How to install a navigator on an Android smartphone for free: step by step instructions. Which is better: GPS navigator or smartphone Which phone is better for navigation

Sooner or later, each of us has to travel to unfamiliar places, be it another city or some place outside of it. To navigate in space, there are many tools, such as a compass or a map. As for the city, usually people are guided by street names and house numbers. In extreme cases, you can always ask passers-by for directions.

However, these are too outdated methods of orientation, which are extremely inconvenient to use. Moreover, there are many modern technologies that can facilitate this task.

First of all, we should mention the so-called GPS navigators. This technology most reliably helps to navigate in space, and it is oriented, first of all, for car drivers.

With regard to pedestrians or cyclists, the most convenient tool can be considered mobile devices with built-in GPS navigator.

The most common gadget, at the moment, can be considered a smartphone on the Android operating system. Most of the devices on this system have complex specifications, including many modules and sensors. Among others, almost every device has a built-in GPS module. In fact, any smartphone can be turned into a GPS Navigator, albeit not as high quality as a full-fledged device.

When purchasing a new device, usually the operating system already has a built-in application for navigation, however, most often it is Google Maps, which, although easy to use, require the user to have a permanent connection to the Internet.

The Android operating system is good because you can install any software on it, at the discretion of the user.

First, you need to turn on the GPS module and, if possible, . Internet access will help you quickly connect to satellites and determine the approximate location.

Navigation is enabled in the system settings, namely, in the section " Location" or " Geolocation", may still occur" Geodata". To enable GPS navigation, you need to put the switch in the active position, after which you can see which applications have access to navigation services.

Another way to quickly turn on the navigation module is to open the curtain vertically from the top of the screen and click on the corresponding icon.

In the first section " Mode”, you can select the positioning accuracy and speed. Choosing the first item By GPS, Wi-Fi and mobile networks ”, a person receives the fastest and most accurate connection to satellites, but at the same time, energy consumption and should be taken into account.

The slowest navigation is the determination of the user's location, only by GPS satellites.

Choosing and installing a third-party navigation app

As mentioned above, on any smartphone, be it iOS or Android, you can install a third-party application. For navigation in space, there are dozens of high-quality programs. Some applications are oriented for navigating the city and city roads, others for moving along intercity connections. There are also those who help specialists in complex, geodetic work.

As navigation satellites, American, Russian and Chinese satellites can be used, however, most smartphones use American GPS technology. If the smartphone supports other navigation systems, it will not be difficult for any program to connect to certain satellites.

One way or another, all navigation applications can be divided into two categories: those that work on a pre-compiled map and those that are positioned on satellite images. The most popular applications that work with satellite images are Google Maps and Yandex Maps. Both applications meet all the requirements, and yet, Yandex Maps is a more convenient application that allows you to save the entire previously displayed route in memory.

As the main program for moving on the roads, it is worth stopping your attention on the paid Navitel application.

Like any other application, Navitel is downloaded from the Play Store. After installing and running the program, a special directory " NavitelContent". Inside this folder, there is another directory called "Maps". It is in this folder that new maps should be loaded.

After launch, the application automatically starts searching for satellites. When the smartphone connects with at least one satellite, the application will display the approximate location of the person on the map. The more satellites are involved, the more accurately the user's location will be determined. It should be recalled that the Navitel application is paid, but it's worth it.

Unlike the previous application, Yandex Maps is absolutely free. To get started, you just need to run the program and wait until the program loads the selected area.

Yandex Maps can work both in satellite mode and as a map. For offline operation, you can download a map of your hometown. Unlike many other navigators, maps this application are absolutely free.

In the satellite imagery mode, a person can move not only on roads, but also on other terrain, such as a field, lake or forest.

On the right side, there are keys for scaling the map. You should be extremely careful, because the same area, but with a different scale, will reload the location. Thus, the phone's memory will fill up pretty quickly.

Of course, it is best to use a phone with a permanent internet connection. At the same time, the created cache must be cleared regularly.

If a person wants to use a smartphone without access to the Internet, the cache of satellite images can be downloaded in advance, while setting the same scale.

Summing up, it should be noted that, if desired, Yandex Maps can be replaced by Google Maps, and Navitel, by any other free alternative, for example, 2Gis.

Thus, any smartphone can be turned into a powerful navigation device.

There are a lot of phones with GPS modules - state employees and flagships are equipped with them, so it is definitely impossible to single out the best models - in each segment these will be different devices. In this review, we will present smartphones with support for satellite navigation GPS, GLONASS from three categories - low, medium, high. Let's start with simple phones.

state employees

1st place - Xiaomi Redmi 5A

The best device in the low price segment is from the Chinese brand Xiaomi. The model is equipped with satellite navigation modules: GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, and also supports the A-GPS cold start technology - because of it, position determination is carried out almost instantly. In the reviews, buyers note this, there are no complaints about the operation of navigation - location is always accurate.

The smartphone also received a good mid-range Qualcomm Snapdragon 425 processor, 2 GB of RAM and a 3000 mAh battery. The display is based on a 5-inch IPS matrix with HD resolution. In the price category "up to 7000 rubles" there is no better offer, and in we put the device in 1st place.

This also includes other budget smartphones of the brand: Redmi Note 5A, Redmi 4A. And in general, look for a quality cheap phone - look at the Xiaomi lines.

2nd place - Meizu M6

Chinese manufacturer Meizu is trying to keep up with its rival Xiaomi. Its M6 model is designed to compete with Xiaomi Redmi 5A, but so far it is lagging behind.

Nevertheless, the phone received GPS and GLONASS navigation modules, the A-GPS system, so it quickly establishes communication with the satellite and shows high positioning accuracy.

On the plus side, you can write performance (MediaTek MT6750 chipset, 2 GB of RAM), a 5.2-inch IPS screen with HD resolution, and a 3070 mAh battery. The device collects positive reviews - it is a reliable and fast smartphone - one of the best on the market, given the low price.

3rd place - Huawei Honor 7A

A novelty on the market, which is now sold in all salons. The device received a new Android 8.1 software, a 5.45-inch TFT display with a resolution of 1440 × 720. It is equipped with GPS and GLONASS modules, supports the A-GPS system, which guarantees fast positioning and tracking accuracy.

Inside - a mid-range processor MediaTek MT6739, 2 GB of RAM and a battery with a capacity of 3020 mAh - with active use, the smartphone lives a day without recharging, no more.

On our own, we add that the phone collects not only positive, but also negative reviews. There are complaints about glitches in the system, a very easily soiled screen that is hard to wipe off.

Middle price segment

1st place - Huawei P20 Lite

P20 Lite is the younger version of the flagship P20 model (there is also an older one - P20 Pro), which gained popularity due to the quality of shooting on the camera, performance. And although there is not a TOP processor, the phone is fast. It is equipped with modules for satellite navigation using GPS and GLONASS, the A-GPS system, and is distinguished by the accuracy and speed of positioning.

Unlike previous models, there is 4 GB of RAM, 2 cameras with resolutions of 16 and 2 MP and f / 2.2 aperture, a cool 16 MP front module. A big plus is the NFC chip for contactless payment, support for fast charging technology, a fast fingerprint scanner, and face scanning technology (although it works doubtfully).

2nd place - Nokia 6 (2018)

Nokia has always been valued for high quality manufactured technology. "Six" received a cool IPS screen with Full HD resolution and a diagonal of 5.5 inches.

All 3 navigation modules are present here: GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou. And although the processor is not a flagship - Qualcomm Snapdragon 630 - the phone paired with 3 GB is fast and without brakes, finds the location instantly and guides it when moving without distortion in place.

The advantages of buyers include design, a very cool speaker, ergonomics, build quality, a suitable camera, taking into account the price (it clearly does not reach the flagship level). The smartphone is one of the best in its price category, so it is recommended to buy.

3rd place - Apple iPhone SE

Apple's "Sixes" have become the best, and even the iPhone X will not surpass them in quality. iPhone SE is the iPhone 6s, but in the shell of the five, so all the flagships of the iPhone 6 series are suitable for this position.

The device received GPS and GLONASS modules, and they work perfectly. It is enough once in a house with Wi-Fi (or via mobile Internet) to pave the way for any distance and the Google Maps navigator, even without the Internet, will accurately guide you along it without the slightest deviation.

Plus, the smartphone is equipped with an NFC chip, fast Bluetooth, Wi-Fi module operating at a frequency of 5 GHz. If you don’t like Android devices, in the middle price segment, it’s better to take the iPhone 6 or SE.

High price category

It makes sense to continue reading below only if you are ready to spend 40-60 thousand rubles on a phone. Truth be told, all flagships are equipped with efficient navigation modules, so the phones below are simply the best. They work equally well with satellites.

1st place - HTC U12+

Expensive premium phone - it often appears in our reviews. For example, it recently took 1st place thanks to sensitive side panels that perceive the force of compression.

Naturally, he received GPS / GLONASS / BeiDou navigation modules, an A-GPS system. The phone quickly and accurately determines the location, guides the map accurately and without deviations to the side, so you can safely use navigation - do not get lost. Plus, the device has a powerful Snapdragon 845 processor, cool rear cameras. Everything is top notch, including the large 6-inch 2K screen.

2nd place - Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus

In addition to GPS / GLONASS / BeiDou satellite navigation modules, the smartphone has the fastest Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC, etc. interfaces for the middle of 2018.

Performance is top notch. For the first time, phones have a camera capable of shooting in Super Slo-mo mode - at a speed of 960 FP

On the screen with a diagonal of 6.2 inches with 2K resolution, it is very convenient to observe the position on the navigator. The device can easily replace the usual car navigator although it is not intended for this.

3rd place - Xiaomi Mi 8

The flagship, presented on May 31, is already actively sold, however, it is difficult to find it in stores, since these phones are sold out on the day the batches arrive.

The smartphone is equipped with interfaces relevant for 2018, GLONASS, GPS, BeiDou satellite navigation modules. Thanks to the TOP hardware and 6 GB of RAM, everything works quickly, the position is determined accurately, and the driving is at the highest level.

Of course, the flagship is valued not for its interfaces, but for its high build quality, shell optimization, cool 2-module camera with optical stabilization and f/1.8 aperture. If you plan to take the device, then take a look at our

Many users need to install a navigator on their phone. This is useful for couriers, taxi drivers, tourists and many other citizens. In modern realities, installing a navigator is very simple, so in this article we will analyze in detail how to install a navigator on an Android smartphone for free.

Which navigator to choose?

Before installing the navigator, you need to choose which navigator we will install. Currently available for Android 3 popular navigators: 2GIS, Yandex.Navigator and Google Maps. First, let's figure out what the difference is between these navigators.

2GIS - navigator without internet!

2GIS is currently outdated, it has extremely ill-conceived logistics, so it can sometimes start to drive you in circles.

The only advantage of this navigator is full performance without the Internet. You just need to download it, after which it will be able to work without the Internet.

Install 2GIS navigator:

  1. go to Play market, in the search write "2GIS";
  2. go to the first application in the search and click the "DOWNLOAD" button;
  3. after that, the process of downloading city maps to the phone / tablet will begin;
  4. After downloading, you will be able to use 2GIS without the application.

Yandex.Navigator - online traffic situation!

The second navigator, Yandex.Navigator, is popular with transport drivers: taxi drivers, cargo carriers, etc. In addition, it is required to work with the Yandex.Taxi application.

This navigator has well thought out logistics, so it will show you both the shortest and the fastest way to bypass traffic jams and congestion. If you use a Yandex Phone phone, then this application will already be preinstalled for you.

If you have another smartphone, then you can go to play market, enter in search Yandex.Navigator, download the application, after which you can immediately use the navigator.

Google Maps - user-friendly interface!

The latest navigator Google Maps (Google Maps) offers a user-friendly interface, but unfortunately this application is extremely uncomfortable trips.

Maps are rarely updated, so they can lead you to a dead end. In addition, unlike Yandex.Maps, Google Maps does not show the real situation on the roads, so you will not be able to avoid a traffic jam or an accident if you drive on this map.

This navigator is preinstalled on all Android devices, just open the "Google" folder and open the Google Maps application there.

Good afternoon, dear readers! In the yard of the 21st century, smoothly flowing into the 22nd, just the time when technology literally saves. The time has passed when a navigator was installed in cars as some kind of separate device. Now almost everyone has an Android smartphone, on which you can safely install any of the proposed navigators from the Play Market. If you ride in a taxi, then pay attention to what drivers use to take you to your destination. It's a smartphone. Navigators for Android smartphones are gaining popularity every day.

Let's try in today's article to determine best navigator for android in 2020. All of them have their pros and cons. And what functions should it really have good navigator in your opinion? Answer the question and continue...

In addition to specialized navigators for Android, the review also includes digital maps, the functionality of which is embedded with a navigator. Do not write them off, because they are very good. And plus, if you have certain cards installed, then you do not have to install any additional programs. You are already ready to travel!

How to choose a good navigator for your car?

What qualities a good navigator should have depends, first of all, on your preferences. After all, someone needs the navigator to work offline, while someone, on the contrary, sees an advantage for themselves in online navigators. Someone is looking for cheaper or completely free software, while another person, on the contrary, is ready to pay for a good service. The third person will give advantage to pleasant 3D graphics at the expense of the accuracy of the applied maps. And so on, you know what I'm getting at?

What are the advantages of using Android navigator?

Judge for yourself, earlier when buying a navigator, you would also have to pay attention to the technical characteristics of the device. And if you made a mistake with the choice, you would have to change the goods. Or sell as used and buy a new one, better and more suitable for you personally.

With android navigators, everything is much easier. If you do not like the navigator, you delete it and install another one. And the power of modern android smartphones is now quite enough to cope with the most resource-intensive navigators.

Comparative table of navigators for android phones 2018-2020

Offline mode Is free Traffic jams Voice Assistant Voice control 3D maps
Google Maps there is Yes shows there is there is +
Yandex Navigator maps, no directions Yes shows there is there is +
Navitel there is No shows there is No +
2 GIS there is Yes Not in all cities there is No +
MapFactor yes (no online mode at all) Yes No there is No +
Waze is in Russia Yes shows there is there is +
7 roads there is Yes No there is No +
HERE Maps there is Yes shows there is No +
MAPS.ME there is Yes No there is No +
ROUTE 66 there is Yes there is +
OsmAnd there is No only when working with Yandex maps there is No
CoPilot GPS there is +/- shows In the paid version In the paid version
Navigon there is No shows +
Sygic GPS there is +/- yes, even offline (statistics and forecast) there is No +

Voting for the best navigator for Android

The following article presents the most popular navigators for Android devices with brief description for each. If you have already worked with any of them, you can leave a review. In the meantime, I suggest that experienced drivers, racers and aces hold a small vote for the best and most convenient navigator. You can select multiple options, but no more than 3.

Google Maps

Google maps navigator

The giant corporation Google, of course, primarily specializes in Internet search, but this does not prevent it from creating excellent products in other areas. A striking example of such a product is just google maps Maps with GPS navigation and the ability to get directions on different modes of transport. Needless to say, Google Maps is one of the most best systems to navigate on android?

It is noteworthy that Google Maps is installed by default in almost all modern smartphones based on Android OS.

It can work both with the Internet and without the Internet. Viewed maps and territories are simply cached in the memory of your phone and after that you can use them if you do not have mobile Internet and there are no WI-FI points nearby. But it's important that the caching function can be disabled if you don't need it.

Google Maps has maps of almost all countries of the world (including maps for Russia), which, of course, is a significant plus for travel enthusiasts. Wherever you go, you will be able to navigate the terrain, and you do not have to install any additional local navigators.

Yandex Navigator

Yandex Navigator

Yandex, as you know, is also a search giant and occupies a leading position in the Runet. Many Russians believe that Yandex Navigator is the best navigator for Android in Russia, given its capabilities.

Given the origin of the development, it is not surprising that Yandex navigator lays out the most accurate routes in Russia. Moreover, he lays routes, taking into account traffic jams, repairs on the roads, accidents and toll roads. Surprisingly smart navigator, isn't it?

Yandex Navigator has another feature - voice control. To activate, you just need to say "Listen, Yandex!" and ask for a route to the desired point. For drivers, this is just a fairy tale, given that the hands are almost always busy.

On the map you can see useful places where to eat, where to refuel, local attractions and more.

Alas, there is also a drawback. Without the Internet, you will not be able to get directions. But the map will remain available to you, so you can somehow get to the right place.


Navigator Navitel

Navitel is one of the first and best navigators that works without the Internet. Managed to establish itself with regular users (for example, taxi drivers). However, this is a paid navigator. After installation, you get a free trial period of 7 days, during which all cities of all 64 countries that Navitel works with are available for navigation. After the trial week has expired, you will have to buy maps of cities or countries. Therefore, the Navitel navigator is better suited for those people who need navigation within the same city, it's cheaper.

Do not forget that even though Navitel is the best navigator without the Internet, you can only find out the state of traffic jams and weather conditions on the route if you have an Internet connection. Still, without the Internet now anywhere! Also, without the Internet, you will not be able to update to the current maps, and, believe me, they can change over time.

The SpeedCam feature will alert you to nearby radars, public road posts, speed bumps and traffic cameras. Well, how do you like the bonus? Navitel rightfully deserves the title of the best navigator for android without the Internet. If only it was free...

Navigator 2GIS

2GIS navigator

This navigator is most popular among users of apple products, although it is also rapidly gaining popularity on Android phones.

Offline navigation is available. 2GIS also boasts huge base enterprises marked on the maps. Large shopping malls have detailed plan each floor with the names of shops and other establishments.

The information base of enterprises is constantly up-to-date, because they call the enterprises periodically and ask if anything has changed. I personally witnessed this, so this is not a rumor!

If you are from a small town or a village, then there is a chance that you will not find your settlement on 2GIS maps.


This free android navigator works offline with OpenStreetMap maps. Maps are updated every month. However, due to its offline nature, you will not see any information about traffic jams or traffic accidents on the maps. But information about cameras on the roads is available and is also updated every month.

It has an overspeed control function.

Can work in vehicle mode and pedestrian mode.

Waze is a social navigator in Russia

Waze is perhaps a unique navigator, and here's why. Essentially, Waze is social network motorists used by millions of people. There is integration with Facebook for easy authorization and communication with friends.

All information about traffic jams, road conditions, gasoline prices at certain gas stations is added by users just like you. And you, too, can share useful information with everyone, while earning points and improving your rating as a motorist. It easily functions without the Internet in Russia, however, you yourself understand, the relevance of the data will suffer in this case.

If you stand still for a long time, the navigator will automatically close. This is done to conserve your battery, which Waze drains very quickly when actively used. Another drawback is that many houses are not numbered.

But an indisputable plus is that Waze can automatically rebuild the route, depending on changing situations on the roads. But this only works online.

7 roads (7 ways)

Another free navigator for Android that works with OpenStreetMap and without internet. You will most likely like the convenient and intuitive tiled interface (like in Windows 8/10).

A significant drawback of "7 Roads" is the inability to track traffic jams and the current state on the roads, such as accidents. However, the developers are working on a solution to this problem.

Another minor disadvantage is that city maps work as if independently of each other. Although there is a general map of the country (for example, navigation in Russia), when building routes from one city to another, small errors are possible, which are automatically corrected when crossing the boundaries of city maps.


There was a time when this navigator only worked with Nokia smartphones. But, fortunately, it managed to develop and now HERE Maps is available for all Android devices and can please you with free navigation in Russia and without the Internet. By the way, HERE Maps works not only with Russian maps, but also with 100+ countries of the world.

Useful places and establishments such as restaurants, cafes, etc. are marked on the maps. Some shopping centers have a detailed plan of each floor, like 2GIS.

When using HERE Maps, you can use other smartphone applications, and the voice assistant in the background will always inform you in time about upcoming turns and other important information.

You can also share your location with friends, as well as track their location on maps.

To work without the Internet, you need to download maps in advance to your phone. In this case, all functionality will work fully.

MAPS.ME - offline maps

It is not surprising that this application is included in the world's top best navigators for Android. Maps of this navigator are updated almost every day. Anyone can enter information about new objects that have appeared in the city, for example, squares, parks, fountains, buildings and other things. After that, the information is checked and the maps are updated. Due to this, the number of additional alternative routes is constantly increasing and the ability to choose the shortest of them.

A distinctive feature of the android navigator MAPS.ME is good work in offline mode with high detail of the terrain. But this is also its disadvantage - maps take up a lot of memory in your android device. You have to pay for the service, in this case, memory.

Here's a fly in the ointment for you. There is no information about traffic jams.

ROUTE 66 Navigate

ROUTE 66 Navigate

Unlike other navigators for Android, ROUTE 66 uses TomTom maps, which are highly accurate and are most often installed in premium cars from the world's leading car manufacturers.


Another big standout feature of the ROUTE 66 Navigate is their signature "Follow Me" feature. Follow Me is based on augmented reality and can display the route that your companion has traveled in real time. This feature will be very useful if you were following a partner and for some reason fell behind him and lost sight of him.

Navisor - road quality

A promising Russian development designed to help motorists save their cars from bad Russian roads. For Russia, a very relevant application, it would be wrong not to say about it.

The essence of Navisor is that users leave ratings for the roads they drive on. And it's all marked on the maps. When plotting a route, Navisor takes into account the condition of the roads and will take you away from trouble.

If you haven't plotted any route, then just approaching poor quality roads, you will hear a warning sound, as if hinting that it is better not to go there if you value your suspension and wheels.


OsmAnd is perhaps the best navigator for Android without the Internet. A distinctive feature of it is a very good work with offline maps. At the same time, it can work both with OpenStreetMap and with Yandex and Google maps and many other popular maps.

The maps show sights and just useful places, such as restaurants, cafes, cinemas and more.

It copes well with routing in mountainous areas, which is also an advantage for tourists and travelers.

Alas, OsmAnd is one of the few modern navigators that only works with 2D maps.

CoPilot GPS

CoPilot GPS does not need internet to work. It only uses the internet for updates about once a month.

There is a walk mode, during the use of which all small footpaths and buildings are indicated on the map. Wikipedia is built into the app.

CoPilot GPS also has integration with popular social networks, so you can share your location with friends and acquaintances.

When compiling a route, it will always offer you a choice of 3 possible routes.


Navigon can also be classified as one of the best navigators for Android without the Internet, given its history and prestige. The fact is that this application was developed by Garmin, a company that was one of the first to develop physical GPS navigators in its time. Now, with the rapidly progressing digital technologies, the company decided to keep up and released its application for Android smartphones.

Given the experience of the company, it is not at all surprising that the application turned out to be excellent and copes with laying routes offline almost without error.

Its main drawback, perhaps, is that the program is paid. But, judging by user reviews, it pays for its price, because it contains all the most useful features for drivers, for example, information about traffic cameras, speeding in certain areas, and more.

Through the program, you can also communicate with friends and share your coordinates.

Sygic GPS Navigation & Maps

Sygic GPS Navigation

Definitely one of the best navigators for Android. Sygic GPS Navigation has a number of advantages that would be better listed for better understanding.

  1. They were developed by TomTom itself. So the maps will be very accurate.
  2. Almost all maps are presented in 3D graphics.
  3. Basic functions work even in free version.
  4. Voice guidance differs from others in that it provides information not only about turns, but also about the streets you drive along, about sights and so on.
  5. The maps display information about cameras, traffic jams and road posts.
  6. Also on the maps are parking lots (free spaces and prices), hotels, shopping centers, gas stations and more ...
  7. Communication with friends (online only).
  8. Can be integrated via BlueTooth with the car radio.

A solid list of the advantages of this navigator turned out, isn't it? Here's another contender for the nomination "The best navigator for Android without the Internet" in Russia and beyond.


The article describes far from all navigators available in the Play Market. Obviously, making the right choice is quite difficult. But you can define some priorities for yourself and be guided by them when choosing.

Soon you will be able to personally vote for the best navigator for Android in Russia without the Internet in 2020, so that the choice is more objective. Plus, if you notice any inaccuracies in the article, point it out, support your colleagues with up-to-date data.

GPS navigation on a smartphone for a modern person is one of the most requested functions. After all, it is so important to be mobile and have up-to-date access to data about your location. Not only studying a foreign city, but also, if necessary, finding some street in your own, traveling or following a route for work purposes, it is important to get to the required place as quickly as possible.

But how to find the best navigator for Android? After all, there are a huge number of such navigators. And there is simply no time to test everyone. That is why we have carefully analyzed this software and, especially for you, have compiled the top navigators for Android 2018-2019, which will help to significantly optimize traffic on pedestrian and car routes.

#10 - MapFactor

This program is free and can be used to work on Android phones and tablets. Since the maps are installed directly in the gadget's memory (as an option - on an SD card), it is quite possible to use it without an Internet connection, which is very convenient. Maps are updated periodically. Typically, this happens once a month.

The functionality of the application allows you to plan your route in advance, choosing the best option from the list of options. Remarkably, if you exceed the speed, then a characteristic sound warning appears. In addition, this free program fully satisfies the demand for full-fledged satellite navigation.

Important features of this program are:

  • Drawing up a route plan;
  • Intuitive navigation in various languages;
  • Color schemes (day and night);
  • You can add your routes and places;
  • Rotate the map in the direction of your movement;
  • Permanent updates and periodic map improvements;
  • Work in 2D and 3D display format.

#9 - SYGIC

A worthy place in the category of the best navigators for android is in the SYGIC program. This is a modern application that integrates 3D offline maps from TomTom. The functionality allows you to navigate even in a completely unfamiliar place. Since the developer is trying to be among the leaders, the innovative ability to give commands by voice is provided. The main purpose of such an application is to help motorists. Using the functionality of the program, it is easy to control the situation on the road, to form your route almost instantly, without wasting time on traffic jams.

  • Ability to work offline without an active connection to the World Wide Web;
  • Projection (navigation recommendations can be projected onto the windshield of a car, this is the highlight of the program);
  • Search for the most successful route among the many offered to choose from;
  • Driver warnings about speed limits, sharp turns, cameras that monitor traffic;
  • Maps are constantly updated;
  • Built-in information about points of interest.

No. 8 - OsmAnd

The program will become good helper for tourists, drivers, those who are in a foreign city on a business trip. It is implemented in two versions - paid and free. Unfortunately, the functionality of the free version is significantly cut off. For example, it is limited in loading maps and does not provide support for local Wikipedia. Paid version can also be used when there is no active Internet connection. Access to the network is only necessary to download the program, maps, and then you can use the navigator offline.

The features of the program are:

  • Availability of free and paid version;
  • Switching to night and day mode;
  • Ability to use without an Internet connection;
  • The presence of useful functions - changing the size of the text, the option "show horizontal lines", "rendering style" and so on.

No. 7 - Navigator Seven Roads

If you need high-quality navigation in Russia, this option is quite suitable. What are its advantages and features? In the Play Market, about 15 thousand users rated this navigator at 4.2 points, which is quite good. The program itself is easy to use, its interface is very comfortable and intuitive.

The main features of the application are:

  • Ability to use maps offline: download once and use;
  • You can search for an object by name, not just by address;
  • Choosing the most convenient and shortest route;
  • Voice prompts;
  • Saving routes;
  • Customizing the program to suit your needs.

No. 6 - OsmAnd offline navigator for Android

A very worthy option for high-quality navigation, which captivates simple interface and a whole package of convenient options.

Among the features of the program, the following deserve attention:

  • Ability to use without a connection to the World Wide Web.
  • Smart routing functionality.
  • In case of deviation from the previously set route, it is possible to recalculate it.
  • Determining the time left before arriving at the destination.
  • The ability to track movement on the map and zoom objects.
  • Voice prompts.

#5 - Navitel GPS & Maps

The program attracts by the presence of very accurate navigation even offline, detailed high-quality maps of 64 countries of the world and other useful functionality.

The main features of this application:

  • Ability to work on almost all phone models, even on the weakest;
  • Accuracy, speed and a whole set of the most accurate and fresh maps for many cities in the world;
  • Work in the absence of an active Internet connection;
  • Convenient navigation;
  • Informative cards.

No. 4 - Waze

Free software for fast and easy navigation. The program is available not only on the Android platform, but also on almost all other platforms. operating systems which makes it especially comfortable.

The features of this application are:

  • The ability to track the situation on the roads online;
  • Paving the most optimal and shortest routes;
  • Providing information on the location of radars.

№3 - 2GIS

A high-quality modern program for comfortable navigation, which has a pleasant and quite convenient interface for daily use.

The main features of this application are the following:

  • Selection of the most successful route option, taking into account the current traffic situation;
  • You can calculate the time it will take to reach the final goal;
  • Displays information about the distance between objects;
  • The ability to automatically change the route, taking into account divorced bridges, traffic jams, blocked streets, etc.;
  • Warning about speeding and the presence of traffic police cameras;
  • Building a route bypassing toll roads;
  • Availability of night mode;
  • The ability to work offline, but in this case you will not be able to use the route building option, given the current traffic congestion.

#2 - Google Maps Navigation

This application is an indispensable assistant on the road. It has really powerful functionality that will delight you with its comfort and ease of use. Using such a program, you will spend a minimum of time on the road, even during the busiest time. You can easily find a cafe, restaurant or gas station along the way, navigate in a completely unfamiliar city.

The important features of this application are the following:

  • Support GPR navigation;
  • Information about traffic jams, public transport;
  • Automatic restructuring of the route, taking into account the current situation on the road;
  • In addition, such an application will tell you in advance which lane is better to choose for the exit or turn;
  • Use offline, without an active Internet connection;
  • You can lay out your route for movement by car, on foot or by public transport;
  • The application database includes data and maps of 220 countries, descriptions of over 100 million places.

No. 1 - Yandex Navigator

The main features of this program are:

  • The ability to plot a route taking into account traffic jams;
  • Voice prompts, including in the background;
  • Reflection of road events and even schemes of houses;
  • Demonstration of the current speed, distance to the target and the expected time required for the route;
  • Option to search for nearby objects of interest, such as restaurants, cinemas, gas stations;
  • Work online and offline;
  • Constant real-time traffic updates;
  • Travel history;
  • Reflection of data on allowed free and paid parking places;
  • Hints that a parking space has become free;
  • Adding your own comments to places or routes;
  • Marks on the maps - information about traffic accidents and road repairs;
  • Satellite view.

For modern user There are many high-quality navigators to choose from. The functionality of each program is different, but each of them is able to satisfy basic requests when moving in a large city or an unfamiliar place. Which navigator is better to install on Android - the decision is up to you.

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