Wi-Fi router Zyxel Keenetic Start II - Reviews. Zyxel Keenetic Start router - overview of functions, configuration and firmware update Connecting the zyxel keenetic start router to Rostelecom

Zyxel Keenetic Start is a reliable inexpensive router for home use. It seamlessly organizes local networks and Wi-Fi to transfer data between multiple devices. The cost of the router does not exceed 1500 rubles, which attracts users. What else is interesting about this model, we will tell today.


The device is presented in the form of a rectangular case made of plastic. On the front of the case there are indicators that fix:

  • activity WiFi networks;
  • charging;
  • number of connected devices via LAN;
  • position (on/off);
  • ISP authorization status.

In the right sector (top) is the Wi-Fi control option. On the back of the case there is:

  • ports - 5 pcs. (one WAN port - for the Internet cable, four LAN - for connecting network equipment);
  • input for the power supply;
  • reset option RESET.

Users will appreciate the simplicity and convenience of the router's control panel. Thanks to the inscriptions on the buttons and connectors of the case, the process of setting up the router will take very little time.


To access the services of the Zyxel provider, Keenetic Start interacts with several types of connection:

  • VLAN 802.1Q;
  • IPv4/IPv6;
  • 802.1X;
  • VPN (PPTP and L2TP);
  • PPPoE.

The total signal transfer rate for simultaneous operation of several devices is 80 Mb / s. Wi-Fi transmission is supported by 802.11n protocol.

Preparation for operation

Before proceeding with the settings, you should assemble the router. Connecting the router to a computer via a LAN cable is carried out using a wire equipped with connectors. One connector is installed in the PC network card, the other - in the router connector.

For the Zyxel Keenetic Start Wi-Fi router, configuration is carried out via two connections (Wi-Fi and wired) as standard through a browser. Here, you may need password information, since access to the network may be limited by encryption. This information can be found on the body of the machine (or in the instruction manual). Usually this is admin/1234.

Settings can be made both manually and using the "Installation Wizard".

You can also watch an overview and configuration of the Keenetic Start router in video format:


To configure the Zyxel Keenetic Start router, just connect a PC or laptop to the router, go to the browser and enter the IP address in the address bar of the device (indicated on the router box).

If there is no IP data, you should specify the standard address for Zyxel Keenetic Start: In case of problems when connecting, it is recommended to correct the combination of numbers:

Upon successful login, the user will be prompted to set the parameters in two ways - manual or automatic.

Manual setting

To properly manage the Keenetic Start Wi-Fi router, you must know the type of connection offered by the provider (most Internet service providers use the PPPoE protocol).

At the initial start of the equipment, you should refer to the Start parameters. With this option, it is recommended to choose not the quick setup type, but the "Web configurator".

When restarting, the parameters are set in the "Internet" option (in the PPPoE/VPN tab). Here you will need to activate the "Add a new connection" option and adjust a number of settings:

  • in the "Connection settings" menu, you will need to designate labels (in the first two fields);
  • in the field "Description" specify the name of the connection (any);
  • "Protocol type" - PPPoE;
  • "Connect via ..." - Broadband connection;
  • "Username" and "Password" - according to the data reflected in the agreement with the provider.

Keep the rest of the parameters by default and fix the changes with the "Apply" option. Checking the connection status is available in the "Connections" section of the router. A label with a green label next to the new name will indicate the correct operation of the data link.

Automatic setting

For automatic configuration, just activate the "Quick Setup" option and wait for the connection to be verified. In the field that opens (for authorization), you will need to enter a username and password. When using PPPoE, check the "provided by the provider" box. If another type of connection is used, then the login and password data must be entered manually (provided by the Internet service provider).

When the “Next” option is activated, access to updates will open (if available, it is recommended to update). After the installation is complete, the computer will reboot and fix the configurations. The PC and router must not be turned off during the installation process.

After the reboot, you will be prompted to activate the secure Internet option (Yandex.DNS). If you have a low Wi-Fi speed, this service is not recommended to connect.

WiFi setup

Keenetic configurations are responsible for configuring Wi-Fi settings. You can activate (deactivate) the access point in the Wi-Fi menu in the "Access Point" tab (by ticking).

The next field of the Wi-Fi menu reflects the SSID network name, which can be changed at your own discretion. Users are given the option to hide their network from others. This option can be activated in the "Hide SSID" field.

In this case, when connecting new devices, you will have to re-enter your login and password (in the "Wireless Network Connections" tab).

Overview of features and capabilities

Network protection

WPA2 is recognized as the most secure security protocol. It is recommended to select it in the "Network protection" field. Next, it is proposed to set (check) the following parameters:

  • password (at least 8 characters);
  • region;
  • version standard - 802.11b / g / n (set automatically).

If you plan to organize a public network (without a password), then the encryption field should be left blank.

Channel selection

Wi-Fi speed varies depending on channel selection. If one channel is used by several devices, then the data transfer rate will tend to the minimum.

Finding free channels is quite difficult. They are used by all routers operating in the same sector of the signal. The least loaded channels are from 3 to 8.

Signal strength

This parameter is set independently (depending on the presence of interference in the signal range). Walls, furniture and wiring are obstacles that can significantly degrade the quality of the connection.

If the router is fixed at a height of at least 1 meter from the floor level, the signal coverage area will increase. It is also recommended to fix the router antenna in a vertical position.


The WPS option is used to connect devices with a similar function. It becomes active both when Wi-Fi is turned on and during the setup process.

It should be taken into account that with a long press on the button to turn on / off WPS, the network settings will be reset and all the settings will have to be repeated. Therefore, this function can only be activated with a short press.

Before connecting equipment using WPS, you must enable this option on all devices. The appearance of the "Connect using WPS" button on the authorized device indicates successful connection. When you press the “Connect…” button, access to the network opens automatically (no password required).

Mode setting

The operation of the Zyxel Keenetic Start Wi-Fi router can be configured in the following modes:

  • access point;
  • amplifier;
  • repeater (repeater);
  • adapter.

Parameter setting is available in the "Modes" section (in configurations). After setting the mode, you should reboot the device. When using a modem as an amplifier, the Internet is not needed. Internet access is required by the router, the signal of which will be amplified by Keenetic (both devices must work in Wi-Fi mode).


Connecting the set-top box is possible after updating the software to latest version. Next, you will need to do the following:

  1. Connect the receiver to the LAN port.
  2. Go to the WAN section (in modem configurations) and in the "Select ports" field, indicate the connector to which the device is connected.
  3. Specify IP and password (information from the provider).

IPv6 protocol

IPv6 connection settings are available in the "Internet" section (in the Start settings). Here you should select the required protocol and activate the "Add connection" option.

In the "Description" field - specify the name of the network (arbitrarily), and mark the first two lines with checkmarks. You will also need information provided by the provider (to fill in the addresses: server and IPv6). In the "IPv6 Prefix" field, copy the previous line, but without the "/64" characters and activate the "Apply" option.

Security Settings

To configure security settings, go to the "Security" section and set restrictions on access to certain sites in the "Firewall" panel. To do this, it is proposed to perform the following actions:

  1. In the configurations, activate the "Add rule" option.
  2. In the field that opens, select a ban (or permission).
  3. Determine the order of the filter (personal network, external resources).
  4. Configure settings for protocols: ICMP, TCP, UDP.
  5. In the line "Ports" set the parameter "Any".

You can add the free Yandex.DNS service (built into Keenetic) to the security settings. It will also protect your computer from infected resources: it will block the download of malicious files and warn you of a potential threat.

Parental control

This function is supported by the SkyDNS service. Here it is possible to independently determine the list of sites available to small users.

To activate the restriction, the “Schedule” option is provided (section “System”).

Setting a new schedule limits both guest Wi-Fi and data transmission in general. The administrator can also select a specific device (to restrict access). The set parameters must be fixed with the “Apply” option.

Setting up a VPN server

The VPN server connection algorithm involves the following steps:

  1. Selecting the PPPoE/VPN protocol (in the network settings).
  2. Enter "VPN" and select "L2TP" protocol in the "Description" field.
  3. Entering login and password (provider data).
  4. Entering data in the "Server Address" field (from the provider).
  5. Configuration activation.


Resetting the settings in some cases helps to solve a number of problems that arise during the operation of network equipment. To reset the settings, use the corresponding button located on the back of the device (next to the antenna).

Software Update

For stable operation and expansion of equipment capabilities, it is recommended to update the firmware every time an update is released. There are two ways to update the software on Start Keenetic:

  1. Through the web interface. With this method, it is proposed to download the updated version of the software from the official website. Then go to the “Configuration” section and activate the file marked with a “gear” (blue).
  2. Through a mobile application. Procedure for updating the software via mobile app corresponds to the above method (via the web interface).

Do not turn off (reboot) the equipment during the software installation process.


The advantages of Kinetic Start are determined by the following indicators:

  • built-in DNS.Yandex service (ensures the security of connected devices when working on the network);
  • network filter;
  • the ability to select a protocol;
  • availability of SkyDNS (for parental control).

The disadvantages of this model include the fact that there is no USB port. This circumstance limits the functionality of the router (excludes the possibility of using a printer).

We hope we have answered all your questions! If something is not clear, or we did not give a complete review, do not hesitate to write! Our friendly admins and authors are always happy to communicate!

In order to access the Internet, you will need a little time and patience, as well as your Internet connection settings. In independent there is nothing difficult, and now you will see it.

To open , write in the address bar and press Enter. You will see a window requiring authorization. In field " Username»write admin, and in the field « Password» - 1234.

This data is factory-set for the router, but if someone has used this router before, then their username and password can be changed.

After successful authorization, we recommend that you immediately change your password to a more confidential one. Come up with a new password that is harder than the current one. To select the tab " System» (first) - « Password". Next, enter a new password in the " New administrator password” and repeat it in the second field. Click " Apply».

And now we can move on to the main part of the setup.

At the bottom, switch to the globe icon, here you can create the first and main Internet connection. In this section, find the PPPoE/VPN tab and click " Add connection».

VPN settings will be as follows:

Turn on: tick
: tick
Description: field can be left blank
Type (protocol): PPPoe (may be different, see contract)
Connect via: Broadband connection (ISP)
Service name: field can be left blank
Hub name: field can be left blank
Server address: indicate if the provider provided you with an IP address or a PPPoE domain
Username: enter your login (the data is in the contract with the provider)
Password: enter the password (the data is in the contract with the provider)
Authentication encryption method: Auto
Data encryption: skip
Use SSR: skip
Configuring IP Settings: Automatic (if automatic local IP reception is supported) or Manual.
Autotuning TCP-MSS: tick.

After that you need to press " Apply».

Also, if the provider does not automatically receive settings, then do two more operations: in the same window, switch from the PPPoE / VPN tab to IPoe, select " Setting up an Ethernet connection", and in the window that opens, change the parameter " Configuring IP Settings" on the " Without an IP address».

After that, the form below will become available to you. You will need to fill in the following fields:

IP address
Subnet mask
Main gate
DNS 1 (primary)
DNS 2 (alternative)
DNS 3 (usually this field is not required).

Also don't forget to check two checkboxes next to " Turn on" and " Use to access the Internet».

We remind you that all data (login, password, IP parameters, protocol) you can find in your agreement with the provider. All of these data are individual.

If you need to set up Wi-Fi, then it's even easier. From the tab with the globe icon, you need to switch to the tab with vertical bars and do the following settings:

Enable hotspot: tick
Network name (SSID): think up and enter a name for the network (any)
Hide SSID: optional (Checked will hide your network so new devices can't see it)
Network protection: WPA2-PSK
Network Key: think up and enter a password for the network, which other devices will have to enter in order to connect
Standard: 802.11bgn
Channel: Auto
Signal strength: 100%
Enable WMM: tick.

It remains to press the button " Apply". After that, Wi-Fi will immediately work.

If you need to turn off Wi-Fi, just uncheck the first item - " Enable hotspot» and press « Apply". This completes the setup of the ZyXEL Keenetic Start router!

Zyxel Keenetic Start is a light model of Zyxel Keenetic. Nevertheless, Keenetic Start will perfectly solve the problem of connecting electronic devices to the Internet. The router will allow you to combine home computers and all kinds of gadgets into a network and provide simultaneous Internet access from several devices via Wi-Fi.

For guest devices, it is possible to allocate a separate Wi-Fi network with Internet access, but with limited access to personal data. A regular firewall is responsible for the information security of the home network.

Complete set of the router and its appearance

The package bundle of the router is minimal: a small network cable, documentation and a power supply. All inscriptions on the body of the device are made in Russian. Wall mount available. In a convenient place is the WPS activation key - a function that allows you to simply and immediately connect devices to a Wi-Fi router without using an encryption key.

By appearance the router in question is very similar to its older brother (Keenetic 4GII). It only differs in the absence of USB ports and the presence of only one 2dBi antenna.

The device is quite compact (140x110x30 mm). Its weight is only 180 grams.

On the top side there is a manufacturer's trademark, a WPS key to turn on an automatic secure Wi-Fi connection, and LED indicators for power, the inclusion of a wireless Wi-Fi module, the presence of an Internet connection and a connection to lan ports.

All ports and connectors are located on the back of the router.

Connection and preparation for work

Connecting a Zyxel Keenetic Start router may seem complicated at first glance.

Consider the connection process in detail:

After connecting the router, it is important to configure the Zyxel Keenetic Start router. To configure it, you first need to log in to the router interface.

Login to settings

To configure and maintain the router, there is no need for specialized programs. All control of the router is carried out using a web browser.

To enter the router interface, you must do the following:

In Zyxel routers, there is a "Quick Setup" for the initial Internet setup.

Internet connections

The router supports several options for connecting to the Internet, which are primarily determined by the choice of a communication service provider.

PPPoE for Dom.ru, TTK and Rostelecom

The sequence of steps for setting up a router from Zyxel for these providers (Rostelecom, TTK and Dom.ru) is as follows:

An Internet connection will be created.

Dynamic IP

To set up an Internet connection with a dynamic address, you must:

An Internet connection with a dynamic IP address is ready.

Video: Zyxel Keenetic Start Review

How to set up a Zyxel Keenetic Start router for beeline

The sequence of steps for setting up the router in question for Beeline is as follows:

As a result of the actions taken, a new connection for Beeline will be created.


To set options local network on the wi-fi router in question, you must:


The sequence of actions for setting up a Wi-Fi connection on the Zyxel Keenetic Start device is as follows:


IPTV is a special technology that, when transferring information in networks, uses a specialized IP protocol. Thanks to this, TV channels are broadcast using multicast. For IPTV to function, you just need to install the latest firmware version of the device, and the application will automatically make the correct settings.

In the router in question, the “Applications” tab is responsible for setting up IPTV, in which you should enter the required parameters and save.

Reset router

To reset your router, follow these steps:

After that, the power indicator of the router will start flashing and then the router settings will be reset to factory (default settings).

Updating the firmware

Quite often there are cases when it is vital to update the firmware of the device. Despite the fact that this is a very responsible action, if you follow certain instructions, it is not at all difficult to install new version software.

It is recommended to update the software under consideration by connecting to the router using an Ethernet cable. To update the firmware, you need to use the standard component update function. It is important that you have a stable Internet connection when performing the update.

To update the firmware on a Zyxel router, you must:

No wonder Zyxel positions Keenetic Start as an entry-level Internet center. Setting it up is very trivial, and the possibilities allow you to create a compact computing network without much difficulty. It is an ideal choice for home and compact office.

Zyxel brand routers are perhaps one of the most user-friendly. The whole process of setting them up to work on the Internet takes, on the strength, 10 minutes, regardless of the provider and region. For example, under the Rostelecom parameters, setting up a Zyxel router of any model can be done automatically, where you only need to occasionally press the "Next" button. But if you need to set the configuration wireless connection, automation will no longer be able to help - it is simply not designed for such actions. There are a number of other nuances that you need to know when working with routers of this brand. We will talk about them in this article.

What do you need to know before setting up?

Like a modem of any other brand, the Ziksel router under Rostelecom is configured through a special web interface. To access it, you will need a browser. You can use any, from the standard Internet Explorer to the more familiar Chrome or Opera.

To gain access to the settings area, type in the line at the top of the browser window the system address of the equipment - It will be true for any router model. After entering these numbers, an authentication window will appear on the screen on top of the browser. Login data is also standard for the entire Ziksel line: as a login - admin, as a password - 1234 or also admin.

To set up a configuration that allows your router to communicate with the Internet, you will need a username and password for this service. As a rule, they are specified in the contract with Rostelecom. Prepare this document in advance and keep it handy until the setup is complete. If the characters in the contract are poorly printed and difficult to read, you can check them with the provider by calling technical support at 8-800-1000-800. But be prepared for the fact that a call on such an occasion will take about 15 minutes, and the operator will ask you for passport data to verify the password.

Attention: the expression "verify the password" means that you will dictate to the company's specialist the symbols that you see in the contract, and he will correct you in case of an error. The Rostelecom operator does not have the right to read your password to you in full. If you have lost your Internet login data, a remote specialist will not be able to help you - contact the RTK office with a passport and an agreement.

Setting up a Zyxel Keenetic Lite 3 router under Rostelecom in automatic mode

The quick setup algorithm for Ziksel routers is the same for all models. Consider it on the example of Zyxel Keenetic Lite 3. Most likely, you will see the offer to use the automatic settings configuration wizard as soon as you enter the web interface. How it looks is shown in the screenshot below. If such a page does not appear, then you are in the "System Monitor" Zyxel. Find the globe icon at the bottom of the screen and click on it. In the new window, click the "NetFriend" button (this is the name of the installation wizard), and you will go into automatic mode.

Here you just have to click on the "Quick Setup" button. The configurator will offer you several drop-down lists in which you will need to select your city, country and provider name. If you received a router at the Rostelecom office, this company will definitely be listed in the NetFriend database in the first place. After each step, click the "Next" button at the bottom of the page.

In the fourth window, the system will ask you to enter your username and password to access the Internet. Reprint them from the contract with the provider, strictly observing the case of characters. After you click "Next", the installation wizard will check the connection and, if successful, will prompt you to update the router's firmware. Do this, and the setup of the Zyxel Keenetic router for Rostelecom, in fact, will be completed.

Attention: the offer to update the firmware will only appear if NetFriend detects on the server a newer version than the one installed on your equipment. If it does not appear, it does not mean that you did something wrong. It's just that the software on your device is up-to-date and does not need updates.

The installation wizard then prompts you to complete two more steps. The first is the choice of port for the set-top box. You can specify the desired connector by clicking on the box under the picture with its number. If you have not activated the Interactive TV service from Rostelecom, just proceed to the next step. The second suggestion is to install a Yandex DNS filter. It is quite possible to refuse it, this add-on will not affect the operation of the Internet in any way.

After that, you will see a message about the connection and specifications connections. The setup is complete, you can close the installation wizard and start surfing the sites or chatting on Skype. If you need to set up a wireless network, click the "Web configurator" button at the bottom of the screen and set the necessary parameters. We will describe the detailed algorithm of this process below.

Setting up Zyxel Keenetic Lite in manual mode

The Keenetic Lite model from Zyxel is inexpensive, but very functional. And, most importantly, like all the equipment of the company, equipped with a beautifully designed and reasonably systematized configuration utility. How to work with it will be clear even to a novice user. Setting up a Zyxel Keenetic Lite router under Rostelecom begins by selecting the "Internet" menu item, the "Authorization" sub-item on the left side of this interface.

In the window that appears, you will need to set the type of access protocol to PPPoE in the drop-down list and fill in the lines with the username and password. Reprint these data from the contract. Make sure that the checkbox next to the line about automatically obtaining an IP address is ticked. Do not touch the rest of the fields, just save the changes made using the button at the bottom of the page. If everything is done correctly, after 30-60 seconds you will be connected to the network.

If you need to set up a wireless network in addition to the Internet, go to the left menu item "Wi-Fi Network". Select the "Connection" sub-item and write in it the name of your wireless network. You can come up with it yourself, there are only two restrictions - Latin letters and the number of characters is at least eight. After saving the settings, go to the "Security" subsection. Here you need to set the values ​​of all fields as shown in the screenshot.

In the line with the name "Network key" enter your password from the Wi-Fi network. Also, make up your own. The standard password is indicated on the router, on the label on the back, but it can be changed just at this moment of the settings. If you are afraid of getting confused, use the password issued by Rostelecom for the Internet as a key for the wireless network.

Click the button at the bottom right of the "Apply" window, and you can use wireless network and standard wired connection.

Setting up a Zyxel Keenetic Lite 2 router for Rostelecom

The Keenetic Lite 2 model can be used to access the network using Ethernet and ADSL technologies. We will describe the configuration setting algorithm for the second option. By the way, setting up the Zyxel Keenetic Giga router for Rostelecom is done in the same way.

Having entered the web interface (we talked about how to log in at the beginning of the article), select the "Internet" tab in the left menu. You will see a list in which you will need to click on the word "Authorization". Next, in the menu window that appears, click on the box labeled PPPoE - this is the type of protocol that Rostelecom uses to connect to the Internet. To create a new configuration, use the "Add interface" button. In the window that opens, you need to enter the username and password given to you by RTK for the global network in the appropriate lines. Take this data from the contract. Check the box to automatically configure IP settings. In the drop-down list labeled Authentication Method, select Auto. The rest of the fields, such as the service and hub names or Description, do not need to be changed. Save the changes made by clicking the "Apply" button at the bottom of the working area of ​​the screen. Internet configuration setup is complete.

Setting up the Zyxel Keenetic Giga 2, Lite II and Lite III router from Rostelecom for a wireless connection is the same. Click on the Wi-Fi network icon in the bottom menu (it looks like a ladder). In the form that appears, you will need to fill in several fields. They are marked in red in the screenshot below.

In the "Network name" line, you can enter any word or combination of letters and numbers. This will be the name of your wireless connection. In order not to confuse your Wi-Fi with your neighbor's, we recommend using your last name, nickname on the network, or address with the apartment number as your first name. You should not enter the name "Rostelecom", there may be several such networks in an apartment building, this will cause confusion.

Next, in the drop-down list with the heading "Network Security", set the value to WPA2-PSK. In a similar "Channel" list located just below, select the "Auto" value. It remains to fill in the line "Network Key". Enter the wireless password here. You can use the factory version of the key, it is indicated on the label of the router. But you can also set your own combination of characters. After that, it remains to click the "Apply" button, and start using the new connection.

Setting up a Zyxel Keenetic Start router for Rostelecom

Entering the configuration interface of the Keenetic Start router, you will see an invitation from the configuration installation wizard. It is standard for all models of this brand. Setting up a Zyxel Keenetic 4g router under Rostelecom with its help will not differ in any way from setting up Keenetic Start and other devices of the family.

By clicking the "Quick Setup" button, you will see a request for the MAC address of the equipment. Rostelecom usually does not register this parameter for its subscribers. If you took the router at the company's office, you will not be asked for an address during setup. If the router was purchased by you yourself, you will need to enter the MAC indicated on the label on the back of the device.

By clicking the "Next" button, you will be taken to the IP protocol settings area. Subscribers connected via PPPoE will only need to check the "Automatic" box in the "IP address setting" line. The remaining parameters require editing for those who use a static IP from Rostelecom. But in this case, it is better to invite company specialists or at least an experienced system administrator to carry out the settings.

Click "Next" again, and the authorization settings section will open in front of you. Here you need to fill in the fields with the login and password to enter the global network. The data for filling them out is specified in the contract with RTK, you just need to carefully retype them and proceed to the final stage.

Important: if Rostelecom uses a dynamic IP address for subscribers in your region, and not the PPPoE protocol, the actions will be different. In the authorization settings, you will need to check the box next to the line "I do not have a password." Leave the rest of the fields as they are, just click the "Next" button.

On this, the work on setting parameters for the Internet, in principle, is completed. But if you want to set up a Zyxel Keenetic Start router for Rostelecom on wireless transmission data, go to the web configurator. The jump button is located at the bottom of the window. We talked about how to work with this section at the beginning of the article, the algorithm is the same for all models of this brand.

As you can see, the settings of Zyxel routers are quite simple and do not require special knowledge. You don't even have to check with your provider for the network identifiers that are required to set up a working configuration on devices from other manufacturers. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to choose which router to get in Rostelecom when connecting to the Internet, Zyxel will be the best option.

In order to get into the web interface of the router, you need to open your Internet browser and type, User Name in the address bar admin (Username), Password (password) - 1234 (provided that the router has factory settings and its IP has not changed).

Change factory password

For security reasons, it is recommended to change the factory password. Default: Login admin, password 1234. In the interface of the router, go to the tab " System", Further password. In field "New Password" Enter a new password. It must be repeated in the next field. Next, save the settings by pressing the button " Apply».

Setting up Wi-Fi on the router

Select a section at the bottom of the page WiFi.

  1. In the window that appears in the field Network name (SSID) enter the name of your network (any)
  2. In field Network protection select WPA2-PSK
  3. In field Network Key enter your password to access the network (any)
  4. In field Channel: select Auto
  5. Apply.

Internet connection setup

NAT when automatically obtaining an IP address (DHCP)

Choose a section Internet, then item IPoE and click the Add interface button:

  • use connector- a check mark on the one into which our Internet cable is plugged, in this case the last port
  • Transmit VLAN ID tags- tick the box
  • Enable Interface- so put a tick
  • Description- e.g. internet
  • IP Address and Subnet Mask- leave empty
  • Get address via DHCP- put a tick
  • This is a direct connection to the Internet- and here we put a tick

Setting up PPTP (VPN) when automatically obtaining a local IP address

Select the tab at the top of the page Authorization.

  1. In field Type (protocol used) select PPTP
  2. In field Connect via select Broadband connection (ISP)
  3. In field Server address enter Server name or address(check with provider)
  4. In field Username enter your login from the contract
  5. In field Password enter your password from the contract
  6. In field Authentication method select Auto
  7. - may not be filled
  8. After filling in all the fields, click the button Apply.

Setting up a PPPoE connection (Rostelecom, Dom.ru)


  1. Type (protocol):PPPoE
  2. Username : Your contract login
  3. Password: Your contract password
  4. Setting IP parameters: Automatic
  5. Service Name, Hub Name, Description- may not be filled
  6. In field Authentication method select Auto
  7. Save settings with the button "Apply".

Setting up an L2TP connection (Beeline)

In the router interface, select the tab on the left " Internet”, in the list that opens, select “ Authorization»

  1. Internet Access Protocol: L2TP
  2. Description: connection name
  3. Server address: name or address of the server (specified in the contract)
  4. Username : Your contract login
  5. Password: Your contract password
  6. Authentication method: Auto
  7. Save settings with the button "Apply".
