All-Russian social network of educators. Social network for disseminating the experience of teachers Nc portal for educators

WHAT IS A PORTFOLIO? Translated from English it means “folder, file, position”, and from Italian it means “folder with documents”, “specialist’s folder”. In a word, a portfolio is a dossier, a collection of achievements, a record of successes. In other words, a teacher’s professional portfolio is one of the ways of recording and accumulating materials that demonstrates the level of professionalism of the teacher. This document shows the level of preparedness of the teacher and the level of activity in educational and extracurricular activities.

What is it for? In modern conditions, a teacher should have some kind of “success dossier”, which reflects everything interesting and worthy that happens in his life. Its main purpose is to demonstrate the most significant results of practical activities to assess one’s professional competence: completed projects, participation in olympiads and competitions, results of research conducted. A portfolio helps you analyze, systematize and summarize the results of your work, objectively assess your capabilities and plan actions to overcome difficulties and achieve better results.

Why nsportal? Creating your own personal mini-site on is very simple. Just register and a mini-site will be created automatically. You can place your portfolio on the mini-site. If you already have ready-made texts and photographs, it will take no more than an hour. You can get a Certificate of Publication and a Certificate of Website Creation!

Social network educators Social network of educators

MINI-SITE IDEA If you have an apple and I have an apple, and if we exchange apples, then both you and I will have one apple each, and if you have an idea and I have an idea, and we will exchange these ideas , then each of us will have two ideas. B.Shaw

BPOU OO "Bolkhov Pedagogical College"

Message on the topic: “The procedure for creating and posting a personal website on a social network of educators”

4th year student of group “G”

Petrova Ruslana Goja ogly


Lukoshkina E.O.

Bolkhov, 2016

The procedure for creating and posting a personal website on a social network of educators

1. You and I are active Internet users. Our first acquaintance with the Internet was precisely related to the search for sites that would offer didactic material for lessons. How many educational sites are there on the Internet? So many. Today I invite you to think about creating your own personal website.

WITHEveryone has their own pages on the Internet and their own websites: the President and Chairman of the Government of Russia, government agencies, large companies, shops, libraries. It is quite possible, and probably necessary, for a teacher, as a representative of the EDUCATION system, to have his own website.

But why does a teacher need his own website? Many of you may have this question. I'll try to answer it.

A personal website can perform several functions:

    Secondly, the site can be an electronic version of a portfolio, a kind of demonstration of the teacher’s achievements in his work. Today it is no longer just a fashion trend, it is a necessity for any teacher to maintain his portfolio, why not do it on the Internet. The advantage of such a portfolio is that anyone can get acquainted with it.

    The third function of a teacher’s personal website is the systematization of didactic material accumulated during work. Each of you probably had a situation when you thought: “Did I leave planning for the 8th grade in the office or at home?” And the search begins through shelves, folders and cabinets. If you have a personal website, then you will know for sure that the necessary material is on the Internet in the “Planning” section on your website.

    And, of course, a personal website is an opportunity to communicate with colleagues, students, their parents and people simply interested in school life. On the site you can informally discuss issues of concern to participants in the educational process.

    And many other functions can be performed by a teacher’s personal website.

As a result, a teacher who has and constantly updates a personal website receives the following (expected results for you as a teacher):

    Developing students' interest (“And our teacher has a website on the Internet!”) into a cognitive process (“I want it too!”), this will allow students to develop ICT competencies, which is required by new standards.

    • Your methodological piggy bank is gradually acquiring electronic view. At any time, using a computer, you can use your work without starting to frantically search.

      Attracting interest in the activities of your school, in the works and projects of students.

      And, of course, one cannot help but say that having a personal website and publishing one’s work on the Internet adds points to the teacher during certification, which can also become an additional incentive to create one’s own website.

I hope the above has given someone the desire to create a personal website.

How to create your own website?

There are several ways:

a) order for you too will do (if you have money, you can order the production of a website. Everyone who is not too lazy makes websites to order, from students and amateurs who have just learned how to make their own websites;

b) a labor-intensive method (here it is necessary know web page markup language HTML andyou will need to master some very serious web programming language,for example, PHP (it's lighter and more popular) or Perl.

c) do it yourself using a free website buildertype

, ucoz . ru .

Today's talk will be:

So, step-by-step creation of a personal website.

2. First step “CREATE A MAILBOX”

1. We go to home page any search engine. For me it is YANDEX. Address: http :// www . yandex . ru /

2. Find the “MAIL” window.

3. Click on the “Create mail” button.

3. We are on the next page.

Find the “Start” button Mailbox", click on it.

4. We found ourselves on the registration page.

Follow the directions.

Enter: first name, last name.

Select login. If the login is busy, then there will be a red cross next to the window; if it is free, there will be a green checkmark.

5. Enter your password (must contain at least 6 characters) and confirm it in the lower field

Select your secret question (favorite dish). Below, enter the answer to it (salad).

6. Enter the security code and click the “create mail” button.

7. Congratulations, registration has been successfully completed!

8. Website creation
In the search bar Yandex recruiting « nportal . ru » and go to the main page of the site
"Social network of educators"

9. In the left column, click “Login/Register”

10. Pay attention to the underlined word. In this case, the word “Login” is underlined, but this is an entrance for already registered users.

11. For initial registration, click the word “Registration”. In the window that opens, enter your name, E-mail address and characters from the security question. Then click the "Register" button (below).

13. Go to your mail (open the letter)

16. By clicking “Login” you will be taken to a page where you will need to enter password (remember it or write it down, because you will always need it to log into your page)

17. The site has been successfully created, congratulations!

18. Your personal website should consist of a set of pages. (“Adds a page to the minisite”)

19. Creating a page on the site.

Required "site map" page. I enter the title of the page “SITE MAP” into a line using the keyboard.

20. Scroll down the page and you will see:

Add three photos to create a slideshow

21. This page was created

22. "SITE MAP" page

23. "Site Rules" page

The most valuable thing in such cooperation is respect for the copyrights of colleagues. We grow in collaboration. I am very pleased that other teachers actively use my work in their lessons. There is no more important assessment for me than the assessment of fellow teachers who have put my developments into practice

24. Student Page

26. My methodological developments have been uploaded to the “My Portfolio” section: on the subject “Technology”
Extracurricular work on the subject
Classroom management materials
Subsection “General pedagogical technologies”
"Publications of my students"


Appendix 4

On the results of assessing a teacher’s own professional website

28. After posting the material, you will be able to order:

Certificate of website creation;

Certificate of publication of material in the media.

29. In addition, there are various interesting projects, for example, the Scarlet Sails project for gifted children and many others.

30. My site

The further path of working with the site depends entirely on your desire and activity. Here you can create your own albums, blogs, invite friends, find the necessary information on topics, create a website for your class and much more.

Good health to all blog readers! Tatyana Sukhikh is with you, I want to talk about where you can disseminate your experience online. When I needed a social network for education, I was horrified by how many networks there are for teachers on the Internet: you don’t know where to go, you register everywhere, but you’re not sure how official these networks are. After all, only those who can provide a certificate or certificate of publication are needed. It is important to be 100% sure that they will be included in the certification points...

It is simply necessary for everyone who is not indifferent to their profession and wants to gain experience, share it with their colleagues and improve their professional level. Therefore, they will be relevant both for educators and teachers. Distance learning today will not surprise anyone. Many study on the job and without leaving their hometown. Why not? If there is a desire and desire to learn something new, then self-education or training under the guidance of a remote supervisor will be very effective. By receiving education in this way, you can develop initial skills in a certain field.

Don't be afraid if you need to upgrade your skills or take additional training. There are simply amazing distance learning sites that provide maximum opportunities for their students when remote access to classes. And these are not just one-month courses or something like that. Here you can get professional and higher education, studying from home, sitting in a cozy room on the sofa with a cup of aromatic tea. In the 21st century, learning with the help of modern technologies is a powerful engine of education, which makes it as convenient and accessible as possible.

Thus, the First of September Pedagogical University allows you to receive secondary vocational education remotely and become a real specialist in one of the selected fields: Economics and Management and Computer Science and Computer Engineering. Upon completion of training, a state diploma is issued. The university offers its students a lot of benefits, optimistic career prospects and much more.

Obtaining distance higher education is also not a problem today, and not just any problem, but with a Diploma of the European Union! It is very important that it is recognized in all countries of the world. Training can take place both in Russian and in English language. Despite the fact that the representative office of LBK College is located in Latvia, you will have to go there only once during 4 years of study to defend your bachelor's thesis and receive a diploma.

The Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis also offers online higher education in one of the most prestigious universities in our country. A wide selection of specialized subjects, excellent job prospects from the 2nd year and an interesting profession for life - this is the right choice for anyone who is not satisfied with their profession!

A Educational and methodological portal UchMet offers various thematic retraining and advanced training courses that will be especially relevant for educators. Here you can find out everything about the programs “Rainbow”, “Childhood”, “From birth to school”.

Educational social networks

Well, now let’s return to pedagogical sites, which can become excellent assistants for education, publications, lesson preparation and more. There are quite a lot of them, and each has its own unique flavor. Thus, a social network for educators will be useful and allows you to create your own account on the portal Our entire team is delighted with this network, which is why I definitely recommend it to all my colleagues.

Very often links to interesting ideas crafts and discussions of important topics from can be seen on Odnoklassniki and other social networks. And this is because the site has its own numerous groups there. Here you can find any educational materials for kindergarten and schools, take part in competitions and receive diplomas, leave a publication and create your own website. A bright and rich platform: if you are not yet a member, immediately follow the link and read how to register online. It's very fast and easy!

Recently I was looking for a presentation for my son and discovered a wonderful teacher portal, in addition to the presentation about Russian forests, I found a lot of useful material for myself, methodological developments that can be downloaded absolutely free, didactic and visual material, a lot of material for teachers that is not always possible to find. I registered and in my profile I see that I can add my material, documents, presentations, in short, share my experience and best practices. I highly recommend checking out this site.

Another inexhaustible storehouse of information for teachers and all educators is “Our Network” It has everything you need and more. I will not list all the features of this site, but you can see how to register. Come in and get acquainted: a creative and methodical piggy bank to help you, a project for gifted children, about whom there is a lot of talk now, but few people actually work with them and develop them further, as well as a virtual university and much more.

And the category of preschool education includes everything that a teacher needs. You will definitely stay here for a long time! A network for creative teachers will help in preparing for classes in various subjects

If certification awaits you and you need to publish as many developments of classes, articles, master classes as possible on different sites, then add to your list such Internet pages as And Single portal education By publishing, you receive a certificate, which is taken into account during certification. The latter has a “Groups” section, which contains a lot of useful information on topics that interest you.

And on the website of the All-Russian Internet Pedagogical Council You can not only leave your publications, but also act as an expert, assessing the developments of other community members. If you evaluate 100 works, you receive a certificate of being a member of the jury, which also gives the desired points for certification.

But it is not only through publications that we pave the way for successful certification. You can get even more points for winning competitions. But if in our town you can often take part only in district or regional competitions, then on the Internet you can find many official All-Russian and International competitions in which you can take part together with your students.

Over the past few years, various social networks and communities have become more and more popular. On RuNet there is a social network of system administrators, a society of beer lovers, a portal for truckers, etc. This is normal and even very, very good - it is easier for people of similar interests or professions to communicate with each other and share experiences. This is how the Russian social network of educators,, appeared on the Internet.
This site allows educators and teachers to discuss pressing problems and solve them together online, uniting them by type of educational institution or hobbies. A lot of useful information for teachers, head teachers and directors of kindergartens and schools is collected here. To find information on the portal, a convenient site search has been made.

In each of them, depending on the specialization, a teacher or educational institution can create their own profile or the so-called “My mini-site”. In general, this is the highlight of the social network, which allows you to easily create a business card website for a kindergarten, for example, some section or hobby group. There are already about 70,000 such mini-sites.

Login to

In order to access the website of educators, you need to enter the address in the address bar of your browser.
You must enter without “http://” and “www” - the browser will do this for you. If the address is entered correctly, the teacher portal will open:

Registration in the network of educators

In order to take advantage of the full capabilities of the website, search for information and create a mini website for a kindergarten or school, you will first need to register. It's very simple. To do this, click the “Login/Register” button on the left side of the screen, above the “Navigation” menu. We will be redirected to this page:

On the “Registration” tab, you need to enter your username, which will be used as a login to enter the NS Portal website. Below is the address Email. All that remains is to enter the answer to the security question, which is used to protect the resource from bot scripts. We complete the procedure by clicking on the appropriate button.

After this, you need to wait until a confirmation letter arrives in the mail with further instructions and a link, which, when clicked, will open this page:

Click on the “Login” button and you will be taken to your profile settings on the educators’ website. The “Username” and “E-Mail Address” fields will already be filled in.

After this, to log in Personal Area on the social network of educational workers, you will simply need to indicate your login (or email address) and password:

Mini-site of a kindergarten or school

If you or your educational institution If you need to make your own mini-site on, then you need to start by filling out the data:

I think you yourself should understand that the more information you post, the more you will interest the visitor and the better you will win him over.

Mobile version of the teacher portal

Unfortunately, the special version for mobile devices does not. There are no mobile apps either. operating systems Android, iOS and Windows Phone. The site looks awkward on a small screen and is hard to read. Navigation is complicated by the fact that it is very difficult to get to the desired section with such a page layout. But we really hope that soon the developers of the resource will be puzzled by this issue, since every year more and more visitors come from phones and tablets.

09/03/2012 09:17 “Our network” of educators is a large social network of visitors, which includes teachers and administration of various institutions, here you can communicate with colleagues on educational topics, read new literature, share experiences and improve the level of education.

This network project will help you easily and simply create your own mini-site, and, if desired, using the expandable functionality of communities as a basis, create even large educational projects. The network library has 10,000 educational materials, the search system for which is very conveniently organized. “Our network” will help you in a variety of cases:

We expand communication - each user has his own website

On the website it is very easy to create your own mini-site - all you need to do is register, and the site will be automatically created. Here you can place your own portfolio, and if you already have photographs and texts ready, then the whole procedure will take no more than one hour. Your website address will look like, where user is your login in the system.

Example of a user site.

Help with work

The network library contains more than 10 thousand educational materials and is equipped with convenient search engine. There is a page “Thematic selections of materials”, where you can easily select the necessary materials for the most popular topics.

If the dialogue between teacher and student is difficult, putting the teacher in a difficult situation, an outside perspective can help find a way out. For this purpose, there is a Laboratory of Pedagogical Excellence, in which such situations are published and discussed.

The most popular sections of the website library are:

  1. Mathematics
  2. Russian language
  3. Kindergarten this section of the site is a full-fledged social network of preschool education workers
  4. The world around us
  5. Primary school
  6. Physical education
  7. Materials for parents
Works in a network of educators and a virtual university, where you can remotely improve your qualifications or conduct your own training courses for a wide range of users.

When searching for the necessary material among a huge number of works, you can always use the site search, it is located at

It is impossible not to note the unique section of the website “Audio Recordings”, which contains popular school songs: It’s fun to walk together, A grasshopper sat in the grass, Pinocchio, Pinocchio, A song about summer and many others. They can be used at your discretion; there is the possibility of listening online and downloading.

To help with certification

Regarding the new rules for teacher certification, an extensive library of documents, guidelines and reviews has been collected online. If you need for certification documentary evidence of the creation of a website, publication of a portfolio, a certificate of completion of the Virtual University, a certificate of publication of an article or teaching material.
