Social Odnoklassniki network: login to “My Page”

Not all friends always use the same social network. Sometimes there are times when you urgently need to find a person by last name, without registering on any websites.
In this article we will look in detail at how to find a person on Odnoklassniki without registering on the site. This information will be useful for those who want to find a close friend or relative, but do not intend to go through the process of registering and filling out a profile form.

By default, the Odnoklassniki website does not provide the ability for unregistered users to search for a person. To do this, you should turn to the services of the Yandex search engine. This is the most convenient and reliable service, which also operates absolutely free. In this case, the search occurs not only in the database of the Odnoklassniki website, but also in all popular social networks at once.

First, go to the page, where there is an empty form for entering data.

We fill in all known information about the person we are looking for. If you want to narrow your search to one social network, you should click once on the corresponding name with the mouse. The button will be highlighted in yellow, and the search will take place exclusively on this site. We are interested in Odnoklassniki.

Important! Please note that it is not necessary to complete all items. But to speed up the search process, you should enter all known information. In the age column, you can indicate the approximate interval (as in the screenshot).

The search engine returns all results that match the specified parameters. If the person you are looking for is registered on Odnoklassniki under his real name, then the chance of finding him is 100%.

What to do if the search did not give the desired result

If the search is unsuccessful, then there are 3 options for further action:

  1. Incorrect or incorrect information may have been entered. Try to enter only data that you are 100% sure of. If in doubt, it is better not to fill out this item. Thus, the search circle will expand.
  2. Try to find mutual friends. Perhaps the person you are looking for registered under a false name, which only his circle of friends knows about.
  3. Repeat the search after 2 weeks. The fact is that Yandex updates the database once every half month. If a person registered less than 14 days ago, his profile will not be displayed.

How to get in touch with the person you found

Luck smiled on you and you found the right person, but now you can’t write him a message. You should do the following list of actions:

Now that you have a personal page on Odnoklassniki, you can communicate with your friends without any restrictions.


My page on Odnoklassniki (OK), where can it be?

First, you need to try going to the site itself using the link below; there may be several scenarios during the transition:

  • You landed on your page and instantly became a happy person;
  • The classmates page did not load, the page is blank or it says that access is denied - in this case, you can try using the anomizer (follow the link);
  • A page opens where you need to enter your login and password, which you most likely forgot (more on that a little later);
  • A window has opened where it says that you must enter your phone number and then confirm the unlocking of your account (be careful here - these are most likely scammers!)

Instructions for recovering your password in pictures:

On the main page of Odnoklassniki LLC, look for the link next to the login button - “ Forgot your password?"and feel free to click on it.

You should see the following page:

Recoveries using "Personal Data"

To do this, enter your First Name Last Name Age (numbers) City (data must match your account). Once you find yourself, click “It’s me” and confirm your password recovery via SMS. An example in the picture below.

We will not consider recovery methods via phone, email and login, since everything is simple there and you should not have any difficulties.

Restoring using "Profile Link"

If you don’t remember your link to your profile, then you need to ask your friends to go to your Odnoklassniki profile and copy the link and send it to you via SMS, WhatsApp, Viber in any convenient way for you. Next, enter or paste this link into the field that appears when you click on the recovery method “Link to profile” and continue the recovery procedure.

How to log into Odnoklassniki without a password?

You can log in to Odnoklassniki without a password, but only if you have already logged in to them before. To do this, you just need to go to Odnoklassniki. If you see a login form, it means you are not authorized. In this case, you need to log in with your username and password, or restore them, there is no other way.

You must understand that your login and password were created for your security, so take your data seriously and always write it down on a separate piece of paper so that such situations do not arise.

What to do if you are asked to send an SMS?

It is advisable that you first need to try logging into Odnoklassniki from another computer or from a mobile phone in order to check whether your account is really blocked or is it still a virus on your computer?

If you are also asked to send an SMS, then most likely you were hacked and SPAM was actually sent from your account. To unlock, you need to do as it is written there, that is, enter your phone number and confirm it, but under no circumstances send a reply SMS, you just need to enter the code that will come to your phone.

If you successfully logged into your page from another computer or mobile device, then we can say with confidence that this is a virus that can be cured.

We remove the virus with our own hands:


  1. Go to the folder with the installed operating system, usually this C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
  2. We open the hosts file using notepad, and if we find lines where the address or is used, then we safely delete these lines and save our file.
  3. Next, we simply restart the browser and, just in case, clear the cache; this is done by pressing the ctrl+shift+del keys in the new Opera and Google Chrome browser.

How not to lose your access to Odnoklassniki?

There are a huge number of sites on the Internet that promise you login without a password to Odnoklassniki, somewhere they ask you to send an SMS and pay for this service, somewhere I promise to hack your account, again for money.

It happens that the site is very similar to Odnoklassniki, and you enter it and have no idea that your data will be stolen and used for other purposes, not excluding fraud and spam sending to your friends and family. But under no circumstances should you fall for these tricks of scammers. Be vigilant and attentive, be sure to look at what site you are on; you can enter data only on the Odnoklassniki website

What should I do if pictures, videos, posts and messages are not displayed?

This is a very common problem, for this you can try:

  • First, restart your browser; to do this, simply close it and restart it.
  • If it doesn’t help, download and open Odnoklassniki through another browser - for example Opera, Google Chrome, Amigo, if you don’t have such browsers, then search in Google or Yandex.

If you still didn’t manage to get to your Odnoklassniki page, then write in the comments or ask questions using our button above

If you can’t imagine your life without social networks, and you are interested in the social network Odnoklassniki, my page: login without login and password, Login instantly and without problems Our recommendations will help you.

On Odnoklassniki today more than 300 million people are registered. This means that every 22 inhabitants of our planet are a user of this popular social network. With such active traffic, the likelihood of finding relatives and acquaintances through Odnoklassniki increases every day. Therefore, proper use of social networks allows you to maintain established connections and make new acquaintances.

However, it is not communication alone that makes the social network Odnoklassniki my page beautiful: Odnoklassniki my page, which can be entered without a login and password, has a wide range of services and media entertainment that can make your life more active, vibrant, interesting, and attractive. We are offering to you one of the easiest ways.

  1. First of all, look for Odnoklassniki in the address bar.
  2. In order to log into Odnoklassniki immediately, you will still need to log in once, that is, log in and press the button Remember me.
  3. Attention, you can click on this option only on your computer, and also if you are sure that no one else will enter your page from your device.
  4. Mobile version of login to Odnoklassniki does not contain the “Remember me” function. To successfully display Odnoklassniki my page on your phone: login without a login and password is possible after downloading the application to your phone.
  5. ForiPhone use the AppStore app, and for AndroidPlayMarket. In both cases, you need to find the official application through the search and install it on your device. After successful download, the Odnoklassniki social network will always be at your fingertips, that is, on your smartphone. It is enough to log in once, as in the computer version.
  6. You can also not download the application, but log into Odnoklassniki from the main page by entering your username and password and clicking the option Save password.

As you can see, the first authorization makes it possible to open my page next time without a login and password. However, this doesn't always work. For example, you pressed the button in Odnoklassniki Go out, or they did it for you.

You could also, for example, clear the browser cache, update the system, reinstall the browser or simply “catch” the virus. In this case, you will have to enter the data again. Also, problems with logging into the page occur when a computer or laptop has 2 users who use the same browser. And everyone wants to open their own Odnoklassniki page without a login and password. 2 separate browsers will help to reconcile such users, in which each person’s personal pages will be authorized.

I can’t log into Odnoklassniki, what should I do?

Users often come up with the following problems: “I can’t open Odnoklassniki”, “can’t access the page”, etc. If you're used to go to OK via browser, then you may not remember your password. Fortunately, the system will help you restore your login to my Odnoklassniki page.

  1. Enter the information you definitely remember: phone number, email address, login or link to profile.
  2. Next, follow the instructions: if you entered an address or phone number, you will receive message with code, which you need to enter.
  3. If you do not have access to contact information, please contact support.

When you receive all the data necessary for recovery, you can open your long-awaited page. To do this, you will have to come up with a new password and enter it, to be sure, twice, but your triumphant entry to odnoklassniki will be saved!

You can open ok without such Herculean efforts; the problem may be hidden in small details that are invisible at first glance. For example, user enters a password on the Russian keyboard or I forgot to turn off Caps Lock. It is important that the password is not too simple, otherwise some stranger may accidentally “remember” it.

On the other hand, if you choose a complex password, you run the risk of forgetting it yourself, so write it down in a notepad or use a password saver (for example, RoboForm program). This program will allow you to open my page without a password, since you can automatically fill in the login information for a particular account.

Login to Odnoklassniki using autofill

All modern browsers support the function of remembering data entered into the form, including login and password information. For safety reasons, it is recommended connect your profile to the browser, storing data in the cloud. The Chrome browser automatically includes a Smart Lock feature designed specifically for storing passwords.

  1. Launch Chrome.
  2. Go to Settings(top right corner).
  3. Select an option from the list Additional

A quick login to Odnoklassniki is here:

My Odnoklassniki page - where is it?

Where exactly is “my page” in Odnoklassniki? We are not talking about someone’s page, but about one about which you can say: “It’s mine.” Everyone has their own page. For example, your page contains information about you, and mine contains information about me. When you go to my page, you can easily distinguish it from yours - because you will see my name and information about me there.

That's what people do. For example, when you see on Odnoklassniki that someone has visited you, you can click on that person’s name (or portrait) and go to their page to see who it is.

Let's study the so-called “my page” in Odnoklassniki. What can you see on it? We're talking about your page, not someone else's. This is the main page on the site. In another way it is also called “profile” (English word profile). For example, “my profile”, “profile settings”.

At the top there is the main menu: “Messages”, “Discussions”, “Alerts”, “Guests”, “Ratings”. These are the main sections of the site that you will use most often. In addition, your name is written large at the top, your age and the city (locality) where you live are indicated.

How to log in to my page?

If I'm already registered in Odnoklassniki...

To quickly log into your Odnoklassniki page (they often write Odnoklassniki), and also always be aware of whether someone wrote to you or visited the page, use the start page " Entrance" (address It is very convenient to make it the starting page in your browser and subsequently enter your favorite sites through it. The most important thing is that you will always see what’s new in Odnoklassniki; This is what it looks like (example):

By clicking on this rectangle anywhere, you will immediately be taken to your Odnoklassniki page. Do " Entrance“The home page is very simple: when you go to it, at the top left there will be a button “Make home page”.

If I still Not registered in Odnoklassniki...

If someone else's page opens...

How to enter your page if someone else’s (another person, the owner of the computer) opens? In this case, first log out of it (click “Exit” in the upper right corner), and then use login via VHOD.RU. Then you will no longer get to someone else’s page.

What's on my page?

Let's continue to study your page on Odnoklassniki. Below is an additional menu: “Main”, “Friends”, “Photos”, “Groups”, “Games”, “Events”, “Statuses”, “Video”, “Other”.

Usually, when you log into Odnoklassniki, the very first section opens - “Basic”. Here you see the so-called event feed: everything your friends did is included in it. For example, someone added a photo, someone joined a group or became friends with someone - this appears in your feed as a new event. The most recent events are always at the top, that is, they go in order from newest to oldest.

By clicking on other menu items, you switch between the corresponding sections, which will open in the center of the page. For example, if you click on “Friends”, you will see a list of those you have added as friends. If you click on “Photos”, your photos and photo albums will be shown, and so on.

Now let's see what's on the left and right. On the left is your photo (avatar), a button for adding photos and a few more buttons. Your possible friends are usually shown on the right. Who is this? For example, if one of your friends is friends with someone who is not yet your friend, it is quite possible that this is a mutual acquaintance. These are the people they suggest to you here.

In addition, your events, groups, and friends on the site (those who are online right now) are shown here.

How to customize my page?

To specify or change information on your page, do this:

  1. To the right of your main photo, click on the “More” link
  2. A menu will appear, select “About Me”
  3. Click "Edit personal data"
  4. Enter everything you need
  5. Click "Save"

If you still have questions about your page, you can always refer to the help section, where answers to them are collected: Odnoklassniki - Help - My Profile.

Login to your Odnoklassniki page

Now you can go to the entrance to your Odnoklassniki page:

I can't log into my page!

The problem can be solved. If you can’t log into the Odnoklassniki page, look here (read the instructions to the end!).
