What can you find out by cell phone number. What information about the owner can be obtained by phone number? Search for a person by phone number through social networks

Hereby, the User gives his consent to the Limited Company "ExpertBusinessConsulting", OGRN 1096673009212, address: Moscow, Skolkovo territory, st. Nobel, d. 7, fl. 1 room 148, workplace 1. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company" or "Operator") for the processing, storage and transmission via the Internet of their personal data using cryptographic protection tools and confirms that they give such consent, acting of their own free will and in their own interests.

Consent is given by the User for the following purposes: the purpose of unambiguously identifying the User as a user of the Company's products requiring identification, using the System and its functions available in the personal account, including processing the application, generating and analyzing a credit rating, both in judgment format and in digitized form (scoring score), including in an aggregated form (assessment based on several information and analytical sources), for timely informing the User about the services provided by the Operator, as well as including the User in the database of potential Partner Users, including for offering services to the User Partners on the phone postal items, in sms messages or in the text of e-mails/messages (push notifications), receiving services from Partners related to prompt access to credit, banking, insurance and other products of Partners.

For the purposes of this Consent, personal data means any information that directly or indirectly relates to the User as the subject of personal data transmitted by the User personally on the website in the Internet, in accordance with the following list: last name, first name, patronymic, citizenship, gender, year, month, date and place of birth, address of residence, postal address, number and series of an identity document, insurance number of an individual personal account, home, work, mobile phones, e-mail address, user device data (including permission, version and other attributes characterizing the user device), data characterizing audience segments, session parameters, data on the time of visiting the Site, user identifier stored in cookies, Cookies, IP address, information about a trusted person, and other information that is necessary for the specified purposes. This Consent of the User is provided for the implementation of any legal actions in relation to the User's personal data that are necessary or desirable to achieve the above goals, including, without limitation: collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, distribution (in including transfer to third parties), depersonalization, blocking, destruction of personal data, processing of personal data for the purposes of statistical accounting and scientific analysis, as well as the implementation of any other actions with the User's personal data under the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The processing of personal data is carried out using the following main methods (but not limited to them): receipt, storage, combination, transfer, as well as processing using various means of communication (the Internet) or any other processing of the User's personal data in accordance with the above purposes and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The User hereby agrees and allows (including third parties) to combine personal data into the personal data information system and process personal data using automation tools or without using automation tools, as well as using other software tools, as well as process his personal data for promotion of goods, works, services on the market, to inform about ongoing promotions and discounts.

The User hereby acknowledges and confirms that if it is necessary to provide personal data to achieve the above goals to third parties, as well as when third parties are involved in the provision of services for the above purposes, the Company has the right to disclose information about the User personally to perform the above actions (including the User's personal data) to such third parties, their employees and other persons authorized by them, as well as provide such persons with relevant documents containing such information.

At the same time, the Company guarantees the security of the transferred personal data. The User is warned that the Operator has the right to transfer his personal data for the above purposes to third parties only if they comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the confidentiality of personal data and the security of personal data during their processing.

This Consent to the processing of personal data is indefinite, valid from the moment it is received by the Operator by registering the User on the site, by putting a “tick”, and can be revoked by sending a written application to the Operator at the email address: [email protected] website or mailing address: 620041, Yekaterinburg, st. Krasina, d. 7, PO Box 160.

The User hereby acknowledges and confirms that the User is solely and fully responsible for the personal data provided by him, including their completeness, accuracy, unambiguity and relevance directly to the User.

The User hereby acknowledges and confirms that he has full legal capacity to express this consent and expresses his consent.

The User hereby acknowledges and confirms that with the rights and obligations in accordance with the Federal Law "On Personal Data", incl. I am aware of the procedure for withdrawing consent to the processing of personal data.

The user must keep secret the password from the personal account on the Operator's website at: , and also ensure the security of access to the e-mail to which he will be registered Personal Area. If for some reason the User is not sure of the safety of his password, the User must immediately contact the Operator's website administrator in order to change it. Otherwise, the responsibility for the leakage of the User's personal information will lie solely with the User. For its part, the administrator of the Operator's website guarantees the security of User data.

Identification of the User is a procedure for unambiguously establishing the identity of the User according to the personal data provided by him and is carried out at the voluntary request of the User.

In the event of a change in personal data after registering on the site, the User is required to send an application by e-mail [email protected] website

Some unknown number calls you, but you don't know who it is? Do you receive strange SMS from a noname? Or do you just want to know at least some information about a person? In this article, we'll show you a few ways to do it. Let's see how to recognize a person by phone number for free.

Who called - find the number

The coolest application for today (for 2018), which has not yet been removed and covered by the developers, is called Who called - find the number. If you are thinking about how to recognize a person by phone number, then just use this program.

The application has a white and blue interface and contains a lot of valuable information on desired number phone.

What can be found in it about a person:

  • region and approximate location;
  • telecom operator;
  • approximate age;
  • possible photographs;
  • VK accounts that are registered to this number (note that fake numbers are often registered on numbers so as not to fire from the main account).

Fat cons

  1. Not always the application displays super accurate information. Sometimes you can limit yourself to only the region and the page in VK.
  2. The program is relatively free. The application shows how to recognize a person by phone number for free, but only once. Well, you understand, this is such a hook. First, they showed you what this program can do, and then, please, gild the pen.
  3. You are given 3 days to test, and then the subscription costs 2750 rubles per month.


Information about a person by phone number can be obtained through the GetContact program. At some point, she was withdrawn from the store, but now she has returned again. So download if someone deleted it.

If you don't know how to recognize a person by phone number on Android, then use the NumBuster application.

Sberbank Online

Not all, but many are served by Sberbank. And this means that when transferring some amount, the data of the person to whom you are transferring money should be displayed.

How to find out who the number is registered to:

  1. Log in to the Sberbank Online application from your phone or from the web version and log in.
  2. Choose Transfers - To a Sberbank client - Enter a phone number.
  3. In total put " 1 ruble".
  4. And then press "Proceed".
  5. Don't be afraid until the money goes to anyone! You will be shown the person's data: his name, patronymic and the first letter of the surname.
  6. Now you need to carefully cancel operation and get out from the application. DO NOT SEND MONEY!!!

Keep in mind that not all cases display data. If your suspect is a Sberbank customer, you should be lucky.

Availability mobile phone each person opens up great opportunities for obtaining information about him: starting with call details and ending with data on the location of a person. What exactly can you find out about the owner of the phone, knowing his cell number?

You can find your social media account by phone number

Now all popular social networks require linking an account to a phone number. Therefore, if there is a phone, then you can try to find a social network account associated with this phone. And from the information posted on the social network by the owner of the account, you can get a lot of useful material for compiling a dossier.

Previously, in some social networks, it was possible to independently determine the binding of a phone number to a social network account. Now all these “holes” in security are closed. There was only one option to get such information - through one of the employees of the social network. But keep in mind that not all employees have access to such information.

You can find out which phone is linked to a social network account

The reverse situation can also be: you do not know the person's phone number, but you know his social network account. In this case, you can find out the number associated with his account. And having this information - get the rest of the materials about the person you are interested in.

You can try to get this information in the same way as the information from the previous paragraph.

You can find out about the availability of payment cards issued to a phone number

Having a phone number, you can find out if payment cards of the main Russian banks are issued on it. If it turns out that there are such cards, you can track in which places and at what time the money was withdrawn from the card. It can also be useful to detail the expenses on the map.

Employees of the banks where the cards are issued have access to this data. To find out if a person has open cards, you need to get information from all major banks.

Obviously, a third party cannot simply obtain such information. A familiar bank employee can theoretically help you - if he has access to this database. If your friend works as a cashier or a security guard in a bank, he will not help you.

But to get complete information, you need to have acquaintances in the main banks of the country. As you can imagine, this is unlikely.

You can check if parking was paid from this room

You can find out if parking was paid from a phone number. If parking was paid, this means that the mobile subscriber has a car. You can also find out the exact place and time of payment for parking, that is, track the movement of a person. You can also get information about the vehicles that are registered for the object of verification and collect additional useful information.

This information is stored in Department of Transportation databases. The traffic police can send a request and receive data from these databases.

You need to understand that not every employee of the Department of Transport or the traffic police has access to such information. Obviously, the parking attendant does not have access to this database.

For information about parking, it is best to find a friend or acquaintance of an acquaintance who works as a system administrator in the Department of Transportation and is in charge of the database. Such a person will be able to “pull out” all the necessary data.

A familiar traffic police officer is unlikely to help here. To obtain the data, he will need to send a formal request, which will be documented. In the event of an official investigation, the fact of non-official curiosity will be disclosed and the employee will be punished. It is unlikely that anyone will want to take such a risk for you.

You can get information from credit organizations

If the owner of the phone number applied to credit organizations, then you can send a request to the credit bureau and find out the full passport data. And with the help of this information, collect a complete dossier on a person. For example, the address of his registration and marital status.

If a person has previously taken loans, then his data is stored in the credit bureau.

This data is requested by a bank employee when he issues a loan. The data from the bureau is sent to the bank's security service. The security service makes a decision on issuing a loan. And the employee who sent the request only receives a “yes” or “no” answer. That is, the employee who sent the request does not have access to passport data.

To obtain this information, you need to have "your person" in the security service of the bank. If there is such a person among your acquaintances, try to get the necessary data through him.

Find out if a person has other phone numbers

You can break through the bases of mobile operators and find out if there are other SIM cards registered for this person. If there is, you can collect information on them.

This data is in the databases of mobile operators. The operator's security personnel have access to the information. Therefore, look for such employees.

Find out on which device the SIM card was used

Beyond the Model mobile device you can find out if other SIM cards were used on it.

This data, as well as information about other phone numbers, is stored in the databases of mobile operators and is available to their security staff.

Operational accounting check

If the number was held in administrative, civil and other cases, you can find out who owns the number and the reasons why law enforcement agencies have become interested in it.

Such data can be obtained through the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Find among your acquaintances the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and, perhaps, they will be able to help you. Or introduce someone who can help.

Where can information obtained by phone number be used?

Phone number information can be useful for:

  • Checking spouses for treason;
  • Search for debtors;
  • Checks at the time of hiring;
  • Gathering information about business partners;
  • Identification of fraudsters and swindlers;
  • Finding out the identity of a telephone bully;
  • In many other cases, when you need to collect the maximum information, having only a phone number.

If everything is so difficult, how to get the right information?

Of course, no information about the owner of the phone number is provided to anyone. Much of this information can be issued by court order, or available to police officers or mobile operators.

The option of obtaining the necessary information through the court is costly, both in time and money. In addition, this option is unreliable. There is no guarantee that the court will decide in your favor.

In addition, there is not always something to go to court with. You will not go to court with the wording: "I suspect my wife of treason and, therefore, I need everything that can be found out using her phone number." This is not a matter for trial.

In the same way, you are unlikely to be helped by the police or employees of mobile operators. Unless you have good friends among them. But even very good acquaintances will not risk their work for you. Especially for free.

What to do?

In order not to look for acquaintances who will have to pay a lot of money, contact our detective agency. We will provide you with all the necessary information for a reasonable price.

We have our own databases, as well as verified people for obtaining information from various official databases.

Be careful! If you are offered such information for free or very cheap, most likely they want to deceive you. This service cannot be cheap. After all, we need to pay people who have access to the necessary databases. And no one will risk their work and break the law "for three kopecks."

If you have friends who work in the right organizations and have access to the necessary data, you may find it more profitable to contact them. It will probably cost less. Although it doesn't have to be that way.

Your friend will set a price for the service, which, in his opinion, will cover all his risks. And, most likely, this price will not be lower than the price of our partners. It is one thing to periodically provide services and receive a constant income for them (here you can put a lower price tag). And it is a completely different matter when a person decides to take a risk once and wants to justify this risk. Most likely, he will set a fairly high price.

But the price here is not the main thing. Think safety. If it turns out that information was provided to a third party, then an internal investigation will begin in the organization where your friend works. And the culprit of the information leak will be found. What will your friend do in such a situation? Without hesitation, he will betray you as a customer. For you, this can turn into serious problems, up to criminal liability for violation of the law on confidential data.

In the case of cooperation with us, in such a situation, our partner will not be able to extradite you. Because he doesn't know you, just as you don't know him. You, too, will not be able to "surrender" the person who will get information for you (that is, us), because you do not know us, and we will never meet with you. We take a commission, including for this - that is, for ensuring that all participants in the transaction sleep peacefully.

How to order our services?

Call us and tell us about your problem. We will listen to you and offer our solution. If it suits you, you will need to make a small advance payment, then we will prepare the information you need. When everything is ready, we will send you a part of the collected material so that you can be sure that we have the necessary data. After that, you pay the entire amount of the order, and receive all the information that you ordered.

Click to call now and present your case.

To find out the owner by phone number, you have to work hard. This is confidential information that is not subject to disclosure and dissemination. We will provide instructions for finding owners in the following locations:

  • In open sources.
  • in subscriber databases.
  • Through the Sberbank Online system.

We will also talk about obviously non-working methods, give warnings and recommendations.

Search for a person by phone number

The easiest way to get a person by phone number is to try to search for information on the Internet. We open any search engine, enter the number and carefully analyze the output. It may contain links to blogs, personal sites, forums, message boards and other resources where the person you are looking for could leave their contact information - this is the name of the owner and phone number.

The easiest way to find people who are engaged in some kind of commercial activity on the Internet. They have their own websites and blogs with their contact details. They can also leave contacts on other sites - business forums, conferences, business directories. If a person has never left his phone anywhere, this search method will be fruitless. Believe me - there are no sites with databases of all subscribers. And even if they are, the data in them is hopelessly outdated.

Our specialists managed to find a resource where you could find out the owner of a landline phone by his number. The data turned out to be outdated by at least 10-12 years - in that city the numbering has changed, and the person himself lives at a different address. Also, do not trust services that show owners on the map - they do not work.

Search for people in the database

Here you are on a slippery slope - distribution of subscriber bases is illegal. If necessary, you can even be imprisoned for trying to purchase a carrier with a database of numbers. Therefore, we strongly do not recommend getting involved in such operations - it is too dangerous for one's own freedom.

The danger of such databases lies not only in the articles of the Criminal Code, but also in their relevance. Often they turn out to be so old that no more than 10% of the information actually corresponds. Sense from such a source - zero.

Another danger is that the database may turn out to be fake and contain viruses. A typical example of this is that the downloaded file demonstrates the unpacking of some archive with numbers, names and surnames, after which it asks you to enter telephone number for confirmation or bank card details. In the first case, you will receive a mobile subscription (wild debits will start from the account), and in the second case, you will simply transfer the card details to scammers (believe me, there is a way to steal money even without SMS confirmation and knowledge of the CVC code).

You may also encounter fake sellers - they offer a non-existent product and leave buyers without money. You should not trust those who offer to find the owner of a cell or landline phone number on their own.

We turn to cellular operators

It is impossible to break through the phone number and find out the owner through a mobile operator. The hotline does not provide such information, the consultants in the salons - even more so. You can find acquaintances in the office of one or another operator and break through the owner through it, but this is dangerous - at best, the consultant will get off with the loss of his job, and at worst, he will go to jail for disclosing personal data.

Practice on hotline one of the operators, as well as in the customer service office, shows the irrepressible interest of people in personal data. Most often, people suffer from annoying calls from unknown numbers. And they want to know who is calling them. In this case, they try to contact the operator, but it is useless. Where it is more effective to contact the police - they will find the violator of your peace of mind.

Search through the police

It is impossible to search for a person through the police in Russia. More precisely, no one will give you its coordinates just like that. The police will search for a person by mobile phone number only if you write a statement against him - for example, you accuse him of telephone hooliganism. The process looks like this:

  • You are writing a statement.
  • The police sends a request to the operators.
  • After receiving the data, an administrative case is initiated (or a criminal case, depending on what the person you are looking for has done).

Again, the owner’s data will not be given to you - the police will deal with the person on their own.

Life hack - search through Sberbank Online

There is one simple way that will allow us to find out the name and surname of the owner of the number absolutely free. The procedure is performed at home, you do not need to go anywhere. We will use the functionality of the Sberbank Online system. Sberbank cards are used by a huge number of Russians (about 76 million people). And nothing prevents us from punching the owner by phone number using online banking.

Here is an instruction that allows you to find out the owner by phone number:

  • We log in to the Sberbank Online system (you can use the mobile application).
  • We make a payment to the client of Sberbank by phone number;
  • Specify the number and amount in the form (specify 1 ruble).
  • On the confirmation page, we see the name, patronymic and the first letter of the surname of the person we are looking for - this should be the end of the operation.

Sometimes this data is enough to find out the owner.
