Navitel is a free GPS navigator for Android phones and tablets. Tablet with navigator: model selection, settings, reviews

At the moment (summer 2013), the choice of car gadgets is such that even an advanced user finds it difficult to choose a device that is optimally suited to the user’s needs. Well, if you decide to buy a GPS navigator for your car, you’ve probably already heard and, perhaps, even picked out another device from your friends in the car - a tablet, which was successfully used as a navigator and, among other things, a tablet has much more capabilities than in the navigator. So what should you buy for your car - a navigator or a tablet?

The question is very complex, but nevertheless, I will give you examples of both navigators and tablets that are perfect for use in a car. Of course, every motorist sets the required tasks for the purchased gadget and buys a device that will successfully solve all the problems. Therefore, for some it will be an excellent option to buy a tablet, while others will prefer a navigator. At their core, both the tablet and the navigator are similar; both are PDAs, which mostly use the same chips. However, in the navigator, the functions are limited exclusively to navigation (ignoring modern advanced navigators on Android, we’ll get to them), but the tablet also has other functions - surfing the Internet, working with programs, etc. That is, the tablet is more tailored to perform many tasks.

Advantages of a tablet when using it as a navigator in a car:

  • 1. Large screen (as a rule, tablets come with a screen of at least 9-10 inches, so looking at such a screen is a pleasure, and the icons are of normal sizes, you won’t miss them with your finger).
  • 2. It is possible to access the Internet, so in addition to Internet surfing, you can download traffic jams, which is an important function for residents of megacities.
  • 3. Powerful hardware. If you buy a really “cool” tablet and, among other things, are going to use it as a navigator, the internal stuffing will be just super - a dual-core processor at 1-1.5 GHz (2 cores), at least 1024 MB of RAM. With such hardware, even the heavy Navitel will not slow down. So the cards will load instantly, and the overall speed will be excellent.
  • 4. Various functions of a regular computer - watch movies, listen to music, chat on Skype (there is a camera). Although modern cool navigators have already begun to install the same functions as the tablet.
  • 5. Operating system - of course Android, gadgets on Android work very quickly, do not consume battery resources and there are simply tons of software for them, both paid and free.
  • 6. Well, the general advantage of a tablet compared to navigators is that tablets always have a powerful battery, so even in offline mode it will last at least 10-15 hours. The batteries of navigators are much weaker; the coolest batteries last for 6-8 hours of operation.
  • 7. Tablets always have higher screen resolution, so all multimedia functions benefit. You can connect an external hard drive to a large tablet and watch decent resolution videos without any lags. This is about multimedia, functions useful for those who have children. and many car enthusiasts are like children themselves - buy a tablet for 15,000 rubles and they won’t be overjoyed. You can do a lot of things on the tablet, and you can set the navigation to whatever you like.

It seems like there are so many advantages that you don’t even doubt that you need to buy a tablet. However, the cost of a normal tablet will always be around 10,000 rubles or even more. So for many, this option is out of the question due to its high price. But there are tablets that cost 6-7 thousand rubles, and these are the ones that can get in your way when buying a navigator))

Disadvantages of using a tablet as a navigator:

  • 1. Of the minuses, the first thing worth noting is the mounting of the device in the car. The tablet does not have a standard mount included, which means you will have to either “farm” or look for purchasing options on the Internet. Car mounts have already been developed for popular tablet models, but if you have a mid-range gadget, securing it as a navigator will be problematic. So the option is to either put it on the passenger seat and listen to voice prompts, or give it to the passenger)) But it’s inconvenient)
  • 2. Next, a really large screen for many will be more of a minus than a plus, because it quite blocks the screen. Imagine a device with a 10-inch screen on the windshield. Takes up a lot of space.
  • 3. A much weaker GPS module, that is, the quality of the satellite receiver for tablets is slightly worse. Although many may object to me, because in expensive tablet models everything is cool, from hardware and software to the navigation module. Take, for example, the iPad - a super cool thing, multifunctional, an excellent tablet and navigator, and you can even use it as a video recorder if you want, because the camera is also of high quality. But Chinese tablets are equipped with GPS cheats of very low quality. So if you choose between a Chinese tablet and a high-quality navigator, then for navigation it is of course better to buy a navigator.

So the following conclusions can be drawn about using a tablet in a car (IMHO) - if you take a high-quality tablet for 12-15 thousand rubles, then you will feel the difference between a navigator and a tablet. A huge screen, everything is visible, there are no brakes at all, everything loads instantly, a lot of possibilities. If you have money, then it’s definitely better to buy an expensive tablet and enjoy life. But if money is tight, then take a closer look at the so-called tablet navigators; I reviewed many models on this site.

Let's look at this gadget (navigator with tablet functions):

The screen is usually 7 inches
The resolution may be small; there are also normal models with a resolution of 800 by 480 pixels. Better take these, because the lower resolution is too low for a 7-inch screen.
The hardware is weaker, but still quite good for a navigator - if the processor frequency is 1 GHz and the RAM is at least 512 MB, then it’s normal.
Next is the operating system. Available on Windows, but also available on Android; I am inclined to buy navigators on this platform.
In addition to all this, a high-quality GPS receiver that perfectly picks up satellites and accurately indicates everything.
And, of course, the ability to connect to the Internet. It is better to be able to access the Internet via the built-in Wi-Fi model and also via an external 3G modem.
Also, all multimedia functions will be available - movies, music, photos, reading books.

If a car navigator has all these functions, then how does it differ from a tablet? Slightly less functionality and less hardware power. However, it performs all functions perfectly and costs 2-3 times less than a good tablet. So why overpay?

I offer you a couple of excellent options for tablet navigators on Android, and in my opinion, these are the optimal models for a car. And they cost between 5-6 thousand rubles, the amount is more than reasonable.

So, so far in bestsellers:

- a powerful navigator with a large screen, decent resolution, operating system - Android 4.0. Lots of possibilities - a full range of multimedia capabilities (even a TV), several options for connecting to the Internet. Cost 5000 rubles. So I recommend paying attention if you are looking for an inexpensive and functional navigator for your car. There is everything here and even more.

- the second version of the 7-inch tablet navigator, also from a well-known brand. The cost is slightly higher - 6,000 rubles, but in terms of hardware power it is slightly inferior to the Prestigio. Everything else is also excellent, all the above functions are available. Also on Android.

By purchasing one of these two devices, you get at your disposal an excellent, large navigator with a “traffic” service. Apart from all the features, each of these excellent navigators can easily be called a tablet with average characteristics. This, of course, is not an iPod, but you can surf the Internet without any problems. In general, it’s still up to you. I hope that my thoughts will help you with your choice.

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    Good afternoon.
    Have you ever gotten your hands on the C701 GPS tablet with built-in 3G from CLV? The parameters seem to be quite good.

    Hello, haven't gotten there yet. Let's see at our leisure what kind of tablet this is. If it’s good, we’ll do a review of the gadget))

    I’ve been using it for (or for now) 🙂 a month. Overall a normal machine. The navigator is quite peculiar: at speeds over 40 km/h it is a little late with warnings (turns are especially noticeable) and for some reason it also calls the current turn at which you need to turn as next :-)
    The battery lasts for 2-4 hours of continuous operation.

    Thank you, Vlad, for your feedback; undoubtedly, your comments on gadgets will be useful. If everyone shared their experiences and left reviews, you’d see that a lot of valuable information would appear from the users themselves.

    I bought a navigator navigator play5000dvr))) turned it on, it works, the battery ran out - plugged in the power via USB, started setting the time and date - the navigator died, vertical stripes appeared on the screen)) from the moment of purchase, 7 hours have passed)) why, in general, do they allow trading such a product))?

    Good day! I’m going to buy a navigation device for my car and now I’m hesitating between GPS Navigator Lexand STA-6.0 - 4300 rubles or GPS Navigator Lexand STA-5.0 - 5800 rubles and 7″ Tablet Prestigio MultiPad PMP3007C 8 GB 3G metallic-4000-5000 + mount 1000 -1500 + charging 500.
    Help me choose either a navigator on Android or a tablet.
    The main criterion for me is that the navigation be small and fast without any “brakes.” I don’t intend to use any games, calls, the Internet, photos, videos, etc. Thank you

    Vitaly, take everything! If you don’t like it, you can return it to the store within 2 weeks!)

    Thank you all for your participation, I decided to buy a tablet, better than three in one.

    Hello, it was Lexand and now prestige, both when traveling 500-1000 km after turning off (stopped to rest) they do not turn on for several hours after turning on the battery showed from 30 to 80 percent of charge, but they did not take the card and we are standing in Rostov-on-Don at 1 o’clock in the morning, waiting for the morning buy a new navigator and a map. We bought a map and the navigator turns on, we drive on. It’s so bad, these navigators have let us down so many times and there are 3 prestige phones nearby and they all turn on and there’s a Navitel program there, but they couldn’t start it on the road, there’s a tablet, but without 3G, I've had enough of navigators, now I'm looking for a normal tablet with navigation, although so far I've traveled no more than 100 km (Moscow back and around Moscow. I didn't know that the navigators were buggy, I talked to my comrades, almost everyone has this situation, I took apart the navigators, it's just terrible, but where It’s normal to take, not Chinese, the conclusion is clear, only a tablet

    There is one problem with navigators - they are disposable. Those. If there's anything wrong with the screen, it won't be repaired anywhere. I bought Navitel A705. I lived at home for 2 days. I went on vacation - apparently it warmed up well in the car, but when I turned on the air conditioner, the screen floated - now throw it away. It’s a pity that I bought additional cards - it’s a shame. Now I’m thinking - apparently I still need to take a 7′ tablet. At least they are being repaired.

    In my opinion, the navigator is more suitable for older people, who, as a rule, are not “friendly” with fancy gadgets, and who do not need the additional functions of a tablet.

    There is also GARMIN, but they cost like tablets

    Please tell me a tablet (or the necessary hardware) that can be used every day to work with the ELM327bluetooth mini adapter and occasionally as a navigator. I plan to download Navitel software.

    The Navitel navigator stood in the sun for 2 hours and froze until I turned it off and put it in a dark place and could not start it.

    Guys, which one is better now to take a tablet for these purposes?

    The choice now is simply huge, you have to look at the money. Among the inexpensive ones - Prestigio is normal, although it is China, but the quality is very good. More expensive - all sorts of Asus and Acer, they will be cooler, but the price tag is one and a half to two times higher. Another option is to order from Aliexpress; now there are a lot of cool Chinese brands that produce high-quality electronics - Meiza, for example. A friend has a smart phone - it’s simply gorgeous, a huge screen and an excellent navigator.

    I bought it in December, this miracle of Chinese technology: “Oysters T72HM + option “Internet Tablet S””, the miracle worked, not for long, a glitch appeared, it stopped turning on, although the price, 2,490, was very tempting, I contacted the warranty center, there They demanded a receipt for the purchase, but due to the absence of one, warranty repairs were refused. The cost of repairs was announced at 1500. So, I advise you not to fall for this model, although the functions are quite good, it did not work for long! And if you decide to buy, then keep all receipts until the warranty period expires!

    The Prestigio3057 tablet with the City Guide navigation program worked for 3 months. The navigator died and was under warranty for a month. I bought TEXET, it doesn’t see satellites at all and works as it wants.
    If you buy a tablet for navigation, it’s better not to go cheap
    LENOVO and ASUS bite on price but work

    The quality standard in this matter belongs to Garmin. Its navigators can work autonomously for more than 4 hours. If you are going to go hiking and don’t yet know which company’s navigator is best to buy, pay attention to devices from this manufacturer.

Finding your way in a new place or foreign city is not so easy. The situation requires especially fast orientation on the terrain if a person is driving. This distracts the driver’s attention and concentration and makes the driver and other road users nervous. Today, this problem is easily solved by navigators. If previously you had to buy them as a separate independent device, now you can simply install the navigator on your tablet. After all, today almost every family has tablets.

How to choose and install a navigator on your tablet?

First of all, you need to decide on the type of navigator. There are both Internet-powered and standalone navigators that do not require an online connection during the trip. If both types of programs are suitable for tablets and 4G, then only an offline navigator is suitable for tablets connecting via WIFI.
The advantage of navigators that connect to the Internet online is up-to-date information about traffic jams, accidents, and so on.
The advantage of offline navigators is that regardless of whether there is an Internet connection, the program works stably, finds addresses and creates routes. Internet traffic is not consumed.

How to install a navigator on a tablet

Once the appropriate software has been selected, you can begin to resolve the “” issue. To begin with, in the tablet settings, in the “security” tab, you should allow the installation of applications from third-party sources. In the settings we also enable GPS navigation.
Let’s look at the algorithm of actions “how to install a navigator on a tablet” using the example of two popular navigators: Navitel and Yandex.
In the case of the Navitel program, the easiest and freest way is to download the apk file to your computer, unpack this archive, and then copy the Android apk file to the tablet. Then you need to run this file from the tablet, after which the installation will begin.
After this, you need to download and install maps of the desired city. You should find on the Internet maps of the desired area intended specifically for this program and download them. After this, you need to install these files /Navitel/Content/Maps. If such a folder does not exist in the tablet’s file system, you need to create it. The program will automatically recognize installed cards the next time you start it.
If everything is done correctly, Navitel will start working. It would also be a good idea to register on the program’s website in order to purchase the necessary add-ons in the future.

If we are talking about Yandex navigator, downloading is easier. This is done for free from the official website, or through various Market applications. If the tablet is powered by , you can enter its number, after which you will receive a link to download this content. Installation occurs automatically. To work offline, of course, you will need to download offline maps of the desired region.
Modern navigators allow you not only to plot a route and find out the exact distance to the desired point, but also to calculate the approximate time of arrival and reduce travel time by avoiding traffic jams, accidents and road works. Navigators also have voice and sound prompts, warning in advance about upcoming maneuvers and even about video cameras on the roads. There are also built-in chats that allow drivers to communicate with each other. Despite the fact that the main functions of navigators are designed for traveling by car, they can also be used by ordinary pedestrians. It is enough to select the method of transportation in the settings, and the program will plot the most suitable and shortest route. The question of “installing a navigator on a tablet” is simply resolved if you look into it.

Installing a navigator on a tablet computer

Articles and Lifehacks

Often motorists who know how to make a navigator from a tablet, tablet computers are successfully used as GPS. Today, gadgets for cars are presented in a fairly wide range, so many users find it difficult to choose the right device for themselves.

Advantages and disadvantages of using a navigator made from a tablet computer

Owners of such gadgets use their devices in the same way, although GPS has some limitations in its functions.

Tablet advantages:
- ease of use of a large screen;
- access to the World Wide Web, which allows you to obtain information about possible traffic jams;
- presence of a powerful processor (preferably dual-core);
- having additional functions (watching movies, listening to music, communicating via Skype);
- the presence of a powerful battery that allows the device to operate for up to 15 hours;
- the ability to watch videos without slowdowns thanks to the special screen resolution.

The negative aspects include:
- lack of fastening, the need to manufacture it yourself;
- large screen sizes, making it difficult to see while driving;
- low level of satellite reception.

Applications used to convert a tablet into a navigator

There are various programs that offer how to make a navigator out of a tablet. A tablet device equipped with a Bluetooth interface can be used as an external receiver. The system automatically finds and connects GPS.

To download the required applications, you need to select PlayMarket in the application menu, and then enter “Google Maps” in the search bar.
Yandex determines the user's location using Wi-Fi and cell towers. GPS search engine maps can be downloaded online.
In European countries, the functional navigator application Navitel Navigator works at a high level. A special feature of this program is the correct and detailed display of all kinds of objects on the map. However, this application is paid, and also has high requirements for the hardware resources of the tablet computer.

To use the tablet as a navigator, the user needs to launch a special program with maps (for example, the GoogleMaps application). To determine the location of the motorist, the application located in the menu must be launched. To avoid additional traffic costs, the user will be prompted to turn on Wi-Fi. After clicking on the pointer icon, the proposed optimal route to your destination, possible traffic jams and time of arrival to the desired location will appear in the window.

When in an unfamiliar area, the user may need to find a way home, or to the nearest diner, or a place to stay for the night. His faithful companions can help him with this - a smartphone or tablet with a navigator. To use them correctly, you need to carry out a number of simple steps.

How to find out if your tablet has a navigator

To do this you need:

  1. Find the “Settings” item in the application menu and go there.
  2. In the device settings, go to the “Location” item. There you will be offered a number of options for determining your location. Check if there is a “GPS Satellites” item. If it is present, mark it.

  • Using a tablet as a navigator means running a special application with maps on it. Most Android devices come with various applications installed out of the box, one of which is the GoogleMaps navigator, called “Maps”. Find it in the main menu and launch it. When you first launch, you will be asked to allow the application to determine your location, as well as turn on Wi-Fi in order to avoid traffic costs.
  1. Click on the pointer icon. In the window that appears, you will be asked to get directions from the place where you are.
  2. As an example, let’s enter the Lukyanovskaya metro station in the “End point” line. Click on the “Get directions” button. The application will display an image of a map with a route on it, as well as the estimated time it will take to get to your destination.

  • Click on the menu button. The drop-down list will offer additional options for working with the Navigator.
    1. Entire route – allows you to see the entire path to be taken.
    2. Route details - a detailed description of all turns and route.
    3. Sound off/on – makes it possible to turn off sound notifications when working with the Navigator.
    4. Layers – This option marks traffic jams, tourist spots, gas stations, ATMs, banks, restaurants, and satellite views on the map.
  • To center the map on your location, just click on the icon with a blue arrow.

Tablet navigator: Video

How to install GPS on a tablet

There is a possibility that your tablet does not have Google Maps and Navigator pre-installed. In order to download them, you need to go to the applications menu and find PlayMarket. In the search bar you need to enter “Google Maps” and install the application.

There are also alternative programs for using GPS on a tablet, for example GLONASS. The rest are listed below:

If you are a competitor, then be in everything. The Russian search engine Yandex could not ignore such a valuable direction in the modern world as GPS navigation. Just like most other map providers, we are given the option to download maps before use or download them on the fly via the Internet. An interesting feature of Yandex Maps is the so-called folk maps, which are edited according to the “traveler for traveler” principle.
If your tablet is not equipped with a GPS receiver, this is not an obstacle for Yandex, which can work with A-GPS and determine the user’s location based on the location of cell towers and Wi-Fi.

Navitel Navigator

Navitel Navigator is a powerful navigator application that works in the CIS countries and Europe. Usage and functionality are performed at a high level.

Among the features of the program it is worth highlighting:

  • 2D and 3D maps;
  • Convenient work with both a tablet and a smartphone;
  • correct and detailed display of various objects on the map.

Unfortunately, this program is paid, but this is not the only drawback. The demands on the tablet's hardware resources also make itself felt when you need a smooth and enjoyable experience with this application.

Using a tablet as a car navigator seems like a good idea to many. We tried to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of using a tablet as a navigator, and also collected a number of recommendations that will help you do this in the most effective way.

Pros and cons of using a tablet as a navigator

Today, satellite navigation in a car can be implemented using the car’s built-in infotainment system, using a smartphone, a specialized car navigator or tablet.

Navigation built into the car's infotainment system is still an attribute of mostly expensive trim levels. In addition, it is often limited to a certain region, and loading new maps into it can be a non-trivial task. Still, most motorists choose other solutions.

A tablet has a number of undeniable advantages as a navigator compared to a smartphone. The most important thing is the screen diagonal and saving the phone's charge. Navigation applications consume quite a lot of energy, as they use both the GPS signal receiver and wireless interfaces, but the always-on display consumes the most energy. Using a tablet, you can constantly stay connected and also make navigation more comfortable.

Compared to a specialized navigator, a tablet provides a larger screen and, as a rule, a better-functioning touch surface. It allows you to receive operational information about traffic jams, and can also perform other functions, such as entertainment. It can work autonomously, since navigators are often not equipped with any serious battery. And of course, the user is free to choose the navigation program that he likes best. It is no secret that some solutions are better for one country, while others are better for another.

Pros of using a tablet as a navigator.

  1. Large screen diagonal.
  2. Ease of use of the interface due to both the better performance of the touch screen surface and its size.
  3. Ability to activate other functions, including entertainment.
  4. Possibility of obtaining operational information about the traffic situation.
  5. Provide flexibility in choosing navigation software.
  6. Autonomy.

Tablets also have disadvantages compared to other solutions. First of all, these are the dimensions of the gadget. A large screen, of course, is a wonderful thing, but when installing a tablet in a car, you will have to solve several problems. First of all, find a mount that will have an appropriate frame and can support the entire tablet. Then you will need to find a place for it on the dashboard of the car so that the tablet is easily accessible, clearly visible and at the same time does not greatly impair visibility.

The tablet can also get very hot in the summer, again due to its size, which can have a detrimental effect on its life expectancy.

Navigation applications are quite resource-intensive, so tablets can work slower than specialized navigators. After all, in addition to the navigation program itself, the processor also runs a heavier OS and other applications in the background. Also, tablets can be worse identified by coordinators. Often less powerful receivers are installed in them. However, all these disadvantages are offset by the increased productivity of tablets, as well as the widespread use of A-GPS, which in urban conditions makes it possible to increase the accuracy of determining coordinates.

Finally, tablets used as navigators may cost more than a specialized device.

  1. Disadvantages of using a tablet as a navigator.
  2. Large size and weight: it is difficult to find a convenient place on the dashboard, there are difficulties in finding a mount.
  3. There is a risk of slower application startup and slower performance.
  4. In some cases, worse determination of coordinates.
  5. Price.

Which tablet to choose for use as a car navigator

As you can see, the advantages of using a tablet as a navigator can still outweigh the disadvantages. At the same time, most of the disadvantages can be eliminated through proper selection of the tablet. These are the criteria we take as a basis, although everyone can choose a tablet at their own discretion.

Screen diagonal. The optimal diagonal for a tablet that will be used as a navigator is 7-8 inches. These are relatively compact devices, and at the same time their screen is larger than a smartphone or a specialized navigator. Considering that phablets today have a diagonal of 5.5-6.1 inches, a 7-8-inch tablet may not differ significantly from them in size, which means it will be easier to find a mount for such a tablet. Screen resolution is not of fundamental importance, but the higher it is, the better.

You can also take a tablet as a navigator, with a 9-10-inch screen. However, such a device will be more difficult to place in a car. At the same time, such a diagonal looks preferable if you plan to take the tablet out of the car and use it not only as a navigator.

Processor and amount of RAM. The ideal would be a mid-range processor with 4-8 cores and 2 GB of RAM, for example, the Snapdragon 600 series. However, such a platform may be more expensive than we would like. In general, the level of performance of mobile processors has increased in recent years, so today the problem of choosing a hardware platform is not so acute. It can be considered that a 4-core chip and 1 GB of RAM should be considered the minimum acceptable solution.

Storage capacity. Navigation maps can take up a lot of space, especially if you use offline applications. Therefore, it is advisable that the tablet have at least 16 GB of flash memory; if you plan to watch movies on the device or play on it, and not just use it as a navigator, then it is better to have 32 GB. The presence of a slot for microSD memory cards will not be superfluous.

GPS. You can talk for a long time about the qualities of a particular GPS module, GLONASS support, etc. However, more important for a tablet as a navigator is the presence of A-GPS. A-GPS, in addition to the satellite signal, uses signals from cell towers and other sources to determine coordinates. In urban conditions, A-GPS increases the accuracy of determining coordinates and also reduces the start time when launching the application.

Wireless modules. It is best when the tablet is equipped with 3G or 4G modules. They allow you to receive current information about traffic conditions, do not limit the list of navigation applications to offline applications, etc. The minimum option is Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, with which you can distribute mobile Internet to your tablet from your smartphone.

Battery capacity. In principle, it is not critical, since in a car the tablet will most likely be constantly connected to the network, for example, through the cigarette lighter. However, sometimes you will need to work without power. Autonomous navigation mode must be maintained for at least 3-4 hours. We believe that a 3000-4000 mAh battery will be quite sufficient for these purposes.

operating system. Any operating system for tablets is suitable for navigation, but we will still focus on Android. Firstly, this is the most popular platform. Secondly, inexpensive models are produced on its basis, which can be considered as an alternative to a navigator.

Price. Here everyone chooses based on their capabilities, but we believe that such a device can be found for 6-10 thousand rubles and it will be quite affordable for the average motorist.

Now that we’ve figured out the main characteristics, let’s see what the market offers.

Tablets for navigation

Lenovo TAB 3 730X LTE costs an average of 9,660 rubles. This is the price for a tablet with a 16 GB drive. The new model running Android 6.0 has a MediaTek MT8735 processor with four cores and a frequency of 1000 MHz. The tablet has 1 GB of RAM and supports microSD memory cards up to 64 GB. The resolution of the 7-inch display is 1024x600 pixels. There is support for LTE and other communication standards. GPS has A-GPS support. Attached to everything is a 3450 mAh battery.

ASUS ZenPad C 7.0 Z170CG costs almost 1000 rubles cheaper, its average price is 8989 rubles. The tablet's 7-inch screen has a resolution of 1024x600 pixels. The device is built on a 4-core Intel Atom x3 processor with a frequency of 1.2 GHz, has a gigabyte of RAM on a 16 GB drive. There is support for microSD memory cards up to 64 GB. The gadget works with Wi-Fi and 3G. It even has two SIM cards. A-GPS support is present. A 13 Wh battery can last for a day of work.

Continues to lower rates. The average price of Huawei MediaPad T1 7 3G is 7,790 rubles. The tablet has a 7-inch display with a resolution of 1024x600 pixels. The device is powered by a 4-core Spreadtrum SC7731G processor with a frequency of 1200 MHz, has 1 GB of RAM and a 16 GB storage device, supports 3G and A-GPS. The battery capacity of the gadget is 4100 mAh.

Prestigio MultiPad PMT3508 4G at a price of 7380 rubles is already an 8-inch version. It has a resolution of 1280x800 pixels. The tablet is equipped with a MediaTek MT8735 processor with four cores and a frequency of 1300 MHz. The RAM capacity is 1 GB, the storage capacity is 16 GB, memory cards up to 32 GB are supported. The tablet works with Wi-Fi and 3G, LTE. Battery capacity 4200 mAh.

The Prestigio MultiPad PMT3108C costs even less – an average of 5990, which means you can find a more reasonable price. It is made on the Intel Atom platform. The Atom x3 C3230 processor has 4 cores and a frequency of 1200 MHz. The tablet has 1 GB of RAM. 8-inch display with a resolution of 1280x800. It only has 8GB of storage, no A-GPS, and supports 3G. Battery capacity – 4200 mAh.

As you can see, the choice of tablets with suitable characteristics in the stated price category is very large. These may not necessarily be completely unknown brands. Moreover, if you sacrifice some characteristics, you can choose an even cheaper model.

Mount for tablet navigator

The equipment of tablets, especially inexpensive ones, like those we cited as an example above, is usually very modest. Therefore, if a person wants to use a tablet as a navigator, he will have to spend money on accessories.

The most important of them is the car mount for the tablet. The choice of mount depends on where you plan to place the tablet.

There are two main options. The first is mounting to the windshield. The tablet can be mounted to the right or left of the steering wheel. In this case, the tablet, due to its large diagonal, will limit visibility. However, if you place it to the left of the steering wheel, the field of view will be reduced less than if you place it on the right.

A magnetic tablet holder looks like a convenient option: easy to remove, easy to install. However, it will only hold devices with a mechanical housing well. Such a gadget costs about 2500-3000 rubles.

We are more inclined to the classic version, for example, like this TiTech TT-CHU10. The tablet is fixed using fasteners. The cost of this option is cheaper - about 1000-1500 rubles. When choosing a holder, it is better to evaluate it visually: it should be strong enough, with a good suction cup.

The second option is to place the tablet a little lower and attach it to the blowers. This solution also has a peculiarity. The tablet does not block the driver's view, but at the same time he must tilt his head to see the route and be distracted from the road. In addition, attaching it to the air duct will automatically result in warm air blowing onto the tablet in the winter, although in the summer the gadget will be additionally cooled by the air conditioner.

As with the windshield mount, you can choose a magnetic holder. It will cost about 2500 rubles, or a more traditional option for 1000-1400 rubles. As an example, we chose Scosche MagicMount Vent and Kropsson HR-S200Tab.

The car will also need a charger. The USB cable is already included with the tablet. You will need a cigarette lighter adapter. If your car does not have a separate outlet for charging devices, it is better to take an adapter with a USB splitter so that you can charge both your tablet and smartphone. Its price is about 300-400 rubles. However, you can find more expensive options.

Navigation programs

The offer of navigation software for the Android platform is also huge, as is the selection of tablets.

In general, navigation programs can be online or offline. The first ones, as a rule, are paid, and you will have to pay both for the application itself and for the cards for it. The latter are often free, but either do not work or have extremely limited functionality without an Internet connection, so you will have to pay in any case: either for the application or for traffic.

You should also take into account that navigation is not so much an application as it is maps, which must be of high quality and constantly updated. At the same time, it should be noted that in addition to global map providers, there are also those whose Russian maps will be better than foreign ones and vice versa. In this sense, domestic navigators may be more useful than foreign ones. Although this is a matter of taste, wallet and habit of one or another interface.

Finally, navigation apps can have online services, such as live traffic information.

By default, all owners of Android tablets have access to Google Maps right out of the box. With their help, you can navigate the terrain quite well. They also support satellite view. Google Maps can provide directions, but in practice they only work correctly in the USA and parts of Europe.

In our latitudes, Google Maps does not always know house numbers, it can lose streets and roads, and when plotting a route, they often choose very strange methods of movement. They are actually not worth using as a full-fledged navigator.

Navitel Navigator GPS & Maps

  • Developer: Navitel.
  • Grade: 4,2.
  • Number of downloads: 10-50 million.

One of the most famous Russian navigation programs. Its history dates back to the days of Windows CE. Android 2.0 and higher are supported. During this time, Navitel has gained extensive experience in software development and map creation. It should be noted that Navitel is very often installed on specialized navigators, so if you migrate to a tablet, then you can preserve your familiar environment with it.

Navitel supports 64 countries of the world, including all the former USSR and neighboring states. The program is offered for 7 days free of charge, after which you will need to purchase the application. Cards also need to be purchased, however, at a discount you can take a card for a certain period - 1 year - this option is convenient in case of a relatively short trip.

Navitel supports two-dimensional and three-dimensional navigation modes, traffic jams are supported, POIs are supplied with maps, there is a list of speed cameras, good traffic statistics (speed, altitude, distance traveled, etc.).


  • Developer: Yandex.
  • Grade: 4,2.
  • Number of downloads: 10-50 million.

Yandex.Navigator developed from Yandex.Maps, but has already grown into a good online navigator.

Yandex.Navigator has, perhaps, the best implementation of up-to-date traffic information. The navigator can automatically adjust the route taking into account the traffic situation, including traffic jams and road repairs. Also monitors toll roads.

Route history and favorite points are supported. They are always saved in the cloud, so they can be accessed on other devices.

Yandex supports navigation well in the CIS and Turkey. Outside of them you can find better navigators.


  • Developer: NFB Investment Corp.
  • Grade: 4,9.
  • Number of downloads: 1-5 million.

PROGOROD is another Russian navigator with a good history, although not as popular as others.

The program offers up-to-date information about the traffic situation, there is support for three-dimensional mode, automatic switching to it on difficult sections of roads, voice input, warning about speed cameras, and support for gestures.

The app uses OpenStreetMap, which is generally good since it's free. Also, the application is not limited by geography. However, OpenStreetMap's update speed leaves much to be desired, as does its accuracy.

PROGOROD also attracts with affiliate programs, by participating in which you can get discounts on fuel or some services.

The application is offline, but paid. You can use it for free for 10 days, if you register - another 20.

iGO Navigation

  • Developer: NNG Software Development and Commercial LLC.
  • Grade: 3,9.
  • Number of downloads: 100-500 thousand.

iGO is a once popular navigation application for smartphones based on Windows CE and others. The release on Android was quite delayed, but it finally came out and has a stable audience.

iGO - paid offline maps with a convenient and intuitive interface, the ability to choose routes depending on your goals (speed, distance, fuel economy). Supported in almost all countries of the world. There are three-dimensional and two-dimensional navigation modes. Three-dimensional models of landmarks are offered separately.

One of the disadvantages of the program is monetization; you will have to pay literally for every sneeze, including for voice prompts.

Waze - Navigator with traffic jams

  • Developer: Waze.
  • Grade: 4,6.
  • Number of downloads: 100-500 million.

Waze is an example of a navigator based on an open project with an open community. The application is free, but requires an Internet connection. An app's content is generated largely by its users. They correct maps and provide up-to-date road information and POIs. Therefore, the quality of the application directly depends on how active the Waze community is in a particular city. The larger it is, the better the cards, the more advantages, not only in terms of prompt notification of traffic jams, but even in choosing the lowest price at the gas station.

At the same time, Waze constantly works with both GPS and the Internet, and the engine is clearly not optimized, so even on the Play Market page the battery drains quickly. We also note that the interface is not the most intuitive.

To summarize, we note that there is no ideal navigation application. A lot depends on the quality of the cards. If for cities with a population of over a million this is not a problem, then for smaller settlements it can become the main selection criterion. Detailing can be very poor.

In our opinion, the most critical characteristics for navigation applications are:

  1. the presence of two-dimensional and three-dimensional modes, especially at interchanges;
  2. POI support, preferably supplied with maps and at the same price;
  3. the presence of a night mode so as not to blind your eyes;
  4. Availability of a service with up-to-date traffic information.


A tablet as a navigator is a real solution, especially when you often travel in a car and even over long distances. It will also help if you go on a trip and, in general, are lovers of auto tourism.

A tablet will be more expensive than a specialized navigator, but the large screen and the ability to turn on entertainment functions or keep track of orders/deliveries will compensate for the extra costs.

If you drive exclusively within the city, then a navigator may be preferable.
