Android how to reboot your phone without buttons. How to do a Hard Reset on Android: detailed instructions

The power button is one of the main control buttons on every Android smartphone. Every day we touch the power button a huge number of times to turn off, restart or simply block our mobile device. However, few people appreciate the functionality of the power button until it breaks.

What to do in this case? How to restart Android without the power button? Don't worry, we'll tell you how you can do this.

There are several ways to reboot your Android without the power button, and which one you need depends on whether your smartphone is turned on or not.

How to reboot android without power button if it is turned off

Method 1. Connect your smartphone to a power source using a charger. So it should turn on automatically.

If nothing happens, you can connect your mobile device to your laptop or PC using a USB cable. Although this method works every time and not on every smartphone, experts recommend using this method.

Method 2. Press the Volume button and the Home button at the same time. After a couple of seconds, a menu will open in which you can select to reboot the android.

How to reboot android without power button if it's on

Method 1. If the smartphone is turned on, rebooting Android without the power button is not a problem. Similar to the first method, in the case of a switched off smartphone, you can connect the device to a power source. If this doesn't work, ask a friend to call you on your phone. It sounds funny, but sometimes it works.

Method 2. If your phone has a physical Home button, press this button and the smartphone should wake up. You can also use the physical camera button to wake up your smartphone.

Once your Android smartphone is turned on, you must download the application. Power Button to Volume Button is a good app that replaces the basic functions of the power button with a volume button. Please note that the application only works when the smartphone has a physical volume button.

And the last, but most reliable way to reboot your Android without the power button is to take your smartphone for repair. Thus, you will get rid of this problem once and for all.

Technology has become a part of our lives, but our favorite gadgets are not without glitches from time to time. Your computer, smartphone or other everyday devices may freeze at any time. In this case, there is no need to panic or get upset - just follow the simple instructions for working with gadgets from different manufacturers.

Of course, the best option for rebooting is a removable battery. In this case, there is no need for special wisdom - you just need to take out the battery and then put it back. Because when you remove the battery, the gadget automatically turns off, and after installing the battery back, you can turn on the smartphone again.

But today, a special fashion is typical for smartphones with non-removable batteries - so such a little trick with removing the battery will no longer help us. But in fact, no difficulties should arise here either, if you know the correct procedure.

Gadget freezing is an acceptable phenomenon, so you shouldn’t be afraid of the problem, you just need to know how to solve it. In our article we will look at effective methods of emergency shutdown if it is impossible to get the battery.

First of all, it’s worth considering the question of what a non-removable battery in a phone means. As you can understand from the name itself, this is an integrated battery that cannot be removed independently.

Phone with non-removable battery

Today, gadgets with such a battery are firmly entrenched in the global mobile device market. Once upon a time, for the sake of the compactness and beauty of its devices, Apple began to use this approach, and over time, many competitors picked up the trend.

The principle of working with such a battery allows you to make the device itself much more compact, more refined, with an increased tightness of the design, better protecting the internal elements from dust, moisture and mechanical damage.

How to turn off a phone with a non-removable battery - secrets of working with Apple iPhone

For several seconds, hold down the power button and the Home button simultaneously. Thanks to this method, you will activate an emergency reboot of the gadget, while you will be able to save all your data. Also, such a shutdown is not accompanied by a reset, which distinguishes this method from more drastic solutions.

Hold down the power button and home button at the same time

A phone with a non-removable battery is frozen - what you need to know about Sony devices

On some Sony models, the cover can be removed. In this case, after removing the cover, just find the Power Off button - press it with a thin object and hold it.

Press the Power Off button with a thin object

When working with a non-removable cover, simultaneously press the volume rocker up and the power button. This method is also tested in practice and immediately turns off the device.

How to reboot a smartphone with a non-removable battery for HTC owners

Here, too, there is no need to be afraid of any special problems. Moreover, you can use two effective methods to choose from at once - hold down the power button until you reboot. Or simultaneously press the volume rocker up and the power button.

And useful information for owners of Samsung gadgets

Press the power button for about 10–20 seconds. When you feel the vibration, you can safely let go - the gadget has “gone” to reboot.

Press the power button

How to turn off a smartphone with a non-removable battery for other models

Also, let's not forget about other manufacturers. You can also recall models from Explay, LG, Phillips and a number of other companies. In fact, their reboot principle is almost always identical - we just hold down the power button. If this method does not help, simultaneously press the phone's power button and the volume rocker (down or up).

Enjoy the world of digital technology and working with your favorite gadgets - we will help with this and publish useful tips for working with mobile devices. A one-time or rare freeze is not a serious problem; you just need to follow our instructions. But if such a problem occurs regularly, we still recommend contacting a specialist and sending the device for diagnostics - so as not to lose your data at the most inopportune moment in case of a freeze.

Despite the great popularity of Android, the operation of the platform can be accompanied by glitches and freezes.

A large number of users are looking online for an answer to the question: “what to do if Android is frozen?” We will try to identify the main causes of this problem and find solutions.

If such a situation happens to your smartphone, you should not immediately contact the service center. Freezing can be caused by one of many factors, which are rarely critical to the performance of the device. First of all, you need to follow the simplest procedure:

  1. Leave your smartphone alone for 5-10 minutes. If the system resources are insufficient to perform operations, it may take some time to restore functionality. During this period, it is recommended to monitor the temperature of the device to avoid overheating.
  2. If Android keeps freezing, try turning off your phone. To do this, hold down the power button for about 10 seconds.
  3. If there is no reaction or strong heating of the case, it is recommended to remove the battery. After a few minutes, you can restore the functionality of the gadget. Unfortunately, smartphones with non-removable batteries reduce this solution to zero.

Even with a successful reboot, crashes and freezes may resume, so it is recommended that you read more detailed information on this issue.


First of all, freezing may be the first sign of malfunctioning of the motherboard and its components.

Mechanical damage as a result of falling, vibration, shaking. The source of the problem can only be determined at a service center. Repairs require the intervention of professional craftsmen who can work with a soldering iron. In some cases, restoring the functionality of an Android device is impossible.

Hit moisture or liquid. The smartphone/tablet freezes when turned on or during operation for no reason. Liquid substances cause the contacts to close, which can lead to complete failure of the device. To solve the problem, you need to turn off the power, remove the battery and leave the gadget in a warm place for several days until it dries completely. Find out more about this procedure.

Built-in memory malfunction. The physical memory of a phone or tablet does not work correctly due to errors in the file system or “bad” sectors. In this case, cleaning is recommended. If it doesn’t help, format it by first saving personal information on a separate drive.


Hardware reasons include a lack of system resources. A complete freeze occurs after launching a game or application whose recommended requirements are higher than the gadget’s configuration.

A similar situation also appears when a large number of background processes are running - there is not enough RAM or processor power to complete the tasks. You can solve the problem by rebooting the device. If after turning on the system starts working, it is recommended to look at the list of programs that are launched, disable unnecessary ones and enter a limit for background processes. Read more about this.


Prolonged load on a smartphone/tablet leads to, which will also cause the cessation of response to any user actions. It is necessary to turn off the device and give it time to cool - 10-20 minutes. It is important to adequately assess the power of the gadget in order to avoid constant overheating - this is dangerous for the hardware.


The reasons why an Android smartphone freezes can also be software. These include installing unofficial firmware or conflicting software, as well. If the system does not respond to actions, you will have to solve the problem by resetting the parameters to factory settings.


A special device boot mode that allows you to reset to factory settings, backups and other system actions.

ATTENTION! This action will remove all files and applications. The names of the items may differ depending on the recovery version.

  1. Turn off the device and hold down the Volume Up and Power buttons at the same time.
  2. In the menu that appears, select “Settings”, then “Format System”. Now all that remains is to select the “Reset Android” command.
  3. If automatic reboot does not occur, you must use the “Reboot system now” menu item.

System code

Android has built-in tools that make the factory reset process much easier. To activate the function, you must enter a certain combination of characters. The system code may vary, so it is recommended to first obtain this information from official sources, from the manufacturer or from. Sometimes the codes do not work - you will have to use the “Recovery” menu.

The described reasons for freezing and ways to solve them are valid for a situation where the device does not respond to user actions. Otherwise, the solution to the problem may have more solution options that will allow you to save personal data, installed programs and settings.

If your Android phone (Samsung, Xiomi, Lenovo, Asus, ZTE, Huawei, Sony, etc.) is frozen and it has a non-removable battery, this is not a big problem.

Modern Android phones have a hidden feature to manually restart the operating system.

It consists in holding the power button on the device not for five seconds, as usual, but for 20-30 seconds.

This prolonged action actually causes the phone to reboot. Of course, many owners of mobile devices with a non-removable battery feel completely helpless if the phone freezes. That's why this guide was created.

There is absolutely no need for you to panic in such a situation. Just hold the off button for longer than the usual period of time.

Sometimes you need to simultaneously press and hold one more (volume down and power) or even two buttons.

If nothing happens - there is absolutely no reaction, then you just have to wait until the battery is completely discharged.

Of course, you don’t want to wait, but it’s better than taking it to the repair shop to have it disassembled and reloaded. Let's dig a little deeper.

How I rebooted my frozen phone with a non-removable battery Samsung A3

Although phones are improving all the time, sometimes progress can work against us. This happened with devices that have a non-removable battery.

Previously, if it froze, I quickly pulled out the battery, plugged it in again, turned it on and that’s it - the problem was solved.

Today, such resuscitation will not work on many Android devices, such as on my Samsung A3.

What helped me was pressing the “Power” + “Volume Down” buttons for about ten seconds. The device turned off and on.

Why does my Android phone freeze and not reboot?

If the phone freezes and does not respond to touch, then this is either a system glitch or a screen problem - in the touchscreen.

In practice, the phone freezes most often due to applications - they may not have enough RAM and some kind of error may occur.

If the battery is removable, then don’t fuss, just take it out for a minute - a 100% working way to get rid of the freeze.

When the classic option does not work, the forced option remains: simultaneously pressing the “Off” and “Volume” buttons (what volume and even two at once depends on the device - Xiomi, Samsung, Asus, Sony, ZTE, Lenovo, Huawei)

What to do with your Android phone to get rid of freezes

Sometimes the phone can be rebooted, but the freeze keeps coming back. Then try

One of the main reasons for freezing is low performance (weak device), so in such devices it is advisable not to use effects, such as animated wallpapers - they heavily load the memory and processor.

Also, do not even overload the memory card - this also contributes to freezing. The optimal balance is when 10 percent of the memory remains free.

NOTE: manufacturers of phones with an unearthly battery are well aware that the phone may freeze and not respond to anything, so they provide a way out of this situation - holding the power button until the Android OS reboots. Good luck.

Android OS, like any other software, is periodically subject to crashes and viruses. This can lead to decreased performance of the phone, freezing, or complete failure, that is, "". A complete reboot of Android allows you to eliminate most of the problems associated with incorrect operation of the system. When performing this operation, all software is removed from the device, and its settings are rolled back to the factory state. Let's look at how to reboot Android on a phone or tablet.

Methods to reboot Android

Depending on the complexity of the failure and the state of the smartphone, you can reset the system in several ways:

  • via the Power button;
  • using standard settings;
  • through additional software.

The first method of resuscitation is considered the most gentle, since it saves all user data and installed applications on the tablet (phone). In other cases, all previously downloaded content is deleted from the gadget.

Before restarting Android, it is recommended to copy important information to a safe place and create a system restore point.

This is the easiest way to reboot your phone or tablet, suitable for any OS, be it Android, iOS or Windows. However, it does not solve the problem in all cases.

To restart Android, just hold down the Power key for a few seconds. In this case, a window with options for further actions will appear on the screen of your mobile device. Here you need to click “Restart” and wait a while until the system restarts.

If the smartphone does not reboot when you press the power button, try holding it longer (10-15 seconds) or simply remove the battery from the device for a while.

In the Android operating system, you can reboot the device and reset all settings to factory settings using the standard menu, of course, if a failure allows you to enter it. To do this you need to do the following:

After completing these steps, the system will completely reboot with the loss of all data and programs installed in the internal memory of the device. In this case, the information located on the built-in micro sd card will not be affected.

Before rebooting your Android tablet, it is recommended to transfer important files (photos, music, documents) to the PC, as well as application data, contacts, sms, etc. save to cloud storage for quick recovery:

If the device is connected to the Internet, all data will be recorded in Google cloud storage. Now Android can safely reboot, and your personal information will be completely safe.

If for some reason the phone does not reboot through the standard menu or reboots, but the problem remains, you can. To do this you need:

While the device is rebooting, performing any actions with it (for example, removing the battery) is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to its “”, that is, complete loss of functionality.

Application of special software

If, when trying to reflash the device, activate root rights, or perform other potentially dangerous actions, the device turns into “ ”, that is, it does not turn on and the Recovery environment does not work, you can reboot Android on your phone.

Let's look at how to do this procedure on a Samsung smartphone:

The installation process will begin. While the recovery environment is rebooting, do not disconnect your smartphone from your computer. Once this process is completed, you can disconnect the USB cable and enter the CWM Recovery area. A hard reboot is initiated by the command shown in the figure.
