What to do if you forgot your ESP password. You can issue an electronic signature through the “Personal account of a taxpayer - an individual What to do if you have lost your electronic signature

When using the online account of the taxpayer, a simplified mechanism for certifying documents by electronic signature (ES) has been introduced. Innovations have recently been associated with the installation of a new ES for users of the old version of the account. During the registration procedure, an error often occurs in generating a certificate in the taxpayer's personal account, which can be solved in several ways.

EP creation scheme

An electronic signature is an enhanced version of confirmation that the document is recognized as valid and is equated to a paper form, where written initials are put. In the process of registering an office on the website of the tax service, it is possible to create an unqualified type of ES with the following properties:

  • used in the workflow within the framework of the Federal Tax Service;
  • the encryption system is characterized by a high level of protection.

As mentioned above, an electronic signature was available in the old account, but in the updated version you have to register a new certificate. Moreover, it is proposed to store the registered ES at the user's station or at the service of the Federal Tax Service. Due to fraudulent activities, it is recommended to use the latter option, as it is mostly safe and can be used on mobile gadgets. When a taxpayer wants to install an ES on his PC, it will be necessary to protect the key with special programs. The responsibility lies with the user.

Instructions for obtaining an ES

Following the scheme described below, the user will quickly register the certificate. For this you need:

  • log in to your personal account (enter your login, password or apply data account in public services);
  • open a profile - click on the item where the full name and TIN are indicated;
  • in the profile, click on the service "Get an electronic signature";
  • mark the desired storage option in the list of suggested ones;
  • set a password combination to open the certificate;
  • confirm previously entered data by redialling;
  • click on the "Submit request" command.

Attention! When the information is sent to the service, "Generation of electronic signature" appears on the page.

Note! The process requires the installation of a program that generates keys. All specifications are listed under System Requirements. Operating system versions availableWindows andmacos.

At the creation stage, there is a function of registering an existing qualified ES. It implies the possession of a certificate issued by a certified center, namely: the organization must be accredited by the Ministry of Communications of Russia. For successful work in the taxpayer's office, it is necessary to exchange data in order to further use the ES in the electronic document management system of the tax service.

Occurrence of a certificate generation error

During the registration process, the user may receive a message: "Certificate generation error". Incidents happen for a variety of reasons:

  • carrying out technical work on the website of the Federal Tax Service;
  • ES registration takes in most cases a long time.

According to the reviews of citizens who have been using the electronic signature of the Federal Tax Service for a long time, the conclusion suggests itself that the registration of code combinations takes 30 minutes, and in some cases is extended up to 2 days. Then the question arises of how much the taxpayer's personal account is formed.

Note! When the service is launched, a message appears about the duration of registration and the possibility of exiting the account if necessary, which does not interfere with the data generation procedure.

Situations are not excluded when additional programs for generating codes were not installed (the user did not use the link when familiarizing himself with the system requirements). As a result, the service will not be able to find a workstation to save the information.

Solutions to the problem

If an error problem is identified when generating an ES in the taxpayer's office, it is worth resorting to one of the methods:

  • try to download the certificate again - often a secondary or tertiary attempt ends in success, as the system can be rebooted by applications;
  • get acquainted with the schedule of technical work on the website of the Federal Tax Service and reschedule the procedure for another day;
  • after sending a request for registration of an electronic key, exit the cabinet, as a notification of the certificate assignment will be received at the next authorization;
  • contact the tax office, presenting the TIN and passport.

It's important to know! Often, the initial start of certificate generation does not allow obtaining data. However, when the operation is repeated, everything ends successfully. Moreover, a secondary request is made on the same day or a week later.

View certificate details

When the user manages to obtain an ES from the FTS system, a message appears about the release of keys. There are two options available:

  • view;
  • review.

If "View Certificate" is selected, the password previously set during the registration process must be entered. As a result, a window with information opens:

  • SNILS;
  • owner;
  • validity;
  • room;
  • publisher;
  • email address.

Federal Law No. 63 of 06.04.2011 "On Electronic Signature" defines the area of ​​use of the EDS and approves the legal force of each type of EDS. According to the bill, a qualified signature must be accompanied by a password-protected certificate stored on a special medium. If the certificate password is forgotten or lost, it can be recovered. And for greater security, it is recommended to replace the standard password with a custom one.

Within a few seconds, an SMS will be sent to the phone with a code, which is the password for the certificate. It is entered in the appropriate window:

The received password is valid only for 5 minutes after receipt, so if there is a delay in entering, you need to update the link and repeat the whole process again. If the password has not arrived within a few minutes, you can request it again.

If all the data is correct, then you need to check the box next to "I confirm my consent to issue a certificate." If an error is found in the data, you must contact the technical support of the certification center that issued the certificate. Sometimes at this stage an error occurs asking you to reconfigure the PC. If this happens, then you need to go to the settings page and repeat all the steps from the beginning.

Standard code from EP

The developers have come up with a number of standard factory codes that all users can use as a pin code from a secure medium. For EN Rutoken Lite/S/EDS version 2.0. this is:

  • For administrator: 87654321;
  • For client: 12345678.

The eToken carrier uses the standard user code 1234567890. The eSmart/JaCarta LT and JaCarta devices work with the code 12345678, while the JaCarta SE (used to work with EGAIS) uses several codes:

  • For administrator: 00000000;
  • For client: 11111111.

For the part responsible for GOST, this token requires different passwords for the administrator and user, respectively: 1234567890 and 0987654321.

Replacing the electronic signature code

For reliability and greater protection of information, it is better not to use the default codes, but to change them to personal ones. To change the password to Rutoken Lite/S/EDS version 2.0. need:

  • Go to the menu, select "Control Panel" and "Rootoken Management";
  • Press "Enter PIN code" (a standard code is entered);
  • In the control tab that opens, click "Change" and enter a new password.

For a JaCarta Se/LT carrier, the procedure is slightly different:

  • In the JaCarta client, you need to switch to user mode;

  • Click opposite the selected section "Change PIN code";

  • Enter the current and new password, then click "Run".

The administrator password is changed accordingly. If everything is done correctly, a message will appear on the successful change of information.

Password recovery procedure

When working with a token, the password on the PC is set only once. Pin rutoken remembers automatically, and in the future its introduction is not required. However, when reinstalling the OS or in case of replacing a part of the PC equipment, it is necessary to reinstall the ES and enter the code.

Where to get the password to access the electronic signature certificate depends on the features of the system. If the ES key is built into the OS, then you can use the installed activated program CryptoPro CSP version 3.6 and higher. The first step in password recovery is opening the directory where CryptoPro is installed. If let remained unchanged, then the folder with the application is located in the Program Files directory section on the OS disk. Then you need to find the csptest file, which will allow you to find out the password from the pinned certificate. After launching the utility, the following command is entered in a new window: Program FilesCrypto ProCSP -keyset -enum_cont -fqcn -verifycontext.

The window will show all installed EDS containers. Then the user enters the command: csptest -passwd -showsaved -container with the code of the container whose password is required. After confirming the input, information about the key is displayed.

If the password was changed and lost, and the key was not built into the OS, then the user will no longer be able to work with this electronic signature. It is necessary to re-apply to the CA to stop the validity of this signature and apply for the production of a new requisite. The inability to recover a password reduces the risk of EDS being compromised by third parties. Even if the token was stolen or lost, it will not be possible to change the EDS password through the factory settings or contacting the CA.

Code word recovery

The code word recovery procedure is simpler. To change it, you need to contact the certification center that issued the EDS certificate with a passport. The client writes an application to replace the code word, where he indicates a new one. When filling out the questionnaire, you need to pay attention to the accuracy of spelling, the number of capital letters and numbers.

EDS authentication tools

The information security of the electronic signature is provided by special means of authentication - tokens or USB keys. In Russia, two connected tokens are popular: JaCarta and Rutoken.

JaCarta SE/LT

The devices of this identification system include smart cards, USB tokens and security blocks for creating and verifying digital signatures, encrypting transmitted information and secure database storage. JaCarta is a Russian product created by Aladdin R.D. The token is used in the electronic document management system, on electronic trading platforms and in the remote banking system, at customs, for reporting to the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund, etc.

The device can also be used to store CIPF containers, certificates, passwords and licenses. The company's latest development is the JaCarta PKI/GOST/SE USB dongle. The token provides high-precision two-phase authentication of the ES in the information system of a narrow focus. This token has 2 functions:

  • It is used as a means of electronic signature and for access to protected information of specialized systems;
  • It is used as a secure storage of keys and key containers.

The USB token has all the safety certificates of the FSB of Russia and the FSTEC.

JaCarta U2F is a token equipped with a mechanical button and FIDO U2F authentication support. It provides for the possibility of using one token to gain access to various social and specialized resources. This token has also received FSB and FSTEC RF certificates, as well as international security certificates such as Common Criteria EAL 5+.

Rutoken S Lite / EDS 2.0

The Rutoken product is produced by the Russian company Aktiv, which also has a patent for the invention. It visually differs from JaCarta by its red body. The device is designed to use an electronic signature key and an EDS verification key. The base of cryptographic algorithms of the ES was involved in the development of the token.

Rutoken EDS 2.0 is needed to ensure the safety of electronic signature keys in the built-in secure memory, and does not have the ability to export them. A USB key is used in electronic document management and in remote banking. Rutokens are the first means of user authentication that have been certified by the FSB for compliance with:

  • GOST R 34.10-2012 on the formation and verification of an electronic signature;
  • GOST 34.11-2012 on the algorithm and procedure for calculating the hash function;
  • VKO to GOST R 34.10-2012 on the algorithm for creating a session key.

Rutoken S was created to provide two-phase user authentication, secure storage of encryption keys, etc. The carrier has a built-in and securely protected memory for storing access codes, keys and other confidential information. This model is used for corporate networks of state corporations, because built-in cryptographic algorithms ensure full compliance of IP with the requirements of regulators.

The Bluetooth EDS token model stores the signature certificate and is able to certify electronic documents on mobile devices(required OS IOS/Android). The USB key combines the functions of an EDS token and the possibility of using it on smartphones and tablets via Bluetooth.

The high reliability of cryptographic information protection and token operation algorithms do not allow recovering a lost password. If the user changed the PIN code and forgot it without registering it in the OS, then you need to purchase another electronic signature. When changing the code information, it is recommended to write down the new pin in a safe place.

And before sending the documents in the personal account of the taxpayer, they entered password for the electronic signature certificate, or, in simple terms, signed our "Tolmuts" with an electronic signature.

Somehow I lost sight of the fact that not everyone knows what it is. The topic is useful both for assistance in creating an electronic signature in your personal taxpayer account and for general education. Considering that many of my readers are pensioners - people of advanced age and not confident enough in communicating with, "I'll put everything on the shelves."

First of all, let's figure out what an electronic signature is for and what is the password for the certificate. Everything is simple here, like a simple signature from a pen, it is needed to give any document legal force. But a simple one can be verified with the one in the passport and, at worst, carry out a handwriting examination of its authenticity. But how to verify and verify electronic? Here everything is much more complicated. But first, about types and types.

Types and types of electronic signatures

I will say right away that there are not a great many species, but only two:

  • simple electronic signature;
  • reinforced;

A simple one is a username and password. She confirms that it was sent by their owner. And nothing more. We are also interested in enhanced. In addition to identifying the sender, it also confirms that after signing the document has not changed and is equated to a documentary piece of paper with a signed pen.

There are also two types of reinforcements:

  • qualified electronic signature;
  • unskilled;

An unqualified enhanced electronic signature is created in the tax office and it can be used in document circulation only within the framework of the IFTS! But the use of a qualified signature is much wider, but to obtain it, you must personally contact a certification center accredited by the Ministry of Communications of Russia. And this service is paid.

If you still buy it, then you will have the opportunity to register with the tax authorities without the ordeals. And then enter there using this same signature instead of a login and password when choosing this authorization method. By the way, and also. And of course, sign all possible electronic documents, including the tax one, of course.

Next comes the general educational program. If it doesn't interest you, you can skip this section and scroll down. It already describes how to create an electronic signature in the taxpayer's personal account and, of course, about the password for the certificate too. And experts in the field of cryptography, please do not judge me strictly for some inaccuracies and simplifications in this opus.

The mechanism for sending documents signed with an enhanced electronic signature

It would be more correct to use the word algorithm instead of mechanism. But I will not frighten the main part of our audience - pensermen with "abstruse" words. And then do not be afraid, I will explain everything. So, how, for example, does Comrade Ivanov hand over the signed documents to the Tax Office? Moreover, so that no one could read and change them. In scientific language, something like this:

First, Ivanov and the Tax Office generate public and private encryption keys. Then they exchange open cards among themselves. At the next stage:

  1. Ivanov encrypts the "message" with his private key, and as a result, it is signed.
  2. Next, Ivanov encrypts with the public key that the Tax Office had previously sent him what happened after step 1 was completed. Now no outsider will be able to read anything, even if they intercept.
  3. After the Tax Office has received Ivanov's "message", she first decrypts it with her private key and sees Ivanov's encrypted document there.
  4. It was then that the "Tax" decrypts it using the public key given to her by Ivanov at the very beginning. As a result, Ivanov's signature is verified.

And in the "worker-peasant" language of "appearances and passwords" it will be approximately similar to such an event:

First, Ivanov prepares a suitcase with a spare key and a piece of paper with the details signed with his own hand, and the Tax box also with a spare key. They go to the post office and send parcels to each other. Ivanov puts the key to the suitcase in a parcel, and sends paper with his details in a valuable letter and sends it separately. Tax - a box as a parcel and a parcel with one key are also separate.

Ivanov, having received the parcel and the parcel, hides, for example, his signed document in a box and closes it with a key from the received parcel. He puts this secret box in his suitcase and also closes it with his own key. And then he sends this “matryoshka” to the Tax Office by parcel. Keeps the keys to the box and suitcase.

Why it is better to choose the storage of the key in the system of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, I think you will not have any questions. If you have read the explanations, you will have noticed the undeniable advantages of this particular option.

After sending the request, a waiting window with a spinning circle appears. Sometimes it can linger for quite a long time:

Then a window will appear informing you that the certificate has been successfully issued. Here you can open a window with your certificate by clicking on the link "View certificate":

in the window that pops up after that, enter the password that you have already entered twice at the very beginning and the "Next" button:

And in the next window, admire your certificate, see these very details that are checked in the tax office when receiving documents from you. It looks something like this:

Error generating ES certificate

For the first time after the launch of the tax website, this was a fairly common occurrence. Then, as it were, everything “settled down”. Now such "glitches" began to arise again. For example, I find out about this by looking at the traffic statistics of this blog. It increases sharply. And it's all due to the article you're reading right now.

On this occasion, I can only say that the point here, most likely, is not in you and not in the password, but in the congestion of the FTS portal. This is especially evident in the last days of the submission of tax returns of organizations and other tax payments of individuals. The lion's share of them usually falls on the first quarter, that is, the beginning of the year.

So if the message “Error generating an electronic signature certificate” appeared on your monitor, don’t be too upset. Be patient and try this operation again. Or better yet, come back to it another day. Perhaps the “glitches” will end by this time and you will be lucky.

What to do if you have forgotten the password for accessing the certificate of the electronic signature verification key

Don't be upset. Nothing wrong with that. This is not a password from the taxpayer's personal account, in case of loss of which, you will have to re-visit the IFTS. This is in the event that you did not bother to set a code word for its recovery by e-mail.

Everything is much simpler here. Pay attention to the bottom window there is a link "Revoke the current certificate". Feel free to click on it and after that create a new certificate and you will have a new password:

time and in terms of cost savings. I'm not talking about the fact that this is already a more progressive stage of your business. And do not be upset if you have lost the password for the ES certificate, it can always be restored.

Good luck to you! And see you soon on the pages of the PenserMan blog.

There are several stages of registration on the State Services portal, which open up different opportunities for users. One of the stages of user initiation is an electronic signature, thanks to which you can log in to your personal account, as well as order electronic services.

Initially, the electronic signature was used only by legal entities that preferred to communicate with the tax authorities in in electronic format. It allowed to protect the documentation when sent for verification to the appropriate authorities. Later, this practice in a broad sense was adopted for individuals.

An electronic signature is a way to confirm the authenticity of a document. When creating an electronic signature, various types of encryption are used, so it can have different appearance. This short code is then attached to the main document, which will be sent by email.

The ES is valid for a year, after which it is necessary to renew it with the purchase of a new key or certificate. Please note that the service is paid. Its specific cost depends on the conditions that are included in the contract. To date, the minimum amount of ES for individuals is 700 rubles. You can get acquainted with the tariffs on the official website of the RosIntegration certification center.

Types of electronic signature

There are 3 types of electronic signature:

  • Simple;
  • Unskilled;
  • Qualified.
  1. A simple electronic signature is often used in everyday life. It is a one time code. Users constantly encounter such data encryption, for example, when confirming a payment from a bank card. To successfully complete the operation, you must enter the code that is sent to the phone number associated with the card.
  2. Unqualified ES is used in electronic documents. Users rarely encounter it in ordinary life, because its registration is possible only in the control center. With the help of this type of electronic digital signature, you can "certify" your letters to government agencies when sending them electronically. However, the service itself has privacy restrictions.
  3. A qualified electronic signature is an equal analogue of a paper signature for an individual. And in the case of legal entities, it can also replace the seal of the organization. Thanks to this variety, documents can be sent by e-mail to any authority. There is no need to personally confirm any information.

How to get an EDS for the State Services website?

To work with the State Services portal, a simple and qualified electronic signature is used. Obtaining any kind of identifier is directly related to registration on the site. However, due to the fact that these EPs are of a different nature, the procedure for obtaining will differ significantly.

Important! A qualified electronic signature has more weight than a simple one, since it opens access to all portal services. The main difference is that a simple digital signature gives access to viewing information, for example, on the amount of fines. However, only with a qualified electronic signature does the user have the opportunity to send applications for receiving services in electronic form.

Creating a simple electronic signature

A simple electronic signature is created at the first stage of user registration on the portal. This is the so-called "simplified registration", which only requires the visitor to enter certain data into the database. Everything is done remotely and does not take much time.

A simple type of signature is assigned to absolutely all users of the portal, as this happens immediately after registration.

  1. If you click on the button " Personal Area”, not only the login form will appear, but under it there will be a link to the registration form, which you must select.
  2. The first page contains the basic data about the user: full name, phone number, email.
  3. The system automatically generates the first simple electronic signature of a new user. The code is sent either by e-mail or to the phone in the form of SMS. The received code must be entered in the field that opened after filling out the first registration page. This signature confirms the visitor's desire to continue creating a profile on the portal. However, despite the fact that a simple electronic signature has been generated and confirmed, its creation does not end there.
  4. After entering the one-time code, there are still empty fields that need to be filled in. In addition to a permanent password, the client must provide data on documents that will confirm his identity: SNILS, passport, TIN.

Information uploaded to the service is sent for verification. And if the data on them matches the data of the common database, the client can use the resource. In fact, at this stage, the creation of a simple electronic signature is over. The user can enter the portal, view the available information.

The truncated functionality of the portal can be expanded if you complete the registration of a simple electronic signature into an unqualified one. To do this, you must personally contact the Russian Post or. You must have a passport and SNILS with you. Employees of government agencies check the compliance of documents with the ones specified in the profile settings. And if these are really your documents, a one-time code is issued, which is entered in your personal account in the profile settings. After its introduction, the State Services reveal their full potential.

Note! Registration on the State Services Portal is not required if the user initially contacts the MFC to create a simple electronic signature. After that, it is enough at home to choose the entrance to SNILS.

Creation of a qualified electronic signature

A qualified electronic signature is issued on a USB flash drive at the control center. It is necessary to contact the institution that is engaged in the creation of a qualified electronic signature in your locality by phone and order an ES. After that, you must personally go to the office with a passport. There are various tariffs at which ES is created. The minimum tariff is suitable for working with the State Services portal.

Together with a flash drive that contains information about the electronic signature, the client receives software for installation on his computer, a license and a certificate. At home, you will need to install the program and insert the USB flash drive into the USB connector. In the authorization form on the State Services portal below, you must select "Login using electronic means". And then choose the path to the removable media.

What can ECP be used for?

The electronic signature on the State Services is used to open access to all the features of the site:

  • Sending an application for obtaining certificates, extracts and so on;
  • Payment of state duties with a 30% discount, if it is provided for by a specific service.

Additionally, an individual has the opportunity to send a tax return via the Internet. Also, EPs continue to be used by legal entities. But at the same time, it is necessary that the certificate be filled out in the name of a person authorized to work with the State Services portal from his company.


Electronic signature on the State Services portal

If you still purchase it, then you will have the opportunity to register in the taxpayer's personal account without the ordeals of the tax authorities, and then enter it using this very signature. By the way, in public services too. And of course, sign all possible electronic documents, including the tax one, of course.

Electronic signature in the personal account of the taxpayer

Since July 1, 2020, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation has been amended accordingly, and the Taxpayer's Personal Account electronic service has received the official status of an information resource that can be used by taxpayers and tax authorities to exercise their rights and obligations.

You can issue an electronic signature through the "Personal account of the taxpayer - an individual"

The SKB Kontur website has a convenient certificate selection wizard that allows the client to answer several questions regarding the scope of the required certificate, and at the end receive one or more types of certificates that completely cover the needs. The special tariff "Electronic Signature 2.0" includes two ES certificates at once - qualified and unqualified - and is suitable for solving most problems.

Where and how to get an electronic signature

As a rule, if the certificate is issued by an enterprise licensed by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, the problem of checking the relevance does not arise. When connecting to services using an electronic signature key, the user always sees the validity period of his key in the name of the certificate. In a few weeks, any system (trading platform or service of the Federal Tax Service) notifies the user that the validity period of his certificate is coming to an end, each time the key is used. The task of the user is to contact his certification center in time to renew the certificate.

How to get an electronic signature key for tax

Together with a flash drive that contains information about the electronic signature, the client receives software for installation on his computer, a license and a certificate. At home, you will need to install the program and insert the USB flash drive into the USB connector. In the authorization form on the State Services portal below, you must select "Login using electronic means". And then choose the path to the removable media.

EDS) electronic signature for public services, creation and receipt

  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP in electronic form with an electronic signature of the tax authority (in the absence of data in the tax service, provide an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP duly certified);
  • A copy of the identity document of the applicant in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, certified by the signature of the owner;
  • A copy of the document on the assignment of the insurance number of the individual personal account of a citizen in the system of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS), certified by the signature of the owner;
  • A copy of the document confirming the authority of the applicant's employee, certified by the head of the organization;
  • Signed application for the production of an ES key certificate.

Events quarter

For each electronic signature carrier, whether it is Etoken (Jacarta) or RuToken, a default password is set. The password may also be referred to as a "pin code". When a user performs any action with an electronic signature (authorization on the site using an ES or signing an application), the EDS is accessed and the user is asked for a pin code (password).

Portal My EDS Electronic signature - it's easy! E-commerce is convenient! State

A qualified electronic signature, which provides for a trip to the CA, cannot be purchased for free. This mostly applies to legal entities. Individuals can get wider powers by registering on the public services website with the help of SNILS.

Electronic signature (EDS) for public services - creation and receipt

They are inextricably linked and work as a system: the public key is provided to the counterparties of the signatory and stored in the archive of the certification center. The private key is stored by the owner of the EDS and is used to approve electronic documents and send certificates.

How to get an electronic digital signature certificate

Therefore, in order to use this Internet service, it is necessary to fulfill a number of technical conditions:
OS Windows XP SP3 or higher (for example, Windows 7);
Internet Explorer 8.0 or higher;
Crypto PRO CSP 3.6 or higher with a valid license;
A set of drivers and additional utilities for working with electronic keys eToken / Rutoken;
Crypto PRO EDS browser plug-in for Windows.

Electronic tax key

Electronic signature verification key certificate an electronic document or a document on paper issued by a certification center or an authorized representative of the certification center and confirming that the electronic signature verification key belongs to the owner of the electronic signature verification key certificate.

Where can I get the password for the electronic signature certificate

When a key is generated, the data about its owner is saved, and the file obtained in this way is called a signature key certificate. This document must include the public key, as well as information about the owner of the digital signature and the certification authority that issued this key.

Certificate and EDS key

The electronic exchange of documents between companies and government agencies is gaining momentum, as it significantly reduces the time for transferring documents. To give legal significance to the transmitted information, the parties to the electronic document management (EDF) sign the files with their electronic digital signatures (EDS). A document certified by an EDS is equated to a hard copy endorsed by an authorized person. The law “On Electronic Signature” dated 06.04.2011 No. 63-FZ regulates the procedure for obtaining and using an EDS, which provides for the following types of EDS: simple and enhanced.

Where to get an electronic signature key certificate

The ownership of the EDS by a specific person or organization is confirmed by a qualified certificate of the electronic signature verification key, which is generated by the Certification Authority. This document is issued to its owner on paper and is installed as a file on the eToken technical carrier.

Electronic signature public key certificate

  • Obtain or replace a civil or foreign passport, TIN;
  • Request information about income, debts, fines in the tax and traffic police;
  • Get an extract from the USRN in electronic form;
  • Check the account in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • Register or de-register in the city, carry out similar operations with a car;
  • Apply to a university in another city;
  • Conclude contracts for remote work;
  • Participate in the electronic trading system throughout the country;
  • Register an individual entrepreneur or legal entity;
  • Obtain a license, a patent.

How to get an electronic signature at the MFC

05 Dec 2018 778