Connecting a smartphone as a modem to a wired router. Connecting a usb modem to the router

Modern technologies literally envelop us in everyday life. Every day it becomes more and more difficult to find a house that does not have a Wi-Fi network. However, not everyone has the opportunity to install cable Internet. In such cases, the most convenient and profitable option is to connect to the mobile Internet. Now we will look at how to connect a modem to a router in order to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi.

Equipment selection

Before moving directly to the question of how to connect a 3G modem to a router, you should select the appropriate equipment. It should be understood here that there are certain selection criteria. There are three main conditions:

  1. The router must be equipped with a -port. It is through this interface that the 3-modem is connected.
  2. In the description of the router, you should clarify whether the device supports operation with a modem. That is, even the presence of a -port does not mean that the router will be able to distribute mobile Internet. In some cases, it can only be used to connect a printer, flash drives or hard drives (to create a mini-server). Therefore, when purchasing, carefully study the technical characteristics of the router.
  3. And the most important thing is that not all models of 34 modems are supported by routers. Whether it is possible to connect a 3-modem to a router, you should find out in the description of the device. You can view support information on the wireless equipment manufacturer's website. Or, if you have already purchased the device, choose a modem that is supported by the router.

If you already have the necessary equipment, but it turns out that the devices “don’t want” to work together, there is a way out of this situation. There are third-party firmware on the Internet. One such firmware is DD-WRT. This firmware allows you to significantly expand the capabilities of the router, including increasing the list of modems it supports. There are other firmwares.

So, we have made our choice. Now you can go directly to the main thing - how to connect a modem through a router.

Connection setup

Connecting a 3G modem to a router is a procedure that can be divided into two stages:

  • Connecting the modem and entering the parameters.
  • Setting up an Internet connection (WAN).

Connection and entering parameters

The question of how to connect a USB modem to a Wi-Fi router is quite simple: you just need to take the modem and plug it into the router's USB port. That's all. There is no need to make any additional settings. Next, you will have to set up an Internet connection, but more on that a little later.

Now let's look at how to enter the router settings:

Setting up an Internet connection

First, we need mobile operator data. That is, to set up mobile Internet, you need to enter three values ​​- APN, login and password. These are the values ​​for some Russian operators:

  1. MTS:
    1. APN –
    2. Login – mts.
    3. Password – mts.
  2. Megaphone:
    1. APN – internet.
    2. Login – gdata.
    3. The password is gdata.
  3. Beeline:
    1. APN –
    2. Login – beeline.
    3. Password – beeline.

This data is open to the public and can be viewed quite easily by any mobile operator. Either on sites that have information about all mobile operators at once, or on the official website of the operator you need.

Now the last step remains on how to connect a USB modem to the router:

Now you know how to connect your router to your modem. It is worth noting that on some routers all settings are performed automatically.

How to connect a 4G modem to a router automatically? Follow these steps:

  1. In the “Connection type” line (in the router parameters) select “3”.
  2. In the “Provider” line, select the desired country and provider, for example, Russia MTS.
  3. After this, all network parameters will be filled in automatically. All you have to do is click “Save settings” and reboot the router.

By the way, 3G and 4G modems are configured in exactly the same way. Therefore, you should not have any problems.

It is worth noting that nowadays there are wireless 3G4G modems that can independently distribute a network using the Wi-Fi standard. But the distribution radius will be lower than that of a regular router. It's all about having a powerful enough antenna. That is, routers, as a rule, are equipped with powerful antennas so that the coverage radius is enough for an entire house, which cannot be said about modems.

Some D-Link router models such as DIR-620, DIR-412, DIR-320 are equipped with a USB port For connecting a 3G/4G(LTE) adapter, which allows users to gain access wherever there is a 3G/4G(LTE) network.In this article I will describe how to configure D-link Dir-620/320/412 to work with a 3G modem; for 4G (LTE) the setup process will be similar.

1. But the first thing you need to do is update the router firmware to the latest, since new firmware fixes not only errors, butand new modem models are added that were not previously supported by this router. Setting up a WiFi router.The latest firmware version can be downloaded from the developer’s website at Instructions for flashing router firmware using the example of the D-link dir-615 series router? can be read here.

2. After the latest version of the firmware is installed on the router, we connect our USB modem to the router, plug the included cable into the LAN port on the router and connect it to the LAN connector on the computer (the WAN port remains free).

3. On the computer, in the network card settings, set: Obtain an IP address automatically, and Obtain a DNS server automatically. See the picture below:

4. Enter the address in the address bar of your Internet browser (Opera, Internet Explorer, etc.) and press the “Enter” key.

5. The main router settings menu will open. In the left part of the window, select the "Start" menu item, and select Click "n Connect. In the next window you will be asked to make sure that the provider's Ethernet cable is connected to the WAN (Internet) port of the device or the USB modem is connected, if everything is ok it should light up USB indicator light. Press the NEXT button.

In the next window you will be asked to select the type of connection, the most common are Beeline, Megafon, MTS. Click the NEXT button.

The next window will present settings for connecting the usb modem to the Internet. These settings correspond to the carrier you previously selected and do not need to be changed. Click the NEXT button.

Setting up the router to work with a USB modem is complete.

6. Let's move on to setting up Wi-Fi. In the left part of the window, select the "Start" menu item, and select the Wireless Network Setup Wizard. In the window that opens, select the wireless network operating mode: selecting “Access Point”. Click the NEXT button.

In the next window, set the name of the wireless network. Click the NEXT button.

In the next window, set the wireless network password (the password must be at least 8 characters).Click the NEXT button.

In the next window, click the APPLY button.All is ready. Your router is configured.

Are you having difficulties with your computer?

Knowing how to connect a USB modem to a router can be useful if you need to set up a network in a country house or village where only 3G mobile is available from the Internet. This is quite simple to do by fulfilling the basic conditions. The modem must be a supported router, and the latter must have a corresponding port. Next, the necessary settings are made, and your home network is ready with the ability to connect any devices with Wi-Fi.

Standard schemes

In many small towns and villages there is no alternative to connecting via 3G Internet, so you have to use it. Sooner or later, the problem arises of using a Wi-Fi router so that all devices in the house have access to the Internet.

A regular USB 3G modem only supports connecting to the main computer, which is not always convenient. The problem is solved by purchasing a special device.

Equipment selection

Before moving on to the issue of creating a home network, you need to select the necessary equipment. It is worth understanding that there are some criteria:

  • It is necessary that the device has a USB port; a modem can be connected through it.
  • In the description of the router you need to find information whether it supports the installation of a 3G modem; the latter is not guaranteed simply by the presence of a port. Sometimes it can be used exclusively for connecting an external drive, printer, HDD, so before purchasing you need to study the technical specifications of the router.
  • Not all modem models are compatible with certain routers; you must open the description and find the desired modem in the list of supported equipment. If you already have a Wi-Fi router, then the modem must be selected from devices compatible with it. However, there is a way out of this problem. There are custom firmwares that can significantly increase the capabilities of the router and the list of compatible modems, but installing non-intended software is done at your own peril and risk and sometimes leads to loss of warranty service.

Connecting a 3G modem is a procedure that can be divided into 2 stages:

  • connecting devices;
  • connection setup.

The first point is quite simple. The modem must be inserted into the router's USB port. At this stage there is no need to make any settings; then you will have to deal with the Internet connection.

Connection using the example of an MTS modem

  1. After connecting the modem, the router is connected to the computer using a cable or wi-fi, any browser is opened and the IP address of the router is entered in the address bar. Sometimes there is a problem to recognize him. There is a sticker on the router that shows all the necessary information. The address is sometimes indicated in the technical documentation or on the device box. If you can’t find it, you need to launch the command line and enter “ipconfig.”. All available information about the network is displayed on the screen. The required address will be placed in the “Main Gateway” line; most often it is: 192. 168. 0. 1 (192. 168. 1. 1), but there are other options.
  2. The address must be copied and pasted or entered manually into the address bar. Next, enter your username and password. This information is also indicated on the sticker described above, most often - admin, but there are others.
  3. After entering the information, you need to click “Login” and get into the router settings. Next, set up your Internet connection. The latter requires entering data from a specific mobile Internet operator. Most often, you need to enter three values: APN; login; password. This data can be obtained easily for each mobile operator. For MTS:
    1. APN:;
    2. login: mts;
    3. password: mts.
  4. There are websites that list data for all operators in one place. The last step in the settings remains - to create a connection. On some models it is already available, you just need to enter your data, on others you need to create a new one, it all depends on the specific device. In the “Connection type” line, select “Mobile Internet” or “3G”. Windows will open in which you need to enter all the specified network parameters, the rest remain the same. Click the “Save” button. It is preferable to reboot the router after completing all actions. It is worth noting that in some models the settings are performed automatically after the user selects 3G in the connection line, and in the line the provider indicates the desired country and provider (Russia MTS). This will automatically fill in the required parameters. All that remains is to save and reboot.

A similar configuration algorithm is also suitable for connecting a 4G modem, so this should not cause any problems.

Now there are 3G/4G modems that can act as a Wi-Fi router, but their range is much lower than a regular one due to the low-power antenna. Standard routers have more powerful antennas to provide coverage that covers the entire home, unlike portable models.

Connecting modems from different companies

Settings and connections may differ for modems from different manufacturers. The most common ones are presented below.

Xiaomi modem

The native firmware of many Xiaomi routers does not allow working with domestic 3G operators. You may have to implement this function through flashing. Also important is the presence of a USB port. It is only available on mini line models (3, 3G and pro) and is not available on most others.

If the router meets all the requirements for connecting a 3G modem, then you just need to insert it into the USB port, go to the admin panel and select the “Advanced” section. In the application, set the “Enable USB modem” switch to the active position and in the drop-down lists select the modem type “WCDMA (UMTS)” to support 3G.

Fill in the values ​​to connect to an operator or try using the built-in parameters (select a country and service provider). If it fails, manually enter the number, username and password. Reboot the router and connect.

D-link DIR-320

The DIR-320 router from D-link is not the most popular model, but it is optimal for 3G. To set up wireless Internet for a mobile phone or laptop, or create a network using a router or 3G modem, it can be successfully used.

  • The router has all the data needed to create a home network and is affordable. There are a number of fundamental differences:
  • it has built-in USB 2.0 ports, used for a USB modem, located on the back cover of the equipment on the left side;
  • supports 2G/3G auto-tuning;

optional activation of PIN code verification and its replacement.

There are several firmware options. The optimal one for connecting a modem is DIR_320NRU-1. 2. 94. It can be found on the Internet, if a different version is installed - this is not critical, it just may take longer to set up.

In the authorization window, enter your login and password (admin) and click the “Login” button. If desired, set a new password and save the settings. The authorization form appears again, enter the old login and new password. In the window that opens, select “Network”.

A table will appear, under which there is an “Add” button; to get to the settings menu, you need to click on it. Set the connection type to 3G.

In the “PPP Settings” section, fill in the following fields: PPP, login, password, APN and dial-up number. Leave others in their original form and click the “Save” button.

In the window, select “Default Gateway” and click “Save”. In the window that appears, select “Save with reboot.”

If the SIM card used by the 3G modem is configured for access via a PIN code, you need to enter the USB modem menu, select the “PIN” section and enter it.

Such a router can be used not only to work with a 3G modem, but also for any type of connection. This is not difficult, thanks to the simple and intuitive interface. But the firmware is optimal for setting up 3G. Therefore, you should pay attention to it if there is a need to use the latter.


Before purchasing a 3G modem for use with a MikroTik router, you need to make sure the devices are compatible. Go to the official website and find the required 3G modem in the list of equipment. There are also tips for setting it up. The following equipment is required:

  • operator SIM card;
  • 3G modem;
  • wi-fi router.

Before setting up, you need to disable the PIN code on the SIM card. Next, connect the modem to the router port.

3G setup

In winbox, open the “Interface” menu, there is a line ppp-out1, open its settings. Click the “Advanced Mode” button to configure the parameters.

In the window that appears, display values ​​1 and 2 in “Info Channel“ and “Data Channel“, respectively. In the APN field, enter the desired provider value, which is displayed on its website. Depending on it, the tariff and type of access may change.

Next, go to the PPP tab and uncheck the “Dial On Demand” option. This allows you to connect more than just on demand. The checkbox is unchecked due to the need for constant access for the router.

Some mobile operators use a phone number, login and password, you should fill in the appropriate parameters and click OK. Next comes setting up the modem’s connection to the Internet. In the list of interfaces, click on ppp-out1 and select “Enable”. Once connected, the letter R will appear next to ppp-out1.

You need to check the availability of the Internet. Enter the command “” through the terminal. If pings appear, then the modem mode is functioning. In order for Internet access to appear on your computer, you need to configure NAT.

Go to the “IP” - “Firewall” menu, go to the “NAT” tab, click plus and add a rule. On “General“ in “Chain“ select “srcnat“, in the list “Out. Interface" interface "ppp-out1". On the “Action” tab, “masquerade” and click “OK”.

Internet access should appear on the PC. You can check this using the command ““.

Correcting configuration and connection errors

When connecting to the Internet through such a network, the following problems may occur:

Unstable Internet operation. Wireless Internet is less stable and may lose connection to the base station from time to time. This can happen on those devices that are connected specifically to the router (there will be a “No access” icon on the PC). For the Internet to turn on, you need to reboot the router. If that doesn't work, you'll have to wait until the Internet starts working.

After connecting a 3G modem to the router, the Internet does not turn on? Perhaps there is a bad signal for the modem at the location of the router. You can use a USB extension cable or raise it higher. If necessary, move the router and modem to a new location or add an antenna. But first, disconnect the modem from the router and check the connection directly to the computer.

Connecting a wi-fi router to a modem is a hot topic, since many providers already provide unlimited tariffs and more and more people want to use the Internet on mobile devices and tablets.

The problem can be solved another way - by distributing the Internet from the main computer, but it must be turned on all the time.

This review is about how to connect a Wi-Fi router via a mobile 3G, 4G modem. This is a universal method for absolutely any model of Wi-Fi router and does not depend on the manufacturer’s brand. The only differences are in the design of the settings section interface, in the names and location of the settings sections themselves. Attention! Make sure your router supports the mobile modems of your chosen operator. You will find this information in the instructions section “device specifications” or on the manufacturer’s website. This guide is suitable for any provider providing mobile Internet services - Megafon, MTS, Beeline, Yota, Tele2, SkyLink and all other mobile operators!

Setup steps

1. Take your USB modem from the mobile Internet operator and insert it into the USB port on the router, and the Ethernet cable (or patch cord) that comes with the router, the first end into the LAN connector on the router, the second into the network card your computer.

2. On your personal computer (running Windows 7), go to the network settings section, do it this way: Start => Control Panel => Network and Internet => Network and Sharing Center => Manage network connections => Changes adapter parameters.

Right-click on the item “Local Area Connection”, then “Properties”, then on the menu item Internet Protocol which is “TCP/IPv4” and select the following items “IP automatically” and “DNS servers automatically”

Save and click “OK”.

3. On the router (on its reverse side) we find the IP address that is used to log into the router’s admin panel (usually, and access (often login: admin, password: admin)

4. Open your favorite browser and write where the address bar is - (or whatever is indicated on the router), and log in.

5. We look at the router menu and find the “USB modem” item (or maybe 3G/4G or USB settings, etc. options), activate it and enter the data for your operator in the fields indicated in the image.

I will give a list of settings for most mobile operators, but let me remind you that you can look for the current settings from your mobile operator.


APN: internet Username: gdata (optional) Password: gdata (optional)


APN: or Access number: *99# or *99***1# Username: beeline Password: beeline


APN: Access number: *99# or *99***1# Username: mts Password: mts


APN: Access number: *99# or *99***1#

U-Tel (Rostelecom)

Access point: Username/password: empty Call number: *99***1#


APN: Access number: *99# Username: (blank) Password: (blank)


APN: empty Call number: #777 Username: mobile Password: internet


APN: Access number: *99# or *99***1# Username: internet (optional) Password: internet (optional)


Access Point/APN: mts User name: mts Password:

mts Life

Access Point/APN:internet Username/password: not required Access number: *99#

Beeline Ukraine

Access point (APN): Access number: *99#, *99***1# or *99**1*1# for some phone models User: optional parameter – can be left blank; Password: optional parameter - can be left blank.


APN: For prepaid subscribers - For contract subscribers - Access number: *99# or *99***1#

Tele2 (TELE2 KZ)

Access point: internet Call number: *99# Login: (empty) Password: (blank) Modem initialization string (optional): AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","internet"

Beeline (Beeline KZ)

Access point: Call number: *99# Login: beeline Password: beeline Modem initialization string (optional): AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP",""


Access point: internet Call number: *99# Login: (empty) Password: (blank) Modem initialization string (optional): AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","internet"

Some router models support automatic configuration depending on the mobile operator.
