How to remove yourself from classmates. How to delete a page in Odnoklassniki forever

Oh, those Odnoklassniki! Just go to the page and away you go: an endless news feed, ...the eleventh level of Sudoku, social polls in groups, a sea of ​​messages from friends. God forbid if at least some part of the virtual cultural and entertainment program in Odnoklassniki is missed. And it doesn’t matter what day it is - a weekend or a weekday; and it doesn’t matter the time of day - day, evening, night. Everything is one!

But as time flies, it doesn’t stand still. According to statistics, many users who visit their social network account for 2-3 hours a day (or even more!) begin to notice that they are catastrophically unable to cope with daily responsibilities and planned events. And, as a rule, they begin to take measures to reduce the “appetite” for relaxing on Odnoklassniki.

Some comrades, before logging into their account, proclaim to themselves something like: “Social networks have an hour, but business has time.” Others decide to take a bolder step and think about how to delete their Odnoklassniki account completely and irrevocably.

So, dear reader, if you belong to the second group, radical users, or for some other reason you no longer want to monitor your own account on a popular social network, use the instructions below. It will help you delete your personal page in 5 minutes.

Deleting a profile in Odnoklassniki using the settings function

1. Log into your account and scroll down the event feed until the bottom menu of the site (“footer”) appears.

2. Find the “Regulations” item in it (the far right column) and click on it.

3. And again, scroll down the page with a long list of rights and responsibilities (to quickly scroll (scroll), use the side browser slider, not the mouse wheel - it’s faster!).

5. A special form will open in which you will need to indicate the reason why you decided to delete your account in Odnoklassniki.

Check the box next to the most suitable option. For example, “I stop using...”.

6. In the field located below the horizontal photo gallery, enter the password you use to log into your profile.

7. Think again whether you really want to delete your personal page on Odnoklassniki. If it’s “Yes!” - click “Delete forever”; if you change your mind, click “Cancel”: the social network system will understand that the desire to delete your account was reckless and will return you to the regulations page.

After clicking the delete button, not only your personal data disappears on the resource server, but also correspondence with friends, photos and ratings for them, comments, and game profiles.

After completing all the steps in the instructions, go to the Odnoklassniki website again to make sure that you were able to completely delete your profile. When you try to enter your username and password, the system will display a message stating that the account no longer exists (“deleted at the user’s request”) and it cannot be restored.

Deleting a personal page in Odnoklassniki from mobile phone
You can delete your page on the Odnoklassniki social network from your phone only in full version site. The fact is that developers, for security reasons, mobile version Removed the delete function.

To delete a profile, follow these steps on your smartphone:

  • open the mobile version of Odnoklassniki in your browser;
  • Enter login and password;
  • in the user menu, click “Full version of the site”;
  • To delete a personal profile, use the instructions described above for PC.

Advice! If you can't get rid of your account in a standard way(on a PC or phone - it doesn’t matter), contact technical support. To do this, go to the “Regulations”, scroll down the page and click the “Contact support” link. In the contact form, provide your personal information, and in the “Description” field, write a letter asking to delete your profile. After some time, Odnoklassniki support will send you a letter with instructions for action to the specified email.

Success and good luck to you, dear reader! And don’t let your old Odnoklassniki profile bother you anymore.

Odnoklassniki is the most popular social network. Not many people remember, but before registration on this resource cost money, but over time the administration abolished this measure and opened up free access to the social network. Today the number of registered users of the resource is already more than 330 million. At the same time, the question often arises,. Today we will look at this question in detail and give a comprehensive answer to it, so that everyone can do it on their own.

Complete account deletion

First, we’ll figure out how to completely delete your own page from a social network, after which we’ll clarify some of the nuances. First of all, it’s worth considering that after completely deleting the data, you won’t be able to restore anything, and you won’t be able to register a page with the same contact information using a new one either. So consider whether such extreme measures are really necessary. If, despite everything, the answer is yes, then you can delete the page following the algorithm.

  1. Open the social network website and log in with your login credentials. This must be done from a PC in the full version of the site. It is worth saying that previously users had access to a quick and easy way to deactivate a page, based on using a special URL, but today it does not work. We will analyze the standard removal method that the developers offer.
  2. Let's go down the page. It’s better to do this not in the feed section, but, for example, in messages, where constant updating will not force you to scroll endlessly. In the lower list of additional sections, find “Regulations” and go to it. It is usually located in the far right column, approximately in the middle of the list.
  3. In the window that opens, the user will see an agreement on the use of the resource. You just need to scroll through it without going into the details of what is written.
  4. After the text of the agreement there will be a command “Refuse services”. This is exactly what we need. Click on it and in the window that appears, indicate the reason for deletion. In general, it doesn’t matter which cell you click on; if you wish, you can even indicate your own reason and state your personal wishes to the site administration in the text.
  5. Then you need to confirm your actions by specifying the password for the page (as you can see, without authorization data the undertaking becomes more complicated).
  6. Check the box next to “Delete permanently” and complete the process.

After this, the page will be hidden from prying eyes, but will still be visible to the resource administration. Complete removal the data will take approximately three months, after which there will be no information about your profile left on the social network. If during this time you suddenly decide that you got carried away, then there is always a chance to get your account back. To do this, just log in using your details.

What to do in special situations

Above we described the standard algorithm for deactivating your own profile on a social network; this method is ideal, but it is only suitable if there are no problems with accessing your account. Unfortunately, in reality everything is not always so smooth. Let's figure it outin some special cases.

If there is no password

The situation when a user completely forgets the password for his own account is not at all uncommon. Administrators have provided for it, and there is a proven method for restoring authorization data. But it will only help if you have access to a linked phone or email. If this condition is not met, then we can offer two options.

  1. Contact social network support from another profile with a request to restore access to desired page. The method will take a lot of time and user verification will be required. Technical support will definitely request a photo of the user’s identity document; it is also important that the page contains real photos of the owner. Once access to the profile is obtained, the deletion procedure is reduced to the algorithm described above.
  2. The second option that can be used is a mass complaint about an unnecessary page. To do this, you can ask your friends to report your profile for spam or other unauthorized activity. As a result of such actions, the administration will permanently block the page and all data will disappear from the resource.

The second option is given as an alternative and does not guarantee the desired result.

If the owner of the page is no longer alive

Unfortunately, such situations are also not uncommon. The administration of the social network does not have up-to-date data in this direction, so relatives of deceased users have to independently resolve the issue of deletion and, most often, they no longer have access to the linked numbers and emails.

Not everyone knows how to delete such a page in Odnoklassniki. In general, there is nothing complicated, just contact technical support from another page and clarify the situation. In order for the security service to verify the accuracy of the data, it is necessary to send a document confirming the death of the user.

How to delete a page in Odnoklassniki from a mobile device

Today, more and more users prefer computer mobile devices, and, therefore, they use smartphones and tablets to access the social network. For the convenience of clients, a special mobile app, which is quite popular.

In this regard, the question arises of how to deactivate a profile using a mobile phone. The developers did not provide such an opportunity. This is primarily due to the security of the account itself. A mobile phone may fall into the hands of criminals, who, in turn, will be able to delete someone else’s account and deprive the user of important data stored in the profile.

However, there is an option for this case too. To delete a page in Odnoklassniki from a mobile phone, you should open it in your smartphone browser and go to the full version of the site. In the future, we will proceed according to the deletion algorithm in normal mode. The option is not the most convenient, since you can use the site in full mode using mobile browser It's not that simple.

As mentioned above, you can restore the page within the first three months from the moment of deletion. In the future this will not be possible under any circumstances.

That's the question, can be considered closed. Our article has options for all possible situations. If you have any difficulties, we are waiting for you in the discussions, we will try to solve the problem. We invite everyone to discuss the reasons that prompted you to delete your personal profile on the social network. If you liked the article and helped you, share it with your friends and read more, there is a lot of interesting stuff here.

Surely there are users on the Odnoklassniki social network who created an account almost on the day of its foundation. And they still don’t part with him: they communicate, upload photos and videos to their profile, add new friends. They have a constant and abundance of sympathy for Odnoklassniki.

However, not all account holders on have such qualities. Some people at one point become eager to completely and permanently delete their account, others are racking their brains over how to change their login and other personal data (either for conspiracy purposes, or due to a lack of innovation). And still others... In general, people have quite a lot of desires to do something with their page. There is no point in listing them.

This guide will help you change your login in Odnoklassniki, and will also tell you how to completely get rid of your account on your computer and mobile device in this social network.

Changing login

According to the new registration rules, by default the specified phone number is used as a login to enter the social network. But some visitors to the social resource are not satisfied with this state of affairs: it is inconvenient to enter a long “line” of numbers each time to authorize, their memory fails when entering a number, etc. Fortunately, the developers have provided a fairly simple solution to all these troubles - settings in the profile. To use it, do the following:

2. In the “Basic” subsection, in the “Login” block, hover over these fields, and then click the “edit” link that appears.

Attention! After running the “Edit” command, the social network service may ask you to confirm the rights to your account. If the “Your previously confirmed number...” panel appears on the display, click the “Request... code” option in it. And then enter the code from the received SMS message.

3. In the additional “Change login” window, enter the password for account and a new login nickname.

4. For the setting to take effect, click “Save”.

Account deleting

On the computer

1. Click “Change settings”.

2. Scroll the page down with your mouse wheel.

3. In the last column of the menu, click the “Regulations” section.

4. Also scroll the list of terms and conditions for using the site to the very bottom of the page.

5. Click the “Refuse services” option under the text.

6. In the window that appears, click the box next to the reason why you want to delete your account.

7. Enter your password to log into your personal page.

8. Click the “Delete” button.

9. Confirm that the uninstall procedure will start.

After completing these steps, your profile will be permanently deleted (including all correspondence, photos, videos). It is not possible to restore it. If you are suddenly drawn to again, you will have to register again.

On a mobile device

1. Launch your browser. Go to the address - Log in to the social network.

2. In the account menu, in the “Other” section, tap the “Full version of the site” setting.

Attention! If the menu is not displayed on the display, click the social network icon in the top panel.

Account freezing

If you are in doubt about whether to delete your account or leave it (maybe it will come in handy someday), but at the same time you clearly do not intend to use it, do not want to communicate with anyone and do not want anyone to write to you or evaluate your photos, you can perform a temporary “freeze” of it. That is, modify it beyond recognition, but technically maintain its functionality. In other words, make sure that no one guesses that it belongs to you, and block access to it for other participants.

Performing this operation consists of the following steps:

1. Open in your account: Change settings → General.

2. Change the information in the “Personal data” field to fictitious ones (first and last name, date of birth, etc.).

4. Go to the “Publicity” section. Set the content access restrictions to “Only me” and “No one”.

5. In the “Advanced” block, uncheck the options “Show... in the section “People are currently on the site”” and “Open page for search engines… ».

7. Delete your photos and videos.

After removing all signs of your affiliation with the page, leave your profile as is until better times. Today it may be superfluous in your life, but it may happen that after some time you will feel an urgent need for it.

Enjoy your stay online!

The Internet has become commonplace today. Many people start the day communicating online, continue in the office while working, and end up almost in bed with a laptop.

It is not surprising that more than half Russian companies prohibit their employees from accessing social networks while working. Moreover, some of them go even further - managers require employees to delete their accounts. "Odnoklassniki", "Vkontakte", "Facebook" and others social media for their part, they try to retain users by any means. New games, interesting tabs, opportunities to make calls and watch movies appear. After all, the more users, the greater the profit. The revenue of Odnoklassniki alone in 2001 almost reached 4 billion rubles. So it turns out that you either quit your job or figure out how to delete your Odnoklassniki account.

On the other hand, stories about hacked profiles, invisible people viewing photos and other information posted online are, at the very least, alarming. constant intrusive invitations to groups, requests for profile authorization using cell phone they come all the time.

Everything gets much worse if your obvious ill-wisher appears on the Internet. He changes profiles, writes all sorts of nasty things on forums, not only to you personally, but also to all friends registered on the Odnoklassniki website. In this case, deleting your account is often the only option. After being added to the “Black List”, the annoying visitor will begin to log in under a different name. Even changing your personal name on the site will not work. Your profile will still pop up in searches under the original data. Perhaps, after filing a complaint with the administration, the profile will be blocked, but again, what prevents this person from registering again?

At the same time, most profile closing services become paid. Many say that they used to consider their online account a personal corner, post photos, correspond, and find lost acquaintances and friends. Now the situation has changed, and thoughts are appearing on how to delete an account in Odnoklassniki.

But before you decide to take such a step, you need to consider all the possible consequences. First of all, along with deleting a profile, irretrievably downloaded photos, contacts, correspondence, messages on forums, and other useful information will disappear. It is only at first glance that it seems easy to control and duplicate all the nuances. Something is bound to get lost or forgotten at the very last moment.

In addition, if a phone number is linked to your Odnoklassniki profile, then it will be possible to re-register with this number only after three months. As they say, measure twice, remove once.

So, all the pros and cons have been considered. The decision to leave has been made. All that remains is to take the last step. And then it turns out that on the Odnoklassniki website there is no button to delete a profile. How then should we proceed? in Odnoklassniki? Here are simple instructions.

  • First on home page profile at the very bottom you need to find the item called “Regulations” and enter this section.
  • A page with a description of services, terms, rules, etc. will appear. You don't need to read any of this. Scroll to the end and find the “Refuse services” section, click.
  • A new window will appear, “Please provide the reason why you want to delete your profile.” You must enter a password and confirm the deletion with the “Delete forever” button.
  • After this, the profile will be deleted.

Of course, I want the situation when you have to decide how to delete an account in Odnoklassniki to occur as rarely as possible. After all, the majority of deleted users return back to their friends on the site of this social network.

Many users are interested in how to remove themselves from Odnoklassniki from their phone. However, it is currently not possible to delete your profile through the mobile version of the OK website or through the OK application. Therefore, to remove yourself from Odnoklassniki, you should switch to the full version of the OK website.


On your computer or laptop you should already have the full version of the Odnoklassniki website, but on your phone you just need to switch from the mobile version of the OK website to the full one.

How to go to the full version of the OK website on your phone

The screenshot below shows that the mobile version of the OK website is open on the phone. This is evidenced by the website address:, in which the first letter m just means that the mobile version of the OK website is working. It works faster on the phone and saves Internet traffic.

Rice. 1. To go to the full version of the site, click on the OK icon

To remove yourself from Odnoklassniki from your phone, switch from the mobile version of the OK website to the full version.

To do this, log into Odnoklassniki using your username and password, then tap the OK icon with a person (Fig. 1). The “Profile” will open, in which we scroll down and click on the link “Full version of the site” (Fig. 2):

Rice. 2. Go to the full version of the OK website on your phone

After switching to the full version of the site, pay attention to the address in the top line. In the mobile version we had the address: (Fig. 1), and after switching to the full version the address will change to: But it will change if you click the “Full version of the site” option (Fig. 2).

How to completely remove yourself from Odnoklassniki

When the full version of the OK website is open, then from Odnoklassniki on any device: on a computer, laptop and on a phone in just 4 steps listed below.

1) Log in to the full version of the OK website using your username and password. Then we will see ours in the upper right corner (1 in Fig. 3).

Or dial in address bar address

The “License Agreement” window will open:

Rice. 3 (click on the picture to enlarge). “Refuse services” link to remove yourself from OK

3) On the “License Agreement” page, more precisely, at the end of this page, click on the “Refuse services” link (2 in Fig. 3).

4) The “Specify the reason why you want to delete your profile” window will appear (Fig. 4):

Rice. 4. Specify the reason for deletion and enter the profile password

1 in Fig. 4 – put a tick in front of any one reason;
2 – enter the password for the profile (from your page in OK). This is necessary in order to confirm the rights to delete the profile.
3 in Fig. 4 – click on the “Delete” button.

After this, the main OK page will appear, on which your avatar will NOT be in the upper right corner (Fig. 5). This means that you are no longer among Odnoklassniki, but you still have the opportunity to restore your profile within 90 days from the moment it was deleted.

Two notes

1) After deleting your profile, the phone number and email for another 3 months it will not be possible to use it in another profile on the website.

2) It’s completely easy to delete yourself from Odnoklassniki, because when you delete your profile, not only personal information is erased, but also all photos, all comments, all ratings, all correspondence with friends, all groups that you created, achievements in games and much more.

Is it possible to restore to Odnoklassniki?

This is only possible if two conditions are met simultaneously:

  1. No more than 90 days have passed since its deletion.
  2. A mobile phone was linked to the profile.

Rice. 5. To restore access to the page on Odnoklassniki, open “Registration” and indicate your phone number

To restore access to your Odnoklassniki profile:

  1. On the main page OK, click on the “Registration” button (1 in Fig. 5).
  2. Enter the phone number (2 in Fig. 5) that was previously linked to the remote profile.
  3. Click “Next”.
  4. A field for entering SMS will appear (Fig. 6). We enter the code from the SMS received on the phone there.
Rice. 6. To restore the profile OK, enter the code from the SMS

Contacting support

If you cannot restore the OK profile on your own, less than 90 days have passed and the phone has been linked, then contacting the support service will help you quickly solve this problem, I checked it from my own experience.

To contact the Odnoklassniki website support service, follow the link:

A form will open that you need to fill out, indicating as much specific information about yourself as possible about your profile in OK: email, phone number, first and last name, age, city, profile number (if you saved it somewhere or wrote it down), etc. .P. This will help an OK employee quickly determine that you are the owner of the OK account.

In order to contact technical support, there is also.

My experience restoring my page in OK

I had a mobile phone number linked to the OK page. I followed the 4 steps described above to remove myself from Odnoklassniki. Next you had to follow the instructions on the screen. I was prompted to enter my first and last name. After I did this, for some reason my old profile was not restored, but instead was created, and completely empty. In fact, what happened was not restoring the profile, but creating a new one, which I did not need.

Therefore, I had to contact OK Support using the link above. Then I had to fill out a form in which I described my situation in detail, indicating as much as possible about my profile (to confirm that it was my profile and not someone else’s):

  • e-mail,
  • telephone,
  • first and last name,
  • year of birth,
  • I just forgot to indicate the city.

In my appeal to OK support, I asked to restore my old profile and delete the new, empty one. Apparently, the information I provided was enough to convince the support employee that the profile was mine and not someone else’s. A kind young man from the OK support service named Alexander responded to me instantly and restored access. I didn’t even expect such a prompt response and, most importantly, that the old OK profile would be restored so quickly. All I had to do was thank Alexander for promptly solving the problem, which I gladly did.

If a page on Odnoklassniki is important to you, I recommend:

1) Do not experiment (for the sake of “sporting interest”) with deleting the OK profile. It’s easy and quick to delete, but it’s much more difficult to restore, and it’s not always possible.

2) I highly recommend linking your phone to your profile if this has not been done before.

3) It is important to write down your login, password, e-mail, first name, last name, city, year of birth (sometimes they are not indicated as they really are, and then they themselves get confused), as well as the profile number (this is your identification number, unique number in OK). In the full version of the site (on a computer or laptop), your number can be seen at the top, in the address bar of the browser, something like this:

Profile number 712543007338 – you should write it down in a notepad or save it somehow, this will make it much easier to restore the page to OK.
