Medical social network. Social networks for doctors: it's easier than it seems Medical social networks

Medical services are not the simplest product. Competition is very high, and in the struggle for clients, many medical centers have created public pages on Facebook and VKontakte to inform visitors about new services. The Ashmanov and Partners company conducted a study of this market and found that the effectiveness of many medical centers on social networks leaves much to be desired.

Publications in many clinic groups do not imply a backlash, and user questions asked in the comments remain unanswered.

Main problems

Here are the most typical problems, some of which are inherent even in large chains of clinics with large marketing budgets.

Separately, we studied what raises the most questions among the target audience when choosing which clinic to go to. The most common difficulties encountered are:

  • It is not clear how the clinics differ from each other.
  • It is difficult to figure out which is better - a public clinic or a private one.
  • There is too much conflicting information in reviews due to competition wars.

This suggests that medical centers have not yet realized their full potential in building and promoting their brands. Therefore, the factors listed above should be taken into account not only when preparing content, but also when developing positioning.

Doctors are no strangers to social media. According to preliminary estimates, at least 30% of doctors use at least one (or more) social network every day. According to other sources, this figure is close to 80%. Numerous social networks are great for promoting clinics, medical companies and any medical practice.

In general, these are progressive representatives of the medical business who understand that caring for health begins today, for most people, online. They want to connect with people, potential patients, families and medical staff. These are all positives.

But here a dangerous gap appears, characteristic of social networks. Users will often turn to the Internet and social media for professional advice, but most will avoid visiting a doctor themselves as a patient.

Basically, the presence of more doctors on social networks is directly related to the availability of time (or its complete absence), as well as the ease (or complexity) of working with certain social media. Or both at the same time. But let's not go into small details. Let’s better highlight the main nuances that will really make working on social networks easier.

Incorporate social media into your daily schedule. If you are looking for the most easy way, then post your profile on LinkedIn. You can add (and easily correct) information on any social network - do so when something changes. Despite the fact that filling out profiles on social networks takes very little time, you can do it in several approaches - no one forces you to describe everything at once.

You don't need to be on every social network. There are about a million social-type platforms out there, but only a few are worthwhile for a well-thought-out promotion plan. Make a list of the most important sites and work with them.

Yours social activity also includes platform selection. Patients search for doctors' profiles on social networks, checking their reputation and reviews, forming a subjective opinion. In addition to the clinic's informative website, social media will be a major source of important information for patients.

Your smartphone with access to the necessary social networks is always at your fingertips. Social media generally assume that most users view, add and/or read information using mobile device. Social networks such as VKontakte, Facebook and others are created in such a way that the user can easily and quickly use them at any time, anywhere.

If you are not on social networks, you depend on the opinions of others. No one can present you online in a better light than you do yourself. Doctors who choose the path of “social silence” are deprived of the opportunity to further promote their practice and themselves personally, giving their place to others. (Or worse, have no say in their field at all).

Being socially active comes naturally to doctors. Success on social media extends to authority and helps spread the word. Think of social media as just another communication channel, another way to convey your knowledge and experience, and help people.

And the reward will be... Active and constant use of social networks is the most accessible opportunity to attract the attention of potential patients. The cost of using social networks is insignificant, while the potential audience is large. Benefits include attracting new patients, creating an engaged community, strengthening and enhancing reputation and brand awareness, and improving outcomes.

Translation source -

Informal ambulance site. The entire ambulance kitchen of Russia: news, interesting stories, stories, a directory with addresses and telephone numbers. Club of practicing doctors, a professional network for Russian-speaking specialists in practical medicine.
Club partners: a number of leading scientific and clinical centers, in particular the Rogachev Federal Scientific Center for Pediatric Orthopedics, the Moscow Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology, etc. The network is the only Russian-language network of doctors recognized internationally. is a medical social network that unites in one online community specialists of various profiles, medical institutions, doctors, independent experts, pharmacists, patients, as well as all interested users.

  • The latest news and publications in the field of medicine and healthcare
  • Professional community of doctors and medical workers
  • Ratings, reviews, comments from patients and specialists about medical institutions in Russia
  • Video conferences of the best specialists in the field of medicine
  • Articles and publications from the best specialists in the field of medicine
  • The latest vacancies of the best public and private medical institutions ​​ is an all-Russian social network that has a unique reference book on medications, research and doctors’ opinions. By sharing information and discussing anonymous clinical cases, you can help many people and earn money yourself.

Doctor at work is one of the largest communities of doctors on the Russian Internet. Here you can get a free consultation from qualified doctors. is a unique social network for medical specialists, doctors, medical students, employees of medical institutions, pharmacists, and everyone who, in one way or another, is related to medicine. Here you can find and also add any information on medical topics (video materials, teaching aids, photographs, presentations or abstracts), cognitive and educational orientation, evaluate, and comment.

  • Find out about events
  • Subscribe to magazines
  • Communicate with colleagues
  • Look for a job
  • Publish articles
  • Create consultations
  • Create a personal library
  • Plan your time on the calendar - we are waiting for people who care about their health and doctors of various specializations in our social network. - communication between doctors on professional topics and work issues. Conducting meetings and seminars on medical topics. Medical coverage Institutions throughout Russia. Discussion of medications, diagnoses, diseases, professional development. For patients, evaluating doctors, expressing their gratitude in the form of a positive review and an objective opinion about the doctor and the medical institution. - social network on English language. Brings together people with similar symptoms and helps them take better care of their health by sharing experiences. A forum where people ask questions about health and look for the best treatments.

I will be happy to take part in any discussion.
I just ask you to print the purpose of the discussion and who will manage this discussion.
I am Shilin Genady Aleksandrovich - a doctor with 44 years of experience. I personally examined 5,000,000 people in the Soviet Army. I lead the movement "Ecology of Human Consciousness" and the editorial Council of "Vedich", which completed the creation of a new worldview and a new vector of goals for the further development of civilization in the next 2000 years. The work has been completed, a training consortium has been created to teach the people of Russia to survive in the conditions of a global planetary crisis of a civilization that has completed its previous task and is stuck in a state of aimless existence and the extinction of a crowd of illiterate and useless people.
Doctors bear a special responsibility for the ongoing psychobiological crisis, since they have the greatest knowledge about the structure and functions that ensure the life of the Human body in the Biosphere.
Therefore, doctors, faster than people of other professions, can understand the reasons for Human behavior within their biological species, that is, the reasons for the killing of Man by Man.
So what are we fighting for, colleagues? Do you think that Space will allow you to turn medicine into an appendage of the American-style market economy?
Commercial medicine will destroy human life. The cosmos created us without money and provides our life without money - with sunlight.
During the discussion between doctors, I ask all participants to answer the questions:
1. What biological functions created by the Cosmos provide personal
biological life of Man?
2. For what reasons is Man hunting for man within a single
biological species?
3. What is the subject of management in human civilization?
4. What is the purpose of the corporation of doctors in the life of civilization?
5. What does psychiatry study and what does psychology study?
6. Is it possible to increase a person’s life without having any idea about the process?
7. Which of the discussion participants wants to start mastering the medical course?
strategic psychology needed to stop extinction
peoples of the white race?

Our educational website
Reference analytical materials on how you are managed on the site:
My personal email:

The sun shines on the righteous and the unrighteous

So which of you is righteous and which of you is unrighteous, colleagues? And can the unrighteous survive without the righteous, and vice versa?

With respect and best wishes for success in the discussion - Candidate of Medical Sciences. Sciences, academician of five public Academies, member of two military public systems, member of the Russian League of Psychotherapists
- G. A. Shilin
