Create a mailbox on Yandex ua. How to make an email? The most detailed instructions! Installation and configuration is the name of the mail service formed on the basis of Yandex, the Russian search engine. The mail service arose in 2000, three years after the emergence of the search engine itself and the Yandex corporation. Yandex mail has a built-in Yandex disk with 10 gigabytes of memory, on which you can store documents, photo and video files, and music. Runet users are recommended to create at least one Yandex email in order to gain access to the corporation’s services, which are not limited to one disk.

How to register?

You can register for the Yandex-mail service for free directly on the website, or by logging in via social networks. Let's consider the first registration option. Go to the link This is what the main page of the site looks like.

On the tab that opens in Yandex mail, fill out all the fields. It is noteworthy that the last name and first name can be indicated in Cyrillic. But the login must be written in Latin letters. It is advisable to set your last name and first name as real. This may be required before you ever start using the wallet. And the wallet requires verification and uploading of documents. There is another reason. In correspondence with business partners, people are less trusting if there are discrepancies in first and last names.

The login does not have to reflect your first and last name. It may include the name of the company, the organization you represent, a nickname, or reflect a principle. The main thing is that it is unique.

Please pay attention to the fact that the login you come up with may not be original, and there may be people in the system with such logins. The system does not allow twin logins, since it is used to generate a postal address. If a match is found, the system prompts you to change it.

The Yandex password should be quite complex for an attacker. It is ideal when the password contains numbers and letters. The system liked the proposed password. To see the password, you need to click on the eye. Then enter the phone number and click on the “Get code” link. Make sure your phone is turned on. It will receive a registration code, which is entered into the input field that appears. The confirmation code helps the system exclude registration by bots.

It is important to know that registering with a phone number greatly simplifies the recovery of a lost or forgotten password. The Yandex mail system does not bother with secret words and multi-step password recovery. She sends the access code to the phone.

After you enter the confirmation code, the system will ask you to accept the agreements. There are also links to them here. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with these agreements at your leisure, so as not to become a rule breaker and not be blocked by the system. But now click on the yellow button.

Yandex allows that a person may need different mailboxes, for example, for business correspondence, for personal correspondence, for communication with a specific business partner, for using services, and therefore allows registration of up to 1000 mailboxes.

By registering in the mail service, the user automatically gains access to other Yandex system services:

  • Yandex wallet is an electronic payment system, a kind of virtual bank where you can store funds, pay for purchases in online stores, utility bills, loans, fines, taxes, etc.
  • Yandex disk (third icon) cloud storage of files: documents, photos, video programs, etc. If desired, the user can open access to a specific file or folder for his friends, partners, via a link.
  • Yandex Market. This is an online store where you can find everything for your home, for your car, for your loved one.
  • Yandex music is a service for music lovers. Musical compositions of all times and peoples are collected here. All of them are divided into 30 genres.

How to create another account?

On sites that talk about registering in Yandex, there are complaints from users that they cannot create another new account. The system persistently substitutes the data of the existing account. What to do in this case?

One option is to register a second mailbox in a different browser. Let's say a user traditionally uses Google Chrome and has Yandex mail in it. The browser remembers this address and substitutes it. Experienced users have at least two browsers installed on their computer – Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome. Use one where there is no Yandex account. This method can be used if the browser stubbornly substitutes the data of the first mail. By the way, the mail for Parsley was created in Firefox.

But let’s assume that the computer has one browser, the user is a dummy, is used to his browser and does not dare to open other programs. There aren’t many of these these days, but they still exist.

There is one Yandex account in the Google Chrome browser. Let's try to create an account again in the same browser.

To do this, go to the Yandex page, click on login in the upper right corner. In the picture, the login is crossed out.

A pop-up window will appear. Select “Exit” there.

A new tab will appear with an input, and above it is a link “Create mail”. Click on the link.

This opens the registration tab. Fill it out as shown above, enter your phone number and receive a code. If the system resists and states that you have reached the registration limit for this particular phone number, use another number and ask someone close to you for the phone. Then, when you have 2-3 emails, and the system substitutes the first one, click on the login again and use the “Add user” button.

Account created: what next?

As soon as you have expressed your agreement with all Yandex documents, the system will congratulate you on creating a new account and offer you to log in to the mail page. A pop-up window will prompt you to change the theme. Change it. The background of the page is also the mood.

Select a picture or page color, click and then save. The first window will be deleted, opening the next one. In it, the system offers to install an application on your phone. Do you want to always have your mail at hand? Then get the link. It will come in the form of an SMS message.

Check your phone for Internet access and click on the link in the message. The application will be downloaded and installed on your phone. You can install the application on your tablet using the same method.

If you accidentally closed the tab with instructions without having time to install the mail application on your phone or tablet, follow the link and select and select the appropriate device. In this case, the application will be downloaded from the market.

If you have mailboxes in other services, enter its address and password in the next tab, and all letters will be displayed in Yandex.

How to customize your mailbox?

On the mail page in the upper right corner, find the gear and click on it.

Your name. If the mail is intended for business correspondence, then the name should look official and correspond to the real one. If the mail is intended for friends who know you well, some familiarity can be allowed. Write a nickname, nickname, name in reduced form. This name will appear in correspondence.

Next is the portrait. For business correspondence there must be a real photo. From this photo, people should have a real idea of ​​you as a partner, a business person. For your friends, you can put a frivolous portrait or an avatar that reflects your character and mood.

It is important to know that by the way mail and social networks are designed, people evaluate the user. Therefore, it is necessary to present yourself correctly. If the account is for business purposes, the full name must be provided and the photo must not be vulgar or familiar. Pay attention to the suit, dress, hairstyle. Clothes should be businesslike and discreet.

The system offers to make the phone number an email address. Of course, it’s easier to use a digital address, but in this case, be prepared for your number to become available to advertisers and spammers.

Create a signature for your letters once, and you won't have to sign them every time: Options:

  • Sincerely - Petr Sidorov;
  • With love - your Parsley;
  • With deep respect - Pyotr Ivanovich.

You can simultaneously enter several options for several cases:

  • for business correspondence,
  • for personal mail;
  • to communicate with friends.

On the incoming mail processing rules tab, sorting rules are set. Check out the links and sort the emails into separate folders and tag them. This way, you will always have what you need at your fingertips.

Don't rely on your memory or auto-filling passwords in your browser. Browsers also tend to crash, they experience glitches, or when clearing the cache, you can delete the password data yourself. Therefore, create a file in Notepad or Word where all your passwords will be collected. Keep this file in your computer's Documents.

And lastly

Log in to the newly created mail in an hour or two. There you will receive letters from the Yandex-mail team with instructions. Check them out.

  • The first email provides guidance on how to set up a delivery notification and a reminder to send the email if you do not receive a response.
  • The second letter contains instructions on how to protect the box from hacking. Here you are asked to check the security of your account. Click on the yellow button. A strong password was inserted during registration. There is a phone number. If you suddenly decide to change your phone number, you can always change it in your account. To do this, you do not need to look for this letter. When you log in there is a link “Yandex passport”. Click on it and on the page you can always change your password, phone number, and spare email.
  • The third letter contains information about Yandex wallet. It is convenient and functional for Russia, and Russians should pay attention to it. But foreigners face some difficulties during registration, and especially during verification.
  • The fourth letter contains recommendations for customizing your mailbox and sorting letters.

Study these letters, they will help you adapt to the postal service.

Yandex.Ru is a developing system. If you look at the conditions for registering by email 5-6 years ago, you will notice that they have become noticeably simplified. There was a link to a phone number and there was no need for secret words, which, as a rule, were lost along with the password. The number of services and opportunities has increased. The service has become more intuitive, accessible and attractive.

Having an e-mail has become a necessary condition for the active lifestyle of a successful person. When working with electronic soap, the user receives many benefits.

The benefits of using email

  • Instant message delivery (the recipient receives the letter within a few seconds after sending).
  • High degree of reliability of information storage (many email resources help to increase the level of security of user data, for example, accepting only high-complexity passwords, having a security question, etc.).
  • Possibility of receiving newsletters and notifications from Internet resources of interest.
  • Accessibility (checking electronic messages can be done both from a PC and from a mobile device).

Creating email is possible on various hosting sites - Yandex,,, etc. These email services provide free services, which is another undeniable advantage of electronic mailboxes.

How to create an email and what you need for it

In order to create a mailbox, you need to register on one of the above services. The algorithm for how to create an email on each hosting has its own characteristics. Therefore, this article discusses step-by-step instructions for creating electronic “soap” on some services.

"Yandex Mail

Register on

To create a Mail email, you need to follow a few simple steps.

  1. To begin, go to the domain and select the “Registration in mail” column.
  2. In the tab that appears, indicate personal information - last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of residence, mobile phone.
  3. Then the user comes up with a login (nickname), options for which can also be offered by the service (similar to the example with Yandex).
  4. After entering the login, the user comes up with a password and selects one of the domains -,, - and then completes registration.

How to Create a Gmail Email

In addition to the Yandex and Mail services, the Gmail mail system from Google is also particularly popular. Its significant difference is that its level of reliability is an order of magnitude higher than its domestic counterparts. For example, there are no spam messages in this mail, as the system is equipped with powerful filters. In addition, to download some computer programs from official Western Internet resources, registration is required only through Google mail. A foreign site does not perceive Yandex or the same Mail as e-mail. If you need to create a Western e-wallet, such as PayPal, the payment system will only confirm their “native” Gmail email.

Considering all the advantages of such a mailbox, you need to immediately move on to creating it. The step-by-step algorithm for installing “foreign soap” is as follows:

  1. You need to find the Gmail service. To do this, write the corresponding name into the search bar and select the first result that appears on the page.
  2. In the window that opens, you need to select the “Create an account” button.
  3. After this, a registration sheet will appear in which you need to enter the following data: first name, last name, login and password. The system also provides its own nickname options. The control panel language can be easily changed by clicking on the corresponding line in the upper right corner.
  4. Next, you need to enter the captcha (a set of letters) and accept the terms of the user agreement. The word in the form of a secret password is written in such a way that not every user can enter it the first time without errors.
  5. If everything is done correctly, the system immediately goes to the “Login to Mail” dialog box.
  6. At the same moment, 3 messages will be sent to your inbox, the first of which is necessary to set up your Gmail profile, namely, to change the color and theme of your account.
  7. During the process of creating mail, you can enable (disable) search history - a list of Internet resources that are viewed by the user.

The algorithm for creating an email is simple and accessible to everyone. Various email services open up an endless sea of ​​possibilities for the user.

Yandex mail is a popular email service that provides access to many Yandex services. I personally have mail in Yandex for more than 10 years, and the service itself was launched in 2000. In this article I will tell you how to create a Yandex email and how to quickly understand the settings.

Yandex services

The Yandex company is huge, now you can only use their services from ordering food to earning money. All services are in one way or another connected to the mailbox, so by creating a mail account, you have access to many services:

  • Yandex money;
  • Yandex Toloka;
  • Edadil;
  • Yandex Disk;
  • Kinopoisk;
  • Yandex Metrica;
  • Online store Beru;
  • Taxi;
  • Yandex browser and

And these are not all services; every day the company comes up with something new, improves current services. Access to most services from Yandex is granted by creating an email account.

Registration on Yandex mail

To create a new Yandex email, you can register for the service for free. On the main page of the search engine, in the upper right corner, click the Create mail button.

You can also type in the address bar of your browser.

Yandex mailbox address

The next step takes you to the registration form.

Yandex.Mail registration form

We indicate the first and last name, come up with a login or choose from those proposed by Yandex.

Login is the user's nickname. A unique name can contain Latin letters, numbers, a period and a hyphen. The login must begin with a letter.

Filling out the Yandex.Mail registration form

You need to be careful when creating a password; the password must contain at least 8-10 characters, it is advisable to use special characters, and it is best to use password generators.

We enter the phone number, it is needed for use in Yandex services, as well as to recover the password if you forget it.

Registration without a phone number in Yandex mail is possible. To do this, click I don't have a password.

Registering Yandex mail without a phone number

Create Yandex mail without a phone

Ready! Registration has been completed, your email will be [email protected]. This address will be used to receive emails.

After registration, Yandex mail suggests going to settings:

  • Decor
  • Link to install the mobile application
  • Collect all mail

I think everything is clear with the design, choose your favorite mail design theme on Yandex, and you will immediately see it. If you click the skip button, the default design will remain.

Mobile application Yandex Mail

But I’ll tell you about collecting all mail into one account later.

Setting up a Yandex mailbox

Being on the main page of the search engine in the right corner, click on the login.

All personal data settings take place here:

  • Add photo;
  • indicate date of birth;
  • name in comments and reviews;
  • change personal data.

First, if desired, indicate your date of birth, add a photo, and choose how your name will be displayed in Yandex services.

By choosing to change your personal data - change your last name, first name, date of birth, and so on.

Passwords and authorization

The following settings are available in this section:

  • change your password or security question;
  • enable passwords for Yandex services applications;
  • two-factor authentication Yandex mail.

First and most importantly, you can change the password or security question that was asked during registration.

Set up two-factor authentication - the ability to access Yandex services and email without entering a password, but for this you need a smartphone, it will be the access key to the service.

  1. enter your phone number, password from Yandex mail, confirm with SMS code;
  2. we come up with a PIN code from 4-16 digits, needed to log into the mobile application;
  3. the next step is to install the Yandex Key application on your mobile phone, by clicking the button receive a link to your phone, you will receive an SMS with a link to the installation;
  4. enter the password generated in the Yandex Key mobile application.

That's it, the setup procedure is not easy, but now you need a smartphone to log into your account. Of course, if you don’t have it at hand, there is always the classic password login method.

Application passwords are additional protection for your account, for example, you use an email client on your phone or laptop, and when adding an account, you need to specify a login and password, and this service will know the main password for your Yandex account. But you can create a separate password for this email client, and do not specify the main password.

To do this you need:

  1. go to Application Passwords, select the create a new password button;
  2. select the application type: mail, files, contacts, calendar, chats;
  3. enter the name of the password to access mail;
  4. Done, the password has been generated.

Now go to the email client and specify this password.

The password is shown once; if you close the page or delete the password, you need to create a new one.

Login history and devices

In this section, you can log out on all devices, view your login history and examine the list of places in which you are authorized.

Mailboxes and telephone numbers

After registration, the e-mail looks like this: [email protected], but this section presents all possible addresses on Yandex. These addresses are aliases.

Alias ​​are usually called duplicates of domain names of websites or electronic mailboxes.

In the same section, add an additional address for recovery, you can change the phone number, and also make the phone number a login.

Bank cards

In the Bank cards section, payment cards attached to this account will be displayed.

Social media


In Yandex Passport, you can specify your home and work addresses, as well as select which address to use for deliveries.

Working with multiple email accounts

You can always create a new mailbox, you can work by switching from one to another, to do this, in the profile settings, select add an account.

Question: “How to create a second mailbox on Yandex?” relevant only for inexperienced users. There are a couple of convenient ways to do this; the choice is individual for everyone. The first option is to use several browsers (Opera, Mazila, Chrome, and so on), the second is to constantly log in/out of accounts as needed in one browser.

Multi-browser option

The technology is simple, takes up a minimum of hardware resources, and is easy to learn:

  1. the user downloads several browsers to view websites (four are in the lead in the ranking: Opera, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer);
  2. in each of them you need to go to Yandex.Mail, click on “Create mail”;
  3. at the first stage, you need to indicate personal data, create a login, checking that it is free, a password, and duplicate it;
  4. then the service offers to select a secret question, answer it, and remember the information for easy recovery of the account of a user who had the temerity to forget the password, login, or both of these details at once;
  5. All that remains is to enter the characters from the picture (captcha), not forgetting to set the check box next to the line confirming the user agreement.

Each browser requires you to create a unique login; the password can be the same in all of them. The Yandex mail service is designed, among other things, to collect letters from different mailboxes into one. To do this, just open the “Settings” of mail, select the required function, and enable the required collector. The browsers do not conflict with each other, take up negligible space on the hard drive, and are easy to launch from the desktop. The only inconvenience is the constant request that each newly opened one asks to make it the main “default”. Read about how to set the default Internet browser.

Creating multiple accounts in one browser

The second technology answers the question a little differently: “How to create a second mailbox on Yandex?” Most users prefer one browser with preset settings. If you need several mailboxes (relevant for creating accounts in several virtual money systems, registering on social networks, creating your own websites), most of them open them in different Internet portals (Google, Mail, Yandex, and so on). Moreover, on the portal the user is invited to add several mailboxes at once (;;;;;;

For fans of the Yandex portal who do not want to register with numerous email services, but are asking the question: “How to create an alternative mailbox on Yandex?”, there is also a way out in the literal sense of the word. You can also make it for Yandex fans.

The technology for creating a second account is as follows:

  1. in the upper right corner of the Yandex portal pages there is a blue “Exit” link;
  2. Just click on it to log out of your account, finding yourself on the main page of the Internet portal service;
  3. in order to make a new registration, you must first open the Mail service;
  4. To do this, you need to activate the “more” link, then “All services”;
  5. Once in Mail, a new account is registered.

The sequence of actions can be repeated many times; the only inconvenience will be the mandatory confirmation of the login-password pair when logging into the account of interest. One of the options that increases the convenience of using several Yandex mailboxes is to create a Word or text document on the desktop with login-password links.

To access Yandex.Mail, you need a Yandex account. If you don't have it, follow these steps:

    Please enter your first and last name.

    Come up with or select from the proposed options a unique identifier (login) that you will use for authorization in Mail and other Yandex services.

    Attention. After registration, you will not be able to change your login.

    Create and remember a password to access your account. The password must be strong so that attackers cannot access your personal data.

    Please provide your mobile phone number. Using this number you will be able to recover your password and receive notifications, and you will also be able to use it as an additional login. If you want to add a phone number later, you can do so on the Phone Numbers page. If you do not want to provide a phone number, click the link I do not have a phone and select a security question and indicate the answer to it. This data is necessary to recover your password.

    Enter the characters from the picture (this is protection against automatic registration).

    Note. If the characters in the picture are difficult to make out, click the Other code link.

    Make sure that the box indicating that you accept the terms of the User Agreement and consent to the processing of personal data is checked.

    Click the button Register.

After registration, you will receive an email address that consists of your login, the @ icon and the domain name (or one of its domain aliases). For example, [email protected]. The domain alias is determined automatically during registration.

You can at any time make changes to your personal information, ask a different security question, specify alternative email addresses for contacting you, or edit your list of phone numbers.

How to change login

You cannot change the login created when registering on Yandex, but you can register a new one. To do this, click the link Log out of Yandex services in the account menu in the upper right corner of the page, and then on the page that opens the link Create mail.

Attention. If you have registered a new mailbox and want to have access to your old emails, you need to set up a mail collector from the old mailbox. If you want to send emails from both addresses, you can add the old one as a secondary address.

How to come up with a strong password

A good password is one that is difficult to guess or guess.

Never tell anyone your password to log into your account. The more people know your password, the higher the likelihood that an attacker will find it out.

To create a complex password, use:

    both uppercase and lowercase Latin letters;

  • punctuation marks:

    • ` ` are allowed! @ # $ % ^ & * () - _ = + ( ) ; : \" | , .< > / ?


      Only ~ and " are not allowed.

Which passwords are weak?

What should not be used as a password:

    Passwords that you already use on other sites or applications. If someone finds out, for example, your password to a social network, they will try to enter not only Yandex, but also other social networks, postal services, and online banks with this password.

    Common words (margarita, begemot), as well as predictable combinations of letters (qwerty, 123456)

    Personal data that you could indicate somewhere on the Internet: name, birthday, passport number, etc. Even your mother’s maiden name, which no one seems to know, should not be used.

Special mailing address

If, when registering in online stores, forums or other resources, you do not want to indicate your real email address, add the + sign and any word by which you can recognize this site to your login. You should end up with an address something like this: [email protected]. An email sent to this address will be sent to the Spam folder of your real mailbox.

A special mailing address on Yandex will also be useful for re-registering on the site. For example, if you forgot your password for your account on this site and cannot recover it.
