History of MTC corporate identity: creation of a new logo. History of MTC corporate identity: creation of a new logo Social activity of the operator





Red is a bright, bold, energetic and effective color. It's perfect for us.

We use this color in all our communications. We want people to recognize us when they see the color red. The red color should always be the same. This is pantone 485c.

Below are the main brand colors and their representations for different production technologies.























The basis of our new logo is a universal symbol. It means life itself, creation, the beginning of everything new. The form is strong, but fragile, it is close to us and well reflects the essence of our life. Strong but gentle, proud but reserved, pragmatic but sentimental. This is all us.

Our new logo is a composition of two red squares. In the left square there is a white symbol, in the right - the white abbreviation “MTS”. The logo is integral; using its elements separately is not allowed. The exception is souvenir products, where only a square with a symbol is allowed.

Below is a diagram of how the logo is constructed. The minimum logo size is 20mm wide, for newspaper printing - 25mm wide. The minimum size for screen applications is 80 pixels wide.















Below are examples of misuse of the logo. The approved version of the logo must always be used. No modifications to the logo are allowed.

















There are three acceptable logo colors.

The main version of the logo is red. It can only be placed on a white background. The white logo is intended to be placed only on a uniform red background. This option is only valid if it is not possible to use the main version of the logo.

The black logo is used only in black and white materials. The logo is always placed horizontally and almost always on a white background.

The rules for logo placement must be strictly observed when developing any materials.

MTS has announced an update to its logo. According to the company, this will make it possible to give the visual style the innovation and dynamism inherent in the new MTS slogan “One step ahead.” The updated logo of the MTS company has already appeared on the website bonus.mts.ru.

The new logo retains the main graphic element - the egg and the main colors: red and white. However, in the new version the font has changed, and the logo and the word MTS have been combined into one block, whereas previously they were separated.

MTS Vice President for Commerce Mikhail Gerchuk says: “Updating the logo and corporate identity is one of the tasks that we are solving as part of the implementation of a new positioning of the MTS brand. The company’s mission is “creating the best customer experience,” and the new slogan is “One step ahead.” “reflect the MTS brand development strategy, which is based on a focus on the needs of our customers and innovation, which determine the company’s leadership in the market.” He also notes that when updating the logo, it was possible to give a new meaning to the already familiar symbol and image of the company, while making the logo and style more relevant in graphics and freer in composition.

The introduction of the new logo and corporate identity of MTS is carried out in stages at all points of contact between the consumer and the brand - MTS showrooms, communication materials, corporate website, internal document flow and others.

The implementation of the project to restyle the MTS logo and corporate identity was carried out by the agency.

Let us remind you that MTS has already changed two logos. Until 2002, the logo consisted of the word “MTS” and an image of a blue ring with a red dot in the middle.

Later the logo was placed on a yellow rectangle with a broken corner.

From 2006 until today, the logo has been a red square with a white egg, next to it is a red square with the word “MTS” written in white letters. By the way, the rebranding carried out by the company in 2006 caused widespread discussion and the topic “eggs” became one of the most popular for a long time.

As the company says, MTS’s business ideology implies a transition from technology orientation to brand orientation. Therefore, in 2007, MTS developed and began implementing a multi-level communication platform “Get More”, “Do More” and “Be More” in order to promote the key values ​​of the brand within the company’s marketing communications and form its target perception by external audiences.

MTS: rebranding and egg

Cases and business stories.

I would like to recall the history of the first rebranding of the MTS company, which took place loudly in 2006. And also tell a few stories and insights.

So the MTS company was founded in 1993 and had a logo in the form of 3 letters M, T and C (aka S) with the signature GSM. It carried out its first large-scale rebranding in 2006 (where the logo became a white egg on a red background), to which it then added cosmetic changes in 2010 in the form of a three-dimensional logo and an update to the typeface.

From the story of former MTS President Mikhail Shamolin (at a guest lecture on September 22, 2009).

The first MTS logo was drawn by the company's founder on a napkin while sitting with his colleague in a cafe. Then he simply drew an acronym for the full name of the company “Mobile TeleSystems” - MTS and commented: “And to add internationality to the company, let’s add a tail to the Russian letter “S”.

What is done?

  • UK brand consultancy hired Wolff Olins, which worked with Unilever, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Indesit, designed covers of the Beatles, came up with the Orange brand, and previously rebranded Beeline- his black and yellow stripes.
  • Spent $4M, which is 2 times more than Beeline spent. Although half of this amount went to the colossal stand of Sistema Telecom at the Svyaz-Expocomm exhibition, where MTS announced a new logo.
  • Viral media stuffing: Runet was full of jokes and anecdotes, as well as visual stories, sometimes even playing into the negative karma of MTS.
    Why is it important?
    From “The History of Russian Advertising: from MMM to Chicken Shake” from the Afisha magazine:

Analysis of the trademark in the corporate style of MTS OJSC

Research of the corporate style of MTS OJSC

The joint Belarusian-Russian limited liability company Mobile TeleSystems was registered on April 4, 2002, and on April 30, 2002 the company received a license from the Ministry of Communications to provide cellular services in the GSM 900/1800 standard. Mobile Telesystems JLLC has been providing cellular communication services in the Republic of Belarus since June 27, 2002. The co-founders of the Belarusian-Russian MTS JLLC are RUE Beltelecom (Belarus) and Mobile TeleSystems OJSC (Russia). Shares in the authorized capital are distributed as follows: RUE Beltelecom - 51%, MTS OJSC - 49%. The MTS LLC company is a leader in the number of subscribers and radio coverage area.

Let's consider the main components of the corporate style of MTS OJSC.

Since its founding (since 2002), the company has operated under the MTS brand of its Russian founder. The logo was the word MTS with a capital red letter “M”, the subletter “C” was a blue ring with a red dot inside, and the word “GSM” below. The logo was placed in a yellow rectangle that looks like a SIM card, as shown in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1 - Logo of MTS OJSC since 2002.

Under this logo, the company provided its services to subscribers until 2006.

The slogan was: “You are the best.” However, all this was done literally on the knees, so on May 10, 2006, the rebranding of the Mobile TeleSystems OJSC company was announced. The corporate identity was practically created anew. The impetus for this was the change of the Beeline logo.

On June 27, 2006, on the day of the 4th anniversary of its activity, MTS JLLC also switched to a new brand. The updated MTS brand symbolizes leadership and a dynamic innovative approach to business.

The new logo of Mobile TeleSystems - a simple white egg - is shown in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2 - Logo of MTS OJSC since 2006

The president of the MTS company said this about this: “the chosen visual solution - the eternal symbol (egg) - very accurately shows the essence of modern technologies: everything seems so simple, but the complexity of the content is hidden behind the simplicity.” In other words, a simple solution to complex things.

External changes - a new logo, corporate identity, design of sales offices - are a reflection of large-scale internal changes taking place in the company, which are based on the transition from a technological business development model to a customer-oriented model.

The advertising slogan was the phrase “Who are you thinking about now?”, which was positioned by MTS OJSC as a new slogan. However, by and large, this slogan was associated among potential consumers of cellular communication services with the MTS company, but was not sufficiently memorable.

At the end of 2010, Mobile TeleSystems OJSC, a leading telecommunications operator in Russia and the CIS countries, announced an update of the company logo to give the visual style the innovation and dynamism inherent in the new MTS slogan “One Step Ahead.” This logo is shown in Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3 - MTS OJSC logo since 2010

Updating the logo and corporate identity is one of the tasks that MTS OJSC is solving as part of the implementation of a new positioning of the MTS brand.

The company's mission - “creating the best customer experience”, and the new slogan - “One step ahead” - reflect the MTS brand development strategy, which is based on a focus on customer needs and innovation, which determine the company’s leadership in the market. It is important that when updating the logo, it was possible to give a new meaning to the already familiar symbol and image of the company, while making the logo and style more relevant in graphics and freer in composition.

The task was to reflect the updated positioning of the MTS brand in the logo and style, reflecting its desire to become a more open and innovative brand. The proposed solution was to be based on the key elements of the brand's visual identity: the graphic symbol symbolizing the egg and the red and white color scheme.

The main changes affected the shape of the logo - it “lost” one of the squares and became more voluminous and “technological”. The new visual solution retains the key “recognizable” elements of the MTS brand: the egg-shaped graphic symbol and the red and white color scheme.

The introduction of the new logo and corporate identity of MTS is carried out in stages at all points of contact between the consumer and the brand - MTS showrooms, communication materials, corporate website, internal document flow and others.

The project to restyle the MTS logo and corporate identity was carried out by the BBDO Branding agency.

As a result of the “egg revolution,” MTS acquired a new style and the number of subscribers increased.

Let's look at who has been the “face” of MTS OJSC over the past few years.

One of the main representatives of the brand is actor and State Duma deputy Nikolai Valuev, who starred in the operator’s videos for several years in a row. The cooperation between MTS and Valuev began back in 2012. This makes it the longest-running celebrity ever to star in a commercial for the operator.

During their collaboration, Valuev participated in many notable advertising campaigns for MTS. His most notable work was the 2013 project “Yeti Bratishkin”, dedicated to the Super MTS tariff. In the video, the boxer acted as Bigfoot’s “brother.”

One of the last MTS campaigns in which the athlete took part was launched in May 2014. In a series of videos created by BBDO Moscow, Nikolai Valuev performed in a variety of images - tap dancing, playing the guitar in a sombrero and blowing up a samovar with his boot.

For the first time, the popular actor and TV presenter Dmitry Nagiyev appeared in an MTS advertisement in March 2013 and did not leave the operator’s videos until the end of last year.

The most famous advertisement in which the showman took part was a funny New Year's campaign with Santa Claus. It started in November 2013. According to the plot of the video, Santa Claus found a lost letter with wishes from a little boy Dima, who asked for a toy lunar rover for the holiday. Santa Claus uses the MTS Internet service to find and order a gift. To get to Moscow faster, he uses a navigator. At the end of the video, Santa Claus gets to Dima's apartment, rings the doorbell and sees the famous presenter.

The audience loved the video released as a continuation of the winter campaign no less. Six months later, Nagiyev again tried to find Santa Claus in order to tell him a poem in exchange for the gift he received. The “SuperBIT” operator option helped the actor cope with the task and get to the wizard’s residence.

Actors participating in the Quartet I theater became the faces of MTS campaigns several times. For the first time, the stars of the films “What Men Talk About” and “Radio Day” appeared in an advertisement for the operator in May 2013; it was an advertising campaign for the new Smart tariff “What are men talking about now”.

One of the most striking projects of Quartet I was the advertising campaign “Now it’s even cooler”, launched by MTS together with the BBDO Moscow agency in March 2014 in support of the “Smart” tariff. The funny videos were directed by the famous director Yaroslav Chevazhevsky. In the center of the plot of the main video, familiar but completely changed characters appear.

One of the funniest MTS commercials with the actor’s participation is the “Honest Internet” advertisement. According to the plot of the video, Dyuzhev presents home Internet and home TV from MTS. A man and a woman ask him questions about whether there are any “pitfalls” in the action, and the actor answers without leaving his usual role of a “severe” hero.

In 2013, MTS began collaborating with young TV presenter and actor Denis Kosyakov. Viewers, as soon as they see the showman on the screen, will immediately recognize the MTS advertisement - so often Kosyakov became the face of the next advertising campaign.

As for the role, it was decided after the launch of the first commercial with the TV presenter. From that moment on, Denis Kosyakov became a permanent resourceful “sales consultant” of the MTS salon on the television screen, advertising the operator’s promotions and special offers.

Since then, many funny videos have been released with the young actor. One of the latest works with Kosyakov’s participation was an advertisement called “Mine Surveyor,” which plays on Google’s voice search. The video is aimed at promoting special conditions for purchasing a SMART Sprint smartphone.

In Belarus, MTS presented a new image advertising campaign dedicated to the 12th anniversary of the mobile operator. Its face was the 2014 Sochi Olympic gold champion in ski acrobatics Alla Tsuper. The advertising campaign started on June 27 - the operator's birthday.

Over 12 years of operation in Belarus, MTS has become the leader of the national market of mobile communication services and has earned the trust of customers and partners. The company's services are used by more than half of the residents of Belarus - almost 5.4 million subscribers. Business representatives, large industrial enterprises, and public organizations chose MTS as a telecom operator.

The image advertising campaign contains the slogan “12 years with those who achieve their goals.” Over the years, MTS has acquired the image of an innovative leader and a socially responsible company, which, moving towards success, helps its subscribers achieve their goals.

The theme of leadership and victory is key to the operator’s new image. The embodiment of fortitude and the desire to conquer peaks was Sochi 2014 Olympic champion Alla Tsuper (Figure 2.5).

Communication message: MTS. 12 years with those who get their way.

Target group or groups: MTS clients.

Communication channels: TV, UN

From April 16, 2015, MTS OJSC is changing its slogan. The new slogan of MTS was the phrase “You know you can!” MTS Vice President of Marketing Vasil Latsanich notes that “people’s behavior and needs are changing - thanks to the development of the Internet, they rely more on their own strengths in solving various issues.”

The changes will affect both brand visualization and advertising strategy. The new heroes of the advertising strategy will be “real people,” the operator decided.

One of the largest mobile operators, MTS, presented to the public its new corporate logo, created using two-dimensional graphics. Yes, the old style and color scheme remain, but the creativity of the new logo is obvious. The design was developed by the creative agency BBDO Branding.

According to the press, the restyling of the logo was done in order to emphasize the innovation and dynamism of the company, because the main slogan of MTS is “one step ahead.”

The new visual style of MTS is being introduced gradually: at first the logo was placed only on the Bonus.MTC website, and then it was replaced on posters and billboards.

The history of MTC's corporate identity and its logo is interesting: since 2006, the company has fiercely embraced its corporate identity. This is already the fourth restyling, what lies ahead - that is the question.

So, a little about the history of the mobile operator MTS, which first appeared in 1993. For more than 13 years, the company's logo was nothing more than an inscription with a red letter "M", an incomprehensible "T" and a blue ring, and under the white letter "C" there was a red dot. Nothing special, an ordinary logo - they remembered it right away. In addition to the inscription “MTS”, the logo also contained the letters “GSM”. In 2002, it acquired shape and color - a yellow background, the multi-talking shape of a SIM card.

And only in 2006, the telecom operator MTS decided to make radical changes. was practically created anew. The impetus for this was the change of the Beeline logo.

The new logo of Mobile TeleSystems is a simple white egg. The president of the MTS company said this about this: “the chosen visual solution - the eternal symbol (egg) - very accurately shows the essence of modern technologies: everything seems so simple, but behind the simplicity lies the complexity of the content." In other words, a simple solution to complex things.

Now, by the way, this approach is no longer relevant for MTS.

From the very first days of the appearance of the new symbol, MTS is trying to convey to subscribers its compliance with world standards, high quality communications and leadership.

As a result of the “egg revolution,” MTS acquired a new style and the number of subscribers increased.

Here’s an interesting fact from history: literally a couple of months after the appearance of the egg-shaped logo from MTS, enterprising poultry farmers borrowed it. One of the poultry farms began producing eggs under the brand of “traditional freshness.” MTS was almost suing her over this matter.

The most creative of the MTS logos, which appeared just the other day, also did not go unnoticed. In press centers they only talk about him, ironically joking about what awaits MTS in the future.

Thus, corporate identity can greatly change the course of history. Draw attention to the brand and make it recognizable. Let us note one thing that MTS logos were not cheap, it was not for nothing that in 2009 MTS was ahead of Beeline in the Global Brands ranking, and the value of its brand was estimated at $9.7 billion.
