We use scripts to boost messages on VKontakte. Script for boosting VKontakte messages How to boost VKontakte messages script

There are quite a lot of different ways on the network to generate incoming DMs on VKontakte. These are various services, automatic bots and much more. But today I decided to talk about one interesting and very fast method. Namely, how to generate messages in VK using the element code.

Who needs this kind of cheating and why?

Boosting messages through page element code is a very simple method that is not suitable for all users. Its main feature is that you can generate an infinite number of drugs instantly, but they will not be saved when you update or close the browser tab.

When I say “infinite,” I mean precisely an infinite number, limited only by the interface of the VK site itself. That is, how many numbers opposite the “Messages” line the interface can accommodate, that’s the number you can wind up.

But as good as this method is on the one hand, it is just as bad on the other. All changes will not be saved, but will be available only until the end of the current session. That is, using the page element code, you will earn, say, 10 thousand hp, and then close the site. When you open it again, there will be no changes.

The thing is that by changing the site code, you do not send information to the VKontakte servers. You only visually change the element in the browser itself. This information does not go anywhere beyond the browser and, accordingly, is not stored anywhere.

The method of boosting messages in VK through an element code is suitable in cases where you need to take, for example, a screenshot on which a large number of DMs should be visible. They cheated it, took a screenshot of the screen, and sent it to a friend or to their envious people.

How to wind it up?

When using this cheating method, it is important to understand that in fact no messages will be sent to you. You just change the number opposite the corresponding main menu item.

In other words, all your popularity gained in this way remains only in the screenshot.

Below I will describe step-by-step instructions on how to generate messages in VK using the element code:

To do this, ask your friend to send you a PM or do it yourself from another account. The main thing is not to read it.

If you can't find the element you need in the code, then simply hover your mouse over each of the lines. At this moment, the selected elements will be highlighted on the page itself. Find the line that, hovering over it, highlights the “Messages” line. Unfold it.

The number “1” in this line is responsible for the displayed value of the new drugs.

Voila! You can see the result in the screenshot.

Everything is much simpler than it might seem at first glance. If you look at it, this procedure is very simple, and it can be carried out at any time in half a minute. Now all you have to do is take a screenshot and brag to your friends.

Advantages and disadvantages

As you can understand, this method of boosting drugs has both advantages and disadvantages. Below I have highlighted the main ones. The advantages include:

  • Very fast turnaround. Much faster than using various services or offers. Messages are processed instantly, and the procedure itself takes no more than a minute.
  • Endless cheating. The number of added drugs is limited only by the capabilities of the VK website interface.
  • No third party software required. You don’t need to register and complete tasks on various exchanges for the mutual exchange of activity, you don’t need to download and configure bots, you don’t need to spam in groups like “Clog LAN,” etc. All you need is to log into VK through any browser.
  • For free. Unlike cheating with third-party software, you don’t have to pay here.

The disadvantages include:

  • Imaginary popularity. When using the page element code, no actual messages are sent to you. You just change the number next to the menu item. Therefore, if you need to take a screenshot of the dialogues, and not the “New messages” numbers, then this method will not suit you.
  • Changes are not saved. You do not send information to the VK servers, you only change the page code in your browser. After completing the session (updating or closing the tab), the changes will disappear. But this also leads to a plus - this method is safe and does not lead to a ban (unlike the same third-party services).

Possible problems

There are not many problems that users may encounter when using DM promotion through the element code. But let's look at those that are:

  1. Accidental or intentional page refresh, after which all changes disappear. You can always do the procedure again, but still be careful and try not to refresh or close the tab.
  2. A screenshot that will give you away. Often, using this method, people take a screenshot of a page with dialogues. And there, as you might understand, there are no new messages. Be careful when taking a screenshot and open another page of the VK website in advance (since after cheating it will not be possible to update the page).
  3. Difficult to find the right element. This is one of the most common problems. Users open the code in an arbitrary place on the page, and then cannot find the element they need. To avoid this error, click with the second mouse button on the “New messages” number. As a last resort, use the method I described earlier (instructions, step 4).

Bottom line

Today we talked to you about how to generate messages in VK through the page element code. This is a simple and easy way to wipe the noses of your envious people. But still remember that such popularity is not real.

Now many are looking for ways to boost messages on VKontakte for free. It is believed that if, when viewing your page, it is clear that you have a lot of unread messages, then the page is super popular! It’s not a shame to screenshot such a page and show it to your friends. In fact, popularity in this form is a very controversial issue, but let’s skip the arguments and move on to the immediate “topic”.

Until VKontakte switched to a new design, it was very easy to show many unread messages. To do this, you just had to mark the messages as unread and the treasured numbers would appear on the screen next to the “My messages” item. However, the design has been updated and today this feature does not work. Therefore, to boost messages on VK for free, you can only use the methods that we will tell you about.

Today there are many special exchanges where anyone can post a task for various promotions for VKontakte. Previously, it was possible to generate messages, that is, create a task for writing personal messages in VK using the Ad-Social service:

However, today this service has ceased to provide this opportunity:

After looking at a dozen similar services that provide services for boosting indicators on VKontakte, we could not find one that works with boosting personal messages. Therefore, we will not consider boosting personal messages through a third-party site.

There is demand - there is supply! In VK.COM itself there are about a thousand special groups and communities that offer boosting personal messages. They are created specifically to unite people like you who are looking for ways to increase their unread private messages for free.

The top groups in this segment are called “Zozori LS”, “Zozori LS|Signy” and so on. Here you can leave a message with a request to make the necessary promotion:

Another way to receive almost endless unread VK messages is a cunning scheme to lure people with the help of gaming communities. To do this, you need to study a game, find out what keys, accounts, paid add-ons are there and offer it for free. For example, you go to a gaming group on tanks and write that you have about 100 different upgraded accounts. Let's say you write that you are ready to sell them for pennies. And then put a note - contact the PM.

So, you are guaranteed a flow of incoming messages.

Using bots to write messages to yourself

Special programs, or BOTS, can also be used to boost personal messages. Among such programs are brobot, however, you will use it at your own peril and risk, since your login and password may be stolen.

With the help of bots you can generate 100, 200, 300... or even 1 million personal messages for your page. But be careful when using this method.

The best way to show a large number of unread messages VK.COM

And finally, if you need to show a huge (any) number of unread messages on VKontakte, that is, show this number, then just do a few simple steps:

The result of cheating incoming messages using this method:

If you want to show off a large number of messages on VK, you should connect a script to boost them. In this article we will tell you where to get a working script and how to insert it onto a page in VK. Cheating messages in VK is a new option in VK, with which you can make sure that you have from 100 to 10,000 new unread messages in your dialogue. Why inflate messages on the site?

Firstly, if you are going to sell a page, a lot of pure dialogue will indicate profile activity. It is also useful to promote those who offer promotion services in VK. If the work has nothing to do with advertising, you can create messages, take a screenshot and show it off on your VK wall.

Working script for boosting VKontakte messages 2017

The site offers to download the code for cheating https://pastebin.com/Sv0Q9yn0 Right on the main page you will see a working script. We checked the site and found no viruses on it. To start cheating.

  1. Select the structure so that all code elements are highlighted in blue.
  2. Press CTRL+C and go to your VK page.
  3. Press the F12 button to open the area for inserting the code.
  4. The page code will appear in front of you. Select “Console” at the top. Hover your mouse over a free field and press CTRL+V.

Do not refresh or close the page. In a few seconds you will see new messages. Their number can reach from 100 to 10,000. To stop cheating, click on F5. Please note that there are no scripts for increasing subscribers or likes. VK does not like artificially created activity and blocks accounts that have gained a lot of likes and friends in a day. If you want to increase the number of subscribers and likes without losing quality, contact professionals.

Our company has been engaged in promotion since 2009, and we guarantee that your . For likes you can contact , and it’s possible to order cheating of friends . For those who want to promote their page on their own, we have prepared a post .

Script for boosting a large number of messages on VKontakte

If the previous script did not work, use this platform for cheating https://thisiseasy.ru/vk-messages.html This resource offers to generate 2,000 messages in 2 minutes. To copy the code, tap the green button. Then, move to the console and insert the structure. Watch how the number of dialogues increases.

In addition to scripts for boosting messages, there are applications for determining the statistics of your dialogues. The program is located at the link https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/vkontakte-stats/ To download it to yourself, click on the install button. The application shows the dynamics of dialogues, information about who wrote to you the most, how many sent and incoming messages are in the dialogue. It doesn’t cheat anything, but serves as a convenient tool for collecting statistics. Suitable for advertisers and people whose activities involve working on social networks.

If you want to receive messages on VK without scripts, take advantage of promotion offers from real people. There are special communities on VK where people help each other create messages. Don't forget to set your privacy so that your messages are open. To do this, go to the main page settings. Open the privacy tab and scroll down. In the Contact Me area, make sure the All Users checkbox is selected. Otherwise, strangers will not be able to write to you.

Music under the post.

Auto status to group)

Unsubscribe from everyone.

Eternal online.

Cleaning messages.

Flood in discussions.


Flood into the gazebo.

Flood of photos in the album.

Flood with audio recordings.

Leaked LikeTime script.

Self-portrait with emoticons.

Group captcha notification.

Flood on a friend's wall.

Autoava for the group.

Tagging photos.

Skin generator.

Cheating saves.

Leaving groups.

Checking the token for validity.

Flood on the wall from many accounts.

Cleans saves.

PR script with RUCAPTCHA.

Random comment for Ava.

PR script.

Top business card

50 scripts for VKontakte for all occasions. The archive includes such scripts for VK as:

Music under the post.

Edits the birthday date, like every day is a birthday.

Auto status to group)

A post with exchange rates, exact time, number of dialogues, etc.

Converts subscribers to friends.

Unsubscribe from everyone.

Eternal online.

Changes the name of the conversation temporarily.

Cleaning messages.

Replaces hometown with fact.

The name of the group will include time and weather.

Saves all attached images in messages.

Flood in discussions.


Flood into the gazebo.

A post with a fact and an attached photo.

Cheating messages using the method of creating conversations.

A post with a fact and a photo attached to the group.

Those who removed you from friends are in an emergency situation.

Selects the person who likes posts in the group.

Flood of photos in the album.

Flood with audio recordings.

Leaked LikeTime script.

Self-portrait with emoticons.

Group captcha notification.

Flood on a friend's wall.

Autoava for the group.

Automatic admission of people into closed groups.

Autopost \"Birthday in\"

Tagging photos.

Skin generator.

Choose a lucky winner in the comments.

Skin generator without notifications.

Selects a lucky winner in the comments without notifications.

If a person has unsubscribed, a message will be sent to him before an emergency.

Cheating saves.

Leaving groups.

Will wish your friends a Happy New Year at exactly 0:00

Checking the token for validity.

10 popular songs in the comments.

Adds popular tracks to audio recordings.

Flood on the wall from many accounts.

Cleans saves.

Automatically adds to the conversation if you write in PM \"#addchatuser\"

PR script with RUCAPTCHA.

Random comment for Ava.

Today, many users of the social network VKontakte are wondering how to gain a large number of subscribers to their page. There are many ways to do this, and today we will look at one of them, namely, using scripts containing thousands of lines of code. Typically, scripts for increasing VK subscribers are ordered from freelancers for specific tasks.

From this material you will learn: what VK scripts are, for what purposes they are used and what they are. We will also tell you in detail how to get VK subscribers (friends) using a script.

Script for increasing VK subscribers

First, let's figure out what scripts are.

If we speak in a language understandable to the average user, a script is a line of code that allows you to automatically perform a particular task. Using this code, you can automate some actions on VKontakte (friending, unsubscribing, etc.) and even add functions that do not exist (for example, message statistics).

VKontakte users often wonder if it is possible to get subscribers to their page or community using some script. And here we come to the most interesting part. There is no clear answer to this question. They seem to exist, but at the same time you can’t use them.

After all, today the VKontakte administration is struggling in every possible way with various cheating, spam, etc. And the company's developers are far from the latest masters of their craft. Therefore, you are unlikely to find a script that actually works.

It is important to understand that today there are no scripts on the Internet that allow you to increase likes, group subscribers, friends (incoming requests) or even hack pages. At least, they are definitely not in the public domain. Typically, scripts for getting subscribers are ordered through freelancers.. A detailed specification is written and the result is checked.

Judge for yourself, as soon as something like this appears on the Internet and begins to be used en masse by users, the administration immediately notices it and eliminates the resulting gap in the site’s code. That is why such lines of code, if they exist, remain known only to a narrow circle of people.

Another factor is human psychology: such a tool would help you easily surpass your competitors (for example, quickly gain a large number of subscribers to a group). But not everyone wants to share such an opportunity.

And finally, it’s worth mentioning that VK is now offering a reward for every vulnerability found on the site. This, of course, is not Google, which pays 50 thousand dollars, so it is unlikely that people will publish such scripts.

Which ones exist?

Today there are only a few working scripts for VKontakte, but all of them do not contradict the rules of social networks. networks and do not give any superiority over other users, especially in the competitive aspect (that is, you will not be able to get a bunch of subscribers to your group in this way).

The most popular of them allow:

  • display message statistics;
  • one-time deletion of posts on the wall;
  • accepting all incoming friend requests;
  • sending friend requests;
  • one-time unfollow from everyone to whom friend requests were sent;
  • sending invitations to the group;
  • adding seized or deleted audio recordings;
  • quick removal of messages from the dialogue;
  • scripts for various VK games, etc.

As you can see, almost all of them are designed to automate the same type of actions.

How to make VK friends?

It’s worth noting right away that this script does not get you subscribers. It only itself (automatically) sends outgoing requests according to the algorithm embedded in it.

Of all the scripts, this one has existed for quite a long time and is unlikely to be fixed by the developers. Because, in fact, it just performs normal actions (which you can do yourself). And, therefore, does not raise any suspicions.

So what we need to do:

As we have already said, the work will be performed automatically. The program itself will search for new people (using mutual friends) and send them applications.

In addition, the code is written in such a way that in addition to sending a friend request, the program will like the user's first photo, thereby increasing the chances that the person will accept the friendship.

It is worth remembering the limitations of VK - no more than 50 friend requests per day. Even with the help of the described code, you will not be able to exceed this limit.


When it comes to getting subscribers, caution is never too much. Danger may await you from several sides.

On the one hand, there is the VKontakte administration, which does not sleep. Any suspicious activity on your page may lead to blocking. At best, your profile will be frozen for some time, and at worst, it will be blocked forever.

On the other hand, there are scammers who know about the demand for “methods” of cheating and are trying in every possible way to lure people into a trap. For example, some scripts (created specifically for this purpose) can lead to your personal data and even your password being leaked to third parties.

Therefore, be extremely careful and do not abuse cheating, no matter what method you use.

This script, like all scripts in general that help you get subscribers to your page, has pros and cons. Let's draw a small line under all of the above and highlight the main ones.


  • Automated process is the main advantage of using scripts. Once you have the necessary code, you just need to run it, everything else will be done for you.
  • High speed of promotion - to send 50 invitations (limit), the script will only take half an hour, if not less.


  • Cannot bypass the limit of 50 applications per day;
  • You cannot set certain criteria for searching people (for example, by city, age, gender);
  • The downside of all scripts that gain subscribers is that if it contradicts the rules of the site, it will be quickly fixed. Therefore, they are either not publicly available, or they are, but most likely they no longer work.

Bottom line

Today we looked at the topic of boosting subscribers using scripts. Now you know what scripts exist, what they are capable of and what they are not capable of.

If the functionality of the script described above suits you, then you can safely use it without fear for the security of your account and personal data.
