How to promote a company in the Yandex search engine. Promotion in Yandex Maps and Google Maps

The new Yandex algorithm works on the basis of a neural network. It learns from examples of user requests, and selects answers based on the meaning of the text on the page. This means, in particular, that it will work much more efficiently with non-standard queries, when users themselves are not sure what the name of what they want to find is called.

So, you can ask a query, for example, “a film where a blind man drove a Ferrari” - and Yandex will issue “Kinopoisk” with the film “The Smell of a Woman”.

In addition, the algorithm also works with pictures. It analyzes the content of the image and selects the necessary option based on it, and not just on the description in the tags. This completely changes the ranking, and many optimizers are worried about how the site promotion in Yandex is transformed. We tried to figure out what the changes threaten.

Consequences of "Queen"

Our experts Denis Shubenok and Mikhail Volovich told how the new algorithm will affect search engine promotion, and how it will now be possible to promote the site in Yandex.

How can a new algorithm affect SEO?

Mikhail Volovich: The tip of the new algorithm, like Palekh before, is directed in a completely different direction - in a sense, the opposite of SEO. Yandex mainly focuses on non-trivial queries for which there are no obvious relevant answers (as in the case of the film where the blind man drove a Ferrari). And SEO deals with those queries for which there are thousands of perfectly suitable answers. Because hundreds of optimizers and webmasters on their sites have created a special page for each individual request of yours, and then diligently fine-tuned its relevance. In this - commercial - zone, search engines solve completely different tasks. There is no need to search for relevant answers, or even choose the most relevant one. Here, among hundreds of sufficiently relevant candidates, you need to choose the best one according to some other, for example, commercial criteria.

However, "Korolev" is not an additional search module, but a change in the entire algorithm, starting from the earliest stages of the preliminary selection of candidates for ranking. Therefore, one way or another, it will affect all requests, including those in the commercial zone. We are likely to see some changes in the weights of commercial and textual factors - although hardly global ones. Promotion under Yandex as a whole will not change.

Who and what changes should be expected?

Denis Shubenok: So far, no one knows exactly how the algorithm will affect the issuance of specific sites. It was launched two days ago, and during this time it is impossible to track the results. Especially considering that Korolev works on the basis of a neural network that accumulates data and corrects work with each request. Now we have started collecting information on all our projects, and in about a month we will be able to write a detailed report on how the promotion in Yandex has changed, if it has changed.

As we assume now, there will be no important changes. But you can expect some redistribution of traffic towards large sites. Korolev is designed for complex, mostly low-frequency information requests, and sites that can afford to create a lot of content will benefit from its work.

Is it so important now to collect the semantic core?

Mikhail Volovich: Search engines voluntarily or unwittingly shape the Internet. In the ecosystem formed by Yandex and Google, all your competitors create a perfectly relevant page for each query you are interested in. Even if Yandex’s ideas about relevance after the “Queen” change a lot, which is unlikely, competitors will not go anywhere and will quickly twist their pages to the new ideal of relevance. Of course, you may be lucky, and for some requests your site will take off by itself. But the rest still needs to be worked on.

I'm afraid that for SEO, the name "Korolev" will turn out to be symbolic in a completely different way than Yandex had in mind. After all, this is the city on Yaroslavka, which is impossible to reach without traffic jams.

Will traffic grow due to associated requests?

Mikhail Volovich: Hardly. But you will need to pay close attention to query clustering. One of the innovations announced by yandex is taking into account the "semantics" of other requests that lead to this page.

Promotion in Yandex.Maps and Google Maps is an effective tool to attract the target audience. Users not only go to the promoted site, but can also visit the company's office. We offer competent promotion, thanks to which the position of your site in the issue will improve, and the number of new customers will increase.

Statistical indicators

A study conducted by Mediascope clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of promoting services on maps. First of all, it is worth mentioning that more than 75% of users during the day visit places near them that were offered to them by the service.

In desktop results, among active Internet users, the share of users of the Yandex.Maps service is 40%. Among the population of Russia, this figure is 30%. And 19% of users from Russia use their cards with a smartphone.

The audience that came to the site from maps is more valuable for the following reasons:

  • users are less likely to leave the site in the first seconds of being on it;
  • visit more different pages of the site;
  • the average time spent on the site is increasing.

We can conclude that Yandex.Maps and Google Maps can be a source of targeted traffic for the site. Users will navigate both from the desktop version of the site and from the mobile application. It is very important that the needs of such an audience are formed. Therefore, her willingness to place an order is higher than that of users who came to the site from search results.

Competent promotion of the company in cartographic services will attract a large number of potential customers to the site. On the service, you can buy paid placement and be the first in the issue. However, this may not bring proper efficiency, if you do not take into account such factors as user reviews and ratings, filling the card about the organization in Maps with information.

Who needs map promotion

Promotion in Yandex.Maps and Google Maps will be an effective solution for a company with a physical address that provides most of the services offline. There are the following types of institutions that will benefit from such promotion:

  • notary offices;
  • Beauty Salons;
  • auto repair shops and car dealerships;
  • all types of household services: repair of equipment, tailoring, etc.;
  • rental points;
  • medical institutions;
  • restaurants, cafes and bars;
  • photo studios;
  • institutions for children;
  • entertainment centers;
  • retail stores;
  • banking institutions;
  • hotels, mini-hotels, hostels;
  • sanatoriums and recreation centers.

Information about the institution will be displayed to the user in Maps if he is close to him and in the Navigator when searching. The company card will be available in Yandex and Google search results on the card block, as well as in mobile search results.

How is the promotion

First of all, you need to create and fill out a company card.

You can do this in the Yandex.Directory and Google My Business services. You need to specify the type of activity and work schedule. It is necessary to add photos of the building where the office of the institution is located. It is important to add landmark icons on the map. With the help of a product card, a potential client will be able to quickly get acquainted with the offer and find the company's office using the photos of the facade.

Further, from different accounts and with a change in IP address, reviews are added to organizations and ratings. This operation is carried out gradually so that the service does not block the company due to a sharp increase in the number of reviews. Such comments are also added to third-party sites with reviews (Yandex only). Of these, Yandex can add user messages to the Maps service.

Comments are written to reviews from different accounts and addresses. Thus, a discussion is created around each review. Thanks to this, the potential client can see user activity and find answers to frequently asked questions in these discussions.

Moderation by Yandex is tough. It is almost impossible to raise the company's rating in the cards with ordinary accounts. They need to be "cooked"! The final assessment of the organization will be formed on the basis of

  • the number of assessments, the assessment itself by points;
  • the quality of the account from which the rating was affixed, i.e. the level of trust from Yandex.

Promotion results in Maps

Point promotion on Yandex.Maps and Google Maps gives the following effect:

  • in the search results, the organization occupies the first position in the block with a map;
  • in the cards, the company card is in the top positions;
  • the institution is displayed in the TOP of issuance in mobile version service and in Yandex Navigator;
  • potential customers can easily find the location of the company;
  • the added reviews keep the organization's card in the first positions of the issuance and attract new customers over the long term.

With qualitatively filled information in the directory, the organization's impressions in Maps increase, and traffic grows.

What is the work schedule?

In the first month of promotion, the first stage of work is fully completed: an organization card is created and filled in as completely as possible (photos, description, contacts, services and prices). 4 reviews are added to it, to which 6 comments are written. On third-party review sites, 2 reviews about the organization are added.

Posting reviews and comments continues in the second month. 5 customer reviews are added and 12 comments are written. An additional 4 reviews are created on partner sites. The placement schedules of the second and third months are completely identical.

Terms and cost

The work is being carried out gradually, so you should not expect a quick increase in traffic. Improvements can be seen as early as 3 weeks, but to achieve good results, you need to work with the promotion for at least 3 months. After 5 months, the organization's card gets to the first positions in the issue. At the same time, it is important to constantly maintain the level of activity in reviews and comments, as this directly affects the position.

The cost of work is 15,000 rubles per month. By ordering this service from us, you will be able to increase traffic to your site, the number of customers and company income.

There are business niches for which we can offer an individual package of services and work with dozens and hundreds of cards. Call!

Yandex (Yandex) is the number 1 search engine in Runet. For many years, it has been holding the lead in terms of audience volume on the Russian-speaking Internet among all search engines. If you manage to raise your site to the top of Yandex search, you will be able to attract more quality traffic than from Google or any other search engines.

Yandex's ranking algorithms accurately build results based on the region from which the request came. This gives you an influx of targeted customers from your city. The user will always be able to find you and make a purchase. Having carried out work on SEO-promotion of the site in the Yandex TOP, you will significantly increase its effectiveness by attracting an interested audience.

Stages of work

1. Drawing up a promotion strategy

As part of the search engine promotion of sites in Yandex, we develop an individual strategy for each project in accordance with the goals of the customer in order to achieve the best result. You are getting:

  • target audience analysis;
  • study of major competitors;
  • demand forecast;
  • identifying ways to get the most out of your investment;
  • compiling a semantic core and query clustering;
  • other necessary work.

2. Technical website optimization

We eliminate technical errors of the site for maximum indexing of the pages of your resource. You are getting:

  • adjusting robots.txt and sitemap;
  • mirror adjustment;
  • elimination of site errors;
  • redirect setting;
  • checking the correct operation of 404 errors;
  • other necessary work.

3. Text optimization of the site

We create texts for your site that will be of interest to users. Our copywriters take into account the requirements of new search engine algorithms and write texts according to the principles of LSI (text content indexing method, in which topical lemmas, keyword synonyms, and so on, have weight). You are getting:

  • preparation of technical specifications for texts and meta tags;
  • development of meta tags;
  • writing unique and interesting texts;
  • other necessary work.

4. Improved usability

We make the site as user-friendly as possible so that more and more site visitors want to become your customers. You are getting:

  • creation of convenient internal linking (linking of internal pages of the site);
  • optimization of page loading speed;
  • selection of easy-to-read fonts, text colors and page backgrounds;
  • other necessary work.

5. Working out commercial factors

Yandex takes into account the quality of presentation of goods or services on the site. Based on the analysis of competitors in the TOP 10, we determine the commercial factors that are significant for the sites of your subject in order to increase the number of conversions. You are getting

  • adding a page with contacts;
  • directory structure optimization;
  • detailing product cards or a more complete description of services;
  • providing payment and delivery information;
  • placement on the site of other commercial elements.

6. Mobile SEO

  • We create a site version adapted for any device for better ranking in mobile search results. You are getting:
  • creating an adaptive version of the site;
  • optimization for mobile devices;
  • maximum facilitation of the ordering and payment process;
  • promotion of the mobile version of the site.

You will also receive

We work with additional Yandex services to provide additional traffic.

  • We monitor the indexing of site pages using Yandex.Webmaster tools
    This allows you to know exactly when the search robot visits the pages of your resource, which of them indexes more often, and which ones less often. Based on this information, we make adjustments to the original strategy and change promotion methods, if necessary.
  • Specify the regional affiliation of your resource using Yandex.Webmaster, Yandex.Directory and Yandex.Catalog
    This increases the efficiency of regional promotion: the search engine determines that the site belongs to a certain region / city (Moscow, Ryazan, St. Petersburg or any other), so that users from your city can find exactly your resource by entering the query they are interested in in the search bar.
  • Improving snippets using Yandex.Catalog, the Products and Prices service, microdata
    Such snippets will attract the attention of users: they contain all available extensions and additional information.
  • We install the Yandex.Metrica counter to evaluate attendance and analyze user behavior.

We collect statistics on pageview depth, bounce rate, targeted actions, popular products and other information in order to make timely changes to the technical side of the site or content and thus increase conversion.

Yandex- one of the generally recognized leaders of Runet. Therefore, website promotion in the top Yandex can be called a priority for many online projects that focus on Russian-speaking users. This is explained by Yandex's traditionally strong position among desktop users and greater commercial commitment. However, with the advent of the latest search algorithms, promotion under Yandex is becoming increasingly difficult. Constantly new filters added, and getting to the top for many queries is very difficult. It seems that Yandex is indeed gradually leveling the importance of external links.

I think that this is not so, and the author of the site confirms this: modern Yandex links only give a start to the TOP, BUT! it is behavioral factors that provide retention and promotion of the site. That is, unique content and links can bring the site to the top, but if it turns out to be of no interest to users in terms of behavior, then nothing can drive it back to the TOP.

As before, in Yandex, you can promote sites with links, but in modern realities, this needs to be approached a little differently ... Today we will consider how to promote a site for free and paid in 2019 and what should be emphasized.

Yandex stated that those who remove purchased links will be encouraged, his site will be ranked qualitatively and the imposition of filters does not threaten him, but here are the statistics of how many site owners reacted to recommendations for removing purchased links:

And here is a graph of the visibility of sites in Yandex issuance after removing links. As you can see on the chart, after a couple of months after the withdrawal, positions began to fall.

There were also sharp drops in the positions of sites in the issuance of even for 50-100 positions, and in some cases the imposition of filters for the sharp removal of links. So think about whether to shoot or not. Personally, in my opinion, nothing needs to be done abruptly, first everything is necessary check incoming links to the site and we replace the bad ones with better ones and work on increasing the content with sharpening for low-frequency queries, thereby diluting the re-optimized content available on the site and increasing the semantic core.

Natural site promotion links

The policy of search engines is built exclusively on natural promotion. The advice for webmasters today is: "Create useful sites for people and external links will appear by themselves." The very process of accounting for link popularity is based on the assumption that users link to the site on their own initiative, recommending only useful resources. What can not be said about a commercial link, because a recommendation for money cannot be considered honest. Therefore, search engines are so negative about purchased links - they interfere with objective ranking.

Actually filters for paid links Yandex imposes already more often, and takes them into account with different coefficients. In various situations, the weight of a commercial link can be considered in full force or with a lowering effect, or it can be completely nullified. The main thing is that Yandex understands that this is a commercial link, which means that it must be taken into account in a special way.

That being said, note that not all commercial links are bad. For example, you have a site "for adults" and you cannot get links from good resources even for money. This means that the system that evaluates paid links allows you to evaluate two indicators:

  1. The amount of money spent on contextual advertising- it is logical that if a huge budget was spent on advertising, then the owners are trying to make this site good in order to recoup their money;
  2. When a site cannot get natural links, even a purchased link is a confirmation of quality.

The ranking system, in which paid links are taken into account at their own discretion, is able to sort resources in commercial topics well, which is what we see today in Yandex's search results. In general, ranking large, unique sites is easy. But how to deal with a lot of small and almost identical?

Let's draw an analogy from life - we have 10 boutiques in front of us. The assortment is the same and the prices are the same, but somehow you need to rank. The easiest way is to sort them depending on the money spent on advertising. When a site invests in development and regularly updates the content on the pages, it means that it works, and is not abandoned. Therefore, despite all its statements, Yandex cannot refuse to take into account link ranking.

That is why it will not work to promote only natural links, you should take both rental and eternal ones from the exchanges, but special attention should be paid to the quality of the sites and their reputation.

Search engines use purchased links with might and main. They stand up for naturalness, but in the TOP they give out resources promoted by commercial links. I think we have no choice - we have to accept the double rules of the game. In some cases, there is no need to jump above your head, just keep at the level of competitors and everyone will get their share of search traffic.

Despite all this, it is still necessary to try to get good links to your resource, trying to deceive Yandex and presenting commercial links as natural ones. After all, if in one day seo-links simply cease to be taken into account by search engines, even very high-quality commercial sites will fly out, and resources with a natural link mass will take their place. But this is unlikely to happen. After all, links are recommendations and without them nothing.

The main factors of natural site promotion:

  • Quality content- if you have unique content, which is not on the Internet, users will soon refer to you themselves. Also, do not forget to pay attention to the internal optimization of materials and their sharpening for the necessary search queries;
  • Quality web design- clumsy sites question the origin of a unique, high-quality site. The presence of a large number of errors in the validity of the code and the lack of adaptation to mobile devices can reduce traffic and the effect of promotion up to 30-40%;
  • Linking and copyright protection- sometimes it's easier to rewrite and post your article without a link to the source. To complicate the process of plagiarism and make them link to you, try to organize competent linking of articles. Also install a simple JavaScript script that provides a link to the source;
  • Social media buttons- links from social networks are taken into account according to other algorithms, but when a lot of people refer to the material, this indicates its usefulness. It also gives good traffic and helps the brand to grow among the masses. Be sure to read about it

I would like to talk about one efficient way getting safe links - crowd marketing. According to research, about 70% of users make decisions based on the reviews they read online. Before buying any product or going on vacation, many people look for reviews, recommendations in social networks, forums or answer services. This is a great opportunity to give them a little push to buy your product while improving your natural link mass.

Why Crowd Marketing Is Beneficial

Being, in fact, “word of mouth”, crowd marketing looks as natural as possible, assuming that links are placed only in relevant topics in discussions. Moreover, these do not have to be active links, some may be anchorless, closed with a nofollow tag or simply text, which for Yandex is a sign of a “human” link, and not set for the sake of promotion.

Returning to the fact that consumers look for reviews before making a purchase, the value of crowd marketing for e-commerce is very high. In addition to a favorable SEO effect, it is easy to increase sales in this way. Below is a survey chart from the Western agency Nielsen, which shows what influences purchases.

The main thing you need to pay attention to in this method of site promotion is the complexity of the approach. The growth of the natural link mass will allow you to form an optimal link profile and disguise yours a little. You also get the ability to manage the reputation created online about your brand. Moreover, all these actions are cumulative. Gradually, users learn more about your site, which leads to increase sales conversion and increase user loyalty.

Content resources also give positive results with a similar approach. For example, due to the increased interest in the exchange rate, many trading sites quickly raised their positions on news queries and received a lot of additional traffic. Look at Smart-lab statistics. ru.

If at website promotion with links you see that for certain queries your articles are ahead of the topics on the forums, try to leave your mentions on these resources. At the same time, it is possible to achieve an increase in traffic even without much growth in positions, if links are placed in visited, thematic discussions. As a result, you get referral traffic (the same search traffic, but passing through other resources).

Search engines consider such traffic as recommendation (referral), because by leaving a link to your site, the user recommends it for viewing. At the same time, it is very important that the share of direct and referral traffic from browser bookmarks or from the set in the address bar would also be quite high. And crowd marketing is designed specifically to get such transitions.

It must be understood that crowd marketing should reduce spam, not increase it. This means that your "inclusion in the discussion" should be extremely organic and look not like spam, but like an unobtrusive opinion expressed from the outside.

How to start promoting a site in the top Yandex? As you understand, we need to transfer information to the right hands. Unlike SEO and SMM, crowd marketing is designed only for users who are already focused on buying your product and need only a little push. To do this, it is enough to depict an expert user who has already successfully solved the problem under discussion.

Another question is where are the very places where such mentions could be left. It is important to find the right topic of discussion on a resource that is focused on your region. To begin with, identify forums, social networks, websites, information platforms where potential buyers are located with their money and doubts. You can use search operators for this.

In general, site promotion under Yandex using crowd of links, the process is quite laborious. You have to do manual work with many nuances or it is worth automating something. Sometimes in a day it is possible to leave only two or three worthy of mention in suitable places. The tricky part is finding a new discussion of what your site already has an article on and leaving a really useful link to it. The main thing is perseverance and hard work. Attendance of some forums is measured by hundreds of thousands of unique visitors, therefore, even in competitive commercial topics, these sites are a preferred source of traffic compared to regular sites.

The advantage is that you do not need to pay for the links obtained by this method in monetary terms. The main resource is your precious time. If it is enough, you can search for sites yourself, come up with discussions and put down links. To monitor articles on interesting topics, you can use the Google Alerts tool.

It is very difficult to leave links to commercial pages of products or ordering any services. You can even say that this is almost impossible on a moderated resource with a new account. Before you start posting mentions in such a place, you first need to register. Otherwise, all your actions will definitely be classified as spam. Get ready for monotonous actions, it quickly gets boring ...

If your time is more expensive, look for performers to promote your site to the top of Yandex or pay attention to a specialized service for increasing the link mass, which I wrote about in this article. This service will save you from tedious work and provide very specific guarantees:

  • If the link was removed by the moderator within a week, the performer is obliged to replace it with a similar one at his own expense;
  • The customer can make changes to the references no later than seven working days before the start of work;
  • The contractor must make every effort to ensure the confidentiality of the interests of the customer.

The realization that crowd marketing is a working tool, and its promotion is effective, gradually comes not only to me.

What else to pay attention to when moving to the TOP

Select key queries for which users will come to your site should be based on the subject of the resource. Unlike Google, which loves exact occurrences of keywords, Yandex gives results both with direct occurrence and randomly. Therefore, by optimizing the pages of your site for Yandex, you can more freely approach the choice of key queries.

I will give an example of the correct use of the query "blog promotion". Here's what I did to optimize this article. By the way, my blog for this query in Yandex is already in the Top.

This is how I used keywords in the article and meta tags.

Also in the article, the main query was used in the amount of about 3-4 times in the exact occurrence and diluted + synonyms.

Today, there are many free services for selecting keywords. One of the most popular Yandex Wordstat. With it, you can determine the popularity of the search for a particular phrase. The higher this indicator, the more often users are interested in this information by entering this request.

To achieve your goal, you can choose a small number of keywords with the highest popularity (high-frequency keywords) or optimize landing pages for a large number, but which are much less popular (low-frequency keywords). As a rule, to achieve greater effect, experienced webmasters combine both methods, using about 40% of non-anchor links with dilution of the main key.

High-frequency keywords provide a match with the most popular search queries of users, but have a significant drawback - a high level of competition. It is very difficult to promote a site using such requests, it is better for a young project to take low-frequency and mid-range requests. Check out the article " How to promote a young blog?".

Why pay attention to the quality and volume of articles

High-quality content (content) of your resource is the best strategy for search engine optimization. Interesting, useful and competent articles will provide your resource with high positions. What is the optimal size of articles we can only guess, but I recommend the following parameters:

  • for commercial sites, keep in the range from 2500 characters without spaces to 4500;
  • for blogs, vary the volume of articles from 2700 and above, but not more than 15,000 characters, since such footcloths will be difficult to read (Example of this article -)))).

It is best to analyze the issue by looking at the size of the texts on sites in the TOP and apply to your project. I advise you to write texts on your own, because who, if not you, understands your field ... But there is not always time and opportunity to create good texts. In this case, they can be ordered. For example, it will cost 200 rubles for 1000 characters (and if you participate in the bonus program, the price will drop to 160 rubles). For this money, you get a completely ready-to-publish text with key phrases that meets the requirements of search engines. Additionally, for 100 rubles, you can order layout for the site. It is convenient that SeoPult has the ability to completely transfer the content of the site to specialists. You just need to set a budget and control the result.

Working on website usability and navigation;

  • regularly update the content on the site;
  • we do not make a large depth of pages (no more than 3 levels).
  • Phew. I hope this material will be useful and give a general idea of ​​promotion in search engines and help you choose the right methods of promotion. Personally, I always use these tips when promoting my clients' projects, which gives a good result to the client, and I get a solid income. Well, I will end here, all the success and good luck !!!

    Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.

    If you want to promote your site in Runet, it is very important that it is present in Yandex on the first page for your target queries. But how to promote a site to the top 10 without extra costs and the risk of getting a “search ban”? Is it possible to do it on your own? Let's figure it out.

    How to promote a page in Yandex: basic methods

    1. Search engine optimization. This stage is important for promotion in any search engine. The essence of the action is to ensure that the site is not only convenient and works well, but also each page matches the search queries by which users will have to find it.
    2. Adding a site to and directory. This step notifies Yandex about the appearance of a new site and helps to speed up the process of its indexing.
    3. Contextual advertising. This is the simplest answer to the question of how to quickly promote a site in Yandex. You set up and pay for advertising, and visitors appear on your site almost immediately. Of course, any advertising costs money, but only in this way can your resource get visitors almost immediately after it appears on the Internet.
    4. External links. Yandex search robots, in many respects, when evaluating a resource, are guided by citation, i.e. to those links that your site visitors share on different resources. It is believed that the high citation of the site is an indicator of its usefulness. On the other hand, search algorithms are constantly being improved, and Yandex is actively fighting the artificial increase in the link mass. Therefore, it is worth talking about the methods of obtaining links in particular detail.

    Usually, all of these methods are used in combination. Moreover, at each stage it is very important to remember that the rules for website promotion in Yandex are strict. And any careless step, due to which search algorithms "suspect" your resource of abuse, can lead to punishments - temporary filters that will "lower" your site in the search results to almost zero, and often to a permanent "search ban". Practice shows that it is very difficult and not always possible to remove these filters later. Therefore, it is better to immediately work with the promotion very, very carefully.

    Basic rules for promoting a site in Yandex: putting the site in order

    The first thing you need to check is the quality of the selected hosting, as well as the site itself. The fact is that if the site or even individual pages are from time to time inaccessible to the search "bot", this will negatively affect its ranking. Yandex believes that if the site often does not work or many of its pages do not load when accessed, it means that the resource is of poor quality, and the first places for such a site do not shine.

    The next step is optimization:

    1. On the service, select search queries suitable for your project. This is not difficult, and we will not dwell on this stage in detail.
    2. From the list of selected queries, make the so-called. Those. distribute search queries across different pages. Here you can use the numerous tips of SEO-masters or the usual logic. Search phrases should match the page as closely as possible. And you need to choose according to the principle - no more than one high-frequency (with a large number of requests per month), 1-2 mid-frequency ones (from the middle of the list), 2-3 low-frequency ones. However, this method is very variable. The most important thing here is expediency and your sense of proportion.
    3. Based on this semantic core for each page. Good text content is one of the keys to the popularity of a resource. Articles should be interesting, useful, relevant and competent. Size also matters - too long texts are hard to perceive, too short ones carry little information.

    Often there are situations when unscrupulous colleagues steal high-quality content and post it on their websites. In no case should this be done, since the identification of non-unique content automatically lowers the position of the site in Yandex search results.

    Check "" - write unique and for each page, make sure that when generating the html code there is no duplication of pages (search engines perceive two identical pages at different addresses very negatively), close the internal part of the site for indexing (check the presence and correctness of the file robot.txt).

    What parameters affect website promotion

    Priority tasks for promotion include:

    • timely correction of validation errors (errors in HTML code), code optimization. Find errors here ;
    • correct external and internal linking - linking pages with links;
    • normal functioning of navigation;
    • normal page depth is the number of levels that web pages contain. The best option is three levels or less, not counting the home page;
    • correct map setup. Service: .

    These are just the main parameters that should be given special attention. If the owner of the resource does not have the skills to create good content and high-quality development, it is better to turn to specialists - payment for the services of copywriters and webmasters will pay off over time, and the site will function well.

    Contextual advertising Yandex

    In order to promote the site to the top of Yandex, as well as quickly get the first visitors, it makes sense to turn to paid advertising services from Yandex. And here contextual advertising is considered the most popular and profitable option.

    The most profitable option for contextual ads will be the choice of low-frequency queries for promotion, since they are cheaper, and the number of visitors for 10 such queries usually comes more than for one high-frequency one.

    The technical side of the issue, in principle, is not at all complicated. And it is described in great detail in the Yandex help sections. It is also important to understand that this method is good as a help to get the first visitors or seasonal (associated with promotions, holidays, important events) increase in site traffic.

    Such ads are practically not reflected in the positions in the search results. Although here, apparently, the unspoken rules for promoting a site in Yandex work. And if the site owner pays for Yandex services (uses advertising, pays for paid placement in some services, be it a catalog, Yandex.Market, etc.), then the likelihood of getting a search ban decreases. And ceteris paribus, such a site will rank a little higher than those that do not use these tools at all.

    How to promote a site to the top Yandex links

    The number of external links or, in other words, the citation of a site is a parameter that Yandex traditionally focuses on when determining the quality and usefulness of a project. If Google initially focused more on content analysis, then for Yandex, in the recent past, the citation index was in the first place. The idea was simple: if people link to a page, it means it's really interesting. It goes without saying that this feature has been very actively used to promote the site in Yandex.

    Today, the "weight" of external links in search results has become significantly lower than, for example, 3 years ago. Work algorithms search engine are improving, developers are trying to protect themselves from the cheating of the link mass, which not so long ago was very much abused by many promotion specialists. And, nevertheless, for Yandex, the presence of external links to the site is far from the last factor today.

    External links to the site

    1. natural links. They appear due to users quoting your materials on forums, social networks, and on a variety of projects.
    2. Commercial Links. They are "eternal" and temporary. The difference between them is clear from the name: "eternal" links are paid once and are placed on a permanent basis, temporary ones will be on the page as long as you are ready to pay for their placement.

    Of course, natural links are much more useful, their weight for Yandex is undeniable, and therefore the presence of this type of link mass is always only beneficial. With a purchased reference mass, everything is somewhat more complicated. Yandex is actively fighting this practice, and if a significant amount of purchased link mass is identified, punishments from the search engine may even follow. And yet this method still works and, with a competent approach, remains effective.

    How to promote a site in Yandex for free: natural links

    Honest user recommendations are the best means of promotion. At least from the point of view of the search engine: if a person voluntarily links to any resource, then it is really useful. There are several methods for obtaining such links:

    Crowd marketing is advertising veiled as user recommendations posted in relevant topics and discussions. Many people make decisions based on public opinion. A major purchase, a trip on vacation - in such cases, they often turn to forums and answer services for advice.

    A person is already interested in getting a product or service - it remains only to push him a little in the right direction. Crowd marketing increases not only the position of the site in the search results, but also the level of sales, if the resource is commercial. And the natural link mass serves as an excellent disguise for commercial links from exchanges.

    To ensure that people go to the specified web address, and your links are not removed as spam, messages should be posted in appropriate places. The site should be focused on the desired region and relevant topics. Traditionally, blogs, forums, social networks, response services.

    Crowd marketing does not require money, but it does require time. Proper placement of posts is a monotonous and time-consuming process: you need to look for platforms, invent new topics for discussion, write messages, etc. Nevertheless, no one has yet figured out how to promote the site to the top 10 faster and more efficiently. This job is a 100% return on investment of time and does not require funds, unless you hire third-party specialists to do it.

    How to speed up the promotion of the site to the top - buy links

    Not all resources can get enough natural links. For example, those that touch on topics that are inconvenient for public discussion. How to promote the site in the top 10 Yandex in this case? That's right, only at the expense of commercial links.

    Specialized exchanges are traditionally considered the best place to buy temporary links:,, etc. Here you can inexpensively choose a large number of sites for the link mass, while there is no need to control the honesty of the web masters - the system does it for you.

    Another traditional method is link exchange, when you and the owner of another resource place advertising links to each other. Yandex notices this kind of direct exchange very quickly, and it has not been useful for a long time. But if you have a lot of resources and / or friends, you can agree on a complex exchange “along the chain”, when some sites link to others, those to third ones .... And only through a certain chain does a backlink to your resource pass.

    And the most expensive, but reliable and safe option is to buy "eternal" links. The price of such links, of course, is much higher than the payment for link mass on the exchange, but the placement is carried out on an ongoing basis, and Yandex considers such links to be natural if they are correctly located.

    Be careful: Minusinsk filter

    The most important limiter for site owners in buying link mass today is the Yandex Minusinsk filter. It is he, and not financial opportunities, that very often limits the volume of buying a link mass.

    This filter finds sites with an unacceptable number of purchased hyperlinks (more than 500) and significantly lowers their position in the search results. At the first stage of its work, this filter identified and downgraded sites that bought thousands of links, now those who buy more than 500 links are already at risk, and some SEO masters recommend limiting themselves to 250 commercial links.

    Moreover, the filter pays special attention to the following parameters:

    1. Block placement of links outside the main content (like advertising)
    2. High content in one place of anchor phrases.
    3. A significant number of external links on the donor site.
    4. Lack of clicks on the link (a marker that the link is not interesting to visitors of the donor site).

    In order to still increase the volume of the link mass, but not risk falling under Minusinsk, many webmasters have become more active. With this option, you place your article on the topic of your site on someone else's resource, and in the text - one or two links to the pages you need. Such articles can be on sites for years (especially when posting articles for free on the site), or they can be deleted after a while (more often just when the link is paid for the lease period). But Minusinsk also cannot recognize them.

    There are many more methods that can be listed in response to the question of how to promote a site in Yandex. Increasing the position in the search results is a laborious and multifaceted process with many nuances that cannot be contained in one article. But the above recommendations can be a powerful basis for optimization if applied correctly.
