How to find out the password from your Wi-Fi network? Megafon personal account password (how to get, how to recover) Password hacking for a user with limited access rights.

Passwords are the main means of protecting information and are used everywhere on a computer - from logging into an account to authorization on pages in in social networks. An active user has so many different security keys that it is impossible to keep them all in memory. This is where the function of saving passwords in the browser settings comes to the rescue.

It works like this:

  1. You open some site where registration is required.
  2. Enter your login details in your profile.
  3. The browser prompts you to save the entered information - you agree.

The next time you open this site, you don't have to enter anything; even if you have logged out of your account, all lines of the authorization form will be filled. But here a serious drawback is revealed - let's find out how to see the password closed with asterisks, and whether it can be done at all.

So, you go to the site and see the password under the asterisks. It would seem a convenient thing - click "Login" and you do not need to enter anything else, and other users do not see your password.

A password protected by asterisks is easy prey to crack.

Check it out on your computer. Let's use a browser as an example. Google Chrome:

In the same way, you can see the access keys to accounts in other browsers - Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer. Let's see how it's done in Mozilla to pin stuff:

By the way, changing the value back to "password" is optional. If you close the page and then visit it again, you will see that the stars are back. However, now you know what they are unreliable protectors of personal data.

Browser settings

If you think that this is the end of the exposure of the stars, then you are deeply mistaken. In all browsers, there is an even more convenient way to see the password that you saved when you first logged into the site. This time, let's take the Opera web browser as an example:

A window will appear in which there will be many website addresses and data from different accounts. At first glance, everything is fine: logins, of course, are displayed, but instead of passwords, we are familiar with asterisks. However, if you click on one line, you will see that a button appears next to the asterisks "Show".

One click - and you see the security key from the site. You can reveal all the passwords, take a screenshot, and you won't even realize that your password-protected pages are now in danger. This information is shared not only by Opera, but also by other browsers. In Google Chrome, for example, such a sign can be called in the following way:

In Mozilla Firefox, a table with all saved access keys opens in the Security settings section.

In other browsers, the situation is similar - all the data that you agree to keep is in the public domain.

Using special software

But not only browsers store data about users, which he kindly provides and saves.

Any program that requires a password and login also offers to remember these data so as not to enter them every time you start.

Accordingly, there are special utilities that allow you to view these saved data. Such utilities work on the same principle, so let's take the Password Cracker program as an example. It is distributed free of charge, and weighs a ridiculous 45 Kb.

The saved security key will appear in the "Password" line in the Password Cracker utility window in alphanumeric display.


As you can see now, it is not difficult to find out the password saved in the browser, closed with asterisks. All you need is access to a computer and a couple of minutes of time for the data from your accounts to be in the hands of unauthorized persons.

Of course, in this case, you run the risk of forgetting the password and not getting into the desired profile. However, this is not scary: we have already written about how to recover your Gmail password, how to find out the Wi-Fi password, how to regain access to your account in the WarFace game, etc. If you can go to the mailbox to which the account is registered, or if you have linked a phone number to your profile, you can easily recover a forgotten password if necessary.

But what to do with those security keys that you have already saved in your browser settings? The correct answer is delete. When you looked at passwords through the settings, you should have seen that the save codes feature can be turned off. Clean up tables with stored keys by deleting all rows, and then deactivate the function itself.

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Welcome to another article, dear users! It may be necessary to find out the password from a computer for a variety of reasons, ranging from banal forgetfulness to the trivial blocking of a PC by another person.

However, how to find out the password from the computer, while not spending a lot of time on this business and getting an effective result? I think you are also interested in such an interesting question. There are many ways to achieve what you want, and in this article we will consider the main ones.

How to find out the password from a computer - proven methods and recommendations

First of all, we will try to find out if there are specific ways that will allow you to successfully log in without blocking your computer.

So, there are many options for how to find out the password from a computer and the situations for losing it are very different. For example, the most common operating system Windows will show you how to change or get a ready-made password. Consider the most common problems and their solutions:

So, if you have access to account management, then changing a forgotten password is very easy. To do this, just go to the "Control Panel", "Accounts and Family Safety". I talked about accounts in more detail in.

"User Accounts" and proceed to "Change account through computer settings. There it will be possible to go to the “Login Options” item and set a new password by resetting the old one.

All actions are described for "Windows 8.1", but if you have an older or a new version given system, then don't worry - all listed menu items will be called the same or very similar - little has changed since Windows 98;

The second common way to pick up a password for a computer is the simple selection method. People very often put the simplest passwords in order to always remember them and carry them in their heads. These include the combinations "123456", "qwerty" and similar simple sequences.

There is a high probability that home computer will be blocked with just such a password, so you can pick up something similar. The selection method also includes another common option - the year and month of birth of the owner of the computer, his full name, the dog's name, some memorable dates. Knowing a person well enough, there is a possibility that you can easily guess the password to his computer.

There is another way to simply reset your password with special programs(more on that later), but then you will be able to log in and the old password will be invalid. Press the keys CTRL + ALT + DEL and the button to restart the computer. The login password is automatically reset and after loading the operating system, you immediately get into it.

The problem is that the old password will be unknown and it will not work again;

You can do it a little trickier - if there is periodic access to the computer, then it is enough to remove the password requirement for your account. Being on the desktop, we enter the "Start", click "Run", enter "CMD", we get into the console.

There we enter "" control userpasswords2- ", press Enter, select our own or just the right one among the accounts shown. A settings window will appear - there you need to uncheck the box "Require username and password". After that everything is saved and closed. It will now be possible to log into the system under your user without a password.

You can also reset your computer password using special software, software recorded on a disk or flash drive. You do not need to have access to a computer to reset your password - just write it to media in advance desired program and through the BIOS reset the password for authorization of a particular user.

Today, the program is very popular Microsoft miniPE”, which works as follows - the entrance is carried out through a bootable USB flash drive, after which the password is reset through the program shell of the program. Through this program, you can change the password to your own, which will allow you to leave the computer as closed as always, but you can still get into your account.

In the BIOS, before the program works, you need to set the boot from a USB flash drive, but most often in modern systems this works automatically. If you set such a download forcibly, then after the password change operation you will need to set the download back - with hard drive.

How to find out the password from a computer - software selection methods

You can also pick up a password on a computer using third-party programs, but the problem is that the vast majority of them come with built-in viruses and there are practically no proven solutions. Most of these programs are stored on the Internet on dubious sites and I do not recommend downloading them and using them for your own purposes.

As practice shows in most cases, most often, along with such a program (not yet an option that is working), a lot of unnecessary trash and small viruses will be downloaded to a computer or USB flash drive, from which it will take a very long time to clean the system.

In general, remember that there is no really working solution for selecting passwords in the public domain - such applications are written to order, and you won’t be able to download them just like that.

But the principle of their work is quite simple - you download such a program to your USB flash drive or disk, after that you boot after starting the computer not from the hard disk, but from portable media (in BIOS). After inserting the media, boot up and see what happens. Most often, these are small programs that work automatically and help you choose possible password options. Often they do not work accurately or do not work at all, so we recommend using one of the methods listed above. Moreover, some of them allow you to reset or change your password very carefully, and the owner of the computer may not be aware that there is already a completely different key for your account.

In conclusion, I suggest you watch the following funny video from schoolchildren who have found a way to find out the password from a computer if their parents set it.

Concluding today's article, it's time to sum up. At the moment, this is the most relevant and verified information that you can safely use in order to achieve the desired result. But still, you should know that picking up a password or changing it to your own is quite likely and the only right decision. The use of third-party incomprehensible password guessing programs is a controversial matter and there is no point in recommending it to someone. If only because some of the most popular and widespread software of such a plan simply does not exist today. Therefore, I repeat once again that all applications of this kind available on the Internet most often turn out to be viruses.

Megafon's personal account is no longer some kind of exclusive service from a mobile operator. Each mobile operator now has its own Personal Area. This is due to the fact that the personal account provides subscribers with the widest functionality and the ability to manage services without visiting subscriber departments.

If we talk about Megafon's personal account, then access to it is provided only to Megafon subscribers. To enter your personal account, you do not need to activate any additional service or option: by default, each Megafon subscriber can enter his personal account and use it to manage services. Here we will tell you how to enter your Megafon personal account and create it.

First you need to go to the site, where you can access your personal account. Note that the LC megaphone is divided into two types: Corporate personal account (this type of LC was created for companies that use the services of this operator) and a personal account for individuals, which we will consider.

How to get a password from Megafon's Personal Account

To register in the Megafon Personal Account, you need to know your phone number, as well as your password. If it does not present problems, then the password may be difficult. In fact, getting a password from your personal account is quite simple, you need to send USSD request *105*00#. In response, you will receive an SMS message with a password from your personal account.

How to enter the personal account on Megaphone

Now that you know your phone number and password, you can enter on the appropriate page and click the "Login" button. After that, you will find yourself in your personal account, where you can manage your services or balance, as well as find out the remaining minutes on MegaFon.

If you enter the password incorrectly 5 times, then access to your personal account will be blocked. To unlock it, you will again need to dial the USSD command *105*00# on your phone, and then log in to the system.

If something didn’t work out for you or you can’t get a password, then call the Megafon operator and he will definitely help you solve your problem.

- the main means of protecting information. Passwords are used almost everywhere: to turn on a computer, to access files, to view e-mail, or to log into your personal account on websites. A typical computer user has to remember at least a dozen different passwords. Therefore, it is not surprising that sometimes these passwords are forgotten.

At first glance, a forgotten password is a disaster. It will no longer be possible to access what is protected by this password. However, sometimes not everything is so scary. For example, if your password is saved on your computer and is displayed as dots or asterisks, then the likelihood that you will be able to recover it is quite high.

As you may have guessed, in this article we will talk about how to see the password under the asterisks. We will look at three ways at once that will allow you to do this easily without much effort.

The password under the asterisks in the browser is easy prey. It is very easy to learn it, it does not even require any additional software.

If you are using the Google Chrome browser, right-click on the text box with the password below the asterisks, and select View Element Code.

After that, you will see a window with the HTML code of this page. The line with the password entry form will be highlighted.

Next, you need to change the type of this field from "type="password"" to "type="text"". To do this, right-click on the selected line (the line with the password field) and select the “Edit as HTML” item in the menu that appears.

After that, you will have the opportunity to edit this line.

In order to change the type of the text field, you need to replace type="password" with type="text". You do not need to change any other parameters for this period. After you have edited the line, press the F2 key to disable the mode. HTML editing code.

After these manipulations, the password on the page will become visible.

Similarly, you can see the password under the asterisks in the Mozilla Firefox browser. To do this, open the page with the saved password, right-click on the field with asterisks and select "Inspect element".

After that, the HTML code of the page will open in front of you, in which the line for entering the password will be highlighted.

As before, you need to change the type of the text field from type="password" to type="text". To do this, double-click on the type="password" parameter.

After that, you can edit this parameter. After changing the text field type, the password under the asterisks will become visible.

AT Internet browser Explorer everything is done in the same way. Open the password page under the asterisks, click on the password field with the right mouse button and select the “Check element” item.

After that, the HTML code of the page will open in front of you.

Double click on the parameter you want to edit.

In the text field that appears, change "password" to "text" and the password for the pages becomes visible.

How to see the password under the asterisks in the browser settings

In addition, there is another way to find out passwords under asterisks in your browser. To do this, just enter the program settings and view the saved passwords.

AT Google browser Chrome does it like this. Open the main menu and go to "Settings".

In Settings, scroll down the page and click on the "Show advanced settings" link. And then click on the link "Manage saved passwords", which is located in the "Passwords and forms" section.

In order to see the password, just select the desired site from the list and click on the "Show" button.

The Mozilla Firefox browser also has this feature. In order to view it, you need to open "Settings", go to the "Protection" tab and click on the "Saved passwords" button.

After that, a window will open in front of you, in which you need to click on the "Display passwords" button.

After that, you can view all passwords under asterisks in the Mozilla Firefox browser.

View passwords in other programs

The browser is far from the only program that saves passwords. If you need to view the saved password in your FTP client or other program, then you need to resort to using third-party programs.

In order to see the password under the asterisks in other programs, you can use the pwdcrack program. This program is completely free and can be downloaded from the website.

To use this program, you need to click on the "Enable" button and hover over the password field. After that, pwdcrack will display the password you need.

Megafon analyzes the needs of customers, and then develops new services and tariffs. To connect the new functionality, subscribers need to go to the company's office or use specialized codes. This is not very convenient, so the operator has created a personal account that allows you to manage services.

To get a password to enter Megafon's personal account, the client will need mobile device. It can be a smartphone, iPhone or tablet. You can get a secret combination:

  • By sending a USSD request;
  • Sending SMS;
  • By contacting the contact center staff.

When the PIN code is received, the user will be able to log into his account on the website. If necessary, subscribers can change the current password in the account settings.

USSD request

The easiest way to get a password is to send a USSD request. To do this, the command "*105*00#" is typed on the mobile device. It is important to remember that such a request can only be sent from a Megafon SIM card.

After 2-3 seconds, the operator sends an SMS. Inside the message, the password from the personal account will be indicated. To log in, you need to enter the phone number and secret combination sent by the provider on the Megafon website.

SMS message

People can find out the password from Megafon's "Personal Account" via SMS request. To do this, you need to take your mobile device and write the text "00". The message is sent to the number "000105".

As in the first method, the response is sent via SMS. It usually takes about 5 seconds to process a request. After receiving a response, it remains only to log in to the site.

The advantage of the method is that you need to be only inside the network coverage area. As for authorization, you can’t do without mobile Internet.

Call to the operator

There are situations when it is not possible to use USSD commands or SMS. In this case, it is recommended to call "0500". Before the operator provides a secret combination, you need to answer a few questions. This is necessary to verify the identity of the client.

When the data from the contract is confirmed, the operator will send an SMS with an authorization code in your personal account. The user will only have to enter it in the appropriate field.

If the client is within international roaming, you should call "8-800-50-05-00". Payment is charged according to the terms of the tariff plan.


Subscribers may forget or lose the PIN code, which means they will not be able to enter their personal account. Do not be upset, as the system provides for the recovery of the security code.

To change the lost code, you need to dial "*105*01#". The updated secret combination will be immediately sent in a text message. A person will only have to enter the code in the appropriate field on the web resource.

There is another way to recover the password. To do this, it is recommended to call the contact center staff. After connecting with the operator, you need to explain why there was a problem with authorization in your personal account. The call center employee will send an SMS containing the password.
