Creating a personal account on wix. Creating a personal account on wix Personal account WIX

Wix is ​​a free website builder for creating websites based on ready-made templates. The service is intended for users with any level of training. Creating a website does not require programming skills, the designer is understandable on an intuitive level. On the official website, you can also use paid premium plans, which include a domain, storage space and other features. Registered users get access to the Wicks personal account. It is with the help of this service that the creation of sites is carried out.

Possibilities of the Wicks personal account

To get started with Wix, you need to go through a simple registration procedure. You can also use an account in one of the social networks to enter. After registering or logging in, the user immediately gets into his personal account. Here you can create your own website for free. To do this, first of all, you need to select a template from the category with the desired theme. Then you can start editing it. To do this, Wix provides a large set of tools. It is possible to change the background, the number of sections, their names, and more. In your personal account, you can add text, pictures, photos and various elements (for example, buttons, colorful forms with important information) to the site template. It is also possible to upload a collection of photos and images, create a slide show from them.

Wix users can add videos and music tracks to their sites. It is possible to add icons of social networks and payment systems, a map, a block with reviews, a list of goods for online stores. The finished site can be viewed before publication and, if necessary, make changes. During publishing, users can choose a free domain or specify the name of a previously purchased one. After the site is published, it can be optimized for the mobile version. It is also possible to connect additional applications to promote the website and improve its performance.

It was not convenient to use, he would not have become one of the most famous designers. Several factors contributed to the rise in popularity:

  • Versatility - you can create a business card, blog, online store, etc. on Wix.
  • Simple visual editor. The best description for it is "intuitive". This means that no preparation is required to master the editor. All elements are easily added, edited and removed with the mouse.
  • Optimization for mobile devices. Templates look equally good on different platforms.

The constructor will help you create a website using the intelligent Wix ADI system. Based on the information provided by the user, it suggests a layout. You just need to answer a few questions and confirm the correctness of the information that artificial intelligence will detect on its own. The resulting layout can be edited like any other template. The difference is that it will initially be created for your company, that is, the number of changes that need to be made will be greatly reduced.

If Wix ADI is a tool to simplify development, then Wix Code will allow you to make the site more functional due to programming skills. After activating Wix Code, an arrow will appear in the editor, when clicked, a list of pages opens. The last three items on the list allow you to add JavaScript and database code to your site. JavaScript can be used to create your own applications; databases - for collecting user data and generating dynamic pages.

Databases can be applied to any element. Without going into technical details: this will allow, for example, to conduct polls, create dynamic galleries with a random image display, display different data on the page depending on the conditions, adjust the schedule, etc.

In addition to WIX ADI and Wix Code, there is a standard constructor editor, thanks to which it was widely used among users at one time. It consists of several tabs:

Depending on the site type, the panel in the editor may also contain modules for managing a blog and an online store. They contain all the necessary tools to work with the relevant sections.

The constructor supports teamwork. You can add new users via email and give them permissions. This will help to distribute responsibilities between different employees more efficiently if, for example, you are running a large online store. Among other features of the constructor, we note:

  • Free connection of an SSL certificate to a domain.
  • Mobile app for Android and iOS, which allows you to communicate with customers, add products, photos and blog posts.
  • Protect individual pages of the site with passwords or hide them from public access. This is useful if, for example, you are building a subscription model for accessing content.
  • A layout grid that allows you to constantly see the area of ​​​​the interface that will be displayed in mobile version site.
  • Layers in the editor that can be added, hidden and swapped.

The basic functionality of the constructor is greatly expanded by applications from the Wix App Market. They offer a different set of features: some solve only narrow tasks like adding social media buttons, others are entire modules with a lot of settings. The presence of applications makes Wix a truly universal constructor. With their help, you can create a landing page with forms for collecting user data, a hotel website with the ability to book online, a store with a powerful recommender system, etc.

Wix is ​​a bit more complex than uKit, but it also offers more features. Setting up the site also takes more time.

As a reward for the work, the webmaster receives his own resource, which looks quite professional.


Templates are the pride of Wix. More than 500 layouts for different types of sites, made by professionals, video inserts on the page background, 3D effects, own photo bank and image editor. Only those who sincerely hate Wix and fundamentally refuse to admit that this constructor really allows you to create a great site, as it is written on its main page, can find fault with external performance. The only drawback is that the template cannot be changed while working on the site, so you need to choose a theme very carefully. This contributes to a full-fledged preview mode, which allows you to evaluate the layout from all sides before deciding whether to create a site based on it.

All templates are available for free, and their database is constantly updated. There are no problems with adaptability for different devices: the site is equally well displayed on a wide screen and display mobile phone. The mobile version of the site is configured separately from the desktop version. You can use automatic optimization or pin elements on the page manually. You can also keep track of how the content will be displayed on the screen of a mobile device when editing the desktop version: the screen borders are highlighted with dotted lines.

The design can be changed beyond recognition by adding widgets, horizontal stripes with any content, inserting HTML code and fixing useful elements on the page.Customization appearance The site has received a lot of attention, so in addition to the standard features such as changing the color scheme or background, you will also find advanced options on Wix:

  • Connecting your own fonts if the standard set is not enough.
  • Customization of animation and effects.
  • Page layout - managing the borders of elements, indents, content positioning.

Another feature of the WIx editor is the addition of cinemagraphs. These are photographs in which one or more elements move, a cross between a static image, a gif, and a video. Cinemagraphs are very popular in web design these days. Wix has its own library of such elements. You can add them as separate pictures or put them as a page background.

Each element on the page has its own settings that allow you to customize its display. All this is implemented through an easy-to-understand interface that does not require programming skills to manage. What is done on the CMS through editing the code and is tied to the knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript, on Wix is ​​done using sliders and selectors. There are even hotkeys for popular functions. In general, if you have worked with graphic editors like Photoshop, you will immediately appreciate the convenience and power of the Wix visual editor. The designer also offers a built-in logo editor that allows you to quickly create an attractive logo. For its use you need to pay in excess of the tariff, but the price is justified by the quality and convenience of work.

If you feel that you still don’t have enough skills to create a unique look, and there is no time to learn, you can contact the designers through the WixArena platform. This community is organized on the basis of the WixExpert service, whose task is to select performers to work on projects in the Wix environment. You can choose designers based on their portfolio and apply to them with a job offer or fill out a questionnaire, on the basis of which the system will automatically select suitable performers.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The Wix Builder allows you to create websites that are initially friendly enough search engines. But in order to achieve high positions, you need to work a little: set meta tags, check the adaptability of the template, add unique texts.

It's easy for a beginner webmaster to get confused by the plethora of search engine requirements, but Wix seems to have solved that problem. The builder's control panel has a tool for setting the site's SEO parameters, which is presented as a step-by-step wizard. To get recommendations for website optimization, you need to go through 3 steps:

  1. Enter the name of the brand for which the site is being created. If you are making a business card, you can simply add a surname or field of activity.
  2. Choose the type of business - with a physical address (you will be asked to specify it) or only online.
  3. Add up to 5 phrases or keywords that define the line of business. For example, for an online toy store, you can write “toys”, “baby food”, “baby products”. You can pick up words using Yandex.Wordstat.

After a short check of the site, the wizard will issue a checklist that will indicate what needs to be done to optimize the project. There are only 3 steps in the list: add the site to Google, optimize its pages and continue to improve SEO. But each of the steps contains several items. Here is a sample list of what you will need to do to optimize your site:

  • Update page titles and descriptions.
  • Add unique texts.
  • Attach a second level domain.
  • Connect site to Google Search Console.
  • Update contact information and links to pages in social networks.

You can go to the appropriate settings directly from the checklist, which is very convenient. Page SEO settings are also available from the visual editor interface. In the "Menu and Pages" section, each section has an SEO item, when you click on it, you get to the tab with parameters. Here you can add a title, description, CNC, upload a photo that will be displayed on the preview when posting a link on social networks, and add additional meta tags.

For further advancement, you can use the tips from the knowledge base or hire a specialist. You can do optimization on your own - the recommendations for Wix are the same as for other services and CMS:

  1. Create unique and useful content.
  2. Use applications to integrate the site with social networks.
  3. Connect the SSL protocol to encrypt traffic.

In the Wix App Store you will find a large number of applications for analytics, organizing mailing lists, hosting an online consultant and an order button. callback. All these tools help to increase the engagement of visitors and ultimately increase the conversion and position of the site in the search results.


Wix offers 4 paid plans, but you can only seriously consider 3 premium plans: Connect Domain is not much different from the free mode with the designer.

On all four tariffs the system offers:

  • Free hosting.
  • Domain connection.
  • From 500 MB to 20 GB of disk space for data storage.
  • Google Analytics connection.
  • Premium support.

If you need to create a business card website or a blog, then the features provided on the Combo tariff plan will be enough. For a corporate website or an information portal with high traffic, you must choose the Unlimited tariff. If you want to create an online store, then there is only one option left - the eCommerce plan. The Connect Domain tariff, in fact, has only one function - connecting a second-level domain to the site. Paying 123 rubles for this is unreasonable: it’s better to immediately add it to the Combo tariff and calmly build a small site.

In principle, you can create a website on Wix for free, and even host it on the web. But then you have to endure a number of restrictions:

  • Third-level domain indicating the constructor on which the site is made.
  • Advertising service on the pages.
  • Poor performance and low disk space available.

Even without paying a premium plan, a Wix site will be available for management, but a serious project with this approach will not work.


Everyone praises Wix for its visual appeal, which makes working with the designer a pleasure. But this is not all the advantages of the service. You can also note:

  • Template adaptability.
  • Convenient interface of the visual editor, which even a beginner can quickly figure out.
  • App store with two hundred widgets.
  • A huge knowledge base that helps to understand the interface of the designer.

  • Ability to add HTML code to pages.
  • A single online store control panel through which you can track orders, receive payments and manage delivery.
  • Full statistics on the site - the number of page views, traffic sources, position in search results, etc.

If we return to the external component of the constructor, we can once again note that there are really a lot of templates on Wix. They are intelligently divided into categories and types of sites, plus keyword search and filters "New", "Popular", "Empty" are supported.

Before choosing a layout, you can see how it will look on the monitor and on the screen of a mobile device. If none of the design options fit, you can filter the suggestions using the "Empty" section and create your own template from scratch. You can create single page websites with Wix. Ready-made templates for landings are located in the section of the same name.


The main complaint about Wix is ​​the high prices and the incomprehensible division of premium plans. Connect Domain, after paying for which the designer's ads are saved on the site, is hardly needed by anyone; eCommerce for creating an online store does not offer anything supernatural, and the price is such that he himself will assemble the site in a day.

An overloaded interface can become a problem for novice webmasters. It can be easily explained by the functionality of the constructor, but it will take more than one day to master the service: it will be necessary not only to figure out what is where, but also learn how to use the tools correctly. On Wix, you can ruin the template, because the user has a lot of editing options.

The "Support" section remains uninformative. You can find a description of how the main actions are performed in the editor, but without screenshots it can be difficult to understand where to click. Perhaps this is an empty quibble, but if the service is positioned as a constructor for beginners, then it is logical to expect the most understandable presentation of information.

The disadvantage sometimes turns into a wide range of applications in the AppMarket. Some are made carelessly and work with errors, although in general the store deserves the highest ratings.

Wix- a large international cloud platform that allows create and develop various sites and Internet projects. Developers are offered ready-made and a number of tools for working from scratch.

To use the Wix Builder, do not special skills and knowledge required. Even a novice who is not familiar with the system can easily figure it out. designed according to the principle browser visual editor. is used by tens of millions of users around the world. characteristic feature - using HTML5. The finished site interacts well with search engines.

On the official website of the Wix website builder, the development team regularly publishes new original projects, which allows beginners to visually familiarize themselves with the capabilities and prospects of the service.

Platform principles

Website development is a rather laborious process that requires certain skills and specialized software. Having a wix site makes this task as easy as possible, making it understandable and accessible to everyone.

Wix website builder based on HTML5 has its own characteristics:

  • Ease of use by drag and drop
  • Adding, customizing and organizing pages;
  • Original effects for transitions between pages;
  • Expansion of opportunities through the use of html-code;
  • Creation of protected pages and separation of access rights;
  • Text editing, including fonts, styles and colors;
  • Edit images, use stickers, stylish effects and other photo editor tools.

Who suitsWix?

This makes the cloud-based website creation system an ideal platform for online stores of varying complexity.

How much does it cost to create a website on the platformWix?

Wix- free platform, which has its own characteristics, including additional paid extensions. The basic set includes the main features and services, as well as most of the templates. Connecting widgets, e-commerce tools, statistics services and a number of other services has a price in accordance with wix tariffs.

On the free sites the Wiks logo and a link to the parent platform are indicated. This allows you to use the editor and tools and the project. But the free model is better suited for small sites, because large and serious resources dictate their terms.

For sites oriented to a large audience and active commercial activity, there are premium rates with safety certificates. Kit tariff plans includes several options, depending on the cost and additional services. The average price varies between $4-20.

Go to premium account gives a few benefits:

  • Removal of the corporate logo from the site;
  • Connecting your own;
  • Free space for data storage;
  • Increased throughput.

Sites focused on a long-term and stable existence can purchase an annual plan on more favorable terms. This allows you to save up to 45% of the cost, as well as receive additional bonuses, depending on the selected package.

Developers can monetize the site by participating in affiliate program. Even the owners of websites built on other platforms can become members of the affiliate program.

What does the admin panel look like?

Wicks features an attractive, simple and functional admin panel. The visual editor allows you to simply rearrange content blocks, change their design and size. Constraint - the limits of the template markup grid. If you enter the site, then:

On the menu panel contains the following items:

  • Pages- to add, edit, configure and set the page hierarchy;
  • Design- to work with the design;
  • Settings- to work with, statistics, social networks and other elements;
  • Add- to add content of any type, integrate with social networks, create buttons and menu items, maintain lists;
  • App market- a unique branded widget store, in the assortment of which there are paid and free modules.

The platform does not provide for the possibility of changing the structure and source code templates, but allows you to insert additional html elements on the page.

How to create and set up a site on Wix

To create your project, you first need register on the official website of the platform, for which the username and password are indicated. Then you need to log in to the site. After that, select suitable topic, depending on the purpose of the project.

A wide variety of themes allows you to choose the best option for individual or commercial sites. Each category has a number of subsections, due to which you can find a template quickly enough, despite their number. In addition, there is empty decoration, where only the layout format of the elements is specified.

Once you select a base layout, you can edit it however you like. The functional editor offers many options and settings. There is only two basic rules:

  • The list of pages is placed in the side menu;
  • Any element can be changed by simply clicking on it.

Worthy of special attention widgets. To work with them, programming skills are also not needed, all elements are added through the menu by dragging and dropping. You can display widgets on all pages or on specific pages.

Button for conservation and preview is on the top right. After publication, the site will be hosted on the server and will be available to all users. Main difficulty free version- a specific type of domain name.

Wix Templates

Quality and quantity of templates- one of the characteristic features of the platform. All of them are distinguished by diversity and creativity, attract attention, and are characterized by ease of use.

Templates sorted by topic and section. The main difficulty is the choice of one option, because you can find dozens of suitable solutions. Don't be in a hurry to compare, because you can't change the layout during the development process.

It is also worth paying attention to whether the template is adapted to work with mobile devices. Wiks offers flash and html options. The first ones are more complex and impressive, while the second ones load faster and are better indexed by search engines.

Additionally, you can choose ready-made color palettes and schemes without creating them from scratch. Business card sites are provided for, which develop and improve as the business expands.

Wix features and extras

Among main features of a wix website:

  • Creating, editing and deleting pages;
  • Creating, editing and deleting menu items;
  • Changing the size, location and design of elements;
  • Inserting Flash and HTML elements;
  • Connecting eBay, PayPal services;
  • Using the capabilities of the online store;
  • Adding contact forms;
  • Connecting cards;
  • Synchronization with social networks;
  • Creation of social feeds;
  • Insert galleries and other elements;
  • Tag system;
  • Web crawler protection service;
  • Statistics from Google Analytics;
  • Automatic and secure card;
  • Import and export contacts, manage them;
  • Creating copies of the site to transfer or test changes;
  • History of changes;
  • Blog elements;
  • Financial instruments;
  • Corporate mailbox;
  • Promotion and optimization using titles, descriptions, keywords.

In 2012, a branded App market, where applications of different developers are collected. Useful features such as blogs, interactive calendars, survey and order forms, chats, playlists, file managers, photo feeds, newsletter creation tools and much more are available.

Wix pros and cons

The main advantage of the wix constructor is ease of use, which allows beginners to create sites with an original and unique design. Additional pluses:

  • Free hosting;
  • Intuitive editor;
  • Optimization for mobile devices;
  • Single URL for both versions;
  • Ease of use on all screens and devices;
  • SEO Wizard - a tool for and optimization of the site;
  • Compatibility with search engines;
  • Structured Google data, due to which page descriptions are added to the search results;
  • Managing descriptions and meta tags;
  • Applications for managing advertising campaigns;
  • Free images and various galleries;
  • Informal community in which they will always give tips and advice;
  • Acquisition and connection of domains;
  • Numerous step by step instructions;
  • Stable strong support;
  • Base of ready answers to actual questions.

The main disadvantages of the platform:

  • Poorly readable domain name;
  • Lack of viewing statistics;
  • RAM requirements for editing;
  • Advertising on the website;
  • Closed source code.

Most of these shortcomings of the wix designer are eliminated by connecting a premium account.


The wix constructor is flexible and convenient with a wide range of features allowing everyone to create a website for free. It is great for creating personal blogs, small individual pages and large commercial resources with a wide audience.

Sincerely, Nastya Chekhova

(Last update: 05/07/2019)

Good day, ladies and gentlemen! Today I want to tell you, friends, how to quickly and easily create a website for free. Nowadays, various website builders are gaining more and more popularity with the help of which you can easily place your unique website or blog on the Internet. I looked at several of these free website editors and decided on a more functional website builder - under the beautiful name Wix.

Wix is ​​not just a website builder, but a leading cloud platform with millions of users around the world. With there you can easily create a beautiful website yourself. - Free HTML5 Website Builder

It is the leading web development platform that gives everyone the opportunity to create their own website and manage their online activities in full accordance with their own vision. Creating a site on Wix is ​​as easy as shelling pears, any Internet user can do it without special knowledge or technical skills. Grow your business, showcase your work, sell products or try new ideas. With the Wix website builder, you will see that building a website is fun, convenient and free.

This service was created in 2006 and since then, in addition to gaining popularity, it has significantly improved technically (HTML5), and an interesting innovation has also appeared - website builder from Wix allows users to add volumetric scrolling (parallax) to the site, that is, as a background on the site, you can choose not only photos, but also full-fledged videos. To get tips and help from the Wix team, you don't need to leave the builder page: support is built right into the site editor.

How to create a website for free on Wix com

With the advent of Wix, creating websites has become much easier than ever. With the help of a simple and accessible visual editor, everyone can implement their online project in no time. Technical skills are not needed - the platform developers have taken care of everything.

With Wix, developers, web designers and other online professionals can offer their services to millions of users. Thanks to our powerful technology, everyone can create their own unique, professional and effective website. And no programming! You may know that Wix is ​​a large international company with offices in Israel, USA, Lithuania and Ukraine. The Wix team already has 1,000 people. The head office is located in Tel Aviv, on the Mediterranean coast.

78,000,000 people have already built sites on Wix and every day there are 45,000 new users on the site.

In order to create a website, you need to create your account on the service. Go to Wix -, click the "Create Site" button. Enter your email and create a password, or click the button to login via social networks:

Create an account in Wix

The next step is to choose the theme of your future site. So, as a service in Russian, everything will be clear to you. All possible types of sites are divided into 15 categories, and each has several subcategories. This was done not just for beauty - during the development process, designers take into account the specifics of a particular business and complement the template with suitable functionality.

For example: templates for musicians integrate with Wix Music, templates for online stores (you can create an online store by this link are stocked with selling tools, and photographer templates are designed to put images in the spotlight. You can, of course, take an empty template and modify it to the desired result, but it’s better to save time by choosing the right one:

Choose a theme for your site

After specifying the theme of the new site or blog, click on the GO button. You have to choose a suitable template, this is not an easy task, but at the same time interesting. With over 500 templates in the Wix collection, chances are you'll find one you like. When choosing a template for your project, try to imagine how visitors will use the site, be sure to consider the type of your activity and pay attention to the design:

Select a template in the desired category

Please note that there is a preview button or go directly to the editor by clicking the appropriate button. Using the editor is easy and convenient: all elements of your site can be moved and changed by simply clicking on them with the mouse. No programming and complete freedom of creativity. All changes are made at the visual level. Such a tool allows you to successfully create your own website even for a child, that is, a person completely unfamiliar with website building:

Online Wix Website Builder

The main advantage of Wix's HTML5-based builder is that there are no limits to creativity. You can change the color scheme, move elements, process images and see what happens. Would you like to upload a video:

Setting the site background

And use it as a background (do not forget about the parallax effect, read above), put down anchor links, add an image gallery or bright buttons that call to action. Everything depends only on your imagination. In which case, there is help for working with the Wix editor:

Help in the Wix Editor

Well, if you don’t like the result, you can return to the previous version at any time using the site history function.

Do not forget, dear comrades, when creating a site about mobile. The number of people using smartphones is growing by leaps and bounds, and not so long ago, Google announced that its search engine gives priority to those sites that are optimized for mobile devices. If your site is made on Wix, you already have a mobile version. Decide something to tweak - welcome to the Mobile editor:

Wix Mobile Site Settings

In general, friends, you can’t list everything in one post, it’s simply not possible, and it’s not necessary. You should try it yourself and read the Wix blog, where there is helpful tips, various instructions for beginners.

Bottom line: a convenient, beautiful, lightweight constructor that fully supports the Russian language, including a support service and a forum that runs on HTML5 and is equipped with a large application store in conjunction with a bunch of free templates, the creators of the service can only be praised and thank you very much. Go ahead, create.

P.S. And I’ll remind you one more thing, after you create a free site on Wix, take care of search engine optimization his. After all, a poorly optimized website can be compared to a note packed in a bottle and thrown into the sea: no matter how interesting it may be, hardly anyone will read it. To avoid such an unenviable fate, think about what queries people will search for a site like yours - these will be yours.

Use them to optimize pages, images, videos, and texts. Correctly occupies worthy places in the search results and attracts visitors who can become your customers.

And let me say goodbye to you. Good luck to everyone without exception and see you again. Bye Bye.

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All WIX Store owners have been waiting and demanding this feature for a long time. Now you can easily and quickly create a personal account on WIX. Video instruction is at the end of the page

Why do you need a personal account?

A personal account is a completely familiar part of any online store that allows customers to save their payment information, address, see the history of purchases / viewing goods, etc. Store owners on WIX have lived without this feature for many years. Frankly, without personal account life is quite possible, this is not a key feature of the store: how often do you create your account by buying something in an online store? Only if you know what to buy on this site you will regularly or if a personal account is created automatically, without requiring additional information from you. Therefore, you should not expect that everyone will rush to create their own profile in your store, but of course, it would be nice to give such an opportunity :).

How to add and set up a personal account on wix:

A personal account is added in the editor ("Add" menu). A personal account is a set of pages, the design of which is easily adjusted to the style of your site. In the pages menu you will find a new section with only two pages so far: the page of the cabinet itself, where the user adds his information and the purchase history page. As development progresses, other pages and other features will appear there. Along with the pages, there are also other important elements that are also added via the Members menu. The video describes and shows in more detail how and what to click in order for your personal account to appear on your site.

It is important to understand that the functionality of the personal account does not just apply to the store, it is part of the site, and the personal account can be used in parallel in several wix applications, for example, in or wix events.
