MTS personal account Internet management. MTS Personal Account - Registration and Login

Every day, MTS customers face many different issues. As a rule, subscribers turn to the help center for help. Unfortunately, getting through to the MTS operator is often very problematic and it takes a long time to wait for a specialist to answer. To reduce the load on the customer support center, as well as save the nerves of subscribers, who are often forced to wait for an answer from a specialist, the operator created an MTS personal account. The subscriber's cabinet has great functionality, thanks to which you can monitor the status of your personal account, manage services, change tariffs, and perform many other actions with all MTS phone numbers registered in your name.
If you still do not know how to enter your MTS personal account, then this article will be of interest to you. We will look at the registration process, as well as tell you how to use the self-service service and what features it provides. MTS personal account is designed in such a way that none of the subscribers have any questions, while the functionality of the service is simply huge. However, despite the operator’s efforts to make the personal account as clear as possible, some subscribers still have various kinds of questions, the answers to which can be found in this article.

Registration and login to the MTS personal account

Despite the huge functionality, the MTS personal account has a clear and user-friendly interface. Signing in and registration is easy. We will consider the possibilities of the self-service system a little later. Now we will talk about how to enter the MTS personal account. First of all, you need to specify a username and password. If you are not yet authorized in your personal account, then you will not have login data, but if you have a username and password, then skip this paragraph and proceed to the next part of the article. If you still need a password and login, it’s very easy to get them (this can be done from a computer or through. This article will discuss the process of registering in your personal account through a computer. We have already considered logging in through the application in a separate review, which we also recommend reading.
Instructions for registering in the MTS personal account:

  • Follow the link;
  • Click on the "Get password via SMS" tab;
  • In the authorization form, indicate the phone number that needs to be registered in your personal account;
  • After a while, you will receive an SMS with a password;
  • Use the password password to enter the MTS personal account (the phone number is used as the login);
  • Congratulations, you have registered in your personal account.

The first step is to change your password. The password sent via SMS was generated automatically and can be easily cracked by intruders. It's best to set a strong password right away. To change the password, enter the settings and open the "Change password" section. If you have forgotten your password, you can easily recover it. Just order the password again. By the way, after three erroneous password entries, it will be blocked and you will have to order a new one. A new password can be ordered following the instructions above.

Login to your MTS personal account without registration

To gain access to the capabilities of your personal account, it is not at all necessary to go through the registration procedure. That is, you can do without a username and password. How is this possible? In fact, everything is extremely simple. The system itself will create data for entering the subscriber's account. If you follow the link from your phone and computer (modem/router) with an MTS SIM card, identification will be automatically performed by phone number.

In principle, you can enter your MTS personal account without registration from any device operating on the MTS network (phone, tablet, modem, router). This option is very convenient and completely eliminates the need to go through the registration procedure in your personal account. Although, registration itself does not involve difficulties and takes a minimum of time, so there is no fundamental difference in how you enter your personal account.
As you can see, registering and logging into your personal account takes a minimum of time and effort, so we will not dwell on this issue. Much more attention deserves the question of the possibilities of a personal account.

Features of the MTS personal account

Personal Area MTS has a huge functionality. If you are not yet authorized in the self-service system, please do so immediately. You will be able to monitor the status of your personal account, connect and disconnect services, change tariffs, as well as perform a lot of other useful operations using a computer or mobile phone. You no longer have to waste time trying, as almost any issue can be resolved independently using your personal account.

Using your personal account, you can perform the following actions:

  • Connect and disconnect services;
  • Pick up and go to the optimal tariff plan;
  • Top up your phone balance in various ways;
  • Monitor remaining minutes, SMS, ;
  • Receive gifts and surprises from MTS. Participate in various promotions;
  • Follow the latest news.

This is not the whole list of personal account features, for example, you can take trust payment etc. In fact, they can be listed for a very long time. It will be much easier for you to enter your MTS personal account and get acquainted with its capabilities. The interface of the self-service system is extremely simple, so you can easily understand everything. In addition, each section has a detailed description and instructions.

  • Important
  • Access to the MTS Personal Account and its use do not provide for a fee, the subscriber pays only for the Internet according to the terms of his tariff plan.

How to add several numbers to the MTS Personal Account

Many people have several SIM-cards at the same time, and not necessarily from different operators. In addition, parents often issue SIM cards in their name for children or elderly parents. Creating a personal account for each number is not very convenient. Agree, it will be much more convenient to add several numbers to one office. MTS is well aware that many subscribers want to add one or more numbers, so the operator did not deprive its customers of this opportunity.

You can add several MTS numbers to your personal account. The main thing is that they all belong to you. Also note that the numbers must be purchased within the same region. That is, if one number was purchased, for example, in Moscow, and the other in Yekaterinburg, it will not work to manage them from one office. If all these conditions are met, you can add a number (numbers) to your personal account.

Instructions for adding another number to the MTS subscriber account:

  1. Activate the Number Management service (the service must be activated on all numbers). To activate the service dial * 111 * 828 * 1 # . You can also connect the service in your personal account. The service is absolutely free.
  2. Follow the link Fill the form.
  3. Confirm the addition of the number (several numbers) by clicking on the "register" button. The application will be processed within two business days. You will learn about the fact of successful processing of the application in your personal account.

How to delete your MTS personal account

The self-service system greatly simplifies the life of subscribers and the operator. The first get the opportunity to manage the number via the Internet, and the second reduces the load on the help centers. Despite the numerous advantages, some subscribers decide to delete their personal account. We will not discuss what exactly can cause such a desire to arise, we will simply tell you how to delete your MTS personal account.
It should immediately be said that there are no special commands for deleting a personal account. If you no longer need a self-service system, then just forget about it and never use it. If this option does not suit you and you want to achieve the complete removal of your personal account, then you will not be able to do without a visit to the office. The final deletion of a personal account is possible only upon termination of the contract for the provision of communication services.

It will be important for all MTS customers to know that today they can manage their communication services independently and at the same time remotely. No, you won’t have to download any separate and complex programs, much less buy them.

It is enough just to register after issuing a SIM card as an active subscriber on the official website of the personal account - After that, you will open a variety of functions for setting up communications, connecting services and controlling your phone account directly via the Internet.

How to register on the official website of the personal account

Not everyone has good skills in working with online services. For some, this is completely new. Therefore, MTS, which is trying to achieve the highest possible level of service for its subscribers, has made a personal account and the procedure for creating it simple and clear.

Here are the steps you need to take to register:
- Login from any modern browser to the official website of the MTS personal account. We indicated his address earlier in our article;
- Get the password via SMS by clicking on the appropriate button on the screen;
- Enter in the empty fields that you will see in front of you, login (this is your phone number without the "+7" prefix) and the password you just received.

What actions can be performed in your personal account on the official website of

Some of them are based solely on obtaining information. Agree, not everyone can so easily control their expenses for mobile communications or determine which functions are currently connected and which are not yet.

Therefore, the ability of the service to order the details of calls, messages and access to the Internet, view subscriber statistics, a list of his services, recent spending is very important.

The other part of the functions is somewhat different. With their help, without visiting a communication salon and the help of specialists:
- Choose a new tariff plan on your own and apply it to your current number online. True, a very small fee is charged for such an operation;
- Connect new services or small options. This may relate to an Internet traffic package, unlimited SMS or MMS, advantageous minutes of calls in roaming, and so on;
- Disable services and options that are no longer necessary;
- Top up your personal account in a non-cash way, for example, by making a transfer from a bank card;
- Go to the "MTS Online Store" section, get acquainted with the range of goods, place your own online order and much more.

The personal account on the official MTS website was developed by the provider for convenient self-service and provides a mobile subscriber in the Russian Federation with access to a huge functionality.

The main advantages of the service in relation to other service options:

  1. With it, you can solve a lot of issues on your own, without wasting time calling the operator and waiting, avoiding a visit service centers, without delving into the commands of the mobile assistant - it is enough to have Internet access from a personal computer or smartphone. To use all the functions of the Personal Account using mobile devices just download and install the My MTS application and log in to it.
  2. To get to the portal with an entrance to your account from a personal computer, you can type queries like “MTS Personal Account”, “www mts ru” in the Yandex search line or go directly to the address:
  3. The service online and in real time will help the client to solve almost all issues that arise when using mobile communications. Monitor the status of a personal account, connect and disconnect additional services, change the tariff plan, set up backup of your data, quickly replenish the balance in various ways, choose your favorite melody and put it in place of the beep when making calls, spend and track bonus points under the MTS Bonus program.
  4. The Internet Assistant section will give access to the main tasks that the user needs. MTS Bank clients can set up a direct transition from their account to the bank's client account and much more. Next, consider in detail functionality Personal account and work in it.

For the full use of all the opportunities that the official MTS website provides to the client, an individual registration on the service is required. Work with the Personal Account is available free of charge to all users of communication services from MTS.

How to connect, register and how to add a number to start using this convenient service? Registration takes place by phone number of the subscriber as follows:

On the service page at or by clicking on the appropriate inscription (My MTS. Personal account) on the main page of the MTS official website at: in the upper right corner of the page.

  • on the login page you need to enter your phone number:
  • then click on the inscription: "Get password via SMS" by entering the anti-spam code (captcha):
  • then enter the password sent to your phone in the appropriate field:

Then My Page immediately opens - the main page of the Personal Account, where you can proceed with the actions you need.

When registering by phone number in the future, this number will be your permanent login for entering the Personal Account on the operator's website.

How to create a new Personal Account using existing accounts? It is possible to log in using accounts in social networks - VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki and account Windows. To do this, without entering a phone number, click in the lower field on the login page on the corresponding icon next to the inscription: “Login through”. After that, a page will open on which you will need to link your account to a phone number using an SMS password sent to your number.

It is most convenient to use the browser version of the Personal Account through a computer or laptop.

How to enter your personal account by phone number?

In the future, when using the service, access via the Internet to it is carried out by a phone number, which will be your permanent login on this service. Authorization occurs in the same way as during the initial registration - enter the phone number and password.

The password sent to you for the first time will be valid on the service until you change it to your own on the website in your account or until you order a new password for your phone when entering the service.

In order to change the password, you either need to click the "Get password via SMS" button again or enter the service and change the password to your own in the upper right Settings menu, then find the "Change password" item.

Also in the Settings menu, you can set up SMS alerts, download and study contracts, take actions to link your accounts in social networks and see a list of resources linked by you to your personal account or your phone number for making payment transactions on the Internet.

You now know how to access the Internet Assistant by phone number using the full version of the site. But what about those who want to become a user of the service developed by MTS PJSC using a mobile phone?

How to login from mobile phone?

When you enter the MTS official website from your mobile phone and go to your Personal Account through any browser, you will be taken to its mobile version. Login can be done in exactly the same way as described in the previous section. In addition to the mobile version of the site, if the Internet is available on the phone, the operator has developed the My MTS mobile application, which duplicates the personal account. The application is free and available for download on tablets and smartphones with any operating system.

  • For devices running on Android OS, you can download the mobile application at: in Google Play Market.
  • iOS devices can be downloaded from the Apple Store: .
  • Owners of phones with an operating Windows system Phone app can be downloaded at: in the Microsoft Store (Russia).

You can also sign in from your mobile phone to the Apple Store, Google Play and Windows Store, depending on its model and used operating system by typing "My MTS" in the search query string. After that, you can download the application to your device for free and install it.

After downloading the application, upon first activation, it will automatically identify you by your phone number, and you will be able to fully use all the functions of the same Personal Account. After the first entry into the application, the MTS subscriber can later enter it without a password.

The first page of the application will display the current basic information on the balance and tariff options - the remaining amount of traffic, the number of SMS and minutes available to the subscriber.

Important! The My MTS application will work only when your phone has Internet and mobile data and/or prem and Wi-Fi transmission is enabled.

What to do if there are problems with access?

How to get into your Personal Account if there is a problem with access and you cannot log in? As a rule, this problem occurs if the password that you enter during authorization does not work - that is, you enter the wrong password. The issue is solved simply: on the login page, click on the "Get password via SMS" button in the same way as you did during the first authorization.

From the short number 3339 belonging to the recovery service of MTS OJSC, a message with a new password will be sent to your mobile phone. The new password sent to you must be entered in the appropriate field, and you will be able to enter your Personal Account again. Then, in the settings, change it again to your own, more convenient.

Attention! When entering a new password sent by the 3339 service, be careful about the case - some letters in the password are uppercase, some are lowercase. This is done to increase the degree of protection and complexity of passwords.

Services in your account

On the main page of the account in the browser version of the service, accessing it through a personal computer or laptop, you will see several sections and menus. They are located at the top of the window and are duplicated at the very bottom of the page.

For those who use the mobile version of the service, accessing it, for example, using a tablet, all the same items become available by clicking on the drop-down menu icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

For users mobile application My MTS menu looks a little different, but it is also intuitive and easy to understand.

The main page of the application displays the current data by number, and the transition to the main menu occurs by pressing the corresponding icon in the upper left corner of the interface.

The Service Management section allows the subscriber to enable and disable various services offered by MTS. Connect additional mobile Internet and SMS packages, save money while traveling while roaming, connect the ability to create phone book blacklists for incoming calls and SMS, voice mail functions, as well as a large list of opportunities for optimizing and ease of use of communications.

Important! Do not forget that some services are automatically connected with the new tariff plan and are free for a certain period of time, then becoming paid. Keep a close eye on connected services.

Enabling and disabling additional features and services is quite simple. In the Service Management section, after clicking on the "Connect new services" button, you will be shown a long list of all additional options. When using a personal computer or laptop and working with the full version of the site, check the box for the selected service.

After that, you will see an inscription that the request to add the selected services has been successfully registered. If the added service is incompatible with your tariff plan, you will also see a message about this on this Service Management page.

After performing these operations in your account on the site, you will receive an SMS message on your phone stating that the service has been successfully added.

Disabling additional services is even easier. In the Service management section, the menu "All connected services" is called up. To the right of the service to be disabled, click on the red cross.

On the next page, you need to confirm the deactivation by pressing the "Deactivate service" button.

After that, you will also receive an SMS notification to your number about the deactivation of the service or option you are deleting.

When using the My MTS application, to connect or disconnect services and options, you need to call the "Services" menu by clicking on the corresponding icon on the main page of the application.

Then move the checkbox to the active state to activate and to the passive state to disable the service. Those options that will not be available for deactivation and are part of your tariff plan will be marked with a padlock on the control flag.

Being in this section, on one tab you can see the connected services, and on the second tab "All services", grouped by sections, among which you can select new ones to connect.

Attention! When using the mobile application, not all services are available for transactions with them. If you did not find the service you need, then at the bottom of the section you will be asked to go to the official MTS website to view all the services. Also, not all services already working on your tariff will be displayed in the "Connected" section. Full information about the services is located only in the Personal Account on the official website of MTS. For example, to manage the Latitude, Supervised Child and Mobile Workers services, you cannot go directly from the mobile application, and they are not displayed among the connected services.

After operations with disconnection and connection of services to you, an SMS notification about the status of your requests will also be sent to your number.

Connecting services

How to enable or disable additional services through the Personal Account is described in detail above. But is it possible to use the service to manage complex options, such as the Unified Internet and a complete ban on content?

When using tariff plans of the SMART and ULTRA line, users have access to the Unified Internet option, designed to use a single amount of traffic in a more economical financial mode on several devices simultaneously. Creation of a group of users by the Unified Internet and its distribution between devices (up to 6 connected devices) also takes place in the Personal Account. The functionality is found by going through the Service Management tab and going to the Unified Internet submenu.

The ability to manage subscriptions to paid content is also provided to users of the service. Having opened the Service Management tab, look for the My Content link and click on it.

On the page that opens, we will be able to get acquainted with all the current and offered subscriptions by the operator. In the same window, in the right column of the menu, we find the Services item, and under it the Ordered content item. In the drop-down list, the Active Subscriptions link will be displayed as the first item.

By clicking on this item, you can see the current active subscriptions, disable them or connect new ones that interest you.

Important! Remember that all subscriptions to incoming content are paid. Including those that are subscribed for by promotions and bonus points - after a certain period, funds will also be debited from your account for them. Controlling active content subscriptions will allow you to accurately understand your own costs.

Removing services

As already noted, with almost all tariff plans - both when switching to another tariff, and when buying a new SIM card - there is a list of additional options, subscriptions and services automatically connected by the operator. As a rule, you would not connect these services, actively implemented by the operator, on your own.

At the end of the grace or free, so-called "test" periods, all additional features become paid, and you must independently remove additional options, cancel subscriptions and disable services.

Very often, these automatically connected options are Beep, additional Internet and SMS packages, Latitude or Supervised Child, subscriptions to content - for example, daily weather reports for your region.

You can suspend or delete a service that you absolutely do not need in time using the actions in your Personal Account in the same Service Management tab - All connected services item. Actions from the phone are exactly the same, the only difference is that the mobile application does not show the full list of services and options.

You need to disable the Locator and any service of the MTS Search line by going from your Personal Account to the Search website or directly at:

Important! Remember that you won’t be able to switch from the mobile application or immediately disable the MTS Search functions. There is no such item or link. Authorization on the MTS Search website is required.

Complex service management

To fully use some of the convenient features from MTS, you need to constantly work with them and connect them only when they are really needed.

MTS Search

Among these opportunities is a line of services under the general name "MTS Search". To use this functionality, you need to make a direct transition from the Personal Account section of the Service Management to a separate specialized site "MTS Search" by clicking on the appropriate inscription or directly at the address:

While on this site, you will also need to log in and only after that the services, MTS, My city, MTS Mobile employees will become available to you. These services are also disabled through authorization on this site.

Black list

Another of the managed services from MTS is this. Viewing the functionality of this service is located at: When connected, its additional functions become available to you as well - Personal control and parental control. As well as the ability to block incoming SMS messages as part of the SMS Pro option.

Turbo Button

If you need to receive additional volume of Internet traffic directly on the MTS website in your Personal Account, you can select and activate one of the options. This option is intended for a one-time use of additional traffic volumes for your MTS communicator. You can find this function by going sequentially through the sections: Mobile communications - Mobile Internet - Choose your Internet - Extend access - More.

How to manage your tariff plan through your personal account?

On the main page of the full version of the Personal Account of the MTS website, you can find out which tariff plan you are currently using and select a new tariff.

The selection of a tariff plan that would suit your needs can be entrusted to the site's automated system in the "Tariff selection" section on the tab of the main menu Number management. You can also choose the tariff yourself in the "" section on the same page of your Personal Account and change it.

Users of the mobile version will have to go to the site menu. On the main page, display the menu by clicking on the call icon (three bars) in the upper right corner of the screen.

Then go to the Number Management section.

For those who use the My MTS mobile application, it is also easy to get acquainted with their current tariff or change it. On the main page of the opened application, you need to click on the icon of the Tariff section.

On the tab that opens, you can see a full description of the current plan and the requirements for it in the "My tariff" section.

And in the "Available" section, grouped lists of tariff plans with detailed descriptions.

How to disable your tariff? Simply turning off your tariff will not work - for this you need to terminate the contract in the operator's salon. But it is possible to switch on your own, for example, from any of the tariffs to or from the Unlimited tariff to. Switching from one tariff to another is free of charge if you do it no more than once a month.

Attention! Do not forget that the full list of current tariffs with detailed descriptions available for download and careful study are located only on the full version of the MTS website.

Cost control and detailing

Users of the Personal Account can always be aware of their expenses and see in real time the status of the rest of the traffic, minutes and SMS. In the event that a large number of options and services are connected and there are questions about the charges that the operator makes, you can order for free.

How to find out the rest of minutes and traffic?

How can I find out how much traffic and bundle minutes are left on my account? The user can check the balance of Internet traffic, minutes and SMS immediately on the main screen of the My MTS mobile application.

Control over the status of the account on the number is easy to carry out in the full version of the Personal Account. or funds are visible on the main page after authorization, but you need to look through the drop-down top menu Number management by going to the “Manage services and options” section in the “Internet traffic” section.

Find the item "Details of conversations" and go to this section.

Select the period of time you are interested in for detailing from the proposed ones or independently select a segment according to the calendar.

Then choose a delivery method - directly to your Personal Account or to an email address. If you select the option with mail, you need to enter your address in the appropriate column and click "Next".

Then you need to select the XML, HTML, PDF or XLS document format that is convenient for you and click the "Next" button.

In the window that opens, press the "Order" button. After that, you will see a window with order confirmation Details. After that, the Internet Assistant will send you the ordered documents by the method you have chosen.

The Detail order service is provided by the operator free of charge and no funds will be debited from your account.

Important! You can only get the history of your actions for the last 6 months. Details of earlier operations are not provided by the provider.

Balance management

With the help of the opportunities provided to the subscriber by the Personal Account service, you can always check your current balance and replenish it directly from the Personal Account.

View balance and payment history

As already described in this article, it is possible in any version of the Personal Account immediately on the main page of the service - both on the main site, in its mobile version and in the My MTS application. The user only needs the Internet.

Payment history statements can also be obtained on the service: in the My MTS mobile application, you can connect the free option "Information on the last credited payment" and the paid option "Balance under control" worth 10 kopecks per day through the Services section and the Cost Control item.

On the "Payment history" tab, you can select the time period you are interested in from the offered ones or select it yourself using the drop-down calendar.

After that, an extract of the entire history of your payments for the selected period will be shown on the screen.

Room payment

The subscriber can replenish the account directly on the Personal Account website: both in the mobile application and on the full and mobile versions of the site.

You can pay online from your mobile phone anywhere and anytime. In the My MTS application, you need to go through the main menu icon in the upper left corner of the screen and select the "Account and payment" item by clicking on it.

The tab that opens will offer several options for making a payment, including replenishing the balance online with VISA, MAESTRO, MASTERCARD or MIR bank cards without commission directly in the application.

By filling out the form about the card and the amount of the payment, you confirm the payment with a bank card and the transaction is completed.

Important! The mobile application allows you to make a payment from a bank card from 100 to 15,000 rubles at a time.

The full version of the service allows you to make a wide variety of payments and purchases directly from your Personal Account. To do this, you need to go to the “Payment” section on the Number Management tab or in the main Cabinet Menu. Then open the "Account replenishment" window.

After that, you will be transferred to the payment section of the site at:, where you can choose a convenient payment option not only for your number, but also for any MTS number. It will be possible to pay from a phone account, from bank cards, with “Thank you” bonuses from Sberbank of Russia.

Remote online payment from bank cards is made in a separate window when you go to the menu item "MTS payment from a bank card". You need to fill in all the lines in the payment form, then confirm the payment by entering the code sent by SMS by the banking system.

Important! When replenishing the balance, the commission is not charged in the same way as in the mobile application. The minimum transfer amount is 100 rubles, the maximum is 15,000 at a time.

financial services management

Among the financial services for paying bills in the Personal Account, there are such options as disabling and enabling auto payment, credit replenishment of the balance using the Promised Payment service, connecting a trusted method of mutual settlements with the Full Trust service, as well as many options for other payments - utilities services, repayment of loans, purchases via the Internet.

Promised payment

The amount of the possible loan promise "Promised payment" and the term of its repayment are automatically calculated by the system, based on your regular expenses by number. You can request credit replenishment of the balance in the Number Management tab by going to the "Payment" section, then to the "Promised Payment" item.

In the mobile application, you can leave an application for by going to the “Account and payment” menu section, to the “Opportunities at zero” section.

Important! Please note that it is possible to activate the service if the negative account on your balance does not exceed 30 rubles. And the cost of the service for an application for more than 30 rubles of replenishment will cost you from 7 to 50 rubles, depending on the size of the account replenishment.

In full trust

An application for connecting the credit method of settlements with the operator, the so-called service "On full trust" can be left in the section of the same name in the Number Management menu.

Attention! The credit limit is determined by the operator individually, depending on the amount of your expenses for mobile services. The limit is reviewed regularly - once a month. Its initial amount will be 300 rubles, and then, upon revision, 50% of the average amount of your monthly expenses will be added to it. To keep track of growing credit debt and be able to repay it on time - set a credit limit yourself!

Auto payment

The user will be redirected to a specialized section of the site at, where he can also set up the function according to the threshold of the amount on the account or the payment schedule according to the calendar.

Easy payment and money transfer from number

To carry out various financial transactions using a mobile phone account or a bank card account linked to a number on the MTS website, there is a payment section at: Another name for this service is Easy payment. You can go to the section from your Personal Account on the Payment Management tab. In it you can get acquainted with the possibilities of financial transactions offered by MTS and the list of services, purchases and payments available to subscribers of the operator.

Among the available goods and services are repayment of loans, payment of fines, subscription fees for various types of communications, utility bills, payment for transport cards and much more. A complete list of goods and services offered by the operator can also be downloaded for review on this page.

For convenient use of the payment service, the operator has created a separate mobile application, which is called Easy Payment. The application is free and available for download in the Download Stores of your operating systems.

  • For devices running Android OS, you can download the application at: on Google Play.
  • iOS devices need to go to: in the Apple Store.
  • For those who own a device under Windows control Phone download is available here: in the Microsoft Store.

Messages - send, save, view

Using the Personal Account gives the subscriber the opportunity to write and send messages directly through the service portal. That is, you can use a personal computer or laptop to send SMS. You can do this from the main page of the service - in the center there is a special form for sending messages.

Sending MMS can also be done from a special form on the service.

For those who want to save all their SMS messages and not lose them even when changing the SIM card, by creating their personal archive, there is an additional SMS Pro service, which can only be connected on the MTS website in the Subscriber's Personal Account. The archiving service is paid and has a limit on the volume of saved messages. How to read SMS uploaded to the archive on the site? You can also do this in your Personal Account in the SMS Pro section.

For the exchange of short and multimedia messages, the operator also created a special client installed on a computer. The client is called "SMS/MMS from PC" and works in browsers or email programs. You can download the client in your Personal Account on the website, on the Mobile Communications tab, in the Messages section.

With the help of the client, the subscriber will be able to both view MMS and SMS messages and send them. All messages sent using the client are paid. The cost for them is the same on all tariffs: SMS - 1 ruble, and MMS - 3.5 rubles. The client is linked to your number and the funds are debited from your balance.

Important! When using the client personal computer be sure to review all restrictions for sending multimedia messages. If you do not take into account all the parameters sent by the MMS, then you may find yourself in a situation where the funds for the transfer will be charged, and viewing the message will not be available.

MTS Bonus program in your account

The MTS Bonus program works on an accumulative basis and accrues points to the subscriber's number. are charged for various actions - payments, passing surveys, using some options. Also, points are periodically awarded as a gift to the subscriber on a particular occasion.

The subscriber can spend points for various purposes. For example, order additional packages of minutes and SMS, connect discounts in roaming for a certain time, make partial, and sometimes full payment for goods in MTS partner stores or pay for goods offered by MTS. The subscriber can give points to another user of MTS services.

In order for the subscriber to know how to spend points, there is a whole section on the MTS website at: You can log in with authorization to from your Personal Account on the MTS Bonus tab in the top main menu.

Going through the points of the intuitive interface of this section of the service, the subscriber will be able to study the Rewards Catalog, which will display all the opportunities for participants in the bonus program.

Attention! Unused points expire gradually, so it's best to spend them on time. The catalog of rewards on is quite extensive and makes it possible to find good options for spending bonus points.

Features of a personal account for users of modems and routers

In the Personal Account, in the "Home Internet and TV" section, the subscriber can receive documentary and video assistance for self-configuring their equipment sold by MTS - modems for mobile and wired communications and wifi routers.

In the Personal Account, by going to the "Mobile connection" tab, then to the "Mobile Internet" section, then "Select your Internet", the item "Other Internet options" - "Additional services for a computer" you can purchase and download a whole set of applications for 3G users and 4G modems "MTS Connect" at: .

And in a specialized store from MTS at: you can download and update software(software) for 3G / 4G modems and routers from MTS for their devices, including the well-known Connect Manager application.

How to contact the operator through a personal account?

How to call or write a complaint to the operator? If necessary, you can do it directly from your personal account. In the My MTS mobile application installed on the phone, go to the main menu by clicking on the menu icon in the upper left corner of the screen. We look for the "Support" section there and go to it.

The same phone numbers and addresses of the support service are located on the pages of the full version of the site:

In the event that your phone and computer are synchronized, you can click on the selected number and receive a notification with the number already dialed on the phone. It remains only to press the call.

Changing the password and restoring access to the service

The password can be forgotten or entered three times with errors and blocked by the service, a stranger could find out the password. In the event that the subscriber has an authorization error and he cannot enter the Personal Account, you need to receive a new password via SMS and enter the service using it.

When changing and requesting a new password, you will need to confirm that you are not a robot.

What to do if your Personal Account has been hacked? In the event that there is a suspicion or confidence in hacking, you must urgently change the password in the same way - first by requesting a new password via SMS, then creating a new password.

If after a new password request it does not come to the phone, repeat the request procedure after a while.

It is easy to change the password for entering the Personal Account. Changing your password is the only way out when you can't use the service or when you urgently need to take security measures.

Exit from personal account

It is not difficult to stop working with your personal account - you just need to exit it on any page of the service in the upper right corner.

How to block a SIM card if it is not supposed to be used for a long time? The possibility of voluntary blocking and, if necessary, unblocking is provided by the service and is available to the subscriber. On the Number Management tab, in the Number Blocking section, you can change the status to Disabled. It will be possible to unblock the number, if necessary, in the same section of the Personal Account, since access to it is retained even when the number is blocked.

Important! Remember that the service "Voluntary blocking" is paid. It will cost the subscriber 1 ruble per day from the 15th day of blocking. Service activation and first 14 days

The MTS personal account was developed by the provider company in order to provide subscribers with the possibility of self-service through a website on the Internet. You can activate this function on the MTS portal using the first login function, if you have a phone number and a password received after an SMS request.

The MTS company in the personal account provided an opportunity for subscribers to use any services and connect them independently as needed. Operators thus improve the quality of service. In this regard, MTS offered an innovative service that allows subscribers to manage the necessary set of telecommunication services and receive complete information about the account, packages and services.

Key features:

  • connection of home Internet, satellite and digital TV services;
  • change tariffs and service packages as needed with one click;
  • enabling or disabling options and services for home and mobile Internet;
  • you can get a bonus and monitor the expenditure of funds for communication services;
  • choice of melodies;
  • backup contacts and calls;
  • parental control;
  • payment for MTS services using the personal account of MTS Bank, to which you can set up an entrance directly from the MTS portal.

Subscribers can use the web and mobile version service.

Registration of a personal MTS account

MTS offers the subscriber ample opportunities for self-selection of the optimal set of service packages using its service. You can "Create" and Log in to your personal account without the help of a support service, through the MTS website. All functions are connected using a single sign-on system in the interface of the company's main website and provide all available communication options from MTS.

One interface for all services

For example, when ordering the MTS Home Internet service from your personal account, you can simultaneously manage mobile services. Such an organization of the service does not require opening a separate account. Customers positively note the function: “ There is an opportunity to choose a service program that suits me!».

The procedure for connecting to your personal account when activating the service and resetting the password (login) by phone number is the same:

  1. you need to visit the site
  2. receive a new password in SMS to the specified phone number.
Receive password via SMS.

How to enter your personal MTS account

A user who is not registered or has lost the access password to the Personal Account can use MTS services to manage his tariff and home Internet to restore access to the capabilities of the account.

Login to the Personal Account for unregistered or lost access users:

You can also do this using the MTS Personal Account mobile application or a service for social networks that you can link to your account. To do this, you just need to download the "My MTS" program from Google Play and log in with your username and password. You need to establish a connection with the service through your number.

Appearance the first page of the MTS personal account

Login to your Personal Account after activation and recovery

  • log in to the website or mobile application;
  • enter your username and password.

MTS Personal account on a personal account

The service is required to connect several phone numbers subscriber to one account. This can be done independently in the Personal Account ("Service Management"), you can also write an application in the MTS salon. The procedure for "merging" numbers will be carried out within 2 days.

How to use the MTS personal account - features

In the MTS Online application in the subscriber's personal account, you can configure all types of services provided by the provider.

  • tariff change. The tariff is displayed when viewing each phone number connected to the account. When choosing the option to change the tariff, a list of plans and options that can be selected by the user will open;
  • service connection. All communication services provided by MTS are available in the office. They can be connected with the push of a button.
  • transfer of funds and points. On the balance page, there is an option to transfer and transfer funds to another MTS subscriber, for this you only need to specify a phone number and confirm the transaction.
  • Add 2 numbers to your MTS personal account

    Two or more numbers can be connected to a user account. All subscriber numbers in this case will be serviced on one personal account. This is convenient for those users who have a work and home phone, as well as pay for and manage the mobile numbers of their relatives and children.

    link Get password via SMS.

    To connect to the MTS personal account website, registration is free of charge using the phone number on the page in self-service mode. For authorization, you need to receive an SMS message and a password, after which access is granted. After logging into your account, you need to change your password.

    Connecting numbers to one MTS subscriber account

    To connect a number to one account, you need to do the following:

    • details on the connected numbers can be found on the main page;
    • to connect numbers, you must first activate the "Number Management" service, send SMS from all your mobile devices: connection - *111*828*1# ✆, disconnection - *111*828*2# ✆;
    • write an application for merging numbers in the MTS salon;
    • getting access to new numbers from the account will be available on average after 2 days.

    After that, all operations by numbers will be available on one account. Immediately check the MTS Personal Account for the balance and the procedure for debiting funds via the connected communication lines.

    You can disable numbers using SMS disconnecting the main service. To work with the Personal Account, you will need to “separate” the numbers. When connecting on the connected mobile numbers in Personal Accounts, the password will be reset. An electronic assistant will help to carry out all the operations in the form of intelligent prompts in the interface and an Internet assistant for choosing a tariff and connecting the service.

    How to disable personal account

    Features of the MTS personal account

    The MTS personal account provides ample opportunities for servicing subscribers without contacting the provider's communication salon, and works on a public Internet access network. The personal account is also called the personal service office, as it allows you to use the free function of access to the personal section of MTS services.

    With it, you can connect in a few minutes home Internet, television, customized service packages and mobile phone. When applying for new types of services that require installation work, the system will send an order to connect the service or activate automatic service options. At the same time, a person may not even leave home to connect services. Many questions will be solved by the Internet assistant and the provider's support service.

    Disabling the MTS Personal Account

    The MTS cabinet can be both activated and deactivated.

    There are two ways to disable your MTS Online personal account:

    • from the Personal Account in the "Settings" section - independently;
    • breaking the contractual relationship with the MTS company - through the MTS salon.

    The user himself can disable the personal account function by using online self-service services. To enter the MTS zone of your personal account, registration by phone number is carried out directly on the page Deleting a personal section - through the interface of the created MTS Internet account.

    How to delete a personal account on the MTS portal:

    • log in with your username and password;
    • enter the service settings section;
    • select the function related to deleting the Personal Account;
    • confirm your decision.

    Reset the password

    You can change your password from the personal account interface or by requesting a new SMS password from the site. It is valid for 48 hours. If the password has not been used and no entry has been made within the allowed period with data changes, it will be reset to zero. You can update it only if you have a mobile number.

    MTS bonus - connection and use through your personal account

    The MTS Bonus program was specially developed by the largest provider of the Russian Federation as part of a loyalty and self-service program so that subscribers can receive bonuses from MTS partners directly through the system's internal interface. Bonus points are visible on the main page of the user's MTS Personal Account.

    Each subscriber can activate the service, it is included in most packages as an option and is activated automatically. After activating the service, subscribers start earning points for using certain services and are transferred as part of the action for the holidays by MTS.

    These points can be used to pay for services and even exchanged for money. For customers, this is a convenient way to save on communication services. Subscribers can manage payments and spend accumulated bonuses on purchases, including transferring to another person.

    You can connect the service in three ways:

    • through MTS communication salons during a personal visit;
    • through the interface of the MTS Personal Account;
    • in the application form on the website!/about.

    MTS Bonus will help reduce the cost of communication services per month. To get the primary password to the MTS personal account and independently connect the MTS Bonus, go to the page

    More detailed information can be found on a specialized resource:

    How to recover the password to the MTS personal account

    If you lose access to your Personal Account, you can recover your password using an SMS password. You will need to connect to a network and perform a few steps. This will require a tablet, smartphone or computer if the user has forgotten their password or has not entered a new one after the first visit. This tool can be used repeatedly. You can also change your password in the usual way - through your Personal Account.

    Hello, I have been working in the Internet, communications and IT technologies for more than 7 years, if you did not find the answer to your question on this page - ask me a question right now and I will answer it as soon as possible. Thank you for your trust! Fresh questions are published in the "Help" section and help to solve problems that other users of the site face.

    MTS is a large telecommunications company that provides its customers not only mobile services, but also high-speed Internet and cable TV.

    To make it convenient for the user to manage all the services provided in real time, you need to use your personal account. Many subscribers have been successfully using this function in practice for a long time, because everything is very convenient and simple.

    The potential of the subscriber's personal account

    Only in the personal account of the client there is an opportunity:

    • To change the tariff plan;
    • Independent deactivation of unnecessary paid and free services;
    • Blocking the SIM card of the phone;
    • Payment card activation;
    • Voice message settings;
    • Online replenishment of the phone account;
    • Obtaining financial details on the expenditure of funds from a telephone account.

    There are other exclusive offers from MTS, which can be personally implemented by a specific client at will.

    MTS personal account registration process - 2 ways

    Now many cellular operators have such personal pages, but this innovative technology was first launched in MTS - and already in the image and likeness of other companies began to develop their pages for their customers. The experience of specialists came in handy in the development of a convenient online service that can be accessed both from a desktop computer and in a mobile application.

    Method 1

    1. Step one. Enter into the address bar of any browser, the official page opens;
    2. We are looking for the position "Personal Account", select the appointment "Mobile Communications";
    3. On the login page, we prescribe your phone number, on the side you can find the option to receive a password via sms;
    4. We send a request from our phone by command * 111 * 25 # , enter the received password in the authorization field, enter our page.

    Method 2

    You can register in your personal account simply by using your mobile phone number:

    1. We enter data into the browser line - In the "login" field, enter the phone number;
    2. Click on the option to get a password;
    3. After a few seconds, you will receive an SMS message with a password to enter.

    Login to your personal account

    1. After registering your profile in any of the above ways, the subscriber has the opportunity to log into his page at any time of the day. For this, registration data is used - a phone number and a password received during the registration process.
    2. The developers have added the ability to log in using the registration data of popular social networks. If this method does not cause difficulties, then you can enter with registration data, for example, from the site "Odnoklassniki" or "VKontakte".

    Now you will be on your personal account page. Online at any time of the day you will have access to the widest opportunities from MTS:

    • Detailed write-off of funds for the provision of mobile services;
    • Setting up automatic replenishment of the phone account from a linked bank card;
    • Control over mobile Internet traffic from the child's phone;
    • If all family members have SIM cards from MTS, then you can combine all the accounts in one place, and manage all accounts from one page;
    • Independently manage all services from your page by clicking on this option - data on connected services will open, which can be disabled in a few seconds by clicking on the appropriate field;
    • Order the MTS client discovery service - at any time you can track the location of the child, parents, husband online.

    More about the home page of the "Personal Account"

    There are several interactive blocks on the start page:

    1. "Balance block" - immediately upon entering, it displays the current balance of the phone, and when you click it, you can go to the personal account page, see spending transactions, make a request to generate a report on the detailed expenditure of funds from the phone, go to the list of other services;
    2. "Current tariff" - in this block you can see the tariff plan, its full description, as well as a link to tariffication management;
    3. "My beep" - here you can set up a change in the melody of calls, sms and Internet messages;
    4. "Block of bonuses" - displays their number, and the link redirects to the page for managing them;
    5. "My payment" - here you can set the option of easy payment;
    6. Search from the company MTSB- this service will help you find a company's subscriber by his phone number;
    7. Second memory service- backup of all data from the phone to the company's server: messages, contacts, media files.

    In the upper corner of the page there is an option "settings", by clicking on it, the user will be able to rearrange the information blocks in the order he needs.

    There are other useful services from the operator - a colorful set of MMS messages for all occasions, a service for linking a bank card for easy payment, topping up the balance on the go, paying utility bills through a mobile bank, and much, much more, so necessary in our age information technologies.

    How to change the password to enter your MTS personal account

    On your page, find the "Personal Information" block, the system itself will prompt you to change the old password. Set your new login information and save your changes. Now it will be possible to enter only with a new password, and the login will remain the same.

    If you forgot your password, you can restore it by sending a request from the phone from which access was lost: in the message field, write "25 PASSWORD", send it to number 111. After a request to reset the old password, the message will indicate a new one, by which you can enter your page.

    According to the site developer, the connection to access to personal information is protected by a special protocol, and the entrance to an unauthorized person is securely blocked, which excludes the theft of personal data and funds from your account.
