Odnoklassniki registration. Create a second page in Odnoklassniki

Odnoklassniki registration

Our visual instructions will answer the question of how to register with Odnoklassniki.

Odnoklassniki - new user registration

To register with Odnoklassniki, you need to go to the main page of the Odnoklassniki.ru website: http://ok.ru

Home page of the Odnoklassniki website, registration And entrance is produced right here.

Attention, registration with Odnoklassniki is free, if you are asked to pay for registration in any way, then you are on a scam site. Under no circumstances should you enter personal data on such sites; be careful and always check the address of the site you are on. Official addresses of the social network Odnoklassniki: https://ok.ru, And https:odnoklassniki.ru.

Next, press the button " Registration" and enter the required data:

In our case, this is a mobile phone number. A 6-digit confirmation code will be sent to this number. Enter it into the form and click “Next”.

The next stage of registration is creating a login and password. Your Odnoklassniki login is your phone number. But you need to come up with a password. When creating a password, Latin letters, numbers and symbols are allowed! # $ % ^ & * () _ - +. Also, one of the rules is that the password must contain at least one number. Enter the password and click “Next”.

Next you will be asked to fill out a form with personal data. Indicate your first name, last name, date of birth and gender. Click save. A page in Odnoklassniki has been created, then you can add a main photo so that friends, classmates, and work colleagues can recognize you on the OK.RU website.

Registration in Odnoklassniki without a phone

Recently, you can register with Odnoklassniki without a phone number, and absolutely free. To do this, you must have a google.com account.

Click on the google icon on the main page and the login window will open.

We log in through the Google form, enter the data: phone number or email address and account password. Fill out the form with personal data and save it. After this, all services of the Odnoklassniki social network will become available to you. This registration method will not take much of your time and you will be able to use your classmates in 1-2 minutes.

If you don't have a Google account, you can register one directly in the authorization form.

To do this, click “ Other options", Further " Create an account", fill in your personal information, first and last name, come up with a login and password, indicate your date of birth and gender, but do not indicate your phone number. Click on the button " Further", scroll down "Privacy Policy and Terms of Use" click on the button " I accept" A window will open where you will need to click on the “ Continue" After this, your page will open, and the Odnoklassniki social network will be available for your use.

If for some reason you log out of your account, you can log in by clicking on the Google icon on the main page.

Registration from a mobile phone

To get started, we'll go to the following link: https://ok.ru/m and download the application for your mobile phone model. If you are unable to install the official Odnoklassniki application, you can use the mobile version, which is available at: https://m.ok.ru/

Open the application and click on the “ Quick registration».

Enter your mobile phone number and click on the “ Receive a code" Enter the code that came in the SMS and click “ Confirm».

Next, we will be asked to come up with a password to log into Odnoklassniki; the password must be at least 6 characters long and consist of Latin characters, and have at least one digit. After the password has been created, all you have to do is fill out the form “ My profile", indicate personal data and click " Ready».

Add a profile photo, or click “Skip”, this is the final stage of registration after which all functions of the Odnoklassniki mobile application will become active.

Question answer

How to use the Odnoklassniki website without registration?

Unfortunately, there is no such option; registration is a prerequisite for using the social network Odnoklassniki.

Is registration for ok free?

Now you can register with Odnoklassniki for free, but this was not always the case; in 2009, registration was paid and its cost was approximately 1 dollar. In 2010, the management of the social network decided to cancel paid registration.

How to register two pages for one phone number?

It is not possible to register two pages for one number; according to the rules of the social network Odnoklassniki, one page is registered for one mobile phone number.

How to register in Odnoklassniki

On social media In the Odnoklassniki network, user registration is quick and convenient.

To start this procedure, you need to go to the official website of the service - http://www.odnoklassniki.ru. Registration is also offered on the mail.ru portal page or when you are in a postal service or other corporation project "Mail.ru".

This is what the registration button looks like in Odnoklassniki. The main page can be either in Russian or in English - just select one of the options. At the same time, for both Russia and Ukraine, the procedure for adding a person to a given social network, and the domain - in the zone .ru:

And this is what the button looks like on the mail.ru website, it is located on the left side of the screen:

If you already use one of the services of this company, then a quick registration procedure in Odnoklassniki is possible for you.

  • Enter your Name:
  • Enter last name, if you changed it, you can indicate the previous one in brackets so that old friends and acquaintances can find you.
  • Add date of birth:
  • Click on the desired one floor:
  • Click on the drop-down menu (on the triangle) and select the desired one country from the list, then enter city, the system will help you enter the desired one using the first few letters:

  • Adding an existing one email, or . Various useful information from the social network will be sent to your email:
  • Come up with and enter so that your account is not stolen in the future. Use letters, numbers, and special characters listed below:
  • If the combination is too simple, you will be told:
  • Be sure to write down your username and password in a safe place, because this data is often lost and can be difficult to access in the future.
  • Press the button "Register":

As you can see, the whole process is almost instantaneous. As soon as you want, you can immediately use all the capabilities of the Odnoklassniki.ru project. Registration on a social network is absolutely free, but you will have to pay the cost of being online to your Internet provider.

Account activation and completion

After clicking the button, you will be automatically logged in to - this is the name of the account on the social network. There you will see one alert that will be available to you after clicking:

You can indicate your telephone, that is "tie"“My page” in Odnoklassniki after registration to your mobile number. This is done to protect your profile so that you can recover your password via SMS at any time, for example, if you forgot it or if you were hacked. The phone number will only be visible to you and no one else.

Let's consider filling out other information about your account. Also, after you click on “Sign Up”, the “My Page” where you will be taken after this will ask you to add certain personal information.

You can fill in other information about yourself by clicking on the button "Further":

As you can see, there are still many interesting points here.

"Odnoklassniki": registration, login and password

When creating an account, it is mandatory to indicate password. If you have successfully registered with Odnoklassniki, your login to the site will be protected by this code combination. Now to log into your online profile, or in other words - for "authorization"- the login and password that you enter must be typed correctly, and you should remember them well.

How to create a new page in Odnoklassniki

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to make a new page on this social network. At the same time, they do not mean creating another account, but want to create a new page in your profile structure. Unfortunately, this is impossible, since the list of pages possible in each account is strictly fixed and cannot be edited. You can go to them through one of the menu panels:

And although you will not be able to open a new page within your profile, you will be able to create it as another separate account that is in no way related to the previous one. You may need to create “new classmates” if you want to use, for example, only your maiden name or, conversely, the last name received from your husband, search for acquaintances only from one period of your life, or if your previous profile has been deleted.

If your goal is to create a new page, the social network is always ready to offer you to register again. Everything is done in the same way as described earlier. However, registering a new page with an existing account may have its own characteristics. We will talk about them below.

How to register in Odnoklassniki if you already have an account

If you already have a profile on Odnoklassniki, the social network will allow you to register any number of times. You can do this through the official website - http://www.odnoklassniki.ru, register in Russia or Ukraine, or wherever you are, quickly and free. However, this procedure can only be carried out using different email addresses:

Accordingly, you can register for an email address once, and you can log in to the site using the corresponding login address. Logging into a social network under several logins is possible from one computer, but it is better to use different browsers, since in order to re-login to another profile, you will have to log out of the current one. Log in to each social media account. The network can be accessed from a specific browser, it’s so convenient. For example, for one page use Internet Explorer, for the other - Firefox, for the third - Google Chrome, etc. Each browser will be able to remember the login-password pair. As you enter this information, the programs will prompt you to save it so you don't have to enter it again. You can read more about how to do this in the developers’ guide, watch the video, or go to the section "help"- “help” or another with instructions for working with specific browsers.

As you can see, creating a page on Odnoklassniki is free and easy. You can now create any number of them, because creating a page on a social network does not require advanced computer knowledge, and you do not have to contact your friends with this question.

It is important to remember that if they ask you for money to log in or open a profile on a given social network, then they are scammers or you have contracted a virus. How to deal with viruses, you can.

If you regard your online account as your personal website, it turns out that the social network allows you to create a website practically for free. Moreover, if you need to start communicating and register on Odnoklassniki right now, please, this can be done almost instantly. Just go to the main page of Odnoklassniki.ru, registration “right now” is available in many languages:

You can create a profile online, even if you only have a mobile phone at hand: in Odnoklassniki, registering a new user is possible from any device.

How to make a page in Odnoklassniki from a mobile device

You can create a page on the Internet by typing m.odnoklassniki.ru in your phone browser. You will see a lightweight mobile version with a simplified interface:

By clicking on "Free registration", you will be taken to a form to fill out:

Registration form

Since you can create a page in both the mobile and main versions in almost the same way, you can use other sections of the article to answer various questions.

The social network also allows you to create a page in a special application - it can be downloaded, for example, to Google Play :

The help section, available at: odnoklassniki.ru/help :

The request “create a page” corresponds to the “Registration” help item. Here you can find answers to many other questions: how to set the main page in the browser, how to create an account, how to register in various groups, how to get into the ratings, how to connect your friends to the site, and how to connect to the site if you , for example, you forgot your password, how can you sign up for the community you need, how to install a website on your mobile, etc.

As soon as you manage to create an account, you will have access to all network functions for registered users: messaging, publishing photos, depending on your age (less than or over 18) - watching videos of different age categories. You can create a profile, add yourself as a friend, or register a friend in your friends list only as an authorized user.

From the moment you spoke or thought “I want to register in Odnoklassniki” It may take just a few minutes to use all the network's capabilities. The site allows you to complete all actions very quickly, and makes communication truly complete and interesting immediately after registering a new user. Join us!

And here is a video on how to create a page on Odnoklassniki:

If you remember, not so long ago registration on the social network to which our site is dedicated was paid. As it turned out, this experience was not the most successful (the share of new project participants decreased significantly), and therefore now you can create a page for yourself without any investment!

New User Registration

In fact, everything is very simple. First of all, we go to the address odnoklassniki.ru or ok.ru and see the following picture:

Here we click on the “Registration” button, after which we get to a page where you need to enter your data:

Date of Birth
Country of Residence
E-Mail or Login

Another very important detail. The login can be any word that you can come up with yourself (read more about this in the final part of the article), or the email address to which the account will be registered, or your mobile phone number. We recommend using an email address at this stage; the phone number can be attached to the page a little later.

Of course, you can use your login instead of your email address, but if something happens to your account, you can only restore it using your mobile phone. What if it’s not at hand? This is why it is highly advisable to use an email account.

So, you have filled out all the required fields. After you click on the “Register” button, you will immediately be taken to the page you just created.

All? Oh, if only it were that simple... Now there's something else you need to do.

Profile activation

Now you need to go to the email address you specified earlier and confirm your registration. You should receive a letter something like this in your inbox:

Immediately after this you will be taken to your page. True, the functionality will be incomplete. For example, you simply won’t be able to go to a friend’s page. Why? It's simple - the system requires linking a mobile phone, so we recommend linking your cell phone to the page as quickly as possible. It's free, don't worry. After linking, you will be able to fully use Odnoklassniki.

Filling in data

After you provide your cell phone number and confirm it, you can begin filling out your information. For example, you can add a photo - this can be done by directly clicking on the avatar:

You can easily change data such as first name, last name, city of residence, or, say, gender in your account settings. Click "Change settings", then click on the name and replace the necessary data.

To add a school, university, college, military unit or organization, click “Tell me where you studied” in the same settings menu.

As you can see, Odnoklassniki is simple and convenient.

Registering a second account

So you have created your own page on the Odnoklassniki social network. Now you can search for your comrades, add them as friends and communicate as much as your heart desires. But what if your husband or sister also wanted to create an account on the project? Start another page!

Registering another one profile is very easy - to do this, you just need to follow all the instructions that we have already provided to you. However, to do this, you will need to be from your main (your) account - there is a small “Logout” button in the upper right corner, you need to click on it.

If you don't want to do this, then you can do it differently. Open another Internet browser and start registering directly in it. And remember that using the same email address or mobile phone number for different accounts is PROHIBITED! Otherwise, you will no longer be able to access the first page.

Login and password

And now - a few important points that you need to know when registering with Odnoklassniki.

Firstly, now you can also use your mailbox address as a login, which in any case will need to be specified during registration. In fact, it is very convenient when you can access the site with two logins at once, for example, when you accidentally forget one of them.

Secondly, the password needs to be made as complex as possible. For what? And then so that it cannot be picked up by attackers who will probably try to steal your account. Many experts do not recommend using simple passwords, such as 123456 or qwerty. It is necessary that the word consist of at least 10-12 characters, which should contain not only letters of different registers, but also numbers, as well as various signs. You can, say, take a Russian word and write it on an English layout, for example, k.,jdybwf(this is a mistress) plus you can add several numbers or signs to it. However, it is advisable that you yourself be able to remember this set of characters, since otherwise you will have to recover the password every time... By the way, do not forget to write it on a piece of paper and put it away where no one will find it, except you, of course.

Thirdly, be sure to indicate your mobile phone number when registering. Many do not do this, fearing that money will be withdrawn from their mobile phone. This is a completely wrong opinion - nothing will be written off. Entering your number is necessary, firstly, so that you can fully use the site (which we wrote about just above), and secondly, this will protect you from account theft. That is, if this does happen, you can easily return it after a new password arrives on your phone. In this case, you don't even need a mailbox. Very comfortably. The main thing is to be sure to enter only the phone number that is officially registered in your name, so that you always have access to it.

Register on the Odnoklassniki social network, it’s free, no matter what you read or say. The process itself does not take much time.

All you need to do is follow all instructions. To do this, you need to have an electronic mailbox (email) and preferably a mobile phone number, for the security of your account.

Registration of a page in Odnoklassniki

1. Go to the official Odnoklassniki website, you can go to link. If this opens someone else's page, just click on "Exit" in the upper right corner.

2. Click the button « Register» , as it shown on the picture.

3. Fill out the form as shown in the picture. When you indicate your first and last name, you can use both Russian and English letters. Write your real data or indicate fictitious ones - it’s up to you. Login and password are what you will indicate when entering the site. You cannot use Russian letters here - check that the layout is English. Please read “Good to know” and... after thinking about it once more, click the big green “Continue” button.

When entering the site, in addition to your login, you can also use your email name. Next you will see how this can be done. By the way, it is now not necessary to provide an email address. But it’s still better to indicate your email! It will receive all sorts of notifications, for example, if someone writes you a message. In addition, your email address can be specified when entering the site, instead of your login. You can also use it to recover a forgotten password.

4. And here a page will appear, at the top it will be said that you now have your own page on Odnoklassniki and you will be asked to fill in information about yourself. If you did not indicate your email, proceed to the next step on this page (just below). And if you specified an email address, go to it now.

In your mailbox, open a letter from your classmates.

5. Well, you are back again on the page from which you entered the mail. There is no need to fill out anything now, you can do this later. Click the “Skip” button at the bottom of the page (it’s located next to the “Continue” button).

Good to know. The current version of classmates does not offer any steps. But, just in case, we leave their description in the instructions.

For all subsequent steps, click the same “Skip” button. Although, however, this is your business, you can fill out everything at once.

6. In theory, you can skip this step. But you still have to do this, because otherwise you won’t be able to communicate normally on the site.

Enter your mobile phone number and click the "Get Code" button. You will receive an SMS containing a confirmation code. As already mentioned, registration on the site is free - you will not be charged any money for it.

Be careful - enter the email name correctly. When entering your password, once again, make sure that the keyboard is on the English layout.

If you check the “remember” box as shown in the figure, then when you access your page on this computer, you will not have to enter your email name and password every time, because your page will always open. That's what everyone usually does. However, you should not do this if someone else is using the computer.

Login to Odnoklassniki on “My Page”

See also where you can chat and share photos and videos with friends.

We will help you register with Odnoklassniki. Registration on this social network is completely free. Having successfully completed it, you receive your new page.

We will open Odnoklassniki in a separate window, and this article will remain in the previous tab (or in a separate window), and you can switch to it at any time to get help. First, let's check if everything is ready!

What do you need to prepare for registration?

You need to have:

  • A mobile phone whose number you know and which you are not going to part with. You may need it in the future to restore access.
  • Preferably, but not required, an email address to which you have access.

In addition, you need:

  • Create a password (code word from 6 to 12 characters, you can use large and small letters, numbers and any of the symbols: .!#$%^&*()_-+ ). The most important thing is that you must always remember the password, but no one but you should know it! In other words, the password must be complex enough that it cannot be guessed, but at the same time it can be remembered. The password has a distinction between uppercase and lowercase letters. For example, if your password starts with a small letter, then comes with a capital letter, and then again with small letters, then this is how you should always enter it. And it’s also important what language you enter it in. If you initially set a password in the English layout, and then enter it in Russian, the site will not understand you.

Let's start registering!

So, let’s open the Odnoklassniki website. Press on this link, and Odnoklassniki will open in a new tab or window. Then switch here (back).

Attention: if, after opening Odnoklassniki, you see another person’s page or your old page that is no longer needed, click "Exit" in the upper right corner. Only then will you be able to register a new page.

The very first thing you will see is an invitation to log into the site or register. We can’t log in yet, since we don’t have a login or password yet. But we see the link “Register.” Just click on it in the window that opens:

Or this picture could be:

Filling out personal data

Now you need to provide basic information about yourself. This is necessary, firstly, in order to register your page, and then, when you go to it, you will be able to see your name and confidently say that this is your page. And secondly, so that your friends and classmates can find you on the site:

Let's get started. You must specify:

  • Name. What is your name?
  • Last name(the fairer sex who has a maiden name can indicate it in parentheses, that is, first write the current surname, then a space and the maiden name in parentheses).
  • Date of birth- day, month and year. Each day or month must be selected from the list: for example, click on "year", Find your year of birth in the list, then click on it.
  • Country of residence— most likely, your country has already been selected there, for example, Russia. But if you need to specify another one, you can do it right away. Selected from the list - the same as the year of birth.
  • City— here enter the city or town where you live. When you type the first letters, Odnoklassniki suggests cities so as not to type until the end. You can simply choose from options that begin with these letters.
  • Email or login: here you need to indicate one of two things - your email address (for example, [email protected] ) or a login you created (for example, petr.ivanov). Please note once again that if you indicate your email address, this is done for a reason! You must have access to this mail. If you do not want to contact the mail and indicate your login, then it must be no shorter than 6 characters. And if someone has already taken such a login, then you will have to invent another one. Finally, you need to remember your login. Same as the password.
  • Password: everything is clear here, enter the password you came up with. You need to remember the password, because it is knowing the password that allows you to enter the site.

When everything is entered, press the button “Register.” If something is wrong, the Odnoklassniki website will indicate the error (highlight it in red and write the reason). If everything is in order, you will immediately go to your new page. Hooray!

Page activation

Now it is important to take one more step: provide your mobile phone number. This is necessary to activate the page and gain full access to the site. Activation is free, after which your page is, as it were, linked to your phone. If you need to restore access and you order a recovery code via SMS, it will be sent to your number.

Now an SMS will be sent to your number with a code that you need to enter on the website. That's it, your Odnoklassniki page is now activated. You can use all the functions of the site. We advise you to do the following:

  • Upload your photo from your computer.
  • Indicate the educational institution (or several institutions) where you studied.
  • Look for friends and classmates.

If you need to change any information about yourself, you can do this on your page at any time - just click on your name, which is written in large font. There you can indicate your interests, and follow the link "Edit personal data"— change first name, last name, gender, date of birth, city of residence. In addition, you will be able to indicate your hometown.

Is it possible to register on Odnoklassniki without a phone number?

Unfortunately no. To register, you need to provide a valid phone number, which you always have at hand. This number may be required in the future to restore access. Some people use “virtual” phone numbers that they buy on websites, but in reality, if you don’t want to share your personal number, it’s much easier to buy an additional SIM card. But keep in mind that if you do not use this SIM card, the operator will disconnect you, and it will be difficult for you to restore access (and anything can happen in life). Therefore, it is better to register with your main phone number.

If I deleted my page, can I register again with the same phone number?

If you turn to the help of Odnoklassniki, you can find the following information there:

A mobile phone number can only be registered on one page. It won't work on the other one. If the page is deleted, you will not be able to register a new page with this phone number immediately, but after some time.

Since “some time” can mean several months, in such a situation we advise you to buy a cheap SIM card, activate a page with it, and then, after “some time,” try to change the number to the old one. This is done like this:

  1. Under your main photo, click "more".
  2. Choose "change settings" and onwards "Phone number".
  3. Click "Change number."
  4. Enter the number to which you want to link the page.
  5. Confirm your choice.
  6. You will receive a code via SMS, which you will need to enter to confirm the number.

Email address confirmation

Don’t forget one more thing: if you indicated your email address when registering, now is the time to go to your mail and look at new letters. You should receive a letter like this:

Quick login to Odnoklassniki

Good luck! To quickly log into Odnoklassniki, use the “Login” start page, on it you will always see if anyone has written to you or come to visit you to look at your page. Or maybe I rated your photo! You will see this before entering the site.

If there are any other incomprehensible moments during registration, look help section on Odnoklassniki- most likely, there will be an answer to your question.
