Multi-user access to a file on Yandex disk. How to open Yandex disk

Method 1: At the time of placing the file in the "cloud"

Immediately after uploading a file to Yandex Disk, it is possible to generate an address leading to it. To do this, set the slider next to the name of the uploaded file to the position "On". After a few seconds, a link will appear next to it.

It remains to click on it and choose how you would like to apply it: just copy, send via social networks or email.

Method 2: If the file is already in the "cloud"

Method 3: Yandex Disk program

The dedicated Windows app also provides the ability to share the contents of the vault. To do this, you should go to the "clouds" folder, open the context menu of the desired file and click "Yandex.Disk: Copy public link".

A tray message will confirm that everything worked out, which means that the received address can be inserted anywhere using the key combination Ctrl+V

Attention! To perform the above actions, synchronization must be enabled in the program.

How to check files shared by other users

A list of such files and folders is available in the section "Links".

How to remove a link

If you want no one else to access the file or folder on your Yandex Disk, then this feature can be disabled. To do this, simply put the slider in position "Off" and confirm the action.

Yandex.Disk is a popular cloud storage from a Russian provider. How you can use the service from different devices - in this article.

This method is versatile. You can access your files from any device and from anywhere - as long as you have access to the Internet and a browser to open the interface itself. So, to use this method:

Application for macOS

If you are the owner of a Mac computer, you can use the official client of the cloud service. This method is somewhat more convenient than the previous one, since the Yandex.Disk folder is integrated into the Finder and you can work with your files as if they were on your computer.

To download the client:

Note! You can also install the client for macOS using the Mac App Store.

Application for Windows

If you own a Windows computer, then you can use the official client for this operating system.

Ready! You have successfully signed in to Yandex.Disk. You can start working with your files.

Video - How to use Yandex.Disk storage

Yandex.Disk is a cloud service owned by Yandex that allows users to store their data on servers in the "cloud" and transfer it to other users on the Internet. The advantages of using Yandex disk are obvious:

1) Everything that you place on this service will be available from anywhere (where there is Internet) and from any device (laptop, tablet, smartphone);

2) Files and folders on Yandex disk are easy to transfer to another user;

3) Security of data storage. The risk of irretrievable loss of information in the event of a breakdown hard drive\ USB flash drives are very large. If you store files in remote server, when you relocate the operating system or drive failure, your data will not disappear anywhere;

3) Cloud storage will add free space to your physical drive. In the future, cloud storage can be increased.

How to connect Yandex drive with a network drive on Windows 7.

Using Yandex disk through a web page is rather inconvenient ... you need to constantly visit the site, get used to the web interface, it is much easier to connect Yandex disk network drive and use it just like a regular hard drive or flash drive. To do this, you need to go to Computer on Windows7 and find the button " map network drive", click on it.

In the connection window in the field " Folder"write down thatthe checkbox " Restore at login". Click the " Ready".

The connection window will open.

After a few seconds, a window will appear asking you to enter your username and password, enter your username and password to connect to Yandex disk.

You will have a Yandex disk network drive, now you can use it like a regular flash drive - delete, create files and folders.

How to connect Yandex drive with a network drive on Windows 8 / Windows 8.1

Connecting a Yandex network drive on Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 is not much different from Windows 7. But to avoid problems with creating a Yandex network drive, I will describe how to do this on this operating system.

The first step is to go to "This PC" in Windows 8.1, this can be done by right-clicking on " Start" and choose " Conductor"or use keyboard shortcut + . After that, on the top panel, select "Computer" - "Map network drive".

Then in the field Folder"write in Click the button "Ready".

You can share your Drive folders with friends or colleagues. Once they have access, they will see a copy of the shared folder in their Drive.

Changes you make to the shared folder (such as renaming or adding a file) will be visible to all participants. Information about the changes will also be displayed in their History.

Full access to the folder will allow members to modify your files and upload new ones. This way you can work on the same data together.

Note. You can create 50 public folders and accept an invitation to 50 other users' folders.

  1. Folder access
    1. Access rights
  2. Actions with shared folders
  3. Out of disk space

Folder access

Access rights

By sharing a folder, you can grant a member the following rights:

    View only - permission to view and download files from the shared folder.

    In this case, the participant will not be able to modify or add files either on the service page or using programs or applications. (The Yandex.Disk program does not synchronize changes that a member with limited access made in a shared folder on your computer.)

    Full access - permission to upload new files, modify files (rename, edit, publish) and delete them.

Access to individual files and folders within a shared folder is not configurable. Folder members lose access to a file in a shared folder if its owner or a member with full access deletes the file or moves it to a private folder.

To see who has access to a folder, select the folder and click on the top bar.

In the same window you can:

    change access rights;

    deny access to members (a copy of your folder will be deleted from their Drives).

The new permissions will be automatically applied to the member of the shared folder as soon as they are changed.

Do other people's folders take up space on my Disk?

No, a shared folder only takes up space on its owner's Disk. When you accept the invitation, the service will copy the entire folder to your Drive, but the space occupied by the folder will not be taken into account. Therefore, you can accept an invitation to access a folder of any size, regardless of the size of your Disk.

If your Drive runs out of space, you won't be able to upload files to a shared folder, even if you're not the owner of that folder. To be able to upload to a shared folder, you need to have some free space on your Drive, even though the files won't take up any space.

How to quickly navigate to a shared folder?

The list of folders that you have opened or accessed can be seen on the page. Each shared folder is marked with an icon.

Actions with shared folders

    All members can rename and move the shared folder in their Drive. This does not affect the granted or received access rights.

    Each member can revoke access to a shared folder by deleting a copy of it from their Drive.

    A member with View Only access can view and download files from the shared folder.

    Note. If you want to but cannot change or delete a file from a shared folder, ask the owner of the shared folder for full access to the folder.

When working in a team, it is necessary to have reliable communications. As soon as we started working on falbar, this issue got very tough. After all, before appearing in the feed, each article goes through the stage of selection, development of demo and code, writing the main article, editing and moderation. At each stage, it is necessary to exchange materials, transfer something for verification, add something. Previously, we used the "file sharing" Skype, but the transfer rate of even small files is very low and a person is needed on the other side of the monitor to press the confirmation button. To get away from the need to catch each other online, we switched to Documents from VKontakte - and the speed is good, and you can upload files at any time. I uploaded it, attached it to the message and dropped it - they will pick it up at the other end at any time. However, the social network did not please with its reliability and periodic failures associated with the inability to upload files to the server turned our attention to Yandex Disk.

We all use mail from time immemorial, over time it became possible to attach larger and larger files to messages, but downloading them is not always convenient, you have to archive it once again, but the Disk turned out to be extremely useful.

To set up Yandex Disk for teamwork, first of all, you need to set up mail on Yandex, if it does not already exist. Next, follow the link - Yandex Disk. You will immediately see an offer to download Yandex Disk to your computer, but more on that later, so we close and see a set of standard folders. I already have more.

So, we need to create a folder with shared access, I have it called "Shared Documents" and marked with an icon with little men. To do this, click on the desired folder and at the bottom left of it we see a checkbox - put it! A menu appears on the right side of the panel.

Click on "Share". In the window that appears, we see a list of our addresses. We choose rights and invite. The specified recipients will see this folder in their Yandex Disk.

Now about the application. Yandex Disk can be installed on a computer and it will be visible as a regular folder, i.e. to work, you will not need to open a browser - just copy the necessary files there and that's it. One thing, but if you upload large volumes there, then the folder grows greatly, in fact, it turns out that you store the same information twice on your hard drive (in the working folder and the Yandex Disk folder on the system drive by default).

For example, your friend uploaded 20 gigs of video to Yandex Disk - look at it. You turn on the computer and are a little perplexed: the Internet slows down, the system disk turns red and requires more space - this is the result of Yandex Disk. After the system booted up, it began to synchronize data between a folder on your computer and an online storage. Actually, because of this, I abandoned the application, but I use the site with pleasure. By the way, after removing Yandex Disk, you will be asked a number of questions “why are you abandoning the application”, among them the first is data storage on the hard drive. So they can fix it in the future.

P.S. There is also mobile app, but in my opinion it is very, very spy: all the photos taken by your phone will be automatically uploaded to Yandex Disk - sometimes pale, isn't it?
