions.

Description of the Smart mini MTS tariff

If you often communicate with MTS subscribers within your home region, occasionally call numbers of other operators and use the Internet only to view websites, then the Smart mini tariff will be the most profitable solution for you.

The tariff plan provides for a monthly fee of 300 rubles for Moscow and the Moscow region and 200 rubles per month for most regions of Russia. In some regions, the tariff fee may be 300 rubles. You can find out the information relevant to your region on the official MTS website.

MTS currently does not have any cheaper offers. Of course, you can consider (Per Second, Super MTS, Guest), but they do not provide packages and therefore are not suitable for everyone.

Of course, the Smart mini MTS tariff is not ideal and has a number of disadvantages, for example, the available packages may be too few and you will spend much more in a month than is provided for by the subscription fee. To understand whether the tariff will be beneficial for you, you need to familiarize yourself with the packages included in it and the prices for communication services.

Smart mini MTS tariff includes:

  • 2 GB Internet traffic;
  • Unlimited calls to MTS in your home region;
  • 250 minutes to all networks in Russia (in some regions 200 minutes are provided);
  • 250 SMS to home region subscribers (in some regions the tariff provides 200 SMS per month).

This is all that the subscriber receives after switching to the Smart mini tariff from MTS. If this is enough for you, then you can safely switch to the tariff. If you spend much more than what is provided for in this tariff plan, then in order to save money you should consider others. Prices for communication services above packages are not as attractive as the subscription fee according to the tariff. Below are the prices typical for the Smart mini tariff. Please read the prices carefully to avoid additional costs in the future, which may significantly exceed the subscription fee.

Cost of communication services on the Smart mini tariff

Many subscribers, having read the information about the monthly fee and the size of packages available within the tariff, do not hesitate to switch to the Smart mini tariff plan. However, after a certain period of time, some of these subscribers are surprised that in a month an amount has been withdrawn from their balance that significantly exceeds the monthly fee. The reason for additional write-offs is communication services that are not included in the Smart mini MTS tariff. Let's figure out how much and for what exactly MTS can withdraw money from your account.

  • Attention
  • Prices may vary depending on the region. As an example, we provided information that is relevant for subscribers in Moscow and the Moscow region. Reliable data for your region can be obtained on the MTS website.

The Smart mini tariff provides the following prices:

  • After 250 minutes per month, the cost of one minute of communication with a subscriber of another network within the home region will be 2 rubles;
  • The cost of one minute of conversation with a subscriber of another operator outside the home network will be 14 rubles;
  • Calls to numbers of other operators outside the home region will cost 5 rubles per minute;
  • After 250 minutes per month, calls to mobile MTS Russia cost 2 rubles;
  • Calls to CIS countries - 35 rubles per minute;
  • Calls to European countries - 49 rubles per minute;
  • Calls to other countries - 70 rubles;
  • After the Internet traffic package is exhausted, an additional 500 MB package is connected for 75 rubles;
  • SMS to mobile phones in your home region after the package is exhausted - 1.50 rubles;
  • SMS to mobile phones in other regions of Russia at home and while traveling around Russia - 3.80 rubles;
  • SMS to international mobile operators - 5.25 rubles;
  • MMS to mobile Russian operators - 6.50 rubles.

Disadvantages of the Smart mini MTS tariff

Unfortunately, ideal tariffs do not exist and a number of shortcomings can always be identified. Like any other tariff plan, Smart mini has a number of disadvantages. Of course, for many subscribers they may not be significant and will not affect the decision in any way, but we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with all hidden conditions before switching to a tariff, so that after some time you do not choose a tariff again.

If you do not have the desire and time to independently search for hidden conditions in this document, you can use our material. We have already done everything for you and prepared a list of all the disadvantages of the tariff. Which of the above disadvantages are significant and which are not is up to you to decide.

The Smart mini tariff has the following disadvantages:

  1. The package of minutes available within the tariff plan for calls to other networks (250 minutes) is spent not only when making calls to numbers of other operators, but also when communicating with MTS subscribers in other regions.
  2. If you have already changed your tariff within the last month, you will have to pay additionally to switch to Smart mini.
  3. The Smart mini tariff is not intended for use in modems. If you install a SIM card with a tariff in the modem, the speed of Internet access will be limited and you will not even be able to browse websites.
  4. After exhausting the Internet traffic available under the Smart mini tariff, MTS will automatically connect additional Internet packages under the “Additional Smart Internet” option until the main tariff package is updated. The volume of the additional package is 500 MB and costs 75 rubles. If you do not want to receive additional traffic, disable this service in your personal account or call the operator.
  5. When located in the Sakhalin Region, Norilsk, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Kamchatka Territory, Magadan Region and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, the speed within the included volume of 2 GB is limited to 128 Kbps.
  6. From January 20, 2016, when connecting and switching to the Smart tariff, the MTS Music service is automatically activated. The service is provided free of charge for the first month.

These are all the shortcomings of the Smart mini tariff that we were able to identify and check. However, this does not mean that the MTS Smart mini tariff does not provide for other disadvantages. Believe me, there are still many shortcomings that we have not voiced, as evidenced by customer reviews. By the way, if you have something to say about the Smart mini tariff, be sure to share your opinion in the comments.

How to connect the Smart mini MTS tariff

Have you carefully studied the terms of the Smart mini tariff plan and are you convinced that this tariff fully meets your requirements? If so, then you can safely switch to the Smart mini tariff and check it in practice to see whether it will be profitable and convenient for you. There are several ways to switch to a tariff and we will consider them all. All you have to do is choose the option that suits you and switch to the tariff.

You can connect the Smart mini tariff to MTS:

  • Using USSD command * 111 * 1023 # ;
  • Through your MTS personal account;
  • Using the “My MTS” application;
  • By calling 0890 to the customer support center (not the fastest way, since waiting for a specialist to respond can take a lot of time);
  • By visiting the nearest MTS office or communication store. They will sell you a new SIM card or connect you to a tariff on the old one.

How to disable the Smart mini tariff

The Smart mini tariff is good in many respects, especially for its price, but too small packages are often not enough and in order to avoid additional costs, you have to change the tariff. There are a lot of options for switching, for example, to increase the size of packages you can switch to the tariff

If you want to connect to MTS Smart Mini, the description of the tariff will be very useful. You should study the terms of this offer and the main parameters. Additionally, it is worth considering the connection process in detail.

Smart Mini is the junior tariff in the operator’s line. It is created for people who want to get everything they need at an attractive price. When should you sign up for this offer?

  1. You are actively calling within the network.
  2. Need minutes for calls.
  3. Do you want to access the Internet to communicate in instant messengers and social networks?

The main advantage is the relatively low subscription fee. You can save money and get everything you need. Therefore, the program will be of interest to many clients.

Question of price

In the sources you can find various cost parameters - 150 rubles, 250 rubles, 200, 300, etc. This is due to some features of the operator’s pricing policy.

The company often sets different cost parameters in regions. The amount of income of subscribers in the capital and in Krasnodar, Samara and other cities is different. Experts take this fact into account when determining the cost.

The spread can be between 100-300 rubles, depending on the tariff. Therefore, it is necessary to check the cost with the operator. The official MTS website always provides up-to-date information.

Another reason for the variation is that the tariff plan was updated.

The company changed conditions over time and adjusted parameters. Therefore, outdated information remains in the sources.

Current situation

Now the Smart Mini MTS tariff for 200 rubles has disappeared in a number of regions. The company is gradually moving it to the archive and closing the connection. The reasons are as follows:

  • The plan has become outdated and lost its relevance.
  • For a number of regions, the company does not see any point in updating the tariff.
  • There is Smart, which is not too different in terms of basic conditions.

Therefore, it is not a fact that you will be able to connect the tariff. If the company in the region has closed it, then you will not be able to join the program. Only subscribers who have managed to connect can use it.

How do you know if a plan is available in your area?

  1. Visit the operator's website.
  2. Proceed to the tariffs section.
  3. Explore current offers.
  4. If Smart Mini is not in the list, then the transition to it is closed.

MTS Smart Mini tariff: details

Attention! Conditions are indicated for Moscow and Moscow Region, where the plan is still in effect. Parameters may vary in regions. Therefore, before connecting, it is worth clarifying the key indicators.

Smart Mini is a good option for people who need basic services. You can get a package of minutes, unlimited within the network, Internet access. Therefore, this option is in demand among clients.

If you are interested in Smart Mini MTS, the description of the tariff in 2019 is as follows:

  1. Subscription fee – 400 rubles per month.
  2. 1 GB of 4G traffic is provided.
  3. Unlimited calls within your home network.
  4. 350 minutes are provided to all phones in the region.
  5. You receive 350 SMS.

One of the key advantages is unlimited in the MTS network. If your friends and relatives use the services of an operator, then you will be able to communicate with them without restrictions.

A package of 350 minutes will be enough for many people. If this is not enough for you, then it is worth exploring other offers of the operator. The company has options for all subscribers.

The downside may be a package of 350 SMS. Few people actively use messages. But the operator still sells them in tariffs in order to receive additional funds.

Traffic 1 GB. For many people this will not be enough. It is only enough for checking mail, visiting social networks and communicating in instant messengers. It is possible that you will have to activate the turbo button to extend the speed.

If you need more traffic per month, then you should choose a different tariff.

Carefully study the basic conditions and make comparisons. A good option for active users would be Unlimited.

How to connect the Smart Mini tariff to MTS for 200 rubles per month

There are several ways to upgrade to this plan:

  • Use the command.
  • In your personal account.
  • In the application for mobile devices.


It is possible to switch to the Smart Mini MTS tariff plan in LC. To do this you need to follow a number of simple steps:

  1. Log in to the operator's portal.
  2. Go to the office.
  3. Log in to gain access.
  4. Proceed to the office for tariffs.
  5. Find Smart Mini in the list.
  6. Select a connection to it.
  7. You will receive a notification with the results of the operation.


You don't have access to the Internet, or don't want to visit the personal account? Then you should use the command. Enter the number *111*1023# and make a call. The request is processed within a few seconds.

You will receive an SMS with the report. In the future, you will be able to use the new tariff and appreciate all its advantages.

Phone app

To manage your account, there is a special application “My MTS”. The program has a number of advantages:

  • Allows you to get all the information you need.
  • Find out the current settings.
  • Manage services and tariffs.
  • The program is easy to use.
  • You will not have any difficulties using it.
  • The application can be installed on various smartphones.
  • It has been released for major platforms.
  • Has high stability.
  • Received positive reviews.
  • You can use it as an alternative to your personal account.

How to change the tariff in the program? Initially, go to the official store and download. After installation, you log in to the account management application.

In the program, open the tab with tariffs. It presents all the plans that are currently available for connection. Select Smart Mini and press the corresponding key.

After connecting, you will receive a notification confirming the operation. Now you can use the new plan. The application is very simple and convenient, there should be no problems when using it.

In April 2017, MTS redesigned some of its services. The changes affected the “Smart mini” tariff plan. The TP is suitable for free calls within the MTS network. 350 free minutes are allocated for conversations with subscribers in the home region.

In addition to conversations, subscribers can send SMS and use the Internet. The advantage of the tariff is the ability to connect a landline telephone. The services included in the TP are focused on the Moscow region. Costs may vary for other areas.

The Smart Mini tariff plan allows subscribers to make free calls within the MTS network. The plug-in package includes:

  • 350 free minutes for calls within your area of ​​residence;
  • 350 SMS messages to local operators;
  • Free communication between MTS numbers located in your home region;
  • 1 GB of traffic.

For using the package, the operator charges a subscription fee of 350 rubles. If the subscriber has used the “City Number” service, the monthly fee increases to 850 rubles.

The Internet operates within the connection area. When the main traffic package ends, an additional package is automatically connected. The cost of the service is 95 rubles. The package includes 500 MB of traffic. You can use the service 15 times per month.

If subscribers need the Internet to function in all regions of the Russian Federation, they need to enable the “Smart at home everywhere” option. The service applies to calls and SMS. For using the option, the operator withdraws 100 rubles from the balance. per month.


How to connect

You can connect to the “Smart mini” tariff from MTS in 3 ways:

  • Dial the specialized code “*111*1023#” on your smartphone or tablet;
  • Log in to your personal account on the ru website;
  • Visit a communication salon. Sellers will help you change the TP.

The mobile operator does not charge a commission for switching to a tariff plan. Subscribers who decide to switch to MTS can use the “Save Number” service. The cost of transfer is 100 rubles.

In order to activate the “Smart Everywhere at Home” service, you need to dial the combination “*111*1021#”. The option is connected within 1 minute.

How to disable

You can deactivate the Smart Mini tariff in various ways. Before disabling the package, it is recommended to select a new TP. After this you need:

  • Register an account on the “ru” website. In services, connect a new package;
  • Contact support for help and ask to disable the package. The operator can be contacted at “8 800 250 0890”;
  • Visit the MTS office. Company representatives will change the TP.

When contacting company representatives, you must have your passport with you. Manipulations with the number can only be performed by subscribers to whom it is registered.

Video review of the tariff

Who is it suitable for?

The “Smart mini” tariff is most suitable for subscribers who need to call within their home region and across Russia to MTS numbers. At the same time, the Internet is practically not used. If you need an advanced tariff with a range of services, it is recommended to consider the “Smart top” package.

The leading operator MTS has recently often released tariff plans that are narrowly targeted at a specific consumer. The well-known MTS Smart tariff plan was developed by the operator for use in smartphones and managed to become popular. However, the proposal did not take into account all the needs of modern subscribers. Therefore, the operator has released a new tariff - “Smart Mini”.

Description of the tariff plan

Today there are four tariffs that are included in the “Smart” line developed by MTS. Smart mini is the most “basic”, as it is available due to the lowest cost.

The tariff plan requires a monthly subscription fee. Which means that the user is obliged to pay the company 400 rubles every month. After payment, he receives a special package of services. It includes minutes for outgoing calls and a mobile Internet package.

Among the advantages that the MTS operator offers to subscribers today, it is worth noting the allocated traffic in the amount of 1 GB per month and the availability of free minutes to MTS operator numbers in other regions of Russia as part of the package included in the subscription fee. You can buy an MTS smart mini tariff at official points of sale, including in our online store. Among other things, you can choose a beautiful phone number that will express and highlight the individuality of the owner.

MTS Smart mini basic tariff

A tariff with a federal number and a direct one with code 495 for the Moscow city number was created specifically for smartphones. The subscription fee includes monthly: 350 minutes of outgoing calls to any numbers in Moscow and the region, as well as 350 minutes of outgoing calls to other regions of Russia to MTS numbers. When you are in Moscow and the Moscow region, all incoming calls are free; when traveling around Russia, when you are in intranet roaming, incoming calls are free when you activate the “Everywhere, like at home Smart” option.

Conversations with other cellular and fixed-line operators are charged separately. Calls within your home region are charged at a rate of 1.50 rubles per minute, and calls to subscribers in other regions of the Russian Federation - 10 rubles per minute. The MTS Smart mini tariff plan includes free 350 SMS, which can be used to numbers in your region. The cost of a message sent to numbers of other networks throughout the country is 3.8 rubles.

Mobile Internet and roaming

The MTS Smart mini tariff allows subscribers to use mobile Internet. This service is already included in the subscription fee. The subscriber is provided with 1 GB of Internet traffic monthly, intended for use in the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region. In other regions of Russia, it is recommended to activate the “Everywhere, like at home Smart” option to use the basic mobile Internet package outside the Moscow region. If the 2 GB limit is exceeded, the subscriber is automatically connected to an additional Internet traffic package in the amount of 300 MB for 30 rubles. To refuse automatic traffic replenishment, you must enter the command *111*936#.

MTS tariffs of the “Smart” line are varied. Among the “Smart” tariff line from MTS, the first is the “Smart mini” tariff. This is a convenient tariff plan with a very small (from 250 rubles) subscription fee. What is it and what opportunities does it give to the user? Below we offer a full description of the “Smart mini” tariff.

Depending on the region of connection, the monthly subscription fee varies slightly. On average, this is 250 rubles per month in the regional tariffs of MTS Smart mini and 350 rubles for one month in the capital region. For this amount you get unlimited calls with MTS subscribers in your home region, a reserved amount of Internet traffic and SMS.

How are things going with minutes and traffic on the Smart mini? For those connected to Smart mini, the conditions in the main package of minutes and SMS/MMS are as follows:

If the threshold of 1000 minutes and 200 SMS/MMS is exceeded, then the cost becomes as follows:

In the capital's tariffs, these figures change slightly - 350 minutes for calls to MTS in other regions of Russia and a package of 350 SMS/MMS to subscribers in the home region. After exceeding the thresholds, the price of all services also starts to cost 2 rubles.

Cost: Internet traffic

As for the cost of Internet traffic, the main characteristics for those who switch to it are as follows:

Internet traffic volumes apply to all tariffs of all regions, but when you are in your home region. If you leave your home region with the Smart Mini tariff, MTS is valid when you activate the additional option “Smart at home everywhere.” Each additional Internet traffic package is connected automatically when the main volume of traffic is exhausted.

To switch the MTS Smart Mini tariff to a more economical spending mode and disable automatically connected additional Internet traffic packages, you can disable them yourself with a simple USSD command: *111*936# or in your personal account on the MTS website: https://login.mts. ru. Packages are connected using the same command.

The “Everywhere, like home Smart” option, in turn, is connected by USSD with the command: *111*1021#.

Additional Internet packages

How to connect the Internet if you still don’t have enough of it and with additional, automatically connected packages? You need to use the “Turbo button” or “Internet VIP” services offered for this line of tariffs. Information about these additional services is presented on the official MTS website. Payment for them and connection occurs in accordance with the terms of these additional services.

International calls and SMS
