The Home button on the phone does not work - reasons and repairs. Why the home button on the iPhone doesn't work If the home button on the iPhone doesn't work

Owners of the iPhone 5s and other models with a modified Home button over time are faced with the fact that the button begins to stick, click, jam, or stop working altogether. Let's consider ways to independently solve this problem.

Reasons why the Home button fails on iPhone and iPad

Reasons why the Home button may not work correctly include the following:

  • software glitches;
  • mechanical damage:
    • clogged mechanism and contact pad;
    • moisture ingress;
    • button sticking;
    • blows.

Ways to solve the problem depending on the cause of the failure

Faults that can cause the Home button to malfunction are divided into software and hardware.

Software glitch

If the Home button does not work well due to a software glitch, then the problem can be easily solved using calibration:

Video: how to calibrate the Home button on iPhone/iPad

Mechanical damage and blockages

The problem with the Home button can also occur due to hardware faults.

Adjusting the position of the standard connector

To adjust the position of the standard connector:

  1. Connect a basic USB cable to your iPhone.
  2. Place your finger under the plug inserted into the connector.
  3. In the Bottom-Up direction, press the plug and press the Home button.

If the button does not start working, do not try to press harder. This will only lead to mechanical failure of the connector.

Cleaning the Contact Pad

To clean the button and surface, you will need special lubricants and cleaning agents, for example, alcohol and WD-40 (“Vedeshka”). To clean the surface with the latter:

The same steps can be followed using regular alcohol, only after applying you should wait a few minutes until it evaporates.

This method of cleaning the surface of an iOS device from debris is simple and fast. However, professional internal cleaning, which is highly discouraged from doing on your own, is considered more effective.

If the button is damaged

If there are signs of damage on the button or device and the Home button does not respond, then most likely the key connector is damaged or disconnected. In this case, there are 2 ways out of the situation:

  1. Repair at the service center.
  2. Assigning home button functions to gestures.

To add the Home button to the home screen:

Video: How to activate AssistiveTouch

One of the methods listed should help you solve the problem with the functionality of the Home button. If self-correction does not fix the problem, do not waste time and do not risk “breaking” the device, but contact a service center.

As you use your mobile device, the functionality of the main button may change; it may become less responsive, react late, or not work at all. The problem is typical for iPhone and iPad devices; this kind of problem most often occurs as a result of a software glitch, and in this case it will not be difficult to fix it. You can do this yourself or seek qualified help, which can be provided by the specialists of our service center. In some cases, heavy use of the Home button will cause it to wear out, and in this case more serious intervention will be required to restore its functionality.

Causes of malfunction

The Home button is made of glass, which makes it vulnerable to mechanical stress. Careless handling of the phone, impacts and falls on a hard surface, and exposure to sharp metal objects become the main causes of mechanical damage to the button. However, the service center most often receives mobile phones in which the Home button does not work (sticks, clicks, jams, does not work well) due to a software glitch.

There are various ways to restore the functionality of the Home button, which you can use yourself or with the help of service specialists. These include:

Performing calibration using software. This method is only suitable if the Home button does not work due to a software glitch. To perform the calibration procedure, you need to open any standard application of the device (weather or stocks), press the power button and hold the power button until the shutdown bar appears. Then the Home button is held until the shutdown bar disappears, after which the running application is unloaded from memory. After these manipulations, the Home button should still work.

Adjusting the position of the dock connector can be applied if the button stops responding to pressing. To perform the procedure, you will need a 30-pin cord, the plug of which is placed into the connector of the mobile phone, and then gently pressed from below with your finger from bottom to top. After this, the Home button is pressed and the cord is removed.

Using WD-40 aerosol (“Vedeshka”). The aerosol is widely used in the aviation, automotive, weapons and aerospace industries, and at home to eliminate squeaking doors, lubricate metal parts, locks, etc. The aerosol is applied to the Home button and 5-10 clicks are performed, after which its functionality returns.

Performing the software duplication procedure. To do this, you need to go to the phone settings menu (Settings –> General –> Universal Access) and turn on Assistive Touch, then press the circle that appears on the screen and click the “Home” button. After closing the settings, the button can be called up at any time to return to the main screen. However, this method is only a temporary solution to the problem, which can help before going to a mobile device repair shop. #the home button on the phone doesn't work #why #what to do

Not everyone can perform restorative procedures, so you can’t do it without the help of a competent specialist. If the Home button on your phone does not work, feel free to go to our workshop that repairs phones in Minsk. Our technicians will quickly determine the cause of the problem, promptly and efficiently restore the functionality of the mobile device, providing a guarantee for all work and services performed.

The iPhone Home button has many functions - unlocking the screen, launching the multitasking menu, returning to the Home screen, calling Siri, etc. This frequent use can affect the responsiveness of the button. Although the key is designed to last for a long period of use, it may become less responsive over time. Surprisingly, in most cases, problems with the button are related to the software and not to the hardware itself.

If the button "Home" is not as responsive as before, then here are some tips that can help fix the problem.

iPhone Home Button Stuck - Disable Shortcut Settings

It's no secret that the iPhone has a special section for people with disabilities. The functionality can be accessed by triple-clicking the Home button. This allows you to create a shortcut (for example, activate or ) without having to go to each time "Settings". Although this method saves a little time, the button "Home" may become less responsive. If you triple-click the Home button, iPhone will wait a while after the first press to determine if you're about to do the next one. This results in a significant delay when pressing the button.

To disable the feature, open "Settings" -> "Basic" -> "Universal access" -> "Keyboard shortcut" and uncheck all the boxes.

The Home button on the iPhone is not working well - check the responsiveness of the Home button

You can adjust the speed required to double or triple press the button "Home". By default, your smartphone is set to the maximum button response speed. It is possible that someone could accidentally change this value. To check your click speed, open "Settings", go to section "Basic" -> "Universal access" -> "Home". Then make sure your keystroke speed is set to "Default".

Calibrate the Home Button on iPhone

There is one interesting trick available in iOS with which you can calibrate a button "Home". It is not entirely clear why and how this works; most likely, this clears memory and closes applications that affect the operation of the processor. Here's how to calibrate the button "Home":

Open the program "Weather", "Stock" or any other pre-installed application.

1) Press and hold the Power button until the slider appears "Turn off".

2) Now press and hold the button "Home" for 8 seconds until the slider disappears.

This action should close the current application and restart it, after which the button "Home" should become more responsive.

Reboot your iPhone

A very simple method, but it may well help fix the delay problem. To restart your iPhone, hold the Power button until you see the slider "Turn off". Turn off your iPhone. Press the Power button again to turn on the device.

From time to time, the main button of mobile devices on iOS becomes less responsive - it starts to work with some delay or stops working at all. In most cases, this is due to a software failure and restoring its functionality is not difficult. It happens that after several years of active use, the Home button mechanism wears out and more serious intervention is needed.

Be that as it may, you can revive iOS devices without contacting specialists at a service center. There are four ways to fix the broken Home button problem on iPhone and iPad.

Method 1: Software calibration

Sometimes the main button of the iPhone and iPad smartphone becomes less responsive and starts to work with some delay. If this is due to a software failure, then it is necessary to perform a calibration procedure.

To do this, you need to open any standard application, such as weather or stocks. Then, press and hold the power button of your iOS device until the power bar appears. Now you need to hold Home until the bar disappears and the running application is unloaded from memory. After this, the Home button will work as expected.

Method 2: Adjust the position of the dock connector

In situations where the Home button on the iPhone and iPad stops responding to presses, a little trick will help, for which you will need a standard 30-pin cord. First, you need to place the plug into the iPhone connector, and then put your finger under the plug and gently press it from the bottom up. After this, all you have to do is click on Home. Now you can remove the cord and check the operation of the device.

Method 3: Use WD-40 spray.

You can restore the functioning of the worn-out Home button mechanism in the iPhone and iPad using the WD-40 aerosol known among car enthusiasts (or simply “Vedashka”). This product is used in the weapons and aerospace industries, aviation, and electromechanical production.

The spray is also used at home, the “Vedashka” eliminates the creaking of doors, it can be used to lubricate bicycle parts, locks, etc. WD-40 is also suitable in the case of an iPhone - just spray the product on the non-working Home button, and then make 5-10 quick clicks. As a rule, it comes to life and begins to respond to pressure again.

Method 4: Software duplication

If the three previous methods did not work, apparently, the button is really broken and specialist intervention is required here. Until you contact a workshop for repairs, you can take advantage of the software duplication function built into the iOS operating system.

To do this, go to Settings -> General -> Universal Access and turn on Assistive Touch by clicking the switch at the top of the screen. Now click the circle that appears on the screen and in the window that appears, click “Home”. Once you close settings, you can call this button at any time to return to the main screen.

In this case, this is a temporary solution that will allow you to use your iPhone and iPad even with a broken Home button.
