Cracked screen on a touch phone - what to do? We remove scratches from the phone screen: effective ways and methods Whether to change the screen yourself.

According to statistics, cracks that appeared on the screen as a result of not very careful handling of mobile gadgets are the most common reason for contacting repair shops. And this is not surprising, because it is the display that is the notorious Achilles' heel for any, even the most expensive and eminent mobile phone. What to do if the screen is cracked on a touch phone, let's figure it out together.

What to do if the phone screen is cracked?

So, there is a problem - after the fall, cracks appeared on the screen of the mobile phone. How to act in this situation and how dangerous are they both for the phone itself and for its owner? It all depends on the extent of the damage received. For example, if there are one or two cracks, and they do not interfere with the normal operation of a mobile gadget, it is quite possible to get by with half measures - stick a protective film or glass over the screen. In this form, the phone will be able to work for a long time, and dust and moisture will not be able to get into it through cracks. But if the screen is covered with craquelure of the smallest cracks, then you can’t do without a visit to the repair shop. Fully restore functionality touch screen possible only if it is replaced using special equipment. At the same time, you need to be prepared for the fact that replacing a cracked screen can result in expenses equivalent to half the cost of a new mobile phone. Therefore, in some cases it makes sense to think about replacing a broken gadget with a new one.

Is a cracked phone screen harmful?

Mobile technologies appeared not so long ago, but immediately acquired a lot of myths and conjectures regarding the harmful effects on the human body. In particular, one can often hear the opinion that a cracked screen turns a phone into a time bomb. But in fact, the only harm that it can hypothetically cause is to scratch the wearer's skin during a conversation.

Many of us have experienced the situation where one clumsy move resulted in a crack appearing on your phone screen. Luckily, there is a quick and easy way to stop the crack on your phone screen from getting bigger. It is best to use materials for this purpose that you probably have at home, or even among what you carry with you every day in your bag.

Of course, it's best not to fall at all or use a shockproof bumper phone case. This will help you avoid many unpleasant situations with damage to the glass or smartphone case. However, what if the crack still appears? How to prevent further cracking of the touchscreen?

The magic ingredient to stop small screen cracking is cyanoacrylate. Cyanoacrylate is a fast acting adhesive that forms strong transparent bonds with glass and plastics. It can be found in super glue, nail glue, and clear nail polish. Once you find any of this list, it will be easy to stop the crack from spreading on your phone screen:

  • Wipe the surface of your smartphone from dust or debris, being careful not to press too hard and make the crack bigger
  • Apply a small amount of super glue to a toothpick or any other item that has a sharp tip. With a light touch, gently apply it to the crack
  • Tilt the phone in different directions to help the glue penetrate deeper into the crack. Then remove the excess using a paper towel or cloth
  • Let the glue dry completely before using the phone again.

Fixing a cracked phone screen using cyanoacrylate is not an ideal solution. The method is less effective for significant damage, and repair is likely to be noticeable even on a small crack. There is also a very real possibility that attempting any home repair will void your warranty. However, if you're looking for a quick fix, this is a great way to slow down the spread of screen cracks and extend the life of your phone.

Alternatively, you may want to consider replacing your screen with service center. Sometimes it's better to just admit defeat and move on. For many, a cracked screen on an old phone is a clear sign that it's time for something new. You can sell your old phone even if it has a cracked screen. The proceeds will make buying a new smartphone less burdensome for your budget.

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Undoubted convenience tablet computer or modern smartphone consists of a touch screen - it is very easy to work with it. But this is overshadowed by ugly cracks on its surface. You can prevent damage by sticking a special protective film on the device immediately after purchase, but it adversely affects the sensitivity of the touch coating. It is worth considering in more detail how to get rid of scratches on the screen of a phone, tablet or any other touch device.

professional tools

Pastes and liquids designed specifically to remove damage from glass surfaces contain aggressive ingredients that help to achieve a good result, without damaging the device itself.

Often, to use professional-level products, you need a special napkin or cotton pad, which will make it much easier to apply the composition. Sometimes these devices come with the drug. With the help of stores, you can properly polish both the iPhone and any other devices.

Paste GOI

The choice of polishing the display is directly dependent on the depth and intensity of damage. Some people, trying to find a way to remove scratches from the phone, immediately remember the well-known GOI paste. In it, the role of an abrasive is assigned to a special powder based on chromium oxide, and the paste itself can be of several varieties. To remove scratches from a smartphone sensor, an option that has a minimal abrasive effect is suitable. Before processing, it is necessary to protect the sides of the device with adhesive tape so that the composition does not penetrate into holes and crevices. Pasta can be produced in different forms, which are determined by the method of use:

Displex Paste

This tool is more efficient and modern. Displex paste was created specifically for touch screens.

It is produced in the form of small tubes, with which it is very convenient to apply the mixture to the surface due to the presence of a pointed spout.

To get rid of scratches, you need a light and fairly soft cloth. The color is important because the fabric will definitely get darker when polished, which will provide control over the result.

After completing the procedure, carefully wipe the glass surface with a cloth and check its condition.

Using this method, you can also clean the glass of the built-in camera to take the best possible pictures.

The cost of special formulations

If there are scratches on a mobile gadget, users pay attention not only to the effectiveness of the drug, but also to its price. Hide defects and improve appearance favorite device is available at an affordable price. For example, GOI paste can be bought for 70 rubles for a 45-gram container. This amount should be enough for a long time. A foreign composition costs a little more - at a cost of 200-400 rubles, you will get a small tube of 4-6 grams. Special preparations can also be purchased on the Internet, but it is advisable to first study reviews about them and delivery conditions.

Folk remedies

When thinking about how to get rid of scratches on your phone with home remedies, you should understand the risks. Owners of mobile devices who decide to polish scratches on them often face the lack of effectiveness of the home remedy used.

They try to improve the condition of the touch glass in a variety of ways, for example, by making a mixture of water and baby powder. The effect of such tricks is directly dependent on the depth of defects.

Before how to remove crack from screen phone folk remedies, the device needs to be prepared:

  1. Turn off gadget.
  2. Seal all external openings and connectors with duct tape or double tape. They will not allow the product and water to penetrate inside.
  3. Be patient as some defects will be very difficult to remove. This may require not even minutes, but hours of careful processing.


To remove scratches using this affordable tool, you can use the following algorithm:

Baking soda

At home, those methods that have been known since childhood are especially noteworthy. For example, you can lighten dishes with ordinary baking soda.


Car polishes

Preparations that are intended for the treatment of motor vehicles also help to cope with scratches. For example, auto polish will effectively cope with this task.

Be very careful when doing this, as these formulations are not designed for mobile displays.

It is worth noting that there are special polishes designed for mobile screens.

Vegetable oil

It must be said right away that the oily structure cannot get rid of serious defects, but it can significantly improve the appearance of a phone or tablet computer.

The procedure is as follows:

All the methods mentioned above are publicly available and allow you to quickly and efficiently get rid of mobile device from minor scratches.

Attention, only TODAY!

Even if you are using mobile phone be very careful, it sometimes gets scratches. Small and inconspicuous damage to the touch screen can cause discomfort to the owner during operation. What should be done if these flaws appear on the display, and how to care for the gadget so that even after prolonged use it looks like new?

The most common causes of damage

A new smartphone rarely manages to maintain a perfect appearance for a long time. The back panel of the device is usually erased, and small "abrasions" appear on the display. What leads to their formation? The cause of large cracks is most often the fall of the phone from a height onto a hard surface. Mostly this happens by accident, for example, when the owner drops the gadget while trying to get it out of his pocket or purse.

It should also be remembered that contact of the screen with hard objects, such as keys, a lighter, and even small change, can lead to scratches. Therefore, it is important to carry your smartphone in a special case in a separate pocket. Also, your fashionable gadget will quickly lose its presentation if you take it with you to the beach. Even the smallest grains of sand are hard enough to leave damage on the surface of the display.

Ways to get rid of scratches

You can remove scratches at any service center where specialists can restore the damaged screen to its original appearance. But you can try to do it at home.

It should be warned right away that removing scratches from the touch screen in these ways is always risky. Therefore, before you get down to business, think about whether you can carefully follow the necessary procedures.

Good to know: Before repairing scratches on the touch screen, cover all connectors on the phone to prevent moisture or foreign objects from getting into them. You can do this with regular tape.

Toothpaste or powder

Toothpaste will help get rid of small scratches

The most common touch screen scratch repair option involves the use of tooth powder or paste.

To get rid of flaws in this way, it is necessary to apply a thin layer of paste or powder on the display and rub the product into the display in a circular motion. Then you need to wait until the substance on the screen is completely dry. Finally, you need to wipe the display with a damp cloth or cotton pad.

After that, small scratches will become less noticeable. But if there is deep damage on the touch screen, you will not be able to get rid of them in this way.

Baby powder or baking soda

Baking soda is also used to remove damage from the display.

These two points can be combined into one, since they differ only in ingredients, and the principle of application is the same. So, to remove scratches from the screen, dilute baby powder or soda to a mushy consistency and use a cotton pad or sponge to apply the mixture to the damaged areas of the screen. Then wipe off the residue with a tissue and wipe the display dry.

Sunflower oil

Sunflower oil will restore the lost shine to the screen

This method is less efficient than the others. With the help of vegetable oil, you can only get rid of minor scratches, and even then - only for a short time. But there are pluses: after applying oil to the screen, it will acquire its former shine.

Car and furniture care products

Car care products can help you remove light scratches from your touchscreen phone screen

Polish and furniture care products can also be used to remove scratches from the touch screen. Apply the selected product to the phone screen and use a rag to polish the surface. Furniture polish can also be used for the same purpose. The effectiveness of this method depends on the depth of damage on the screen and the quality of the selected polish. Judging by the reviews, the described method helps to get rid of surface scratches that are shallow in nature.


Sandpaper must be used very carefully.

This method only at first glance seems simple. In fact, only patient and careful people should use it.

Abrasive fine-grained sandpaper is perfect for polishing. It must be used as a roller. In the process of polishing the screen, in no case do not rush, so as not to spoil it.

Useful information: After the work done, you will notice that the touch display has become dull and matte. Sandpaper gives this effect. To restore the shine to the screen, apply a little GOI paste on it. After completing the procedure, wipe the screen with microfiber.

Paste GOI

GOI paste is the most effective remedy

GOI paste was created back in Soviet times at the State Optical Institute. This is a rather soft abrasive material, which is used for polishing ceramic, metal and optical products. It is also suitable for smartphone displays.

This paste is perhaps one of the most effective and affordable touch screen polishes available. When choosing GOI, consult with the seller, as there are 4 different types of this substance. Apply it to the surface of the touch screen with a special cotton cloth or napkin.

First, take a small amount of paste on a cloth and wipe the touch screen without applying too much pressure. Do not hurry. Apply the abrasive in layers, one after the other. It is advisable to take small breaks and let the paste dry out. The desired effect may not appear immediately. After completing the procedure, wipe the screen with a previously used cloth (do not forget to rinse it in clean water before doing this). Wash your hands thoroughly at the end.

Display polishing products

Special tools for polishing displays can be bought at any hardware supermarket

Special tools have been invented for that, in order to eliminate various scratches from the screen better than others. We recommend that you purchase touchscreen polish from any hardware store. This tool will not completely eliminate the scratch, but it will help to hide it. Any damage to the display will become less noticeable.

Suede leather

The effectiveness of the use of suede is extremely doubtful

Despite positive reviews, this method is less effective than most. Soft cloth will not help you get rid of noticeable scratches, no matter how much you rub it on the screen.

For devices with tempered glass (Gorilla Glass)

Gorilla Glass - shock-resistant glass for smartphones

This method is ideal for removing scratches from screens made of Gorilla Glass. This material is more durable than usual, but, unfortunately, it is not immune to scratches. The main disadvantage of Gorilla Glass is that it is difficult not only to scratch it, but also to get rid of damage. Toothpaste will definitely not help here, you will have to use more radical methods.

You only need to think about bringing the Gorilla Glass touchscreen to its proper form as a last resort: if the display is badly damaged and scratches prevent you from using your smartphone. Instead of changing the screen, try polishing it. Polishing your display at home can save you a lot of money, and the risk of further damage is minimal.

Grinding machine in combination with GOI paste

A grinder and GOI paste will help remove scratches from Gorilla Glass

A sander will help you do the job of removing scratches more “smoothly”. Thanks to the high rotation speed of the tool, you will be able to polish the screen with high quality and eliminate even the largest and most noticeable defects. If you do not have such a tool at hand, you can use a simple drill.

First, use a sponge or microfiber cloth to make a polishing wheel (the so-called roller). Apply a thin layer of paste on it and proceed to polishing.

Helpful Hint: Start small and keep an eye on the progress. Do not polish one area of ​​the display for a long time, as you can overheat the glass.

Display Scratch Prevention

To avoid scratches on the smartphone screen, remember the rules of prevention

In order to avoid even the smallest damage to the screen, it must be properly looked after from the first days of use. Stick to a few simple rules. Namely:

  • From the first day of use, keep your phone in a silicone or rubber case.
  • Be sure to stick a protective film on the screen.
  • Do not take your smartphone with you to the beach and do not carry it in the same pocket with keys and other metal objects.

Using a protective film

To protect the screen, you can use both a special film and stationery tape. The second option is more budgetary. To stick a strip of adhesive tape on the screen, it is important to accurately cut a piece of the right size. And remember: if you stick the adhesive tape inaccurately, the phone will look terrible.

It is better, of course, to use a special protective film, and you should not save money when buying it. In order to hide all scratches, use a film with a silicone base. It will fill small scratches on the screen, and they will become invisible. It is better to do this immediately after buying a smartphone, screen replacement will cost much more.

It is worth noting that all of the above methods for removing scratches from the touch screen of the phone will only work for shallow scratches. And do not forget that with the inept use of many of the tools proposed above, you can completely ruin the screen and make scratches more noticeable. Therefore, before you start fixing screen defects at home, think carefully about whether you can do it carefully and accurately. To make sure you don't damage your favorite phone, first test your chosen method on any old phone.

Glass surrounds us everywhere: windows, doors, dishes, vehicles and more. Often cracks form on the glass, so you need to know how to act in this situation. If the crack is huge, with a wide gap, then you need to contact the professionals in their field, but if it is insignificant, then you can deal with the problem yourself. You can seal the crack on the glass yourself, the main thing is to use a proven method.

How to fix a crack in window glass

It is quite possible to remove a crack on the window glass, however, you will have to work hard.

Preparatory stage

Before proceeding with the case, it is necessary to prepare the surface for the procedure. To do this, you will need to wash the glass on both sides. It is necessary to carry out the procedure in rubber gloves; you can use any product intended for window care for washing.

After all the dirt and accumulated dust is removed from the surface of the glass, it is necessary to wipe it dry with a lint-free cloth. The glass must be absolutely dry, otherwise the result after sealing the crack will quickly come to naught.


After you have made sure that the glass is clean and dry, it must be thoroughly degreased. Professionals recommend using improvised material, acetone or gasoline is suitable.

It is important to pay attention to ensure that after the degreasing stage, there is no lint left on the glass from napkins.

Crack repair

You can seal a crack on a window glass using silicone glue purchased at a store, or you can prepare a repair composition yourself.

We remove the crack with silicone glue

This product is indispensable when working with glass. On sale you can find tubes with a wide or narrow neck. If you purchased the first option, then it is more convenient to work with the material by collecting a sufficient amount of glue in an ordinary medical syringe; if you bought glue of the second option, then you do not have to do additional manipulations.

  1. By lightly pressing on the tube or syringe piston, you need to fill the crack with glue. It is important that no voids remain.
  2. If the crack is wide enough, then you need to glue it on both sides with adhesive tape. After the glue dries, the tape is easy to remove.
  3. Wait for the right time. How much exactly is indicated in the instructions on the package. The glue can dry from 12 to 24 hours.
  4. After the glue dries, you need to clean the surface of excess material.
  5. In conclusion, you need to use ordinary nail polish, it is important that it be transparent.

After such work, the glass can be subjected to water procedures.

Let's make glue with our own hands

If there is no silicone glue at home, you can prepare the adhesive base yourself. For this you need:

  1. Mix turpentine and acetone in equal amounts.
  2. Gradually add crushed foam to these components. It should dissolve in the prepared solution. In order for the foam to dissolve quickly, you need to grind it as finely as possible.
  3. As a result of cooking, a transparent, viscous mixture should form, resembling honey in consistency.

other methods

If you have a barely noticeable crack on the window in front of you, then it would be wise to do without lengthy procedures for repairing the chip. You can use the usual transparent nail polish, in some cases classic clerical glue will do.

If you doubt your skill, then the use of adhesive tape is suitable. It is necessary to seal the crack with transparent tape on both sides. But you have to be prepared for the fact that the adhesive tape on the window will be noticeable, and such repairs will not last too long. Therefore, from time to time the adhesive tape will need to be changed. The fact is that condensation will form, so the adhesive tape will simply peel off.

How to seal a crack on the glass in the door and furniture

If the doors or pieces of furniture in your home have glass inserts, then you have probably experienced cracks in these glasses.

In this situation, you can do the following:

  • If the crack is of an impressive size, it is visible, then you can order a replacement element on the manufacturer's website or from a company representative.
  • If the first option is not suitable for you, then you can try to hide the crack: paint over it with varnish, then decorate the problem with professional paint or ornament.
  • You can use the methods described above to eliminate cracks in window glass.

Let your doors and furniture always fill the interior with aesthetics!

How to Repair a Crack in Glassware

To seal a crack in glassware, you can use any of the above methods or use the grandmother's method:

  1. You will need to use a burner, with its help you need to slowly warm up the problem area.
  2. Additionally, you need to heat the glass stick.
  3. With a softened stick, you need to solder the crack, starting from one of the ends.
  4. So you need to act until an even seam is formed that will eliminate your problem.
  5. Finally, you need to melt and anneal the seam.

Glass cracks are no longer a problem for you!
