Odnoklassniki my page open my b. Social network Odnoklassniki

My Odnoklassniki page is your personal page on the social networking site odnoklassniki.ru (Ok.ru) Odnoklassniki is one of the largest social networks in Russia and many CIS countries. Login to Odnoklassniki carried out through the official website. It is also worth noting that you can access the site at two addresses at once - the standard Odnoklassniki.ru and the new short ok.ru. There is no difference between them - both will have your favorite social network.

Odnoklassniki entrance

Registration: how to quickly register your page on Odnoklassniki

If for some reason you still don’t have a profile on Odnoklassniki, this can be fixed very quickly. Registration online is simple and will not cause you any difficulties.

My page in Odnoklassniki

When we go to our Odnoklassniki page, we find ourselves on the main page of our profile. What is there? The whole page is very colorful and has rich features. Let's start with everything in detail and in order. In the upper right corner on an orange background there is the inscription “Odnoklassniki” and next to it there is a little man in the form of the letters “ok” written from top to bottom. When you click on it, you will always return to the main page of your profile. Below the inscription there is space for a profile photo or any picture of your choice. This image will always appear next to your name.

If you hover your mouse over a photo, two options will appear:

  • Edit photos. When you click on this feature, a pop-up window will appear showing your profile photo, with dotted lines in a square. You can drag this square to any part of the image. Make it smaller or maximize it. To do this, place the mouse cursor on the white dots at the corners of the square and drag. Thus, you select the area of ​​your “avatar” or just a photo. When you select the part you want, simply click “Done.”
  • Change photo. When you click on this inscription, you will be transferred to the page of your photos, where you will be asked to select one of the previously uploaded photos or click on “Select a photo from your computer.” When you click on this inscription, the system will open your desktop. On it you can select the file with the photo you want to install. Click “Open” and see the new photo and the dotted area. After selecting the required fragment, click “Install”.

Below the photo are the lines:

  • Find new friends. If you want to find friends in the open spaces of Odnoklassniki, just click on this inscription.
  • Close profile. By clicking on this inscription, a window will appear in which you will be asked to set up a private profile. That is, set certain access rights to your page for other users. Click on the "Close Profile" icon. The system will display a pop-up window asking you to activate the “Private Profile” service. Please note, this service is paid! To return to your page, simply click the cross in the upper right corner of the pop-up page.
  • Change settings. Using this button you will be able to customize the information for your page. For example, change personal data, view the blacklist, set up notifications, set settings for photos and videos.
  • Money transfers. Here you can transfer money to your friends and family using your bank card.
  • Buy OKi. This is the monetary unit of the Odnoklassniki website. It is with the help of it that any purchases and payments are made here. By clicking on this button, you will see a list of possible options to top up your balance on the site.
  • Free gifts. This is an option that costs money. Allows you to give gifts to friends within the site www.odnoklassniki.ru
  • Turn on invisible. An additional paid option that allows you to hide your presence on the site and not display you in the list of guests on user pages.
  • VIP status. There is also a paid option that allows you to access various functions of the system for a certain number of days.

Below are rectangular areas that display promotions and the time until they end. The second shows holidays - for example, your friends' birthdays.

Top of the page in Odnoklassniki

At the top, across the entire page, there is an orange stripe, which depicts various icons and captions for them.

Let's see what functions are displayed here:

  • Messages. By clicking on this icon, a pop-up window will appear in which you can write messages to your friends. Or read those written to you. If you have received a message, a green circle with a number next to this icon will light up (the number means how many messages you have received).
  • Discussions. In this tab you can see comments - yours and your friends. The groups or photos to which these comments relate will also be displayed.
  • Alerts. Requests to accept (or refuse) gifts given to you from friends will be displayed here. Friendship offers. Messages about friends accepting your gifts and more.
  • Friends. When you click on the tab, you will be taken to a page where all your friends are displayed.
  • Guests. The guests page displays all users who visited your page. Regardless of whether they are your friends or not.
  • Events. A pop-up window displays the activity of all users on your page (for example, if they comment on photos or give ratings).
  • Music. Clicking on this tab will open a pop-up window where you can put together your own collection of music. There is also an audio player here.
  • Video. A list of videos will open in a pop-up window. Here you can watch clips, programs and films. Save your favorite posts or add your own.
  • Search line. If you click on the “Magnifying Glass” icon, the system will take you to the friend search page.

News feed on Odnoklassniki’s personal page

In the central part of your Odnoklassniki personal profile page your first and last name, as well as your age and city of residence are written. If this data is enabled by privacy settings. If you did not enable their display, then only the first and last name (or nickname) are indicated.
Next we see a line with the tabs listed.

Let's look at them in more detail:

  • Ribbon. The feed displays all your friends' activities. Any notes, pictures, videos or photos they like. If they added something new to their page. Your page updates. All these actions will be shown in the feed.
  • Friends. If you select this tab, a page with your friends will open.
  • Photo. When you click on this tab, the system will open you a page where all the photos you have uploaded are located. Created photo albums and saved pictures. Here you can configure the privacy of albums, that is, create certain settings for each album.
  • Groups. In the groups section, there are communities of interest. Using the search, you can find something interesting just for you.
  • Games. By following this link, you will be able to play browser games as part of the Odnoklassniki project.
  • Notes. Notes show you all the posts you've ever shared on the site.
  • Present. When you click on the tab, a page with gifts will open. Here you can choose and gift pictures for your friends or yourself. There are animated and regular pictures. There are also video cards.
  • More. This tab contains the following sections - forum, holidays, bookmarks, about yourself, “Black List”, auctions, achievements and settings.
    Below is a rectangle with the inscription “What are you thinking about?” Here you can write whatever you want, or insert a picture, music, video. This post will appear as your status with friends, along with your name and photo.

Decorating your page

All gifts you receive will appear in the lower right corner of your profile photo. has a special function - to decorate the page. To do this, you need to hover your mouse over the colored circle located just above your name. The message “Decorate your page” will open. By clicking on it, the system will take you to a page where you can choose the page design theme you like. When you click on an image you like, a pop-up window will appear showing you how that background will look on your page. Click “Install” and this design background will be installed on your page.
Overall, the site's interface is very easy to use. A user who visits the site for the first time will not have any difficulty figuring out how to use the Odnoklassniki website.

Useful video - how to upload a catalog to Odnoklassniki

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaH5SvYufNc Video can’t be loaded: How to upload a catalog to Odnoklassniki (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaH5SvYufNc)

Odnoklassniki my page: how to open my page in search networks

Here's a quick guide for the biggest search networks:

Odnoklassniki website in Yandex. If you use the Yandex browser, enter the name of the social network in the query input field and click “search”. The Yandex search engine will give you the search result. As a rule, the official website of Odnoklassniki is in the very first positions. It is also worth noting that Yandex search may be available in other browsers, but even in this case the algorithm does not change.

Odnoklassniki on Google. Open the Google Chrome browser. If you have another browser - Opera, Mozilla or some other - open it. Enter the name of the social network in the search field. Google will give you results for your query. The official website of Odnoklassniki is most likely in the top positions.

Odnoklassniki in Maile. If you have a Mail search configured in your browser, do the same as in the two options above (for Yandex and Google). Enter a query and in the search results go to the official website of the social network (odnoklassniki ru or ok ru)

Odnoklassniki website in Bing. If you use Bing search (usually in the Edge browser), follow the same algorithm as for other search engines and browsers.

As you can see, the search principle is the same for most of the most common search engines and browsers, and there is nothing complicated about it.

How to log into Odnoklassniki with login and password

In order to log into the Odnoklassniki website using your username and password, you need to take just a few steps:

  1. Go to the official website of Odnoklassniki
  2. On the official Odnoklassniki website, you need to enter your username and password in a special form.
  3. The login is usually your phone number, but if you registered several years ago or even earlier, the login can be an email or a special login in the form of a nickname.
  4. Password - enter your password after entering your login. At the same time, to avoid entering the wrong password, check whether the correct keyboard layout is enabled. Also watch out for capslocking (switching between upper and lower case)

How to log into Odnoklassniki without a login and password

Users often ask how to log into Odnoklassniki without a login and password. In fact, the answer to this question is quite laconic - you cannot log into Odnoklassniki without a login and password. This is dictated primarily by safety rules. However, there are several ways to access the site without entering them. Logging into a social network without entering a login and password can be done by remembering them in the social network and using browser auto-entry. Both methods are similar and based on the same principle.

The first method is Login to Odnoklassniki without a login and password using the social network itself. To implement this option, when entering your login and password on the start page, click on the “remember me” checkbox. And the next time you log in, you just need to click on the Login button - all the data will already be entered for you by the system itself.

The second method is Login to Odnoklassniki without a login and password by remembering the passwords of the browser itself. When you log into a social network, the browser will prompt you to remember your login and password and, upon subsequent logins, quickly log in using autofill.

As you can see, there are still ways to log into Odnoklassniki without directly entering your password and login. However, despite the apparent convenience of these methods, we do not recommend using them at all - you enter everything yourself every time you enter. Why this advice? It's all about safety. If remembering and auto-input are configured, anyone who has access to your computer can simply click on the Login button (and in the case of auto-input from the browser, your page will immediately appear when you enter the site) and get to your personal page, which is undesirable.

But in any case, the choice is yours!

Odnoklassniki: full and mobile versions

Odnoklassniki has three access options - through the full version of the site (the so-called desktop), through the mobile version of the social network, and through a mobile application for the most common operating systems - Android and iOS.

At the same time, it should be noted once again that you can log in and use Odnoklassniki through two Internet addresses at once:

  1. www.Odnoklassniki.ru is the original domain of the social network
  2. www.Ok.ru is a shortened domain for a more convenient transition to the site

Note: now there is actually only one address - short ok ru. Long Odnoklassniki.ru automatically switches all users to short.

What is the full version of Odnoklassniki? This is a version of a social networking site that is most conveniently displayed on desktops - the screens of personal computers and laptops

Mobile version of Odnoklassniki on the contrary, it is specially designed so that every user can use the social network as conveniently as possible on the small screens of mobile phones.

The domains of the mobile version of Odnoklassniki have the prefix m. and this look:

What to do if you can’t access your page - how to restore access to your Odnoklassniki page

Sometimes it happens that you cannot access your Odnoklassniki page. This causes some concern, but there is really no need to worry.

Here are the most common reasons why you can’t log into Odnoklassniki:

  • user forgot password
  • the user enters a password with capslock enabled (or disabled) - case switch
  • The user missed a character in the password or entered it incorrectly
  • The user's page is blocked by the administration of the social network
  • The user cannot access his social network page due to problems with the Internet connection, problems with the browser or some computer settings

How to restore access to the Odnoklassniki page - for each of these reasons?

  • If you have forgotten your password, click on the “forgot your username or password” link under the input fields. After this, follow the instructions of the social network - and after a while you will restore access to your Od page
  • When entering a password, check whether capslock is enabled (when necessary)
  • enter your password and login again - only this time be more careful so as not to miss anything
  • if the page is blocked by the administration of the social network, you need to contact the administration of the social network and ask to unblock your page. This method only works if the profile was blocked by mistake and you did not violate any rules.
  • also check if you have an Internet connection, restart the browser and try to access the site again, you can also try restarting the operating system.

Interesting video - how you can register on Odnoklassniki without a phone number

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K95eYI8AYmM Video can’t be loaded: CLASSMATES. Registering an account WITHOUT PHONE!!! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K95eYI8AYmM)

Typed into Yandex or Google the request “ Odnoklassniki my page“and now you don’t know which site to open? Or go to Odnoklassniki, but end up in the wrong place? Take just a couple of minutes to read this note and you will always end up on real Odnoklassniki.ru!

So, without long introductions, let's start in question-answer mode:

1. Where are the real Odnoklassniki?

If you are on your phone, then don’t bother and just enter a new short address for this social network:
https://m.ok.ru/ is a mobile version of Odnoklassniki.

2. How can I determine in a search engine which site I will end up on?

In Yandex, in addition to the name of the page and its brief description, the URL (address) that you will go to if you click on the link is displayed. This address is located at the bottom of the page description. (see screenshot)

In Google the situation is similar, only the URL is displayed not under the description, but under the name of the page (or site)

3. If I follow a link from Google or Yandex, can I be sure that I am on real Odnoklassniki?

In most cases, yes. However, if your computer is infected with a virus, then even by clicking on the Odnoklassniki link you can end up on an unwanted duplicate site that will steal your password. To make sure that you are on a real Odnoklassniki website and not a fake one, make sure that it says in the address bar of your browser https://ok.ru/(or at the old address http://odnoklassniki.ru/, see screenshot).

You should also pay attention to the green padlock in front of the site address. This indicates the authenticity of the SLL certificate.

4. I follow the link https//ok.ru, but I end up on another site that looks similar, what should I do?

Firstly, under no circumstances enter your username and password on it. Better just close the page.

Secondly, download Dr.Web CureIt by following the link http://www.freedrweb.com/cureit, use it to scan your computer and remove viruses. The utility does not require installing or disabling your main antivirus. I wrote about the benefits of this particular free healing utility in this article.

After the virus is killed, restart your computer and try to access your page. In 99% of cases you will get exactly where you need to go.

5. How to find registration in Odnoklassniki?

Here are step-by-step instructions on how to register with Odnoklassniki. And the picture above shows where to click to register.

In this article you will find detailed instructions on how to open my page on Odnoklassniki, learn a lot about the resource and get acquainted with all the possibilities that you could not even imagine.

Odnoklassniki is the most popular Russian social network according to FOM. Owned by Mail.Ru Group. Every day the site is visited by about 71 million visitors (according to Liveinternet statistics). The headquarters is located in St. Petersburg, in the Renaissance-Pravda business center.

If we have already convinced you a little that Odnoklassniki and everything connected with them is a very necessary thing in life, and you are ready to make your first trip to Okru, let’s start with the ABCs of the site. Visiting the site without registering should be a thing of the past. Now that you have your own profile, you can say with full responsibility: The Odnoklassniki social network is the place where I am registered.

What information you consider necessary to indicate on the page is a matter of your personal choice. Representatives of the stronger sex do not really like to announce that they are already legally married; young ladies and ladies of elegant age prefer not to indicate their date of birth and other piquant details of their lives. Many people calmly post their photographs on the site, not forgetting to tirelessly notify the entire social elite of the site about all the important and not very important events in their destiny. Pictures telling about each new day of life appear on the user’s page with enviable consistency. Others “stick” an avatar with a strange animal or a fantastic creature on the page and do just fine without photo and video evidence of their biography.

You can log into the Odnoklassniki website in different ways. Here you need to consider what device you will be doing this from most often. Your home desktop computer and your favorite work laptop will delight you with the speed of transition to Odnoklassniki. If your tablet and cell phone are only for your strict use and do not fall into the hands of your kids or inquisitive teenage children, then it would be a good idea to protect your personal space from prying eyes. This is where the technique of appearing in your personal oasis using the password and login mode comes in handy.

The social network Odnoklassniki is popular among residents of the planet of different age categories. Don't be upset if you don't have everything and it's easy to do right away. Being in the company of fellow social media enthusiasts will compensate you for the few unpleasant minutes you spent learning.

It's nice when it's free

For the Odnoklassniki network, it doesn’t matter at all how much money you currently have in your wallet and on your bank card. Almost all the activities that you can do while spending time on the site do not require any material costs. Registration and every login to your favorite page, correspondence with friends from different parts of the world and exciting games are free. Speaking of the latter, the range of “toys” on this resource is so large that every visitor will definitely be able to find something to do according to their needs. You can listen to your favorite music, collect a collection of interesting videos, copy delicious recipes into a notebook, and learn about new life hacks in various spheres of human existence on the site completely free of charge.

Do you remember how we used to congratulate each other on birthdays and annual holidays. Now you can find a beautiful playcast with soulful music or a musical postcard on the resources recommended on the site, and then go back to your page. Every day, consumers come across offers to send free gifts on a wide variety of topics, allowing them to surprise friends with pleasant surprises.

A little about paid services

Not a single company in the world can exist without spending on its needs. The friendly team of the Odnoklassniki website also needs to earn a living. Considering how many pleasant bonuses users of the social network have, the site administration came up with its own currency, the so-called oki. You can buy them in all sorts of ways. You can pay for an expanded line of services from the mobile phone account that you indicated when registering on the site, from a bank card, account, terminal or electronic wallet. Old-timers of the site who use paid resources claim that the most profitable payment methods are using a bank card and transferring money from an electronic wallet. By depositing a small amount into your oki account, you can buy yourself a vip status, give exclusive gifts, turn into “invisible”, take part in bonus promotions, become the proud owner of an all-inclusive system, buy the right to temporary use of stickers, funny emoticons and other interesting gadgets offered to users for a nominal fee.

Stop signs telling about risks and dangers

Any activity, even the most exciting and safe, is fraught with risk. In order not to be wrecked when faced with pirates and espionage, it is worth discussing precautions. If you are logging into your page as usual, and you are told that you need to enter a password, there may be several situations that give rise to such a requirement.

Ways of communication, interest groups

Now you already know what awaits you if you decide to create an account. Proudly announce to others that this is my page, boast about its stylish design, post your first photos and begin your colorful life on the social network. Now you can clearly and quickly navigate the labyrinths of the menu, tell your friends how to open my page, give gifts and write your first comments.

How to spend time on the site and not get bored, how to find new friends and fruitfully use the time that you have allocated for relaxation and entertainment. There are many answers to these questions and they will be different for different users. Of course, every “classmate” is free to decide for himself what and how to do on the Internet. Someone, inspired by the fact that the “green lights” of former students of his class or fellow students at the university are burning online, will be inspired by the idea of ​​​​organizing a meeting with school friends who have long scattered across cities and villages. Someone might suddenly want to become an active member of a group of German Shepherd lovers or join fans of gardening.

You can visit the site again and again, and each time the feed will delight you with news from the lives of friends and acquaintances. The main thing in this process is not to lose important connections and be aware of the lives of people who mean something to you. The world has changed, now we focus on other signals: If I see that my friends are now in access mode on the site, it means they are alive, healthy and sitting at their computers.

Think for yourself, decide for yourself whether to have it or not to have it

You, of course, remember very well that if you don’t have something, then you don’t have to lose it. Having your own page on Odnoklassniki will never be superfluous or useless. A clear menu, a wide range of free pleasures offered, a wide range of additional paid services, simple ways to register, enter and exit your page, clear and professional work of site moderators, millions of potential interlocutors and friends. Our goal today is not to encourage users to join the most popular social network.

The multimillion-dollar troop that has found its charms on this resource, spending a lot of time studying the news feed, listening to the music collection or watching videos, has already made its choice. We took you through a short course to familiarize yourself with the capabilities of ok.ru and its advantages, learned new terms and discussed the advantages of communicating on the Internet. We tried to talk about technical things in simple, accessible language. No topic can be studied thoroughly at once. A good student must still have questions, but how he will look for answers to them is a completely different story. We really hope that the information we have prepared for you will be a reliable help in mastering new opportunities for you.

Odnoklassniki is the favorite social network for many. And today we will tell you how to get into your profile, and also look at the main sections of the menu. So, you can enter the page from the main page of the site odnoklassniki.ru (now ok.ru), where you will need to enter your username and password. True, first you need to register there, if you haven’t done so before, of course.

In the login field you need to enter your email address, which you indicated during registration, your mobile phone number (can be used as a login after linking it to your profile) or the login that you should have also created during registration on the site. If for some reason you have forgotten your login or, for example, linked your number to another page, then you will have to restore your login by contacting the Odnoklassniki support service.

Your login and password must be entered into the appropriate fields, which you can find on the Odnoklassniki main page, but only if you have not been authorized. Here they are:

We also recommend paying attention to other interesting points. If you check the box next to “Remember me”, then next time you log in you will not need to enter your username and password. You should not check this box if you access your page from someone else’s computer - so that its owner will not be able to visit your page in your absence.

In addition, there is a “Forgot Password” link, which allows you to recover your password and even login if you have forgotten/lost them, as well as the letter G, short for Google Plus. Yes, you can now log in to Odnoklassniki using your Google account.

Why approximately? Because the menu sections may differ slightly, and each user has their own avatar (main photo). However, this does not change the essence.

In the upper right part of the window you can find the “Help” section, which contains answers to frequently asked questions, the “Exit” button, a button for selecting a language, a search bar and an additional menu that opens when you click on the user’s avatar.

A little to the left is a menu where additional sections are indicated. Here they are:

Messages. Here, as you might guess, are messages that you write and that come to you from other people. When you click on the corresponding section, a window with correspondence opens.

Discussions. Here you can see how your friends discussed this or that event (for example, the birthday of another friend of yours).

Alerts. This menu shows a variety of notifications, ranging from online games to adding to your friends list.

Friends. Opens the list of friends.

Guests. Here you can see all those social network users who have visited your page over the past 30 days. After this time, all profiles are automatically removed from the list. The exception is the invisible ones - they are no longer shown in the guests section.

Events. You can see all the ratings and classes that were given to you by one user or another.

Music. Service for listening to music. It is free, you cannot download songs, you can only listen to them while on the site. However, some of them can already be purchased. What the section looks like:

Video. As you might guess, in this section you can see a huge number of all kinds of videos. In addition, you can now watch live broadcasts on Odnoklassniki.

Ribbon. A news feed where you can learn a lot of new things from the lives of your friends, as well as news from groups, communities, etc.

Friends. This is a list of all your friends.

Photo. This is where your photos and photo albums are stored. You can delete them, edit them, or add new images at any time.

Groups. All communities where you are a member are shown. Including those that belong directly to you (or rather, those that were created by you. In addition, this section shows current communities.

Games. Online gaming service. There are a lot of games for every taste and age.

Notes. All statuses and notes that were present on your page are stored here. They are not deleted, but moved to this section, from where they can finally be deleted.

Present. The section shows the gifts you have received, as well as gifts that can be given to other Odnoklassniki users.

Additional menu items are hidden under the “More” button.

Payments. Money transfers to friends and family, payment for various functions on the site, etc.

Forum. A kind of conference where any of your friends can leave you a message. You can write on it yourself about anything.

Holidays. This section allows you to see your friends’ holidays and add your own.

Bookmarks. This section is intended for adding interesting people, groups, topics, etc. there.

About Me. In the “About Me” section, you can add something interesting about yourself, such as your favorite book or movie. In addition, here you can change some of the data, including city of residence, date of birth, email address, etc.

Black list. The section contains all user accounts that you have ever added to the emergency situation (blocked).

Auctions. Here you can exchange your earned points for paid services.

Settings. Section with all basic settings.

Design themes. In this section you can choose a theme to suit your taste. Below is a small fragment of an example.

Please note that in the mobile version of the Odnoklassniki application the menu is located differently:

So we have analyzed the main sections of your Odnoklassniki page. It is also worth noting that under the central menu you will find a feed where news from your friends, groups and communities is published, for example:

And of course, we can’t forget about the user’s main photo or so-called avatar - it can be changed at any time.

The social network Odnoklassniki is the second most popular in Russia after VKontakte. It is generally accepted that the main audience of this social network is by no means young people - housewives and people over 45. Yes, unlike Contact, there are even grannies over 70. But nevertheless, the bulk of the population of OK.RU are young people from 24 to 35, and there are no fewer men than women.
It just so happened historically that the social network Odnoklassniki appeared on the Runet in 2005, which is a year earlier than VK.COM, and even for this reason it is kind of older. She is also older in terms of the behavior of her participants on pages and in groups. Indeed, would a schoolchild rage and swear in public if one of his parents or relatives, close or distant, could read it? Therefore, although there will not be much order here, there will be more order.

Unfortunately, not everyone is yet computer savvy and navigates the Internet like a duck to water. This is especially difficult for older people. Having registered on ok.ru once, they are subsequently unable to access their Odnoklassniki page.

The second striking example is when the system administrator, by order of management (or on his own initiative, which is less common), has blocked access to Odnoklassniki at work or at college. This restriction is made using the settings of a proxy server or corporate Internet gateway. When users try to access OK.ru, they receive the message “access denied.” What to do in this case and how to get into your favorite social network?! We will talk about all this with you now.

Login to the Odnoklassniki website from a computer or laptop

This is the most common and simplest method, used by about 70% of social network visitors. In order to log into Odnoklassniki from a computer running Windows, Linux or Mac OS X, you just need to launch a web browser (Edge, Chrome, Opera, Firefox) and enter the address in the address bar: ok.ru and press the Enter button. After this, you will see this colorful page with a separate form for entering your login and password:

If you are visiting the Odnoklassniki website for the first time and do not have a login and password for authorization, then in order to log into OK.RU you will first have to.

However, you can also log in through the old address. By entering odnokassniki.ru in the address bar you will be automatically redirected to the page:
where the authorization form is located, or it will transfer to “My Page” if you are already authorized on the site and the login and password are remembered by the browser.

OK.RU login to the site via the mobile version

Like any self-respecting Internet portal, Odnoklassniki also has a mobile version of the site. You get to it when you try to access Ok.ru from a tablet or phone. The web server will recognize this device and switch you from a regular theme to one designed specifically for various gadgets. Her address is m.ok.ru and she looks like this:

Despite the fact that in the mobile version of Odnoklassniki everything is grouped as compactly as possible, taking into account small screens, nevertheless, all the functionality of the full version remains here. Enter your username and password and go ahead to communicate with friends and family, wherever you are!

Free Odnoklassniki application for tablets and phones

Considering the ever-increasing number of mobile gadgets among its visitors, the management of the Mail.Ru Group concern, which owns the social network, decided to develop a special mobile application. It was first released for Windows Phone in 2013. Then, in 2014, a free application appeared for Android (download) and iPhone & iPad (download), each of which is available in the standard application store for its operating system.

Logging into “My Page” ok.ru from the mobile application is as easy as shelling pears. Installed, launched and working! The only possible difficulty is remembering your username and password:

After this, we will be greeted by the main program window with an event feed. The opportunities here are the same as on the site. Only more convenient:

Personally, I like the program more than the mobile version. There is a convenient menu and focus on finger control, sound control, and the ability to save pictures, incl. and GIF format. And much, much more. Install it and judge for yourself!

Have you blocked access to Odnoklassniki at work? No problem!

At many enterprises, firms and offices, it has recently become a fashion - management likes to restrict access to Odnoklassniki or VKontakte and gives appropriate instructions to the system administrator. They say that social networks interfere with work, labor productivity drops, attention is scattered, it is more difficult for an employee to concentrate on a task, etc. And if you poke your head in, the leader himself has gone to his page and is sitting there enjoying life. He has access. Not in order! Why are we worse? A special online service called Anonymizer, which is essentially a simple web proxy, will help us deceive the system specialist and go to “My Page” on OK.RU when access is closed. The meaning of its work is simple: you go to an anonymizer site and through it you get to your favorite social network. Pros: anonymity. The system administrator of your company, and therefore the management, will never know that you visited Odnoklassniki on “My Page”. Disadvantages - there is a risk that your password may be stolen. But it can also be stolen from a home computer or laptop, so here you need to comply with basic computer security requirements. As everywhere else, however. I will give you 4 of the most convenient, in my opinion, free services.

It’s not for nothing that I put this anonymizer first on the list. The fact is that it is very fast and convenient, and without annoying advertising. But that's not all its advantages. Another significant advantage is that it has THREE COMPATIBILITY MODES, which can be changed on the fly in a drop-down window:

Here you can quickly change the country and IP address through which you make an anonymous login to Ok.ru. Separately, I would like to note that this is a relatively new service and system administrators practically do not know about it, and therefore do not ban it.

2. HideMe.ru

A very popular web proxy in Russia and the CIS countries. As you can see in the screenshot, it is already optimized for the social networks odnoklassniki.ru, vk.com and YouTube:

Here you can choose what to focus on - the speed of opening pages or maximum compatibility. It is also possible to purchase access to the advanced version, where you can block scripts on opened sites, including prohibiting advertising modules. There is one minus, but a significant one - it is well known to networkers and access to it can often be denied in the same way as to ok.ru.

3. Dostyp.ru

A free service that provides access to blocked sites. Its main focus is social networks, so it suits us perfectly:

Works without showing ads. It moves very quickly. I personally did not notice any compatibility problems. Even the background image shows what not every web proxy can boast of. In addition, the developers assure a high degree of reliability and security.

4. Proxyweb.net

This is a universal service, simple and neat, although without a specific focus on certain entertainment services.

It allows you to remove Java, JavaScript, cookies and ActiveX from pages if necessary. The big advantage is that it works using the https protocol, which means you can download pictures and music to your computer, and the system administrator will never see this in the logs.

P.S. I think that having mastered the article completely, you will not have problems logging into “My Page” on ok.ru and you can do this without any problems either from a home desktop computer, laptop or tablet, but at work or university, even when access to To classmates, a cunning system administrator. Good luck to all!
