MGTS email address for complaints. How to write a letter to MGTS sample

In the Kuntsevsky District Court of Moscow, Plaintiff: ...
Defendant: PJSC
MGTS 119991 Moscow st. B. Ordynka
25, p. 1.
Claim price:
non-property claim

STATEMENT OF CLAIM for compulsion to fulfill a contract for the provision of telematic communication services.

On June 13, 2017, an Agreement was concluded between me and the defendant to the contract for the provision of communication services No. 530188-1/1980 on the provision of local telephone services at a time-based tariff of 205 rubles/month and telematic communications “Internet PON 80Mbit/s + TV” 299 rub/month for an indefinite period. A copy of the Agreement is attached.

June 07, 2018 in accordance with Article 161 of the Code of Civil Procedure and clause 13.2. Procedure for providing communication services by email [email protected] A single invoice was received for May 2018 in the amount of 641 rubles. 36 kopecks and notification of the offer to pay the tariff “Internet PON80 Mbit/s + TV” 399 rubles/month. Copy attached.

On June 09, 2018, I sent a written refusal to accept the offer and perform implied actions to the defendant’s email address [email protected] specified in the details on the website of PJSC MGTS for applications from individuals. A copy of the refusal and a printout of the shipment are attached.

On June 13, 2018, I paid the Unified invoice for May 2018 in the amount of 541 rubles. 36 kopecks At the same time, refusal to perform implied actions in the amount of 100 rubles. the defendant counted as non-payment under the Agreement and the debt “-100 rubles”. A copy of the Unified Invoice and a copy of the payment are attached. Thus, PJSC MGTS provided a service whose quality did not comply with the Agreement and violated Art. 4 of the Law on Protection of Consumer Rights, sub. b clause 26 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 10, 2007 No. 575 “On approval of the Rules for the provision of telematic communication services”, clause 10.1 of the Contract/agreement, clause 13.2. Procedure for providing communication services.

June 15, 2018 in accordance with Art. 29 of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and in accordance with clause 29 and clause 31 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 10, 2007 No. 575 “On approval of the Rules for the provision of telematic communication services”, the subscriber has the right to refuse to pay for telematic communication services not provided for agreement and provided to him without his consent, I sent a written claim demanding the provision of telematic communication services in accordance with the Agreement at the tariff “Internet PON 80 Mbit/s + TV” at a tariff of 299 rubles. per month. A copy of the claim and a printout of the shipment are attached.

On June 18, 2018, in a response, PJSC MGTS reported that the increase in tariff and speed was carried out on the initiative of PJSC MGTS. These actions of the operator are regulated by clause 51 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 10, 2007 No. 575 “On approval of the Rules for the provision of telematic communication services” and are subject to payment by the party on whose initiative changes were made to the contract, i.e., the defendant.
A copy of the response is attached.

I don’t think it’s decent to describe all the emotions that I had to experience through your fault, but I hope I won’t have to meet such notorious “workers” and fabulous “specialists”, I don’t need to deal with you, and what’s happening in your “organization” simply doesn’t fit what standards are both moral and, apparently, legal. Now in essence: on December 7, 2012 we contacted you to connect the Internet (number 499-235-79-30), the Internet is still not connected. It is not possible to see a specialist from your organization even after repeated requests, clarifications, investigations and promises on your part. If you do not have the ability to provide services properly, then do not engage in this type of activity. Why do you torture people by essentially imposing services, and then are unable to fulfill your obligations to connect them.

JSC MGTS quality line

My patience is already bursting, what a disgrace I spent the whole day waiting for the repairman who didn’t even deign to call back and apologize that he was delayed, so he didn’t even come. When you call them on the phone they are rude and hang up. We hoped that your services were good, but it turned out to be even worse than what we had. I demand that measures be taken to clarify my complaint.
In 2006 We received an apartment to replace the demolished one in a five-story building. I couldn’t translate the Preobrazhensky T/U number. As a result, having squeezed 680 rubles out of us, they installed an AVU! I forgot what this is! They tearfully promised to fix everything within six months. For 6 and a half years now we have been paying for a room on paper! Patience has run out! On the weekend I'm going to cancel MGTS services.
There are a sea of ​​operators. I'll install an IP device. And the definition is free and a bunch of extras. services.

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With deep disrespect and hatred, your client Alexander is forced. They switched to fiber optics, it worked and then broke down. I filled out an application number 220427 (tel. 495 4444537), they promised the technician would come every time after 2 days, calls every time, the dispatcher doesn’t know why the wizard didn’t come, the next application is in 2 days, the wizard deigned to show up only on Monday 02/11/2013. I scheduled welding for Wednesday, wait. Today they called, the foreman came, without anything and as if for the first time?!!! The dispatchers can’t say anything, wait, why can’t you assign a foreman for a specific time and why did the foreman come today !!!And why do we need dispatchers who don’t know anything and can’t connect with anyone? We have 2 weeks of a non-working phone, constant calls from a cell phone and a 7-minute wait. And 2 DAYS OF STUPID WAITING FOR A MASTER (someone has to sit and not leave )!!! Dear Alexander! We have the same garbage. All one to one.

Mgts - claims department [invalid]

I urge all those offended and offended: IGNORE THE SLAUGHTERS!!! We will pay those who work, and not those who rely on us in the first place. Soviet times are over. May the best man win!!! Hello. Dear discussion participants, if you need help or have questions about service in MGTS, write to [email protected], indicating the MGTS number, contact number and link to this post. We will try to help. Sincerely, OJSC MGTS I have a big problem with PJSC MGTS.

Illegal seizure of money. Tell me to write to YOU ​​at the same address? Answer me [email protected]/ It’s very frustrating how your organization works; I’ve never encountered a more terrible service until now.

Are you a robot?

MGTS does not even consider it necessary to give a written answer, to somehow react to the problem. The task of OJSC MGTS is to promote a client for a lot of money, no matter what? According to clause 5.4 of the Agreement for the provision of Internet access services, the Operator undertakes, at the request of the Subscriber, to eliminate malfunctions arising due to the Operator’s fault that prevent the use of the service for 10 days, and also according to clause 5.7, the Operator is obliged to notify the Subscriber at least 24 hours in advance about the work related to the replacement of equipment, software, caused by the need to maintain the functionality and development of the Operator’s technical means... which was not done! As a result of the load on the MGTS server itself, there were repeated failures in the Internet and loss of settings on my computer, which was confirmed by your organization’s support staff (conversations are recorded).

Disabling your home phone

I asked how I could terminate the contract and received the answer that only by visiting their office in person. I decided to notify of the termination of the contract on my part by mail. To do this, I sent a valuable letter with a list of attachments, the contents of the letter are a statement of termination of the contract, the text is as follows: there from such and such, STATEMENT I, such and such, who is your subscriber, ask you to terminate the subscription agreement (personal account number such and such) for service telephone number of such and such, installed in a telephoned apartment at the address: such and such, on the basis of paragraph 48 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 9, 2014.

No. 1342 “On the procedure for the provision of telephone services” - “The subscriber has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract at any time, subject to payment for the telephone services provided.” Date, signature. The signature was not notarized.

Question 26510 how can I write a letter of complaint to MGTS addressed to the general

Hello, Mikhail. The answer to the post was provided to you here: Sincerely, MGTS OJSC charged 10,000 rubles for connecting to the Internet. 2 PENSIONERS don’t know anything, they were simply blatantly deceived and offered free services. The installation was on September 7, 2012. STILL, no one wants to figure it out and help. please help me return the money, installed by Ivan from Mostelnet, his mobile phone .8 9160394897 PEOPLE BE ALERT. Thank you in advance I've already gotten your internet. You charge good money... But the quality is poor... The speed is low... Or the internet disappears very often!!! I play online games... and here is such crap!!! More like this a couple of joints... and I will refuse your services!!! He used lime and did not know grief... Your shit is net... And now I will advise others not to connect your crap...

OJSC MGTS - claim

On paper (receipts) in the detail of accruals one amount is 402.92 rubles in Total payable - another 472.92 rubles. The operators of the phone number 8 495 636 0 636 cannot explain, they claim that there is no debt. A claim was filed for the operation of the Internet and this service was disabled. The claims department staff contacted me, apologized, and assured that my claim had been taken into account and a recalculation would be issued from November 2 (from the time there was no connection on the line, and not from the moment of the appeal).

No recalculation has been made. There is a fee for calling a technician on weekdays. I agreed. I spent the whole working day. Nobody arrived. Who compensates for the costs of working time, waiting on the communication line with the operator for 54 minutes, 45 minutes, ...????? Nerves???? Unreasonable payments???? for what?????? Complaint. What a disgrace is happening in your service.

Write an open letter to the president

I have already contacted you three times with written complaints describing what happened (the originals are available in the complaints department). I am contacting you once again. I have not received a response to any written complaint from MGTS, in accordance with clause 7.2 of the Agreement for the provision of Internet access services. In an oral conversation with the employees of the claims department after my third appeal dated May 24, 2013, an agreement was reached on the possible repayment of my debt in installments, in installments (despite my categorically disagreement with the vile situation that arose, in which I found myself in the extreme).

After which, to the extent possible, I paid the declared debt, but nevertheless, my home telephone was turned off three times, for which I pay the bill properly and on time, and also receive an SMS on my mobile phone with a warning about forced collection.

Termination of contract with PJSC MGTS

Problems created for me, through no fault of my own, are paid for by me, and even double the amount!!! Self-service? SUPER! OJSC MGTS, not fulfilling its contractual obligations, demands fulfillment of obligations from the Subscriber, and threatening legal action! Reviews on the Internet about the activities of MGTS, to put it mildly, are not pleasant, completely negative. As I understand it, this is not important for MGTS. The company is not interested in the opinions of clients, is not ashamed of the quality of service, is it not interested in the prestige of such a large organization? The manager or his deputies cannot be reached under any pretext, no telephone numbers, no office hours - everything is incognito. State within the State? I would like to draw your attention once again to the fact that as a result of your service, with the participation of a master fraudster, suppressing me morally, I was put into a huge debt.
